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From an analysis of the interstellar extinction we conclude that interstellar grains are of three main kinds: graphite spheres of radii 0.02 m making up 10% of the total grain mass, small dielectric spheres of radius about 0.04 m making up 25% of the mass, and hollow dielectric cylinders containing metallic iron with diameters of 2/3 m making up 45% of the mass. The remaining 20% consists of other metals and metal oxides. The main dielectric component of the grains appears to be comprised of organic material.  相似文献   

High brightness temperatures ( T b) implied by quasar intraday variability may be explained by coherent emission, or else by physically implausible bulk relativistic Lorentz factors Γ ≥ 100. Previous theory asserts that various absorption mechanisms will block escape of such coherent, high-brightness sources. Yet this same theory fails to account for laboratory experiments detecting collective emission. Probably this is because present theory is inadequate, and should not be used to rule out collective radiation processes.  相似文献   

Interstellar extinction curves obtained from the ‘extinction without standard’ method were used to constrain the dust characteristics in the mean ISM (R V = 3.1), along the lines of sight through a high latitude diffuse molecular cloud towards HD 210121 (R V = 2.1) and in a dense interstellar environment towards the cluster NGC 1977 (R V = 6.42). We have used three-component dust models comprising silicate, graphite and very small carbonaceous grains (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) following the grain size distributions introduced by Li & Draine in 2001. It is shown that oxygen, carbon and silicon abundances derived from our models are closer with the available elemental abundances for the dust grains in the ISM if F & G type stars atmospheric abundances are taken for the ISM than the solar. The importance of very small grains in modelling the variation of interstellar extinction curves has been investigated. Grain size distributions and elemental abundances locked up in dust are studied and compared at different interstellar environments using these three extinction curves. We present the albedo and the scattering asymmetry parameter evaluated from optical to extreme-UV wavelengths for the proposed dust models.  相似文献   

It is shown that available optical and ultraviolet data relating to the interstellar dust are elegantly explained on the basis of a modified microbal grain model. A model comprised of two biologically derived components, modified under interstellar conditions. Data on interstellar extinction, albedo and polarization may be accounted for by this model.  相似文献   

The extinction curves for spherical particles are subject to the errors of the particle material's refractive index. Their sensitivity to these errors has been investigated and is found to be dependent upon wavelength. For graphite, significant errors are produced in the far ultraviolet part of the extinction curve; for silicates, in the near ultraviolet; while for iron the error is relatively small. The wavelength dependence of the 10 μm and 20 μm absorption bands of small silicate spheroids upon their shape and alignment has been studied. It is found that the bands can be displaced by ~1 μm towards longer wavelengths from their positions for corresponding spheres: and that a further, though small, displacement can be superimposed upon this by their subsequent alignment.  相似文献   

The intrinsic ultraviolet colours of early type stars have been derived from the rocket data of J. W. Campbell and A. M. Smith. There exists a considerable spread in these colours. One possible source is the predicted rms variation due to the effect of rotation. It is necessary to recognise that rotation is an important source of uncertainty of the interstellar extinction curves derived from the comparison of pairs of stars.Predicted rms errors due to different sources (rotation, uncertainty of MK spectral type, photometric errors) have been compared with the dispersion of the observed extinction data and it is found that part of the large scatter could be due to intrinsic differences of the properties of interstellar grains.  相似文献   

Volume extinction factorsV c have been evaluated for spherical grains at several refractive indices (m=1.6,m=1.5,m=1.33,m=1,16,m=1.1). From these results it is found that grains with higher-refractive index are more efficient for visual extinction than grains with low-refractive index.  相似文献   

We relate the equivalent widths of the major diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) near 5797 and 5780 Å with different colour excesses, normalized by E ( B − V ) , which characterize the growth of interstellar extinction in different wavelength ranges. It is demonstrated that the two DIBs correlate best with different parts of the extinction curve, and the ratio of these diffuse bands is best correlated with the far-ultraviolet (UV) rise. A number of peculiar lines of sight are also found, indicating that the carriers of some DIBs and the far-UV extinction can be separated in certain environments, e.g. towards the Per OB2 association.  相似文献   

We have applied the method of investigating extinction curves using statistically meaningful samples that was proposed by us 25 years ago. The extensive data sets of the ANS (Astronomical Netherlands Satellite) and 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) were used, together with UBV photometry to create average extinction curves for samples of OB stars. Our results demonstrate that in the vast majority of cases the extinction curves are very close to the mean galactic extinction curve. Only a few objects were found to be obviously discrepant from the average. The latter phenomenon may be related to nitrogen chemistry in translucent interstellar clouds (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using photometric data for Galactic novae, we compared the Sharov (1963) and Schlegel et al. (1998) interstellar extinction maps. We found the distances and extinctions for 64 novae.  相似文献   

The central depths of the interstellar 4430 Å band and far UV extinction for a sample of reddened LMC members are presented here.  相似文献   

A new analytical 3D model of interstellar extinction within 500 pc of the Sun as a function of the Galactic spherical coordinates is suggested. This model is physically more justified than the widely used Arenou model, since it takes into account the presence of absorbing matter both in the layer along the equatorial Galactic plane and in the Gould Belt. The extinction in the equatorial layer varies as the sine of the Galactic longitude and in the Gould Belt as the sine of twice the longitude in the Belt plane. The extinction across the layers varies according to a barometric law. It has been found that the absorbing layers intersect at an angle of 17° and that the Sun is located near the axial plane of the absorbing layer of the Gould Belt and is probably several parsecs below the axial plane of the equatorial absorbing layer but above the Galactic plane. The model has been tested using the extinction of real stars from three catalogs.  相似文献   

