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The hydrodynamic characteristics of small, intertidal perimeter habitats make flushing and residence times in these environments difficult to quantify using conventional approaches. The flooding and draining of intertidal shallows surrounding small perimeter sloughs result in large volume changes relative to total system volume during each tidal cycle. In such environments, an Eulerian framework of flushing and residence time may not be the best approach for quantifying tidal exchange; thus, alternative approaches should be considered in analyzing hydrodynamic exchange in small perimeter habitats. In this study, the results of applying such an approach to a small intertidal perimeter slough in South San Francisco Bay are presented. Previous work has shown that hydrodynamic exchange in an estuarine system can be analyzed by making Eulerian measurements of hydrodynamic fluxes and binning them according to salinity and temperature classes, thus providing a quasi-Lagrangian method of analyzing exchange and transport in an estuarine system. We apply a method which uses this approach to estimate the volumetric exchange ratio M, which is used to estimate the tidal exchange within an estuary during each tidal cycle. We find that the estimation of volumetric exchange ratios and the calculation of hydrodynamic residence times in estuarine systems can be complicated by mixing conditions associated with very strong tidal forcing, particularly in small-volume systems such as small perimeter sloughs, where the tidal prism can be on the scale of or greater than the total system volume.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical data provide detailed evidence of a marine-to-lagoon environmental succession around the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the Ibero-Armorican domain. This regression is recorded by the succession of several environments of the south-central Pyrenees basin: open marine mixed shelf, marine restricted mixed shelf (both rudist-rich), tidal flat, lagoon and fluvial dominated. The tidal flat setting belongs to the Fumanya Member here described, which is the base of the Posa and Massana formations (Tremp Group). The Fumanya Member is 5 m thick, is built up of marly limestones and was an elongated tidal mudflat (100 km long, 25 km wide) developed in a foreland trough and was separated from the Atlantic Ocean by an island-barrier system. In the lagoon environment, marginal marine waters and continental fresh waters alternated as documented by geochemistry and fossil molluscs. The Fumanya Member is a dinosaur megatracksite, reporting the roaming activity only of sauropods in tidal flats, a likely secure area against predators. Feeding activity of these herbivores took place in the lagoonal-lacustrine environments of the Posa Formation above the Fumanya Member.  相似文献   

The Miocene Barreiras Formation in the Middle Rio Capim area records an incised valley system for which facies analysis and ichnology (Skolithos, Ophiomorpha, Planolites, Gyrolithes, Taenidium) suggest an estuarine character. Three stratigraphic units are recognized (from bottom to top): Unit 1 includes an inner estuarine tidal channel complex and tidal flat/salt marsh deposits; Unit 2 consists of estuarine bay/lagoon and flood tidal delta deposits related to the estuary mouth; and Unit 3 includes a tidal channel with a tidal point bar, as well as tidal flat/salt marsh deposits similar to those from Unit 1. These units and their bounding surfaces record the history of relative sea level changes in the estuary. After a sea level drop, the valley was inundated and formed an amalgamated sequence boundary and transgressive surface. Transgression (Unit 1) promoted the landward shift of flood tidal deltas and lagoon settings (Unit 2). The system then moved seaward, with the superposition of inner estuarine deposits (Unit 3) over Unit 2. Facies architecture seems to have been controlled by tectonics, as shown by: the paleovalley orientation according to the main tectonic structures of the basin; the presence of faults and fractures that displace the basal unconformity; and the abundance of soft sediment deformation.  相似文献   

Estuaries are highly variable environments where fish are subjected to a diverse suite of habitat features (e.g., water quality gradients, physical structure) that filter local assemblages from a broader, regional species pool. Tidal, climatological, and oceanographic phenomena drive water quality gradients and, ultimately, expose individuals to other habitat features (e.g., stationary physical or biological elements, such as bathymetry or vegetation). Relationships between fish abundances, water quality gradients, and other habitat features in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were examined as a case example to learn how habitat features serve as filters to structure local assemblages in large river-dominated estuaries. Fish communities were sampled in four tidal lakes along the estuarine gradient during summer-fall 2010 and 2011 and relationships with habitat features explored using ordination and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). Based on ordination results, landscape-level gradients in salinity, turbidity, and elevation were associated with distinct fish assemblages among tidal lakes. Native fishes were associated with increased salinity and turbidity, and decreased elevation. Within tidal lakes, GLMM results demonstrated that submersed aquatic vegetation density was the dominant driver of individual fish species densities. Both native and non-native species were associated with submersed aquatic vegetation, although native and non-native fish populations only minimally overlapped. These results help to provide a framework for predicting fish species assemblages in novel or changing habitats as they indicate that species assemblages are driven by a combination of location within the estuarine gradient and site-specific habitat features.  相似文献   

