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The petrogenesis of leucite-bearing lavas from the Roman Region, Italy, is considered in the light of the petrochemistry and mineralogy of the Sabatini lavas, believed to be transitional between the mafic Alban Hills leucitites and the differentiated Vico and Vulsini suites.The Sabatini leucitites are a close variant of the Alban Hills analogues and are probably related to the same cycle of partial melting in the mantle, The prevalent compositional variation, from leucite-tephrite to leucite-phonolite compositions, conforms to the well-known variation of the Vesbian lavas and is attributed to crystal-liquid processes under a low-pressure volcanic regime. The differentiation trends of both the Sabatini and Vico lavas are related to Sabatini parental leucitite compositions, which interacted with recurrent pulses of leucitite liquid during differentiation in a shallow-level environment.The mineral chemistry of the Sabatini lavas reveals extensive and complex chemical zoning in both early and late-crystallized phases. Among the latter, poikilitic feldspars with exceptionally high Sr content (SrO=2–3% wt.) are reported. Early-crystallized phases, notably feldspars and pyroxene, are xenocrystal and indicate significant contamination of the lavas with disequilibrated mineral compositions. Consequently, genetic considerations based on isotopic data from these lavas are suspect. A review of these data is made and it is proposed that the mantle source material of the Roman Region lavas evolved as an open system under the influence of local concentrations of volatile and other mobile elements (Bailey, 1964, 1972, 1974).  相似文献   

Products of Pliocene (2–4 Ma) mafic to intermediate volcanism in the northwestern Cerros del Rio, a dominantly mafic volcanic field in the Española Basin of the Rio Grande Rift (RGR), range from 49% to 63% SiO2 and exhibit diversity in silica saturation, trace-element patterns, and isotopic compositions. Tholeiites, which are largely confined to west of the Rio Grande, have trace-element abundances that resemble those of oceanic basalts, but with mild depletions in Nb and Ta, and high 87Sr/86Sr, low 143Nd/144Nd, and high δ18O compared to typical OIB. They are regarded as asthenospherically-derived magmas contaminated with continental crust. Alkali basalts and hawaiites erupted from vents east of the Rio Grande are geochemically distinct, having generally higher overall incompatible-element abundances, but with pronounced depletions in K, Rb, Nb and Ta with respect to Th and LREE. Spatially-associated benmoreites, mugearites and latites (collectively termed “evolved” lavas) have similar trace-element characteristics to the mafic mildly-alkaline compositions, but are typically not as depleted in K. Hawaiites and evolved lavas exhibit a good negative correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with SiO2, due to interaction with lower continental crust. The most silicic “evolved” lavas carry the highest proportions of crustal material, and consequently have higher K/Th than the related hawaiites. Several (mostly mafic) lavas contain abundant crustally-derived resorbed quartz xenocrysts in O-isotope disequilibrium with the host magma. The δ18O values of xenocrystic quartz range over 4‰, indicating a variety of quartz-bearing crustal contaminants beneath the Española Basin. The hawaiites, with their unusual combination of trace-element enrichments and depletions, cannot be generated by any process of fractionation or crustal contamination superposed on a common mantle source type (oceanic or arc-source). It is a regional mantle source type, inasmuch as it was also present beneath NW Colorado during the mid-late Cenozoic. We argue that the hawaiite source must have originally existed as arc-source mantle enriched in LILE, generated during Mesozoic to early Cenozoic subduction at the western margin of North America. This arc-source mantle lost K, Rb and Ba, but not Th or LREE, prior to magmagenesis. Selective element loss may have occurred during lithospheric thinning and uprise of hydrated phlogopitebearing peridotite-possibly as a thermal boundary layer between lithosphere and asthenosphere — to shallow mantle depths, with consequent conversion of phlogopite to amphibole (an inferior host for K, Rb and Ba). We suggest that this occurred during the early extensional phase of the northern RGR. Further extension was accompanied by partial melting and release of magma from this source and the underlying asthenosphere, which by the Pliocene was of oceanic type. The hawaiite source mantle is the product of a long history of subduction succeeded by lithospheric extension of the formerly overriding plate. Similar chemical signatures may have developed in the mantle beneath other regions with comparable histories.  相似文献   

