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The earth tide is usually ignored in orogenesis (geosynclinal activity) and magmatic activity. We believe that the role of earth tide in crustal movement should not be ignored. The elemental dynamic analysis of origin of magma chamber under dissipative tidal heating model and orogenic process driven by alternating earth tidal force is depicted. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 508–513, 1993. Xue-Min AI and Liang CHI also worked for this project. This work was supported by the Laboratory of Dynamical Geodesy, Academia Sinica. Translated from Chinese into English by Liang CHI.  相似文献   

首都圈地壳网格化三维结构   总被引:26,自引:21,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
通过对首都圈地区不同时期的18条深地震测深(DSS)测线资料的重新统一处理,形成采样网格密度为0.25°×0.25°×(2~5)km的速度网格化数字地壳;通过对三维数据的可视化,得到了首都圈地壳不同走向、不同圈层的截面图像;从不同的视角、不同的方面探讨了控制首都圈地壳的北部燕山隆起、西南部太行隆起和东南部裂陷盆地等三大地质单元的构造特征以及接触带张家口-渤海断陷带的构造性质,进一步研究首都圈地壳内部结构构造与灾害性地震的孕发机制的关系.  相似文献   

On the basis of growing evidence thatstrong earthquakes are preceded by a periodof accelerating seismicity of moderatemagnitude earthquakes, an attempt is madeto search for such seismicity pattern in NWAegean area. Accelerating seismic crustaldeformation has been identified in the areaof southern Albanides mountain range(border region between Greece, formerYugoslavia and Albania). Based on certainproperties of this activity and on itssimilarity with accelerating seismicdeformation observed before a strongearthquake which occurred in the sameregion on 26 May 1960 (M = 6.5), we canconclude that a similar earthquake may begenerated in the same region during thenext few years. This conclusion is inagreement with independent results whichhave been derived on the basis of the timepredictable model.  相似文献   

本文通过对近年来乌鲁木齐地区的高精度GPS、水准、重力等观测成果的综合处理分析,详细讨论了乌鲁木齐地区的地壳运动特征,认为乌鲁木齐地区由于被众多的断裂所分割,各部位受力极不均匀,西南部地区活动较东部显著,种种迹象表明,该地区有着较强的中强地震发生的背景.  相似文献   

Our goal is to determine vertical crustal movement rates from tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements. Tide gauges measure sea level, but as they are fixed to the crust, they sense both sea surface height variations and vertical crustal movements. The differential sea level rates of sufficiently nearby stations are a good means to determine differential crustal movement rates, when sea level height variations can be assumed to be homogeneous. Satellite altimetric measurements determine sea surface height variations directly and can be used to separate the crustal signal from the sea surface height variations in tide gauge measurements. The correction of the tide gauge sea level rates for the sea surface height contribution requires collocation of the satellite pass and the tide gauge station. We show that even if this is not the case, the satellite altimetric observations enable correction of differential tide gauge rates for the effects of sea surface rate inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

Mt. Qomolangma lies in the collision zone between the fringe of Eurasia plate and Indian plate. The crustal movement there is still very active so far. In the past three decades China carried out five geodetic campaigns in Mt. Qomolangma and its north vicinal area, independently or cooperatively with other countries, including triangulation, leveling, GPS positioning, atmospheric, astronomical and gravity measurements. On the basis of the observation results achieved in the campaigns the crustal movements in the area were studied and explored. A non-stationary phenomenon both in time and space of the crustal vertical movement in the area is found. There seems to be some relevance between the phenomenon of non-stationary in time and seismic episode in China. The phenomenon of non-stationary in space is possibly relevant to the no-homo- geneity of crustal medium and non-uniform absorption of terrestrial stress. The horizontal crustal movement in the area is in the direction of NEE at a speed of 6–7 cm per year, and the trend of strike slip movement is manifested evidently in the collision fringe of Indian plate and Qinghai-Xizang block.  相似文献   

上海市综合深井项目第2阶段将建设9—10个综合深井观测站。利用蠕变方程,通过ANSYS有限元软件进行数值分析,模拟上海市9个观测点在当前地壳运动水平下的形变信息,为综合深井第2阶段建设提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Summary The present state of knowledge on recent crustal movements, stresses and earthquakes around the Tornquist Zone has been collected. It is found that the Tornquist Zone is neither geodetically nor seismically active, but it separates regions of different earthquake activity.Members of the working group on recent crustal movements around the Tornquist Zone: H. Lykke Andersen, M.C. Oncescu, V. Mocanu, E. and P. Bankwitz, G. Grünthal, and S. Gregersen.  相似文献   

