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This study presents the identification of wave propagation using the information measured at a fixed point. The mathematical model used to carry out this research is an integral equation. The equation turned out to be a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. The discretized matrix equation yielded an ill-conditioned system. To secure the stability of the system, Tikhonov regularization was applied to the ill-conditioned system. The analysis of the numerical computation proved that the regularization was able to retain the target spectrum.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows are ecosystems of great ecological and economical value and their monitoring is an important task within coastal environmental management. In this paper, an acoustic mapping technique is presented using a profiling sonar. The method has been applied to three different sites with meadows of Zostera marina, Zostera noltii and Posidonia oceanica respectively, with the aim to test the method’s applicability.  相似文献   

数据融合能够综合利用多源遥感数据优势,获取高空间分辨率和高测量精度的遥感影像,对于近岸水体生态环境监测和灾害预警均具有重要意义。但目前使用的数据融合方法多是针对内陆水体或大洋水体的,其在近岸水体的适用性仍需进一步评估,因而本文开展了近岸水体遥感数据融合方法的对比研究。本文以高空间分辨率的Sentinel-2 MSI影像和中等空间分辨率的Sentinel-3 OLCI影像为数据源,分别开展了基于小波变换(WTBF)、生物光学模型(BOBF)和混合像元分解(IUBF)三种方法的数据融合实验,并在此基础上借助现场实测遥感反射率(Remote-sensing Reflectance,Rrs)数据与融合影像对应点的平均相对误差(MRE)、均方根误差(RMSE)、偏差(bias)和平均梯度对各种方法的融合数据质量和区域适用性进行了评估。结果表明:(1) OLCI的Rrs数据精度高于MSI。其中MSI在443 nm、560 nm和665 nm三个波段的MRE、RMSE均高于OLCI,表明MSI的Rrs精度相对OLCI较低;目视效果和平均梯度表明MSI的清晰度高于OLCI。(2) BOBF是三种方法中...  相似文献   

窦文洁 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(1):148-156
海-气界面CO2通量的估算对于碳的生物地球化学循环和全球气候变化等研究具有重要的意义,利用遥感手段是进行全球尺度海表面碳通量估算的唯一手段,但是由于不确定性的存在限制了海-气界面CO2通量遥感估算产品在决策应用上的可靠性。本文通过建立海-气界面CO2通量直接控制参量(气体交换速率k、海表面CO2溶解度S和海表面CO2分压pCO2sw)误差结构图,以通量估算的主要影响因子—海表温度(SST)为例,建立了SST在通量计算中的误差传递流程图,并采用Monte Carlo方法模拟了SST误差在通量计算中的传递规律和对最终误差的贡献。结果表明在遥感SST误差为0.5℃并为正态分布的假设下,误差在k、S计算中的传递为指数分布和近似指数分布,而在pCO2sw模型计算中为正态分布,最终在通量FCO2中的传递为指数分布;在大气CO2分压为固定值370μatm的情况下,SST对最终的通量结果带来的误差为1.2mmol?m-2?day-1左右。本文以SST为例,提供了一种通量计算中遥感参数误差传递和贡献的计算方法,可以为其他遥感获取的参量提供分析依据和参考。  相似文献   

The atmospheric effect on the characteristics of infrasonic signals from explosions has been studied. New methods have been proposed to remotely estimate the energy of explosions using the data of infrasonic wave registration. One method is based on the law of conservation of acoustic pulse I, which is equal to the product of the wave profile area S/2 of the studied infrasonic signal and the distance to the source EI [kt] = 1.38 × 10–10 (I [kg/s])1.482. The second method is based on the relationship between the explosion energy and the dominant period T of the recorded signal, EТ [kt] =1.02 × (Т [s]2/σ)3/2, where σ is a dimensionless distance used for determining the degree of manifestation of nonlinear effects in the propagation of sound along ray trajectories. When compared to the conventional EW (Whitaker’s) relation, the advantage of the EI relation is that it can be used for pulsed sources located at an arbitrary height over the land surface and having an arbitrary form of the initial-pulse profile and for any type of infrasonic arrivals. A distinctive feature of the expression for EТ is that the atmospheric effect on the characteristics of recorded infrasonic signals is explicitly taken into account. These methods have been tested using infrasonic data recorded at a distance of 322 km from the sources (30 explosions caused by a fire that occurred at the Pugachevo armory in Udmurtia on June 2, 2011). For the same explosion, empirical relations have been found between energy values obtained by different methods: EI = 1.107 × E W , E Т = 2.201 × E I .  相似文献   

