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Surface Heterogeneity and Vertical Structure of the Boundary Layer   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  

强风天气下边界层结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地层观测的强风运动表明,叠加在平均流动之上的脉动通常有两种,一种是随机的湍流脉动,还有一种具有相干结构的阵风扰动。分析表明,上层强风的剪切运动产生阵风,并向下传递能量,对近地层的通量传输起到重要作用。本文利用北京325 m气象塔、位于海拔1257 m的妙峰山测风塔和位于海拔1688 m的灵山测风塔的资料,分析了强风天气下,边界层上层出现阵风并向下传递的过程,进一步证实无论在近地层还是边界层上层,强风期间,叠加在平均流动上除了高频湍流脉动之外,还有周期为1~10分钟的阵风,即相干结构。阵风峰期有下沉运动,阵风谷期有上升运动。这些相干结构在边界层上层产生,向下运动和传播过程中受到平均气流梯度的切变作用和地面摩擦,破碎为湍流结构。边界层上层的阵风和湍流产生的动量通量向下传递,使得强风期间,边界层中阵风和湍流对通量具有同样的输送能力,对边界层中沙尘、污染物等气溶胶的传输具有重要作用。本研究为模式中进行通量输送参数化方案的修正提供了观测和理论依据。  相似文献   

Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layers   总被引:32,自引:24,他引:8  
Various features of different stability regimes of the stable boundary layer are discussed. Traditional layering is examined in terms of the roughness sublayer, surface layer, local similarity, z-less stratification and the region near the boundary-layer top. In the very stable case, the strongest turbulence may be detached from the surface and generated by shear associated with a low level jet, gravity waves or meandering motions. In this case, similarity theory and the traditional concept of a boundary-layer break down. The elevated turbulence may intermittently recouple to the surface. Inability to adequately measure turbulent fluxes in very stable conditions limits our knowledge of this regime.  相似文献   

A comprehensive planetary boundary-layer (PBL) and synoptic data set is used to isolate the mechanisms that determine the vertical shear of the horizontal wind in the convective mixed layer. To do this, we compare a fair-weather convective PBL with no vertical shear through the mixed layer (10 March 1992), with a day with substantial vertical shear in the north-south wind component (27 February). The approach involves evaluating the terms of the budget equations for the two components of the vertical shear of the horizontal wind; namely: the time-rate-of-change or time-tendency term, differential advection, the Coriolis terms (a thermal wind term and a shear term), and the second derivative of the vertical transport of horizontal momentum with respect to height (turbulent-transport term). The data, gathered during the 1992 STorm-scale Operational and Research Meteorology (STORM) Fronts Experiments Systems Test (FEST) field experiment, are from gust-probe aircraft horizontal legs and soundings, 915-MHz wind profilers, a 5-cm Doppler radar, radiosondes, and surface Portable Automated Mesonet (PAM) stations in a roughly 50 × 50 km boundary-layer array in north-eastern Kansas, nested in a mesoscale-to-synoptic array of radiosondes and surface data.We present evidence that the shear on 27 February is related to the rapid growth of the convective boundary layer. Computing the shear budget over a fixed depth (the final depth of the mixed layer), we find that the time-tendency term dominates, reflecting entrainment of high-shear air from above the boundary layer. We suggest that shear within the mixed layer occurs when the time-tendency term is sufficiently large that the shear-reduction terms – namely the turbulent-transport term and differential advection terms – cannot compensate. In contrast, the tendency term is small for the slowly-growing PBL of 10 March, resulting in a balance between the Coriolis terms and the turbulent-transport term. Thus, the thermal wind appears to influence mixed-layer shear only indirectly, through its role in determining the entrained shear.  相似文献   

The aircraft-based experiment KABEG97 (Katabatic wind and boundary-layer front experiment around Greenland) was performed in April/May 1997. During the experiment, surface stations were installed at five positions on the ice sheet and in the tundra near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland. A total of nine katabatic wind flights were performed during quite different synoptic situations and surface conditions, and low-level jets with wind speeds up to 25m s-1 were measured under strong synoptic forcing of the katabatic wind system. The KABEG data represent a unique data set for the investigation of katabatic winds. For the first time, high-resolution and accurate aircraft measurements can be used to investigate the three-dimensional structure of the katabatic wind system for a variety of synoptic situations.Surface station data show that a pronounced daily cycle of the near-surface wind is present for almost all days due to the nighttime development of the katabatic wind. In a detailed case study the stably-stratified boundary layer over the ice and the complex boundary-layer structure in the transition zone ice/tundra are investigated. The katabatic wind system is found to extend about 10 km over the tundra area and is associated with strong wind convergence and gravity waves. The investigation of the boundary-layer dynamics using the concept of a two-layer katabatic wind model yields the results that the katabatic flow is always a shooting flow and that the pure katabatic force is the main driving mechanism for the flow regime, although a considerable influence of the large-scale synoptic forcing is found as well.  相似文献   