Der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung schnell rotierender Sterne wird einer Neudiskussion unterzogen. Dafür werden filterphotometrische Helligkeiten vom Satelliten ANS herangezogen. Von schwach verfärbten B Sternen (E(B - V) 0.1 mag) wurden die Helligkeiten vom Einfluß der interstellaren Extinktion befreit. Die Verleilung der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm weist eine Streuung auf, die den Betrag der photometrischen Fehler übersteigt. Die Lage der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm befindet sich in qualitativer Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden theoretischen Resultaten. Bei der Diskussion von individuell abweichenden Verläufen der interstellaren Extinktion vom durchschnittlichen Extinktionsgesetz sollte der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung als eine mögliche Quelle für die Abweichungen in Betracht gezogen und geprüft werden.  相似文献   

Photometric data inuvbyß system from 3713 stars is used to map the distribution of colour excesses up to 500 parsec from the Sun, producing diagrams for a series of layers aligned with the galactic plane. Individual clouds are detected, with a mean diameter of 6 parsecs, while cloud complexes have a mean diameter of 100 pc. From the maps it seems that the interstellar medium near the Sun presents regions of non-negligible extinction, while the Sun itself is enbedded in a diffuse cloud, or slightly off its border. The large scatter in the distribution ofE(b-) is confirmed, with a mean extinction ofA v=0 . m 38 up to 500 pc.  相似文献   

We have determined the atomic hydrogen column density N HI toward all of the young stars from the Taurus-Auriga-Perseus star-forming complex for which the corresponding spectra are available in the Hubble Space Telescope archive (nine stars) by analyzing the Lyα line profile. We show that the stars studied, except DR Tau, lie not far from the edge of the gaseous cloud of the star-forming region closest to us or, more precisely, inside the outer H I shell of the cloud. This shell with a column density of N HI ? 6 × 1020 cm?2 surrounds the molecular gas of the cloud composed of a diffuse component (the so-called diffuse screen) in which dense, compact TMC-1 cores are embedded. The properties of the dust grains toward the stars that lie at the front edge of the cloud most likely differ only slightly from those of the interstellar dust outside star-forming regions. This casts doubt on the validity of the hypothesis that the extinction curve toward young stars has an anomalously low amplitude of the 2175 Å bump—such an extinction curve is observed for the field stars HD 29647 and HD 283809 toward which the line of sight passes through the TMC-1 core.  相似文献   

A mass contribution of graphite whiskers as small as 0.1% to the population of interstellar grains could dramatically change their far-infrared extinction properties. With varying mass fractions of graphite whiskers, and for different size parameters, the infrared extinction could vary from a -2 dependence to 0, consistent with the requirements of some astronomical observations.  相似文献   

The production of discrete line and broad-band extinction by small interstellar oxide and silicate particles is discussed quantitatively. Restrictions on particle size and refractive index that are required to produce ‘pure’ absorption features are reviewed. The relationship between optical depth in interstellar extinction and absorption coefficients for bulk materials is used to reach some general conclusions concerning the diffuse interstellar features, VUV extinction and the composition of interstellar dust. It is noted that charge transfer bands of ions such as Fe3+ may be detectable in the VUV spectrum of dust. Several effects that lead to the enhancement of oscillator strength by 103–104 in small particles are discussed.  相似文献   

Speckle-interferometric observations of FU Ori are performed with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory with 600/40 nm and 800/100 nm (central bandwidth/halfwidth) filters. The companion star FU Ori S that was recently discovered at λ >-1.25µm was recorded in observations with the λλ==800/100 nm filter. The positional parameters and magnitude difference of the companion in the filter considered are found to be θ = (163.9 ± 1.0)°, ρ = (0.493 ± 0.007)″, Δm = 3.96 ± 0.28. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution of the companion implies that for the extinction A V toward FU Ori to be greater than about 1.6 m , i.e., the minimum value required by the available models of the fuor, the spectral type of the companion star must be no later than K3. The reliability of this conclusion and the possible ways for obtaining more accurate estimates of A V are discussed.  相似文献   

Interstellar absorption observations at ultraviolet wavelengths are explained on the basis of chromophores in microbiological systems.  相似文献   

The product of the previously constructed 3D maps of stellar reddening (Gontcharov 2010) and Rv variations (Gontcharov 2012) has allowed us to produce a 3D interstellar extinction map within the nearest kiloparsec from the Sun with a spatial resolution of 50 pc and an accuracy of {ie87-1}. Thismap is compared with the 2D reddening map by Schlegel et al. (1998), the 3D extinction map at high latitudes by Jones et al. (2011), and the analytical extinctionmodels by Arenou et al. (1992) and Gontcharov (2009). In all cases, we have found good agreement and show that there are no systematic errors in the new map everywhere except the direction toward the Galactic center. We have found that the map by Schlegel et al. (1998) reaches saturation near the Galactic equator at E(B - V) > 0.8, has a zero-point error and systematic errors gradually increasing with reddening, and among the analytical models those that take into account the extinction in the Gould Belt are more accurate. Our extinction map shows that it is determined by reddening variations at low latitudes and Rv variations at high ones. This naturally explains the contradictory data on the correlation or anticorrelation between reddening and Rv available in the literature. There is a correlation in a thin layer near the Galactic equator, because both reddening and Rv here increase toward the Galactic center. There is an anticorrelation outside this layer, because higher values of Rv correspond to lower reddening at high and middle latitudes. Systematic differences in sizes and other properties of the dust grains in different parts of the Galaxy manifest themselves in this way. The largest structures within the nearest kiloparsec, including the Local Bubble, the Gould Belt, the Great Tunnel, the Scorpius, Perseus, Orion, and other complexes, have manifested themselves in the constructed map.  相似文献   

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