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One-dimensional solute transport, originating from a continuous uniform point source, is studied along unsteady longitudinal flow through a heterogeneous medium of semi-infinite extent. Velocity is considered as directly proportional to the linear spatially-dependent function that defines the heterogeneity. It is also assumed temporally dependent. It is expressed in both the independent variables in degenerate form. The dispersion parameter is considered to be proportional to square of the velocity. Certain new independent variables are introduced through separate transformations to reduce the variable coefficients of the advection–diffusion equation to constant coefficients. The Laplace Transformation Technique (LTT) is used to obtain the desired solution. The effects of heterogeneity and unsteadiness on the solute transport are investigated.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor F.F. Hattermann

Citation Kumar, A., Jaiswal, D.K., and Kumar, N., 2012. One-dimensional solute dispersion along unsteady flow through a heterogeneous medium, dispersion being proportional to the square of velocity. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1223–1230.  相似文献   

This work is the third in a series of papers on the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) approach to modeling flow and transport phenomena in multiscale porous medium systems. Building upon the general TCAT framework and the mathematical foundation presented in previous works in this series, we demonstrate the TCAT approach for the case of single-fluid-phase flow. The formulated model is based upon conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy and a general entropy inequality constraint, which is developed to guide model closure. A specific example of a closed model is derived under limiting assumptions using a linearization approach and these results are compared and contrasted with the traditional single-phase-flow model. Potential extensions to this work are discussed. Specific advancements in this work beyond previous averaging theory approaches to single-phase flow include use of macroscale thermodynamics that is averaged from the microscale, the use of derived equilibrium conditions to guide a flux–force pair approach to simplification, use of a general Lagrange multiplier approach to connect conservation equation constraints to the entropy inequality, and a focus on producing complete, closed models that are solvable.  相似文献   

We study density-driven flow in a fractured porous medium in which the fractures are represented as manifolds of reduced dimensionality. Fractures are assumed to be thin regions of space filled with a porous material whose properties differ from those of the porous medium enclosing them. The interfaces separating the fractures from the embedding medium are assumed to be ideal. We consider two approaches: (i) the fractures have the same dimension, d, as the embedding medium and are said to be d-dimensional; (ii) the fractures are considered as (d − 1)-dimensional manifolds, and the equations of density-driven flow are found by averaging the d-dimensional laws over the fracture width. We show that the second approach is a valid alternative to the first one. For this purpose, we perform numerical experiments using finite-volume discretization for both approaches. The results obtained by the two methods are in good agreement with each other.  相似文献   

One-dimensional numerical models are popularly used in sediment transport research because they can be easily programmed and cost less time compared with two- and three-dimensional numerical models. In particular, they possess greater capacity to be applied in large river basins with many tributaries. This paper presents a one-dimensional numerical model capable of calculating total-load sediment transport. The cross-section-averaged sediment transport capacity and recovery coefficient are addressed in the suspended load model. This one-dimensional model, therefore, can be applied to fine suspended loads and to hyperconcentrated flows in the Yellow River. Moreover, a new discretization scheme for the equation of unsteady non-uniform suspended sediment transport is proposed. The model is calibrated using data measured from the Yantan Reservoir on the Hongshui River and the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River. A comparison of the calculated water level and river bed deformation with field measurements Shows that the improved numerical model is capable of predicting flow, sediment transport, bed changes, and bed-material sorting in various situations, with reasonable accuracy and reliability.  相似文献   

This study introduces the dispersive fluid flux of total fluid mass to the density-driven flow equation to improve thermohaline modeling of salt and heat transports in porous media. The dispersive fluid flux in the flow equation is derived to account for an additional fluid flux driven by the density gradient and mechanical dispersion. The coupled flow, salt transport and heat transport governing equations are numerically solved by a fully implicit finite difference method to investigate solution changes due to the dispersive fluid flux. The numerical solutions are verified by the Henry problem and the thermal Elder problem under a moderate density effect and by the brine Elder problem under a strong density effect. It is found that increment of the maximum ratio of the dispersive fluid flux to the advective fluid flux results in increasing dispersivity for the Henry problem and the brine Elder problem. The effects of the dispersive fluid flux on salt and heat transports under high density differences and high dispersivities are more noticeable than under low density differences and low dispersivities. Values of quantitative indicators such as the Nusselt number, mass flux, salt mass stored and maximum penetration depth in the brine Elder problem show noticeable changes by the dispersive fluid flux. In the thermohaline Elder problem, the dispersive fluid flux shows a considerable effect on the shape and the number of developed fingers and makes either an upwelling or a downwelling flow in the center of the domain. In conclusion, for the general case that involves strong density-driven flow and transport modeling in porous media, the dispersive fluid flux should be considered in the flow equation.  相似文献   