The turning of wind with height and the related cross-isobaric (ageostrophic) flow in the thermally stable stratified boundary layer is analysed from a variety of model results acquired in the first Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS1). From the governing equations in this particular simple case it becomes clear that the cross-isobaric flow is solely determined by the surface turbulent stress in the direction of the geostrophic wind for the quasi-steady state conditions under consideration. Most models indeed seem to approach this relationship but for very different absolute values. Because turbulence closures used in operational models typically tend to give too deep a boundary layer, the integrated total cross-isobaric mass flux is up to three times that given by research numerical models and large-eddy simulation. In addition, the angle between the surface and the geostrophic wind is typically too low, which has important implications for the representation of the larger-scale flow. It appears that some models provide inconsistent results for the surface angle and the momentum flux profile, and when the results from these models are removed from the analysis, the remaining ten models do show a unique relationship between the boundary-layer depth and the surface angle, consistent with the theory given. The present results also imply that it is beneficial to locate the first model level rather close to the surface for a proper representation of the turning of wind with height in the stable boundary layer.  相似文献   

The temperature and wind profiles in abaroclinic atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated.Assuming stationary conditions, the turbulent state in the ABL forstable and neutral conditions is uniquely determined by the Rossbynumber, the external stratification parameter and two externalbaroclinic parameters. A simple two-layer baroclinic model isdeveloped. It consists of a surface layer (SL) and overlyingEkman-type layer. The system of dynamic and heat transfer equations isclosed using K-theory. In the SL the turbulent exchangecoefficient is consistent with the results of similarity theorywhile in the Ekman layer it is assumed constant. The universalfunctions in the resistance, heat and humidity transfer laws arededuced from the analytical solutions for the wind and temperatureprofiles. The solutions of the ABL resistance laws for theinternal ABL parameters, necessary for the calculations of the ABLprofiles, are approximated in terms of the external ABLparameters. Favourable agreement of model results with theavailable experimental data is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We perform large-eddy simulations of neutral atmospheric boundary-layer flow over a cluster of buildings surrounded by relatively flat terrain. The first investigated question is the effect of the level of building detail that can be included in the numerical model, a topic not yet addressed by any previous study. The simplest representation is found to give similar results to more refined representations for the mean flow, but not for turbulence. The wind direction on the other hand is found to be important for both mean and turbulent parameters. As many suburban areas are characterised by the clustering of buildings and homes into small areas separated by surfaces of lower roughness, we look at the adjustment of the atmospheric surface layer as it flows from the smoother terrain to the built-up area. This transition has unexpected impacts on the flow; mainly, a zone of global backscatter (energy transfer from the turbulent eddies to the mean flow) is found at the upstream edge of the built-up area.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) of a stable atmospheric boundary layer is performed using recently developed dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) models. These models not only calculate the Smagorinsky coefficient and SGS Prandtl number dynamically based on the smallest resolved motions in the flow, they also allow for scale dependence of those coefficients. This dynamic calculation requires statistical averaging for numerical stability. Here, we evaluate three commonly used averaging schemes in stable atmospheric boundary-layer simulations: averaging over horizontal planes, over adjacent grid points, and following fluid particle trajectories. Particular attention is focused on assessing the effect of the different averaging methods on resolved flow statistics and SGS model coefficients. Our results indicate that averaging schemes that allow the coefficients to fluctuate locally give results that are in better agreement with boundary-layer similarity theory and previous LES studies. Even among models that are local, the averaging method is found to affect model coefficient probability density function distributions and turbulent spectra of the resolved velocity and temperature fields. Overall, averaging along fluid pathlines is found to produce the best combination of self consistent model coefficients, first- and second-order flow statistics and insensitivity to grid resolution.  相似文献   

