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Stemflow of a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest and a nearby Pinus radiata plantation was studied on a rainfall event basis. The stemflow yields of the forests are quantified, compared, and presented on an annual basis for four years. Yields of the individual eucalypt species are compared and the tree characteristics responsible for the yield differences are discussed. The influence of event size, type, and season on stemflow are also shown. Rainfall angle is shown to have a significant effect on stemflow yield.  相似文献   

A study of partitioning of rainfall into throughfall, stemflow, and interception was conducted in a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest and an adjacent pine plantation over a period of seven years, on a rainfall event basis. The following three issues are discussed: (1) the relationship between canopy storage capacity and interception of continuous events, (2) interception, throughfall, and stemflow, and (3) the effect on interception of thinning the pine plantation.
  • 1 The canopy storage capacity/interception interaction for the eucalypt forest was assessed by comparing a gravimetric estimate of canopy storage capacity with interception. The maximum possible value for canopy storage capacity was found to be a small proportion of interception for events of all sizes. This suggests that evaporation of intercepted water during the continuous events was responsible for most of the interception. This ‘within event’ evaporation appears to be responsible also for the net rainfall/gross rainfall estimate of canopy storage capacity being four times the gravimetric value. For the pines the regression estimate was more closely related to interception.
  • 2 Interception, throughfall, and stemflow of these forests were measured for four years. Data are presented for each year with overall average interception being 11-4 per cent of precipitation for the eucalypt forest and 18-3 per cent for the pine plantation. Topography and rainfall event type are considered in the comparison.
Species composition and tree type are considered when comparing these results with published studies from similar forest types in southeastern Australia. The periodic (annual) variations of interception in this and the other studies makes comparison difficult.
  • 3 The effect of thinning on the throughfall, stemflow, and interception in a Pinus radiata plantation is examined. Throughfall increased, interception decreased but not in proportion to the removed biomass; stemflow decreased on an area basis, but increased on a per tree basis. A positive relationshiip is established between interception and stemflow on the thinned plantation but not in the unthinned. Reasons for this are suggested. The results are compared to those reported from similar experiments in other forests.
  • 4 The periodic variations in interception and errors inherent in its estimation suggest that caution should be exercised when using average interception figures in water balance studies.

The canopy storage capacity of a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest was determined. This required destructive sampling of three major species of trees and development of a water soakage method for the measurement of water holding capacity of all above ground components. The influence of antecedent weather conditions on canopy storage capacity was assessed. It was shown that the interactive effects of leaf area and water holding capacity of all tree components were such that the estimated canopy storage capacity (0-39 mm) was likely to change little except under extreme conditions of drought and rainfall. The effect of species composition on forest canopy storage capacity is also presented. The wetting processes are described and compared with those discussed in other studies. They are shown to be relevant to the estimation of canopy storage capacity in almost any forest.  相似文献   

The rainfall received by a small plot of tropical deciduous forest on sand dunes in Veracruz, Mexico, was partitioned into stemflow and throughfall components to determine whether funnelling by stemflow could reduce soil leaching by transmitting large volumes of water through vertical soil pathways beneath each stem. Although soil infiltration capacities were high, only a very small proportion of incoming rainfall was funnelled by canopy stems. This is attributed to the widely-branched morphology of mature trees. Smaller trees and shrubs were more effective funnellers of rainfall, and a crude estimate of the magnitude of stemflow in the understorey stratum in one rain event suggested a contribution approximately ten times that of canopy stemflow. However, even if augmented by the understorey stratum in this way, total stemflow is unlikely to have exceeded 10 per cent of gross precipitation, implying that it does not represent an important leaching-avoidance mechanism in this forest.  相似文献   

To consolidate knowledge of some aspects of the partitioning of incident rainfall into throughfall, stemflow and interception loss, a study was made in a typical cocoa (Theobroma cacao Lour.) plantation in south-east Bahia, Brazil. The samples were collected, on a per shower basis, from locations at different levels in the canopy over a period of two and a half years. During the period studied, of the amount of incident rainfall reaching the cocoa plantation, on average 16% was retained by shelter trees, 19% by cocoa trees and 9% by the ground litter. Losses due to interception caused some variations and were mainly regulated by temporal variations and by the amount and intensity of rainfall in the plantation. The amount of rainfall intercepted, as determined in this study, is comparable with other tropical stands, but important differences do exist and are believed to be influenced by the previous level of moisture availability within the cocoa plantation.  相似文献   

