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The hypothesis of exotic terranes in Perú, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile generated discussions on the mode of transfer and extent of accretional events that may have occurred in the southern Andes during the Late Proterozoic–Early Paleozoic. Initially, a tectogenesis based on autochthonous mobile fold belts was discussed. Following ideas emphasised the fragmentation of the supercontinent Rodinia, Laurentia moving along the West Gondwana border and colliding with the Gondwana western margin. The most important effect of this Laurentia/Gondwana relationship was attributed to the Argentine Precordillera (or Cuyania) terrane splitting off from Laurentia and docking to Gondwana in the Early Paleozoic. In this study, the most cited arguments for this Laurentia/Precordillera relationship are discussed, emphasising paleontological considerations. It is shown that these arguments do not exclude a close original vicinity of the Precordillera terrane to Gondwana.The Precordillera terrane is suggested to be part of a hypothetical platform, which developed between South America, Africa and Antarctica (SAFRAN platform), and which was displaced to its actual position by transcurrent faults. The collisional events in the Sierras Pampeanas ensued from strike–slip movements and were responsible for the S and I type transpressional magmatism along the Pampean and Famatinian terranes. The final result of this continent-parallel movement of terrane slices is similar to that of a terrane split off from Laurentia, but the first-named way of formation easier explains the general continuity of plate convergence at the western border of Gondwana than the Laurentia/Precordillera connection does.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian–Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement forms a volumetrically important part of the Andean crust. We investigated its evolution in order to subdivide the area between 18 and 26°S into crustal domains by means of petrological and age data (Sm–Nd isochrons, K–Ar). The metamorphic crystallization ages and tDM ages are not consistent with growth of the Pacific margin north of the Argentine Precordillera by accretion of exotic terranes, but favor a model of a mobile belt of the Pampean Cycle. Peak metamorphic conditions in all scattered outcrop areas between 18 and 26°S are similar and reached the upper amphibolite facies conditions indicated by mineral paragensis and the occurrence of migmatite. Sm–Nd mineral isochrons yielded 525±10, 505±6 and 509±1 Ma for the Chilean Coast Range, the Chilean Precordillera and the Argentine Puna, and 442±9 and 412±18 Ma for the Sierras Pampeanas. Conventional K–Ar cooling age data of amphibole and mica cluster around 400 Ma, but are frequently reset by Late Paleozoic and Jurassic magmatism. Final exhumation of the Early Paleozoic orogen is confirmed by Devonian erosional unconformities. Sm–Nd depleted mantle model ages of felsic rocks from the metamorphic basement range from 1.4 to 2.2 Ga, in northern Chile the average is 1.65±0.16 Ga (1σ; n=12), average tDM of both gneiss and metabasite in NW Argentina is 1.76±0.4 Ga (1σ; n=22), and the isotopic composition excludes major addition of juvenile mantle derived material during the Early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic cycle. These new data indicate a largely similar development of the metamorphic basement south of the Arequipa Massif at 18°S and north of the Argentine Precordillera at 28°S. Variations of metamorphic grade and of ages of peak metamorphism are of local importance. The protolith was derived from Early to Middle Proterozoic cratonic areas, similar to the Proterozoic rocks from the Arequipa Massif, which had undergone Grenvillian metamorphism at ca. 1.0 Ga.  相似文献   

Desert land surfaces are commonly characterized by a veneer or pavement of siliceous and/or ferruginous stony material. This material can be shown in most cases to be predominantly bedrock-derived, despite often severe modification by prolonged weathering, and can therefore be selectively sampled and analyzed as an indicator of bedrock geochemistry in geochemical surveys.Most pavements probably owe their existence to the interaction of several dispersion mechanisms. However, a common factor in all cases is the concentration of coarse particles at the surface as a result of the selective removal by erosion of fine dilutant material. Hence, the preferred name when used in the geochemical context is “lag”.In lag sampling, particles in the range 2.0–6.0 mm are screened on site from the unconsolidated surface material. Material in this size range has been found to be quite uniformly distributed over a wide range of arid region environments, including areas where residual soils are severely diluted by transported alluvial and aeolian materials.Data from exploration programmes for Au, Cu-Pb-Zn-Ba, and Ni allow comparison of results for lag sampling with those for alternative sample media in a variety of arid region environments. Analysis of lag samples for Au, Cu and As clearly indicates the presence of bedrock Au mineralization in the Paterson and Eastern Goldfields Provinces of Western Australia. In these areas both lags and soils exhibit good anomaly contrast, but lags show more extensive lateral dispersion, leading to advantages in reconnaissance exploration.Strong anomalies for Ni and Cu are developed in lags, compared with subdued response in fine-fraction soils over a Ni sulphide occurrence in the Eastern Goldfields which has been subjected to deep lateritic weathering.Lag geochemistry also clearly reflects sub-economic base metal and barite occurrences in the McArthur Basin, N.T., in spite of the dilution of surface soils by sands probably related to a Mesozoic marine incursion. Orientation sampling over a Pb-Zn prospect in the Pine Creek Geosyncline has demonstrated optimum response in lag samples compared with various size fractions of the associated lithosols.Variable dilution of lag samples by coarse quartz sand can be a problem in areas with substantial transported overburden. A simple procedure to ‘correct’ trace-element values using regression analysis based on the Fe content of samples is described as a means of reducing ‘noise’ resulting from such matrix variations.  相似文献   

A theory of two-dimensional geothermic problems is elaborated by the active temperature function at the vertical contact of two horizontally layered media. The approach offered before for oceanic ridges is extended to the case of continental margins and the upper part of a descending slab, i.e. “sink”, in island-arc areas. It is assumed that the plate motion in the oceanic area exists; in a descending area it is directed downward but remains zero on a continental side. Mathematically it symbolizes a “source—span—sink” thermal model. Numerical parameters are given for a theoretical thermal model of the heat-flow profile across the Kuril island arc, from the trench through Iturup Island, Sakhalin Island and the Tatarian Trough.  相似文献   

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