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Evaluation of thermobarometers for garnet peridotites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accuracy and precision of a large number of combinations of geothermometers and geo-barometers for garnet lherzolites have been evaluated with a suite of well-equilibrated xenoliths from kimberlites of northern Lesotho. Accuracy was tested by comparison of P-T estimates for a diamond-bearing and a graphite-bearing xenolith with the experimentally determined diamond-graphite univariant curve and by comparison of P-T estimates for phlogopite-bearing xenoliths to the high-temperature stability limit of phlogopite (Eggler and Wendlandt, 1979). Precision was evaluated by measuring the scatter of P-T estimates for each of four xenoliths from a wide range of P and T when many point analyses of the constituent minerals are used for P-T estimation. A thermobarometer composed of the uncorrected diopside-enstatite miscibility gap of Lindsley and Dixon (1976), combined with the uncorrected isopleths for aluminum in enstatite coexisting with pyrope of MacGregor (1974), is most satisfactory. Correction schemes such as those of Wells (1977) and Wood (1974) will ultimately provide a better means of P-T estimation, but at the present stage of development they serve to decrease precision without a demonstrable increase in accuracy. Thermometers based on Fe2+Mg exchange reactions are imprecise because of variable and unknown Fe2+Fe3+ in minerals and xenoliths. The inflection observed in the northern Lesotho paleogeotherm cannot be an artifact of the method of temperature estimation.  相似文献   

The composition of chromian spinel in alpine-type peridotites has a large reciprocal range of Cr and Al, with increasing Cr# (Cr/(Cr+Al)) reflecting increasing degrees of partial melting in the mantle. Using spinel compositions, alpine-type peridotites can be divided into three groups. Type I peridotites and associated volcanic rocks contain spinels with Cr#<0.60; Type III peridotites and associated volcanics contain spinels with Cr#>0.60, and Type II peridotites and volcanics are a transitional group and contain spinels spanning the full range of spinel compositions in Type I and Type II peridotites. Spinels in abyssal peridotites lie entirely within the Type I spinel field, making ophiolites with Type I alpine-type peridotites the most likely candidates for sections of ocean lithosphere formed at a midocean ridge. The only modern analogs for Type III peridotites and associated volcanic rocks are found in arc-related volcanic and intrusive rocks, continental intrusive assemblages, and oceanic plateau basalts. We infer a sub-volcanic arc petrogenesis for most Type III alpine-type peridotites. Type II alpine-type peridotites apparently reflect composite origins, such as the formation of an island-arc on ocean crust, resulting in large variations in the degree and provenance of melting over relatively short distances. The essential difference between Type I and Type III peridotites appears to be the presence or absence of diopside in the residue at the end of melting.Based on an examination of co-existing rock and spinel compositions in lavas, it appears that spinel is a sensitive indicator of melt composition and pressure of crystallization. The close similarity of spinel composition fields in genetically related basalts, dunites and peridotites at localities in the oceans and in ophiolite complexes indicates that its composition reflects the degree of melting in the mantle source region. Accordingly, we infer from the restricted range of spinel compositions in abyssal basalts that the degree of mantle melting beneath mid-ocean ridges is generally limited to that found in Type I alpine-type peridotites. It is apparent, therefore, that the phase boundary OL-EN-DI-SP +meltOL-EN-SP+melt has limited the degree of melting of the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges. This was clearly not the case for many alpine-type peridotites, implying very different melting conditions in the mantle, probably involving the presence of water.  相似文献   

