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The South China Sea (SCS) is an excellent site for studying the process of conjugate margin rifting, and the origin and evolution of oceanic basins. Compared with the well-defined northern margin of the SCS, the western and southern segments of the SCS margin have not been researched in significant detail. To investigate the regional structure of the southwestern SCS, a gravity model is constructed, along with the lithospheric thermal structure along a wide-angle seismic profile. The profile extends across the conjugate margins of the Southwest Sub-Basin (SWSB) of the SCS and is based on the latest multiple geophysical measurements (including heat flow and thermo-physical parameters). The results show that the average thicknesses of the crust and thermal lithosphere along the profile are about 15 km and 57 km, respectively. The overall amount of extension of continental crust and lithosphere is more than 200 km. Thermal structure of the lithosphere shows that the continental margins are in a warm thermal state. The southwest SCS is characterized by ultra-wide, thinned continental crust and lithosphere, high Moho heat flow, early syn-rift faulted basins, undeformed late syn-rifting, and high seismic velocities in the lower crust. These various pieces of evidence suggest that the break-up of the mantle lithosphere occurred before that of the continental crust favouring a depth-dependent extension of the southwestern SCS margin.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):401-405
Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene graben inversion in the southern North Sea is classically related to Alpine compression. Regional deformation analysis of Upper Cretaceous sediments based on seismic and well data reveals the existence of large-scale NW-SE folds. Folding patterns are interpreted as the result of lithospheric buckling during NE-SW shortening. We suggest that graben inversion at the scale of the southern North Sea is only a part of a more general process, involving lithospheric folding. Folding developed in response to two major plate boundary conditions, that is, E-W to NE-SW opening of the Atlantic Ocean constrained to the southeast by N-S Alpine collision. Lithospheric folding might have influenced both the oil generation process and reservoir properties in this area.  相似文献   

The Red Sea is part of the Afro-Arabian rift system, the world’s largest active continental rift system. The early opening phases of the Red Sea Rift were accompanied by continental flood magmatism. Large volumes of flood basalts emplaced in the Oligocene through to the present time at discrete eruptive centres along the western margin of the Arabian plate. Some of these rocks, in Southern Yemen, were investigated by geochemistry and K/Ar whole rock (WR) geochronology. In addition, the Jabal At-Tair (JAT) volcano, in the Red Sea trough, was investigated by geochemistry, with particular concern to the lavas of the last eruption of September 2007. The magmatism of Yemen is divided in: Oligocene–Early Miocene trap series (YOM), Tertiary intrusive rocks, and Late Miocene–recent volcanic series (YMR). YOM and Tertiary intrusions yielded K/Ar WR ages mostly in the range 31.6–16.6 Ma. Three older ages of 34.6, 35.4 and 49.0 Ma, if confirmed by further investigation, could suggest an Eocenic pre-trap phase of magmatic activity. YMR samples yielded K/Ar WR ages between 2.52 and 8.14 Ma. Both YOM and YMR basalts are alkaline, but YMR tend to be richer in alkalis than YOM. JAT basalts have subalkaline tholeiitic character, are geochemically homogeneous, and in the hygromagmaphile element spidergrams display increasing normalised concentrations from Cs to Ta, then decreasing up to Lu, with negative spikes of Nb, K and Pb. YOM have patterns almost identical to those of JAT, whereas YMR have higher normalized concentrations of all trace elements, but REE. The geochemical characteristics of JAT, YOM and YMR, framed in the broader context of the Red Sea Rift, are mostly consistent with a model of continental uplift and magmatism occurring across a linear, north–south axis of mantle upwelling, which intersects the Red Sea axis at the initiation site of axial seafloor spreading. The symmetrical propagation of the rift system to opposite sides of the N–S lineament, along the Red Sea axis, resulted in the observed symmetrical distribution of geochemical signatures of the Red Sea basalts and Yemen continental magmas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine and assess the concentrations of trace metals in surface seawaters and sediments from different coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Surface seawater and sediment samples were collected, treated and analyzed for cadmium, cobalt, manganese, chromium, lead, iron, nickel, copper, zinc and vanadium by the atomic absorption spectrometric analysis. The concentrations were high for cadmium, cobalt and lead and low or consistent with the natural background concentrations for the rest of the metals. However, the coastal habitats of the Red Sea coast of Yemen are still considered unpolluted, it is concluded that the cadmium cobalt and lead levels in surface seawaters are high and could have negative effects on marine life of the sites. Further studies are needed to characterize the sources fate, biogeochemical processes and impacts of these trace metals on coastal habitats and marine life of the region.  相似文献   