Major and trace element analyses for 103 volcanoes of the Quaternary West Eifel volcanic field show the lavas to be dominantly primitive (MgO>7 wt.%) and potassic (Na2O/K2O∼1). The rocks are divided into (1) a foidite (F)-suite, volumetrically dominant and consisting of four types: leucitites and nephelinites, melilite-bearing foidites, olivine-free foidites, sodalite-bearing melilite-free foidites, and (2) a younger olivine-nephelinite and basanite (ONB)-suite, concentrated in the southeastern part of the field. Dominantly cpx-phyric F-suite magmas differ from the dominantly ol-phyric ONB-suite mainly in higher K2O/ Na2O and CaO/Al2O3-ratios, higher Rb, Cu, H2O, CO2 and LREE concentrations and slightly lower Sr, Ni and Y contents. Most magmas have fractionated small amounts of olivine, clinopyroxene, and minor phlogopite. Systematic compositional variations within volcanoes or volcano groups are rare. Five more differentiated volcanoes (2 tephrites, 3 phonolites) occur in the center of the field. Their magmas are interpreted to have formed by fractionation within crustal magma chambers. Chemical differences between primary magmas (43% of volcanoes sampled) within both suites can be explained by different degrees of crystal fractionation at high pressures in the ascending magma column and possibly by varying degrees of partial melting (about 2–8%) in a garnetlherzolite mantle source. Distinct isotope ratios, parallel element variations, and different ratios of similarly incompatible elements, however, indicate a heterogeneous mantle beneath the West Eifel. The F-suite magmas originated from a mantle source more strongly enriched in alkalis and incompatible elements than the ONB-suite mantle source. The following model is proposed, based also on experimental studies and geophysical data: Within a large low velocity body of garnet-lherzolite, enriched in fluids and LIL elements (metasomatized mantle) between about 50 and 150 km depth, two different magma types were produced at different depths. Above a detachment level at about 50 km depth, these magmas rose to different stagnation levels or rapidly directly to the surface along vertical, dominantly NW-SE orientated fissures. The F-suite magmas probably formed in a phlogopite-bearing, CO2-rich, strongly metasomatized source at about 100 km, the ON-Bmagmas from an amphibole-bearing, CO2-poorer melting anomaly at about 60–75 km depth.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the Latir volcanic field evolved in an open system by crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and crustal assimilation. Early high-SiO2 rhyolites (28.5 Ma) fractionated from intermediate compositionmagmas that did not reach the surface. Most precaldera lavas have intermediate-compositions, from olivine basaltic-andesite (53% SiO2) to quartz latite (67% SiO2). The precaldera intermediate-composition lavas have anomalously high Ni and MgO contents and reversely zoned hornblende and augite phenocrysts, indicating mixing between primitive basalts and fractionated magmas. Isotopic data indicate that all of the intermediate-composition rocks studied contain large crustal components, although xenocrysts are found only in one unit. Inception of alkaline magmatism (alkalic dacite to high-SiO2 peralkaline rhyolite) correlates with, initiation of regional extension approximately 26 Ma ago. The Questa caldera formed 26.5 Ma ago upon eruption of the >500 km3 high-SiO2 peralkaline Amalia Tuff. Phenocryst compositions preserved in the cogenetic peralkaline granite suggest that the Amalia Tuff magma initially formed from a trace element-enriched, high-alkali metaluminous magma; isotopic data suggest that the parental magmas contain a large crustal component. Degassing of water- and halogen-rich alkali basalts may have provided sufficient volatile transport of alkalis and other elements into the overlying silicic magma chamber to drive the Amalia Tuff magma to peralkaline compositions. Trace element variations within the Amalia Tuff itself may be explained solely by 75% crystal fractionation of the observed phenocrysts. Crystal settling, however, is inconsistent with mineralogical variations in the tuff, and crystallization is thought to have occurred at a level below that tapped by the eruption. Spatially associated Miocene (15-11 Ma) lavas did not assimilate large amounts of crust or mix with primitive basaltic magmas. Both mixing and crustal assimilation processes appear to require development of relatively large magma chambers in the crust that are sustained by large basalt fluxes from the mantle. The lack of extensive crustal contamination and mixing in the Miocene lavas may be related to a decreased basalt flux or initiation of blockfaulting that prevented pooling of basaltic magma in the crust.  相似文献   