Evidence for gammacerane as an indicator of water column stratification   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
A new route for the formation of gammacerane from tetrahymanol is proposed; in addition to dehydration and hydrogenation, sulphurisation and early C-S cleavage are shown to be important in the pathway of formation, especially in marine sediments. Evidence is twofold. First, relatively large amounts of the gammacerane skeleton are sequestered in S-rich macromolecular aggregates formed by natural sulphurisation of functionalised lipids. Selective cleavage of polysulphide linkages with MeLi/MeI led to formation of 3-methylthiogammacerane, indicating that the gammacerane skeleton is primarily bound via sulphur at position 3, consistent with the idea that tetrahymanol (or the corresponding ketone) is the precursor for gammacerane. Second, upon mild artificial maturation of two sediments using hydrous pyrolysis, gammacerane is released from S-rich macromolecular aggregates by cleavage of the relatively weak C-S bonds. The stable carbon isotopic compositions of gammacerane and lipids derived from primary producers and green sulphur bacteria in both the Miocene Gessoso-solfifera and Upper Jurassic Allgau Formations indicate that gammacerane is derived from bacterivorous ciliates which were partially feeding on green sulphur bacteria. This demonstrates that anaerobic ciliates living at or below the chemocline are important sources for gammacerane, consistent with the fact that ciliates only biosynthesize tetrahymanol if their diet is deprived of sterols. This leads to the conclusion that gammacerane is an indicator for water column stratification, which solves two current enigmas in gammacerane geochemistry. Firstly, it explains why gammacerane is often found in sediments deposited under hypersaline conditions but is not necessarily restricted to this type of deposits. Secondly, it explains why lacustrine deposits may contain abundant gammacerane since most lakes in the temperate climatic zones are stratified during summer.  相似文献   

Jowshan geothermal system comprises 6 thermal springs with outlet temperatures ranging from 39.3 to 46.6°C. The thermal water of these springs is presently used for swimming and as a treatment for rheumatism, sinusitis and skin diseases. The pH value of these springs is slightly acidic to neutral and the electrical conductivities about 1500 μS/Cm. The presence of many faults in the area, the alignment of all springs along the Sirch Fault and the similar chemical and isotopic composition of all springs in combination with the hydrogeological setting and geochemistry of water samples indicate that these springs are associated with deep circulation of meteoric water. According to this heating mechanism, meteoric waters infiltrate through fault openings to depth and after heating by geothermal gradient rise to the ground surface due to the hydraulic and buoyancy forces, a mechanism which is common in the southern parts of Iran. The use of various chemical geothermometers and mineral equilibrium states suggests a range of temperature about 50–90°C for the reservoir of Jowshan geothermal system.  相似文献   

The common belief currently shared by many geoscientists concerning the climatic interpretation of limestones is that a warm-water environment is essential. This concept is not necessarily true because the rate and extent of terrigenous sediment dilution, rather than water temperature, is the primary factor determining whether or not a limestone forms at nearshore or continental shelf depths. Because carbonate productivity is lowest in cold climates, however, CaCO3 abundance and the thickness of carbonate accumulations tend to be least at high latitudes. In this regard present-day continental shelves and beaches offer a poor model for comparing cold-water and warm-water carbonates because of the generally emergent continental tectonic framework, recent eustatic sea-level changes, and the presence of ice caps at the modern poles.Typically, the influence of climate on non-reef continental shelf and beach environments cannot be clearly distinguished by the presence or absence of major taxonomic groups. Faunal diversity and equitability are more sensitive in this regard. The absence of shelf-depth inorganic carbonate precipitates, micrite envelopes, and peloids may also point to the cold-water origin of a rock. Skeletal mineralogy and oxygen isotopes of certain unrecrystallized carbonates may be good paleoclimatic indicators; however, trace elements and physical-textural attributes of the carbonate fraction are probably temperature insensitive.Previous studies of high-latitude continental shelves have concentrated merely on the abundance of calcareous material and there is seemingly a disproportionate amount of information with respect to low-latitude carbonate studies. Further research on cold-water carbonates may open up new avenues for alternative paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   

In the strdy of the source material of granites ,it is found that cosmic dust can be used as one of the indicators for identifying the genetic types of granites.It is suggested that granites can be grouped into two genetic types, dust-barren granite and dust-containing granite, corresponding to I-type and S-type respectively as defined by Chappell et al.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of our studies, the chemical analysis of thermal spring’s waters and their geological settings, the use of different statistical methods to evaluate the origin of the dissolved constituents of spring waters and the estimation of the reservoir temperature of the associated geothermal fields of the Guelma region, Algeria. A major component in 13 spring water samples was analyzed using various techniques. The waters of the thermal springs at Guelma basin vary in temperature between 20 and 94oC. Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis suggests three groups. The water springs were classified as low, moderate and high salinity. Mineral saturation indices (SI) calculated from major ions indicate the spring waters are supersaturated with the most of the carbonate minerals, and all of the spring water samples are under-saturated with evaporite minerals. The thermal spring waters have a meteoric origin, and all samples are immature with strong mixing between warm and shallow waters, where the temperatures of reservoirs to which the thermal waters are related ranged between 64° and 124°C. The deep circulation of meteoric waters in the study area is supplied by the high geothermal gradient around 4.5°C per 100 m and reaches a high temperature before rising to the surface. The estimated circulation depths ranged from 1425 and 3542 m.  相似文献   

