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宁夏农业综合开发战略转型区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业综合开发战略转型区划研究,是科学适应新形势下国家对农业综合开发提出的“坚持可持续、提升竞争力”要求的前提和基础。针对已有农业区划的单一目标和单一类型划分问题,以宁夏为例,基于农业相关的耕地、气候、水、地形、地貌、项目布局、生态规划等空间数据,采用地理学综合区划的方法,提出了动态与静态结合、定性与定量结合、农业与生态结合的13项多维指标体系,提出了合理且可操作的技术流程,科学划分了包含过渡类型的一级区划(7大类型:重点开发区、“重点+限制”开发区、保护性开发区、“保护+限制”开发区、“限制+重点”开发区、“限制+保护”开发区和限制性开发区)和二级区划(24个亚类),实现了农业可持续和生态环境保护的双重目标。本文是国家财政部明确提出农业综合开发要科学划分重点开发区、保护性开发区和限制性开发区之后,首次实现在省(区)级以乡(镇)为单位的科学划分,可为今后农业综合开发战略转型项目的科学布局和精准投入提供重要依据,为宁夏农业综合开发战略转型工作的具体落地实施提供科学保障,同时也可为其他省份或地区的农业综合开发战略转型区划工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

缅甸是一个以农业为主的国家,农业资源丰富、发展潜力巨大,其农业发展在国际粮食安全中的重要性日益凸显,对缅甸农业土地资源的评估,是对其农业发展和粮食安全评估的基础。本研究分析了缅甸适宜进行农业开垦的土地与主要环境变量之间的关系,构建了缅甸农业土地适宜性综合评价模型。评价结果表明:1)所选取的评价指标与缅甸农业土地适宜性之间具有较强的相关关系(AUC 0.8),结合贡献度高低,筛选了包括土壤、气候、地形以及灌溉条件共11个主要因子;2)土壤厚度是影响缅甸农业土地适宜性的最主要的因子,土层厚度小于100cm时,农业土地适宜性较低;地形条件中,坡度是影响适宜性的主要的因素,当坡度大于20°时,农业土地适宜性较低;气候条件中,降水是主要的影响因素;河网密度与土地适宜性呈现出正相关的态势;3)缅甸当前适合进行农业生产的土地达到40万km~2,其中高度适宜性的土地(Grade5)面积达29万km~2,占国土面积的近40%;从行政区域来看,主要分布在马圭省、实皆省、伊洛瓦底省和仰光省,上述省份也是缅甸重要的粮食主产区。  相似文献   

The comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography is based on the rules governing regional differentiation of Chinese physical geographic factors. Based on regional differences and similarities in human factors, this study divides the whole country into two levels of relatively independent, complete and organically linked human geographic units. As a fundamental, comprehensive, cutting-edge, practical and important task, the comprehensive regionalization of human geography highlights the characteristics, regional and sub-regional features, complexity and variety of spatial differences between factors of Chinese human geography. It is capable of promoting the development of human geography based on local conditions, providing basic scientific support to national and local development strategies, such as the Belt and Road Strategy, new urbanization and environmental awareness, and creating a sound geopolitical environment in key areas. Using results from existing physical and human geographic zoning studies, and in accordance with the principles of synthesis, dominant factors, the relative consistency of the natural environment, the relative consistency of social and economic development, the consistency of the regional cultural landscape, the continuity of spatial distribution and the integrity of county-level administrative divisions, and taking as its basis the division of human geography into 10 major factors(nature, economy, population, culture, ethnicity, agriculture, transportation, urbanization, the settlement landscape and administrative divisions), this paper constructs an index system for the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography through a combination of top-down and bottom-up zoning and spatial clustering analysis. In this study, Chinese human geography is divided into eight regions and 66 sub-regions. The eight human geography regions are(Ⅰ) Northeast China,(Ⅱ) North China,(Ⅲ) East China,(Ⅳ) Central China,(Ⅴ) South China,(Ⅵ) Northwest China,(Ⅶ) Southwest China, and(Ⅷ) Qinghai and Tibet. This zoning proposal fills gaps in studies involving the non-comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography. Each human geography region and sub-region has different topographical, climatic, ecological, population, urbanization, economic development, settlement landscape, regional cultural and ethno-religious attributes. This proposal on the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography dovetails closely with previous studies on comprehensive regionalization in Chinese physical geography, Chinese economic zoning, and Chinese agricultural zoning. It shows that, under the dual roles of nature and humans, there are certain rules of regional differentiation that govern the comprehensive regionalization of Chinese human geography.  相似文献   