Plutonic rocks associated with the Latir volcanic field comprise three groups: 1) 25 Ma high-level resurgent plutons composed of monzogranite and silicic metaluminous and peralkaline granite, 2) 23–25 Ma syenogranite, and alkali-feldspar granite intrusions emplaced along the southern caldera margin, and 3) 19–23 Ma granodiorite and granite plutons emplaced south of the caldera. Major-element compositions of both extrusive and intrusive suites in the Latir field are broadly similar; both suites include high-SiO2 rocks with low Ba and Sr, and high Rb, Nb, Th, and U contents. Moreover, both intermediateto siliciccomposition volcanic and plutonic rocks contain abundant accessory sphene and apatite, rich in rare-earth elements (REE), as well as phases in which REE's are essential components. Strong depletion in Y and REE contents, with increasing SiO2 content, in the plutonic rocks indicate a major role for accessory mineral fractionation that is not observed in volcanic rocks of equivalent composition. Considerations of the rheology of granitic magma suggest that accessory-mineral fractionation may occur primarily by filter-pressing evolved magmas from crystal-rich melts. More limited accessory-mineral crystallization and fractionation during evolution of the volcanic magmas may have resulted from markedly lower diffusivities of essential trace elements than major elements. Accessory-mineral fractionation probably becomes most significant at high crystallinities. The contrast in crystallization environments postulated for the extrusive and intrusive rocks may be common to other magmatic systems; the effects are particularly pronounced in highly evolved rocks of the Latir field. High-SiO2 peralkaline porphyry emplaced during resurgence of the Questa caldera represents non-erupted portions of the magma that produced the Amalia Tuff during caldera-forming eruption. The peralkaline porphyry continues compositional and mineralogical trends found in the tuff. Amphibole, mica, and sphene compositions suggest that the peralkaline magma evolved from metaluminous magma. Extensive feldspar fractionation occurred during evolution of the peralkaline magmas, but additional alkali and iron enrichment was likely a result of high halogen fluxes from crystallizing plutons and basaltic magmas at depth.  相似文献   

Six volcanic rocks, reconnaissance samples representing most of the temporal and compositional variation in the Pinacate volcanic field of Sonora and Arizona, are characterized for major element and Nd---Sr isotopic compositions. The samples consist of basanite through trachyte of an early shield volcano, and alkali basalts and a tholeiite from later craters and cinder cones. With the exception of the trachyte sample, which has increased 87Sr/86Sr due to crustal effects, all 87Sr/86Sr values fall between 0.70312 and 0.70342, while εNd values are all between + 5.0 and + 5.7. Clinopyroxene in a rare spinel-lherzolite nodule derived from the uppermost mantle beneath the field has 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70320 but εNd of + 8.8, three εNd units higher than the volcanic rocks. Both the volcanic rocks and the nodule record the presence of asthenospheric, rather than enriched lithospheric mantle beneath Pinacate. This is consistent with one or both of (a) proximity of Pinacate to the Gulf of California spreading center and (b) presence of similar asthenospheric mantle signatures in volcanic rocks over a wide contiguous area of the southwestern USA. We consider the comparison to other southwestern USA magma sources as the more relevant alternative, although a definite conclusion is not possible at this stage.  相似文献   

Varioles and matrix have been studied in the typical globular rocks??variolites of the Yalguba Range and Suisari Island in the Onega structure, Central Karelia. It was determined that the cores of the varioles are significantly enriched in silica, Na, K, Rb, Cl, and Ba, and have lower K/Na ratio as compared to matrix. In addition, varioles strongly differ from matrix in oxygen isotope composition (??18Ov-??18Om varies from 1.6 to 2.6??). The consideration of possible mechanisms of the formation of the Onega variolites with allowance for available isotopic and geochemical data (major element composition, REE and trace element distribution) demonstrated that the observed geochemical characteristics of matrix and globules of the Yalguba Range and Suisari Island variolites cannot be formed by melt mixing. Such processes as greenstone alteration and crystallization of spherulites during melt overcooling also did not define the isotopic and geochemical peculiarities of the Onega variolites, but played only subordinate role. Except for significant oxygen isotope shift in the variole-matrix system, the obtained data are best consistent with liquation model. However, few available experimental data on the distribution of trace elements and oxygen isotopes during liquid immiscibility make it impossible to reach decisive conclusion concerning liquation genesis of the Onega variolites.  相似文献   

