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Steady state scattering of incident P, SV, SH and Rayleigh waves by general non-axisymmetric three dimensional dipping layers is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation method. Material of the half-space and the layer is assumed to be linear, weakly anelastic, homogeneous and isotropic. Systematic comparisons between three dimensional and two dimensional models demonstrate that the validity of a two dimensional approximation for a given basin shape may be affected strongly by changes in azimuthal angle of incidence, type of incident wave and frequency. The discrepancies of two dimensional modelling appear to be much more pronounced for the case of an incident SH wave. Another important feature of the results is the existence of strong coupling between P/SV and SH modes, which has no correspondence in two dimensional models. Such off-azimuthal mode conversions are particularly strong for an incident SH wave.  相似文献   

Scattering of elastic waves by dipping layers of arbitrary shape embedded within an elastic half-space is investigated for a plane strain model by using a boundary method. Unknown scattered waves are expressed in the frequency domain in terms of wave functions which satisfy the equations of motion and appropriate radiation conditions at infinity. The steady state displacement field is evaluated throughout the elastic medium for different incident waves so that the continuity conditions along the interfaces between the layers and the traction-free conditions along the surface of the half-space are satisfied in the least-squares sense. Transient response is constructed from the steady state one through the Fourier synthesis. The results presented show that scattering of waves by dipping layers may cause locally very large amplification of surface ground motion. This amplification depends upon the type and frequency of the incident wave, impedance contrast between the layers, component of displacement which is being observed, location of the observation station and the geometry of the subsurface irregularity. These results are in agreement with recent experimental observations.  相似文献   

Scattering of plane harmonic waves by a three‐dimensional basin of arbitrary shape embedded within elastic half‐space is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The materials of the basin and the half‐space are assumed to be the most general anisotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic solids without any material symmetry (i.e. triclinic). The unknown scattered waves are expressed in terms of three‐dimensional triclinic time harmonic full‐space Green's functions. The results have been tested by comparing the surface response of semi spherical isotropic and transversely isotropic basins for which the numerical solutions are available. Surface displacements are presented for a semicircular basin subjected to a vertical incident plane harmonic pseudo‐P‐, SV‐, or SH‐wave. These results are compared with the motion obtained for the corresponding equivalent isotropic models. The results show that presence of the basin may cause significant amplification of ground motion when compared to the free‐field displacements. The peak amplitude of the predominant component of surface motion is smaller for the anisotropic basin than for the corresponding isotropic one. Anisotropic response may be asymmetric even for symmetric geometry and incidence. Anisotropic surface displacement generally includes all three components of motion which may not be the case for the isotropic results. Furthermore, anisotropic response strongly depends upon the nature of the incident wave, degree of material anisotropy and the azimuthal orientation of the observation station. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of anisotropy in amplification of surface ground motion. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scattering of incident plane harmonic pseudo P‐, SH‐, and SV‐waves by a two‐dimensional basin of arbitrary shape is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The basin and surrounding half‐space are assumed to be generally anisotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic solids. No material symmetries are assumed. The unknown scattered waves are expressed as linear combinations of full‐space time‐harmonic two‐dimensional Green functions. Using the Radon transform, the Green functions are obtained in the form of finite integrals over a unit circle. An algorithm for the accurate and efficient numerical evaluation of the Green functions is discussed. A detailed convergence and parametric analysis of the problem is presented. Excellent agreement is obtained with isotropic results available in the literature. Steady‐state surface ground motion is presented for semi‐circular basins with generally anisotropic material properties. The results show that surface motion strongly depends upon the material properties of the basin as well as the angle of incidence and frequency of the incident wave. Significant mode conversion can be observed for general triclinic materials which are not present in isotropic models. Comparison with an isotropic basin response demonstrates that anisotropy is very important for assessing the nature of surface motion atop basins. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction The effect of local site conditions on wave propagation is one of the most attractive topics in engineering seismology. It may be resolved by either a numerical method or an analytical method. Numerical methods include the finite difference, finite element, boundary element method, etc. The analytical method is the wave function expansion method. The advantage of these numerical methods is that they can be applied to local inhomogeneity of arbitrary shapes, but analytical method …  相似文献   

圆弧状多层沉积谷地在平面SV波入射下的动力响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张郁山 《地球物理学报》2009,52(6):1547-1555
利用波函数的Fourier-Bessel级数展开法,推导出了含任意多个圆弧状沉积层的谷地在平面SV波入射下稳态动力响应的解析解,并分析了该级数形式的解析解随着截断项数的收敛问题.其结果表明,该级数解能够在一个非常宽的频带范围内收敛;通过在简化条件下与现有其他解析解的比较,验证了该解析解的正确性;并利用该解析解,以稳态地面运动的位移幅值和相位差为基本参数,在一个较宽的频带范围内讨论了谷地中沉积介质的成层性对地面运动的影响,其结果表明对于多层谷地而言,当入射波频率较高时,散射波之间的干涉显著并且出现了能量聚焦现象.  相似文献   

