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Although environmental justice research has typically focused on locations of industrial toxic releases or waste sites, recent developments in GIS and environmental modeling provide a foundation for developing measures designed to evaluate the consequences of transportation system changes. In this paper, we develop and demonstrate a workable GIS-based approach that can be used to assess the impacts of a transportation system change on minorites and low-income residents. We focus specifically on two adverse affects: vehicle-generated air pollution and noise. The buffer analysis capabilities of GIS provide a preliminary assessment of environmental justice. We integrate existing environmental pollution models with GIS software to identify the specific locations where noise and air pollution standards could be violated because of the proposed system change. A comparison of the geographic boundaries of these areas with the racial and economic characteristics of the underlying population obtained from block level census data provides a basis for evaluating disproportionate impacts. An existing urban arterial in Waterloo, Iowa, is used to illustrate the methods developed in this research.  相似文献   

文章立足地理信息系统的开放性和可重要性 ,综合运用面向对象的程序设计方法和OLEAutomation技术 ,探讨了GIS集成二次开发的方法、途径以及实施步骤 ,并结合实例进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

文章立足地理信息系统的开放性和可重要性,综合运用面向对象的程序设计方法和OLE Automation技术,探讨了GIS集成二次开发的方法、途径以及实施步骤,并结合实例进行了具体分析.  相似文献   

简要介绍环境地理信息系统的概念和它的基本功能,列举环境地理信息系统在环境管理中的应用,对国内外环境地理信息系统的研究热点和方向进行阐述并提出发展环境地理信息系统的策略和建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了面向对象GIS工具软件的特点,介绍了软件开发的常用方法,提出了用生命周期法和面向对象法相结合进行面向对象GIS工具软件开发的阶段划分和基本内容,为面向对象GIS工具软件的实际开发提供了一个软件开发管理方面的方法和思路。  相似文献   

利用遥感和GIS研究内蒙古中西部地区环境变化   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
利用TM和MSS卫星遥感数据提取反映生态环境的植被、土壤亮度、湿度、热度指数,结合气候数据和其它地学辅助信息,在GIS的支持下建立环境质量评价模型;利用该模型评价了内蒙古中西部地区19876、1987、1996年跨越20年的环境变化,从区域平均环境质量指数的变化和各级指数分布的区域面积变化两方面说明了研究区20年来的环境退化;分析了气候因子对环境质量变化的影响,定量说明了半干旱地区影响环境变化的气候因子主要是湿润度,指出20年来人为因素对环境质量的影响呈现越来越大的趋势。  相似文献   

GIS在环境质量管理中应用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用有效的辅助决策支持工具GIS,对我国环境质量管理应用系统进行设计和开发,已成为当前环境规划与管理领域的一项重要任务。GIS在国内外环境质量管理中的应用有大气污染监测与管理、环境地理信息系统、环境管理决策支持系统等。笔者介绍了环境质量管理GIS研究开发的基本思路与方法,本文从环境质量管理的系统特性、功能需求、设计方法等方面阐述GIS总体设计。皆在为从事环境质量管理方面的工作人员提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

将GIS技术与环境模型相结合,集成应用于大气污染扩散评价中,不仅发挥了GIS强大的空间信息可视化管理和分析功能,也能将环境模型的分析预测功能直观应用于对各类污染源的宏观与微观模拟表达,实现了对大气污染扩散评价的可视化管理,为工程决策者和管理人员提供了一种强有力的决策支持方案。基于ArcEngine组件和.Net集成开发的大气污染扩散模拟与评价系统,实现了电子地图管理、大气污染扩散模拟、污染源评价及空气质量评价等功能。系统充分发挥了GIS的空间分析和空间数据处理的优势,实现了对大气污染源的可视化管理,从而为相关应用决策机构提供了一套面向应用、操作灵活的大气污染扩散模拟与评价专业软件平台。  相似文献   

变形监测中GPS信号衍射误差的环境建模法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊永良  丁晓利 《测绘学报》2005,34(4):283-287
信号衍射是GPS结构变形监测的重要误差源之一.GPS天线周围的建筑物是常见的信号衍射体.针对在变形监测中观测环境相对固定之特点,提出一种基于环境模型的衍射误差建模算法.若干试验表明所提方法能有效检测并削弱衍射误差对变形监测结果的影响.  相似文献   

