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祁连山退化高寒草甸土壤水分空间变异特征分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用传统统计学方法和地统计学方法,对祁连山地区受到过度放牧影响而退化为以狼毒为优势种的高寒草甸的土壤水分垂直变异特征、水平空间异质性以及分布特征进行了系统分析. 结果表明:在垂直方向上,0~100 cm土壤水分含量随深度的增加而逐渐减少,土壤水分含量的变化速度随深度的增加也趋于减少;土壤水分分布的变异系数在浅层和深层土壤较大,在中层土壤较小. 在水平方向上,0~40 cm土壤水分具有中等空间变异性,其中10~20 cm土壤水分变异性主要受根系的影响,随机部分引起的变异性最大;而在其他土壤层,随着深度的增加土壤水分含量由随机部分引起的空间异质性程度减弱,由空间自相关部分引起的异质性程度增强. 整体上,土壤水分含量与微地形关系密切,与距离溪流的远近程度正相关,与高程分布负相关.  相似文献   

2000-2015年祁连山植被变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
植被变化对区域生态系统稳定和生态环境变化有着重要的影响。基于MOD13A3数据,建立了2000-2015年祁连山地区植被覆盖时空数据集,结合DEM和土地覆盖分类数据,分析了祁连山地区植被时空分布格局及变化特征,并利用同期气象数据探讨其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:祁连山植被呈东多西少的分布格局,其空间分布与降水空间分布一致;2000年以来祁连山地区灌丛和高寒稀疏草甸先增后减,山地森林草原和高寒草甸增加;整体上祁连山植被覆盖有转好趋势,这与区域暖湿化有关。  相似文献   

Proper characterizations of background soil CO2 respiration rates are critical for interpreting CO2 leakage monitoring results at geologic sequestration sites. In this paper, a method is developed for determining temperature-dependent critical values of soil CO2 flux for preliminary leak detection inference. The method is illustrated using surface CO2 flux measurements obtained from the AmeriFlux network fit with alternative models for the soil CO2 flux versus soil temperature relationship. The models are fit first to determine pooled parameter estimates across the sites, then using a Bayesian hierarchical method to obtain both global and site-specific parameter estimates. Model comparisons are made using the deviance information criterion (DIC), which considers both goodness of fit and model complexity. The hierarchical models consistently outperform the corresponding pooled models, demonstrating the need for site-specific data and estimates when determining relationships for background soil respiration. A hierarchical model that relates the square root of the CO2 flux to a quadratic function of soil temperature is found to provide the best fit for the AmeriFlux sites among the models tested. This model also yields effective prediction intervals, consistent with the upper envelope of the flux data across the modeled sites and temperature ranges. Calculation of upper prediction intervals using the proposed method can provide a basis for setting critical values in CO2 leak detection monitoring at sequestration sites.  相似文献   

Surface coal mining inevitably deforests the land, reduces carbon (C) pool and generates different land covers. To re-establish the ecosystem C pool, post-mining lands are often afforested with fast-growing trees. A field study was conducted in the 5-year-old unreclaimed dump and reclaimed coal mine dump to assess the changes in soil CO2 flux and compared with the reference forest site. Changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen stocks were estimated in post-mining land. Soil CO2 flux was measured using close dynamic chamber method, and the influence of environmental variables on soil CO2 flux was determined. Woody biomass C and SOC stocks of the reference forest site were threefold higher than that of 5-year-old reclaimed site. The mean soil CO2 flux was highest in 5-year-old reclaimed dump (2.37 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) and lowest in unreclaimed dump (0.21 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1). Soil CO2 flux was highly influenced by environmental variables, where soil temperature positively influenced the soil CO2 flux, while soil moisture, relative humidity and surface CO2 concentration negatively influenced the soil CO2 flux. Change in soil CO2 flux under different land cover depends on plant and soil characteristics and environmental variables. The study concluded that assessment of soil CO2 flux in post-mining land is important to estimate the potential of afforestation to combat increased emission of soil CO2 at regional and global scale.  相似文献   

