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CO2 水岩相互作用实验研究对于CO2地质封存以及页岩气开发都具有重要意义。近年来多数研究主要侧重于岩石中矿物成分的反应过程,对于岩石中有机质成分的研究比较有限。本文选取盖层页岩,重点研究CO2对于页岩中有机碳的萃取效应作用。实验使用高压反应釜在95 ℃和15 MPa条件下进行CO2 水页岩反应,同时考查不同的水岩接触方式对反应的影响,实验中分别测试了反应后水体中的溶解性有机碳(DOC)和反应前后岩石表面形态变化(SEM表征)。DOC的测试结果表明,相对于空白对照组高压N2作用,超临界CO2体系对于岩石有机碳具有明显的萃取效果,其中在不含水和仅含少量水的体系中,CO2体系对DOC的萃取量能达到N2体系的3倍以上,显示超临界CO2极强的萃取能力。对比不同含水量的实验体系,发现含有少量水的情况下,CO2对于有机碳的萃取量达到最大,比不含水的体系高出了87%,而这种能力的提高是由于少量极性分子H2O的加入,能够增强超临界CO2流体的溶剂化性能导致的。SEM结果也说明了不同的水岩气接触方式对岩石表面形貌具有不同的改造效果。本文实验结果有助于更好认识CO2地质封存水岩作用及其潜在环境风险。  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of CO2 inclusions trapped in minerals reflects the origin and evolution of CO2-bearing fluids and melts, and records the multiple-stages carbon geodynamic cycle, as CO2 took part in various geological processes widely. However, the practical method for determination isotope composition of individual CO2 inclusion is still lacking. Developing a microanalytical technique with spatial resolution in micrometers to precisely determinate the δ13C value of individual CO2 inclusion, will make it possible to analyze a tiny portion of a zoning mineral crystal, distinguish the differences in micro-scale, and possible to find many useful information that could not be obtained with the bulk extraction and analysis techniques. In this study, we systematically collected Raman spectra of CO2 standards with different δ13C values (?34.9 ‰ to 3.58 ‰) at 32.0 °C and from ~7.0 MPa to 120.0 MPa, and developed a new procedure to precisely determinate the δ13C value of individual CO2 inclusion. We investigated the relationship among the Raman peak intensity ratio, δ13C value, and CO2 density, and established a calibration model with high accuracy (0.5 ‰?1.5 ‰), sufficient for geological application to distinguish different source of CO2 with varying δ13CO2. As a demonstration, we measured the δ13C values and the density of CO2 inclusions in the growth zones of alkali basalt-hosted corundum megacrysts from Changle, Shandong Province. We found the significant differences of density and δ13C between the CO2 inclusions in the core of corundum and those inclusions in the outer growth zones, the δ13C value decreases from core to rim with decreasing density: δ13C values are from ?7.5 ‰ to ?9.2 ‰ for the inclusions in the core, indicating the corundum core was crystallized from mantle-derived magmas; from ?13.5 ‰ to ?18.5 ‰ for CO2 inclusions in zone 1 and from ?16.5 ‰ to –22.0 ‰ for inclusions in zone 2, indicating the outer zones of corundum grew in a low δ13C value environment, resulted from an infilling of low δ13C value fluid and/or degassing of the ascending basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic fractionation between CO2 vapour and sodamelilite (NaCaAlSi2O7) melt over a range of pressures and temperatures has been investigated using solid-media piston-cylinder high pressure apparatus. Ag2C2O4 was the source of CO2 and experimental oxygen fugacity was buffered at hematite-magnetite by the double capsule technique. The abundance and isotopic composition of carbon dissolved in sodamelilite (SM) glass were determined by stepped heating and the 13C of coexisting vapour was determined directly by capsule piercing. CO2 solubility in SM displays a complex behavior with temperature. At pressures up to 10 kbars CO2 dissolves in SM to form carbonate ion complexes and the solubility data suggest slight negative temperature dependence. Above 20 kbars CO2 reacts with SM to form immiscible Na-rich silicate and Ca-rich carbonate melts and CO2 solubility in Na-enriched silicate melt rises with increasing temperature above the liquidus. Measured values for carbon isotopic fractionation between CO2 vapour and carbonate ions dissoived in sodamelilite melt at 1200°–1400° C and 5–30 kbars average 2.4±0.2, favouring13C enrichment in CO2 vapour. The results are maxima and are independent of pressure and temperature. Similar values of 2 are obtained for the carbon isotopic fractionation between CO2 vapour and carbonate melts at 1300°–1400° C and 20–30 kbars.