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TheUBV photoelectric light curve of IW Per as an ellipsoidal variable was obtained and a number of spectrograms were taken with dispersion of 10 Å mm–1. New spectroscopic orbital elements are determined for this single-line spectroscopic binary to beK 1=99.3 km s–1, =0.2 km s–1,a sini=1.80R andf(m)=0.093m . From analysis of the light curve, the geometric ellipticity coefficient of the distorted components is determined to beZ=0.037.Applying the second-order theory of light variation due to distorted components (Kopal and Kitamura, 1968), the orbital inclination and fractional radius of the primary component can be deduced simultaneously to bei=63° andr 1=0.294. By takingm 1=2.0m for the mass of the primary component with spectral type A5Vm, the mass of the secondary can be also deduced to bem 2=1.08m , which would correspond to a G0-type if it is a Main-Sequence star. These elements indicate that the system is a non-eclipsing detached close binary.From intensity measurements of the lines Caii-K, Srii 4215 and Scii 4320 on twenty-eight good spectrograms taken at various phases, those intensities and the intensity ratio Sc/Sr are found to vary systematically with phase. From these variations the distribution of the local metallicity on the surface of the Am primary component is discussed in connection with the distribution of the local surface temperature.  相似文献   

The first photoelectric light curve of the eclipsing binary system BW Aqr (F71V+F81V;P=6d.7;V=10 m .31), discovered by Miss Leavitt at the beginning of the century, was obtained. The photometric elements were detemined. The components of this system are considerably evolved stars: the age of the system is about 2×109 yr. It follows from the photometric data that the secondary component should have greater mass than the primary one The zero-age spectral classes of components were F2V and F1V. The system has an elliptical orbit with the eccentricitye=0.18. The angular rate of the apsidal motion (obs = 0.070 deg yr–1) and the corresponding value of the apsidal parameterk 2=0.0090 (the relativistic term included) were found. The derived valuek 2 exceeds by more than a factor of 2 the theoretical coefficient obtained from the modern theory of internal structure of stars with moderate masses .  相似文献   

Observations have been selected in Tenerife Zodiacal Light Data, which make it possible to separate the diffuse galactic light from other components. Far from the Milky Way (30°|b|60°) the diffuse galactic light shows a decreasing slope which cannot exceed –0.3S 10 vis. per degree of galactic latitude, and is probably a very weak component of the total extraterrestrial light.  相似文献   

Using the Am components in spectroscopic binaries, the region of metallicism in the (logm, logR) diagram is statistically discussed. The metallic-line characteristics appear in a slightly evolved stage near the Main Sequence within a belt characterized by logg=3.8–4.2, for which the radiiR/R =1.5–2.7. The distribution in the diagram indicates that appreciable differences should exist in the abundances as well as in the mixing lengths of the atmospheres of the Am components.Synchronism between rotation and revolution for the Am components is discussed, and it is clearly found that the synchronism holds accurately for the Am binaries with periods less than about six days, but for those with periods between six and ten days some Am components corotate and some do not, perhaps depending upon their ages.Using the Am spectroscopic binaries with periods less than twelve days, we find that the excess of metallicity is statistically correlated with the rotational velocity; and it is confirmed that the metallicity grossly decreases with increasing rotational velocity. If the effect of a non-Am secondary component is eliminated from a [m 1]-value for the combined light, the correlation between metallicity excess and rotational velocity for the Am components only should approach [m 1]/V (km s–1)=–0.00077.  相似文献   