We investigate the estimation of interfacial areas, curvatures, and common curve lengths in multiphase porous medium systems. Algorithms are developed to obtain estimates of these quantities based upon a variety of potential data sources and estimation approaches. The accuracy of the derived approximations are evaluated as a function of the data type and resolution of the data. The methods advanced improve upon standard approaches now in use and show excellent accuracy at resolutions on the order of five lattice points per minimum radius of curvature of the object being resolved. Finally, we suggest a promising class of extensions that could lead to further improvements in the accuracy of such methods.  相似文献   

In this article, a mathematical model is presented for the dispersion problem in finite porous media in which the flow is two‐dimensional, the seepage flow velocity is periodic, and dispersion parameter is proportional to the flow velocity. In addition to these, first‐order decay and zero‐order production parameters have also been considered directly proportional to the velocity. Retardation factor is taken into account in the present problem. First‐type boundary condition of periodic nature is considered at the extreme end of the boundary. Mixed‐type boundary condition is assumed at the origin of the domain. A classical mathematical substitution transforms the original advection–dispersion equation into diffusion equation in terms of other dependent and independent variables, with constant coefficients. Laplace transform technique is used to obtain the analytical solution. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is developed for flow in a manifold. The interest is primarily for trickle irrigation laterals, but the solution has broader applications including those for which pressure increases in the direction of flow and for intake manifolds. Both velocity head losses and variable discharge along the manifold are considered in the fundamental analysis. The appropriate second order, nonlinear equation is solved for two flow regimes, laminar and fully turbulent. Results indicate that for most trickle irrigation laterals the velocity head loss is negligible, but for an example from a chemical processing system the effect is important.  相似文献   

地下多孔介质中的孔隙类型复杂多样,既有硬孔又有扁平的软孔.针对复杂孔隙介质,假设多孔介质中同时含有球型硬孔和两种不同产状的裂隙(硬币型、尖灭型裂隙),当孔隙介质承载载荷时,考虑两种不同类型的裂隙对于孔隙流体压力的影响,建立起Biot理论框架下饱和流体情况含混合裂隙、孔隙介质的弹性波动方程,并进一步求取了饱和流体情况下仅由裂隙引起流体流动时的含混合裂隙、孔隙介质的体积模量和剪切模量,随后,在此基础上讨论了含混合裂隙、孔隙介质在封闭条件下地震波衰减和频散的高低频极限表达式.最后计算了给定模型的地震波衰减和频散,发现地震波衰减曲线呈现"多峰"现象,速度曲线为"多频段"频散.针对该模型分析讨论了渗透率参数、裂隙纵横比参数以及流体黏滞性参数对于地震波衰减和频散的影响,表明三个参数均为频率控制参数.  相似文献   

Recent advances in multi-phase flow theory have shown that the flow of several phases in a porous medium is highly influenced by the interfaces separating these phases. First modeling studies based on this new theory have been performed on a pore scale, as well as on a volume-averaged macro scale using balance equations and constitutive relations that take the role and presence of interfaces into account. However, neither experimental data nor analytical solutions are available on the macro scale so far, although their knowledge is essential for the verification of the new models.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method to analyze the power law based non-Darcian flow toward a well in a confined aquifer with and without wellbore storage. This method is based on a combination of the linearization approximation of the non-Darcian flow equation and the Laplace transform. Analytical solutions of steady-state and late time drawdowns are obtained. Semi-analytical solutions of the drawdowns at any distance and time are computed by using the Stehfest numerical inverse Laplace transform. The results of this study agree perfectly with previous Theis solution for an infinitesimal well and with the Papadopulos and Cooper’s solution for a finite-diameter well under the special case of Darcian flow. The Boltzmann transform, which is commonly employed for solving non-Darcian flow problems before, is problematic for studying radial non-Darcian flow. Comparison of drawdowns obtained by our proposed method and the Boltzmann transform method suggests that the Boltzmann transform method differs from the linearization method at early and moderate times, and it yields similar results as the linearization method at late times. If the power index n and the quasi hydraulic conductivity k get larger, drawdowns at late times will become less, regardless of the wellbore storage. When n is larger, flow approaches steady state earlier. The drawdown at steady state is approximately proportional to r1−n, where r is the radial distance from the pumping well. The late time drawdown is a superposition of the steady-state solution and a negative time-dependent term that is proportional to t(1−n)/(3−n), where t is the time.  相似文献   

A Laplace-transform analytic element method (LT-AEM) is described for the solution of transient flow problems in porous media. Following Laplace transformation of the original flow problem, the analytic element method (AEM) is used to solve the resultant time-independent modified Helmholtz equation, and the solution is inverted numerically back into the time domain. The solution is entirely general, retaining the mathematical elegance and computational efficiency of the AEM while being amenable to parallel computation. It is especially well suited for problems in which a solution is required at a limited number of points in space–time, and for problems involving materials with sharply contrasting hydraulic properties. We illustrate the LT-AEM on transient flow through a uniform confined aquifer with a circular inclusion of contrasting hydraulic conductivity and specific storage. Our results compare well with published analytical solutions in the special case of radial flow.  相似文献   