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to assess the natural and anthropogenic contributions of CO2 in the urban atmosphere of Wrocław City (SW Poland) using combined quantitative (CO2 concentrations) and qualitative analysis (δ13C of CO2). Between 21 January 2011 and 22 December 2011, 17 sampling campaigns were performed at 3-week intervals and in total 255 samples were collected. The mean CO2 concentration was 469 ± 71 ppm and the mean δ13C(CO2) was −10.8 ± 1‰.The measured δ13C(CO2) values of major end-members for two winter heating seasons (−25.7‰ in January–March of 2011 and −27.6 ‰ in October–December of 2011) and for one vegetative season (−20.4‰ in April–September of 2011) suggest soil respiration as a main source of atmospheric CO2 during the vegetative season, and a very significant impact of fossil fuel combustion during the winter heating seasons. There were significant increases of CO2 concentrations at many sampling locations after the opening of a new motorway on 31 August 2011. The authors hypothesise that the new motorway contributes to the increase of CO2 across the city.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation of carbon between CO2 and carbon dissolved in a tholeiitic magma measured in the range 1120–1280 ° C, 7.0–8.4 Kb varies from 4.6 to 4 in favor of CO2. These results make possible to explain all deep seated 13C values from a restricted range of primary mantle 13C concentrations. They also suggest that carbon could be dissolved in basaltic magmas in a reduced form.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to ascertain net production and consumption rates of 15NH4 + and 15NO3 ? for water and sediment in a wetland. This was done using 15N isotope pool dilution methodology under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations in experimental riparian wetlands to obtain the gross N transformation rates. The 15N budget for sediment was also estimated. The results suggested that the differences in high proportion of 15N concentration in the overlying water body under elevated CO2 could be attributed to the low production and high consumption rates of 15NH4 + in sediment. The elevated CO2 effect on production and consumption of NH4 + decreased by 144 % (P = 0.014) and increased by 153 % (P = 0.009), respectively. Thereby, 15NH4 + production rates are negatively related with 15NO3 ? consumption rates and this accounted for the decreases in net 15NO3 ? consumption under CO2 enrichment in the wetland sediment by 11 % (P = 0.528). Therefore, 15NO3 ? production and consumption rates may strongly depend on NH4 + production. Inorganic 15N and total 15N exported from sediment to overlying water body by the effect of CO2 were 41 % (P = 0.071) and 18 % (P = 0.000), respectively. Therefore, low net 15NH4 + production and high 15NH4 + consumption rates under elevated CO2 may partly explain the significant reduction of N from the sediment.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of Mg, Ca-silicates and alumino-silicates contributes significantly to the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 over long time scales. The present work focuses on how this mode of weathering may change in the presence of free-living bacteria in oligotrophic waters, which compose most of the surface freshwaters of the Earth. Forsterite (Fo90) was reacted for 1 week with a stable Escherichia coli population in water maintained at 37 °C and neutral pH in a batch reactor. Control samples with suspensions of pure olivine powders and E. coli cells in pure water were also used for reference. Olivine controls reproduce the Mg, Si and Fe release in solutions predicted from rates published in the literature with pH shifts of less than 0.5 unit. After 1 week, under abiotic conditions, weathered surfaces are enriched in Fe and Fe3+ relative to the initial composition of the mineral. Bacterial controls (without minerals) show decreasing Eh with increasing cell concentrations (−50 mV with 7 × 107 cells/mL and −160 mV with 8 × 108 cells/mL). Magnesium concentrations in bacterial control solutions are in the μg/L range and can be accounted for by the release of Mg from dead cells. More than 80% of the cells were still alive after 1 week. The solutions obtained in the experiments in which olivine reacts in the presence of cells show Mg and Si concentrations a few tens of percent lower than in the mineral control samples, with a prominent depletion of Fe(III) content of the mineral surfaces. Magnesium mass balance discounts both significant bacterial uptake and inhibition of the Mg dissolution rates as a consequence of changing pH and Eh. Coating by bacterial cell layers is also negligible. E. coli reduces the chemical weathering of olivine. This study infers that the presence of free-living Proteobacteria, a prevalent group of subsurface bacteria, should decrease the amount of riverine Mg released by chemical weathering of mafic rocks.  相似文献   

