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《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1562-1578
The Tan–Lu fault is a well-known active fault belt in eastern China that has been the focus of geologic studies over the past 40 years. Since the late 1990s, numerous geophysical and geological investigations of this dislocation zone have been carried out by Chinese oil companies, as well as by universities. However, its deep structure, active periods of slip, and fault mechanism remain obscure. This study focuses on the deep structures within the Jiashan–Lujiang segment of the Tan–Lu fault belt, using high-precision geophysical tools, including magnetotelluric and magnetic sounding, and artificial seismic exploration using active source methods. Our results suggest that this segment is composed of several sub-faults. The southern part of the Tan–Lu fault belt, along the Jiashan–Lujiang sub-fault, can be divided into two parts on the basis of contrasting geological features. The Chihe–Taihu sub-fault is taken as the boundary between the two. The region east of the Chihe–Taihu sub-fault is dominated by strike–slip activity along several sub-faults. Only the Jiashan–Lujiang sub-fault is exposed at the surface, forming a large, positive flower structure, the result of late Middle Jurassic to early Late Jurassic strike–slip movement along the dislocation zone. Three sub-faults are present in Dingyuan County, two of which disappear in the southern Hefei Basin. Only the Chihe–Taihu sub-fault extends to the eastern edge of this basin, creating a half-graben depression that formed during the Early Cretaceous. Our results indicate that the present-day deep structure of the southern portion of the Tan–Lu fault zone is the result of a combination of strike–slip and extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of the seismic profile series for the Taimyr Orogen and the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin is given in terms of their tectonics and geological history. The tectonics and tectonostratigraphy of the Yenisei–Khatanga and the Khatanga–Lena basins are considered. In the Late Vendian and Early Paleozoic, a passive continental margin and postrift shelf basin existed in Taimyr and the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin. From the Early Carboniferous to the Mid-Permian, the North and Central Taimyr zones were involved in orogeny. The Late Paleozoic foredeep was formed in the contemporary South Taimyr Zone. In the Middle to Late Triassic, a new orogeny took place in the large territory of Taimyr and the Noril’sk district of the Siberian Platform. A synorogenic foredeep has been recognized for the first time close to the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin. In the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, this basin was subsided under transpressional conditions. Thereby, anticlinal swells were formed from the Callovian to the Aptian. Their growth continued in the Cenozoic. The Taimyr Orogen underwent tectonic reactivation and apparently right-lateral transpression from Carboniferous to Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The structure of the Earth’s crust at the junction of the Siberian craton and Sayan–Baikal Fold Belt was studied along the Bayandai Village–Cape Krestovskii profile (85 km long) by a set of geological and geophysical methods: structural survey, interpretation of long-distance photographs, emanation survey, electrical prospecting with self-potential (SP) and direct-current (DC) resistivity profiling, magnetotelluric sounding, magnetic survey, and hydrogeochemical sampling of water objects. Interpretation of the data refined the main features of the tectonic structure of western Cisbaikalia and revealed the disruption pattern and hierarchic zone–block structure of the Earth’s crust. The Obruchev fault system (≈50 km wide), which is the northwestern shoulder of the Baikal Rift, is the main interblock zone of the studied region. It consists of the Morskoi, Primorskii, and Prikhrebtovyi interblock zones, traced from depths of tens of kilometers and widening near the surface owing to superior structures. The studies gave an insight into the regularities in the occurrence of interblock zones and the criteria for their identification in different geologic-geophysical fields. An efficient complex of methods for mapping the Earth’s crust zone–block structure is proposed.  相似文献   