We present measurements from 2006 of the marine wind speed profile at a site located 18 km from the west coast of Denmark in the North Sea. Measurements from mast-mounted cup anemometers up to a height of 45 m are extended to 161 m using LiDAR observations. Atmospheric turbulent flux measurements performed in 2004 with a sonic anemometer are compared to a bulk Richardson number formulation of the atmospheric stability. This is used to classify the LiDAR/cup wind speed profiles into atmospheric stability classes. The observations are compared to a simplified model for the wind speed profile that accounts for the effect of the boundary-layer height. For unstable and neutral atmospheric conditions the boundary-layer height could be neglected, whereas for stable conditions it is comparable to the measuring heights and therefore essential to include. It is interesting to note that, although it is derived from a different physical approach, the simplified wind speed profile conforms to the traditional expressions of the surface layer when the effect of the boundary-layer height is neglected.  相似文献   

Observations obtained over a glacier surface in a predominantlykatabatic flow and with a distinctwind maximum below 13-m height are presented. The data werecollected using a 13-m high profilemast and two sonic anemometers (at about 2.5-m and 10-m heights).The spectra at frequencies belowthat of the turbulence range appear to deviate considerably fromthe curves obtained by Kaimal andco-workers during the 1968 Kansas experiment. The characteristicsof these deviations are compared tothe observations of others in surface-layers disturbed by anykind of large-scale outer-layer (orinactive) turbulence. In our case the disturbances arelikely to be induced by the highmountain ridges that surround the glacier. Moreover, the deviationsobserved in the cospectra seemto result from an, as yet, unspecified interaction between theinactive outer-layer turbulenceand the local surface-layer turbulence. Near the distinctwind maximum turbulence production ceasedwhile turbulence itself did not, probably the result ofturbulence transport from other levels. Consequently, we studied thelocal similarity relations using w instead of u* as an alternative velocity scale. Wellbelow the wind maximum, and for relatively low stability(0< Rig <0.2), the flow behaves accordingto well established local-scaling similarity relationshipsin the stable boundary layer. For higherstability (Rig > 0.2), and near or above the wind maximum, the boundary-layer structure conforms tothat of z-less stratification suggesting that the eddy sizeis restricted by the local stability ofthe flow. In line with this we observed that the sensibleheat fluxes relate remarkably well to thelocal flow parameters.  相似文献   

Contrasting vertical structures of nocturnal boundary layers   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This study analyzes eight levels of sonic anemometerdata collected on a 60-m towerduring CASES-99, toward the goal of understanding thevertical structure of thenocturnal boundary layer. Several different regimesare found. Thin boundarylayers are often observed where fluxes decrease with height and approximately vanish between 20 and 30 m aboveground. The flow above the thin boundary layeraccelerates and increasing shear oftengenerates significant turbulence in the middle ofthe night. Thisshear-generated turbulence is often stronger thanthat near the surface corresponding to an upside-downboundary layer. During these conditions,the turbulent transport of turbulence is downwardtoward the surface. The turbulence in this regimeshows features of z-less turbulence to the extentthat neither the height above groundnor the boundary-layer depth are primary scalingvariables. This layer isdifferent from a `residual layer' in thatturbulence is actively generated byshear associated with nocturnal accelerationsand often is stronger than that inthe surface-based boundary layer.In many cases, the turbulence does not varysignificantly across the towerlayer, implying that the boundary layer ismuch deeper than the 60-m towerlayer. Several case studies are presentedto illustrate the largevariation of vertical structure betweennights.  相似文献   

A numerical modelling study is presented focusing on the effects of mesoscale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on surface fluxes and the marine atmospheric boundary-layer structure. A basic scenario is examined having two regions of SST anomaly with alternating warm/cold or cold/warm water regions. Conditions upstream from the anomaly region have SST values equal to the ambient atmosphere temperature, creating an upstream neutrally stratified boundary layer. Downstream from the anomaly region the SST is also set to the ambient atmosphere value. When the warm anomaly is upstream from the cold anomaly, the downstream boundary layer exhibits a more complex structure because of convective forcing and mixed layer deepening upstream from the cold anomaly. An internal boundary layer forms over the cold anomaly in this case, generating two distinct layers over the downstream region. When the cold anomaly is upstream from the warm anomaly, mixing over the warm anomaly quickly destroys the shallow cold layer, yielding a more uniform downstream boundary-layer vertical structure compared with the warm-to- cold case. Analysis of the momentum budget indicates that turbulent momentum flux divergence dominates the velocity field tendency, with pressure forcing accounting for only about 20% of the changes in momentum. Parameterization of surface fluxes and boundary-layer structure at these scales would be very difficult because of their dependence on subgrid-scale SST spatial order. Simulations of similar flow over smaller scale fronts (<5 km) suggest that small-scale SST variability might be parameterized in mesoscale models by relating the effective heat flux to the strength of the SST variance.  相似文献   