Using stoppered PTFE containers, which open predictably upon heating, liquids are prepared for reaction with bromine pentafluoride in much the same way as minerals and rocks. A new value for the equilibrium fractionation factor αCO2?H2O25°C (= 1.0417) falls near the middle of the range of previously reported values.  相似文献   

Although oil cracking has been documented as one of the important sources of gas in many overmature marine sedimentary basins, the chemical and carbon isotopic signatures of gases of this origin are still open to question. In this study a Cambrian crude oil from the central Tarim basin, along with its main separated fractions (saturates, aromatics and asphaltenes), were pyrolyzed in sealed gold tubes to investigate how generated gases vary in chemical and carbon isotopic composition and how this variation would influence the genetic interpretation of oil cracking gas. The results indicate that the gases from cracking of aromatics and asphaltenes are much drier and more enriched in 13C than the gases from the cracking of saturates and crude oil at the same level of thermal maturity. In the experimental run of 20 °C/h, the dryness index of the gases (defined as the volume percentage of C1 in C1–5) from the cracking of saturates ranges from 26.2–90.6% with the methane carbon isotope change ranging from −54.8‰ to −35.5‰, whereas the dryness index is never lower than 60.6% for the gases from the cracking of aromatics with methane carbon isotope ranging from −39.9‰ to −32.2‰. Correspondingly, experimental data for the four samples plot in different areas in diagrams designed to distinguish oil cracking gas from kerogen cracking gas, such as ln(C2/C3) vs. δ13C2δ13C3 and δ13C1 vs. δ13C2δ13C3, indicating compositional variability of crude oil could assert an important influence in these diagrams. Therefore it is prudent to bring other geological constraints into consideration to avoid misinterpretation.The kinetic parameters for the bulk generation of C1–5 gas and the methane carbon isotope fractionation extrapolated to geological conditions of 2 °C/Ma and an initial temperature of 50 °C show that the temperatures of C1–5 gas generation from the aromatics and asphaltenes are lower than those from the saturates and crude oil due to their lower activation energies and frequency factors. Generation of C1–5 gases from the aromatics is modeled to be initiated about 122 °C whereas the initiation temperature for the saturates sample is 176 °C. Below 189 °C (EasyRo = 1.8%), the yields of C1–5 gases follow the order: aromatics > asphaltenes > crude oil > saturates. At similar thermal maturity levels, the methane carbon isotopic compositions are significantly different for the four samples, with an order of 13C enrichment: aromatics > asphaltenes > crude oil > saturates, however the difference in methane carbon isotopes becomes smaller with increasing temperature. This indicates that methane carbon isotopic values can be significantly different for gases cracked from oils that are compositionally diverse, especially in the early stage of methane generation.  相似文献   

Past treatments of the variation of δS34 in marine evaporites have either assumed a steady-state ocean or have invoked rather simplified ocean input-output models. This paper derives more completely the relationships between the parameters that influence the time variation of δS34 in ocean water and the relationship between δS34 in ocean water and net gains and losses of atmospheric oxygen due to the operation of the sulfur cycle. The lower and mid-Paleozoic are shown to have been periods of net gain of atmospheric oxygen by the operation of the sulfur cycle; the upper Paleozoic, particularly the Permian, a period of oxygen loss. It is difficult to relate these oxygen gains and losses to variations in the oxygen content of the atmosphere, because the oxygen flux due to the operation of the carbon cycle is approximately twice as large as the flux due to the operation of the sulfur cycle. Data for the organic carbon and sulfide content of sedimentary rocks of the Russian Platform suggest that a decrease in sulfide from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era was roughly balanced by an increase in the proportion of organic carbon; however, such data are insufficient to define the abundance of atmospheric oxygen during the Phanerozoic. Biologic data and a better understanding of controls on atmospheric Po2 are more likely to produce convincing evidence regarding variations of atmospheric oxygen in the past.  相似文献   