云南省金沙江流域综合农业自然灾害区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取13个指标,运用模糊聚类方法进行了云南金沙江流域综合农业自然灾害区划,将该流域划分为3个农 业自然灾害区、10个农业自然灾害灾害亚区,揭示了该流域农业自然灾害的地域差异性,为因地制宜地制定农业自 然灾害防治规划及减灾防灾措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

随着四川旅游业的蓬勃发展,关于四川旅游资源开发的研究越来越引起学术界的关注。本文从四川旅游资源的调查与评价、四川特色旅游资源开发、四川旅游资源开发问题与对策三个方面对多年来四川旅游资源开发的研究文献进行了简略的综述。从古镇旅游、民族地区旅游、民俗旅游、生态旅游、乡村旅游、红色旅游和地震旅游等7个方面对四川特色旅游资源的开发研究的现状进行了梳理与评估,并针对四川旅游资源开发中存在的问题,认为当前四川旅游资源开发研究以应用性研究居多,其广泛性和理论创造的深入性方面有较大欠缺,也较少从市场需求、管理机制的构建与区域协作开发方面展开研究。未来四川旅游资源开发研究应加强旅游地空间竞争理论、RMP分析理论、文化生态理论等相关旅游理论与四川旅游资源开发研究的结合,提高研究的系统性、深入性;从可持续发展、市场需求、管理机制构建、区域协作开发等多个角度展开研究,提高研究成果的针对性和现实性。  相似文献   

本文对中国、日本和韩国的农业文化遗产保护计划,特别是在联合国粮农组织(FAO)全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目和国家计划实施之下的保护与发展工作进行了比较分析。研究表明,中日韩三国的GIAHS实践和国内制度推行的发展历程、认定标准、申请程序以及实施架构等方面显示出国情背景间的差异。例如,在推行GIAHS实践和国内制度的时间顺序上三国各不相同。中国在GIAHS认证数年后推出国家认定制度,日本目前只有GIAHS没有国家认定制度,而韩国在GIAHS认证之前已实施国家认定制度。因此,目前中国和韩国的GIAHS候选地是从国内认定的农业文化遗产地挑选出来的。另一方面,从认定标准可以看出中日韩三国对于农业文化遗产保护的理念有共同点,均重视农业遗产系统相关的历史意义、文化价值、合作互促、农村振兴、生物多样性保护等。因此,中日韩三国间的紧密合作以及他们的观点将对改进FAO的GIAHS认定标准、促进其更全面地适用于发展中国家和发达国家起到重要作用。  相似文献   

近年来,包括韩国、中国、日本在内的东亚地区的全球重要农业文化遗产数量不断增加,且未来仍将会呈持续增加态势。因此,对遗产地尤其是韩国境内遗产地的保护工作变得尤为重要。为避免农业文化遗产地粗放式开发、有效协调保护与开发的关系,解决土地利用冲突问题非常关键。本研究旨在确定农业文化遗产地可持续发展型土地利用管控措施。结果表明,公私合营、地方性法规及综合性计划对农业文化遗产地开展土地利用控制具有重要作用。  相似文献   