新疆喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群的岩石成因研究   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群位于准噶尔板块北缘,由13个小岩体组成。主要岩石类型为方辉橄榄岩、橄榄苏长岩、辉长苏长岩、辉长岩、淡色辉长岩、辉长闪长岩等。主要造岩矿物为贵橄榄石、普通辉石、紫苏辉石、斜长石和数量较多的褐色普通角闪石、黑云母等。主量元素分属钙碱性系列、岛弧拉斑玄武岩系列和具有MORB属性的拉斑玄武岩系列。大多数样品具有高LREE/HREE比值、富集大离子亲石元素,相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti)。εNd(t)=+6.2~+8.2,4件样品的εSr(t)=-0.6~-36.3,另有1件样品为+36.5;(206Pb/204Pb) i=17.784~18.008,(207Pb/204Pb) i=15.400~15.555,(208Pb/204Pb) i=36.973~37.560。元素地球化学和Nd、Sr、Pb、Os、O、S同位素体系证明,岩浆仅在局部遭受了同化混染作用。原生岩浆为高镁的拉斑玄武岩浆(MgO=11.6%)。岩浆在上侵和运移过程中经历了以单斜辉石为主的暗色矿物的广泛分离结晶作用和斜长石的凝聚,导致了淡色辉长岩的广泛分布和超镁铁岩的严重缺失。岩浆源区由被消减板片交代的地幔楔物质和软流圈地幔物质组成,因而富集不相容元素和水,并因交代作用与岩浆生成的时差短,而保持放射成因同位素的亏损状态。在岩石圈根部拆沉和软流圈地幔上涌过程中生成了喀拉通克镁铁质岩体群。  相似文献   

The Camusú Aike volcanic field (CAVF), part of the discontinuous N–S-trending belt of Cenozoic mafic lava formations that occur in a backarc position along extra-Andean Patagonia, is located in southern Patagonia (∼50°S, Santa Cruz province), approximately 70 km east of the extensive Meseta de las Vizcachas and just south of the upper Río Santa Cruz valley. The CAVF volcanics cover a surface of ∼200 km2 and occur mainly as lava flows and scoria cones. They are subdivided into two groups: Group I volcanics are high-TiO2, low-Mg# olivine-hypersthene-normative basalts and trachybasalts that erupted at about 2.9 Ma; Group II lavas are much less abundant, more primitive basaltic andesites that erupted at about 2.5 Ma. Both groups show a within-plate geochemical signature, though it is more marked in Group I lavas.The main geochemical characteristics, age, and location of CAVF volcanics are consistent with the slab window opening model proposed by different authors for the genesis of the Miocene-Recent mafic magmatism of Patagonia south of 46.5°S. The whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope features of Group I lavas (87Sr/86Sr=0.7035–0.7037; 143Nd/144Nd=0.51288–0.51291) indicate a genetic link between these lavas and the primitive basalts in southernmost Patagonia (Pali Aike volcanic field and Estancia Glencross area), which have been interpreted as melting products of an isotopically depleted asthenosphere. The relatively evolved compositions of the erupted Group I magmas are modeled by a polybaric crystal fractionation process without significant involvement of crustal contamination. The more primitive Group II lavas are strongly depleted in incompatible elements, have slightly higher (LREE+Ba+Th+U)/HFSE ratios, and have more enriched Sr–Nd isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr≈0.7039; 143Nd/144Nd≈0.51277) that are more akin to the Patagonian basalts farther to the north. The most likely explanation for the geochemical features of Group II lavas is the occurrence in their mantle source of a small proportion of a subduction-related, enriched component that likely resides in the former mantle wedge or the basal continental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Compositional peculiarities of the siliceous high-Mg series(SHMS)rocks formed at the Archean-Paleoproterozoic boundary as a function of plume activity are discussed using example of Early Paleoproterozoic mafic volcanic rocks of the Vodlozero Domain,Fennoscandian Shield.These rocks are characterized by wide variations in Mg#(33-67)and Cr contents(25-1123 ppm),LREE enrichment,and weakly negative_(εNd)(from-0.7 to-2.9).The high Gd/Yb ratio in the primitive high-Mg rocks of the Vodlozero Domain suggests their generation from a garnet-bearing source.At the same time,their negative _(εNd)in combination with LREE enrichment points to the crustal contamination.A new model was proposed to explain the remarkable global-scale similarity of SHMS.Such rocks can be generated by the contamination of a high-degree(30%)partial melt derived from a depleted mantle.The lower crustal sanukitoid-type rocks can be considered as a universal crustal contaminant.Modeling showed that such mixing can provide the observed narrow_(εNd)variations in Early Paleoproterozoic volcanics.The Neoarchean sanukitoid suites,which are widespread on all cratons,presumably composed the lower crust at the beginning of the Paleoproterozoic.Therefore,this mechanism can be considered universal for the genesis of the SHMS rocks.The high-to low-Cr rock series can be produced by the fractionation of the mafic melt coupled with an insignificant crustal assimilation of felsic end members of the sanukitoid suite of the Vodlozero Domain en route to the surface,as suggested by the positive correlation of_(εNd)with Cr and Mg#,negative correlation with Th,and slight decrease of_(εNd)in the more evolved varieties.  相似文献   