Rainfall samples were collected from several hundred rainfall events. Up to nine samples per event were collected from sites 3–500 m apart. They differed substantially in both concentration and composition, even though great care was taken to wash all collectors beforehand. Dryfall, storage and analytical procedures could not explain the variation. When data for rainfall events of similar size (but very different cation inputs) were examined, the major differences were associated with the prevailing wind direction. Events leading to high concentrations were associated with easterly winds and showed the influence of a marine source. Chemical concentration and composition were not altered by the occurrence of a drought year followed by a very wet year. The mean pH was 5·3 and ranged from 4·6 to 5·8. For a given event, a difference of 0·5 often occurred between collection sites. Regular seasonal variations in the concentration of NO3-N and the NO3/NH4 ratio occurred, with the ratio being higher in summer due primarily to bush fires. Organic nitrogen comprised 14% of total nitrogen.  相似文献   

The differences between δ18O in throughfall and open rainfall were studied for 16 selected spring and summer storms in deciduous, pine and spruce forests in central Pennsylvania, USA. Throughfall δ18O averaged 0.17, 0.32 and 0.24%o greater than δ18O of open rainfall for all storms at the deciduous, pine and spruce sites, respectively. Throughfall 18O enrichment was greater in low intensity spring rainfall events than higher intensity growing season storms and greater in the coniferous stands than the deciduous hardwood stand. Maximum throughfall 18O enrichment of l.61%o occurred in the spruce forest during one spring event. The differences between rainfall and throughfall 18O observed in this study for individual storm events may have important implications for isotope flow separation studies.  相似文献   

Rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow were monitored at 5-min intervals for 3 years in a 120-year-old forest dominated by redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) at the Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds, located in northwest California, USA. About 2.5% of annual rainfall reaches the ground as stemflow at the site, while 22.4% is stored on foliage and stems and evaporates before reaching the ground. Comparison of the timing of rainfall and throughfall indicates that about 46% of the interception loss occurs through post-storm evaporation from foliage and 54% is either evaporated during the storm or enters long-term storage in bark. Until bark storage capacity is saturated, the proportion of rainfall diverted to bark storage would be relatively constant across the range of rainfall intensities encountered, reflecting primarily the proportional incidence of rainfall on surfaces contributing to bark storage. In any case, loss rates remain high—over 15%—even during the highest-intensity storms monitored. Clearcut logging in the area would increase effective annual rainfall by 20–30% due to reduction of interception loss, and most of the increase would occur during large storms, thus potentially influencing peakflows and hillslope pore-pressures during geomorphically significant events.  相似文献   

