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The general features of elastic-plastic response spectra for several accelerograms that are widely used for the design buildings in Japan were studied in terms of the effects of the different hysteretic models used in the analyses. Lare fluctuations existed in the spectra for both input ground motion and the different models. The models were classified according to their strain energy-absorbing capacities in three groups, within each of which the relevant nature of elastic-plastic responses of the structures were similar. Finally, empirical formulae with which to estimate two measures structural damage, the ductility factors and cumulative plastic displacement normalized by the yielding displacement, wer developed for each group of hysteretic models.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to adjust behaviour models for each class of structure for vulnerability assessment by using ambient vibration. A simple model based on frequencies, mode shapes and damping, taken from ambient vibrations, allows computation of the response of the structures and comparison of inter‐storey drifts with the limits found in the literature for the slight damage grade, considered here as the limit of elastic behaviour. Two complete methodologies for building fragility curves are proposed: (1) using a multi‐degree of freedom system including higher modes and full seismic ground‐motion and (2) using a single‐degree of freedom model considering the fundamental mode f0 of the structure and ground‐motion displacement response spectra SD(f0). These two methods were applied to the city of Grenoble, where 60 buildings were studied. Fragility curves for slight damage were derived for the various masonry and reinforced concrete classes of buildings. A site‐specific earthquake scenario, taking into account local site conditions, was considered, corresponding to an ML = 5.5 earthquake at a distance of 15 km. The results show the benefits of using experimental models to reduce variability of the slight damage fragility curve. Moreover, by introducing the experimental modal model of the buildings, it is possible to improve seismic risk assessment at an overall scale (the city) or a local scale (the building) for the first damage grade (slight damage). This level of damage, of great interest for moderate seismic‐prone regions, may contribute to the seismic loss assessment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

设计1个20层SRC框架核心筒结构模型,考虑地震的随机性和结构材料的不确定性,采用拉丁超立方体抽取结构-地震动样本,之后对其进行增量动力分析(IDA),以第1周期谱加速度为强度指标,最大层间位移角为结构需求,定义4个性能水平,研究该结构的易损性。通过引入群体结构震害评估中易损性指数的概念,计算多遇、设防和罕遇地震下的易损性指数。结果表明:以易损性指数作为评价指标,该结构在多遇地震作用下,处于轻微破坏状态;在设防地震作用下,处于中等破坏状态;在罕遇地震作用下,结构处于严重破坏状态。可认为依据我国抗震规范设计的SRC框架核心筒结构能够满足"小震不坏"、"中震可修"和"大震不倒"的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

利用双线性模型,在考虑结构低周疲劳特性的情况下,对具有滞回阻尼器的建筑结构在地震作用下的能量破坏准则进行了研究,建立了其等效延性指标和损伤评估指数,  相似文献   

根据汶川地震各烈度区内变电站破坏状况、停运状况以及恢复时间的统计,分析了不同烈度区变电站地震破坏和功能失效特点和模式,定义了变电站震害指数,得出了设防烈度为Ⅶ度的变电站地震破坏和功能失效的震害指数与烈度的Di-Ⅰ关系曲线,并结合我国电力设施抗震设计标准,外推了设防烈度Ⅵ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ度变电站的Di-Ⅰ曲线,由此建立了基于抗震设防烈度和震害统计的变电站震害快速评估方法(FI-EDS法).通过德阳地区49个110kV及以上变电站的震害实例,对评估方法进行检验,结果表明,用本文方法快速评估得出的变电站破坏等级,0级偏差比率为47%,±1级偏差比率为45%,±2级偏差比率为8%.本文评估方法具有可接受的精度,并且可操作性强.  相似文献   

目前的既有钢混结构地震损伤研究没有同时考虑不同抗震设计规范差异和耐久性两个因素对结构抗震性能的影响,且损伤指标较简单,在动力损伤分析中也存在局限。基于云模型的特点,提出了包括弹塑性耗能差率、刚度损伤指数、层间位移角和顶点位移角的多元结构损伤状态综合评估方法,能够同时考虑结构各损伤指数的随机性和模糊性。考虑不同版本抗震设计规范造成的结构性能差异和耐久性下降对结构性能的影响,设计3个典型五层钢混框架结构,进行增量动力分析,验证损伤评估方法的准确性。结果表明:随着抗震规范版本的更新,结构的损伤程度有适当减轻;同一结构的损伤程度因混凝土碳化作用先减轻后加重;采用弹塑性耗能差率表征既有结构的地震损伤效果优于刚度损伤指数;基于多指标云模型损伤评估方法获得的云模型综合隶属度和综合损伤值能够更加细化和精确地描述结构损伤状态。  相似文献   