Introduction The Tengchong volcanic-geothermal area is located on the northeast edge of the collision zone between Indian and Eurasian plates, and belongs to Eurasian volcanic zone (the MediterraneanHimalayanSoutheast Asia volcanic zone). In Tengchong area, the Quaternary volcanic, geothermal and seismic activities are all intensive. These phenomena have been drawing the attention of many geoscientists in the world. Their studies are concerned with geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and cr…  相似文献   

冲绳海槽地区地壳结构与岩石层性质研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
用冲绳海槽地区地质、地球物理、地球化学数据与资料,对横跨大陆边缘—大洋板块的中国东部—冲绳海槽—琉球岛弧地区进行综合研究. 根据地震体波、面波成像结果,空间与布格重力异常及磁力异常的综合解释等结果,利用调和系数法对该研究区的地壳厚度进行了计算,并对地壳属性进行分析. 同时,选择中国东部东北地区的宽甸、华北地区的汉诺坝、华南的闵溪和台湾海峡的澎湖列岛与冲绳海槽和日本岛弧的新生代玄武岩开展元素—同位素对比研究. 结果认为冲绳海槽岩石层明显减薄,上地幔低速层已达到莫霍面,在地幔中已形成交代软流层. 元素—同位素研究表明:它不同于中国东部,与琉球岛弧地区的特点也不相同. 综合分析认为:冲绳海槽地壳属于过渡型地壳,与大洋地壳的许多特点颇为相似.  相似文献   

The results of microseismic monitoring in the adit of the neutrino laboratory (Institute of Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences) in the Elbrus Region are presented. Three-component computer recording was carried out in the frequency band 10–120 Hz with 5-second averaging of the amplitudes of vibrations. We consider the results of processing the data yielded by the monitoring in the adit during nine months since March 2008. The seismic field at the observation point is composed of three main contributions: the local earthquakes associated with two main fluid-magmatic sources, which are located nearby the adit; a slowly varying wave field, which is probably related to the same sources; and the industrial noise, namely, the vibrations caused by the traffic of carriages and a weak stationary background noise.  相似文献   

四川中西部地区地壳结构与重力均衡   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
汶川MS8.0地震的“孕育”、发生和发展是深部物质分异、调整和运移的产物.为此,在四川中西部地区(松潘—甘孜,龙门山断裂系和四川盆地)应用重力布格异常场资料并通过两条典型剖面的地壳厚度(Moho界面深度)分布与依据Airy均衡理论给出的理论均衡地壳厚度做对比分析,探讨四川盆地、龙门山造山带、邛崃山等川西地域的地壳均衡状态,得到龙门山及其以西地带的深部地壳结构.龙门山造山带恰处于很不均衡的状态,即与其西北和东南部相比差异明显,故地壳处于不稳定状态.为探讨该区重力场均衡与强烈地震活动之间的关系,还必须进行新一轮的高精度观测,以对该区深部精细结构、重力场效应和均衡补偿深入研究.此外,本文研究结果有益于震后确定城镇布局和为不同类型建筑物重建选址提供深部要素.  相似文献   

利用山东地震台网记录到的近场源地震波形数据,基于剪切波分裂研究,获得山东地区多个台站的剪切波分裂参数。研究结果表明,快剪切波偏振优势方向反映了该地区构造应力空间分布特征,CHD台和LIS台显示出2个优势偏振方向,揭示山东地区地壳介质各向异性受到区域背景应力及局部断裂构造的双重制约。  相似文献   

利用福建地震台网88个地震台站于2015年记录的10个月的连续波形数据,基于台网约束下的长短窗特征触发式震相检测的模板事件识别方法和匹配滤波自动检测方法,识别出模板事件919个,匹配滤波后重新识别和定位了共计2 243个地震事件,其中ML1.0以上地震1 991次,主要集中在ML1.0—1.5之间,这极大扩充了该震级范围内的福建地震台网目录。重新定位的地震震源深度分布在0—20 km之间,多数发生在10 km内的上地壳。沿长乐—诏安断裂带和永安—晋江断裂带,地震分布集中且表现出明显的分段活动性。在长乐—诏安断裂带上检测到较福建台网目录更多的地震,且地震活动性表现为西南段较强、东北段较弱,沿断裂带的震源深度分布由南向北逐渐变浅,与莫霍面深度的变化相一致;在与之共轭的永安—晋江断裂带上则北西段地震活动更为集中,而东南段地震活动稍显分散。重新识别与精定位后的地震与福建地区地壳水平形变南强北弱、东强西弱的特点相一致。  相似文献   

