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上海和北京城市创新空间结构的时空演化模式   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
段德忠  杜德斌  刘承良 《地理学报》2015,70(12):1911-1925
基于城市邮编区划空间数据库,从创新产出的视角建构城市创新评价指标体系,对1991-2014年上海市和北京市的创新空间结构的空间演化模式进行了探讨。研究发现:① 邮政区划为研究城市创新空间结构的生长提供了全新的视角,基于随机边缘点连线以及泰森多边形法构建的城市邮编空间数据库评价城市创新空间结构的结果较为理想,因此具有推广价值;② 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长体现出了诸多的共性特征:随着参与创新的城市空间单元逐年增加,区域创新产出虽总体差距在缩小,但空间集聚趋势在加剧;③ 25年间,上海市和北京市的创新空间结构生长也体现出了共性上的差异性,其中上海市创新空间结构在创新资源郊区化转移的趋势下,呈现出由单核驱动向多核共振演进,以交通干道为空间扩散廊道的辐射效应凸显,相应的,其创新产出空间关联效应也显现出了市中心空心化现象;而北京市创新空间结构始终为市中心单核主导型,并在创新资源不断向中心集聚趋势下,其创新产出空间关联效应呈现出“农村包围城市”的演化特征;④ 上海市和北京市创新空间结构与其所在的区域创新空间结构(长三角城市群和京津冀城市群)具有内在的一致性,表明城内尺度科技创新活动空间分布的均衡与非均衡规律与其所处的区域创新格局密切相关。  相似文献   

Air pollution is a serious problem brought by the rapid urbanization and economic development in China, imposing great challenges and threats to population health and the sustainability of the society. Based on the real-time air quality monitoring data obtained for each Chinese city from 2013 to 2014, the spatiotemporal characteristics of air pollution are analyzed using various exploratory spatial data analysis tools. With spatial econometric models, this paper further quantifies the influences of socioeconomic factors on air quality at both the national and regional scales. The results are as follows:(1) From 2013 to 2014, the percentage of days compliance of urban air quality increased but air pollution deteriorated and the worsening situation in regions with poor air quality became more obvious.(2) Changes of air quality show a clear temporal coupling with regional socioeconomic activities, basically "relatively poor at daytime and relatively good at night".(3) Urban air pollution shows a spatial pattern of "heavy in the east and light in the west, and heavy in the north and light in the south".(4) The overall extent and distribution of regional urban air pollution have clearly different characteristics. The formation and evolution of regional air pollution can be basically induced as "the pollution of key cities is aggravated—pollution of those cities spreads— regional overall pollution is aggravated—the key cities lead in pollution governance—regional pollution joint prevention and control is implemented—regional overall pollution is reduced".(5) At the national level, energy consumption, industrialization and technological progress are the major factors in the worsening of urban air quality, economic development is a significant driver for the improvement of that quality.(6) Influenced by resources, environment and the development stage, the socioeconomic factors had strongly variable impacts on air quality, in both direction and intensity in different regions. Based on the conclusion, the regional differentiation and development idea of the relationship between economic development and environmental changes in China are discussed.  相似文献   

据统计,旅游碳排放已占全球碳排放总量的4.9%,加强对其研究和控制是关乎人类能否可持续发展的重要命题。本文基于地理学的视角,研究了中国2007年到2017年间30个省、市、自治区入境旅游碳足迹时空分布的特征和演化规律。在利用碳足迹综合计算模型和空间分析方法基础上,深入揭示了中国入境旅游碳足迹的时空分布特征及演化规律。结果表明,2007年到2017年间,中国入境旅游碳足迹呈现急速上升又稍有回落的趋势,总量从562.30万t上升到1088.09万t,增长1.94倍,其中交通和邮电业占比最大;近十年来我国多数省市的入境旅游碳足迹变异程度不高,维持在较平稳的状态;空间维度上,则呈现东南向西北方向递减趋势。  相似文献   

北京城市副中心(通州区)承接着北京中心城区的非首都核心功能,其快速建设发展亟需对区域内土地利用演变格局的科学认识。本文分析了改革开放40年来通州区土地利用演变格局,根据土地利用历史演变特征与城市发展规划目标,结合文旅发展驱动要素,运用FLUS模型模拟城镇化加速、减速和可持续发展3种情景下2035年北京城市副中心(通州区)土地利用空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)北京城市副中心(通州区)以城镇发展建设为主,1980—2010年高速城镇化阶段形成“沿六环顺运河”的城市扩张格局,2010—2020年低速城镇化阶段用地分布稳定,通州区形成从西北至东南城乡分异、土地集约化发展格局,副中心作为通州区城镇化的典型区域具有与通州整体相似的时空演变特征;(2)到2035年,3种情景间土地利用变化幅度和空间分布存在显著差异,城镇可持续发展情景下生态用地面积与分布最优,有利于实现城市可持续发展。在与三大副中心分区规划的契合程度分析中,可持续发展情景下预测模拟与市政府发布的《北京城市副中心控制性详细规划(街区层面)(2016—2035年)》(简称《规划》)用地高度契合,但文化旅游功能区和宜居生活风貌区中模拟预测与...  相似文献   