生物气CO2还原途径中碳同位素分馏作用研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地质历史中,CO2/H2还原产甲烷作用对生物气的形成具有十分重要的意义。中国柴达木盆地第四系生物气主要为CO2/H2还原型生物气。笔者以CO2/H2还原生气理论为指导,进行不同初始碳同位素值和不同赋存状态碳源的生物模拟实验,研究CO2/H2还原产气过程中发生的碳同位素分馏作用。实验结果表明,产物中δ13CH4值与底物的δ13C值呈很好的正相关关系;在反应母质过量的情况下,碳源的赋存状态可以影响产物甲烷的碳同位素组成。以游离形式CO2还原产生的甲烷δ13C值,相对于以HCO3-、CO23-离子形式产生的甲烷δ13C值轻。通过柴达木盆地东部第四系生物气田实例分析,探讨了该区生物气的主要底物CO2的来源及赋存状态,对评价盆地生物气资源和有利勘探区预测有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The deformation and mechanical responses of rocks are prime concern in development of varieties of civil and mining engineering structures. The deformation and mechanical properties of both natural and artificial materials are strongly depend on mineral constituents and their arrangements, temperatures and pressures, stress rates and structural anisotropy. This study elaborates an understanding of structural anisotropy, compression rates and mechanical attributes relationship in rocks with specific examples of deformed rocksalt. The cubical samples (5X5X5 cm3) with three kinds of structural anisotropy were subjected to quasistatic compressive stress at rates 0.00035 MPa/min, 0.0035 MPa/min, 0.035 MPa/min, 0.35 MPa/min, 3.5MPa/min, 5 MPa/ min, 7MPa/min and 9 MPa/min on servo-controlled Material Testing System (MTS). The stress-strain curves prepared from deformation of rocksalt’s samples under different rates of compressions are used to determine major mechanical parameters viz., strengths, strains, and modulus of elasticity. A micromechanical en-echelon crack array model is proposed to explain the influence of structural anisotropy on deformation patterns and mechanical properties of rocksalt.According to the proposed model the deformation progresses due to different proportional contributions of tensile and shear crack arrays under the influence of structural anisotropy. The control of structural anisotropy loses with respect to increment in rate of compression with enhance contribution of shear crack arrays in comparison to tensile crack arrays and ultimately fails in shear where the structurally anisotropic rock show isotropic behaviour.  相似文献   

Direct Pco2 measurements on water samples from several CO2-charged warm springs are significantly higher than Pco2 values calculated from field pH and alkalinity (and other constituents). In addition, calcite saturation indices calculated from field pH and solution composition indicated supersaturation in samples which, on the basis of hydrogeologic concepts, should be near saturation or undersaturated. We attribute these discrepancies to uncertainties in field pH, resulting from CO2 outgassing during pH measurement. Because samples for direct Pco2 measurement can be taken with minimal disturbance to the water chemistry, we have used the measured Pco2 to back calculate an estimate of the field pH and the carbon isotopic composition of the water before outgassing. By reconstructing water chemistry in this way, we find generally consistent grouping of δ13C, pH, and degree of calcite saturation in samples taken from the same source at different times, an observation which we expect based on our understanding of the hydrogeology and geochemistry of the ground-water systems. This suggests that for very careful geochemical work, particularly on ground-waters much above ambient temperature, Pco2 measurements may provide more information on the system and a better estimate of its state of saturation with respect to carbonate minerals than can field measurements of pH.  相似文献   

Geologic storage of CO2 must respond to demonstrations of safety, control, and acceptability with authorities and public. The wells are essential elements of the storage system and constitute the only man-made intrusive element in the geologic systems. The role of containment of components of wells must then be ensured for hundreds of years, despite degradation mechanisms that affect their properties. Probabilistic approaches are used to take into account the uncertainties on the quantities of CO2 which migrate from the reservoir of CO2 towards the surface and towards the aquifer. Uncertainties are taken into account by using the generalized probabilistic approach which allows both the system-parameter uncertainties and the model uncertainties induced by modeling errors to be performed in the stochastic computational model. These probabilistic tools, applied to industrial projects, allow owners and operators to set up decisions and provide a strong support to long-term safety demonstration with a high level of confidence, even in presence of uncertainties in the computational models.  相似文献   

