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The conversion from neutron stars with different equation of states (EOSs) for neutron matter into strange stars with different EOSs for strange quark matter has been studied in a general relativistic numerical calculation in this paper. For hot neutron stars, their conversion may lead to great variations in their rotation periods, of which the magnitude would be greatly dependent upon the EOS for neutron matter, and of which the timescale would be greatly determined by the EOS for strange matter. This phenomenon appears as giant glitches, which might provide a probe of EOSs for both neutron matter and strange matter. But for cold neutron stars, their conversion may result in a population of gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

In this work we discuss effects allowing local habitability of some extraterrestrial planets of low average surface temperatures. We analyze the problem of diurnal and seasonal changes of temperature and biological productivity at different locations on a hypothetical Earth-like planet. We have found, that under some circumstances the temperature may locally rise well above the average value, allowing periods of enhanced biological activity. In this way, bioproductivity can become periodically possible on a planet that has an average temperature clearly below 0°C. Such thermal conditions are encountered on Mars (Smith et al. in Science 306:1750–1753, 2004) generally considered as inhabitable. In reality, an appropriate temperature is not sufficient for habitability. The presence of liquid water at the considered location is also necessary. We discuss how temperature oscillations affect habitability in the framework of a conceptual model. We find that the considered effect of diurnal and seasonal temperature oscillations can extend the outer boundary of the habitable zone up to 2 AU, while global average temperatures are below 0°C for heliocentric distances R h > 1.12 AU (dry atmosphere, low CO2 pressure), or R h > 1.66 AU (humid atmosphere, high CO2 pressure).  相似文献   

Most stars produce spectacular jets during their formation. There are thousands of young stars within 500 pc of the Sun and many power jets. Thus protostellar jets may be the most common type of collimated astrophysical outflow. Shocks powered by outflows excite many emission lines, exhibit a rich variety of structure, and motions with velocities ranging from 50 to over 500 km s−1. Due to their relative proximity, proper motions and structural changes can be observed in less than a year. I review the general properties of protostellar jets, summarize some results from recent narrow-band imaging surveys of entire clouds, discuss irradiated jets, and end with some comments concerning outflows from high-mass young stellar objects. Protostellar outflows are ideal laboratories for the exploration of the jet physics.  相似文献   

Results of the Vassiliadis and Wood (1993) model for the evolution on the AGB are used to study how DENIS can complement an optical and IRAS based study of Long Period Variable AGB stars in a field towards the galactic bulge.  相似文献   

A series of our and McAlisteret al.'s speckle observations of spectroscopic binaries show that certain fractions of them are triple systems. A typical configuration of those systems is that of two stars separated by about 0.1 AU with a third component in an orbit at a distance about 10 AU from the central stars. These results suggest that the third star was formed from the outer circumstellar envelope after forming the central double.  相似文献   

Antineutrino data constrain the concentrations of the heat producing elements U and Th as well as potentially the concentration of K. Interpretation is similar to but not homologous with gravity. Current geoneutrino physics efficiently asks simple questions taking advantage of what is already known about the Earth. A few measurements with some sites in the ocean basins will constrain the concentration of U and Th in the crust and mantle and whether the mantle is laterally heterogeneous. These results will allow Earth science arguments about the formation, chemistry, and dynamics of the Earth to be turned around and appraised. In particular, they will tell whether the Earth accreted its expected share of these elements from the solar nebula and how long radioactive heat will sustain active geological processes on the Earth. Both aspects are essential to evaluating the Earth as a common or rare habitable planet.  相似文献   

X-rays from massive OB stars: thermal emission from radiative shocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chandra grating spectra of a sample of 15 massive OB stars were analysed under the basic assumption that the X-ray emission is produced in an ensemble of shocks formed in the winds driven by these objects. Shocks develop either as a result of radiation-driven instabilities or due to confinement of the wind by a relatively strong magnetic field, and since they are radiative, a simple model of their X-ray emission was developed that allows a direct comparison with observations. According to our model, the shock structures (clumps, complete or fractional shells) eventually become 'cold' clouds in the X-ray sky of the star. As a result, it is expected that for large covering factors of the hot clumps, there is a high probability for X-ray absorption by the 'cold' clouds, resulting in blueshifted spectral lines. Our analysis has revealed that such a correlation indeed exists for the considered sample of OB stars. As to the temperature characteristics of the X-ray emission plasma, the studied OB stars fall in two groups: (i) one with plasma temperature limited to ∼0.1–0.4 keV and (ii) the other with X-rays produced in plasmas at considerably higher temperatures. We argue that the two groups correspond to different mechanisms for the origin of X-rays: in radiation-driven instability shocks and in magnetically confined wind shocks, respectively.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - The radii of the inner and outer boundaries of the circumbinary habitable zone (CBHZ) and the radii of the circumbinary chaotic zone (CBCZ) have been calculated for close binary...  相似文献   

