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本文基于1994年LandsatTM、1999年的ETM+及2007年的ETM+遥感影像,在ENVI和ERDAS的支持下提取宝兴河流域的土地利用/覆被变化情况。引入土地利用类型的年变化率、综合土地变化动态度等指标,分析其原因及土地利用的时空变化特征和规律。研究结果表明:1994年到2007年,耕地主要集中在宝兴河流域的东南部平坝地区,呈逐年变少趋势,减少44.7%;林地主要分布在西北高山及中部地区,呈逐年增加的趋势,增加6.5%;草地主要集中在西北高山区,其变化为先减少后增加,总体减少19.3%。 相似文献
以黄河三角洲北部风电场为例,利用SEBAL模型,采用Landsat5-TM和Landsat8-OLI/TIRS数据、气象数据、DEM数据以及MODIS数据反演出风电场建设前后水体的蒸散发(ET),分析单个风机和风电场对水体ET的影响,最终得出如下结论:(1)在单个风机中,风力发电机的建设对以风机为中心的200 m缓冲区内水体ET有均匀化作用,并且对缓冲区内的各风向水体ET均匀化程度不同,下风向区域水体ET的均匀化程度最大,旁风向区域水体ET的均匀化程度最小。(2)在整个风电场区域内,风机数量影响风电场对水体ET的均匀化程度,且风机密度与均匀化程度呈负相关,风机越密集均匀化程度越小、越稀疏、均匀化程度越大。 相似文献
基于HJ-1B数据和SEBAL模型的陆面蒸散发遥感估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用HJ-1B卫星数据和SEBAL模型,进行了淮河上游段的陆面蒸散发(ET)遥感估算。选取2010年4期少云的HJ-1B卫星影像,首先对ET估算中需要的中间变量——地表温度、地表反照率进行了反演,反演结果与MODIS产品结果基本一致;在此基础上,结合部分地面气象观测数据,基于SEBAL模型进行ET估算,并利用水文站点的实测蒸发皿数据对估算的日蒸散发结果进行验证,相对误差在10%之内。将ET估算值与土地利用覆盖类型、地形因子对比分析发现,不同土地覆盖类型的ET量不同,ET空间变异性与地形特征有一定关联。 相似文献
基于Landsat-8数据,采用遥感Priestly-Taylor模型分别估算蓟州区的净辐射通量以及归一化植被指数,进一步计算蓟州区日蒸散发量.区域蒸散发的遥感反演主要解决以下两个问题:一是遥感地表温度的反演;二是估算各类遥感模型所需的地表参数(叶面积指数、NDVI、地表阻抗等),结合物理模型或者半经验公式估算区域蒸散... 相似文献
提出三温模型结合MODIS数据反演区域蒸散发的方法,在内蒙古草原开展案例研究,以2008年植被生长季(7—10月)的波文比系统观测数据为标准,对该方法进行检验。结果表明:三温模型反演的蒸散发量,平均值、最大、最小值分别为4.58mm/d、9.03mm/d、1.28mm/d;蒸散发反演结果在空间上分布较均匀,与草原的均一性相吻合,在时间上蒸散发的数值先逐渐增大,8月后逐渐减小,与观测结果相一致;三温模型反演的蒸散发量与观测值之间的最小、最大绝对误差分别为0.11mm/d、1.64mm/d,平均绝对误差为0.58mm/d、平均相对误差为17.10%。三温模型在1km空间尺度的反演精度较理想。 相似文献
为全面掌握安宁河流域土壤侵蚀状况并探讨其分布特征,基于USLE模型对该地区水力侵蚀模数进行计算,并就其在不同高程、坡度和地类分布变化规律展开探讨。结果表明:1)安宁河流域2020年土壤平均侵蚀模数为2 962 t/(km2·a),侵蚀强度整体处于中等水平;2)研究区西北部和东南部侵蚀较严重,特别是冕宁县、会东县、德昌县部分地区;3)海拔高程<3 500 m均以微度侵蚀为主;坡度25°为整体侵蚀变化界线;有林地为主要侵蚀地类。建议坚持退耕(牧)还林(草),加强坡耕地治理,提高植被覆盖度,对土壤侵蚀状况进行实时监测,防治结合。 相似文献
为了研究黄土高原南部植被覆盖较高地区在退耕还林后的土壤侵蚀变化特征,利用RUSLE模型,结合GIS、RS技术,定量估算了2000~2013年石川河流域的土壤侵蚀量,分析了不同植被覆盖条件和不同土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀时空变化特征。结果表明:①土壤侵蚀等级与降雨侵蚀力、地貌和土地利用类型关系密切;②土地利用类型变化显著,耕地所占比重由51.44%减少到48.37%,草地所占比重由24.51%减少到12.48%,林地所占比重由19.45%增加到33.20%;③土壤侵蚀模数由退耕还林初期(2000年)的1 473.7 t/(km~2·a)减少到2013年的806.12 t/(km~2·a),总侵蚀量减少到217.91×10~4 t。土地利用类型的水土保持效益从大到小分别为林地、草地和耕地,说明还林还草工程后石川河流域土壤侵蚀呈总量减少、侵蚀强度降低的趋势,还林还草工程取得了水土保持效益。石川河流域的土壤侵蚀强度可以代表相似水热条件地区的土壤侵蚀情况,相同纬度地区的土壤侵蚀还有进一步下降的空间。 相似文献
Channel migration includes any change of river channel geometry within the context of the cross-section, pattern or network in a drainage basin. To study the dynamic behaviour of a river, measurements taken with conventional ground-based instruments are time-consuming and expensive. Remote sensing techniques are capable of providing a measure of surface variability including dynamic behaviour of channels, reasonably quickly due to availability of the repetitive remotely-sensed data. These data are well suited for the assessment and monitoring of dynamic changes on the surface of the earth. In the present study Landsat MSS and TM data of winter season in the form of false colour composites (FCC) of years 1982 and 1987 were used for the delineation of river Ganga course lying between Allahabad and Buxar. The interpretation of satellite data was carried out using visual interpretation technique for the assessment of channel migration. The shift in river banks delineated from satellite data were measured with respect to river banks identified from topographical base map. The maximum shift observed in mid channel is 4. 55 km while maximum left and right banks shifts are 4.6 and 4.8 km, respectively. 相似文献