This special feature: Genetic Structure and Adaptation in Coastal Ecosystems emphasizes the importance of research focused on population genetic structure and evolutionary change for understanding estuarine and coastal communities. Many studies have examined the effect of environmental gradients on community-level patterns in estuarine habitats; however, relatively little is known about the role of genetically based adaptation (the heritable response to these environmental gradients) in these organisms. This special feature presents 11 studies that use a variety of approaches including ecophysiology, ecological genetics, molecular markers, and patterns of gene expression occurring within these populations. These studies provide examples of the role of genetic diversity and adaptation across a diversity of estuarine and coastal environments, and highlight the temporal and spatial scales at which adaptation impinges upon management. This collection of papers is especially timely, given the increasing importance of understanding and predicting the response to global climate change in order to effectively manage these communities.  相似文献   

The long-term response of circulation processes to external forcing has been quantified for the Columbia River estuary using in situ data from an existing coastal observatory. Circulation patterns were determined from four Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADP) and several conductivity–temperature sensors placed in the two main channels. Because of the very strong river discharge, baroclinic processes play a crucial role in the circulation dynamics, and the interaction of the tidal and subtidal baroclinic pressure gradients plays a major role in structuring the velocity field. The input of river flow and the resulting low-frequency flow dynamics in the two channels are quite distinct. Current and salinity data were analyzed on two time scales—subtidal (or residual) and tidal (both diurnal and semidiurnal components). The residual currents in both channels usually showed a classical two-layer baroclinic circulation system with inflow at the bottom and outflow near the surface. However, this two-layer system is transient and breaks down under strong discharge and tidal conditions because of enhanced vertical mixing. Influence of shelf winds on estuarine processes was also observed via the interactions with upwelling and downwelling processes and coastal plume transport. The transient nature of residual inflow affects the long-term transport characteristics of the estuary. Effects of vertical mixing could also be seen at the tidal time scale. Tidal velocities were separated into their diurnal and semidiurnal components using continuous wavelet transforms to account for the nonstationary nature of velocity amplitudes. The vertical structure of velocity amplitudes were considerably altered by baroclinic gradients. This was particularly true for the diurnal components, where tidal asymmetry led to stronger tidal velocities near the bottom.  相似文献   

Worldwide estuaries have been subject to multiple and escalating anthropogenic impacts which have resulted in the loss of many ecosystem goods and services including: commercial activities, navigation and marine transportation, recreational and landscape values, and flood control and biodiversity support. An example of these losses is provided in an urban-industrial region of an estuary in northern Tasmania, Australia, where excessive silt deposition has resulted in almost complete loss of the channel at low tide. The causes of siltation have long been attributed to poor watershed management and high concentrations of flocculated and suspended sediments transported upstream by asymmetrical tides. However, historical analysis of anthropogenic changes in estuarine and riverine processes revealed different stressors. These included the decrease in the tidal prism and hence regime equilibrium, brought about by channel infilling and draining of tidal wetlands to create dry land for urban and agricultural uses, and the reduction and redirection of freshwater inflows for the generation of hydroelectricity. Watershed sediment loads exerted a relatively minor role in the estuarine equilibrium, which is solely dependent on tidal flows and river discharges for maintenance of stable cross-sectional areas. Sustainable remediation measures include increasing the tidal prism through the restoration of dynamic river flows and reconnection and restoration of tidal wetlands. However, the former will not be achievable without changes in major provisioning services, particularly the use of water to generate hydroelectricity. This study emphasises the importance of identifying stressors as the basis for examining the potential to reduce the trade-offs between the multiple ecosystem services provided by an estuary and its tributaries, particularly between provisioning and cultural ecosystem services, within a rehabilitation context.  相似文献   

Sedimentary structures of some coastal tropical tidal flats of the east coast of India, and inner estuarine tidal point bars located at 30 to 50 kilometers inland from the coast, have been extensively studied under varying seasonal conditions. The results reveal that physical features such as flaser bedding, herringbone cross-bedding, lenticular bedding, and mud/silt couplets are common to both the environments. In fact, flaser bedding and lenticular bedding are more common in the point bar facies during the monsoon months than in the coastal tidal flat environments. Interference ripples, though common in both the environments, show different architectural patterns for different environmental domains. Interference ripples with thread-like secondary set overriding the earlier ripple-form, resembling wrinkle marks, are the typical features in estuarine point bars near the high water region. Because structures which are so far considered as key structures for near-coastal tidal flats are common to both the environments, caution should be exercised for deciphering palaeo-environments, particularly for Proterozoic rocks, where one has to depend only on physical sedimentary structures.  相似文献   

Freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are simple methods for estimating the turnover time of estuarine water. The freshwater fraction method prominently features flushing by freshwater inflow and has sometimes been criticized because it appears not to include flushing by seawater, but this is accounted for implicitly because the average estuary salinity used in the calculation reflects all the processes that bring seawater into the estuary, including gravitational circulation and tidal processes. The model relies on measurable salinity differences among water masses and so must be used for estuaries with substantial freshwater inflow. Tidal prism models are based on flushing by flood tide inflow and ignore seawater inflow due to gravitational circulation. These models should only be applied to estuaries with weak or nonexistent gravitational circulation, which are generally those with little freshwater inflow. Using a framework that is less ambioguous and more directly applicable to the estimation of turnover times than those used previously, this paper critically examines the application of tidal prism models in well-mixed estuaries with complete tidal exchange, partial ebb return, or incomplete flood mixing and in partially mixed estuaries. Problems with self-consistency in earlier versions of these models also apply to the budgeting procedure used by the LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) program. Although freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are different approaches to estimating turnover times in systems with very different characteristics, consistent derivation shows that these models have much in common with each other and that they yield equivalent values that can be used to make comparisons across systems.  相似文献   

The ancient city of Lixus, today situated on a hill on the right bank of the River Loukkos, 4km from the coast, was founded on the shore of a brackish lagoon that was sheltered from Atlantic storms. This geographical context provided the city with one of the best Phoenician harbors and abundant fishing resources, and allowed access to the Gharb cattle farming resources and cereal production systems. In this study, the historical evolution of the Loukkos estuarine environment is reconstructed through geomorphological and sedimentological analyses, combined with cartographic, archaeological, and geographical data. The outcomes reveal the progressive infilling of the estuarine lagoon of Lixus and its transformation into the current estuary and floodplain. The recent history of this estuary records four successive stages: (1) an initial stage associated with the maximum Holocene marine transgression (5500 to 5320 cal. yr B.P.) that reached the interior of the estuary; (2) a sheltered brackish tidal lagoon stage in Phoenician and Roman times; (3) a period of progressive infilling of the estuarine lagoon, from late Roman times to the Middle Ages (11th to15th centuries); (4) a period of rapid expansion of intertidal marshes (17th to 19th centuries) that saw the formation of the modern estuarine plain and meandering channel system (20th century). © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is one of the primary nutrients required to build biomass and is therefore in high demand in aquatic ecosystems. Estuaries, however, are frequently inundated with high concentrations of anthropogenic nitrogen, which can lead to substantially degraded water quality. Understanding drivers of biogeochemical N cycling rates and the microbial communities responsible for these processes is critical for understanding how estuaries are responding to human development. Estuaries are notoriously complex ecosystems: not only do individual estuaries by definition encompass gradients of salinity and other changing environmental conditions, but differences in physical parameters (e.g., bathymetry, hydrodynamics, tidal flushing) lead to a tremendous amount of variability in estuarine processes between ecosystems, as well. Here, we review the current knowledge of N cycling processes in estuaries carried out by bacteria and archaea, including both biogeochemical rate measurements and molecular characterizations of N cycling microbial communities. Particular attention is focused on identifying key environmental factors associated with distinct biogeochemical or microbial regimes across numerous estuaries. Additionally, we describe novel metabolisms or organisms that have recently been discovered but have not yet been fully explored in estuaries to date. While the majority of research has been conducted in the benthos, we also describe data from estuarine water columns. Understanding both the common patterns and the differences between estuaries has important implications for how these critical ecosystems respond to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The Mgeni Estuary is situated on the subtropical, mainly microtidal Natal coast. Modern sedimentary environments in the estuary comprise two groups. Barrier-associated environments include inlet channel, inlet beachface, tidal delta, washover fans, transverse intertidal bars and aeolian dunes. Estuarine environments include subtidal channels, interidal bars, back-barrier lagoon, tidal creek, tidal creek side-attached bars, creek mouth bar, mangrove fringe and supratidal mudflats. Each sedimentary facies is described in terms of grain-size, sedimentary structures, and sedimentary processes. The distinctive flora and fauna play an important role in facies recognition. Vertical sequences produced by infilling of the estuary and subsequent coastal erosion are discussed. The facies are considered sufficiently distinct to warrant recognition in the geological record.  相似文献   