Blue Supergiants (BSGs) are the brightest stars in the universe at visual light with absolute magnitudes up to M V =−10 mag. They are ideal stellar objects for the determination of extragalactic distances, in particular, because the perennial uncertainties troubling most of the other stellar distance indicators, interstellar extinction and metallicity, do not affect them. The quantitative spectral analysis of low resolution spectra of individual BSGs provides accurate stellar parameters and chemical composition, which are then used to determine accurate reddening and extinction from photometry for each individual object. Accurate distances can be determined from stellar gravities and effective temperatures using the “Flux Weighted Gravity–Luminosity Relationship (FGLR)”.  相似文献   

L. Hartmann 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):587-597
Winds are directly detected from solar-type stars only when they are very young. At ages 106 yr, these stars have mass loss rates 106 times the mass flux of the present solar wind. Although these young T Tauri stars exhibit ultraviolet transition-region and X-ray coronal emission, the large particle densities of the massive winds lead to efficient radiative cooling, and wind temperatures are only 104 K. In these circumstances thermal acceleration is unlikely to play an important role in driving the mass loss. Turbulent energy fluxes may be responsible for the observed mass loss, particularly if substantial magnetic fields are present.The presence of stellar mass loss is indirectly shown by the spindown of low-mass stars as they age. It appears that many solar-mass stars spin up as they contract toward the Main-Sequence, reaching a maximum equatorial velocity of 50 to 100 km s–1. These stars spin down rapidly upon reaching the Main Sequence. Spindown may be enhanced by a decoupling or lag between convective envelope and radiative core. Because this spindown occurs fairly early in a solar-type star's history, the internal structure of old stars like the Sun may not depend upon initial conditions.  相似文献   

We present in this contribution a revision of the origin, main properties and open issues in the field of winds of massive blue stars, with a particular emphasis in the ultraviolet observations  相似文献   

Mass loss rates for 9 LMC WR stars are determined using IUE, UV, and visible spectrophotometric observations. A good correlations of mass loss rate with effective temperature and luminosity is indicated by the data, in agreement with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Structures of Newtonian super-massive stars are calculated with the opacity for Comptor effectK 0/(1 + T), whereK 0=0.21(1 +X and =2.2×10–9K–1. The track of the Main-Sequence is turned right in the upper part of the HR diagram. Mass loss will occur in a Main-Sequence stage for a star with mass larger than a critical mass. The cause of mass loss and the expansion of the radius is continuum radiation pressure. The critical mass for mass loss is 1.02×106 M for a Population I star, and 1.23×105 M for Population III star. Mass loss rates expected in these stars are 3.3×10–3 and 4.0×10–3 M yr–1, respectively.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

The observational properties of Z Cam stars, nova-like variables and nova remnants are discussed in terms of the disc instability model. The effects of irradiation on the secondary star, giving rise to high and low states of mass transfer, and on the inner disc, suppressing or greatly reducing the disc instability, are used to explain the light curves of VY Scl stars. Irradiation may also play a part in producing low amplitude modulations in brightness of nova-likes on time scales of tens of days.  相似文献   

A number of models have been proposed for the observed cosmic gamma-ray bursts. A class of such models involves the use of magnetic energy as the principal source of energy required for the bursts. In this case, arguments are presented to show that degenerate stars are favored. Mechanisms for magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in white dwarfs and neutron stars are discussed. Preliminary work indicates that magnetic white dwarfs can (but neutron stars probably cannot) account for many of the observed features of the bursts.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

Cyclotron microwave emission from magnetic stars is considered, assuming that they have coronae with the temperatureT107 K and the emission measureEM1054 cm–3. It has been shown that the cyclotron radiation from a star with a dipole magnetic field has a specific spectrum with a maximum in the frequency rangesv o/2 >v >sv o/2 (s being the number of cyclotron harmonic, andv o the gyrofrequency corresponding to the polar magnetic field) and radiation flux decreasing towards lower frequencies asv 4/3. The frequency of the spectrum maximum depends on the angle between the line-of-sight and the magnetic axis of the star. The observed radiation from a rotating magnetic star can be modulated with a modulation depth of about 0.2 at frequencies near maximum. The radiation is partially circularly-polarized in the sense of an extraordinary mode. The degree of polarization is almost constant at frequenciesv >sv o/2 and increases with frequency atv >sv o/2. The estimation of cyclotron radio fluxes of the nearest magnetic stars shows that they are observable in microwaves by means of modern radio astronomy.  相似文献   

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