This study of litter decomposition was part of an extensive project examining the partitioning of rainfall, the associated chemistry, and litterfall in a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest and a Pinus radiata plantation in southeastern Australia. The eucalypt species studied were Eucalyptus rossii, E. mannifera and E. dives. The components tested were Pinus radiata needles, leaves of the three eucalypt species, and the bark of E. rossii and E. mannifera. During the first 16 weeks of the decomposition experiment there was a rapid decrease in the concentrations of potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus; this was attributed to leaching. During this period, concentrations of nitrogen and calcium increased for most components. After this period, decomposition became the dominant process, during which the concentrations of most elements increased. By the end of the experiment there was, compared with the initial values, a marked reduction in concentrations of sodium, magnesium and potassium for all eucalypt and pine litter. Calcium concentrations increased through time, with eucalypt bark showing a mid‐period decline. Phosphorus concentrations decreased for the eucalypt leaves but increased substantially for the pine needles and the eucalypt bark. For all components of both the eucalypts and pines, total nitrogen concentrations rose consistently throughout the decomposition period. This was attributed to the formation of nitrogen‐substituted lignin, which was more resistant to decomposition than the other nitrogen‐containing compounds, as well as some nitrogen being stored in the micro‐organisms responsible for decomposition. Because of loss of fragmented litter from the litter bags after 16 weeks, the weight changes could not be confidently measured after this period. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Litterfall was measured in a dry schlerophyll eucalypt forest and a nearby Pinus radiata plantation of similar tree density and basal area near Canberra in south-eastern Australia. Total annual litterfall for the eucalypts was 329 g m−2, compared with 180 g m−2 for the pines, with the bark component being 52 g m−2 for eucalypts and zero for pines. Barkfall did not occur for the eucalypts during the drought of 1982–1983 but complete bark shedding occurred during the subsequent very wet year when barkfall was 177 g m−2 for Eucalyptus rossii and 146 g m−2 for Eucalyptus mannifera (9·3 and 7·6 g m−2 of basal area, respectively). Barkfall of E. rossii responded to rainfall in the period autumn to early summer, whereas E. mannifera responded to summer rainfall. In the eucalypt forest floor-litter was stratified into a surface layer where the components were substantially intact, and a cohesive layer where the components were fragmented and bound together by fungal hyphae. The amount and residence times of loose and cohesive floor-litter were 1056 g m−2 and 3·2 years, respectively, for the loose litter layer; and 1164 g m−2 and 3·5 years for the cohesive layer. The litter biomass represented 17% of the estimated total above-ground biomass of 127 tonnes ha−1. A previous study showed roots to be 25% of total biomass, suggesting a total biomass of 167 tonnes ha−1. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interception loss, I, was determined by continuous concurrent measurements of the canopy precipitation balances of a mature seed orchard tree of Pinus radiata, and a dominant tree of Eucalyptus viminalis at a mountainous high rainfall site (900 m a.s.l.) in Tallaganda State Forest of the Upper Shoalhaven Catchment. Approximate canopy storage capacity (Sc) of the pine was 54 l, and that of the eucalypt was 11·3 l. Gross pine I was 26·5 per cent and eucalypt I was 8·3 per cent of total incident rainfall over a period of 18 months, from June 1975 to December 1976. The exponential model that provided the best fit to overall data relating I to gross rainfall (Pg) was of good precision for the pine (r2 = 0·73) but rather poor precision for the eucalypt (r2 = 0·27). A consistent pattern in interception data of the two canopy types suggested that variation in I was related to change in pervasive conditions influencing rates of evaporation from wet canopies during rainfall. Multiple regression analyses confirmed that factors such as rainfall intensity and windspeed explained some of the variation in eucalypt I but little in pine I. Negative eucalypt I and corresponding low values of pine I over a wide range of Pg (up to 20 mm) suggest that capture of wind-borne precipitation (cloud, mist, or fog) had also complicated the canopy precipitation balances.  相似文献   