The tectonic and magmatic history of the Jizan coastal plain of the Red Sea (Tihama Asir) in Southwest Saudi Arabia is dominated by SW-NE extension. This extension manifests itself by a basic dike swarm and several generations of normal faults that trend roughly NW-SE. The oldest synrift deposits are non-marine clastics and bimodal volcanics of the Jizan Group, which were intruded by basic dikes, gabbros and granophyres of the Tihama Asir Magmatic Complex (TAMC). Radiometric ages for the TAMC-rocks range from 26 to 18 Ma. Rifting in the southern part of the Red Sea System therefore is certainly older than 26 Ma. Between 26 and 20 Ma the southwestern Arabian margin was affected by a monoclinal downwarp (flexure). The oldest extensional features in the Jizan area are N-S to NNW-SSE striking dikes and normal faults which were overprinted by other NW-SE striking extension structures. An array of en-echelon extensionzones is linked by complex patterns of transfer faults, mainly WNW-ESE striking dextral strike slip or oblique-slip faults. The observed superposition of dikes and normal faults of different orientations was not necessarily caused by a counterclockwise rotation of the regional stress-field, but more likely reflects the clockwise rotation of individual faultbounded blocks between the two phases of extension. Uplift of the graben shoulder east of the Jizan coastal plain is probably younger than 14 Ma and its development coincides with a major rearrangement of the kinematics along the Red Sea. This new kinematic pattern probably led to the onset of strike-slip movement along the Aqaba-Levant transform. At the same time extension and volcanism ceased in the Jizan area or shifted further to the west. After a long hiatus of about 10 Ma renewed extension facilitated extrusion of alkali-olivine-basalts since 2 Ma ago.The kinematic development of the southwestern Arabian continental margin confirms aWernicke-type simple-shear model for the evolution of the southern Red Sea.
Zusammenfassung Die tektonisch-magmatische Entwicklung der Küstenebene von Jizan (Tihama Asir, Südwestarabischer Kontinentalrand) ist geprägt durch NW-SE-streichende Extensionsstrukturen wie einen basischen Gangschwarm und mehrere Generationen von Abschiebungen, die mit der Bildung des Roten Meeres in Zusammenhang stehen. Die ältesten Synriftablagerungen, lakustrine Sedimente und bimodale Vulkanite der Jizan Group wurden von basischen Gängen, Gabbros und Granophyren des Tihama Asir Magmatit-Komplexes intrudiert, für den radiometrische Alter von 26-18 Ma vorliegen. Die Riftbildung im südlichen Abschnitt des Roten Meeres ist deshalb sicher älter als 26 Ma. Der sich in Südwest-Arabien bildende Kontinentalrand wurde während des Zeitraumes 26-20 Ma von einer monoklinalen Verkippung (Flexur) erfaßt. Die ältesten Extensionsstrukturen (Abschiebungen, Gänge) im Gebiet von Jizan streichen N-S bis NNW-SSE und wurden von NW-SE-streichenden abgelöst. En-echelon angeordnete, durch Extension geprägte Bereiche werden durch komplexe Transferstörungen miteinander verbunden. WNW-ESE-streichende dextrale Seitenverschiebungen bzw. Schrägabschiebungen fungieren dabei als hauptsächliche Verbindungsstrukturen. Die beobachtete Änderung der Streichrichtung von Gängen und Abschiebungen ist vermutlich weniger auf eine Rotation des regionalen Spannungsfeldes als auf klemräumige, im Uhrzeigersinn erfolgte Rotation einzelner Blöcke zurückzuführen. Die Hebung der Grabenschulter im Gebiet von Jizan ist vermutlich jünger als 14 Ma und fällt mit einer generellen Umstellung in der Kinematik des Roten Meeres zusammen. Diese Umstellung findet im nördlichen Roten Meer ihren deutlichen Ausdruck mit der einsetzenden Lateralbewegung an der Aqaba-LevanteBlattverschiebung. Mit der beginnenden Heraushebung des Escarpments erlosch die Extension und der Vulkanismus im Gebiet der Küstenebene von Jizan bzw. verlagerte sich in andere Gebiete. Erst vor ca. 2 Ma kam es erneut zu Extension und zur Extrusion von Alkali-Olivin-Basalten. Die kinematische Entwicklung des Südwestarabischen Kontinentalrandes wird mit dem Modell einfacher Scherung (»normal simpleshear-Model« nachWernicke 1985) für die Bildung des südlichen Roten Meeres erklärt.