利用2015年夏季玛曲高寒草甸观测资料,从中选取7月10个连续完整的观测日,分析了近地层气象要素、地表辐射和能量传输以及CO2通量日变化特征。结果表明:夏季玛曲地区气温和比湿昼夜差异较大,最大温差为19.2 ℃,平均风速为2.7 m?s-1,风向以东风为主。晴天条件下向下短波辐射可达1 200 W?m-2左右,平均地表反照率为0.22,均大于藏北那曲地区。净辐射峰值可达850 W?m-2左右,陆-气间能量传输以潜热输送为主。10 d能量闭合度平均值为0.61,能量不平衡程度较大。夏季玛曲高寒草甸表现为“碳汇”,CO2通量平均值为-0.20 mg?m-2?s-1,晴天碳吸收最大速率为-14.05 mg?m-2?s-1,显著大于阴天,最大碳吸收时长为13 h,CO2密度平均值为530.7 mg?m-3。  相似文献   

The impact of water quality changes in River Changjiang (formally known as the Yangtze River) on dissolved CO2 and silicate concentrations and seasonal carbon flux in the past several decades (1960s–2000) was evaluated, based on monitoring data from hydrographic gauge. It was found that dissolved CO2 and silicate in Changjiang decreased dramatically during this decades, as opposed to a marked increase in nutrient (e.g. NO3 -) concentrations. Our analyses revealed that dissolved CO2 in Changjiang was over-saturated with the atmosphere CO2, and its concentration had showed a declining trend since the 1960s, despite that fluvial DIC flux had maintained stable. Analysis results also suggested that the decrease in dissolved CO2 concentration was attributed to changes on the riverine trophic level and river damming activities in the Changjiang drainage basin. Due to the economic innovation (e.g. agriculture and industry development) across the Changjiang watershed, fertilizers application and river regulations have significantly altered the original state of the river. Its ecosystem and hydrological condition have been evolving toward the "lacustrine/reservoir" autotrophic type prevailing with plankton. Accordingly, average CO2 diffusing flux to the atmosphere from the river had been reduced by three-fourth from the 1960s to 1990s, with the flux value being down to 14.2 mol.m-2.yr-1 in the 1990s. For a rough estimate, approximately 15.3 Mt of carbon was degassed annually into the atmosphere from the entire Changjiang drainage basin in the 1990s.  相似文献   

在青海海北高寒矮嵩草草甸设置封育禁牧(CK)、轻牧(LG)、中牧(MG)和重牧(HG)放牧梯度试验样地, 进行了土壤速效氮变化特征及影响因素的分析. 结果表明: 植物生长期的5-9月, 土壤NH4+-N、NO3--N和速效氮(NH4+-N和NO3--N之和)含量季节变化明显, 基本表现为植物生长初期高, 末期低. CK、LG、MG和HG条件下, 5-9月0~40 cm土壤NH4+-N平均含量分别为17.62 mg·kg-1、17.84 mg·kg-1、18.63 mg·kg-1和16.67 mg·kg-1, NO3--N平均含量为8.91 mg·kg-1、8.23 mg·kg-1、7.99 mg·kg-1和7.94 mg·kg-1, 速效氮平均含量为26.53 mg·kg-1、26.07 mg·kg-1、26.62 mg·kg-1和24.61 mg·kg-1, 基本表现出随放牧强度增大而降低. 土壤速效氮月际变化与地上绿体生物量具有一定的负相关关系, 表明地上生物量越大, 消耗土壤速效氮越趋明显; 与枯落物有一定的正相关关系, 与地下生物量关系不甚明显, 与湿沉降呈现负的相关性. 土壤NH4+-N含量与土壤有机碳有负相关关系, 而NO3--N含量与有机碳相关性差, 表明土壤有机碳越高, 土壤NH4+-N消耗越明显.  相似文献   

CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a high-cold swamp meadow and an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, subject to different degrees of degradation, were measured over a 12-month period. Air temperature, soil temperature and moisture, and the depths of the water table and thawing-freezing layer were determined. For swamp meadows, the greater the degradation, the lesser the carbon efflux. CH4 emissions at the nondegraded swamp meadow site were 1.09–3.5 and 2.5–11.27 times greater, and CO2 emissions 1.08–1.69 and 1.41–4.43 times greater, respectively, than those from moderately and severely degraded sites. For alpine meadows, the greater the degradation, the greater the CH4 consumption and CO2 emissions. CH4 consumption at the severely degraded alpine meadow site was 6.6–21 and 1.1–5.25 times greater, and CO2 emissions 1.05–78.5 and 1.04–6.28 times greater, respectively, than those from the nondegraded and moderately degraded sites. The CH4 and CO2 fluxes at both sites were significantly correlated (R 2 > 0.59, P < 0.05) with air temperature, soil temperature, and topsoil (0–5 cm depth) moisture, indicating these to be the main environmental factors affecting such fluxes.  相似文献   

Large variations of the CO2 flux through the soil were observed between November 2002 and January 2006 at Mt. Etna volcano. In many cases, the CO2 flux was strongly influenced by changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. A new filtering method was then developed to remove the atmospheric influences on soil CO2 flux and, at the same time, to highlight the variations strictly related to volcanic activity. Successively, the CO2 corrected data were quantitatively compared with the spectral amplitude of the volcanic tremor by cross correlation function, cross-wavelet spectrum and wavelet coherence. These analyses suggested that the soil CO2 flux variations preceded those of volcanic tremor by about 50 days. Given that volcanic tremor is linked to the shallow (a few kilometer) magma dynamics and soil CO2 flux related to the deeper (~12 km b.s.l.) magma dynamics, the “delayed similarity” between the CO2 flux and the volcanic tremor amplitude was used to assess the average speed in the magma uprising into the crust, as about 170–260 m per day. Finally, the large amount of CO2 released before the onset of the 2004–2005 eruption indicated a deep ingression of new magma, which might have triggered such an eruption.  相似文献   

The present analysis adjusts previous estimates of global ocean CaCO3 production rates substantially upward, to 133 × 1012 mol yr?1 plankton production and 42 × 1012 mol yr?1 shelf benthos production. The plankton adjustment is consistent with recent satellite-based estimates; the benthos adjustment includes primarily an upward adjustment of CaCO3 production on so-called carbonate-poor sedimentary shelves and secondarily pays greater attention to high CaCO3 mass (calcimass) and turnover of shelf communities on temperate and polar shelves. Estimated CaCO3 sediment accumulation rates remain about the same as they have been for some years: ~20 × 1012 mol yr?1 on shelves and 11 × 1012 mol yr?1 in the deep ocean. The differences between production and accumulation of calcareous materials call for dissolution of ~22 × 1012 mol yr?1 (~50 %) of shelf benthonic carbonate production and 122 × 1012 mol yr?1 (>90 %) of planktonic production. Most CaCO3 production, whether planktonic or benthonic, is assumed to take place in water depths of <100 m, while most dissolution is assumed to occur below this depth. The molar ratio of CO2 release to CaCO3 precipitation (CO2↑/CaCO3↓) is <1.0 and varies with depth. This ratio, Ψ, is presently about 0.66 in surface seawater and 0.85 in ocean waters deeper than about 1000 m. The net flux of CO2 associated with CaCO3 reactions in the global ocean in late preindustrial time is estimated to be an apparent influx from the atmosphere to the ocean, of +7 × 1012 mol C yr?1, at a time scale of 102–103 years. The CaCO3-mediated influx of CO2 is approximately offset by CO2 release from organic C oxidation in the water column. Continuing ocean acidification will have effects on CaCO3 and organic C metabolic responses to the oceanic inorganic C cycle, although those responses remain poorly quantified.  相似文献   