随着我国农业生态文明建设的推进,农业生态安全也日益受到重视。如何确保农业生态的安全,已经成为不少学者关注的话题。湖北省作为我国重要的农业大省、全国粮食生产基地,确保其农业生态安全对全国粮食安全与农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文首先运用层次分析法(AHP)与"压力—状态—响应"(PSR)模型构建湖北省农业生态安全评价指标体系与安全等级,接着将2015年全国农业生态安全平均值作为基数,对湖北省农业生态安全进行评价,发现其安全度从2005年的0.90150提升到了2015年的0.97716,提高了0.07566,但没有达到全国的平均值。这说明湖北省农业生态安全虽然得到改善,但是压力还很大,安全度还有待提升。特别是人均水资源量、人口密度、单位面积耕地农药负荷、森林覆盖率、草地退化率、年均降水量等部分指标还呈现恶化趋势。基于此,我们对影响湖北省农业生态安全的因素进行了分析,发现人口布局不合理、农业不当的生产行为、农业自然灾害、农业生态技术的缺失是主要因素。最后,笔者从影响因素层面提出了提升湖北省农业生态安全度的对策建议,希望以此来改善农业生态安全。  相似文献   

昆明市都市型农业功能区划空间发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆明具有多功能特征的外向型都市农业格局正在形成,综合运用文献分析、专家咨询等方法建构了由生产、经济社会效益、资源禀赋和生态、农业现代化四位一体的功能区划指标体系,采用逐步判别聚类法将昆明市都市型农业分为滇池沿湖发展区、城市近中郊特色支柱产业发展区、北部农业综合开发区3个功能区,并结合现代昆明大都市建设提出了3区的功能定位、发展方向等。  相似文献   

农户生计及其对生态系统的影响是反映人地关系的重要表征。合理恰当的农户生计策略既能满足人类福祉需求,也能促进自然资源的可持续利用,进而维持自然生态系统的健康稳定。学术界围绕农户生计变化、驱动机制及其生态效应等方面开展了大量研究,但关于农户生计转型的生态效应还存在较多争议问题。本文在搜集梳理相关文献基础上,辨析了农户生计的转型机制及生态效应的已有研究成果,并进一步探究了两者之间的耦合关系,发现农户生计的选择受到自然因素、主观意愿和社会政策三方面影响,而农户生计的转型改变了生产、消费、资源利用方式,进而影响着自然生态系统演化过程。文章建立了农户生计转型机制及其生态效应研究框架,最后提出了未来需要深入研究的方向:(1)探究农户生计转型驱动因子之间的相互作用及其对农户生计选择产生影响;(2)结合农户生计转型的驱动因子和生态效应,提出农户生计需求和自然资源利用的双向可持续策略。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原农区土地利用转型及其动力机制(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Land use transition refers to changes in land use morphology, including dominant morphology and recessive morphology, of a particular region over a period of time driven by various factors. Recently, issues related to land use transition in China have attracted interest among a wide variety of researchers as well as government officials. This paper examines the patterns of land use transition and their dynamic mechanism in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during 2000–2010. First, the spatio-temporal patterns of land use transition, their characteristics and the laws governing them were analyzed. Second, based on the established conceptual framework for analyzing the dynamic mechanism of land use transition, a spatial econometric regression analysis method was used to analyze the dynamic mechanism of the five types of major land use transition in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain at the county level. Land use pattern changes in the study area were characterized by an increase in construction land, water body and forested land, along with a decrease in farmland, unused land and grassland. The changes during 2000–2005 were much more significant than those during 2005–2010. In terms of factors affecting land use transitions, natural factors form the basis, and they have long-term effects. Socio-economic factors such as population and GDP, however, tend to determine the direction, structure, size and layout of land use transition over shorter time periods. Land law and policy factors play a mandatory guiding and restraining role in land use transitions, so as to improve the overall efficiency of land use. Land resource engineering is also an important tool to control land use transitions. In general, the five types of major land use transition were the result of the combined action of various physical, social and economic factors, of which traffic condition and location condition had the most significant effects, i.e. they were the common factors in all land use transitions. Understanding the spatio-temporal process of land use transitions and their dynamic mechanisms is an important foundation for utilizing land resources, protecting regional ecological environment and promoting sustainable regional socio-economic development.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compared the concept of agricultural drought and its relationship with other types of droughts and reviewed the progress of research on agricultural drought monitoring indices on the basis of station data and remote sensing. Applicability and limitations of different drought monitoring indices were also compared. Meanwhile, development history and the latest progress in agricultural drought monitoring were evaluated through statistics and document comparison, suggesting a transformation in agricultural drought monitoring from traditional single meteorological monitoring indices to meteorology and remote sensing-integrated monitoring indices. Finally, an analysis of current challenges in agricultural drought monitoring revealed future research prospects for agricultural drought monitoring, such as investigating the mechanism underlying agricultural drought, identifying factors that influence agricultural drought, developing multi-spatiotemporal scales models for agricultural drought monitoring, coupling qualitative and quantitative agricultural drought evaluation models, and improving the application levels of remote sensing data in agricultural drought monitoring.  相似文献   