The impact of rain and spray on the ocean disturbs the sea surface and generates underwater ambient noise. The short scale roughness is influenced by impacting drops due to the momentum transfer. Radar and sonar signals are scattered by the short elements of the sea surface. Spray and rain impact change their characteristics, and consequently affect radar and sonar backscatter. In situ measurements of rain and spray impact are necessary to study their effects on the sea surface. Accurate sea measurements of rain momentum fluxes and drop size distributions are a complex problem, especially on buoys. A new measuring technique has been developed using hydrophones. Exposed to precipitation, these instruments are affected directly by the impact of rain. A drop falling on the hydrophone deforms its surface and is sensed by a piezoelectric transducer. The voltage output of the sensor is a rapidly decaying oscillation. The integral value of this signal is a measure of the drop momentum, and the drop size can be deduced. Laboratory studies of defined drops as well as field measurements of natural rain have shown that hydrophones can be used to determine drop momentums and drop size distributions. Based on simultaneous rain measurements by a Joss-Waldvogel Disdrometer and a hydrophone, an analytical function has been derived which relates drop size and hydrophone voltage output  相似文献   

我国卫星海洋遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感是20世纪50年代发展起来的一种新技术.运用这项新技术,可以对浩瀚的海洋进行实时、全方位的立体监测,长期获得稳定可靠的海洋观测资料.本文介绍了我国卫星海洋遥感监测现状,包括对海上台风、海洋赤潮、海冰、溢油、海温、海岸带等方面的监测,还简要介绍了我国海洋卫星和海洋卫星遥感监测的未来发展.  相似文献   

This research examines methods for detecting unknown transient waveforms that are contaminated by noise. The sensitivity of the performance levels of the energy detector and the lack of knowledge about the structure of the transient waveform motivate the examination of other moment- or spectra-based detection techniques. We examine the performance of a bispectral energy detector and show that its performance will degrade if the bispectra is smoothed and that signals with no bispectral content can be detected if the bispectra is not smoothed. Further, it is shown that the performance levels of the bispectral detector are slightly better, and slightly less sensitive, than those of the energy detector for the multipath linear frequency modulated signal. Finally, the performance levels of narrowband implementations of the energy and bispectral energy detectors are compared. It is shown that for a large enough sample, the performance levels of the bispectral detector are nearly as good as those of the optimal energy detector for the single narrowband signal case. However, when the received waveform contains multiple narrowband components, the narrowband bispectral detector performs slightly better than the energy detector  相似文献   

High spatial resolution satellite data (IKONOS) combined with in situ data was used to quantitatively estimate the spatial distribution of tidal flat characteristics for the Hwangdo tidal flat, Cheonsu Bay, Korea. The classification result was accurate in terms of a comparison with the in situ data, and the overall accuracy was 90.7%, which confirmed the validity of the classification. GIS analysis based on a probabilistic model was applied to a quantitative estimation of the relationship between each surface sediment facies and the spectral reflectance. Mud flat facies showed a high positive correlation (R2 = 0.91), and sand flat facies showed a high negative correlation (R2 = 1.00), which was a good reflection of the sedimentary characteristics of Hwangdo tidal flat. Relationships between each sediment facies and DEM also showed good agreement with the topographic characteristics in the study area. The study revealed that intertidal surface sediment classification using high resolution remote sensing imagery and in situ data successfully shows spectral and topographic characteristics of the study area. It was noted that spectral reflectance was affected by a combination of environmental factors, including grain size, topography, and remnant surface water. It is possible to determine the type of tidal flat through quantitative estimates of the spatial distribution of surface sediments according to their spectral reflectance.  相似文献   

罗斗沙岛是我国首批公布的可以开发利用的无居民海岛之一,属于泥沙岛,岛体极不稳定,动态变化比较大。本文利用1973—2011年间12个时相的遥感影像,分析了罗斗沙岛近40 a来的动态变化情况。研究结果表明:近40 a来,罗斗沙岛的位置、形状和大小均发生了较大的变化。罗斗沙岛的动态变化可分为3个阶段:第一阶段(1987年以前),罗斗沙岛为一个完整的岛体;第二阶段(1987—2001年),罗斗沙岛被分为东北和西南两部分;第三阶段(2001年至今),罗斗沙岛的西南部分消失,仅剩下东北部分。本文的监测结果可为编制罗斗沙岛的海岛保护与利用规划、制定海岛开发利用的具体方案、提出海岛的生态保护措施等提供数据支撑,进而为罗斗沙岛的生态保护和相关部门对其进行海岛管理提供服务资料。  相似文献   

卫星水深反演是水深测量的一种重要手段,其中Stumpf比值算法和Lyzenga多项式算法应用广泛并诞生了大量改进算法,但这些算法没有顾及不同光谱的测深极限与适用范围,为此本文提出一种基于光谱分层的水深反演方法。首先,根据红、绿、蓝光谱对水体的穿透能力差异,提出一种基于影像本身的无参数光谱分层策略,提取红光层、绿光层、蓝光层;然后,根据不同光谱层的波段测深性能,分光谱层构建水深反演优化模型,获取浅海水深反演结果。以我国南沙海域长线礁和美属维尔京群岛巴克岛为实验区,本文方法对经典Stumpf比值算法和Lyzenga多项式算法进行改进后,水深均方根误差、平均绝对误差、平均相对误差分别降低了0.41~0.89 m、0.35~0.65 m、4%~19%,尤其在红光层,即水深较浅区域,平均相对误差降低了58%~149%,精度提升明显。因此,改进算法在提高卫星水深反演效果方面具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

