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We present results from multiple stable isotope analyses (δ18O of chironomid larval head capsules, chironomid adult thoraxes and other insect remains and δD, δ13C, δ15N of total organic matter—TOM) of a lake sediment core (04-SVID-03) taken from Stora Vidarvatn in northeastern Iceland to reconstruct past environmental, limnological and δ18O of past lake water changes during the Holocene. Core 04-SVID-03 represents a ∼12,000 cal. yrs BP to present record. Large magnitude changes in δ18O occurred during the Holocene at the site. Downcore shifts in δ18O of chironomids did not correlate with measurements of the δ13C and δ15N of chironomid head capsules, implying that the δ18O changes were not primarily driven by changes in chironomid diet during the Holocene. The δD of TOM provided a proxy of relative lake-water δD changes at the site and also showed large magnitude changes during the record. This approach was supported by analyses of a modern training set where δDTOM analyses were conducted using surface sediments from a suite of freshwater lakes over a large latitudinal gradient. The magnitude of changes in both the δ18O and δD and the relatively negative δ18O values throughout much of the core suggest that the proxies represent more paleoenvironmental information than solely temperature. Additional possible influences on lake-water isotopic composition are discussed, including changes in the seasonality of precipitation, in the patterns of air masses supplying precipitation to Iceland and in the dominant mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation.  相似文献   

The sedimentary chironomid stratigraphy in short-core samples covering approx. the past 150 years was studied in the northernmost basin of Lake Päijänne, southern Finland (62° 11 N, 25° 48 E). The basin has received effluent loading from the wood-processing industry and municipal waste water. Four developmental stages were distinguished based on the changes in chironomid assemblages: 1. Pre-industrial stage (dated by the210Pb method as covering approximately the period 1838–1936), 2. Stage of increasing pollution (approx. 1944–1973), 3. The black decade, or the period of worst pollution (approx. 1973–1983), and 4. Water protection stage (approx. 1983 onwards).During the first stage the basin suffered very little human interference and was oligotrophic, with values of 4.00–4.28 for Wiederholm's Benthic Quality Index (BQI). During the second stage it altered between weak mesotrophy and moderate mesotrophy, and the former profundal assemblages characterized byHeterotrissocladius subpilosus andMicropsectra were replaced bySergentia coracina andChironomus anthracinus gr. The BQI ranged from 2.75 to 3.50. This process led to the extirpation ofH. subpilosus. Eutrophication of the basin reached its climax during the black decade, representing moderate eutrophy with a BQI of 2.15. The profundal assemblages were composed mainly ofChironomus anthracinus gr. andC. plumosus gr. The adoption of more effective waste water purification processes in both the wood-processing industry and the municipal treatment plant markedly reduced effluent loading, especially BOD loading during the fourth stage, and this led to a recovery in the basin. At present it is mesotrophic, with a BQI of 2.90–3.00, and its biological conditions resemble those of the second stage in the 1950's and 1960's.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae are informative about palaeoecological conditions, but the methods generally used for their analyses in lake sediments differ from those used for their analyses in peats, making comparisons difficult. This study examines how filter mesh size and total number of individuals counted affect species richness, Shannon diversity, equitability, density and assemblage structure. We analysed the complete testate amoeba contents of six sediment samples from Lake Lautrey, France. The abundance of testate amoebae was high (1,403–10,870 shells cm−3), and species smaller than 63 μm in both length and width represented up to 89% of total abundance and 43% of species richness. A simulation showed that using 47- or 63-μm mesh-size filters reduced inter-sample differences and changed the patterns of abundance, species richness and assemblage structure, causing loss of information and leading to potential erroneous palaeoecological interpretation. Rarefaction analyses suggest that although 170 shells are sufficient to assess the general structure of assemblages, such small sample sizes can underestimate species richness by overlooking taxa with relative abundances <4%. Total counts of 400 shells yield better estimates of assemblage structure and recover at least 50% of total species richness, although species with absolute frequencies below 2% may still be missed. Higher counts are required to obtain reliable estimates of species richness and assemblage structure in samples that have high testate amoeba densities but are dominated by a few small taxa. Further studies should determine the bioindicator value and functional roles of small and/or rare species in lakes and thus to what extent overlooking them affects palaeoecological interpretations.  相似文献   