Multi-phase flow and transport processes generally occur on different spatial and temporal scales. Very often also, within a physical system, they vary in space meaning that different kinds of processes might take place in different parts of the system. In order to account for the variety of processes and to take their scale-dependence into account, the development of multi-scale multi-physics techniques can be envisaged.  相似文献   

The tightly coupled, strongly nonlinear nature of non-isothermal multi-phase flow in porous media poses a tough challenge for numerical simulation. This trait is even more pronounced, if miscibility is also considered. A primary reason why inclusion of miscibility tends to be problematic are the difficulties stemming from phase transitions: on the one hand, phase transitions need to be included since the presence or absence of fluid phases has a major impact on the flow behavior; on the other hand, convergence of the nonlinear solver may be severely affected if they are not handled robustly.In this work, we present a mathematically sound approach to include phase transitions in the nonlinear system of equations: first, the transition conditions are formulated as a set of local inequality constraints, which are then directly integrated into the nonlinear solver using a nonlinear complementarity function. Under this scheme, Newton-Raphson solvers exhibit considerably more robust convergence behaviour compared to some previous approaches, which is then illustrated by several numerical examples.  相似文献   

A periodic vertical movement of the groundwater table results in a subsequent cyclic response of the water content and pressure profiles in the vadose zone. The sequence of periodic wetting and drying processes can be affected by hysteresis effects in this zone. A one-dimensional saturated/unsaturated flow model based on Richards’ equation and the Mualem (Soil Sci. 137 (1984) 283) hysteresis model is formulated which can take into account multi-cycle hysteresis effects in the relation between capillary pressure and water content. The numerical integration of the unsaturated flow equation is based on a Galerkin-type finite element method. The flow domain is discretised by finite elements with linear shape functions. Simulations start with static water content and pressure profiles, which correspond to either a boundary drying or wetting retention curve. To facilitate the numerical solution of the hysteretic case an implicit non-iterative procedure was chosen for the solution of the nonlinear differential equation. Laboratory experiments were performed with a vertical sand column by imposing a high frequency periodic pressure head at the lower end of the column. The total water volume in the column, and the periodic water content profile averaged over time were measured. The boundary drying and wetting curves of the relation between water content and capillary pressure were determined by independent experiments. The simulations of the experimental conditions show a clear effect of the hysteresis phenomenon on the water content profile. The simulations with hysteresis agree well with the measurements. Computed dimensionless water content profiles are presented for different oscillation frequencies with and without consideration of hysteresis.  相似文献   

A new benchmark semi-analytical solution is proposed for the verification of density-driven flow codes. The problem deals with a synthetic square porous cavity subject to different salt concentrations at its vertical walls. A steady state semi-analytical solution is investigated using the Fourier–Galerkin method. Contrarily to the standard Henry problem, the cavity benchmark allows high truncation orders in the Fourier series and provides semi-analytical solutions for very small diffusion cases. The problem is also investigated numerically to validate the semi-analytical solution. The obtained results represent a set of new test case high quality data that can be effectively used for benchmarking density-driven flow codes.  相似文献   

Stability of density-driven flows is a challenging problem with current applications in major areas like energy exploration, water pollution, nuclear and oil industries. The mathematical model for such flows is a system of coupled non linear partial differential equations. To study the physical stability of the system, we consider steady-state flow and perturb the solution of the full system of equations (without Boussinesq approximation) and investigate how it evolves in time: if the solution does not grow indefinitely, the system is called stable. The perturbations are treated as being the result of sub-scale interactions between the velocity field and the solute mass. Making use of a two-scale expansion of the solution, we derived extended stability criteria that include the effects of density, viscosity and flow velocity in flow configurations aligned parallel as well as orthogonal to gravity forces. Numerical simulations with the numerical simulator d3fd3f are presented to test the theoretical stability criteria.  相似文献   

非均匀介质热蠕变流动的数值求解   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对非均匀介质中热蠕变流动问题,给出了有限单元方法与网格-粒子方法联合求解新技术,即有限单元方法求解欧拉网格节点上的未知量,分布于单元内部作为物质成分标记的粒子反映变形过程.有限元法求解动量方程和连续性方程时引入了速度场和压力场等阶插值的压力场稳定的Petrov-Galerkin方法,求解能量方程时采用了流线迎风Petrov-Galerkin方法,网格-粒子算法中采用双线性插值与有限单元插值函数对应.有限单元计算与网格-粒子计算相对独立,两种方法计算的数据通过有限单元节点传递.同时,实现了三角形单元的算法和程序,解决了复杂结构条件下不规则网格计算的问题.通过经典方腔热对流问题验证了程序,给出了不规则形态块体沉降算例,并分析了数值解的稳定性.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend to three-phase flow the nonequilibrium formalism proposed by Barenblatt and co-workers for two-phase porous media flow. The underlying idea is to include nonequilibrium effects by introducing a pair of effective water and gas saturations, which are linked to the actual saturations by a local evolution equation. We illustrate and analyze how nonequilibrium effects lead to qualitative and quantitative differences in the solution of the three-phase flow equations.  相似文献   




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