Résumé Le développement tectono-magmatique de la plaine côtière de Jizan (Tihama Asir, marge continentale sud-ouest de l'Arabie Saoudite) est caractérisé par des structures extensionnelles (dykes et failles normales orientés en général NW-SE) en relation avec la formation de la Mer Rouge. Les dépôts de rift les plus anciens, représentés par des sédiments lacustres et par les volcanites bimodales du groupe de Jizan, sont intrudés par des gabbros et granophyres appartenant au complexe magmatique de Tihama Asir, daté de 26-18 Ma. Il en résulte que l'ouverture de la partie sud de la Mer Rouge est antérieure à 26 Ma. Au cours de la période qui s'étend de 26 à 20 Ma, la marge continentale sud-ouest de l'Arabie a été affectée d'une rotation monoclinale (flexure). Les structures extensionnelles les plus anciennes dans la région de Jizan (filons et failles normales) sont orientées N-S à NNW-SSE et ont été reprises par des structures NW-SE. Les domaines qui ont été soumis à extension sont reliés par des failles transformantes complexes, essentiellement dextres. Le changement d'orientation des dykes et des failles normales n'a probablement pas été causé par une rotation des contraintes principales, mais plutôt par une rotation dextre de blocs rigides. Le soulèvement de l'épaulement du graben dans la région de Jizan est probablement postérieur à 14 Ma et coïncide avec un changement général des conditions cinématiques de la Mer Rouge. L'effet le mieux exprimé de ce changement en Mer Rouge septentrionale est le mouvement décrochant de la structure d'Aqaba. Le soulèvement de l'épaulement a marqué la fin de l'extension tectonique et de l'activité magmatique. Au Quaternaire, une deuxième période d'extension a conduit à l'extrusion de basaltes alcalins à olivine. L'évolution cinématique de la marge continentale du sudouest de l'Arabie s'intègre dans le modèle de cisaillement simple normal proposé parWernicke (1985) pour le développement de la Mer Rouge.

- Jizan (Tihama Asir, ) , NW SE, , . , , Jizan , Tihama Asir, , , 26–18 . 26 . 26–20 , - , . , — Jizan N — S NNW- SSE, NW — SE. , , , () ; WNW-ESE , . , - , . . , . Jizan, 14 . , Aqaba — Levante. Jizan . 2 - . - (normal simple-shear Modell , 1985), .

contribution no. 213, SFB 108 Universität Karlsruhe  相似文献   

南海岩石圈结构与油气资源分布   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
南海是中国唯一发育有洋壳的边缘海,是世界四大海洋油气聚集中心之一。油气勘探表明,南海的油气田分布在北部、西部和南部陆缘沉积盆地内,而大中型油气田集中分布在西部海域盆地中,自北而南有莺歌海—琼东南盆地、万安盆地、湄公盆地、曾母盆地和文莱—沙巴盆地,且以含气为主,含油次之。此外,这一区域深水区还存在多个潜在的大型含油气盆地。研究发现,南海的油气分布与深部岩石圈结构有密切关系。在构造上,南海的含油气盆地位于岩石圈块体边缘或之上,受控于大型岩石圈断裂的发育与演化。在油气富集的盆地中,莫霍面显著凸起,与盆地基底形成镜像,地壳厚度最薄处仅数千米厚,热流值明显较周围地区高,热岩石圈厚度大大减薄。地震层析成像结果反映,这些盆地深部发育一条规模宏大的北西向上地幔隆起带,自红河口向东南穿越南海西部海盆,一直延伸到婆罗州东北部地区,在宏观上控制了南海的油气分布与富集。  相似文献   

