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Proper management of groundwater resources requires an accurate evaluation of the parameters (hydraulic properties) that control the movement and storage of groundwater. Hydrogeological parameters are the basis of groundwater evaluation, modeling, and management and so on. A global curve-fitting method incorporating pumping test data and water table recovery data was introduced in the present study. The principal and procedures of the method were elucidated in detail. The drawdown and recovery data from two sets of transient flow pumping test conducted in no. 2 water source site of Shizuishan city were used to verify the calculation accuracy of the proposed method. The hydrogeological parameters were also estimated with traditional type curve-fitting method on the basis of formula derived by Hantush and Jacob. The hydrogeological parameters calculated by the two methods were compared and the results show that the parameters obtained by the global curve-fitting method are a little bigger than but very close to those obtained by the traditional type curve-fitting method. The proposed method which possesses three major advantages is feasible and reliable in aquifer parameter identification. A comparative study on various methods for parameter identification is required and expected in future study.  相似文献   

Lingo在优化水文地质参数估值中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘建  刘丹 《地下水》2008,30(4):27-28
基于Thies公式和最小二乘原理,采用Lingo软件对非稳定流抽水试验资料进行水文地质参数估值,计算结果表明:Lingo计算值与实测降深值之间非常接近,二者相关系数达到了0.996,且占总数83.33%的数据点其相对计算值和实测值之间的相对误差小于5%,完全满足工程应用要求。Lingo具有的编程简单、运行速度快和计算结果准确等优点,使其在水文地质研究领域得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

梯度法在水文地质参数估值中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据地下水的抽水试验求含水层的导水系数和储水系数时,传统的计算方法是配线法和直线图解法。这两种方法比较繁琐,且人为误差较大。本文运用数学模型的最优化方法即梯度法,并借助于计算机编程,实现了水文地质参数的数值求解。计算结果能消除人为误差,准确反映含水层的参数特征。  相似文献   

为评价振荡试验在获取倾斜承压含水层水文地质参数过程中含水层倾角对计算结果的影响,基于Kipp模型推导了考虑承压含水层倾角的振荡试验解析解模型。倾斜承压含水层量纲一贮水系数和量纲一导水系数不变条件下,测试井-含水层系统的量纲一阻尼系数随着倾角的增加而增加。修正模型计算的量纲一阻尼系数与Kipp模型计算的量纲一阻尼系数偏差10%以上时,必须考虑倾角的影响并且承压含水层倾角对水头响应曲线造成影响临界角度约为34°。修正模型和Kipp模型对现场振荡试验水头响应曲线分析结果的差异表明,忽略含水层倾角会对倾斜承压含水层导水系数和贮水系数的计算结果产生较大误差。  相似文献   

传统方法求解优化问题时,一般都是依据最小二乘原理来确定目标函数。鉴于这种方法没有考虑到原始测量数据的误差对计算结果及精度带来的影响。为此,提出机器学习算法改进传统的目标函数,同时结合双评价粒子群算法来求解水文地质参数。结果表明,该算法具有良好的收敛性和稳定性,求解效率高,简单易实现。  相似文献   

从地质角度出发,采用Visual MODFLOW软件,针对不同水力梯度、弥散度和渗透系数等4种工况,通过模拟污染物运移特征,分析了悬挂式PRB几何尺寸对水文地质参数的敏感性。其分析结果表明:水力梯度越大,导水门越厚,悬挂式PRB的埋深越浅;弥散度越大,PRB的深度和宽度越大;渗透系数越大,导水门越厚。  相似文献   

Groundwater-quality monitoring plays an important role in groundwater protection and quality conservation. National, regional, and site-specific monitoring programs operating in Czechoslovakia concern collection of back-ground data on groundwater quality and regional diffusion pollution problems. Site-specific monitoring is concerned with point sources of pollution. Pilot monitoring stations with automatic data acquisition systems optimize monitoring methods, design of monitoring networks, sampling techniques, and frequency and selection of the variables analyzed. Ground-water-quality monitoring in Czechoslovakia supports decision and policy making in areas of intensive farming. Time and spatial changes in shallow vulnerable aquifers are evaluated in several areas of national territory and support integrated land-use planning and groundwater protection management.  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯方法的水文地质参数识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
文章基于马尔可夫链(MCMC)采样法,耦合地下水数值模拟的MODFLOW软件,提出了贝叶斯方法,用于水文地质参数识别这一复杂的非线性优化问题。采取单分量自适应Metropolis(SCAM)采样算法并加入了权重因子,从而大大提高了该方法解决高维参数问题的效率。通过两个实例研究,验证了该方法具有独特的寻优性能和效率。结果表明,贝叶斯方法适用于复杂地下水问题的参数识别,并体现出了出色的全局寻优性。  相似文献   