Lamprophyric lavas in the Colima graben,SW Mexico   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
The Colima graben, located in SW Mexico, is one of three grabens which intersect about 50 km SSW of Guadalajara, forming a triple junction. The 90 km long, 20–60 km wide Colima graben represents a N-S rift of the E-W trending Mexican Volcanic Belt. Since the Early Pliocene, the Colima graben has served as a locus for the eruption of alkaline lavas, the most recent of which are basanites and minettes erupted from Late Pleistocene cinder cones (Luhr and Carmichael 1981). In this paper, we report on older alkaline lavas which crop out in the graben's walls. These rocks include phlogopite- and hornblende-bearing lamprophyres, a phlogopite-kalsilite-ankaratrite, and high-K andesites. These lavas crop out throughout the Colima graben area, and are intimately associated with calc-alkaline lavas in the field. Compared to these, the alkaline rocks are strikingly enriched in the incompatible elements, particularly Ba, Sr, P, and the LREE. Unlike the younger Late Pleistocene alkaline cinder cone lavas, most of the graben wall lamprophyres and the high-K andesites represent magmas that appear to have undergone significant evolution since their generation, including fractionation, crustal contamination, and possible magma mixing. Least-squares modeling indicates that the cinder cone minettes represent reasonable parental magmas for the graben lamprophyres. The occurrence of these alkaline lavas in an active calc-alkaline volcanic arc is unusual, and we suggest that they are a manifestation of the rifting processes which produced the Colima graben.  相似文献   

秦社彩  范蔚茗  郭锋 《岩石学报》2019,35(6):1892-1906
本文对沿江绍断裂带的江山和浦江两地区中生代镁铁质火山岩进行了Ar-Ar年代学、岩石学和元素-同位素地球化学研究。Ar-Ar年代学结果显示,江山玄武岩的形成年龄约为99Ma,为晚白垩世喷发产物;浦江玄武岩和玄武质安山岩的喷发时间为111~112Ma,属于早白垩世。两区中生代镁铁质火山岩都为中钾钙碱性系列,根据其地球化学指标可划分为三组:第1组为江山OIB型玄武岩,在微量元素组成上无Nb-Ta亏损和Pb负异常,高ε_(Nd)(t)和低(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值,总体上显示出类似洋岛玄武岩的元素-同位素组成特征;第2组为高钛磷玄武岩,Nb-Ta弱负异常和明显Pb正异常,中等ε_(Nd)(t)和(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值;第3组为低钛磷玄武岩,强烈Nb-Ta负异常和中等Pb正异常,低ε_(Nd)(t)(-6.0~-3.7)和高(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i为特征。三组镁铁质火山岩相互之间缺乏分异演化关系,也不是同一母岩浆经历地壳混染作用的结果。对比三组镁铁质火山岩的La/Nb、Ba/Nb、Zr/Ba比值和Sr-Nd同位素模拟结果,我们认为江绍断裂带晚中生代玄武岩为软流圈-岩石圈相互作用的产物,从早期(111~112Ma)到晚期(99Ma)镁铁质岩浆地幔源区软流圈组分的比例越来越多而岩石圈成份逐渐减少的趋势。考虑到该区晚中生代的盆岭构造格局与邻区郴州-临武断裂带同时期镁铁质岩浆的产出特点,华南地区在早白垩世晚期到晚白垩世期间发生了强烈的岩石圈伸展-减薄作用。  相似文献   

Mafic igneous rocks are widespread in the Nevado-Filábride Complex, the lowermost metamorphic unit of the internal zones of the Betic Cordilleras. They form intrusive, small, discontinuous bodies, predominantly dikes with subordinate small lava flows. The entire complex underwent alpine compressional metamorphism during the Paleogene continental collision, resulting in eclogites and blueschists in the mafic bodies and high-pressure assemblages in the intruded metasediments. Locally, weakly metamorphosed or completely unmetamorphosed igneous rocks with the same textural features occur as patches surrounded by eclogitized igneous rocks. The bulk rock chemistry of unmetamorphosed and completely metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks is consistent with an alkaline to transitional tholeiitic magmatism with typical within-plate geochemical characteristics. All but a few samples are nepheline normative and display REE and trace element characteristics typical of continental, rift-related magmatism. This conclusion is strongly supported by the mineral chemistry of the major constituents, in particular the calcic Ti-rich character of clinopyroxene, the lack of orthopyroxene, and the occurrence of kaersutitic amphibole. Incompatible trace element abundances and Sr and Nd isotopes support the provenance of these magmas from a variably metasomatized previously depleted sub-continental lithospheric mantle source. Received: 5 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

