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目前,超高层建筑层出不穷,超高层建筑高度高、建筑功能复杂,这都给消防设计方案的安全性和合理性增加了难度。本文详尽地阐述了超高层建筑消防给水系统分区、同一时间灭火次数、消防转输水箱容量计算、消防水泵接合器设置等一些关键部位的技术措施。结合具体案例深入探讨了超高层建筑消防给水设计的相关内容。  相似文献   

火灾自动报警系统设计中应注意的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火灾自动报警系统是国际上公认的建筑消防设施之一,它在现代的建筑消防史上具有特殊的重要地位,并与其它消防设施系统有着密不可分、相辅相成的消防联动关系。如何更好地进行火灾自动报警系统的设计,使其使用合理、节省业主投资,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

大型会展建筑的消防设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,社会的进步,经济生活中人们需要更多的交流、更多的商机。随之而来的是一个新兴的产业——会展业朝气蓬勃、日新月异。一大批大型、超大型的会展中心在全国各省、市竞相上马、抢滩市场,北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市已建成一批大型会展中心,如湛江等许多中小城市也建成或正在建设自己的会展中心,会展中心已成为城市功能的必不可少的一个组成部分。而更大尺度、更大面积的超大型会展中心,如建筑面积达20万m~2的深圳会展中心也在紧锣密鼓、呼之欲出。笔者认为会展建筑的设计,特别是会展建筑的消防设计,对会展建筑设计的成败是至关重要的。  相似文献   

本文根据建筑给水排水设计审核、施工图审查及工程实际经验,总结了高位消防水箱设计的几个常见问题,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

大型公共建筑一般指建筑面积2万平方米以上的办公建筑、商业建筑、旅游建筑、科教文卫建筑、通信建筑以及交通运输用房。随着我国经济和社会快速发展,大型公共建筑日益增多,既促进了经济社会发展,又增强了为城市居民生产生活服务的功能。国家对大型公共建筑建设管理不断加强,逐步走上法制化轨道。但当前一些大型公共建筑工程,特别是政府投资为主的工程建设中还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,主要是一些地方不顾国情和财力,热衷于搞不切实际的“政绩工程”、“形象工程”;不注重节约资源能源,占用土地过多;一些建筑片面追求外形,忽视使用功能、内在品质与经济合理等内涵要求,  相似文献   

本文通过对于上海浦江沃尔玛广场设计过程的概念探讨,试图廓清在特定城市区域,通过关键建筑的建设,达到丰富城市空间类型,改善城市空间品质的目的,也在设计整体实践中,思考当下特殊时期,新商业建筑的设计方法。  相似文献   

正中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司(以下简称"中建西南院")始建于1950年,是中国同行业中成立时间最早的大型综合甲级建筑设计院之一,隶属世界500强企业——中国建筑集团有限公司。建院70年来,中建西南院设计完成了万余项工程设计任务,项目遍及全国各省、市、自治区及全球20多个国家和地区,是我国拥有独立涉外经营权并参与众多国外设计任务经营的大型建筑设计院之一。近年来,中建西南院围绕建筑产业链打造,坚持  相似文献   

一座功能复杂的综合性一类建筑,其消防系统的设计也比较复杂。本文根据其建筑的特点,详细介绍了临汾市公安局作战指挥中心消防系统的设计内容。  相似文献   

北京市建筑设计研究院(简称BIAD),是与共和国同龄的大型国有建筑设计咨询机构。业务范围包括:城市规划、投资策划、大型公共建筑设计、民用建筑设计、室内装饰设计、园林景观设计、建筑智能化系统工程设计、工程概预算编制、工程监理、工程总承包等领域。  相似文献   

北京市建筑设计研究院(简称BIAD),是与共和国同龄的大型国有建筑设计咨询机构。业务范围包括:城市规划、投资策划、大型公共建筑设计、民用建筑设计、室内装饰设计、园林景观设计、建筑智能化系统工程设计、工程概预算编制、工程监理、工程总承包等领域。  相似文献   