Recently, the increasing demand for biofuels triggered a new phase for the sugar‐alcohol sector. In Brazil, as well as in other tropical countries, this process raised worries regarding the possible direct and indirect effects of the crop's expansion on the conversion of native vegetation coverings. Therefore, the modeling of spatial‐economic surfaces, representing the potential rent variation in its spatial component, for economic activities, may be a useful tool in the decision‐making process. Hence, here we propose and present the results of a combined framework composed of two modules using the modeling platform Dinamica EGO. The first module simulates sugarcane's growth, calculating the daily response of the crop to environmental conditions during the stages of the plant's development. The second module estimates rents for sugarcane cultivation in Brazil, identifying areas where this activity would bring higher economic return, looking at simulated productivity, production costs and selling prices in a way that is spatially explicit for Brazil. Two different scenarios for production costs were tested, and results ranged from negative values to maxima of R$/ha 929 and R$/ha 1176 for standard and efficient costs of production, respectively. The model successfully indicated non‐profitable and profitable areas, and regions where high expected economic return overlaps endangered ecosystems.  相似文献   

利用2002—2012年的GLDAS和WGHM模型模拟水文产品,以及重力恢复与气候试验卫星(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment,GRACE)观测数据,计算了全球范围内30个主要流域的水储量变化时间序列,从模拟数据与观测数据的年周期振幅、长期趋势项及时空分布一致性等几个方面,对GLDAS和WGHM进行了评估。结果表明,GLDAS的4个子模型都表现出了明显的季节性变化,CLM年周期振幅输出最小,MOSAIC和VIC最大,NOAH居中,且最接近4个子模型的平均值。与GRACE结果相比,约80%流域的GLDAS与WGHM模型年周期振幅输出呈明显低估现象,且GLDAS的低估程度大于WGHM,但靠近北极高纬度地区的流域有相反的情况出现。在长期趋势项方面,三者结果差异较大,尤其是对于面积较小且人类活动影响较大的流域,GLDAS与WGHM模型不能充分反映人类活动的影响,模型输出表现较差,GRACE结果更接近实际情况。此外,还研究了流域水储量长期变化趋势与灌溉率的关系,发现呈现明显下降趋势的流域主要集中在高灌溉率(>10%)地区,而灌溉率是影响流域水储量变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   


This study attempts to model the spatial extent of Franz Josef Glacier in the Southern Alps of New Zealand from environmental variables. Glacier tongue length, area, and equilibrium line altitude were measured in ArcView after 15 end‐of‐summer glacier termini were demarcated from a diverse source of remotely sensed materials that had been geometrically rectified. These tongue parameters were correlated with and regressed against mean winter (June to September) precipitation, summer (December to February) temperature, and terminal gradient. The regressed length model was used to simulate the spatial extent of the glacier tongue in ArcInfo. Modelling of the spatial extent was implemented in a two‐stage approach using Arc Macro Language. The terminus end of the glacier tongue was simulated with an empirical parabolic curve. It is found that the averaging duration of climatic variables plays a significant role in exploring their impact on the glacier tongue. Tongue area has a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.70 and 0.60, respectively, with mean monthly winter precipitation and averaged monthly summer temperature. The underlying topography exerts a significant effect on tongue morphometry that is most reliably predicted from slope gradient (β) but less so from precipitation (PPT) and temperature (T). The best models for tongue length and area are Length=4100.779?1.2346×PPT+91.9162×T?29.30×β (R2=80.77%) and Area=308.3207?0.0342×PPT+3.3100×T?0.9893×β (R2=81.51%). Through its horizontal shifting and rotation, the empirical parabolic curve enabled the terminal end of the glacier tongue to be accurately and realistically modelled from the environmental variables.  相似文献   