The results of hydrogeochemical observations on the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk mud volcano in 2010–2014 are considered. The chemical analysis of samples of mud–volcanic waters was carried out at various analytical centers, which is similar to the common situation where hydrochemical data for a volcano are obtained by different researchers. It is shown that the chemical composition of the mud–volcanic waters is relatively stable in time and space (for different gryphons of the volcano). This allows us to determine the characteristic range of hydrogeochemical indicators. For each year of observations, the coefficients of variation for the concentrations of Na, Mg, Ca, K, and HCO3 mostly range from 10 to 30%. However, the concentrations analyzed in individual samples may differ significantly from each other. These natural variations are a likely source of errors in the interpretation of hydrochemical data. In addition, it is necessary to account for the specifics of mud–volcanic waters as an object of analytical chemical investigations.  相似文献   

Much work at A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (Novosibirsk) has been done to synthesize geological and geophysical data from the Siberian Arctic and Arctic shelf. Namely, seismic-geological modeling and petroleum potential assessment have been performed for the Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic section of the Anabar–Lena province in the northern Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The results include seismic-geological division, a set of structural maps, and structural, paleotectonic, and facies analysis. The study shows that Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, and Permian sequences are of interest in terms of petroleum potential; oil and gas may accumulate in traps of different types.  相似文献   

A sand constitutive model accounting for elastic–plastic coupling is presented. To this aim, general constitutive equations describing an elastic–plastic coupling effect are developed first. Afterwards, a modified critical state plasticity model for granular soils is introduced accordingly. Several examples are presented to show the achieved improvements compared to the existing approaches. Comparing directly with experimental data, it is shown that the proposed model provides realistic simulations for pore pressure built-up under undrained cyclic loadings.  相似文献   

Based on geological data and the geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd) parameters of the Devonian volcanic associations of the Minusa basin, the main regularities of volcanism development are considered, the composition of magmatic sources is studied, and the geodynamic mechanisms of their involvement in rifting are reconstructed. The early stage of formation of the Minusa basin was characterized by intense volcanism, which resulted in differentiated and, more seldom, bimodal volcanic complexes composed of pyroclastic rocks and dolerite sills. At the late stage, only terrigenous deposits accumulated in the basin. It has been established that the basites are similar in composition and are intermediate in geochemical characteristics between intraplate rocks (OIB) and continent-marginal ones (IAB). The basites, like OIB, have high contents of all lithophile elements, which is typical of enriched mantle sources, and, like IAB, show negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Ti, and, to a smaller extent, Rb, Th, Zr, and Hf, selective enrichment in Pb and Ba (and, sometimes, Sr), and a weak REE differentiation (7 < (La/Yb)N < 17). In contrast to the basins in other segments of the Devonian Altai–Sayan rift area, the igneous associations in the Minusa basin are characterized by a worse expressed geochemical inhomogeneity of rocks and lack of high-Ti (> 2 wt.% TiO2) basites. The Sr and Nd isotope compositions of the Minusa basites deviate from the mantle rock series toward the compositions with high radiogenic-strontium and low REE contents.This points to the melting of a mantle substratum (PREMA-type) and carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks, which were probably assimilated by basaltic magma. The correlations between the contents of trace incompatible elements in rocks with SiO2 = 53–77 wt.% testify to the assimilation of crustal substrata by parental basaltic melts and the subsequent differentiation of contaminated magmas (AFC model). We propose a model for the formation of primary melts with the simultaneous participation of magmatic sources of two types: plume and fluid-saturated suprasubductional, localized beneath the active continental margin.  相似文献   

The study proposes geological evolution models for the cliff slopes of the two Italian towns of Orvieto (Umbria) and Radicofani (Tuscany). The models were validated by the use of a stress–strain numerical modelling, implemented by the finite-difference code FLAC 5.0. The numerical modelling was approached in a sequential way, by assuming specific stiffness values related to the evolutionary stages. For this purpose, unconventional laboratory tests were performed aiming at reproducing the stress path related to the geological evolution model, using standard equipment for CID triaxial testing. The geological evolution models infer that deformation in both cases is driven by stress reduction. At the Orvieto plateau, stress reduction is induced by stress relief involving a tuff plate; in the case of Radicofani, stress reduction is due to stress release in consequence of lateral erosion of clay. Numerical simulations refine the lithotechnical zoning of the two investigated slopes, introducing a stress–strain criterion in addition to the conventional geological and geomechanical ones.  相似文献   