在中央支农惠农政策的持续支持下,我国粮食实现了多年连续增长,农民收入显著提高。但农业生产方式整体而言较为传统粗放,导致农业资源消耗过度、生态环境问题日趋严重,农产品生产成本增高、质量不能满足日益增长的社会需要。党中央、国务院强调要大力推进农业供给侧改革,调整农业产业结构,转变农业生产方式。而将目前的以保护产量为主的保护价收购等补贴政策,转化为以农业生态补偿为主的绿色补贴是实现农业绿色发展的重要途径。本文介绍了构建农业生态补偿机制对推进农业绿色发展的意义,分析了我国当前农业补贴政策的效能,借鉴发达国家农业生态补偿的经验,阐述了构建农业生态补偿机制的路径选择,提出加快构建农业生态补偿机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

宁夏农业干旱灾害综合风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业干旱灾害风险分析是农业防灾减灾的重要内容。本文以灾害风险理论为基础,构建宁夏农业干旱灾害综合风险评估模式,该模式综合考虑了干旱致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体和防灾减灾能力4类风险影响因素,并在GIS技术的支持下,完成宁夏农业干旱灾害风险区划。结果表明:宁夏各地农业干旱灾害风险差异较大,风险较高的区域集中在宁夏中南部山区的同心、海原、固原、西吉、彭阳等地,风险较低的区域集中在北部大部分地区以及南部泾源、隆德等地,这一结果与宁夏各地环境特点、经济投入、农业发展现状和趋势一致。  相似文献   

Modern physical geography in China grew from Chinese traditional geography and has been profoundly influenced by the geographical disciplines of Euro-America and Russia. Since the 1950 s, integrated studies of physical geography in China have made remarkable progress in the fields of comprehensive physical geographical regionalization, land studies, landscape ecology, and land surface geographical processes. During the past few decades, under the background of global change and rapid socio-economic transformation, a series of environmental and resources problems have boomed in China. To solve these problems and promote the development of integrated studies of physical geography, the following issues were proposed as research priorities:(1) coupling of land surface patterns and processes;(2) integrated research on regional responses and adaptation to global change;(3) analysis of human dimensions of the earth system;(4) ecosystem service research from a geographical perspective;(5) integration of multi-source data and model development;(6) integrated studies on unique geographical units; and(7) important global issues and relevant international programs.  相似文献   