With the increased availability of user generated data, assessing the quality and credibility of such data becomes important. In this article, we propose to assess the location correctness of visually generated Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) as a quality reference measure. The location correctness is determined by checking the visibility of the point of interest from the position of the visually generated VGI (observer point); as an example we utilize Flickr photographs. Therefore we first collect all Flickr photographs that conform to a certain point of interest through their textual labelling. Then we conduct a reverse viewshed analysis for the point of interest to determine if it lies within the area of visibility of the observer points. If the point of interest lies outside the visibility of a given observer point, the respective geotagged image is considered to be incorrectly geotagged. In this way, we analyze sample datasets of photographs and make observations regarding the dependency of certain user/photo metadata and (in)correct geotags and labels. In future the dependency relationship between the location correctness and user/photo metadata can be used to automatically infer user credibility. In other words, attributes such as profile completeness, together with location correctness, can serve as a weighted score to assess credibility.  相似文献   

以地理信息系统为平台,综合采用GPS技术、GSM技术、GPRS技术、网络技术建立工业部门监管监控系统对实现工业部门事故及时处理,分析事故成因有效预防事故,实现高效管理有重大意义;以该平台建立的城市应急救援指挥系统在对城市进行可视化与数字化的基础上,能够实现城市灾害信息的科学管理,各种灾害分析模拟,公共安全规划以及应急决策支持,从而有效提高突发性城市公共安全应急的效率和响应速度,为城市公共安全的应急工作提供有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   

地理信息系统在环境与安全领域的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以地理信息系统为平台,综合采用GPS技术、GSM技术、GPRS技术、网络技术建立工业部门监管监控系统对实现工业部门事故及时处理,分析事故成因有效预防事故,实现高效管理有重大意义;以该平台建立的城市应急救援指挥系统在对城市进行可视化与数字化的基础上,能够实现城市灾害信息的科学管理,各种灾害分析模拟,公共安全规划以及应急决策支持,从而有效提高突发性城市公共安全应急的效率和响应速度,为城市公共安全的应急工作提供有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   

基于GIS空间分析的城市避震疏散规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于济南市部分区域全景遥感影像,采用GIS的基于网络的服务区分析、邻近区分析和叠加分析等技术研究确定合理的城市避震疏散规划方案。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of urban population in India is a cause of concern among country??s urban and town planners for efficient urban planning. The drastic growth of urban areas has resulted in sharp land use and land cover changes. In recent years, the significance of spatial data technologies, especially the application of remotely sensed data and geographical information systems (GIS) has been widely used. The present study investigates the urban growth of Tiruchirapalli city, Tamilnadu using IRS satellite data for the years 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. The eight satellite images are enhanced using convolution spatial enhancement method with Kernel (7?×?7) edge enhance function. Supervised classification method is used to classify the urban land use and land cover. The GIS is used to prepare the different layers belonging to various land uses identified from remotely sensed data. The analysis of the results show the drastic increase of built up area and reduced green cover within the city boundary limit.  相似文献   

The interoperability of geographic data sets is required between geo-information system applications to use geographic data sets effectively. Thus, international standardisation organisation/technical committee 211 standards supporting model-driven architecture were examined to test the ability of producing interoperable geographic data sets. With Turkey case, unified modelling language application schemas were designed for base geographic data themes and encoded to data interchange model based on geography markup language. To test the applicability of the open data models, extract-transform-load (ETL) tools were developed and applied for case applications such as topographic map and web urban atlas. This study gives a methodology and indicates that ETL tools should be created to enable multiple uses of geo-data sets without spending time and labour. However, data model design should be refined and kept as simple as possible because data transformation is laborious to use the models in the applications.  相似文献   

异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
提出了异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法和基于互操作性的Internet GIS构造模型,即分布式超图模型,阐述了其具体实现过程,并以自主开发的Internet GISGeoSurf为例验证了此方法。  相似文献   

基于GIS的森林火灾扑救路径的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林火灾一般发生在偏远的山区,公路无法直接到达,而在森林火灾扑救过程中如何结合已有的公路、防火林带和无公路的区域,确定最优的行进路线,是扑火指挥员进行指挥决策的重要依据。通常的网络分析仅仅是在已有的矢量数据上进行分析,一般不包括栅格数据。本文讲述了如何基于ArcGIS 8.1的内置数据库Geo-Database构建森林火灾扑救网络数据库,以地形数据、网络数据、植被数据等作为基本数据,用ArcObjects编程实现最优路径的确定。  相似文献   

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