The retention curve of French FoCa compacted clay has been determined at 20, 50 and 80 °C. A saline saturated solution has been used to control the suction. The temperature, up to 80 °C, has no influence on the e(Pc) curve. On the other hand, the water content and the liquid saturation degree are lower at 50 or 80 °C than at 20 °C. A model is proposed to take into account the influence of the temperature, in the framework of Biot's theory.A method to determine the liquid permeability of an unsaturated porous media is proposed. It is based on an analytical solution and on an experimental survey of the transient phase of desorption. This method has been applied to the compacted FoCa clay, at 20 °C. It is easy to implement and efficient. The permeability of FoCa clay has been determined for a large range of suctions.  相似文献   

Given the vital importance of water and energy in desert regions, we undertook a study dealing with the deep reservoirs in Gabes area, which is located in the southeastern part of Tunisia. Geothermal resources are taken from the Intercalary Continental [or Continental Intercalaire (CI)], known as the largest deep aquifer in Tunisia and are used in a number of applications, mainly in agriculture. Previous investigations performed on the thermal waters of this area focused on the genesis of the deep waters with regard to the thermal features of geothermal reservoirs. A more detailed investigation has been carried out, considering both deep and shallow waters. In order to estimate the potential temperatures of deep reservoir in the Gabes area, we developed a synthetic study including chemical geothermometers, multiple mineral equilibrium approach, and other approaches. Chemical types of the thermal waters and effects of mixing between shallow cold waters with deep thermal waters were also discussed. In fact, the application of Na–K–Mg diagram relative to deep geothermal reservoir capitulate estimated temperatures (about 90°C). In addition, the multiple mineral equilibrium approach submits a similar estimated temperature ranging between 65 and 70°C, showing a disequilibrium status which indicates a possibly mixing with surface water. Indeed, wells exploiting the CI aquifer in the south part of the studied area showed the same characteristics, corroborating the reliability of the applied methods.  相似文献   

A refined thermodynamic model of H2O and CO2 bearing cordierite based on recent data on volatile incorporation into cordierite (Thompson et al. in Contrib Mineral Petrol 142:107–118, 2001; Harley and Carrington in J Petrol 42:1595–1620, 2001) reflects non-ideality of channel H2O and CO2 mixing. The dependence of cordierite H2O and CO2 contents on P, T and equilibrium fluid composition has been calculated for the range 600–800°C and 200–800 MPa. It has been used for establishing thermodynamic conditions of cordierite formation and the following retrograde PT paths of cordierite rocks from many localities. Estimates of the H2O and CO2 activities have shown that cordierites in granites, pegmatites and high-pressure granulites were formed in fluid-saturated conditions and wide range of H2O/CO2 relations. Very low cordierite H2O contents in many migmatites may be caused not only by fluid-undersaturated conditions at rock formation and H2O leakage on retrograde PT paths but also by the presence of additional volatile components like CH4 and N2. The pressure dependence of cordierite-bearing mineral equilibria on fluid H2O/CO2 relations has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Copepod distribution as an indicator of epikarst system connectivity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of 27 copepod species was determined in 35 drips in four Slovenian caves (Dimnice, Postojna Planina Cave System, Škocjanske Jame, Županova Jama), and of ten species from 13 drips in one US cave (Organ Cave, West Virginia). The dripping water comes from epikarst, the skin of karst. A significant fraction of the copepod species found (nine species in Slovenia and three in West Virginia) occurred over a maximum linear extent of 100 m. These and other localized distributions probably resulted from colonization of epikarst by an ancestral surface population in a single location, with subsequent lateral spread in the direction of epikarst flow. This suggests that the distribution of copepods could potentially be used to trace major flow paths in epikarst without the need for the injection of dyes or other tracers.
Résumé La distribution de 27 espèces de copépodes a été déterminée dans 35 zones de percolation de quatre grottes slovènes (Dimnice, système de grottes Postojna Planina, Škocjanske Jame, Županova Jama) et grace à dix espèces de 13 zones de percolation d’une grotte des Etats-Unis (Grotte Organ, Ouest de la Virginie). L’eau de percolation provient de l’épikarst, la partie supérieure du karst. Une fraction importante des espèces de copépodes trouvées (9 espèces en Slovénie et 3 dans l’Ouest de la Virginie) s’étendait sur une longueur maximum de 100 m. Ces dernières ainsi que d’autres distributions localisées étaient probablement issues de la colonisation par une population ancienne de surface, de zones localisées de l’épikarst, puis par une dispersion latérale dans la direction de l’écoulement dans l’épikarst. Ceci suggère que la distribution des copépodes pourrait potentiellement être utilisée pour identifier les principales trajectoires d’écoulement dans l’épikarst, sans utiliser l’injection de colorants ou d’autres traceurs.