Throughfall has been widely studied in forests but there is a scarcity of studies that focus on the spatial variability and temporal stability of throughfall in eucalyptus plantations. We examined throughfall in a daily basis in a 2·5‐year eucalyptus plantation in southeastern Brazil using three sample arrangements: (1) close to tree trunks (CT) and in the central point between trunks (BT), (2) four‐radial layout centred in tree trunk and (3) eight‐radial layout. Throughfall was spatially non‐uniform and varied according to the spatial monitoring arrangement: accumulated throughfall/precipitation ratio of 146% (CT) and 85% (BT) in arrangement 1, mean throughfall of 88% in arrangement 2, 84% (hilltop) and 85% (side slope) in arrangement 3. The highest throughfall values, spatial variability and persistence of dry and wet conditions were found close to eucalyptus trunks. Often accumulated throughfall close to trunks exceeded rainfall, especially for long‐duration rainfall > 5 mm. The ‘funnel effect’ was consistently observed in all three arrangements and we speculate that the high throughfall concentration and temporal stability are related to canopy structures of eucalyptus. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial variability of throughfall (TF) isotopic composition, used as tracer input, influences isotope hydrological applications in forested watersheds. Notwithstanding, identification of the dominant canopy factors and processes that affect the patterns of TF isotopic variability remains ambiguous. Here, we examined the spatio‐temporal variability of TF isotopic composition in a Japanese cypress plantation, in which intensive strip thinning was performed and investigated whether canopy structure at a fine resolution of canopy effect analysis is related to TF isotopic composition and how this is affected by meteorological factors. Canopy openness, as an index of canopy structure, was calculated from hemispherical photographs at different zenith angles. TF samples were collected in a 10 × 10 m experimental plot in both pre‐thinning (from July to November 2010) and post‐thinning (from May 2012 to March 2013) periods. Our results show that thinning resulted in a smaller alteration of input δ18O of gross precipitation, whereas the changes in deuterium excess varied in both directions. Despite the temporal stability of spatial patterns in TF amount, the spatial variability of TF isotopic composition was not temporally stable in both pre‐ and post‐thinning periods. Additionally, after thinning, the isotopic composition of TF was best related to canopy openness calculated at the zenith angle of 7°, exhibiting three different relationships, that is, significantly negative, significantly positive, and nonsignificant. Changes in meteorological factors (wind speed, rainfall intensity, and temperature) were found to affect the relationships between TF δ18O and canopy openness. The observed shifts in the relationships reveal different dominant factors (partial evaporation and the selection), and canopy water flowpaths control such differences. This study provides useful insights into the spatial variability of TF isotopic composition and improves our understanding of the physical processes of interception through canopy passage.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of the concurrent canopy precipitation balances of a seed orchard pine and a mature forest eucalypt during protracted rainfalls selected for their representativeness of the range of variation encountered in the two canopy types at Tallanganda State Forest (ca. 990 m a.s.l.) in the Upper Shoalhaven Valley of southeastern New South Wales. Although their canopy storage capacities were widely different there was consistent interception behaviour in the pine and the eucalypt in all events. Detailed weather data and the time courses of interception loss provided circumstantial evidence for a varying and, at times, substantial influence of cloud or mist deposition on the canopy precipitation balances during rainfall that made a significant contribution to the variation in rainfall interception data. Mean evaporation rates from the saturated canopies during rainfall varied from ?0·02 mm hr?1 up to 0·68 mm hr?1 in the pine; and from ?0·04 mm hr?1 up to 0·13 mm hr?1 in the eucalypt. The implications of cloud-capture during rainfall for studies of rainfall interception in forests of southeastern Australia are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the impacts of the invasion by bamboo on fluxes of nutrients and pollutants, the nutrient/pollutant fluxes and canopy interactions, including neutralization of acidity, leaching and uptake of nitrogen (N), were characterized in conjunction with rainfall partitioning in a Moso‐bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forest. Measurements of precipitation volume, pH, major ions, and silicate (SiO2) in rainfall, throughfall and stemflow were collected weekly in a Moso‐bamboo forest located in Munakata City, Western Japan for 1 year. Results showed that rainfall partitioning into stemflow was larger than that for other types of forest, which may be due to the properties of Moso‐bamboo forest structure, such as a straight and smooth culm. Inorganic N (NO3 + NH4+) and S (SO42−) fluxes of throughfall and stemflow were approximately 1·6 and 1·3 times higher than that of rainfall, respectively. Contribution of stemflow flux to inorganic N and S fluxes to the forest floor was high. This could be due to lower uptake of inorganic N through culm and a higher rainfall partitioning into stemflow than that for other types of forest. The Moso‐bamboo canopy neutralized rainfall acidity, reducing the fluxes of potentially acidifying compounds via throughfall and stemflow. Canopy leaching of K+ was distinctly higher than that of Mg2+ and Ca2+ and could be related to the high mobility of K+ in plant tissues. Cl and SiO2 were readily leached as for K+. The impact of the invasion by bamboo on nutrient cycling was discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements are reported of rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, and derived interception losses made on a daily basis during two consecutive rainy seasons in a 4–5 year old and rapidly growing plantation forest of Acacia auriculiformis in a humid tropical environment. During the first observation period throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss amounted to respectively 81, 8, and 11 per cent of gross precipitation, whilst corresponding values for the second observation period were 75, 7, and 18 per cent. All three components correlated strongly with amounts of daily rainfall, but slopes of linear regression equations differed significantly between seasons for each component. Such differences are thought to reflect a 20 per cent increase in foliar mass as well as a certain instrumental bias introduced by the use of a fixed grid of throughfall troughs that differed between seasons. Tests did not reveal any effects of differences in rainfall characteristics although the two observation periods differed markedly in this respect. Although the present results fell within the (lower part of the) range reported for other sites in Southeast Asia application of Gash's analytical model suggested the results obtained during the second observation period to be anomalous. The model was tested with data from the second halves of the two observation periods, using parameters derived from the corresponding first halves. Discrepancies between estimated and observed losses were +9·4 and ?14·3 per cent for the two periods respectively. The bulk of the interception loss consisted of evaporation from a saturated canopy (69–80 per cent) and of evaporation after rainfall had ceased (25 and 15 per cent for the two periods respectively). Although the results were encouraging it would seem that a major difficulty in applying the analytical model to the humid tropics lies in obtaining a reliable estimate of the evaporation rate from a saturated canopy.  相似文献   