云膏共生组合是受化学沉积分异作用控制而形成的岩石组合,对其沉积序列精细刻画,有利于揭示诸多蒸发环境下的沉积学信息。依据鄂尔多斯盆地中部奥陶系马家沟组五段6(简称“马五6亚段”)亚段钻井、岩心资料,开展了岩石宏观和微观观察、典型沉积序列刻画等工作。研究结果表明: (1)鄂尔多斯盆地中部马五6亚段普遍发育碳酸盐岩与蒸发岩共生组合,主要由10种岩石类型构成;(2)主要发育5种沉积序列,下云上膏的岩性组合和序列顶部多发育暴露面等特征表明单个序列具有向上变浅、变咸的演化特征,是蒸发台地叠合海水渐次补给作用的结果;(3)在局限—蒸发台地环境下,主要发育潟湖/滩间海、颗粒滩、灰泥丘、台坪4种沉积亚相及11种沉积微相,与经典的蒸发潮坪序列在岩性组合与沉积构造方面存在明显的差异;(4)马五6亚段沉积期发育2次海平面升降,沉积环境可分别对应于云(膏)质潟湖—灰泥丘/颗粒滩—膏质潟湖—蒸干膏质潟湖和灰泥丘/颗粒滩—膏质潟湖—蒸干膏质潟湖—台坪。该研究结果可为鄂尔多斯盆地马五6亚段沉积环境与海平面变化研究提供系统的岩石学证据。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) bioaccumulation in urban coastal watersheds reflects complex interactions between Hg sources, land use, and environmental gradients. We examined MeHg concentrations in fauna from the Delaware River estuary, and related these measurements to environmental parameters and human impacts on the waterway. The sampling sites followed a north to south gradient of increasing salinity, decreasing urban influence, and increasing marsh cover. Although mean total Hg in surface sediments (top 4 cm) peaked in the urban estuarine turbidity maximum and generally decreased downstream, surface sediment MeHg concentrations showed no spatial patterns consistent with the examined environmental gradients, indicating urban influence on Hg loading to the sediment but not subsequent methylation. Surface water particulate MeHg concentration showed a positive correlation with marsh cover whereas dissolved MeHg concentrations were slightly elevated in the estuarine turbidity maximum region. Spatial patterns of MeHg bioaccumulation in resident fauna varied across taxa. Small fish showed increased MeHg concentrations in the more urban/industrial sites upstream, with concentrations generally decreasing farther downstream. Invertebrates either showed no clear spatial patterns in MeHg concentrations (blue crabs, fiddler crabs) or increasing concentrations further downstream (grass shrimp). Best-supported linear mixed models relating tissue concentration to environmental variables reflected these complex patterns, with species specific model results dominated by random site effects with a combination of particulate MeHg and landscape variables influencing bioaccumulation in some species. The data strengthen accumulating evidence that bioaccumulation in estuaries can be decoupled from sediment MeHg concentration, and that drivers of MeHg production and fate may vary within a small region.  相似文献   

The fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay include sandy shoals, seagrass meadows, intertidal mud flats, and marshes. A characterization of a fringing ecosystem was conducted to provide initialization and calibration data for the development of a simulation model. The model simulates primary production and material exchange in the littoral zone of lower Chesapeake Bay. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) properties of water and sediments from sand, seagrass, intertidal silt-mud, and intertidal marsh habitats of the Goodwin Islands (located within the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia, CBNERR-VA) were determined seasonally. Spatial and temporal differences in sediment microalgal biomass among the habitats were assessed along with annual variations in the distribution and abundance ofZostera marina L. andSpartina alterniflora Loisel. Phytoplankton biomass displayed some seasonality related to riverine discharge, but sediment microalgal biomass did not vary spatially or seasonally. Macrophytes in both subtidal and intertidal habitats exhibited seasonal biomass patterns that were consistent with other Atlantic estuarine ecosystems. Marsh sediment organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen differed significantly from that of the sand, seagrass, and silt habitats. The only biogeochemical variable that exhibited seasonality was low marsh NH4 +. The subtidal sediments were consistent temporally in their carbon and nitrogen content despite seasonal changes in seagrass abundance. Eelgrass has a comparatively low C:N ratio and is a potential N sink for the ecosystem. Changes in the composition or size of the vegetated habitats could have a dramatic influence over resource partitioning within the ecosystem. A spatial database (or geographic information system, GIS) of the Goodwin Islands site has been initiated to track long-term spatial habitat features and integrate model output and field data. This ecosystem characterization was conducted as part of efforts to link field data, geographic information, and the dynamic simulation of multiple habitats. The goal of these efforts is to examine ecological structure, function, and change in fringing environments of lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地东缘大宁—吉县地区二叠系山西组为研究对象,综合应用岩心、薄片及测井资料,开展山32亚段岩相类型、岩相组合和沉积相研究,研究结果表明:山32亚段包括粉砂质泥岩/页岩相、纹层状层理含粉砂泥岩/页岩相、透镜状层理粉砂质泥岩/页岩相、钙质页岩相、煤层、碳质页岩相、黑色页岩相、波状层理泥质粉砂岩相、交错层理中—细砂...  相似文献   

