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In order to investigate the variation in gravity caused by the Fennoscandian land uplift, the Nordic countries have established 4 profiles with near-zero gravity differences along the latitudes 65°, 63°, 61° and 56° N. High-precision gravity measurements have been repeatedly made on these lines since 1975, 1966, 1976 and 1977, respectively. The observations have recently been published in one volume.  相似文献   

The general features of the Fennoscandian land uplift are well known. Owing to the stability of the old shield, the relative local vertical displacements are of a marginal magnitude, and the mechanism of the phenomenon is under investigation.The relevellings carried out in the last decade have, however, brought discontinuities to light that seem to correlate with the fracture systems and fault lines. The most marked vertical displacements have been observed in the Main Sulphide Ore Belt (MSOB), where the fracture density is comparatively high.The present paper gives the preliminary results of certain series of observations connected with the MSOB. The vertical displacements observed can be interpreted as block movements on a small scale.  相似文献   

Seismic studies of the lowermost mantle suggest that the core-mantle boundary (CMB) region is strongly laterally heterogeneous over both local and global scales. These heterogeneities are likely to be associated with significant lateral viscosity variations that may influence the shape of the long-wavelength non-hydrostatic geoid. In the present paper we investigate the effect of these lateral viscosity variations on the solution of the inverse problem known as the inferences of viscosity from the geoid. We find that the presence of lateral viscosity variations in the CMB region can significantly improve the percentage fit of the predicted data with observations (from 42 to 70% in case of free-air gravity) while the basic characterisics of the mantle viscosity model, namely the viscosity increase with depth and the rate of layering, remain more or less the same as in the case of the best-fitting radially symmetric viscosity models. Assuming that viscosity is laterally dependent in the CMB region, and radially dependent elsewhere, we determine the largescale features of the viscosity structure in the lowermost mantle. The viscosity pattern found for the CMB region shows a high density of hotspots above the regions of higher-than-average viscosity. This result suggests an important role for petrological heterogeneities in the lowermost mantle, potentially associated with a post-perovskite phase transition. Another potential interpretation is that the lateral viscosity variations derived for the CMB region correspond in reality to lateral variations in the mechanical conditions at the CMB boundary or to large-scale undulations of a chemically distinct layer at the lowermost mantle.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional crustal velocity models are derived from passive seismic observations for the Archean Karelian bedrock of north-eastern Finland. In addition, an updated Moho depth map is constructed by integrating the results of this study with previous data sets. The structural models image a typical three-layer Archean crust, with thickness varying between 40 and 52 km. P wave velocities within the 12–20 km thick upper crust range from 6.1 to 6.4 km/s. The relatively high velocities are related to layered mafic intrusive and volcanic rocks. The middle crust is a fairly homogeneous layer associated with velocities of 6.5–6.8 km/s. The boundary between middle and lower crust is located at depths between 28 and 38 km. The thickness of the lower crust increases from 5–15 km in the Archean part to 15–22 km in the Archean–Proterozoic transition zone. In the lower crust and uppermost mantle, P wave velocities vary between 6.9–7.3 km/s and 7.9–8.2 km/s. The average Vp/Vs ratio increases from 1.71 in the upper crust to 1.76 in the lower crust.The crust attains its maximum thickness in the south-east, where the Archean crust is both over- and underthrust by the Proterozoic crust. A crustal depression bulging out from that zone to the N–NE towards Kuusamo is linked to a collision between major Archean blocks. Further north, crustal thickening under the Salla and Kittilä greenstone belts is tentatively associated with a NW–SE-oriented collision zone or major shear zone. Elevated Moho beneath the Pudasjärvi block is primarily explained with rift-related extension and crustal thinning at ∼2.4–2.1 Ga.The new crustal velocity models and synthetic waveform modelling are used to outline the thickness of the seismogenic layer beneath the temporary Kuusamo seismic network. Lack of seismic activity within the mafic high-velocity body in the uppermost 8 km of crust and relative abundance of mid-crustal, i.e., 14–30 km deep earthquakes are characteristic features of the Kuusamo seismicity. The upper limit of seismicity is attributed to the excess of strong mafic material in the uppermost crust. Comparison with the rheological profiles of the lithosphere, calculated at nearby locations, indicates that the base of the seismogenic layer correlates best with the onset of brittle to ductile transition at about 30 km depth.We found no evidence on microearthquake activity in the lower crust beneath the Archean Karelian craton. However, a data set of relatively well-constrained events extracted from the regional earthquake catalogue implies a deeper cut-off depth for earthquakes in the Norrbotten tectonic province of northern Sweden.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1982 a continuous uplift began at Phlegraean Fields, an active volcanic area in southern Italy (Fig. 1), that persisted up to September 1984. The uplift, which reached a maximum value of about 160 cm in the central part of the Phlegraean caldera, was characterized by variable velocity and occurred within an area that extended about 7 km outward from the town of Pozzuoli (Fig. 1); the surface deformation performs a bell-shape pattern.The uplift was accompanied by horizontal displacements and gravity changes that closely correlate with the described elevation changes.The horizontal displacements displayed an anomalous pattern within a narrow belt about 1 km from the center of the uplift and approximately coincident with the area of maximum seismic activity. The change in gravity is attributed primarily to a free-air effect to which a small Bouguer effect must be added.Several models have been invoked in order to explain the observed phenomenon. The one which gives the best fit to the observed data is an increasing pressure source of radial simmetry, at a constant depth of about 3 km beneath the town of Pozzuoli, and having a diameter of several hundred meters. Migration of magma at depth is believed to be responsible for the observed activity in the Phlegraean Fields caldera.  相似文献   