W. Mattig 《Solar physics》1971,18(3):434-442
In order to test the usual method for correcting sunspot intensity measurements for stray light, we have measured, during the Mercury transit of 1970 May 9, the intensities of Mercury, a sunspot umbra, and the aureole. The direct observations result in Mercury intensities < 0.06 I and aureole intensities <0.01 I . The stray light correction to the spot intensities has been <(0.03 ± 0.01) I . The main contribution to the stray light on the solar disc is shown to be produced by a spread-function with a half width of 10 arc sec. Consequently, for stray light corrections the range R R + + 20 in the aureole has to be measured very precisely; furthermore, a remarkable fraction of the stray light in the center of an umbra originates from the surrounding penumbra.Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer Institut, Nr. 102.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed by Kopal (1977c, Paper XII) to make use of expressions for the fractional loss of light 0 l of the arbitrarily limb-darkened stars in the form of Hankel transforms of zero-order, in order to evaluate the explicit forms of the 0 l s for different types of eclipse, as well as of the momentsA 2m of the respective light curves in a closed form. The automated method has been tested successfully on the light curves of RT Persei. Also, a photometric curve fit of RT Persei is investigated by application of numerical quadratures to determine the theoretical light curve appropriate for the Roche model. Finally a comparative discussion is given of various methods of light curve analaysis.On leave from Department of Physics, University of Ferdowsi, Mashad, Iran.  相似文献   

The photoelectric light curves of XY Cet of Srivastava and Padalia (1975) and of Morrison and Morrison (1968), from which considerably different sets of photometric elements have previously been deduced, were re-analyzed in detail. The elements derived in the present study from Srivastava and Padalia's (1975)UBV observations arer g=0.157±0.006 (p.e.),r s=0.142±0.007,i=88°.4±0°.5,L g=0.600±0.017, 0.602±0.015 and 0.584±0.018 forU, B andV, respectively. It is also found from their light curves that the system has an eccentric orbit withe cos =0.0026±0.0005. The elements deduced from theV observations of Morrison and Morrison (1968) are found to be in satisfactory agreement with those presented above.The existence of theAm characteristics of both components, which was recognized by earlier spectroscopic observations, are supported by theB-V andU-B color indices and [m 1] value of the system. Both components are also found to have appreciably evolved, as expected for metallicline stars.  相似文献   

Chandrasekhar'sH-functionH(z) corresponding to the dispersion functionT(z)=| rs frs(z)|, where [f rs (z)] is of rank 1, is obtained in terms of a Cauchy integral whose density functionQ(x, 1, 2,...) can be approximated by approximating polynomials (uniformly converging toQ(x)) having their coefficients expressed as known functions of the parameters r 's. A closed form approximation ofH(z) to a sufficiently high degree of accuracy is then readily available by term by term integration.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new CCD Bessell VRcIc light curves and photometric analysis of the newly discovered RS CVn type eclipsing binary star V1034 Her. The light curves were obtained at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2006. Variations of the orbital period of the system were firstly studied. The (O − C) diagram with a low range of observing time of about 20 years shows an upward parabola, which indicates a secular increase in the orbital period of the system. The light curves are generally those of detached eclipsing binaries; however, there are large asymmetries between maxima. The VRcIc light curves were analysed with two different fitting procedures: Wilson–Devinney method supplemented with a Monte Carlo type algorithm and Information Limit Optimization Technique (ILOT). Our general results find V1034 Her. as a well detached system, in which the components are filling 65% of their Roche lobes. Light curve asymmetries of the system are explained in terms of large dark starspots on the primary component. The primary star shows a long-lived spot distribution with active longitudes in the same hemisphere.  相似文献   

The basic physical picture of the Algol system is reviewed, and, using collected red and infrared observations, photometric curve fits are investigated by applying numerical quadratures to determine theoretical light curves appropriate to Roche model stars. The contact nature of Algol B appears to be confirmed, and effective temperatures of the three components areT A=11 400°,T B=5300°,T C=7600°. In terms of a Lambert's law approach to the reflection effect, the effective heat-albedo is required to be reduced from unity to one half; and it is also found that the averaged gravity-darkening coefficient is close to a value appropriate for a diffusion type of heat-transfer mechanism operating in sub-photospheric layers.  相似文献   