Borings from the barrier island/lagoon system of the Eastern Shore of Virginia penetrated an unconformity which separates Pleistocene barrier island and offshore marine sediments from the overlying Holocene tidal delta and barrier island sediments. Offshore marine sediments and deposits within the flood-tidal delta (marsh, tidal flat-bay, inlet-mouth bar complex) are recognized on the basis of sediment color, composition, grain-size changes in the vertical sequence, presence of organic matter, and faunal suite. Subsurface data, historical records, and morphology of lateral accretion on barrier islands suggest that major inlets in the vicinity of Wachapreague have been relatively stable throughout Holocene time; they appear to be located where Pleistocene stream valleys previously existed. Holocene barrier islands apparently developed on drainage divide areas following post-Wisconsin transgression of the sea.

The initial phase of tidal delta development was characterized by vertically accreting, fan-shaped, inlet-mouth bars; tidal channels stabilized after bar crests had shoaled sufficiently for marsh to form. With landward progradation across the lagoon, sand-rich deposits graded laterally away from the inlets and vertically into clayey sand and silty clay of the tidal flat-bay and marsh environments.

Ebb inlet-mouth bars developed asymmetrically southward in response to littoral drift. Flood tidal deltas also built preferentially toward the south as indicated by: (1) sand distribution of the inlet-mouth bar complex; and (2) greater development of marsh south of the inlets.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation(a giant hydrocarbon reservoir)is a thick carbonate sequence of the Oligocenee Miocene in the Zagros Basin,southwest of Iran.This formation is exposed at Tang-e-Lendeh in the Fars interior zone with a thickness of 190 m comprising medium and thick to massive bedded carbonates.The age of the Asmari Formation in the study area is the late Oligocene(Chattian)eearly Miocene(Burdigalian).Ten microfacies are defned,characterizing a gradual shallowing upward trend;the related environments are as follows:open marine(MF 8e10),restricted lagoon(MF 6e7),shoal(MF 3e5),lagoon(MF 2),and tidal fat(MF 1).Based on the environmental interpretations,a homoclinal ramp consisting of inner and middle parts prevails.MF 3e7 are characterized by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water setting of an inner ramp,infuenced by wave and tidal processes.MF 8e10,with large particles of coral and algae,represent a deeper fair weather wave base of a middle ramp setting.  相似文献   

山西沁水盆地上石炭统—下二叠统太原组含有重要的可采煤层和煤层气资源,并在该盆地东南部陵川县附城镇一带出露良好露头。基于对太原组露头剖面和部分钻孔资料的研究,综合分析了该组的岩性、沉积构造、实体化石、遗迹化石和沉积序列等沉积特征。(1)太原组灰岩形成于正常浅海(开阔台地)和局限海湾(局限台地)2种沉积环境,其中,L1灰岩顶部、L2灰岩中下部、L4灰岩上部、L5灰岩顶部、L7灰岩顶部和L8灰岩形成于局限海湾环境,其他灰岩层均形成于正常浅海环境;(2)根据太原组煤系岩性组合特征,划分出6个岩性段,各段中的碎屑岩及所含煤层形成于障壁岛(砂岛)、潟湖和潮坪环境中;(3)通过对沉积特征和沉积序列的分析,识别出11种沉积序列类型,提出了太原组煤系发育的岛湖潮坪、局限海湾(潟湖)潮坪和滨岸潮坪等3种聚煤环境模式。该成果可为沁水盆地东南部太原组煤及煤层气勘探与开发提供沉积背景方面的重要信息和理论支撑。  相似文献   

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