The Battle of Messines (Wytschaete Bogen) of June 1917 is hailed as a triumph of military geology, with the simultaneous explosion of some 19 mines leading to the Allied destruction of the German frontline positions. This story is well known and rightly celebrated; but less well understood and often overshadowed by this success is the story of the effectiveness of the German fortress positions. These were constructed in late 1914 in order to maintain the strategic aim of holding the Allies in the west while pressing the Russians through a series of offensives in east. In this, they were highly effective, even in the face of continuous Allied bombardment. This article seeks to redress this unbalance in our understanding, drawing on archaeological evidence and archival resources to present a clearer picture of the nature of the German positions.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the pre-Variscan evolution history of the various geological units in the Austrian part of the Bohemian Massif, we have analysed zircons from 12 rocks (mainly orthogneisses) by means of SHRIMP, conventional multi-grain and single-grain U–Pb isotope-dilution/mass-spectrometry. Two of the orthogneisses studied represent Cadomian metagranitoids that formed at ca. 610 Ma (Spitz gneiss) and ca. 580 Ma (Bittesch gneiss). A metagranite from the Thaya batholith also gave a Cadomian zircon age (567±5 Ma). Traces of Neoproterozoic zircon growth were also identified in several other samples, underlining the great importance of the Cadomian orogeny for the evolution of crust in the southern Bohemian Massif. However, important magmatic events also occurred in the Early Palaeozoic. A sample of the Gföhl gneiss was recognised as a 488±6 Ma-old granite. A tonalite gneiss from the realm of the South Bohemian batholith was dated at 456±3 Ma, and zircon cores in a Moldanubian metagranitic granulite gave similar ages of 440–450 Ma. This Ordovician phase of magmatism in the Moldanubian unit is tentatively interpreted as related to the rifting and drift of South Armorica from the African Gondwana margin. The oldest inherited zircons, in a migmatite from the South Bohemian batholith, yielded an age of ca. 2.6 Ga, and many zircon cores in both Moravian and Moldanubian meta-granitoid rocks gave ages around 2.0 Ga. However, rocks from the Moldanubian unit show a striking lack of zircon ages between 1.8 and 1.0 Ga, reflecting an ancestry from Armorica and the North African part of Gondwana, respectively, whereas the Moravian Bittesch gneiss contains many inherited zircons with Mesoproterozoic and Early Palaeoproterozoic ages of ca. 1.2, 1.5 and 1.65–1.8 Ga, indicating a derivation from the South American part of Gondwana.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2008,340(2-3):151-165
This paper provides some new evidences on stratigraphic sequence, zircon SHRIMP dating from ophiolite, granitoids, and fold-and-thrust tectonic styles in the South China Block (SCB). Stratigraphic studies suggest that the eastern and central parts of the SCB show a SW-dipping palaeoslope framework during the Late Palaeozoic–Early Mesozoic. These areas were not in a deep-sea environment, but in a shallow-sea or littoral one. Coeval volcanic rocks are missing. Deep-water deposits and submarine volcanism only took place in the western part of the SCB. The three ophiolitic mélanges of the eastern SCB formed in the Neoproterozoic, but not in the Permian or the Triassic. The sedimentary rocks associated with the Neoproterozoic oceanic relics contain abundant Proterozoic acritarchs, but no radiolarians. The Early Mesozoic granitoids (235–205 Ma) belong to the post-collision peraluminous S-type granites; they are widely exposed in the central-western SCB, and rare in the eastern SCB. The fold-and-thrust belt developed in the eastern SCB shows a top-to-the-south displacement, whereas the Xuefengshan Belt of central SCB indicates a north- or northwest-directed shearing. The geodynamic settings of the different parts of the SCB during the Triassic are discussed.  相似文献   

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