New Urban Districts(NUDs) are the important spatial carriers to promote urban expansion or transformation. Since the 1990 s, they have been playing a more and more crucial role in China's urbanization. For NUDs in the strict sense we found that: 96% to the east of Hu Line; 56% within the municipal districts; 64% within 36 km from their every city center and below the area of 423 km~2. The regional distribution follows significant spatial difference as "Eastern Region(50%) – Central Region(42%) – Western Region(8%)", and the provinces with the largest number of NUDs are Guangdong, Henan, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Jiangsu. Furthermore, their interesting constructed process highlights the typical characteristics of spatial production and spatial dialectic. This paper uses the theory of the production of space, and discovers that the growth of NUDs is a rapid ternary dialectical process of spatial production: "representations of space" is guided by the top-down governmental power; "spatial practice" is reflected in the hierarchical and regional difference of spatial elements, such as the type, pattern, distance and area of NUD; "spaces of representation" embodies the tension between governmental power and urban development rights, as well as the countermeasure mechanism. The extensibility of spatiotemporal sequences ensures the unity and continuity of spatial(re)production of NUDs. However, this is also facing a series of challenges like the management coordination of administrative division and the increasing unbalanced or inadequate development. Thus, critically rethinking the evolution of NUD is the key basis for achieving sustainable urban renewal and regional orderly development in the new era.  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的持续增长,人民群众精神文化消费需求日益旺盛。文化休闲场所是满足人民群众日益增长的美好生活需要的重要空间。以北京市5625处文化休闲场所为研究对象,综合运用重心坐标、标准差椭圆、核密度、空间自相关、地理探测器等分析方法,对1994–2019年北京市文化休闲场所的时空分布特征和影响因素进行分析。结果表明:(1)北京市文化休闲场所空间多少不均,“核心—边缘”格局凸显,从长远看,文化休闲场所有向南北郊区扩散的态势。(2)随时间演进,北京市文化休闲场所由中心城区的“单核集聚”向中心城区和通州区“双核并存”演化,空间上有向全市扩散分布的趋势。(3)中心城区的东城、西城、朝阳、丰台形成北京市文化休闲场所的HH集聚区,怀柔和密云则成为LL集聚区。(4)北京市文化休闲场所的空间分布受经济、人口、交通、教育和政策等多因素影响,由“经济”和“需求”双因素共同推动向单一的“经济”因素驱动转变。  相似文献   

本文应用北京区域统计年鉴2005、2009、2013年3期分区县、分行业产值数据,采用结合GIS的偏离份额模型,分析北京市2004-2008年、2008-2012年和2004-2012年3个时段中心城与新城间产业空间演化情况,并预测2012-2020年产业空间演化趋势.研究发现:①北京工业向新城扩散明显,尤其是向顺义、通州、亦庄和房山,呈弧形向东向南扩展;②商业、生产性服务业虽出现向城市发展新区新城转移趋势,但在中心城区集聚状况没有明显改变,在市域内呈圈层式分布,交通、运输和仓储业呈轴向扩展;③房地产业扩散明显,朝阳、通州、大兴发展突出,总体呈环状扩展;③公共服务业向新城扩展显著,但高质量的教育、卫生、文化资源仍集聚于中心城区.从总体上看,北京产业空间演化以工业外溢为主,房地产业和生活性服务业也有显著扩散,但生产性服务业和商业扩散并不明显.  相似文献   

