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According to the satellite remote sensing monthly mean sea surface temperature data from 1998 to 2002, it is shown that, the Sulu Sea is dominated by a cold eddy both in summer and winter. A coupled single-layer/two-layer model is employed here to study the summery and wintry characteristics and dynamic mechanism of the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea. According to the numerical experiments, it is found that, due to the local monsoon stress cud, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea is dominated by a weak anticyclonic eddy in summer and a strong cyclonic eddy in winter. Once there is a large outflow via the Sibutu Passage flowing out of the Sulu Sea in summer, the upper circulation in the Sulu Sea may be dominated by a cyclonic eddy instead of the normal anti- cyclonic one. Moreover, in summer, the water exchange between the Sulu Sea and South China Sea via the Mindoro and Balabac Straits might have some effect on the separation position and strength of the northward western boundary current next to the Indo - China Peninsula in the southern South China Sea.  相似文献   

北赤道流分叉点及南海北部环流的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了北赤道流分叉点、南海北部环流的一些研究成果,并就黑潮对南海的影响所作的研究进行了回顾.北赤道流分叉点的位置对于北赤道流系水体疏运变化及在黑潮和MC之间水体、热量、盐度输运的分配中起着重要的作用.北赤道流分叉点位置约在14.6°N上,分叉点位置随深度增加而北移.分叉点有明显的季节变化和年际变化,在春、夏季向南移动,而在秋、冬季则向北移动.年际变化与ENSO现象相关紧密,在El Nio事件NEC分叉纬度处于最北端,在La Nio事件处于最南端.对于分叉点位置的定量化研究,仍然需要更多的观测结果进行研究.季风和黑潮是影响南海北部环流的两种主要因素.南海北部上层流场主要由广东沿岸流、黑潮入侵流套、东沙海流、南海暖流和吕宋海流组成.除海盆、次海盆尺度环流外,受季风、黑潮和地形等因素的影响,南海表现出多涡结构.通过近些年的卫星观测和数值模拟的结果,人们对南海中尺度涡的认识大大加深,但要想模拟出风应力形成涡的机制,还需要提高风场和模式的分辨率.由于观测资料的限制,对南海流场的垂直结构、以及春-秋季季风转相时期的流场结构等还研究得较少.吕宋海峡水交换是西太平洋对南海影响的主要途径.黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的形变一直是有争议的热点问题,目前对于黑潮入侵有3种观点:(1) 认为黑潮经过吕宋海峡形成流套结构,并分离出中尺度涡影响南海流场、水团结构;(2) 认为黑潮有一直接分支分离出来进入南海形成黑潮分支;(3) 认为吕宋海峡水交换不属于以上两种情况,西太平洋对南海的水团输送另有机制.北赤道流分叉点在对黑潮的水体、热量、盐度输运的分配中起着重要的作用,黑潮对南海北部环流的影响可能与NEC的分叉点位置有关,但目前对NEC的分叉点位置与南海北部环流相关性的研究甚少.最后提出了对未来加强该方面研究的一些展望.  相似文献   

Hypotheses concerning the circulation of the northern North Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

渤、黄海冬季海冰对大气环流及气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
受全球气候变暖影响,渤、黄海冬季气候呈明显的变暖趋势。在1951-2010年共60年中,后30年较前30年,气温升高了1.6℃,升幅异常显著。与此相对应,渤、黄海冬季海冰的冰级下降了0.6级。渤、黄海冰情持续偏轻与全球气候变暖趋势相当一致。冬季渤、黄海气温异常是对全球大气环流变化的响应,直接受同期东亚大气环流制约。研究表明,渤海海冰和大气环流的关系是清楚的,这对预测渤、黄海海冰具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A fine-resolution MOM code is used to study the South China Sea basin-scale circulationand its relation to the mass transport through the Luzon Strait. The model domain includes the South China Sea, part of the East China Sea, and part of the Philippine Sea so that the currents in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait are free to evolve. In addition, all channels between the South China Sea and the Indonesian seas are closed so that the focus is on the Luzon Strait transport. The model is driven by specified Philippine Sea currents and by surface heat and salt flux conditions. For simplicity, no wind-stress is applied at the surface.The simulated Luzon Strait transport and the South China Sea circulation feature a sandwich vertical structure from the surface to the bottom. The Philippine Sea water is simulated to enter the South China Sea at the surface and in the deep ocean and is carried to the southern basin by western boundary currents. At the intermediate depth, the net Luzon Strait transport is out of t  相似文献   