The increasing anthropogenic activities (e.g., constructing touristic resorts) have led to notable changes in the Yemeni Red Sea coastal regions. In this context, recent sediments have been investigated to infer possible natural and man-induced processes on these coastal areas. The target area lies between longitudes 43°13′–43°30′E and latitudes 13°15′–13°55′N. It extends about 90 km along the coastline as a part of the Tihama plain. Geomorphologically, it forms a long-curved stretch with pronounced headlands, embayments and bays. Generally, it is covered by recent sediments (wadi, lagoon, beach and spit deposits along with sabkha, coastal dunes and mangrove). Textural studies reveal that most of the studied sediments are mainly poorly to moderately sorted and are composed mainly of sandy fractions with few gravel and mud, mostly bimodal with minor unimodal patterns. The igneous (granites) as well as basic (basalt, andesite and andesitic pyroclastics) and acidic (dacite and rhyolite) volcanic rocks of Tertiary age, which are exposed to the east of the study area, are believed to be the source of pyroxenes, amphiboles, epidotes, biotite, sphene, zircon, tourmaline and rutile, in a decreasing order of abundance. Moreover, smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite and palygorskite are the predominant clay minerals, mainly of detrital origin. The total carbonate content fluctuates from 37.41% (lagoon sediments) to 53.74% (sabkha sediments). The high amount of sea grasses, which covers the tidal flat zone and relates to the fine-grained sediments, accounts for the high organic matter content. The mineralogy of the source rocks has controlled the general distribution of major elements (Fe, Mg, Na, K and Mn) in the beach sediments. In such sediments, the concentrations of the heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Co) may reflect the sediment pollution using different approaches. The enrichment factors (EFs) of the trace metals for most samples reveal values that are greater than 1, referring to three groupings, which are: moderate to moderately severe (Zn, Cu and Mn), minor to moderate (Pb and Co) and zero to minor (Cd and Ni) enrichment. The EFs for Pb, Cd, Ni and Co metals (<5) may be attributed to the crustal materials and/or natural weathering processes. But, those for Zn, Cu and Mn (>5), especially in Al-Khowkhah–Abu-Zahr, Moushij–Zahari–Ruays, Yokhtol and Mokha localities, are possible of anthropogenic contributions.  相似文献   

Accompanied with rifting and detaching of the north continental margin of the South China Sea,the ernst and the lithosphere become thinner away from the continental margin resulting from the tectonic activities,such as tensile deformation,thermal uplift,and cooling subsidence,etc..Integrated with thermal,gravimetric,and isostatic analysis techniques,based on the seismic interpretation of the deep penetration seismic soundings across the northern margin of the South China Sea,we reconstructed the lithospheric thermal structure and derived the variation of the crust boundary in the east and west parts of the seismic profde by using gravity anomaly data.We mainly studied the thermal isostasy problems using the bathymetry of the profiles and calculated the crust thinning effect due to the thermal variety in the rifting process.The results Indicate that the thermal isostasy may reach 2.5 kin,and the compositional variations in the ilthospheric density and thickness may produce a variation of 4.0 kin.Therefore,the compositional isostatic correction is very important to recover the relationship between surface heat flow and topography.Moreover,because of the high heat flow characteristic of the continental margin,building the model of lithospheric geotherm in this region is of great importan for studying the Cenozoic tectonic thermal evolution of the north passive continental margin of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The symmetry or asymmetry of the process of continental breakup has been much debated over the last 20 years, with various authors proposing asymmetric simple shear models, others advocating more symmetric, pure shear models and some combinations of the two. The unroofing of vast expanses of sub-continental mantle at non-volcanic margins has led some authors to argue in favour of simple shear models, but supporting evidence is lacking. Subsidence evidence from conjugate margin pairs is equivocal, and the detailed crustal and lithospheric structure of such pairs not generally well enough known to draw firm conclusions. In the Porcupine Basin, where the final stages of break-up are preserved, the development of structural asymmetry is demonstrable, and apparently related to late stage coupling of the crust to the mantle following the complete embrittlement of the crust. This agrees with theoretical modelling results, which predict that asymmetric models can develop only on a lithospheric scale when the crust and mantle are tightly coupled. However, whether such asymmetry is maintained during continued exhumation of the mantle is unclear.  相似文献   