The isotopic compositions of S (δ34S) and C (δ13C) were determined for the coal utilized by a power plant and for the fly ash produced as a by-product of the coal combustion in a 220-MW utility boiler. The coal samples analyzed represent different lithologies within a single mine, the coal supplied to the power plant, the pulverized feed coal, and the coal rejected by the pulverizer. The ash was collected at various stages of the ash-collection system in the plant. There is a notable enrichment in 34S from the base to the top of the coal seam in the mine, with much of the variation due to an upwards enrichment in the δ34S values of the pyrite. Variations in δ34S and in the amount of pyritic S in the coal delivered to the plant show that there was a change of source of coal supplied to the plant, between week one and week two of monitoring, supporting a previous study based on metal and sulfide geochemistry for the same plant. The fly ash has a more enriched δ34S than the pulverized coal and, in general, the δ34S is more enriched in fly ashes collected at cooler points in the ash-collection system. This pattern of δ34S suggests an increased isotopic fractionation due to temperature, with the fly ash becoming progressively depleted in 34S and the flue gas S-containing components becoming progressively enriched in 34S with increasing temperatures. Substantially less variation is seen in the C isotopes compared to S isotopes. There is little vertical variation in δ13C in the coal bed, with δ13C becoming slightly heavier towards the top of the coal seam. An 83–93% loss of solid phase C occurs during coal combustion in the transition from coal to ash owing to loss of CO2. Despite the significant difference in total C content only a small enrichment of 0.44–0.67‰ in 13C in the ash relative to the coal is observed, demonstrating that redistribution of C isotopes in the boiler and convective passes prior to the arrival of the fly ash in the ash-collections system is minor.  相似文献   

In the North‐East Greenland Caledonides, P–T conditions and textures are consistent with partial melting of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite during exhumation. The eclogite contains a peak assemblage of garnet, omphacite, kyanite, coesite, rutile, and clinozoisite; in addition, phengite is inferred to have been present at peak conditions. An isochemical phase equilibrium diagram, along with garnet isopleths, constrains peak P–T conditions to be subsolidus at 3.4 GPa and 940°C. Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry on inclusions in garnet yields values of ~820°C at 3.4 GPa. In the eclogite, plagioclase may exhibit cuspate textures against surrounding omphacite and has low dihedral angles in plagioclase–clinopyroxene–garnet aggregates, features that are consistent with former melt–solid–solid boundaries and crystallized melt pockets. Graphic intergrowths of plagioclase and amphibole are present in the matrix. Small euhedral neoblasts of garnet against plagioclase are interpreted as formed from a peritectic reaction during partial melting. Polymineralic inclusions of albite+K‐feldspar and clinopyroxene+quartz±kyanite±plagioclase in large anhedral garnet display plagioclase cusps pointing into the host, which are interpreted as crystallized melt pockets. These textures, along with the mineral composition, suggest partial melting of the eclogite by reactions involving phengite and, to a large extent, an epidote‐group mineral. Calculated and experimentally determined phase relations from the literature reveal that partial melting occurred on the exhumation path, at pressures below the coesite to quartz transition. A calculated P–T phase diagram for a former melt‐bearing domain shows that the formation of the peritectic garnet rim occurred at 1.4 GPa and 900°C, with an assemblage of clinopyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase equilibrated at 1.3 GPa and 720°C. Isochemical phase equilibrium modelling of a symplectite of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and amphibole after omphacite, combined with the mineral composition, yields a P–T range at 1.0–1. 6 GPa, 680–1,000°C. The assemblage of amphibole and plagioclase is estimated to reach equilibrium at 717–732°C, calculated by amphibole–plagioclase thermometry for the former melt‐bearing domain and symplectite respectively. The results of this study demonstrate that partial melt formed in the UHP eclogite through breakdown of an epidote‐group mineral with minor involvement of phengite during exhumation from peak pressure; melt was subsequently crystallized on the cooling path.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal variability in organic carbon (OC) budgets using a physical-biological model for the Mississippi River turbidity plume. Plume volume was calculated from mixed layer depth and area in each of four salinity subregions based on an extensive set of cruise data and satellite-derived suspended sediment distributions. These physical measurements were coupled with an existing food web model to determine seasonally dependent budgets for labile (reactive on time scales of days to weeks) OC in each salinity subregion. Autochthonous gross primary production (GPP) equaled 1.3×1012 g C yr−1 and dominated labile OC inputs (88% of the budget) because riverine OC was assumed mostly refractory (nonreactive). For perspective, riverine OC inputs amounted to 3.9×1012 g C yr−1, such that physical inputs were 3 times greater than biological inputs to the plume. Annually, microbial respiration (R) accounted for 65% of labile OC losses and net metabolism (GPP—R) for the entire plume was, autotrophic, equaling 5.1×1011 g C yr−1. Smaller losses of labile OC occurred via sedimentation (20%), advection (10%), and export to higher trophic levels (5%). In our present model, annual losses of labile OC are 10% higher than inputs, indicating future improvements are required. Application of our model to estimate air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes indicated the plume was a net sink of 2.0×109 mol CO2 yr−1, of which 90% of the total drawdown was from biotic factors. In all seasons, low salinity waters were a source of CO2 (pCO2=560–890 μatm), and intermediate to high salinity waters were a sink of CO2 (pCO2=200–370 μatm). Our model was also used to calculate O2 demand for the development, of regional hypoxia, and our spring and early summer budgets indicated that sedimentation of autochthonous OC from the immediate plume contributed 23% of the O2 demand necessary for establishment of hypoxia in the region.  相似文献   