溧水盆地晚中生代基性火山岩成因与深部动力学过程探讨   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
李超文  郭锋  李晓勇 《地球化学》2004,33(4):361-371
下扬子地区溧水盆地晚中生代龙王山组基性火山岩属高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列,具有低MgO(3.16%~4.97%)和相容元素含量(如Cr11~34μg/g、Ni 9~27 μg/g),强烈富集大离子亲石元素(Ba/Nb=94~144)、轻稀土元素(La/Nb=3.7~4.6)和亏损Nb-Ta,稍高的Sr同位素组成[(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.705 73~0.706 17]和具弱负εNd(t)值(-3.0~-1.9).龙王山组基性火山岩的元素-同位素地球化学特征反映其来源于富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素的岩石圈地幔;它们在Sr-Nd同位素组成上与大别-苏鲁造山带同时代的基性火成岩具有明显的差别,暗示其熔融源区不大可能受到俯冲陆壳的改造富集作用,更可能是早期具高Rb/Sr、低Sm/Nd和亏损高场强元素的流体/熔体交代作用的结果,总体上具有俯冲大洋板片交代作用的特征.在岩浆熔融深部动力学方面,晚中生代高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩浆的起源主要归结于深部岩石圈地幔的热扰动作用和岩石圈伸展-减薄作用,在时空上匹配于同时代郯庐断裂带的巨大走滑活动.  相似文献   

Strontium, Nd, Pb, Hf, Os, and O isotope compositions for 30 Quaternary lava flows from the Mount Adams stratovolcano and its basaltic periphery in the Cascade arc, southern Washington, USA indicate a major component from intraplate mantle sources, a relatively small subduction component, and interaction with young mafic crust at depth. Major- and trace-element patterns for Mount Adams lavas are distinct from the rear-arc Simcoe volcanic field and other nearby volcanic centers in the Cascade arc such as Mount St. Helens. Radiogenic isotope (Sr, Nd, Pb, and Hf) compositions do not correlate with geochemical indicators of slab-fluids such as (Sr/P) n and Ba/Nb. Mass-balance modeling calculations, coupled with trace-element and isotopic data, indicate that although the mantle source for the calc-alkaline Adams basalts has been modified with a fluid derived from subducted sediment, the extent of modification is significantly less than what is documented in the southern Cascades. The isotopic and trace-element compositions of most Mount Adams lavas require the presence of enriched and depleted mantle sources, and based on volume-weighted chemical and isotopic compositions for Mount Adams lavas through time, an intraplate mantle source contributed the major magmatic mass of the system. Generation of basaltic andesites to dacites at Mount Adams occurred by assimilation and fractional crystallization in the lower crust, but wholesale crustal melting did not occur. Most lavas have Tb/Yb ratios that are significantly higher than those of MORB, which is consistent with partial melting of the mantle in the presence of residual garnet. δ 18O values for olivine phenocrysts in Mount Adams lavas are within the range of typical upper mantle peridotites, precluding involvement of upper crustal sedimentary material or accreted terrane during magma ascent. The restricted Nd and Hf isotope compositions of Mount Adams lavas indicate that these isotope systems are insensitive to crustal interaction in this juvenile arc, in stark contrast to Os isotopes, which are highly sensitive to interaction with young, mafic material in the lower crust.  相似文献   