This paper presents a structural evolution study of the Farasan Bank using an integration of field work, remote sensing data, and regional Bouguer gravity data interpretation. The architecture of the Farasan Islands is influenced by normal faults parallel to the Red Sea rift axis delineating a series of graben and asymmetric half-graben structures as well as salt domes. Geological data suggest that the negative gravity anomaly over the Farasan Bank reflects thick salt deposits. The gravity data shows a general NW-SE trend with the main negative anomaly coincident with the Farasan Islands. Gravity data together with seismic reflection data suggest that salt diapirs are elongated and parallel to the main rift orientation (NW-SE). This indicates that salt deposition and diapirism was controlled by rift-related basement structures. Forward modeling of gravity data constrained by marine seismic reflection interpretation reveals that the evaporites directly overlie the basement in most places. No pre-evaporite formation was detected. Integration of the modeling with field observations and interpretations suggests that the Farasan Islands are in an area of active extension. Extension and salt diapirism on the flank of the mid-ocean ridge is likely to be synchronous with renewed spreading at 5 Ma.  相似文献   

The asthenosphere upwelled on a large scale in the western Pacific and South China Sea during the Cenozoic,which formed strong upward throughflow and caused the thermal structure to be changed obviously.The mathematical analysis has demonstrated that the upward throughflow velocity may have varied from 3×1011 to 6×1012 m/s.From the relationship between the lithospheric thickness and the conductive heat flux,the Hthospherie heat flux in the western Pacific should be above 30 mW/m2,which is consistent with the observed data.The huge low-speed zone within the upper mantle of the marginal sea in the western Pacific reflects that the upper mantle melts partially,flows regionally in the regional stress field,forms the upward heat flux at its bottom,and causes the change of the lithospheric thermal structure in the region.The numerical simulation result of the expansion and evolution in the South China Sea has demonstrated that in the early expansion,the upward throughflow velocity was relatively fast,and the effect that it had on the thickness of the lithosphere was relatively great,resulting in the mid-ocean basin expanding rapidly.After the formation of the ocean basin in the South China Sea,the upward throughflow velocity decreased,but the conductive heat flux was relatively high,which is close to the actual situation.Therefore,from the heat transfer point of view,this article discusses how the upward heat flux affects the lithospheric thermal structure in the western Pacific and South China Sea.The conclusions show that the upward heat throughflow at the bottom of the llthospheric mantle resulted in the tectonic deformation at the shallow crust.The intensive uplifts and rifts at the crust led to the continent cracks and the expansion in the South China Sea.  相似文献   


The Hohonu Dyke Swarm and French Creek Granite represent contemporaneous and cogenetic alkaline magmatism generated during crustal extension in the Western Province of New Zealand. The age of 82 Ma for French Creek Granite coincides with the oldest oceanic crust in the Tasman Sea and suggests emplacement during the separation of New Zealand and Australia. The French Creek Granite is a composite A‐type granitoid, dominated by a subsolvus biotite syenogranite with high silica, low CaO, MgO, Cr, Ni, V and Sr and elevated high‐field‐strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ga, Y). Subordinate varieties of French Creek Granite include a hypersolvus alkali amphibole monzogranite and a quartz‐alkali feldspar syenite. Spatially associated rhyolitic dykes are considered to represent hypabyssal equivalents of French Creek Granite. The Hohonu Dyke Swarm represents mafic magmatism which preceded, overlapped with, and followed emplacement of French Creek Granite. Lamprophyric and doleritic varieties dominate the swarm, with rare phonolite dykes also present. Geochemical compositions of French Creek Granite indicate it is an A1‐subtype granitoid and suggest derivation by fractionation of a mantle‐derived melt with oceanic island basalt ‐ like characteristics. The hypothesis that the French Creek Granite represents fractionation of a Hohonu Dyke Swarm composition, or a mantle melt derived from the same source, is tested. Major‐ and trace‐element data are compatible with derivation of the French Creek Granite by fractionation of amphibole, clinopyroxene and plagioclase from mafic magmas, followed by fractionation of alkali and plagioclase feldspar at more felsic compositions. Although some variants of the French Creek Granite have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions overlapping those of the Hohonu Dyke Swarm, most of the French Creek Granite is more radiogenic than the Hohonu Dyke Swarm, indicating the involvement of a radiogenic crustal component. Assimilation‐fractional crystallisation modelling suggests isotopic compositions of French Creek Granite are consistent with extreme fractionation of Hohonu Dyke Swarm magmas with minor assimilation of the Greenland Group metasediments.  相似文献   