Calculating the limit state (LS) exceedance probability for a structure considering the main seismic event and the triggered aftershocks (AS) is complicated both by the time‐dependent rate of aftershock occurrence and also by the cumulative damage caused by the sequence of events. Taking advantage of a methodology developed previously by the authors for post‐mainshock (MS) risk assessment, the LS probability due to a sequence of mainshock and the triggered aftershocks is calculated for a given aftershock forecasting time window. The proposed formulation takes into account both the time‐dependent rate of aftershock occurrence and also the damage accumulation due to the triggered aftershocks. It is demonstrated that an existing reinforced concrete moment‐resisting frame with infills subjected to the main event and the triggered sequence exceeds the near‐collapse LS. On the other hand, the structure does not reach the onset of near‐collapse LS when the effect of triggered aftershocks is not considered. It is shown, based on simplifying assumptions, that the derived formulation yields asymptotically to the same Poisson‐type functional form used when the cumulative damage is not being considered. This leads to a range of approximate solutions by substituting the fragilities calculated for intact, MS‐damaged, and MS‐plus‐one‐AS‐damaged structures in the asymptotic simplified formulation. The latter two approximate solutions provide good agreement with the derived formulation. Even when the fragility of intact structure is employed, the approximate solution (considering only the time‐dependent rate of aftershock occurrence) leads to higher risk estimates compared with those obtained based on only the mainshock. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Passive energy dissipation devices are increasingly implemented in frame structures to improve their performance under seismic loading. Most guidelines for designing this type of system retain the requirements applicable to frames without dampers, and this hinders taking full advantage of the benefits of implementing dampers. Further, assessing the extent of damage suffered by the frame and by the dampers for different levels of seismic hazard is of paramount importance in the framework of performance‐based design. This paper presents an experimental investigation whose objectives are to provide empirical data on the response of reinforced concrete (RC) frames equipped with hysteretic dampers (dynamic response and damage) and to evaluate the need for the frame to form a strong column‐weak beam mechanism and dissipate large amounts of plastic strain energy. To this end, shake‐table tests were conducted on a 2/5‐scale RC frame with hysteretic dampers. The frame was designed only for gravitational loads. The dampers provided lateral strength and stiffness, respectively, three and 12 times greater than those of the frame. The test structure was subjected to a sequence of seismic simulations that represented different levels of seismic hazard. The RC frame showed a performance level of ‘immediate occupancy’, with maximum rotation demands below 20% of the ultimate capacity. The dampers dissipated most of the energy input by the earthquake. It is shown that combining hysteretic dampers with flexible reinforced concrete frames leads to structures with improved seismic performance and that requirements of conventional RC frames (without dampers) can be relieved. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

安装粘弹性阻尼器的滞变结构抗震可靠度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以Boue-Wen滞变恢复力模型模拟剪切型滞变结构的非线性特性,采用等价线性化建立了安装粘弹性阻尼器的滞变结构体系在地震作用下的随机响应计算方法,首当其冲在此基础上分别以结构的层间最大变形和阻尼器阻尼材料的最大剪切变形为结构和阻尼器打有限状态随机变量,探讨了剪切型滞变结构在安装粘弹性阻尼器后的抗震可靠度和阻尼器可靠度的计算方法。  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络的城市桥梁震害评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使已有的桥梁震害评估方法适用于城市立交桥和高架桥,将桥梁结构是否规则考虑为评估模型的一项输入参数,并剔除了以往桥梁震害评估方法中不合理的影响因素以提高所提方法的可操作性.基于BP神经网络算法,以唐山地震和汶川地震中收集的54座梁式桥的震害资料作为网络训练样本,建立了梁式桥震害评估神经网络模型;通过讨论神经网络模型的泛化能力,得到了较满意的结果,表明该方法具有一定的准确度,可以应用于城市桥梁震害评估工作.  相似文献   

基于剩余寿命等效的概念,提出了钢筋混凝土构件地震损伤改进模型。其基本思想是认为以某损伤参数(如刚度、位移延性、能量等)建构的损伤指数与疲劳损伤指数(如纵筋累积疲劳损伤),在损伤指数D=1.0条件下都可以表示构件失效。这样在某时刻以不同损伤指数表达的构件剩余寿命(1.0—Di)与损伤指数增量ΔDi之比,都等于使构件完全失效时对应的继续循环加载周数。利用这种等效关系定义了新的损伤指数,可以在构件的反应参量和破坏机理之间建立起联系。作为实际应用给出了一种基于截面刚度退化的低周反复荷载作用下钢筋混凝土桥墩损伤模型。  相似文献   