Resumen Se determina la distribución de 27 especies de copépodo en 35 gotas de cuatro cavernas de Eslovenia (Dimnice, Sistema de Caverna Planina Postojna, Jame Škocjanske, y Jama Županova), y de diez especies en 13 gotas de una caverna de Estados Unidos (Caverna órgano, Virginia Occidental). El agua que gotea se deriva del epikarst, la piel del karst. Una fracción significativa de las especies de copépodos encontradas (9 especies en Eslovenia y 3 en Virginia Occidental) se presentaron en una extensión linear máxima de 100 m. Estas y otras distribuciones localizadas resultaron probablemente de colonización del epikarst por poblaciones superficiales ancestrales en una sola localización, con una expansión lateral subsiguiente en la dirección de flujo epikárstico. Esto sugiere que la distribución de copépodos podría tener un uso potencial para trazar rutas de flujo principales en epikarst sin tener la necesidad de inyectar colorantes u otros trazadores.

Chromite in ordinary chondrites (OC) can be used as a shock indicator. A survey of 76 equilibrated H, L and LL chondrites shows that unshocked chromite grains occur in equant, subhedral and rounded morphologies surrounded by silicate or intergrown with metallic Fe-Ni and/or troilite. Some unmelted chromite grains are fractured or crushed during whole-rock brecciation. Others are transected by opaque veins; the veins form when impacts cause localized heating of metal-troilite intergrowths above the Fe-FeS eutectic (988°C), mobilization of metal-troilite melts, and penetration of the melt into fractures in chromite grains. Chromite-plagioclase assemblages occur in nearly every shock-stage S3-S6 OC; the assemblages range in size from 20-300 μm and consist of 0.2-20-μm-size euhedral, subhedral, anhedral and rounded chromite grains surrounded by plagioclase or glass of plagioclase composition. Plagioclase has a low impedance to shock compression. Heat from shock-melted plagioclase caused adjacent chromite grains to melt; chromite grains crystallized from this melt. Those chromite grains in the assemblages that are completely surrounded by plagioclase are generally richer in Al2O3 than unmelted, matrix chromite grains in the same meteorite. Chromite veinlets (typically 0.5-2 μm thick and 10-300 μm long) occur typically in the vicinity of chromite-plagioclase assemblages. The veinlets formed from chromite-plagioclase melts that were injected into fractures in neighboring silicate grains; chromite crystallized in the fractures and the residual plagioclase-rich melt continued to flow, eventually pooling to form plagioclase-rich melt pockets. Chromite-rich “chondrules” (consisting mainly of olivine, plagioclase-normative mesostasis, and 5-15 vol.% chromite) occur in many shocked OC and OC regolith breccias but they are absent from primitive type-3 OC. They may have formed by impact melting chromite, plagioclase and adjacent mafic silicates during higher-energy shock events. The melt was jetted from the impact site and formed droplets due to surface tension. Crystallization of these droplets may have commenced in flight, prior to landing on the parent-body surface.Chromite-plagioclase assemblages and chromite veinlets occur in 25 out of 25 shock-stage S1 OC of petrologic type 5 and 6 that I examined. Although these rocks contain unstrained olivine with sharp optical extinction, most possess other shock indicators such as extensive silicate darkening, numerous occurrences of metallic Cu, polycrystalline troilite, and opaque veins. It seems likely that these rocks were shocked to levels at least as high as shock-stage S3 and then annealed by heat generated during the shock event. During annealing, the olivine crystal lattices healed but other shock indicators survived. Published Ar-Ar age data for some S1 OC indicate that many shock and annealing events occurred very early in the history of the parent asteroids. The common occurrence of shocked and annealed OC is consistent with collisions being a major mechanism responsible for metamorphosing OC.  相似文献   