地名承载了丰富的地域文化内涵,是历史文化的“活化石”,极具旅游价值。本文以成都主城区为例,通过查阅有关文献资料,实地调研等方法,发现老成都全城有三十六条大街,七十二条小巷,这些大街小巷可以划分为以下几种类型:祠庙堂所类、衙署兵营类、姓氏家族类、市场作坊类、桥梁水系类、地貌风物类、经传辞语类、祈祥祝愿类、名人遗址类、方位字序类以及新旧民主革命词汇类等。成都地名文化具有极大的旅游价值:可以激发游客旅游兴趣、能够标识旅游特色、增强旅游体验、服务旅游经济。同时发现在地名文化遗产方面存在以下问题:部分老地名正在消失;部分地名虽还在,但其实体形制已消失;美好的老地名被随意更改;新地名剧增但缺乏品味;很多地方有重名的现象等。针对以上这些问题,本文提出了对成都地名文化进行旅游开发应采取的对策:建立成都旅游地名系统;将地名用于古景的复原与开发;将地名与美食旅游资源结合;将地名与优质的旅游商品相结合;开发与成都地名有关的文创产品;加强成都地名文化的理论研讨;开展成都地名文化传播活动。  相似文献   

科学有效的监测不仅可以实现农业文化遗产自身的保护及其价值的维护,而且可以实现遗产地的可持续发展。为了促进我国的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的保护与管理,本研究在GIAHS监测体系总体框架的基础上,提出了GIAHS监测年度报告的设计方案,并对我国第一个GIAHS项目——青田稻鱼共生系统进行了应用研究。在本研究的设计方案中,GIAHS监测年度报告由24个监测项目组成,各监测项目之间具有内在逻辑关联,由遗产地管理机构组织填报,并通过GIAHS动态监测系统实现上报。对青田稻鱼共生系统的研究结果表明:青田县采取了一系列遗产保护与发展措施,这些措施在遏制土地抛荒、提升农产品单位效益、增加农民收入等方面都产生了积极的效应;同时,遗产地也面临着旅游资源吸引力减弱、遗产经营人员老龄化、遗产经营收入有限等困境,需要采取措施加以改善。青田稻鱼共生系统的研究结果也对其他GIAHS有所启示,如应关注文创产品的发展、社区性组织的建设和自发性宣传能力的培养、推动建立遗产地之间的学习与交流机制等。GIAHS监测年度报告的设计与应用,不仅能为GIAHS监测工作的实地开展提供具体指导,还能为GIAHS保护与管理成效评估工作奠定基础。本研究有助于丰富GIAHS监测理论,进一步推动中国的GIAHS监测工作,也能为国际的GIAHS监测提供中国经验。  相似文献   

Precipitation heterogeneity has a nontrivial influence on human life. Many studies have analyzed precipitation heterogeneity but none have proposed a systematic graded index for its evaluation, and therefore, its true characteristics have not been expressed. After comparisons of various methods, the precipitation concentration degree(PCD) method was selected to study precipitation heterogeneity. In addition to the PCD, normal distribution functions, cumulative frequencies, and percentiles were used to establish a graded index for evaluating precipitation heterogeneity. A comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity was performed, and its spatiotemporal variation in China from 1960 to 2013 was analyzed. The results indicated that(1) seven categories of precipitation heterogeneity were identified(high centralization, moderate centralization, mild centralization, normal, mild dispersion, moderate dispersion, and high dispersion) and(2) during the study period, the precipitation in more parts of China tended to be normal or dispersed, which is beneficial to human activities.  相似文献   

Geographical circumstances are the fundamental background for all kinds of geopolitical events. The geopolitical environment system(GES) refers to a system that combines both physical and anthropogenic subsystems. Research on the geopolitical environment system simulation is a key to understanding the international geopolitical phenomenon. The theory of GES arose from the integration of the traditional geopolitics and earth system sciences. As an interdisciplinary system composed of many different fields, integrated reviews and a metadata study of GES are urgently needed. This paper presents a comprehensive view into the origination and advance of the GES theory. The conceptual framework of the GES is described in detail. The methodology for simulating and forecasting geopolitical events is also provided. It is proposed that the core topics of the GES science may include, but are not limited to, issues as data acquisition technologies; principles on the interactions between multiple subsystems(or factors) at different scales; evaluating and mitigating the global geopolitical risks, including the political risks, economic risks, the social risks, the environmental risks and the technological risks; and forecasting the geopolitical events with machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.  相似文献   

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