This paper tests and discusses different statistical methods for modelling secular rates of change of the geoid in North America. In particular, we use the method of principal component/empirical orthogonal functions (PC/EOF) analysis to model the geoid rates from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data. As demonstrated, the PC/EOF analysis is useful for studying the contributions from different signals (mainly residual hydrology signals and leakage effects) to the GRACE-derived geoid rates. The PC/EOF analysis leads to smaller geoid rates compared to the conventional least-squares fitting of a trend and annual and semi-annual cycles to the time series of the spherical harmonic coefficients. This is because we filter out particular spatiotemporal modes of the regional geoid changes.We apply the method of least-squares collocation with parameters to combine terrestrial data (GPS vertical velocities from the Canadian Base Network and terrestrial gravity rates from the Canadian Gravity Standardization Net) with the GRACE-derived vertical motion to obtain again the geoid rates. The combined model has a peak geoid rate of 1.4 mm/year in the southeastern area of Hudson Bay contrary to the GRACE-derived geoid rates that show a large peak of 1.6–1.7 mm/year west of Hudson Bay. We demonstrate that the terrestrial data, which have a longer time span than the GRACE data, are important for constraining the GRACE-derived secular signal in the areas that are well sampled by the data.  相似文献   

Time changes in transfer functions of short period geomagnetic variations in 28 years from 1960 through 1987 are studied, systemically and in detail in this paper. The results indicate that: (1) It is evident that seasonal and secular changes in the transfer functionsA at exist the Guangzhou Geomagnetic observatory. The characteristics for seasonal changes are large in summer and smaller in winter with main cycles of 12 and 6 months. The characteristic for secular change is a descend with a rate of 0.0025 per year. The seasonal and secular changes in transfer functionsB are not evident. (2) The direction of Parkinson vector at Guangzhou geomagnetic observatory is clearly affected by the ocean, and is associated with coastal effect. (3) The values of the transfer function A and B are related to geomagnetic activity ata=0.05. Secular change is not related to geomagnetic activity, maybe it is affected in a great measure by earth conductivity change. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica sinica,13, 480–488, 1991. This study is part supported by Chinese Joint Seismological Science Fundation.  相似文献   

Curves of the variation of the inclination and declination of the geomagnetic field for the Loyang region during the last 2400 years are presented. An I-D diagram of secular variation, like that for London, has been drawn for Loyang.  相似文献   