A new concept to determine state of the damage in concrete gravity dams is introduced. The Pine Flat concrete gravity dam has been selected for the purpose of the analysis and its structural capacity, assuming no sliding plane and rigid foundation, has been estimated using the two well‐known methods: nonlinear static pushover (SPO) and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). With the use of these two methods, performance and various limit states of the dam have been determined, and three damage indexes have been proposed on the basis of the comparison of seismic demands and the dam's capacity. It is concluded that the SPO and IDA can be effectively used to develop indexes for seismic performance evaluation and damage assessment of concrete gravity dams. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismic response of single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) systems incorporating flag‐shaped hysteretic structural behaviour, with self‐centring capability, is investigated numerically. For a SDOF system with a given initial period and strength level, the flag‐shaped hysteretic behaviour is fully defined by a post‐yielding stiffness parameter and an energy‐dissipation parameter. A comprehensive parametric study was conducted to determine the influence of these parameters on SDOF structural response, in terms of displacement ductility, absolute acceleration and absorbed energy. This parametric study was conducted using an ensemble of 20 historical earthquake records corresponding to ordinary ground motions having a probability of exceedence of 10% in 50 years, in California. The responses of the flag‐shaped hysteretic SDOF systems are compared against the responses of similar bilinear elasto‐plastic hysteretic SDOF systems. In this study the elasto‐plastic hysteretic SDOF systems are assigned parameters representative of steel moment resisting frames (MRFs) with post‐Northridge welded beam‐to‐column connections. In turn, the flag‐shaped hysteretic SDOF systems are representative of steel MRFs with newly proposed post‐tensioned energy‐dissipating connections. Building structures with initial periods ranging from 0.1 to 2.0s and having various strength levels are considered. It is shown that a flag‐shaped hysteretic SDOF system of equal or lesser strength can always be found to match or better the response of an elasto‐plastic hysteretic SDOF system in terms of displacement ductility and without incurring any residual drift from the seismic event. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In general, historical earthquake events have shown that a strong mainshock might trigger several aftershocks, which can cause additional damage and seismic risk to the structures. This work tries to investigate the aftershock duration on seismic fragility of the shield building in consideration of initial damage. For this purpose, a three-dimensional finite element model of shield building is established using a concrete damage plastic model. A series of mainshock-aftershock sequences with different durations are selected and scaled to match the target spectrum. A damage ratio of tensile damage is developed to evaluate the additional damage caused by mainshock and aftershocks. Aftershocks with three durations, namely, 20 s, 40 s, and 60 s, are used to study the effect of initial damage levels and aftershock durations on the accumulative damage and seismic fragility of the shield building. The results indicate that those aftershocks with longer durations may wreak more worse cumulative damage to the post-mainshock damaged structure and significantly affect the probability of exceedance. It is also indicated that the initial damage levels have a significant impact on the fragility curves of the shield building. This work can directly incorporate the influence of mainshock-damaged states into the fragility assessment for Nuclear Power Plant.


基于BP神经网络模型的多层砖房震害预测方法   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
针对传统的基于地震烈度的建筑物震害预测方法的不足,本文以地震动峰值加速度作为建筑物震害预测的地震动指标,结合几次大地震中多层砖房的震害实例,提出了一种基于BP神经网络模型的建筑物震害预测方法,模型的输入为反映结构抗震性能的各类物理参数,输出为给定地震动峰值加速度下建筑物破坏状态的概率。研究表明:基于BP网络模型的多层砖房的震害预测结果与震害实例的实际情况比较吻合,本文的思路和方法可推广于其他不同类型的建筑结构的震害预测。  相似文献   

杨耀鑫    杨永强    杨游  公茂盛   《世界地震工程》2023,39(1):049-58
为了利用结构地震响应观测数据在震后对结构进行损伤快速评估,本文提出了基于BP传播神经网络多参数预测震后结构损伤程度的方法。本文设计了9个不同设防烈度和层数的钢筋混凝土框架结构,利用OpenSees有限元软件进行了非线性时程分析,并用损伤指数量化了结构损伤程度。利用有限元模拟结果,创建了神经网络的数据集,训练神经网络建立了结构参数与结构损伤指数之间的映射,对比了不同参数组合预测结构损伤水平的能力,提出了最优参数组合。结果表明:此方法预测结构损伤指数准确度高,耗时短,可为建筑工程震后损伤快速评估提供支撑。  相似文献   

The Park and Ang damage model was used as the "Structural Damage Control Model" to study the seismic design parameters. This damage control model included the displacement ductility and hysteretic energy in the analysis of elastic-perfect-plastic single-degree-of-freedom system. Based on this damage control model, the reduction factor and yield base shear coefficient are discussed. Seismic data collected from Taipei basin were used to examine the code-provided yield base shear coefficient which reflects the influence of using a damage control model in the seismic design parameter. Effects of seismic source as well as Taipei basin topography are also considered in examining the variation of yield base shear coefficient.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete waffle‐flat plate (WFP) structures present 2 important drawbacks for use as a main seismic resisting system: low lateral stiffness and limited ductility. Yet the former can serve a positive purpose when, in parallel, the flexible WFP structure is combined with a stiff system lending high‐energy dissipation capacity, to form a “flexible‐stiff mixed structure.” This paper experimentally investigates the seismic performance of WFP structures (flexible system) equipped with hysteretic dampers (stiff system) through shake‐table tests conducted on a 2/5‐scale test specimen. The WFP structure was designed only for gravitational loads. The lateral strength and stiffness provided by the dampers at each story were, respectively, about 3 and 7 times greater than those of the bare WFP structure. The mixed system was subjected to a sequence of seismic simulations representing frequent to very rare ground motions. Under the seismic simulations associated with earthquakes having return periods ranging from 93 to 1894 years, the WFP structure performed in the level of “immediate occupancy,” with maximum interstory drifts up to about 1%. The dampers dissipated most (75%) of the energy input by the earthquake.  相似文献   

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