The rapid progress of China's industrialization has been manifested in space as the formation and evolution of a series of industrial bases. Employing data from the years 1985, 2001 and 2010, this paper carries out differentiation, screening, and categorization of industrial bases in China. It then analyses the evolutional characteristics of these industrial bases and explores different paths of growth according to their scale or types, and summarizes the general pattern for their formation and evolution. The results of this study indicate that China's industrial bases as a whole have gone through three spatial stages since the founding of the PRC in 1949: decentralized development before reform and opening up in 1978, gradual concentration in eastern coastal regions during the early period of reform and opening up, and balanced and diversified development since the beginning of the 21 st century. By 2010, China had a total of 251 industrial bases and had thereby established the overall spatial map of its industrialization. As industrial bases expand in scale, their industrial structures develop from homogenization to diversification, and then again from diversification to competitive optimization. Leading industries in the vast majority of industrial bases constantly evolve along the track of light industries, basic materials industries, and advanced manufacturing industries. Meanwhile, the key factors in their evolution and development transition from traditional factors of production like resources and labor to new ones like capital and information, but there are significant differences in terms of influencing factors and growth paths between large, medium, and small bases. Small industrial bases primarily rely on natural resources to maintain development through a single leading industry, medium industrial bases gradually become more comprehensive in their industrial compositions, and large industrial bases evolve in the direction of a combination of basic materials industries and equipment manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

上海城市空间结构的复杂性分析   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
本文研究了上海市空间结构的复杂性。研究发现与经典的城市空间结构模式不同 ,上海的空间结构表现出复杂性。这些复杂性包括商业重心与 CBD分离 ;城市产业带存在多重结构 ;城市出现递阶行为上的边缘城市 ,它们的分布具有类似混沌的特点。本文对伯吉斯 (Brugess)以来的城市标准模式提出修正。  相似文献   

China's economy has undergone rapid transition and industrial restructuring. The term "urban industry" describes a particular type of industry within Chinese cities experiencing restructuring. Given the high percentage of industrial firms that have either closed or relocated from city centres to the urban fringe and beyond, emergent global cities such as Shanghai, are implementing strategies for local economic and urban development, which involve urban industrial upgrading numerous firms in the city centre and urban fringe. This study aims to analyze the location patterns of seven urban industrial sectors within the Shanghai urban region using 2008 micro-geography data. To avoid Modifiable Areal Unit Problem(MAUP) issue, four distance-based measures including nearest neighbourhood analysis, Kernel density estimation, K-function and co-location quotient have been extensively applied to analyze and compare the concentration and co-location between the seven sectors. The results reveal disparate patterns varying with distance and interesting co-location as well. The results are as follows: the city centre and the urban fringe have the highest intensity of urban industrial firms, but the zones with 20–30 km from the city centre is a watershed for most categories; the degree of concentration varies with distance, weaker at shorter distance, increasing up to the maximum distance of 30 km and then decreasing until 50 km; for all urban industries, there are three types of patterns, mixture of clustered, random and dispersed distribution at a varied range of distances. Consequently, this paper argues that the location pattern of urban industry reflects the stage-specific industrial restructuring and spatial transformation, conditioned by sustainability objectives.  相似文献   

张文忠 《地理研究》2016,(11):F0002-F0002
北京是拥有3000余年建城史和860余年建都史的世界著名古都,北京的城市发展和空间结构演化深深根植于不同时期中国特有的社会文化网络,在世界城市发展史上具有鲜明的特征。改革开放后,在中国快速的城镇化进程中,首都北京的人口和经济高速增长,城市建设日新月异,城市功能日趋国际化。然而,急剧变革的经济社会活动也驱动了城市建设用地的快速蔓延,带来了交通拥堵、环境污染、职住空间错位等一系列困扰城市健康发展的城市问题,这也成为中外学者关注和研究的热点。  相似文献   

Phenological modeling is not only important for the projection of future changes of certain phenophases but also crucial for systematically studying the spatiotemporal patterns of plant phenology. Based on ground phenological observations, we used two existing temperature-based models and 12 modified models with consideration of precipitation or soil moisture to simulate the bud-burst date(BBD) of four common herbaceous plants—Xanthium sibiricum, Plantago asiatica, Iris lactea and Taraxacum mongolicum—in temperate grasslands in Inner Mongolia. The results showed that(1) increase in temperature promoted the BBD of all species. However, effects of precipitation and soil moisture on BBD varied among species.(2) The modified models predicted the BBD of herbaceous plants with R~2 ranging from 0.17 to 0.41 and RMSE ranging from 9.03 to 11.97 days, better than classical thermal models.(3) The spatiotemporal pattern of BBD during 1980–2015 showed that species with later BBD, e.g. X. sibiricum(mean: day of year 135.30) exhibited an evidently larger spatial difference in BBD(standard deviation: 13.88 days) than the other species. Our findings suggest that influences of temperature and water conditions need to be considered simultaneously in predicting the phenological response of herbaceous plants to climate change.  相似文献   