The average secular cooling rate of the Earth can be deduced from compositional variations of mantle melts through time and from rheological conditions at the onset of sub-solidus convection at the end of the initial magma ocean phase. The constraint that this places on the characteristics of mantle convection in the past are investigated using the global heat balance equation and a simple parameterization for the heat loss of the Earth. All heat loss parameterization schemes depend on a closure equation for the maximum age of oceanic plates. We use a scheme that accounts for the present-day distribution of heat flux at Earth's surface and that does not depend on any assumption about the dynamics of convection with rigid plates, which remain poorly understood. We show that heat supply to the base of continents and transient continental thermal regimes cannot be ignored. We find that the maximum sea floor age has not changed by large amounts over the last 3 Ga. Calculations lead to a maximum temperature at an age of about 3 Ga and cannot be extrapolated further back in time. By construction, these calculations are based on the present-day tectonic regime characterized by the subduction of large oceanic plates and hence indicate that this regime did not prevail until an age of about 3 Ga. According to this interpretation, the onset of rapid continental growth occurred when the current plate regime became stable.  相似文献   

From the late 1990s, many studies on local geoid construction have been made in South Korea. However, the precision of the previous geoid has remained about 15 cm due to distribution and quality problems of gravity and GPS/levelling data. Since 2007, new land gravity data and GPS/levelling data have been obtained through many projects such as the Korean Land Spatilaization, Unified Control Point and Gravity survey on the Benchmark. The newly obtained data are regularly distributed to a certain degree and show much better improvement in their quality. In addition, an airborne gravity survey was conducted in 2008 to cover the Korean peninsula (South Korea only). Therefore, it is expected that the precision of the geoid could be improved. In this study, the new South Korean gravimetric geoid and hybrid geoid are presented based on land, airborne, ship‐borne, altimeter gravity data, geopotential model and topographic data. As for the methodology, the general remove‐restore approach was applied with the best chosen parameters in order to produce a precise local geoid. The global geopotential model EGM08 was used to remove the low‐frequency components using degree and order up to 360 and the short wavelength part of the gravity signal was dealt with by using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data. The parameters determined empirically in this study include for Stokes’ integral 0.5° and for Wong‐Gore kernel 110–120°, respectively and 10 km for both the Bjerhammar sphere depth and attenuation factor. The final gravimetric geoid in South Korea ranges from 20–31 m with a precision of 5.45 cm overall compared to 1096 GPS/levelling data. In addition, the South Korean hybrid geoid produces 3.46 cm and 3.92 cm for degrees of fitness and precision, respectively and a better statistic of 2.37 cm for plain and urban areas was achieved. The gravimetric and hybrid geoids are expected to improve further when the refined land gravity data are included in the near future.  相似文献   

Through combining the soil respiration with the main environmental factors under the planting shelterbelt (Populus woodland) and the natural desert vegetation (Tamarix ramosissima Phragmites communis community and Haloxylon ammodendron community) in the western Junngar Basin, the difference in soil respiration under different land use/land cover types and the responses of soil respiration to temperature and soil moisture were analyzed. Results showed that the rate of soil respiration increased with temperature. During the daytime, the maximum soil respiration rate occurred at 18:00 for the Populus woodland, 12:00 for T. ramosissima Ph. communis community, and 14:00 for H. ammodendron community, while the minimum rate all occurred at 8:00. The soil respiration, with the maximum rate in June and July and then declining from August, exhibited a similar trend to the near-surface temperature from May to October. During the growing season, the mean soil respiration rates and seasonal variation differed among the land use/land cover types, and followed the order of Populus woodland >T. ramosissima Ph. communis community > H. ammodendron community. The difference in the soil respiration rate among different land use/land cover types was significant. The soil respiration of Pouplus woodland was significantly correlated with the near-surface temperature and soil temperature at 10 cm depth (P < 0.01) in an exponential manner. The soil respiration of T. ramosissima Ph. communis and H. ammodendron communities were all linearly correlated with the near-surface temperature and soil surface temperature (P < 0.01). Based on the near-surface tempera-ture, the calculated Q10 of Populus woodland, T. ramosissima Ph. communis community and H. ammodendron community were 1.48, 1.59 and 1.63, respectively. The integrated soil respiration of the three land use/land cover types showed a significant correlation with the soil moisture at 0―5 cm, 5― 15 cm and 0―15 cm depths (P < 0.01). The quadratic model could best describe the relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture at 0―5 cm depth (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