A parallelized large-eddy simulation model has been used to investigate the effects of two-dimensional, discontinuous, small-scale surface heterogeneities on the turbulence structure of the convective boundary layer.Heterogeneities had a typical size of about the boundary-layer heightzi. They were produced by a surface sensible heat flux pattern ofchessboard-type and of strong amplitude as typical, e.g., for the marginalice zone. The major objectives of this study were to determinethe effects of such strong amplitude heat flux variations and to specify theinfluence of different speeds and directions of the background wind.Special emphasis has been given to investigate the secondary circulations induced by the heterogeneities by means of three-dimensional phase averages.Compared with earlier studies of continuous inhomogeneities, the same sizeddiscontinuous inhomogeneities in this study show similar but stronger effects.Significant changes compared with uniform surface heating are only observedwhen the scale of the inhomogeneities is increased to zi. Especially the vertical energy transport is much more vigorous and even the mean emperature profile shows a positive lapse rate within the whole mixed layer. However, the effects are not directly caused by the different shape of the inhomogeneities but can mainly be attributed to the large amplitude of the imposed heat flux,as it is typical for the partially ice covered sea during cold air outbreaks.The structure of the secondary flow is found to be very sensitive to the wavelength and shape of the inhomogeneities as well as to the heatflux amplitude, wind speed and wind direction. The main controlling parameter is the near-surface temperature distribution and the related horizontal pressure gradient perpendicular to the main flow direction. The secondary flow varies from a direct circulation with updraughts mainly above the centre of the heated regions to a more indirect circulation with updraughts beneath the centre and downdraughts above it. For background winds larger than 2.5 m s–1 a roll-like circulation pattern is observed.From previous findings it has often been stated that moderate backgroundwinds of 5 m s–1 eliminate all impacts of surface inhomogeneitiesthat could potentially be produced in realistic landscapes. However, this studyshows that the effects caused by increasing the wind speed stronglydepend on the wind direction relative to the orientation of theinhomogeneities. Secondary circulations remain strong, even for abackground wind of 7.5 m s–1, when the wind direction is orientatedalong one of the two diagonals of the chessboard pattern. On the otherhand, the effects of inhomogeneities are considerably reduced, even undera modest background wind of 2.5 m s–1, if the wind direction isturned by 45°. Mechanisms for the different flow regimesare discussed.  相似文献   

Flow over surface obstructions can produce significantly large wind shears such that adverse flying conditions can occur for aeronautical systems (helicopters, V/STOL vehicles, etc.). The purpose of this analysis is to determine the kinds of flow fields that can result from surface obstructions in an otherwise horizontally homogeneous statistically stationary flow. The technique is based on the boundary-layer/Boussinesq-approximated equations of motion. The pressure gradient resulting from the surface obstruction is that consistent with a potential flow over a two-dimensional cylinder with elliptical cross-section, an approach commonly used for boundary-layer analyses in the engineering community. The dissipative effects of atmospheric turbulence on the mean flow are represented with eddy-viscosity models of the Reynolds stresses. The upstream flow is a neutral one and is characterized by a logarithmic profile for the mean wind. The following conclusions result from the analysis: (1) localized maxima in wind speed occur at the top of a surface obstruction, which are expected in physically real flow situations, (2) an increase in the elliptical aspect ratio decreases the wind speed within the boundary layer at the top of the ellipse and returns it to the logarithmic distribution characteristic of undisturbed flow, (3) increases in surface roughness affect the flow by decreasing the velocity in the boundary layer, with the most pronounced effect occurring near the surface of the smaller aspect-ratio ellipse, (4) Reynolds number has a negligible effect on the overall flow for the range of Reynolds numbers considered in this study, (5) a decrease in the elliptical aspect ratio and an increase in the surface roughness cause larger separation regions.  相似文献   