A tectonostratigraphic model for the evolution of rift basins has been built, involving three distinct stages of basin development separated by key unconformities or unconformity complexes. The architecture and signature of the sediment infill for each stage are discussed, with reference to the northern North Sea palaeorift system. The proto-rift stage describes the rift onset with either doming or flexural subsidence. In the case of early doming, a proto-rift unconformity separates this stage from the subsequent main rift stage. Active stretching and rotation of fault blocks during the rift stage is terminated by the development of the syn-rift unconformity. Where crustal separation is accomplished, a break-up unconformity commonly marks the boundary to the overlying thermal relaxation or post-rift stage. Tabular architectures, thickening across relatively steep faults, characterize the proto-rift stage. Syn-rift architectures are much more variable. Depending on the ability of the sediment supply to fill the waxing and waning accommodation created during rotation and subsidence, one-, two- or three-fold lithosome architectures are likely to develop. During the post-rift stage, an early phase with coarse clastic infilling of remnant rift topography often precedes late stage widening of the basin and filling with fine-grained sediments.  相似文献   

Changes in North Sea gadoid stocks   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  

The occurrence of fish larvae and the effect of diel and tidal variation on catches was studied at about biweekly intervals for a year in Whangateau Harbour, a small well mixed northern New Zealand estuary. Larvae from 31 taxa were identified. The annual pattern of larval occurrence was typical for fish in temperate waters, with a major peak of abundance in early summer. For six taxa, larval densities were significantly greater in night-time than in daytime catches, and analysis of length-frequency distributions suggested that for two species this was due to daytime net avoidance.No significant differences were found between the densities of larvae caught on flood and ebb tides, but changes in length-frequency distributions were significant for two species. Recently hatched larvae of an unidentified goby were found leaving the harbour, where they were probably spawned, while older larvae of this species appeared to be recruiting back in. Larvae of the flounder Rhobosolea plebeia were also apparently recruiting into the harbour. In the absence of a two-layered circulation pattern larvae relied upon tidal transport for recruitment, and probaby ensured their retention by rapidly settling to the bottom.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of macrozoobenthos in relation to meso-scale bedforms in the southern North Sea. Three sites on the Dutch Continental Shelf were sampled that are representative of large areas of the North Sea and show diverse morphological settings. These sites are (i) part of a shoreface-connected ridge, (ii) the lower part of a concave shoreface and (iii) a sandwave area. Within these sites, two or three different morphological units were distinguished. Sampling was undertaken in two seasons for two consecutive years. The species composition was analysed for differences in benthic assemblage within sites, based on the meso-scale morphology, and between sites and seasons. In addition, the benthic assemblage was correlated to water depth, median grain size (D50) and sorting (D60/D10). Results show that significant differences in the benthic assemblage can be found related to meso-scale bedforms, but macro-scale morphological setting and seasonal effects are more important.  相似文献   

On distributional responses of North Atlantic fish to climate change   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  

吕宋海峡是南海与外界水交换的重要通道,黑潮作为北太平洋最强的1支西边界流,在经过吕宋海峡时会对南海北部的环流和环境产生重要影响。本文用1991—2011年期间CTD断面实测资料和高度计资料,提取23.0~25.5 kg/m3等密度面之间的盐度极大值,研究了南海北部不同年月盐度极大值变化、黑潮入侵方式与强弱,以及盐度极大值变化与北赤道流分叉点南北移动的关系,结果表明:(1)黑潮入侵南海方式多样,既有分支形式,也有弯曲、流套形式。(2)不同年月间,黑潮入侵南海的强弱存在较大差别,120°E断面的次表层盐度极大值的变动可超过0.3。(3)北赤道流分叉点位置的南北变动对黑潮入侵南海的强弱具有重要影响:北赤道流分叉点位置偏北,黑潮入侵南海较强;北赤道流分叉点位置偏南,则黑潮入侵相对较弱。  相似文献   

In 1999, 2003 and 2007 macrofauna communities were sampled in three different areas (“Boxes”) of 10 × 10 nautical miles in the northern North Sea in order to study the temporal changes in community structure in relation to changes in temperature or changes in hydrography.  相似文献   

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