A remarkably diverse suite of lavas erupted during the late-Pliocene at the volcanic front of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt near the town of Los Volcanes, Jalisco. This region is much closer to the Middle America Trench than the main axis of Quaternary andesite-dacite stratovolcanoes, and volcanism occurred in a complex tectonic regime involving both subduction of the young Rivera Plate and transverse crustal extension of the Jalisco structural block. The variety of lava types covers a wide spectrum from highly potassic minettes and leucitites to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites which are compositionally similar to those erupted elsewhere in the Mexican Volcanic Belt. Other alkaline varieties intermediate between these extremes include absarokites, trachybasalts and trachyandesites. Phlogopite, amphibole and apatite are common phenocryst phases; whole-rock compositions show a wide range of alkali contents (e.g. K2O of 1.0–8.6 wt.%), and typically contain >5 wt.% MgO. MgO, Ni, V and Cr show little systematic decrease with increasing SiO2, suggesting that these lavas have evolved from primitive, mantle derived magmas with a wide range of SiO2 contents. Strong enrichments in incompatible trace elements are observed in all of the lavas (Sr 700–5100 ppm, Ba 470–4800, Ce 22–325 ppm, Zr 90–700 ppm), as is the relative enrichment of large ion lithophile (Ba, Sr, Rb) and light rare-earth elements (La, Ce) over the high field strength elements (Ti, Zr) which is typical of magmas in volcanic arcs. This enrichment pattern suggests that these magmas come from source regions which contain incompatible element-rich phases such as phlogopite, amphibole and apatite. The petrological and geochemical features of the lavas which occur in the Los Volcanes region provide direct evidence of the extreme heterogeneity which may exist in magma source regions at convergent margins. The complex tectonic regime in western Mexico further suggests that rifting and crustal extension play an important role in the generation and successful ascent of melts from enriched regions of the sub-arc mantle.  相似文献   

碧口群火山岩岩石成因研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
新元古代(846~776Ma)碧口群火山岩喷发于大陆板内裂谷环境。该火山岩系以基性火山岩为主,酸性火山岩次之,中性火山岩少见。根据岩石地球化学数据,碧口群裂谷基性熔岩总体上属于低Ti/Y(<500)岩浆类型。元素和同位素数据表明,碧口群基性熔岩的化学变化不是由一个共同的母岩浆的结晶分异作用所产生。它们极有可能是源于地幔柱源(εNd(t)≈+3,87Sr/86Sr(t)≈0.704,La/Nb≈0.7)。地壳混染作用对于碧口群裂谷基性熔岩的形成有重要贡献。我们的研究揭示,碧口群火山岩存在空间上的岩石地球化学变化。东部红岩沟和辛田坝—黑木林地区的碧口群基性熔岩以拉斑玄武岩为主,产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的高度部分熔融。相反,西部白杨—碧口地区的碧口群基性熔岩的母岩浆则是形成于幔源的尖晶石-石榴子石过渡带:碱性熔岩是产生于部分熔融程度较低的条件下,拉斑玄武质熔岩则是产生于部分熔融条件较高的条件下。它们经受了浅层位辉长岩质(cpx+plag±ol)分离作用,化学变异较大。  相似文献   

 This paper uses the geochemistry of primitive mafic lavas from the Rungwe volcanic province (southwestern Tanzania) to infer the source mineralogy and melting history. Post-Miocene mafic lavas from Rungwe include alkali basalts, basanites, nephelinites and picrites with up to 18.9 wt% MgO; nephelinites (>13.5% normative nepheline) are restricted to Kiejo volcano in the southern portion of the province. Rungwe lavas differ from most Western Rift volcanics in that they are not unusually potassic (K2O/Na2O ca. 0.40). Sparsely phyric mafic lavas contain phenocrysts and xenocrysts of plagioclase (An82–90), clinopyroxene (4.5–9.5 wt% Al2O3), and olivine (Fo79–88); one basanite contains a 1 mm xenocryst of apatite included in magnesian clinopyroxene. All samples have high abundances of incompatible elements (e.g., 0.7–2.2 wt% P2O5) and are enriched in REE relative to HFSE (Hf, Zr, Ti, Y), Cs, Ba, and K. Some incompatible element ratios are constant throughout the Rungwe suite (e.g., Zr/Nb, Sr/Ce, K/Rb), but other ratios are extremely variable and exceed the range measured in global Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) (e.g., Ba/Nb, Sm/Zr, La/Nb, Pb/Ce, Nb/U). The range in degree of silica saturation, and its excellent correlation with P2O5/Al2O3, indicate that the Rungwe suite records variable degrees of melting. Variations of individual incompatible trace element abundances in nephelinite and basanite samples suggest that the source contains metasomatic amphibole, ilmenite, apatite, and zircon. The Rungwe suite is interpreted as a series of low-percentage melts of CO2-rich peridotite at pressures that span the garnet-spinel transition. A geochemical comparison of Rungwe samples to lavas from other Western Rift volcanic centers requires that the source mineralogy varies along the rift axis, although each province is underlain by metasomatized peridotite. The incompatible trace element signatures of Western Rift lavas indicate that the source area is typically homogeneous on the scale of individual volcanoes, although lavas from each volcano reflect a range in degree of melting. Significantly, volcanoes with distinct geochemistry are always separated by major rift faults, suggesting that volcanic and tectonic surface features may correspond to metasomatic provinces within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Received: 30 May 1994 / Accepted: 5 April 1995  相似文献   