River corridors exhibit landforms nested within landforms repeatedly down spatial scales. In Pasternack et al. ( 2018 ), a new, scale‐independent, hierarchical river classification was developed that uses five landform types to map the domains of a single fluvial process – flow convergence routing – at each of three–five spatial scales. Given those methods, this study investigated the details of how flow convergence routing organizes nested landform sequences. The method involved analyzing landform abundance, sequencing, and hierarchical nesting along the 35 km gravel/cobble lower Yuba River in California. Independent testing of flow convergence routing found that hydraulic patterns at every flow matched the essential predictions from classification, substantiating the process–morphology link. River width and bed elevation sequences exhibit large, nonrandom, and linked oscillations structured to preferentially yield wide bars and constricted pools at base flow and bankfull flow. At a flow of 8.44 times bankfull, there is still an abundance of wide bar and constricted pool landforms, but larger topographic drivers also yield an abundance of nozzle and oversized landforms. The nested structure of flow convergence routing landforms reveals that base flow and bankfull landforms are nested together within specific floodprone valley landform types, and these landform types control channel morphodynamics during moderate to large floods. As a result, this study calls into question the prevailing theory that the bankfull channel of a gravel/cobble river is controlled by in‐channel, bankfull, and/or small flood flows. Such flows may initiate sediment transport, but they are too small to control landform organization in a gravel/cobble river with topographic complexity. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

层状半空间中洞室对入射平面P波的放大作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中利用间接边界元法,在频域内求解了层状弹性半空间中洞室对入射平面P波的放大作用问题。通过自由场反应分析,求得假想洞室边界上各单元的应力响应。在洞室边界各个单元上施加虚拟分布荷载,求得位移和应力的格林函数。根据应力边界条件确定虚拟分布荷载,将自由场位移响应和虚拟分布荷载产生的位移响应叠加起来,即得到问题的解答。比较了层状半空间和均匀半空间中洞室对入射平面P波的放大作用,结果表明,层状半空间情况有可能导致较大的地表位移幅值,尤其是对于较低频率入射波。  相似文献   

层状半空间中洞室对平面SH波的放大作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用间接边界元法,求解了弹性层状半空间中洞室对入射平面SH波的放大作用问题,并以基岩上单一土层中洞室对入射平面SH波的放大作用为例进行了数值计算分析。本文模型的特点之一是考虑了层状场地的动力特性,因而更接近于实际工程;特点之二是计算精度非常高。研究表明,层状半空间中洞室对波的放大作用与均匀半空间中情况有着本质的差别;层状半空间中洞室附近地表动力响应由土层动力特性和洞室对波的散射二者共同决定。土层动力特性不仅影响洞室附近地表位移的幅值,还会影响地表位移的频谱。在土层的前几阶共振频率附近,随着基岩与土层剪切波速比的增大,土层的影响随之增大,而随着土层厚度的增加,土层的影响随之减小,并逐渐趋于均匀半空间情况。  相似文献   

Scattering of elastic waves by an orthotropic sedimentary basin is investigated for antiplane strain model using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. Both steady state and transient response were obtained for semicircular and semielliptical basins with different material properties. The results indicate that the basin geometry and the impedance contrast between the half-space and the basin have similar effects on the surface ground motion amplification as for the isotropic case. However, the material anisotropy may change significantly the fundamental resonant frequencies of the basin, resulting in different surface displacement amplification patterns. In addition, it was observed that the arrival time of the main disturbance on the surface strongly depends on material anisotropy for different angles of incidence. The results demonstrate that material anisotropy may be very important in explaining surface ground motion amplification for sedimentary basins. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scattering of elastic waves by an orthotropic basin of arbitrary shape embedded in a half-space is investigated for the sagittal plane motion using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. Steady-state results were obtained for incident plane harmonic pseudo P-, S-, and Rayleigh waves. Detailed convergence analysis of the method is presented. Green's functions are evaluated by using adaptive Newton–Cotes or Filon quadratures. Surface ground motion is presented for semicircular and semielliptical basins with different material properties and various angles of incidence. The results show that surface motion strongly depends upon nature of incident wave, geometry and material properties of the basin, and location of the observation point. Comparison with isotropic basin response demonstrates that anisotropy is very important in amplification of surface ground motion. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scattering of elastic waves by a three‐dimensional transversely isotropic basin of arbitrary shape embedded in a half‐space is considered using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The unknown scattered waves are expressed in terms of point sources distributed on the so‐called auxiliary surfaces. The sources are expressed in terms of the full‐space Green's functions with their intensities determined from the requirement that the boundary and the continuity conditions are to be satisfied in the least‐squares sense. Steady‐state results were obtained for incident plane pseudo‐P‐, SH‐, SV‐, and Rayleigh waves. Using the Radon transform the Green's functions are obtained in the form of finite integrals over a unit sphere or a unit circle which can be numerically evaluated very efficiently. Detailed analysis of the method includes the discussion on the shape of the auxiliary surfaces and the distribution of the collocation points and sources. The convergence criteria is defined in terms of transparency tests, isotropic limit test, and minimization of a certain norm. The isotropic limit tests show excellent agreement with the isotropic results available in literature. For anisotropic materials the numerical results are given for a semispherical basin. The results show that presence of an anisotropic basin may result in significant amplification of surface motion atop the basin. While the amplitude of peak surface motion may be similar to the corresponding isotropic results, the difference in the displacement patterns may be quite different between the two. Therefore, this study clearly demonstrates that material anisotropy may be very important for accurate assessment of surface ground motion amplification atop basins. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