Knowledge on urban land-use change and its driving forces has vital significance in the practice of urban planning and management. However, the characteristics of historical, long-term changes and their quantitative relationships with the urban environment are still poorly understood. Based on multi-source data, including remote sensing imageries, large-scale topographic maps, historical maps, multi-temporal city maps, and other urban thematic maps, high-quality spatial information on urban land use in the built-up area of Changchun has been extracted for 1898, 1932, 1954, 1976, 1990, 2002, and 2012 by means of geographic information systems and remote sensing. We found that the land-use structure and spatial configuration has undergone tremendous alterations according to urban function in the 100-year history of Changchun city. The built-up area of Changchun expanded from 2.26 km~2 in 1898 to 328.12 km~2 in 2012, increasing about 144 times over the past century. Historically, the development of Changchun can be categorized into three stages: the initial forming stage, the old industrial development stage, and the modern metropolis development stage. Commercial and industrial land expanded rapidly following the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, with an increase from 1.74 km~2 in 1954 to 15.91 km~2 in 2012, and from 16.45 km~2 in 1954 to 107.05 km~2 in 2012, respectively. Although there was substantial growth in residential land use(from 1.81 km~2 in 1898 to 113.95 km~2 in 2012), the area percentage of residential land decreased continuously(from 80.09% in 1898 to 34.73% in 2012). Moreover, it was noted that the spatial configuration and structural percentage for commercial, industrial, and residential lands and others had tremendous divergences at different stages. These divergences of land-use structure occurred between the stages and were associated with social regimes and the functional orientation of urban society across the 100 years of historical development. Socio-economics, population growth, and planning policies from specific stages, especially after 1949, had strong effects on the divergence of urban structure.  相似文献   

The urban expansion process in China from the 1970 s to 2013 was retrieved based on remote sensing and GIS technology. With the latest zoning method used as reference, annual expansion area per city, urban expansion type, and fractal dimension index were employed to analyze the Chinese urban expansion characteristics and its spatial difference from the aspects of urban expansion process, influence of urban expansion on land use, and urban spatial morphological evolutions. Results indicate that 1) under the powerful guidance of policies, urban expansion in China went through six different stages, and cities in the eastern region entered the rapid expansion period the earliest, followed by cities in the central, northeastern and western regions; 2) cultivated lands and rural settlements and industrial traffic lands were the important land sources for urban expansion in China; the influence of urban expansion on land use in the eastern region was the strongest, followed by the central, northeastern and western regions; 3) urban spatial morphology tended to be complex and was directly related to the adopted spatial expansion mode. Infilling expansion became the main urban expansion mode in the western region first, then in the central and northeastern regions, and finally in the eastern region. This study establishes the foundation for an in-depth recognition of urban expansion in China and optimization of future urban planning.  相似文献   

经济发展、资源利用和生态保护之间存在着尖锐矛盾,而生态效率概念和评价体系构建为这一问题提供了解决方案。本研究基于超Slacks-BasedMeasure模型,评价了2005–2016年中国大陆30个省份生态效率的时空特征、区域差异性,并利用面板回归模型分析了其影响因素。研究发现:(1)2005–2016年各省份生态效率在研究时段总体呈现上升态势,伴有波峰变化,但各地区生态效率水平及其变化幅度的差异较为显著。东部地区生态效率明显高于中部地区、西部地区和东北部地区。(2)通过变异系数测算表明各省份生态效率差异在逐渐缩小,但空间分布仍不均衡。从区域内差异看,西部省份区域内差异均值最高,其次为东部地区和东北部地区,中部地区区域差异最小。(3)通过生态效率影响因素研究显示,工业结构、对外开放度、城镇化、技术创新和环境规制对生态效率产生积极影响,能源消费、交通对其产生消极影响,而在不同区域生态效率的影响因素呈现不同作用力。据此,提出各地区提升生态效率的相关政策建议,为缩小绿色发展差距及加快促进区域绿色可持续协调发展提供重要的实证参考。  相似文献   