泥炭地具有明显的碳汇能力, 对减缓全球气候变化有着至关重要的作用, 煤作为泥炭地的最终产物, 保存有丰富的泥炭地发育时期的古环境信息, 成煤泥炭地碳聚集速率和净初级生产力(NPP)可以作为恢复古气候的替代指标。吐哈盆地南缘沙尔湖煤田ZK9E02钻孔中侏罗统西山窑组发育视厚度为121.97 m的煤层(C8), 本研究使用频谱分析对其进行米兰科维奇轨道周期的识别及成煤泥炭地发育时限的估算, 然后利用该时限, 结合煤的碳含量以及煤化作用阶段的碳损, 计算出成煤泥炭地的NPP, 进而探究成煤泥炭地的碳汇能力与碳循环关系。研究发现, 所研究煤层的自然伽马测井曲线中蕴含着约405 ka长偏心率、约95 ka短偏心率、约37.6 ka斜率、约18.2 ka岁差的米兰科维奇旋回天文周期, 计算出该成煤泥炭地发育的煤层沉积约2218.54~2347.03 ka。该煤层碳含量74.54%, 考虑到煤化过程中的碳损失约为26.75%, 恢复出成煤期泥炭地碳聚集速率为66.11~69.86 g C/m2·a, NPP为265.2~280.2 g C/m2·a。控制泥炭地NPP的主要因素有CO2含量、古纬度、古大气温度等, 研究区较低的泥炭地NPP水平与当时CO2含量过低或古纬度较低有一定关系。泥炭地NPP在一定程度上反映着大气中CO2的变化, 进一步用来揭示全球碳循环对气候变化的动态响应过程, 这对"深时"高分辨率的古环境研究有重要意义。因此, 预测泥炭地NPP的水平, 研究生态系统中碳元素的最终去向, 亦有利于更好地认识到全球碳循环过程中泥炭地的"碳汇"角色, 助力实现"碳达峰、碳中和"目标。  相似文献   

Diurnal, seasonal and annual foF2 variability and the response of the F2-layer height over Jicamarca (11.9 °S, 76.8 °W, 1 °N dip) during periods of low (LSA), moderate (MSA) and high (HSA) solar activities was investigated. The relative standard deviation (V R ) was used for the analysis. The F2-layer critical frequency pre-noon peak increases by a factor of 2 more than the post-noon peak as the solar activity increases. The variability coefficient (V R ) is lowest during the day (7–16%) for the three solar epochs; increases during nighttime (20–26%, 14–26%, and 10–20%, respectively for the LSA, MSA and HSA years); and attained highest magnitude during sunrise (21–27%, 24–27%, and 19–30%, respectively in similar order). Two major peaks were observed in V R – the pre-sunrise peak, which is higher, and the post-sunset peak. Generally, the variability increases as the solar activity decreases. Annually, V R peaks within 23–24%, 19–24% and 15–24% for the LSA, MSA, and HSA periods, respectively. The ionospheric F2-layer height rises to the higher level with increasing solar activity. The foF2 comparison results revealed that Jicamarca is well represented on the IRI-2012 model, with an improvement on the URSI option. The importance of vertical plasma drift and photochemistry in the F2-layer was emphasized.  相似文献   

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