Two new campaigns devoted to the observation of the solar limb distortions were made at the Pic-du-Midi Observatory, in September 2000 and September 2001, by means of the scanning heliometer. This apparatus can be used now routinely to accurately determine solar limb profiles (at two wavelengths), at any heliographic latitudes. Each measurement is made within 44 milliseconds (of time) which permits to record a limb profile together with the seeing. Scans are automatically rejected for seeing larger than 1.3 arc sec. Such conditions are essential to perform high-quality observations necessary to obtain the quadrupole term (l=2) in the polynomial expansion of the radius contour R() = constant = R 0 left(1+l c l P l()right). Exceptional meteorological conditions in September 2001 (seeing of the order of 18 cm, for a 50 cm clear aperture of the refractor) enabled us to determine c 2 and c 4 (see Table I) with an accuracy of a few milli-arc-sec. Results indicate a distorted solar shape, the departures from a pure spherical body not exceeding 20 milli-arc-sec. We propose a model to interpret such results (the combination of a nearly uniform rotating core with a prolate solar tachocline and an oblate surface), which is briefly discussed. Our results are confronted to those obtained from space. We conclude that measurements of the quadrupole term from the ground are possible, but of high difficulty and can be obtained only during excellent weather conditions. The hexadecapole term should be only obtained from space. We show that an astrometric satellite would be required, whose mission would be also to accurately determine the solar rotation profiles (both surface and in depth) in order to unambiguously determine the inertia moments of the Sun through the J n terms. Such values are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

UBV light curves and spectrograms of R CMa obtained with the 48-inch telescope of Japal-Rangapur Observatory during 1980–82 have been used for deriving the eclipse and orbital elements as well as the absolute dimensions of the components. The primary is found to be a Main-Sequence F2V star of mass 1.52M and the secondary a subgiant star of spectral type G8 and mass 0.20M which fills its Roche lobe, in agreement with Kopal and Shapley (1956) results, Kopal (1959), or Sahade's (1963) results. From a consideration of the possible evolution of this system it is concluded that a large fraction of the original mass of the secondary is lost from the system. A study of the period changes indicates the possible presence of a third component of mass of about 0.5M which is most likely to be anM dwarf.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic field produced by a magnetic dipole moment, , which is rotating obliquely surrounded by a corotating plasma sphere, is investigated. This corotating-plasma approximation has the same order of accuracy as the force-free one but has somewhat different physical implications. In the former the effect of non-electromagnetic forces such as the inertial force are included, though in somewhat artificial manner, as a departure from the strict MHD condition and this fact seems to guarantee the existence of physical solutions.Analogous to the relativistic force-free equation, a set of two differential equations (the corotation equation) are derived for the scalar functions associated with the electric and magnetic fields. A self-consistent solution of these equations is given and it is shown that this solution has no singularity, in spite of apparent divergence in the formal solution, on the light cylinder. It is concluded from this solution that, even in the extreme case of the largest possible corotation-radius (i.e.b=r L , wherer L is the light radius), the existence of a corotating plasma does not alter the field structure drastically from the vacuum case. It is also suggested through this treatment that inclusion of the inertial term in generalized Ohm's law might be essential in considering the centrifugal-wind problem.  相似文献   

A method for evaluating the photometric consequences of the reflection effect in close binaries is described. There is no restriction on the extent of the penumbra and the conversion to monochromatic radiation avoids the ambiguity of the approach based on application of a luminous efficiency factor. The reflected radiation is taken to have a phase law of the form (1–u r+u rcos) where represents the angle between the local normal and the observer's line of sight.An estimate of the accuracy of the method is made; it is found that it is suitable for the reduction of light curves of high precision for all systems except those where the components are in contact or almost so.  相似文献   