R. W. Girdler 《Tectonophysics》1970,10(5-6):579-582
Some highlights of a discussion meeting held at the Royal Society of London from 27 to 29 March 1969 are presented.  相似文献   

通过对东昆仑造山带晚三叠世岩浆岩的岩石类型、形成时代、岩石地球化学和同位素地球化学资料综合分析,对岩浆岩的岩石组合、分布特征和岩石成因进行研究,探讨东昆仑造山带晚三叠世构造演化的地球动力学背景。东昆仑造山带晚三叠世是古特提斯演化过程中重要的构造转换期,岩浆岩岩石类型多样,主要包括辉长岩、花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩,并且广泛出露具埃达克质特征的岩浆岩和A型花岗岩。晚三叠世岩浆岩的出露规模与俯冲阶段相比,规模较小,一般以小岩体、岩株和岩脉侵入于早期岩体和地层中。东昆仑晚三叠世岩浆岩主体为准铝-弱过铝质高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列,轻重稀土元素具有一定分异,富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,岩石类型不同时分异程度、富集和亏损程度有一定差异。大部分晚三叠世花岗质岩浆岩的同位素特征与晚二叠世-三叠纪镁铁质岩浆岩近似,部分具有更高的εNd(t)和εHf(t)值。镁铁质岩浆岩、普通花岗岩、埃达克质岩浆岩在东昆仑各个构造带皆有分布,A型花岗岩主要分布在祁漫塔格构造带(东昆北)的阿牙克库木湖-香日德断裂附近。东昆仑晚三叠世镁铁质岩浆岩具有弧岩浆岩特征,为俯冲流体交代的地幔楔部分熔融产物。普通花岗岩和埃达克质岩浆岩多为新生下地壳部分熔融产物,少量埃达克质岩浆岩由于与地幔的交代作用,具有幔源特征。A型花岗岩为残留下地壳部分熔融的产物。部分普通花岗岩、埃达克质岩浆岩和A型花岗岩由于岩浆混合作用,具幔源特征。构造环境研究表明,东昆仑在晚三叠世进入古特提斯演化的后碰撞阶段。巴颜喀拉地块同东昆仑地块的持续碰撞导致地壳加厚,密度增大,使岩石圈重力不稳定发生拆沉作用,引发岩石圈地幔减压熔融,产生大量的镁铁质岩浆岩;镁铁质岩浆底侵不同类型地壳熔融及拆沉地壳部分熔融而形成的岩浆交代地幔,以及岩浆混合和岩浆后期演化,形成了东昆仑造山带晚三叠世丰富多样的岩浆岩。  相似文献   

We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the eastern Korean margin that led to the separation of the southwestern Japan Arc. The eastern Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprising a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau that is a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau are bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and considerably symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Analysis of rift fault patterns suggests that rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension rather than strike-slip deformation. Two extension directions for rifting are recognized: the Onnuri and Hupo Basins were rifted in the east-west direction; the Bandal Basin in the east–west and northwest–southeast directions, suggesting two rift stages. We interpret that the east–west direction represents initial rifting at the inner margin; while the Japan Basin widened, rifting propagated southeastward repeatedly from the Japan Basin toward the Korean margin but could not penetrate the strong continental lithosphere of the Korean Shield and changed the direction to the south, resulting in east–west extension to create the rift basins at the Korean margin. The northwest–southeast direction probably represents the direction of rifting orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope of the Korea Plateau; after breakup the southwestern Japan Arc separated in the southeast direction, indicating a response to tensional tectonics associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate in the northwest direction. No significant volcanism was involved in initial rifting. In contrast, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which appears to reflect asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin, although it is in a back-arc setting, can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism influenced by asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