This paper deals with the basic definitions and the numerical techniques used nowaday in the estimation of the gradiometric geoid. After a first introductory paragraph, the so-called 3-steps remove/restore method is presented. The computation and the use of global models is analysed in Section 2; the computation of topographic corrections, with particular care to the residual terrain correction, is presented in Section 3; the central solution or estimation of the anomalous potential either by solving a Molodensky's problem, or by applying the collocation theory, is examined in Section 4; the restore step is finally presented in Section 5.  相似文献   

Through combining the soil respiration with the main environmental factors under the planting shelterbelt (Populus woodland) and the natural desert vegetation (Tamarix ramosissima+Phragmites communis community and Haloxylon ammodendron community) in the western Junngar Basin, the difference in soil respiration under different land use/land cover types and the responses of soil respiration to temperature and soil moisture were analyzed. Results showed that the rate of soil respiration increased with temperature. During the daytime, the maximum soil respiration rate occurred at 18:00 for the Populus woodland, 12:00 for T. ramosissima+Ph. communis community, and 14:00 for H. ammodendron community, while the minimum rate all occurred at 8:00. The soil respiration, with the maximum rate in June and July and then declining from August, exhibited a similar trend to the near-surface temperature from May to October. During the growing season, the mean soil respiration rates and seasonal variation differed among the land use/land cover types, and followed the order of Populus woodland > T. ramosissima+Ph. communis community > H. ammodendron community. The difference in the soil respiration rate among different land use/land cover types was significant. The soil respiration of Pouplus woodland was significantly correlated with the near-surface temperature and soil temperature at 10 cm depth (P<0.01) in an exponential manner. The soil respiration of T. ramosissima+Ph. communis and H. ammodendron communities were all linearly correlated with the near-surface temperature and soil surface temperature (P<0.01). Based on the near-surface temperature, the calculated Q10 of Populus woodland, T. ramosissima+Ph. communis community and H. ammodendron community were 1.48, 1.59 and 1.63, respectively. The integrated soil respiration of the three land use/land cover types showed a significant correlation with the soil moisture at 0–5 cm, 5–15 cm and 0–15 cm depths (P<0.01). The quadratic model could best describe the relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture at 0–5 cm depth (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Summary The method of the automated computation of the gravimetric deflections of the vertical and of the geoidal heights for the European region is described. The work was carried out during the period 1986–1988 by the Topographic Service of the Czechoslovak Army. The computation applies to 20 sheets of the international map 1:1 000 000 (total area of =16c, =30c - see Fig. 1). The mean values of the free-air anomalies for each surface element =5, =7.5, approximately 9 × 9 km, were used with radius of integration of 300 km.  相似文献   

Summary By means of the increased gravity measurements it is possible to compute gravimetrically the undulationsN of the geoid with regard to the used reference ellipsoid as well as the «absolute» deflection of the vertical components g and g . The quantities g and g enable us to transfer the astronomically observed coordinates of any points from the geoid to the reference ellipsoid and in this way compute without any triangulations the distances along the reference ellipsoid. And still more. With the aid ofN, g and g we can obtain a general Geodetic World System and convert the existing many systems to it.—The geoid study is no more any academical pastime, it can solve the most important problems of the practical geodesy.  相似文献   