The major cation and anion compositions of waters from the Lake Qinghai river system (LQRS) in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were measured. The waters were collected seasonally from five main rivers during pre-monsoon (late May), monsoon (late July), and post-monsoon (middle October). The LQRS waters are all very alkaline and have high concentrations of TDS (total dissolved solids) compared to rivers draining the Himalayas and the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Seasonal variations in the water chemistry show that, except the Daotang River, the TDS concentration is high in October and low in July in the LQRS waters. The forward models were used to quantify the input of three main rivers (Buha River, Shaliu River, and Hargai River) from rain, halite, carbonates, and silicates. The results suggest that (1) atmospheric input is the first important source for the waters of the Buha River and the Shaliu River, contributing 36–57% of the total dissolved cations, (2) carbonate weathering input and atmospheric input have equal contribution to the Hargai River water, (3) carbonate weathering has higher contribution to these rivers than silicate weathering, and (4) halite is also important source for the Buha River. The Daotang River water is dominated by halite input owing to its underlying old lacustrine sediments. The water compositions of the Heima River are controlled by carbonate weathering and rainfall input in monsoon season, and groundwater input may be important in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. After being corrected the atmospheric input, average CO2 drawdown via silicate weathering in the LQRS is 35 × 103 mol/km2 per year, with highest in monsoon season, lower than Himalayas and periphery of Tibetan Plateau rivers but higher than some rivers draining shields.  相似文献   

The 137Cs tracer technique was used to study soil erosion of alpine meadow grassland in two small river basins in the headwater region of the Yellow River. The results show that the levels of 137Cs in soil samples from this alpine meadow vegetation zone exhibit an exponential distribution, generally within a depth of approximately 20 cm. Due to strong winds, freeze-thaw cycles and water, soil erosion was found to be stronger on the upper slope than on the lower slope, and except for the slope crest, the intensity of soil erosion at other sites was as follows: upslope < midslope < downslope. There was a significant negative correlation between the intensity of soil erosion and the extent of alpine meadow vegetation cover (P < 0.01). The mean soil erosion modulus exhibited a linear reduction trend with an increase in vegetation cover, and the correlation coefficient R 2 was ≥ 0.997. The higher the degradation degree of the alpine meadow grassland, the greater is the soil erosion. The mean erosion modulus in the severely degraded meadow zone was 2.23 times greater than the one in the slightly degraded zone, and the maximum erosion modulus reached 2.96 × 106 kg/km2/a.  相似文献   

The increase of CO2 in atmosphere is a main factor leading to "greenhouse effect", which causes more and more serious global environmental problems. The reduction of CO2 is a challenge for the survival of human beings, and it is also a big technical problem. CO2 fluid-rock interaction is a key scientific problem involved in geo-logical storage. The CO2 fluid-rock interaction has a variety of multi-scale changes. Due to great differences in the quantity of surface atoms and surface energy between micron-nano-sized minerals, and ions and crystals, the speed and efficiency of CO2 fluid-rock interaction on a micron-nano scale are much higher than those on other scales. As is known from the natural world, the micron-nano structures of pores and the surface chemical modification of natural porous minerals (zeolite, diatomite, sepiolite, palygorskite, halloysite, etc.) should be further investigated, which can be used as the micron-nano -mineral porous materials with high capacity and high efficiency for capturing CO2. Through simulating the adsorption capacity and process of CO2 by minerals in the natural world, the micron-nano technology is applied to calcium- and magnesium-based minerals (olivine, pyroxene, feldspar, clay, etc.) so as to improve the activity of calcium and magnesium and enlarge the reaction contact area. In this way, the efficiency of capturing and storage of CO2 by calcium- and magnesium-based minerals can be greatly improved. These minerals can also be used as the micron-nano-mineral materials with large capacity and high efficiency for capturing and storing CO2.  相似文献   