The sea floor of the Red Sea declines in two steps to the Suakin-graben in the area of the Suakin Deep. The western step is occupied by the Suakin Deep-Sea Plain with detrital-organogenic marls but without significant hydrothermal traces. A high rate of deposition is remarkable. The bottom of the Suakin-graben consists at least locally of basalt below a thin sedimentary cover. The deepest holes of the graben are filled with brines of uniform composition in two separate basins. The sediments in the basins, however, are different.The sediments in the W-Basin show only slight hydrothermal influences; the hydrothermal supply is rather constant. The ferromanganoan component predominates, the sulfidic one occurs occasionally.In the E-Basin ferromanganoan and sulfidic ore muds alternate with regular marly sediments. The ore muds have been formed by supply of hydrothermal solutions of different intensity. The deposition of the ore muds increased the rates of sedimentation in the E-Basin compared with the W-Basin.
Zusammenfassung Im Gebiet des Suakin-Tiefs fällt der Boden des Roten Meeres treppenförmig zum Grabentiefsten ab. Die westliche Treppenstufe bildet die Suakin-Tiefsee-Ebene mit detritisch-organogenen, mergeligen Sedimenten ohne wesentliche hydrothermale Einschaltungen, aber mit hohen Sedimentationsraten. Der Boden des Suakin-Grabens besteht zumindest lokal aus Basalt unter einer dünnen Sedimentdecke. Die tiefsten Stellen des Grabens nehmen zwei mit Solen einheitlicher Zusammensetzung gefüllte Becken ein. Die Sedimente der beiden Becken sind jedoch verschieden.Die Sedimente des Westbeckens sind nur schwach hydrothermal beeinflußt, und die hydrothermale Zufuhr ist ziemlich gleichmäßig. Die manganitisch-limonitische Komponente herrscht vor, während die sulfidische nur gelegentlich eingeschaltet ist.Im Ostbecken liegen manganitisch-limonitische und sulfidische Erzschlämme vor, die sich durch verschieden starke hydrothermale Zufuhr gebildet haben. Die Entstehung von Erzschlämmen hat die Sedimentationsraten im Ostbecken gegenüber denen im Westbecken stark erhöht.

Résumé Dans la région du «Suakin Deep»le fond de la Mer Rouge descend en deux marches vers le fond. du fossé. La «Suakin Deep-Sea Plaine » forme la marche ouest, avec ses sédiments détritiques-organogènes marneux sans traces hydrothermales de quelque importance, mais marqués par une forte vitesse de sédimentation. Le fond du Fossé de Suakin consiste — du moins localement — en basalte sous une mince couverture sédimentaire. Les dépressions les plus profondes du fossé, réparties en deux bassins séparés, sont remplies d'une saumure de composition uniforme. Les sédiments des deux bassins sont cependant différents.Les sédiments du bassin ouest montrent seulement une faible influence hydrothermale; l'apport hydrothermal est assez constant. Des précipitations de manganitelimonite prédominent, tandis que celles de sulfures sont seulement occassionnelles.Dans le bassin est, des boues chargées de manganite-limonite et de sulfures alternent avec des sédiments marneux. Le minerai a été formé par l'apport de solutions hydrothermales de différente intensité. La formation des boues minéralisées a considérablement augmenté la vitesse de sédimentation dans le bassin est, par rapport au bassin ouest.