孙丽娜  张杰  孟俊敏  崔伟 《海洋学报》2022,44(7):137-144
海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡是南海北部常见的中尺度动力过程。本文利用2010−2015年的Terra/Aqua-MODIS、ENVISAT ASAR和多源卫星高度计资料开展了南海海洋内孤立波和中尺度涡遥感探测研究,分析了中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响。结果表明,中尺度涡和内孤立波主要在南海东北部海域共存,当二者共存时,气旋(冷涡)促使内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向,向西偏南方向传播;反气旋(暖涡)促使内孤立波向西偏北方向传播,气旋与反气旋改变的内孤立波传播方向刚好相反。内孤立波和中尺度涡共存时间主要集中在3−9月,其中,3月受气旋和反气旋的共同作用,内孤立波传播方向几乎无变化;4月和5月,主要受气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来传播方向向南传播;6−9月,主要受反气旋影响,内孤立波偏离原来的传播方向向北传播。本文利用遥感手段探索了海洋中尺度涡对内孤立波传播方向的影响,结果与现场观测结果一致。  相似文献   

以2007年1月到2010年12月的MODIS Aqua CHL-a Level 2海表水色产品为基础数据,获得南海北部海域海表叶绿素a浓度的月平均影像集,基于影像集数据的时空相关性利用DIEOF(Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions)方法重构其缺失数据。通过分析重构前后数据变化、验证重构结果的时空特征、计算模型精度指标等对重构结果进行评价。研究结果表明:DIEOF方法重构的MODIS海表叶绿素a影像,能够体现研究区海表叶绿素a的时空变化特征,重构结果的复相关系数R2可达到0.98,平均绝对误差MAE小于0.01;该方法重构过程中无需先验信息,易操作,能够有效重构大面积成片缺失或缺失比例较高的影像。  相似文献   

本研究利用国际在轨SSMIS、WindSat、AMSR-E、ASMR2和国产HY-2A微波辐射计多源遥感大气柱水汽含量观测数据,基于最优插值算法,生成了2003-2015年全球海洋每日0.25°高分辨率的大气柱水汽含量多源遥感融合产品,以及2012-2015年未使用HY-2A微波辐射计数据的全球海洋每日0.25°遥感融合产品。利用无线电探空仪水汽含量观测数据,对生成的全球海洋大气柱水汽含量融合产品进行精度检验。结果表明,总体上,13年间均方根误差和标准差小于3 mm,平均偏差小于0.6 mm,平均绝对偏差小于2 mm,相关系数大于0.98;使用HY-2A微波辐射计数据产品会使融合结果的精度出现微小的降低;AMSR2和HY-2A微波辐射计数据的联合使用对于替代AMSR-E数据具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Ocean measurement systems for the 1980's will require improved capabilities to sample and measure specific ocean parameters. With the increasing costs of ocean operations, these systems must be designed and produced to yield a higher degree of performance and reliability than has been previously available. Also, new capabilities will be required as program emphasis shifts to the continental shelves and margins where the understanding of coastal processes, energy development and production, ocean waste disposal, and improved water quality are of increasing social and economic importance. Some of the requirements for improved marine measurement systems and how they can be achieved are discussed below.  相似文献   

在确定水深源数据的水平和垂直不确定度的基础上,分析了水深源数据不确定度在三角网水深建模过程中的传递机制,推导了水深源数据不确定度对水深模型影响的公式。通过理论分析可得:水深源数据水平不确定度的传播会受区域内水深变化的影响,即区域水深变化越大,其对水深模型不确定度的影响就越大;水深源数据垂直不确定度的传播不受其他因素影响,其会直接传递到水深模型表面的各点上。  相似文献   

首次从云系形态识别、风场结构分析、云体温湿反演、时空运动匹配等4个崭新角度梳理归纳了热带气旋卫星遥感客观定位方法研究进展,分别介绍此4类方法的实现原理与过程,比较分析各种方法的优缺点与适用性。总结认为,上述方法虽大多仍处于探索研究阶段,但其优于传统人工目视判读定位法的诸多特点将使之成为发展应用的必然;同时综合比较指出,结合运动特征的混合智能算法将是热带气旋中心定位的未来方向;此外建立集成多种资料和算法的热带气旋综合客观定位系统,也有利于提高热带气旋中心定位的稳健性和准确率。  相似文献   

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