We present the use of the analytical solutions of the planets and of the Moon's motion in the determination of the quantities which relate the barycentric and the geocentric coordinate systems and of the expressions of precession-nutation. The computation of the precession and nutation quantities are built with the analytical theories of the motion of the Moon, the Sun and the planets of the Bureau des longitudes. We take into account the influence of the Moon, the Sun and all the planets on the potential of the Earth limited to C j,0 for j from 2 to 5, C 2,2, S 2,2, C 3, S 3, , for from 1 to 3 and C 4,1, S 4,1. We determine the 3 Euler angles , , and 2 calculating the components of the torque of the external forces with respect to the geocenrer in the case of the rigid Earth. The equations are solved by iterations and so are taken into account the nutations-on-the-nutations effects. We have determined the analytical variations of the angles and w fixing the equator with respect to the ecliptic J2000. We find, in w, a secular term of –26.5026 mas per century. The analytical solution of the precession-nutation has been compared to a numerical integration over the time span 1900–2050. The differences do not exceed 16 µas for and 12 µas for .  相似文献   

The evolution of close binary systems was followed for ten systems with the initial mass of the primary in the range 1–4M and with different initial mass ratios and initial separations. A brief discussion of the evolution of the contact component is presented for two separate cases: when the primary reaches its Roche lobe during central hydrogen burning (case A) and after the exhaustion of hydrogen in the center (case B).The models obtained are compared with observed semi-detached systems separately for massive (with total mass greater than 5M ) and low mass (with total mass below 4M ) binaries. It is shown that the contact components of the observed massive binaries are probably burning hydrogen in the core. On the contrary, the majority of contact components of the observed low-mass binaries are burning hydrogen in the shell. The observed distribution of such binaries as a function of different luminosity excesses of contact components seems to indicate that their origin is connected with case A rather than with case B.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to generalize the methods previously developed for analysis of the light changes of eclipsing binary systems in the frequency-domain to cases in which the components of such systems revolve in eccentric orbits. It is shown that these methods can indeed be generalized to systems with eccentric orbits provided that the light momentsA 2m deduced from such eclipses are suitably re-defined in terms of the true, rather than mean, anomaly in the relative orbit; and that due attention is paid to the unit of length in terms of which the fractional radii of the two stars are expressed. When this is done the Fourier methods continue to be applicable to all types of eclipses exhibited by eccentric binary systems — whether these are occultations or transits; total, annular or partial.An application of these methods to practical cases has been postponed for a subsequent communication.  相似文献   

The effect of a prevalent magnetic field on static and uniformly rotating self-gravitating cylinders of infinite length is examined. The magnetic field is assumed to consist ofH andH z components, which are taken to be functions of the radial coordinate alone. A variety of magnetic-field configurations are shown to be admissible solutions of equations of motion, from which some feasible cases are presented. A particular magnetic-field configuration having bothH andH z components is studied in detail. The configuration is such that the assumption of a polytropic equation of state reduces the equation governing the density function to a non-homogeneous cylindrical analogue of the Lane-Emden equation for spherical polytropes. The homogeneous case is also studied and shows interesting magnetic-field patterns.  相似文献   

High resolution sunspot photographs in the blue, red and infrared continuum exposed on various days were used to derive the center-to-limb variation of the intensity ratio = I sp / I ph. Special care was taken to correct for image blurring, scattered light and the influence of line absorption.The observed increase of specific umbral intensities u towards the limb leads to an extremely small temperature gradient in the umbra. From geometrical changes of the profiles (Wilson effect), we derived an umbral depression of about 650 km and a density scale height of about 450 km when H - is assumed to be the predominant source of absorption. The penumbral depression was found to be 50 km or less. The density scale height of the umbra as computed from the observed temperature distribution is 80 km in the case of hydrostatic equilibrium. We conclude that either magnetic pressure components produce deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium or that another source of absorption, dominating in the outer layers, has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

The Fourier techniques developed so far for an analysis of eclipsing binary light curves have been re-discussed. The Fourier coefficients for the analysis have been derived in a simple form of series expansions, in terms of eclipse elements, valid for any type of eclipse (regardless of whetherr 1r 2).These coefficients may be utilized to solve the eclipse elements in terms of the observed characteristics of the light curves. A general relation between the observed quantitiesl and , and the eclipse elementsr 1,2,i andL 1 has also been given in the form of series expansions which can be used for the synthesis of the light curves.  相似文献   

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