采用美国Li-COR公司生产的LI-6400-09土壤呼吸室和LI-6400便携式光合作用测量系统,在2004年生长季节对祁连山亚高山灌丛林土壤呼吸速率进行了连续观测.结果表明:在整个生长季祁连山亚高山灌丛林土壤呼吸速率的空间变化为随着海拔梯度的增加,土壤呼吸速率逐渐减小,其变异系数逐渐增加;生长季节土壤呼吸速率晚间维持在较低水平,2:00-6:00最低,在7:00-8:30开始升高,11:00~6:00达到最大值,16:00~8:30开始下降,整个过程呈单峰曲线.土壤呼吸速率的日平均值介于(0.79±0.60)μmol·m-2·s-12.49±0.97μmol·m-2·s-1.土壤呼吸速率78月份达到最大值(5.861μmol·m-2·s-1),5月与9月份次之,4月与10月份基本一致,整个生长过程总的变化趋势呈单峰曲线形式.亚高山灌丛林土壤呼吸的空间变异主要受温度、水分和植物根系的综合影响.  相似文献   

本文结合大气环流及山区内,外气温和降水的年际变化,分析了径流变化与气候变化的关系。分析指出:山区东段河流的枯水年段与欧亚地区中高纬度纬向环流的加强有一定关系;山区对流性降水对本区河流年径流的变化有不可忽视的影响。用时间序列分析方法模拟了年径流的变化规律,并预测未来5—10年径流的变化趋势。  相似文献   

牧压梯度下高寒杂草类草甸土壤持水能力及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以祁连山南麓坡地夏季牧场高寒杂草类草甸为研究对象,进行了封育对照(CK,禁牧)、轻度放牧(LG)、中度放牧(MG)和重度放牧(HG)下土壤持水能力及影响因素的分析. 结果表明:牧压梯度下0~10 cm层土壤最大持水量和毛管持水量均在LG最大,土壤自然贮水量LG略小于HG;而在10~20 cm和20~40 cm持水量均在HG最大,说明放牧对表层土壤的持水能力影响比深层更明显. 0~10 cm层土壤容重随牧压强度增加而增大,较深层次土壤容重基本一致,表明放牧对较深层土壤容重造成的影响远小于表层. 牧压梯度下植被地上地下生物量、枯落物、地表半腐殖质随放牧强度增大而减少;0~10 cm土壤有机质含量在MG最大,CK最小,10~20 cm和20~40 cm层土壤的有机质含量CK最大,说明不同土层有机质含量对牧压梯度的响应有所不同. 土壤持水量与多种因素有关,主要受到地下生物量、有机质和容重等因素的影响,表明随放牧强度增大,践踏使土壤表面硬度增加,土壤空隙度减少,同时家畜过度采食使地面植被覆盖降低而增加土壤水分的蒸发. 这些综合作用下引起放牧地土壤持水能力降低.  相似文献   