We measure the clumped isotopic signature of carbonatites to assess the integrity of the clumped isotope paleothermometer over long timescales (107-109 years) and the susceptibility of the proxy to closed system re-equilibration of isotopes during burial diagenesis. We find pristine carbonatites that have primary oxygen isotope signatures, along with a Carrara marble standard, do not record clumped isotope signatures lighter than 0.31‰ suggesting atoms of carbon and oxygen freely exchange within the carbonate lattice at temperatures above 250-300 °C. There is no systematic trend in the clumped isotope signature of pristine carbonatites with age, although partial re-equilibration to lower temperatures can occur if a carbonatite has been exposed to burial temperatures for long periods of time. We conclude that the solid-state re-ordering of carbon and oxygen atoms is sufficiently slow to enable the use of clumped isotope paleothermometry on timescales of 108 years, but that diagenetic resetting can still occur, even without bulk recrystallization. In addition to the carbonatite data, an inorganic calibration of the clumped isotope paleothermometer for low temperature carbonates (7.5-77 °C) is presented and highlights the need for further inter-lab standardization.  相似文献   

The oxidation state of europium as an indicator of oxygen fugacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of Eu between plagioclase feldspar and magmatic liquid has been determined experimentally for basaltic and andesitic systems as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity at one atmosphere total pressure. Using the approach of Philpotts the ratios Eu2+Eu3+ in plagioclase and coexisting magmatic liquid have been calculated. These ratios appear to be simply related to oxygen fugacity for the bulk compositions studied here. Using published trace element distribution data for natural rocks oxygen fugacities may be calculated from these experimental results. For terrestrial basalts calculated oxygen fugacities average 10?7 with little dispersion from this value. Andesites average 10?8.1 with considerable dispersion, while dacites and rhyodacites average 10?9.1, also with considerable dispersion. Oxygen fugacities for lunar ferrobasalts cluster tightly around 10?12.7. Data on achondritic meteorites are limited, but calculations indicate oxygen fugacities of two-to-five orders of magnitude lower than lunar ferrobasalts.  相似文献   

Aluminum-fluorine sphene (Titanite) as an indicator of fluorine fluid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Doklady Earth Sciences -  相似文献   

一种事件沉积的标志——陆相流水波痕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从现代洪水事件作用可以形成大片不对称流水波痕人手,"将今论古",发现古代地层剖面中也有大量水下至水上的沉积旋回序列,每个旋回单元与下伏岩层为突变接触。水下沉积环境富含不对称流水波痕,水上则为富含泥裂,它们系为洪水事件沉积产物。这些洪水事件具有不同的规模和级别,在地学上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王盟  张进江  戚国伟 《地质科学》2013,48(3):747-761
本文主要对库车坳陷的库车河流域和巴音布鲁克盆地中生代砂岩样品进行了碎屑金红石微量元素电子探针分析。结果显示,巴音布鲁克地区侏罗纪砂岩中的碎屑金红石来自变质泥质岩和来自基性变质岩的比例大致相当,而库车坳陷中生代砂岩中碎屑金红石则主要来自变质泥质岩。两地金红石的变质级别以角闪岩相/榴辉岩相为主,并有一定比例麻粒岩相变质的金红石。库车坳陷中生代砂岩中麻粒岩相金红石的含量,从三叠纪至白垩纪呈现出低—高—低的特点,说明侏罗纪时期物源方向有所变化,可能有东南部物源的参与。白垩纪时期,库车河地区砂岩中麻粒岩相变质金红石含量减少,可能与南天山再度抬升隆起成为优势物源区有关。  相似文献   

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