Extensive magmatic activity developed at the northwestern part of the Anatolian block and produced basaltic lavas that are situated along and between the two segments of the North Anatolian Fault zone. This region is a composite tectonic unit formed by collision of continental fragments after consumption of Neotethyan ocean floor during the late Cretaceous. Northwestern Anatolian basalts and evolved lavas exhibit both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline characteristics. Mafic lavas are moderately enriched in LILE (except depleted part of Yuvacık and İznik samples) and depleted in HFSE (but not Zr, Hf) relative to primitive mantle values, suggesting derivation from a MORB-like mantle source that is unexpected in this subduction environment. Sr and Nd isotopes are close to the mantle array and vary beyond analytical error (87Sr/86Sr 0.70404–0.70546, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51270–0.51289). These geochemical features may result from two possible processes: (1) melting of a MORB-like mantle source that was modified by subduction-released fluids and melts or (2) modification of mafic liquids derived from a dominantly MORB-like source by crustal or lithospheric mantle material. Geochemical characteristics of the lavas (e.g., Ba/Rb, Rb/Sr, Ba/Zr, 87Sr/86Sr, Sr/P) vary systematically along the fault zone from east to west, consistent with a decrease in the degree of melting from east to west or a change in the nature of the source composition itself. Thus, the difference in incompatible elements and Sr–Nd isotopic ratios seems to result from small-scale mantle heterogeneity in a post-collisional tectonic environment.  相似文献   

Olmoti Crater is part of the Plio-Pleistocene Ngorongoro Volcanic Highland (NVH) in northern Tanzania to the south of Gregory Rift. The Gregory Rift is part of the eastern branch of the East African Rift System (EARS) that stretches some 4000 km from the Read Sea and Gulf of Aden in the north to the Zambezi River in Mozambique. Here, we (1) characterize the chemistry and mineral compositions of lavas from Olmoti Crater, (2) determine the age and duration of Olmoti volcanic activity through 40Ar/39Ar dating of Olmoti Crater wall lavas and (3) determine the genesis of Olmoti lavas and the relationship to other NVH and EARS volcanics and (4) their correlation with volcanics in the Olduvai and Laetoli stratigraphic sequences.Olmoti lavas collected from the lower part of the exposed crater wall section (OLS) range from basalt to trachyandesite whereas the upper part of the section (OUS) is trachytic. Petrography and major and trace element data reflect a very low degree partial melt origin for the Olmoti lavas, presumably of peridotite, followed by extensive fractionation. The 87Sr/86Sr data overlap whereas Nd and Pb isotope data are distinct between OLS and OUS samples. Interpretation of the isotope data suggests mixing of enriched mantle (EM I) with high-μ-like reservoirs, consistent with the model of Bell and Blenkinsop [Bell, K., Blenkinsop, J., 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of East African carbonatites: implications for mantle heterogeneity. Geology 5, 99–102] for East African carbonatite lavas. The isotope ratios are within the range of values defined by Oceanic Island Basalt (OIB) globally and moderate normalized Tb/Yb ratios (2.3–1.6) in these lavas suggest melting in the lithospheric mantle consistent with other studies in the region.40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating analyses of matrix and anorthoclase separates from Olmoti OLS and OUS lavas indicate that volcanic activity was short in duration, lasting 200 kyr from 2.01 ± 0.03 Ma to 1.80 ± 0.01 Ma. The age of Olmoti activity overlaps with ages reported for Ngorongoro Caldera, implying contemporaneous activity of multiple NVH volcanic centers during part of the eruption interval.Olmoti is considered the source for the bulk of interbedded volcanics and volcaniclastic deposits that comprise much of the upper Bed I section of nearby Olduvai Gorge, and part of the Laetoli sequence, both known for their well preserved fossils and archaeological remains. Age and chemical data reported here are compatible with those derived from tephra and lava interbedded in Bed I at Olduvai Gorge and from the Olpiro Beds at Laetoli.  相似文献   

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