The aim of the study was to (1) examine the classification of forest land using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, satellite images and sample plots of the Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI) as training data and to (2) identify best performing metrics for classifying forest land attributes. Six different schemes of forest land classification were studied: land use/land cover (LU/LC) classification using both national classes and FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) classes, main type, site type, peat land type and drainage status. Special interest was to test different ALS-based surface metrics in classification of forest land attributes. Field data consisted of 828 NFI plots collected in 2008–2012 in southern Finland and remotely sensed data was from summer 2010. Multinomial logistic regression was used as the classification method. Classification of LU/LC classes were highly accurate (kappa-values 0.90 and 0.91) but also the classification of site type, peat land type and drainage status succeeded moderately well (kappa-values 0.51, 0.69 and 0.52). ALS-based surface metrics were found to be the most important predictor variables in classification of LU/LC class, main type and drainage status. In best classification models of forest site types both spectral metrics from satellite data and point cloud metrics from ALS were used. In turn, in the classification of peat land types ALS point cloud metrics played the most important role. Results indicated that the prediction of site type and forest land category could be incorporated into stand level forest management inventory system in Finland. 相似文献
Terrain environment parameters play a vital role in controlling groundwater movement: its recharge and discharge mechanisms. Many earlier studies have been conducted relating terrain parameters and groundwater condition using conventional methods and remote sensing techniques. This study, however, endeavors to spatially visualize the degree of fluctuation in the groundwater level of Ongur, a minor river basin in different terrain units under different seasons (monsoon and summer) for three historical periods of time using Geographic Information System (GIS) raster analysis. 相似文献
Terrain environment parameters play a vital role in controlling groundwater movement:its recharge and discharge me-chanisms.Many earlier studies have been conducted relating terrain parameters and groundwater condition using conventional me-thods and remote sensing techniques.This study,however,endeavors to spatially visualize the degree of fluctuation in the ground-water level of Ongur,a minor river basin in different terrain units under different seasons(monsoon and summer) for three histori-cal periods of time using Geographic Information System(GIS) raster analysis. 相似文献
The success of water-resources projects can be evaluated by using remotely sensed and ancillary data supported by ground-based information. Surficial features in the vicinity of Panam reservoir of the Mahi-Kadana river-valley project, have been demarcated using IRS data of 1991 (post-commission) and 1969 topographic sheet information (prior to commission) and have been evaluated. Observed positive and negative changes indicate that the project maintains its environment-friendly function. 相似文献