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Revised form of a paper presented March 1, 1973 at the 63 rd Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung in Salzburg/Austria.  相似文献   

南海岩石圈破裂方式与扩张过程的三维物理模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
南海的形成演化一直是国内外关注的热点之一.为了揭示南海的构造演化过程, 分析对比了3组物理模拟实验.实验结果表明, 断裂样式和裂谷带的走向与岩石圈的初始热流变结构密切相关.对比模拟结果与陆缘的断层样式, 推测在张裂初期, 陆坡区比陆架区具有相对热减薄的岩石圈, 从而导致不同构造位置上发育不同的裂陷特征.受下地壳和软流圈韧性流动的影响, 断层越是靠近扩张区, 倾角变得越平缓.实验揭示, 破裂首先以点状出现, 这些点不断扩大并互相连接形成连续的扩张区.共轭边缘常具有对称的形状, 向海盆方向对凹或者对凸.当离散边界附近有刚性块体时, 扩张区域的边界会明显受到地块边缘形态的影响.通过模拟实验, 推测破裂过程可能以较粘性的方式进行.西北次海盆的发育可能是沿着中-西沙地块北缘深裂陷槽破裂的结果.   相似文献   

Light hydrocarbon (C1-C3) concentrations in the water from four Red Sea brine basins (Atlantis II, Suakin, Nereus and Valdivia Deeps) and in sediment pore waters from two of these areas (Atlantis II and Suakin Deeps) are reported. The hydrocarbon gases in the Suakin Deep brine (T = ~ 25°C, Cl? = ~ 85‰, CH4 =~ 711) are apparently of biogenic origin as evidenced by C1(C2 + C3) ratios of ~ 1000. Methane concentrations (6–8 μl/l) in Suakin Deep sediments are nearly equal to those in the brine, suggesting sedimentary interstitial waters may be the source of the brine and associated methane.The Atlantis II Deep has two brine layers with significantly different light hydrocarbon concentrations indicating separate sources. The upper brine (T = ~ 50°C, Cl? = ~ 73‰, CH4 = ~ 155 μl/l) gas seems to be of biogenic origin [C1(C2 + C3) = ~1100], whereas the lower brine (T = ~ 61°C, Cl? = ~ 155‰, CH4 = ~ 120μl/l) gas is apparently of thermogenic origin [C1(C2 + C3) = ~ 50]. The thermogenic gas resulting from thermal cracking of organic matter in the sedimentary column apparently migrates into the basin with the brine, whereas the biogenic gas is produced in situ or at the seawater-brine interface. Methane concentrations in Atlantis II interstitial waters underlying the lower brine are about one half brine concentrations; this difference possibly reflects the known temporal variations of hydrothermal activity in the basin.  相似文献   

洋-陆过渡带是理解大陆岩石圈破裂和海底初始扩张的关键位置,但是在南海北部地区仍然存在关于相关地质过程的诸多疑问.通过近年开展的国际大洋发现计划航次以及深部地质地球物理探测,取得以下4个方面的认识.(1)南海北部的洋-陆边界一般与自由空间重力异常的正-负值过渡位置对应,而更加准确地限定需要结合反射、折射地震资料.稳定大洋岩石圈生成与大陆岩石圈最终破裂之间的洋-陆过渡边界的位置比以往认为的还应往深海盆方向移动.(2)洋-陆过渡带代表了远端带构造作用减弱和岩浆作用逐渐增强的区域.陆坡地壳发育扩张后岩浆底侵、洋-陆过渡带发育同破裂期岩浆喷出结构和侵入反射体.(3)在中生代的古俯冲带弧前区域,新生代的断裂沿着早期的构造开始活动,岩石圈多处发生强烈的共轭韧性剪切作用.随着大陆岩石圈的进一步拉伸减薄,部分靠陆一侧的裂谷中心停止张裂,成为夭折裂谷,以台西南盆地南部凹陷、白云凹陷、西沙海槽为代表,而南海陆缘异常伸展和最终破裂的地方集中在南侧裂谷中心.夭折裂谷下亦发现地幔蛇纹石化,进一步反映了较弱的同破裂岩浆活动.(4)南海初始洋壳的增生沿着大陆边缘走向具有显著的变化,南海东北部洋-陆过渡带下伏地幔明显抬升和部分蛇纹石化,地震纵、横波速度以及折射波衰减特征都支持此观点,反映南海东北部是一个贫岩浆型大陆边缘.未来,南海北部洋-陆过渡带有望成为南海“莫霍钻”的理想备选钻探区.   相似文献   

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