针对传统施工程序无法解决坚硬岩石止水环隙很小(仅3 mm)钻孔的同径止水及分层抽水试验问题,以山西某水文地质参数井为研究对象,采用现场和室内综合试验的方法,对同径止水方案、材料、技术、分层抽水等工艺进行研究。结果表明:(1) 同径止水装置经过特殊的“外掏内缩”设计与制作,使止水外环间隙由3 mm增大到8.5 mm,解决了“极小止水环隙”下的同径止水问题;经抽水检验,止水效果良好。(2) 在孔外一系列试验的基础上,定制的止水材料和选择的止水组合与本孔的适应性强,下管风险小,实施过程相当顺利。(3)专门设计的分层导水管路,其上串接的隔离封水胶球与止水套管柱内设置的锥形隔水接头相互契合,封水可靠,形成了两套独立的导水管路,满足了上、下含水层分层抽水试验的工况。研究结果可为类似水文地质参数井开展同径止水或分层抽水试验研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Stratigraphic heterogeneity is a key controlling factor for flow and transport in groundwater systems. In this case study, we have combined two- and three-dimensional images of electric resistivity with hydrogeological data to delineate such stratigraphic heterogeneity at a loop of River Steinlach close to Tübingen, Germany, where we estimated spatially varying aquifer parameters using established evaluation techniques. We developed a three-layer stratigraphic model consisting of heterogeneous sandy gravel overlain by a fine alluvium including top soil, and underlain by sandstone weathered at its top. The sandy gravel makes up the aquifer unit while we interpret the sandstone as aquitard. We classified the area into two stratigraphic segments based on resistivity data. The Southern segment consists of a thicker alluvium where the aquifer material contains more clay than in the Northern segment. Two different stratigraphic structures were also delineated at the Southern and Northern segments, respectively. These structures are visible in inversion results as low-resistivity features trending in the SE–NW in the Southern segment and NE–NW in the Northern segment. Both structures may be previous flow paths of River Steinlach, and the low permeability material overlying them may impair flow exchange in the area. We performed slug and pumping tests to estimate the hydraulic conductivity (K) of the aquifer. The K distributions show slight variation with higher values obtained at wells within the Northern segment and close to the river bank. A qualitative comparison of measured hydraulic conductivities with the resistivity distribution shows good agreement of the spatial patterns. The stratigraphic and hydraulic heterogeneities delineated in this work are important for experimental and modeling studies of flow, transport, and hyporheic exchange at the site.  相似文献   

侯会明  胡大伟  周辉  卢景景  吕涛  张帆 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3625-3634
高放废物处置库中乏燃料持续释放的热量对围岩的应力场和渗流场及其长期稳定性具有重要影响。围岩的热学参数依赖于岩石矿物组成、孔隙率和孔隙流体等因素,准确取值是进行高放废物地质处置库多场耦合分析的前提。通过细观力学分析,建立了围岩等效热学参数(热容、热传导系数、热膨胀系数)取值方法,并基于Biot孔隙介质理论,建立应力?温度?渗流三场耦合模型,进而提出了高放废物处置库围岩应力?渗流?温度耦合数值模拟方法。最后通过COMSOL Multiphysics多场耦合软件,利用瑞士Mont Terri高放废物地下试验室围岩温度?渗流?应力多场耦合现场试验数据对数值模拟方法进行验证,并探讨了温度?渗流?应力耦合过程的演化规律。研究表明,模拟结果和试验值吻合良好。研究结果可为我国高放废物处置库的安全评估和选址提供科学依据。  相似文献   

将一种新的启发式和谐搜索算法(harmony search algorithm,HS)引入到水文地质领域。在对其音节调整步骤进行改进的基础上,提出快速和谐搜索算法(Fast harmony search algorithm,FHS),并将FHS算法与MODFLOW结合,用于水文地质问题的参数识别。算例研究表明,FHS算法较其他多种算法具有更强的全局搜索能力、更快的收敛速度及求解精度,可用于地下水数值模型的参数反演。  相似文献   

许波  雷国辉  郑强  刘加才 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1607-1616
为评估涂抹区土体压缩和渗透系数变化对含竖向排水体地基固结的影响,采用等体积应变假设,考虑涂抹区土体的压缩变形及其水平向渗透系数沿径向分别呈线性和抛物线分布,并考虑井阻作用以及地基附加球应力沿深度任意分布,推导了随时间线性堆载预压条件下固结微分方程的显式解析解答,分析了涂抹区半径、水平向渗透系数的分布模式、以及体积压缩系数对地基整体平均固结度的影响。结果表明,涂抹区土体采用均匀折减的水平向渗透系数明显低估了地基的固结速率,而当涂抹区半径较大时,不考虑涂抹区土体的压缩变形将会高估地基的固结速率。在含竖向排水体地基固结问题的分析中,这些影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

Thanks to a sophisticated transient hydrogeological modelling allowing the determination of the pore pressure fields in La Frasse landslide mass during a crisis, it has been possible to model the mechanical behaviour of the slide and obtain results that prove to be similar to the monitored data, in terms of peak velocity, distribution of velocity with time and space and total displacements. Such results are reached only when appropriate constitutive modelling laws are used, and when geotechnical tests supply all the required parameters. The main results concern the potential effect of a drainage system during a crisis, like the one experienced in 1994. It can include vertical boreholes equipped with pumps or drains drilled from a gallery. The draining system reduces horizontal displacements down to 5% of the values modelled during the crisis. This effect, which appears to extend over a large width, will be even more significant if the boreholes discharge the drained water into the gallery, due to its extension in the presently stabilised landslide mass below the active zone. The modelling tools developed for La Frasse landslide thus provide all the necessary information to optimise the drainage scheme.  相似文献   