使用张家口、怀来、赤城、宽城、易县和涉县6个台站共计43个测项的数字化资料,针对2002~2005年邢台地区发生的3个M>4级的中强地震,进行了地震前兆和同震反应研究。发现我省数字化形变资料对3次邢台4级以上地震的形变前兆反应主要是以应变为主,包括体应变和线应变,并且异常形态以固体潮畸变和抖动为主。同震反应比较明显,主要以同震阶跃为主。  相似文献   

新丰江库区上地壳三维细结构层析成像   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在新丰江库区布设一个范围约50 km×40 km、由50个地震临时台站组成的观测台阵,接收来自不同方位的人工震源产生的莫霍界面反射波;台阵中的20个台站和5个区域固定台还对2009年3月至2010年5月发生在库区的地方震进行了观测.本文联合利用人工地震莫霍面反射波走时和天然地震直达波走时,采用连续模型反演技术重建了库区上地壳P波、S波慢度扰动和Vp/Vs扰动分布图像.研究结果表明:新丰江库区东、西部地区上地壳结构存在明显的差异.库区东部地区构造复杂,多条断裂在该区呈交叉状分布.北西向的石角—新港—白田断裂带在库区段内具有复杂的岩性和构造特征,该断裂带在新港至双塘一线可能延伸至地下8 km左右;近北东向的断裂带切割地壳较深.峡谷区及大坝以东附近地区存在上、下贯通的波速比高值区,尤其是大坝以西的深水峡谷区,存在一条顺河走向的陡倾角断层裂隙带,为库水渗透提供了良好通道.库区西部地区为相对稳定构造区,完整坚硬的花岗岩体透水性能较差,受库水渗透影响很小.新丰江水库诱发地震的形成与深部构造环境密切相关.峡谷区及大坝以东附近地区上地壳介质性质呈现明显的横向不均匀性,微震分布在介质物性结构的特定部位,"软"、"硬"交错的介质环境是倾滑正断层型微小震产生的可能原因.  相似文献   

GPS repetition measurement tbta in Qinghai-Xizatlg (Tibetan) area in 1992 and 1994 have been used to determine the change rates of seven bascline vectors of Lhasa-Wenquan, etc. It is the first time to obtain the direct observation results of the large-scale crustal horizontal motions in this area. Thesc preliminary results also for the first time provide the direct observation evidence for some important geophysical and geological viewpoints, such as the northward gradual reduce of the effect of the northward push-pressing to Eurasian continent by Indian Plate in the Qinghai-Xizang area, having a southward strike slip movement of the Chuan-Dian diamond block, etc.  相似文献   

黑龙江及邻区地壳应力场初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用综合震源机制方法,利用5 002条P波极性数据反演黑龙江地区二维应力结构,求得该区0.5°×0.5°综合震源机制解.初步研究表明:21世纪以来,构造应力场总特征基本一致,具有明显的继承性,主压应力和主张应力的优势方向明显,与板块运动关系具有成因上的联系.  相似文献   

收集2009—2017年上海东部海域地震事件,通过波速拟合、速度稳定性分析及折合走时分析等方法,得到该区域一维地壳速度结构初始模型。在此基础上,采用Hyposat定位程序,通过对满足地震精度条件的地震资料进行试错,验证初始模型,最终确定上海东部海域一维地壳速度结构模型。  相似文献   

环渤海地区地壳结构及其动力学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环渤海地区是我国大陆东部强震的多发区,也是我国地震重点监测地区,环绕渤海地区已经开发并投产了包括辽河、冀东、大港、胜利以及渤海海域在内的一系列油田,因此环渤海地区一直是我国地质与地球物理学科的研究重点.本文利用重力数据结合人工地震探测剖面应用调和级数法对该地区的莫霍面深度进行了反演计算,并应用地质、重、磁、地震层析成像、人工地震探测、地热、应力等方面的成果资料,对研究区的地球物理场、地壳结构、地球动力学特征进行了探讨,希望对环渤海地区的深部结构、地球动力学、油气资源等研究有所帮助.通过反演计算结果和动力学特征的分析,得到了以下的认识:1)该地区的布格重力异常主要特征为从陆地向海洋,异常从负异常向正异常变化,反映了地壳厚度自西向东逐渐变薄的总体特征.磁异常在研究区北部地区变化较为剧烈,呈正负交错状.大部分海域地区表现为负磁异常场区.重、磁异常走向主要为NE、NNE向;2)研究区地壳厚度在31~40km,总体趋势为自西向东逐渐减薄,通过与地震层析成像结果比较,两个结果十分吻合;3)渤海盆地动力学机制应是周边各个板块水平运动的远程效应所造成的多期构造应力场作用下多方向的伸展、拉张而成,渤海湾盆地的形成是四个时期、两种动力作用交替影响的结果.  相似文献   

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