含断层破碎带场地对平面SH波的放大作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
借助wolf的土层和半空间精确动力刚度矩阵和斜线荷载格林函数,采用间接边界元法在频域内求解了含断层破碎带场地对SH波的放大作用,着重分析了破碎带较窄断层两侧围岩动力响应的基本规律及场地动力特性对散射的影响.结果表明,断层破碎带对SH波有显著的影响,即使破碎带很窄,也可对SH波产生很大的放大作用;层状场地动力特性对放大作用有显著的影响.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional scattering of seismic waves by a cylindrical alluvial valley embedded in a layered half-space is investigated by using the combination of the boundary integral representation and the finite element method. The surface displacements due to incident plane harmonic body waves (P, SV and SH) propagating at an arbitrary angle to the axis of the cylindrical valley are evaluated numerically for two semi-elliptical alluvial valleys. The presence of the layer is found to have a strong effect on the amplification of the surface displacements in some cases. The three-dimensional motion seems to be quite critical and may cause large amplification. The surface ground motion becomes significant when compared with corresponding free-field motion as the wavelengths become comparable to the characteristic length of the valley. The maximum amplification always occurs atop the valley. Numerical results show that the amplitude and the amplification pattern of the surface displacement strongly depend upon the frequency, the angle and the type of the incident waves.  相似文献   

A closed-form solution of two-dimensional scattering of plane SH waves by a cylindrical alluvial valley of circular-arc cross-section in a half-space is presented using the wave functions expansion. The solution is reduced to solving a set of infinite linear algebraic equations using the exterior region form of Graf's addition theorem. Numerical solutions are obtained by truncation of the infinite equations and their accuracies are demonstrated by convergence of the numerical results to the exact boundary condition with the increasing of the truncation order. The present solution is compared with the existing one presented by Todorovska and Lee for the same problem and their differences are analysed. Complicated effects of the depth-to-width ratio of the alluvial valley on surface ground motion are finally illustrated.  相似文献   

Dynamic response of an alluvial valley consisting of three different types of soil was studied. In the two-dimensional model, the alluvial valley was assumed to have half-cylindrical shape. The alluvial valley contained three different types of soil with different shapes. The valley was surrounded by a half-space. All of the soil types and the half-space were assumed to be isotropic, homogeneous and linear elastic. The half-space was excited by simple harmonic SH-waves radiated from a strike-slip fault. The fault was assumed to have circular-arc shape in the mathematical model. The governing equations were solved by using wave function expansion method where boundary conditions were relatively simple. In the regions where boundary conditions were more complex, finite difference method was employed. Consequently, the wave propagation problem was solved semi-analytically. The obtained numerical results showed that surface displacement amplitudes are significantly affected by the material properties of the different soil types of the alluvial valley. It was also observed that the shapes of the soil types in the alluvial valley played a considerable role in surface displacements.  相似文献   

Summary Fresnel volumes and interface Fresnel zones of transmitted and head waves are studied. The relation derived for transmitted waves may also be used for converted reflected waves. Considerable attention is devoted to the penetration of Fresnel volumes across structural interfaces, particularly for head waves.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the transient flexural vibrations of an elastic column supported by an elastic half-space under the condition that an arbitrarily shaped free-field lateral acceleration and displacement are given as inputs. Applying Laplace transformations with respect to time and numerical inverse Laplace transformations, the time histories of the column acceleration at the interface and free end, and the column and half-space displacement distributions are obtained. After the input free-field acceleration terminates, slightly damped and almost harmonically variable acceleration is observed. The acceleration frequency after the disappearance of the input acceleration nearly coincides with the resonant frequency of the system. The slight damping with the first resonant frequency, even if the half-space is soft compared with the column, is characteristic of the transient flexural vibrations of a column supported by a half-space. Such a phenomenon is not typical of the transient longitudinal vibration problem. Therefore, it may be concluded: when buildings and structures are subjected to an earthquake or an explosive force, their flexural vibrations will continue with their first resonant frequencies, even if their foundations are soft.  相似文献   

Transient flexural vibrations of an elastic column supported by an elastic half-space are investigated analytically under the condition that an arbitrarily shaped free-field lateral acceleration is given as an input. Applying the Timoshenko theory to the column and making use of Laplace transformations with respect to time and numerical inverse Laplace transformations, the time histories of the column free end acceleration are presented. Numerical results obtained from the Timoshenko theory are compared with those of a previous paper1 (applying the Bernoulli-Euler theory to the column), and the effects of column slenderness and foundation stiffness on the transient flexural vibrations of the column are clarified.  相似文献   

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