快速的城镇化不仅提高了人们的生活水平,也带来了一些影响人类健康和可持续发展的负面效应。揭示城市扩张的时空动态过程及其与相应驱动因素之间的时空动态关系,是解决这些问题的先决条件,尤其对于数量多、扩张较快的小城市而言。本文以昆山市为例,从地形、社会经济、可达性和邻域等四个方面选取了11个影响因素,应用逻辑回归模型和地理加权逻辑回归模型,分析了昆山市1991-2014年期间城市扩张和相关驱动因素的时空变化过程。结果表明,昆山市呈现出加速扩张的趋势,2000-2014年期间的年均扩张率(28.42%)是1991-2000年期间的4倍,而且明显大于大城市同期的扩张速率。城市扩张和相关驱动因素之间的关系具有时空变化的特征。从全局的观点来看,距离城市、乡镇、主要道路越近,GDP越高的地区,城镇化的可能性越大。此外,值得注意的是人口和城市扩张的关系在减弱,尤其是在发达地区;而湖泊与城市扩张之间的关系却在加强。从局部的视角来看,各驱动因素对城镇化的作用大小,甚至作用方向在空间上呈现出明显的空间异质性。我们的结果还表明地理加权逻辑回归模型明显优于逻辑回归模型。基于以上发现,小城市的城市扩张应予以更多的关注,并且应实施区域差异化发展政策以实现新型城镇化。  相似文献   

Ambient air pollution brought by the rapid economic development and industrial production in China has exerted a significant influence on socio-economic activities and public health, especially in the densely populated urban areas. Therefore, scientific examination of regional variation of urban air quality and its dominant factors is of great importance to regional environmental management. Based on daily air quality index(AQI) datasets spanning from 2014 to 2016, this study analysed the spatiotemporal characteristics of air quality across different regions throughout China and ascertained the determinants of urban air quality in disparate regions. The main findings are as follows:(1) The annual average value of the urban AQI in China decreased from 2014 to 2016, indicating a desirable trend in air quality at the national scale.(2) The attainment rate of the urban AQI exhibited an apparent spatially stratified heterogeneity, wherein North China retained a high AQI value. The increase of Moran's I Index reported an apparent spillover effect among adjacent regions.(3) Both at the national and regional scales, the seasonal tendency of air quality in each year is similar, wherein good in summer and relatively poor in winter.(4) Results drawn from the Geographic Detector analysis show that dominant factors influencing AQI vary significantly across urban agglomerations. Topographical and meteorological variations in urban areas may lead to complex spatiotemporal variations in pollutant concentration. Whereas given the same natural conditions, the human-dominated factors, such as industrial structure and urban form, exert significant impacts on urban air quality.The spatial spillover effects and regional heterogeneity of urban air quality illustrated in this study suggest the governments and institutions should set priority to the importance of regional cooperation and collaboration in light of environment regulation and pollution prevention.  相似文献   

运用Arcgis软件,将淮北市建市以来4次城市规划用地现状图进行对比,比较了不同时期城市外部形态指数、城市空间扩展规模、扩展速度和扩展强度、各主要用地类型规模及异质性指数。认为淮北城市空间经历了4个发展阶段,外部形态由早期的相对紧凑逐渐走向分散布局,并再次向紧凑布局演化;城市空间以夹符铁路为轴线沿东北—西南——东南向呈"C"形扩展;城市内部的工业用地、居住用地以及商业及公共设施用地规模不断扩张,相互之间也不断取代形成空间重构。从区域竞合关系、资源基础、交通区位、以及城市空间结构现状出发,认为未来淮北城市空间以东向、南向扩展为宜,内部以合理调控各功能用地空间组合、完善城市功能为主。  相似文献   

中国是发展中国家,循环经济评价应该有符合自身国情的特定标准,在经济规模增长的同时,允许环境负荷有一定幅度地增加。基于上述理念,本研究将评价过程分为发展路径评价和发展水平评价两部分。其一,构建由枣庄市、焦作市、石嘴山市和全国等几个层次的区域组成的参照系,以生态效率为评价指标,分析煤炭资源型城市循环经济的发展路径。其二,在C模式的基础上,构建循环经济评价度量模型,依据环境负荷与经济规模增长倍数之间的关系,评价煤炭资源型城市循环经济发展水平。本研究得出四点主要结论:首先,煤炭资源型城市和全国一样,循环经济走的是资源效率优先的发展道路。其次,煤炭资源型城市的综合能耗效率远远低于全国平均水平。第三,无论是煤炭资源型城市还是全国,循环经济都取得了一定的成效。第四,循环经济发展状况可以从横向比较和纵向比较两个维度进行评价。第五,以C模式作为适应中国国情的循环经济发展模式进而用以衡量区域的循环经济发展绩效具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于GIS的盐城城市空间结构演化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于1949—2006年9个时相的数据,运用GIS的多种空间分析方法,对盐城城市内部空间结构、城市形状的演化特征以及城市形态演化的各向异性进行分析。1984—2006年城市空间结构演化过程可划分为集聚、分散、再集聚阶段,1949—2006年城市空间形态演化经历了团块状形成期、星状出现期、星状发展期、圈层出现期;分析盐城城市空间结构演化中存在的问题。  相似文献   

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