The influence of mesoscale circulations induced by urban-rural differential surface sensible heat flux and roughness on convective boundary-layer (CBL) flow statistics over an isolated urban area has been examined using large-eddy simulation (LES). Results are analyzed when the circulations influence the entire urban area under a zero background wind. For comparison, the CBL flow over an infinite urban area with identical urban surface characteristics under the same background meteorological conditions is generated as a control case (without circulations). The turbulent flow over the isolated urban area exhibits a mix of streaky structure and cellular pattern, while the cellular pattern dominates in the control case. The mixed-layer height varies significantly over the isolated urban area, and can be lower near the edge of the urban area than over the rural area. The vertical profiles of turbulence statistics over the isolated urban area vary horizontally and are dramatically different from the control case. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) sources include wind shear, convergence, and buoyancy productions, compared to only buoyancy production in the control case. The normalized vertical velocity variance is reduced compared to the control case except in the central urban area where it is little affected. The low-level flow convergence is mainly responsible for the enhanced horizontal velocity variance in the central urban area, while wind shear is responsible for the additional local maximum of the horizontal velocity variance near the middle of the CBL outside the central area. Parameterizations in the prognostic equation for TKE used in mesoscale models are evaluated against the LES results over the isolated urban area. We also discuss conditions under which the urban-induced circulations occur and when they may affect the entire urban area. Given that urban-induced circulations can influence the entire urban area within hours for an urban area of a realistic size, it is inappropriate to directly apply empirical relations of turbulence statistics derived under horizontally-homogenous flow conditions to an urban area.  相似文献   

Heat Flux in the Coastal Zone   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Various difficulties with application of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory are surveyed including the influence of growing waves, advection and internal boundary-layer development. These complications are normally important with offshore flow. The transfer coefficient for heat is computed from eddy correlation data taken at a mast two kilometres off the Danish coast in RASEX. For these coastal zone data, the thermal roughness length shows no well-defined relation to the momentum roughness length or roughness Reynolds number, in contrast to previous theories. The variation of the momentum roughness length is dominated by wave state. In contrast, the thermal roughness length shows significant dependence on wave state only for small values of wave age where the mixing is apparently enhanced by wave breaking. The development of thin internal boundary layers with offshore flow substantially reduces the heat transfer and thermal roughness length but has no obvious influence on momentum roughness length. A new formulation of the thermal roughness length based on the internal boundary-layer depth is calibrated to the RASEX data. For the very stable case, the turbulence is mainly detached from the surface and existing formulations do not apply.As an alternative to adjusting the thermal roughness length, the transfer coefficient is related directly to the stability and the internal boundary-layer depth. This avoids specification of roughness lengths resulting from the usual integration of the non-dimensional temperature function. The resulting stability function is simpler than previous ones and satisfies free convection similarity theory without introduction of the gustiness factor. The internal boundary layer also influences the moisture transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Extensive eddy-correlation datasets are analyzed to examine the influence of nonstationarity of the mean flow on the flux–gradient relationship near the surface. This nonstationarity is due to wavelike motions, meandering of the wind vector, and numerous unidentified small-scale mesoscale motions. While the data do not reveal an obvious critical gradient Richardson number, the maximum downward heat flux increases approximately linearly with increasing friction velocity for significant stability. The largest of our datasets is chosen to more closely examine the influence of stability, nonstationarity, distortion of the mean wind profile and self-correlation on the flux-gradient relationship. Stability is expressed in terms of z/L, the gradient Richardson number or the bulk Richardson number over the tower layer. The efficiency of the momentum transport systematically increases with increasing nonstationarity and attendant distortion of the mean wind profile. Enhancement of the turbulent momentum flux associated with nonstationarity is examined in terms of the nondimensional shear, Prandtl number and the eddy diffusivity.  相似文献   

The variability in boundary-layerstructure over the Indian Ocean during a north-eastmonsoon and the factors influencing it areinvestigated. This study was made possible as acomponent of the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX),conducted from February 19 to March 30, 1998. The dataused are, surface-layer mean and turbulencemeasurements of temperature, humidity and wind, andvertical soundings of temperature and humidity.Significant spatio-temporal variability was observedin the boundary-layer structure throughout the cruise.The ITCZ was characterized as the region withstrongest winds and maximum surface turbulent fluxesof momentum and heat. One of the important findingsfrom this study was a strong influence of continentalair masses on the boundary-layer structure in theNorthern Hemisphere, even at a distance of 600 km offthe Indian coast. This was generally evident in theform of an elevated plume of dry continental airbetween altitudes of 1500 m and 2700 m. Advection ofcontinental aerosols in this layer presents potentialfor significant entrainment into shallow clouds inthis region, which eventually feed deeper clouds atthe ITCZ. This finding provides an explanation foranomalous higher aerosol concentrations found duringprevious studies. The structure of the marineboundary layer was influenced by various factors suchas proximity to land, an anomalous warm pool in theocean and the ITCZ. In the southern hemisphere, theboundary-layer height was primarily governed bysurface-layer sensible heat flux and was found to behighest in the vicinity of the ITCZ. North of theequator it was strongly influenced by land-air-seainteractions. In addition to this synoptic modulation,there was also a significant diurnal variability inthe boundary-layer height.  相似文献   

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