文章介绍了山西省图书馆火灾报警系统设计实例。针对建筑物中庭的高大空间,采用双波段火灾探测器,有效探测火灾火焰和火灾烟气;采用微机信息处理系统构成了集火灾识别、火灾定位、现场监控、消防炮扑救于一体的火灾安全监控及联动灭火系统;同时辅以搭建于闭路电视监控系统平台上的视频火灾安全监控系统,满足了图书馆建筑对于早期火灾报警的特殊需要。  相似文献   

本文通过分析风力发电机组发生火灾的原因,针对风力发电机组中火灾探测报警系统的特点,提出了适合的火灾探测器;并介绍了风力发电机组火灾探测报警系统设计中要注意的几个原则。  相似文献   

修缮工程的造价控制相对于新建工程有其自身特点,需要从工程设计和招标阶段开始就制定严谨的造价控制计划,并在其后的工程管理中逐步实现。本文论述了修缮工程造价控制的难点和特点,并提出了解决建议。  相似文献   

The wildland–urban interface (WUI) is defined in terms of housing density and proximity to wildlands, yet its relevance seems to be only in conjunction with wildland fire threats. The objective of this paper is to (1) identify the WUI areas threatened from wildfire during the 2000’s and (2) quantify the values that were threatened. We use 1 km fire detection data generated using MODIS satellite imagery over a 10-year period combined with population densities to identify threatened areas of the WUI. We then use data on structures, structure content, and population to identify the people and property threatened from identified fires within the WUI. We find that 6.3 % of the U.S. population (17.5 million) resided within these areas and that 2.1 % of the population lived in WUI areas where more than one fire has occurred. However, we find that only a third of the affected population was threatened during daytime hours, as most leave the threatened portion of the WUI during peak ignition hours. The threatened area comprised 4.1 % of the coterminous USA and 44.9 % of the WUI. Within these areas were 7.8 million residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, religious, and educational structures, with a building and building content value estimated at $1.9 trillion. Overall, 7.3 % of residential structures in the USA were found within the WUI with wildfire activity; however, for some states, this number was as high as 25.4 %.  相似文献   

Seismologists and earthquake engineers have sought to understand and predict earthquakes and to develop better building designs to withstand them for well over a century. In the United States, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake provided the first real impetus for establishing building design codes and safety standards. Subsequent major California earthquakes in Santa Barbara (1925), Long Beach (1933), San Fernando (1971), Loma Prieta (1989), and Northridge (1994) each led to additional seismological understanding and engineering response in the form of enhanced building design codes. Nonetheless, the process to incorporate good seismic design and mitigation efforts has been slow, and by no means failsafe, especially in the Eastern U.S. where much of the building stock predates more recent design codes, and hence where a major earthquake could collapse large numbers of buildings. Even in the absence of catastrophe, it is still important to guard against a false sense of security.  相似文献   

Fire management policy is an intrinsic tool that cannot be neglected in the management of the processes of sustainable natural resource utilisation and human-induced burning in savannas but that has rather been a predominating case in most savanna regions in sub-Saharan Africa. Where an official fire policy exists, it is principally not efficiently implemented or consistently practised. New fire policy trends have recently emerged out of institutionally vibrant relations amongst environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local civil societies and government institutions in Ghana. The real outcomes from the relations have been the formulation of a new fire policy and unprecedented (re)production of robust institutional capital suitable for the management of savanna fire and the environment. This article draws on these outcomes to review fire occurrences and contemporary fire policy issues, the essence of building environmental NGO alliances and the prospects of engaging major grassroots stakeholders in fire management processes. It then explores new convertible indicators from and within the subspaces of the policy to generate important information to further new theoretical thinking of fire policies rather than conventionally uncritical rethinking of fire management in the savannas.  相似文献   

随着大型公共建筑物设计方案的复杂化,其排水的设计和相关技术的应用更应该针对公共建筑的特点进行灵活的选择和布置.作者结合多个大型公共建筑物排水工程的设计和施工实践,对大型公共建筑中排水系统、排水体制等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本文阐述了在工程勘察设计行业高速发展的形势下档案管理工作中面临的问题,如档案的归属、档案数量的增加、现代企业制度的建立、档案信息化建设、工程档案编研等,并针对这些问题提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

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