The Hyuganada region, a forearc region of Southwest Japan, is characterized by several interesting geological and geophysical features, i.e., significant aseismic crustal uplift of 120 m during the past 120 thousand years at the Miyazaki Plain, negative free-air gravity anomalies with the maximum magnitude of −130 mgal, and relatively less cohesive interplate coupling compared with that for off the Shikoku and Kii Peninsula. In order to examine the causes of these observations, we determined a detailed three-dimensional seismic velocity structure based on the seismic data observed by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and land stations. P- and S-wave tomographic velocity structures clearly indicate the subducting slab and also the zones of high Poisson's ratio at 25–35 km depth along the coastline of the northeastern part of the Hyuganada. The region with high Poisson's ratio may correspond to the serpentinized mantle wedge as suggested for other mantle wedges, and appears to be coincident with the zone for observed aseismic slips such as the slow-slip and after-slip events. Also, the detection may be related to a relatively weak interplate coupling in the Hyuganada region. The tomographic structures also indicate low velocity zones with a horizontal scale comparable to the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in and around the subducting slab. If we assume that the low velocity zones correspond to the subducted Kyushu-Palau Ridge, then the predicted gravity anomaly due to the density contrast between the low velocity zones and the surrounding region can explain about 60% of the gravity anomaly in the Hyuganada region. The buoyancy is probably an important factor for the crustal uplift observed in the Miyazaki Plain, the steep bending of the subducting slab and the normal fault-type earthquakes around the Hyuganada region.  相似文献   

基于土地利用动态变化的太湖地区景观生态风险评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
许妍  高俊峰  高永年 《湖泊科学》2011,23(4):642-648
在GIS和RS技术支持下,以遥感数据和土地利用数据为基础,以行政区划为评价单元,定量分析太湖地区1990-2008年土地利用变化及其转化关系;从土地利用变化和景观结构角度构建景观生态风险评价模型,定量评价了研究区内景观生态风险的时空动态变化特征.结果表明:太湖地区景观生态风险分布与区内土地利用方式和强度具有较高关联.景...  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the observations of microseismic emissions by these authors in several areas of the Russian part of the Fennoscandian Shield to assess the potential of microseismicity to determine the present-day activity of local features in the upper part of the geologic medium. We give amplitude–frequency characteristics and the space–time distribution of naturally occurring microseismic events that are hypothesized to be of endogenous origin. We discuss the relationships these characteristics have to the regional geodynamic setting, average dimensions, and petrographic composition of active rock blocks.  相似文献   

By studying the past behaviour of Azorean volcanoes, sunspot and Earth tide correlations have been discovered, and may certainly help in prediction. Some evidence has also been found that buckling of the thin roof of magma chambers may be the mechanism responsible for the eruptions, including the accompanying seismic swarms. If this is the case, geodetic control of the adjacent regions will probably be decisive in forecasting future activity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2007,43(4-5):95-114
A three-dimensional model for the central Fennoscandian Shield was constructed for analysing the thermal, the rheological and the structural conditions in the lithosphere. The mesh covers a rectangular area in the southern Finland with horizontal dimensions of 500 km × 400 km and a depth extent of 100 km. Structural boundaries are derived from the several deep seismic soundings carried out in the area. Constructed model is first used in the calculation of the thermal and the rheological models and secondly in analysing the stress and the deformational conditions with the obtained rheology. Thermal and structural models are solved with the finite element method. The calculated surface HFD is between 40 and 48 mW m−2 in the Proterozoic southern part and below 40 mW m−2 in the older and northern Archaean part of the model. The calculated rheological strength shows a layered structure with two individual rheologically weak layers in the crust and strong layer in the upper part of the lower crust. The minimum brittle–ductile transition (BDT) depth is around 10 km in the southern part of the model while in the north and north-eastern parts the BDT depth is around 45–50 km. Comparison with the focal depth data shows that as most of the earthquakes occur no deeper than the depth of 10 km are they located in the brittle regime. Resulting stress conditions and possible regions of deformation after the model is subjected to pressure of 50 MPa reveals that the stress field is quite uniformly distributed in different crustal layers and that the elastic parameters control more the state of the stress than the applied rheological structure. In the upper crust, the stress intensity has values between 42 and 45 MPa whereas in the middle crust the values are around 50 MPa. Comparison of the 3-D model with earlier 2-D models shows that some differences in the results are to be expected.  相似文献   

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