Several rainfall measurement techniques are available for hydrological applications, each with its own spatial and temporal resolution and errors. When using these rainfall datasets as input for hydrological models, their errors and uncertainties propagate through the hydrological system. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of differences between rainfall measurement techniques on groundwater and discharge simulations in a lowland catchment, the 6.5‐km2 Hupsel Brook experimental catchment. We used five distinct rainfall data sources: two automatic raingauges (one in the catchment and another one 30 km away), operational (real‐time and unadjusted) and gauge‐adjusted ground‐based C‐band weather radar datasets and finally a novel source of rainfall information for hydrological purposes, namely, microwave link data from a cellular telecommunication network. We used these data as input for the, a recently developed rainfall‐runoff model for lowland catchments, and intercompared the five simulated discharges time series and groundwater time series for a heavy rainfall event and a full year. Three types of rainfall errors were found to play an important role in the hydrological simulations, namely: (1) Biases, found in the unadjusted radar dataset, are amplified when propagated through the hydrological system; (2) Timing errors, found in the nearest automatic raingauge outside the catchment, are attenuated when propagated through the hydrological system; (3) Seasonally varying errors, found in the microwave link data, affect the dynamics of the simulated catchment water balance. We conclude that the hydrological potential of novel rainfall observation techniques should be assessed over a long period, preferably a full year or longer, rather than on an event basis, as is often done. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Hydrological Processes. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The pore water pressure head that builds in the soil during storms is a critical factor for the prediction of potential slope instability. We report findings from a 3‐year study of pressure head in 83 piezometers distributed within a 13‐ha forested catchment on the northern coast of California. The study's primary objective was to observe the seasonal and storm‐based dynamics of pressure head at a catchment scale in relation to observed rainfall characteristics and in situ topography to better understand landscape patterns of pressure head. An additional goal was to determine the influence of the interaction between rainfall and forest canopy in altering delivery of water and pressure head during the large storms necessary to induce landsliding. We found that pressure head was highly variable in space and time at the catchment scale. Pore pressures peaked close to maximum rainfall intensity during the largest storms measured. The difference between rainfall and throughfall delivered through the canopy was negligible during the critical landslide‐producing peak rainfall periods. Pore pressure was spatially variable within the catchment and did not strongly correlate with surficial topographic features. Only 23% of the piezometers located in a variety of slope positions were found to be highly responsive to rainfall. Topographic index statistically explained peak pressure head at responsive locations during common storms, but not during the larger storms with potential to produce landslides. Drainage efficiency throughout the catchment increased significantly in storms exceeding 2 to 7 months peak pressure head return period indicated by slowing or cessation of the rate of increase of pressure head with increasing storm magnitude. This asymptotic piezometric pattern persisted through the largest storm measured during the study. Faster soil drainage suppressed pressure head response in larger storms with important process implications for pore pressure development and landslide hazard modelling. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This Reply aims to clarify and address many of the errors introduced to the discussion of our original paper (García‐Santos and Bruijnzeel, 2011; referred to henceforth as GSB2011) in the comment by Ritter and Regalado (2012) (henceforth referred to as RRR2012) as explained more fully under replies nos. 1–6, 8–12 and 14–18 below. Two (largely inconsequential) shortcomings in our original paper as detected by RRR2012 are acknowledged (see replies nos. 7 and 13 below). It is concluded that the majority of the comments offered by RRR2012 are unfounded as well as unnecessary. In summary, the two errors in GSB2011 spotted by RRR2012 (see points 7 and 13 below) could easily have been addressed in an erratum. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A previous study aiming to characterize the water dynamics of a cloud forest in the Garajonay National Park (La Gomera) from measurements taken in a plot located in the upper part of a selected watershed within the park is here commented. Reported magnitudes of hydrological variables and conclusions based on them are in disagreement with those of numerous studies carried out previously at the same site. Large data dispersion and inapplicability of some of the hypothesis assumed are shown to invalidate most of the results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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