陇东盆地水资源短缺,严重制约着经济发展,近年来探明白垩系洛河组地层赋存巨厚深层地下淡水。含水层水文地质参数的求解是深层地下水资源评价的关键,用抽水试验确定深层承压含水层水文地质参数是水文地质勘查研究的一项重要的内容。根据单孔、多孔、干扰抽水试验资料,采用稳定流、非稳定流多种方法求解陇东盆地深层含水层水文地质参数,避免了单一方法的偶然性、随意性,计算结果可信。最后探讨了抽水试验场地水文地质条件与所选取公式理论条件的差异对计算结果的影响。  相似文献   

水文地质参数反演的Hooke-Jeeves粒子群混合算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水文地质参数寻优结果的好坏会直接影响到地下水数值模拟的精度,而参数寻优结果很大程度上取决于寻优方法的选择。粒子群算法是一种基于群智能的随机全局寻优方法,算法的缺陷是后期搜索效率低劣。基于随机寻优算法的混合策略,引入有效的约束处理手段和粒子群算法惯性因子的动态非线性调整技术,有机融合粒子群算法与Hooke-Jeeves方法,提出一种适用于水文地质参数反演的HJPSO混合算法。应用研究表明,HJPSO混合算法在参数反演计算中求解精度高、收敛速度快、寻优性能强,是一种值得推广的水文地质参数识别方法。  相似文献   


The main sources of uncertainty in the soil specification and mechanical behaviour consist of the lithological and heterogeneous randomness of soil deposits. It is quite obvious that the cone penetration testing (CPT) data and the variation of soil characteristics are not stationary. Hence, this paper investigates a new approach to realise a CPT data, taking both sources of uncertainty into consideration. In this regard, the first part of this study illustrates a simple approach to stratify the CPT data, using the Eslami–Fellenius chart of classification. In the second part, the non-stationary algorithm of generating random field is introduced to generate a multi-layer random field. This algorithm takes account of each layer’s statistical properties (i.e. standard deviation, mean, and the trend value), separately. To validate the proposed approach, 41 case histories from different worldwide sites, have been regenerated by considering both the stationary and non-stationary algorithms. The correlation coefficient between real and realised CPT data has been employed to show that the proposed non-stationary algorithm can simulate the CPT data more accurately in comparison with the stationary algorithm.  相似文献   

在能源岩土工程发展需求背景下,土体工程特性的温度效应研究受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。针对现有关于循环变温热固结理论研究的不足,提出考虑循环变温条件下土体先期固结压力随温度循环次数变化的关系式,计算多次循环变温后软土的固结压缩量。在此基础上,推导考虑循环变温的太沙基固结修正公式,分析整个循环变温过程中孔压和固结沉降的变化规律。最后通过与单元体测试结果进行对比,验证该计算模型的可靠性。研究结果表明,在循环变温和瞬时荷载的耦合作用下,土体的沉降变形和孔压随温度循环次数的变化而变化,且影响程度与循环次数相关;新型热固结模型为涉及循环变温的岩土工程问题分析提供了一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman Filter,EnKF)作为一种有效的数据同化方法,在众多数值实验中体现优势的同时,也暴露了它使用小集合估计协方差情况下精度较低的缺陷。为了降低取样噪声对协方差估计的干扰并提高滤波精度,应用局域化函数对小集合估计的协方差进行修正,即在协方差矩阵中以舒尔积的形式增加空间距离权重以限制远距离相关。在一个二维理想孔隙承压含水层模型中的运行结果表明,局域化对集合卡尔曼滤波估计地下水参数的修正十分有效,局域化可以很好地过滤小集合估计中噪声的影响,节省计算量的同时又可以防止滤波发散。相关长度较小的水文地质参数(如对数渗透系数)更容易受到噪声的干扰,更有必要进行局域化修正。  相似文献   

拉西瓦水电工程岩体裂隙透水性反分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
80年代以来。由裂隙水在石油工程、水利工程、水资源评价以及工业废料和核废料的储存方面,起着至关重要的作用和影响,因此,裂隙水研究得到了各方面专家的广泛重视。渗透张量是研究岩体裂隙透水性的非常重要的参数。本文以拉西瓦水电工程为实例,把流场中若干点的水头实测值与计算值之误差作为目标函数,给出一种在任意四边形网格上求解裂隙流控制方程的局部坐标有限分析法,用优化单纯形法反求裂隙岩体渗透张量。本文中提出的反分析法特点在于充分研究了岩体所处的地质、水文地质环境,考虑到岩体裂隙结构面的控渗作用,反求岩体渗透性参数。 水流方向有关,增加了反分析的未知数。文章中给出的反分析法有三方面的优点:其一不仅可以求出岩体的渗透张量,而且能求出各组裂隙的渗透系数;其二减少了反分析问题中未知数个数;其三解具有唯一性。  相似文献   

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