The effect of alkalis on the solubility of H2O and CO2 in alkali-rich silicate melts was investigated at 500 MPa and 1,250 °C in the systems with H2O/(H2O + CO2) ratio varying from 0 to 1. Using a synthetic analog of phonotephritic magma from Alban Hills (AH1) as a base composition, the Na/(Na + K) ratio was varied from 0.28 (AH1) to 0.60 (AH2) and 0.85 (AH3) at roughly constant total alkali content. The obtained results were compared with the data for shoshonitic and latitic melts having similar total alkali content but different structural characteristics, e.g., NBO/T parameter (the ratio of non-bridging oxygens over tetrahedrally coordinated cations), as those of the AH compositions. Little variation was observed in H2O solubility (melt equilibrated with pure H2O fluid) for the whole compositional range in this study with values ranging between 9.7 and 10.2 wt. As previously shown, the maximum CO2 content in melts equilibrated with CO2-rich fluids increases strongly with the NBO/T from 0.29 wt % for latite (NBO/T = 0.17) to 0.45 wt % for shoshonite (NBO/T = 0.38) to 0.90 wt % for AH2 (NBO/T = 0.55). The highest CO2 contents determined for AH3 and AH1 are 1.18 ± 0.05 wt % and 0.86 ± 0.12 wt %, respectively, indicating that Na is promoting carbonate incorporation stronger than potassium. At near constant NBO/T, CO2 solubility increases from 0.86 ± 0.12 wt % in AH1 [Na/(Na + K)] = 0.28, to 1.18 ± 0.05 wt % in AH3 [Na/(Na + K)] = 0.85, suggesting that Na favors CO2 solubility on an equimolar basis. An empirical equation is proposed to predict the maximum CO2 solubility at 500 MPa and 1,100–1,300 °C in various silicate melts as a function of the NBO/T, (Na + K)/∑cations and Na/(Na + K) parameters: \({\text{wt}}\% \;{\text{CO}}_{2} = - 0.246 + 0.014\exp \left( {6.995 \cdot \frac{\text{NBO}}{T}} \right) + 3.150 \cdot \frac{{{\text{Na}} + {\text{K}}}}{{\varSigma {\text{cations}}}} + 0.222 \cdot \frac{\text{Na}}{{{\text{Na}} + {\text{K}}}}.\) This model is valid for melt compositions with NBO/T between 0.0 and 0.6, (Na + K)/∑cation between 0.08 and 0.36 and Na/(Na + K) ratio from 0.25 to 0.95 at oxygen fugacities around the quartz–fayalite–magnetite buffer and above.  相似文献   

祁连山大野口流域土壤水热空间变化特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
牛赟  刘贤德  苗毓鑫  车宗玺 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1353-1360
土壤水热对水源涵养功能的发挥影响较大,为了研究流域空间上的水源涵养功能变化规律,在祁连山大野口流域布设90个土壤水热监测探头,对已取得的100多万个数据采取相关分析、变异系数等方法,研究土壤水热空间的变化特征.结果表明:随海拔增大,土壤水分呈波动性增大趋势,增大率约为2.35%·(100m)-1,土壤温度呈波动性降低趋势,降低率约为0.74℃·(100m)-1.半阴坡土壤水分比半阳坡高1.2倍、比阳坡高1.7倍,半阳坡土壤水分比阳坡高1.4倍.半阴坡土壤温度比半阳坡低1.6倍、比阳坡低2.2倍,半阳坡土壤温度比阳坡低1.3倍.土壤水分与其深度呈二次函数的抛物线变化关系,土壤温度与其深度呈线性函数关系,深度每增加10 cm,其温度降低约0.536℃.亚高山灌丛林比乔木林土壤水分高1.5倍、比草地高1.7倍,乔林比草地土壤水分高1.2倍.亚高山灌丛林比乔木林土壤温度低1.6倍、比草地低2.3倍,乔木林土壤温度比草地低1.4倍.高海拔半阴坡灌丛林土壤温度变化最剧烈,低海拔阳坡草地土壤变化较小.研究成果可为探索流域水资源管理及利用提供科学依据和参考资料.  相似文献   

祁连山中部公元904年以来树木年轮记录的旱涝变化   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
利用取自祁连山中部地区的树木年轮样本和该地区3个站点的降水资料,应用年轮气候学方法,重建了祁连山中部地区的降水量.自公元904年以来,该地区历经了31次相对干期和30次相对湿润期,其中,连续两个10a以上的干期有17次,湿润期12次,最长的干期是1540—1590年间,长达60a,最长的湿润期是1240—1270年、1860—1890年,各有40a.世纪尺度范围内,16世纪是最干的100a,有80a为少雨年;最湿润的是13世纪和19世纪,这期间有60a为多雨.自公元904年以来,降水量共发生了35次突变,16次是由旱向涝的突变,19次是由涝向旱的突变.平均约30a发生一次.11世纪是该地区降水的多变时期,15~16世纪是降水的相对稳定时段,20世纪又进入了降水的多变时期.  相似文献   

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