A paleoenvironmental perspective of temperature change is paramount to understanding the significance of recent warming in the Arctic. Late Quaternary sediments from many arctic lakes provide environmental archives with decadal resolution, but reconstructions are hampered by the relative insensitivity of many traditional proxies to temperature. Here, we show that the δ18O of head capsules of chironomid larvae are equilibrated with the δ18O of lakewaters in which they live. In suitable lakes, lakewater δ18O is controlled by the δ18O of local precipitation, which is strongly correlated to mean annual air temperature (MAT). From this correlation, chironomid δ18O can be used to examine past changes in MAT. We illustrate the potential of this novel approach to paleothermometry with examples from two arctic lakes that reveal strong regional paleoclimatic gradients in the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological information is often extracted from diatom records using weighted averaging calibration and regression techniques. Larger calibration sample sets yield better inferences because they better characterize the environmental characteristics and species assemblages of the sample region. To optimize inferred information from fossil assemblages, however, it is worth knowing if fewer calibration samples can be used. Furthermore, confidence in environmental reconstructions is greater if we consider the relative importance of (A) similarity between fossil and calibration assemblages and (B) how well fossil taxa respond to the environmental variable of interest. We examine these issues using ~200-year sediment profiles from four Minnesota lakes and a 145-lake surface sediment training set calibrated for total phosphorus (TP). Training set sample sizes ranging from 10 to 145 were created through random sample selection, and models based on these training sets were used to calculate diatom-inferred (DI) TP data from fossil samples. Relationships between DI-TP variability and sample size were used to determine the minimum sample size needed to optimize the model for paleo-reconstruction. Similarly, similarities between fossil and modern assemblages were calculated for each size training set. Finally, fossil and modern assemblages were compared to determine whether older fossil samples had poorer similarity with modern analogs. More than 50–80 samples, depending on lake, were needed to stabilize variability in DI-TP results, and >110 training set samples were needed to minimize modern-fossil assemblage dissimilarities. Dissimilarities appeared to increase with sample age, but only one of the four studied cores displayed a significant trend. We have two recommendations for future studies: (1) be cautious when dealing with smaller training sets, especially if they are used to interpret older fossil assemblages and (2) understand how well fossil taxa are attuned to the variable of interest, as it is critical to evaluating the quality of the diatom-inferred data.  相似文献   

Effects of sample size on the accuracy of geomorphological models   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Commonly, the most costly part of geomorphological distribution modelling studies is gathering the data. Thus, guidance for researchers concerning the quantity of field data needed would be extremely practical. This paper scrutinises the relationship between the sample size (the number of observations varied from 20 to 600) and the predictive ability of the generalized linear model (GLM), generalized additive model (GAM), generalized boosting method (GBM) and artificial neural network (ANN) in two data settings, i.e., independent and split-sample approaches. The study was performed using empirical data of periglacial processes from an area of 600 km2 in northernmost Finland at grid resolutions of 1 ha (100 × 100 m) and 25 ha (500 × 500 m). A rather sharp increase in the predictive ability of the models was observed when the number of observations increased from 20 to 100, and the level of robust predictions was reached with 200 observations. The result indicates that no more than a few hundred observations are needed in geomorphological distribution modelling at a medium scale resolution (ca. 0.01–1 km2).  相似文献   

A combined analysis of modern zooplankton and fossil Cladocera assemblages from a Himalayan lake, Lake 40, revealed that the endemic Daphnia tibetana disappeared in the late-1980s, after persisting as the only Daphnia species for almost 3000 years. Daphnia head shields, which are rarely recovered from the sediments, were the most abundant Daphnia remains in the lake. The remains were of the Ctenodaphnia type; the smaller ones had a large central hole. Head shields of the same type were also found in zooplankton water samples, rich in exuviae as well as of intact specimens of D. tibetana, from a nearby lake. Small individuals had a distinct nuchal organ in the dorsal region of the head. We therefore postulated that the head shields with the hole were from young (newborn or individuals in the two first moults). Up to now, the nuchal organ has been described in laboratory populations of D. (Ctenodaphnia) magna, where it disappears quite early in life. It probably functions as an osmoregulatory organ, essential for the survivorship of late embryos and early juveniles. On the other hand, as far as we know, head shields with a hole have never been recorded in plankton or in sediments. In view of the fact that head shields were representative of Daphnia abundance, we used them to reconstruct changes in density and body size during ca. 3000 years. In fishless mountain lakes, mean Daphnia body size tends to increase toward the end of the productive season. The number of moults and maximum body size depend mainly on the duration of the ice-free period, and on summer temperatures. In cold years, when the productive season is short, the number of moults will be low, and the range of Daphnia body size will be narrow. We used Daphnia body size and abundance estimates, in addition to an analysis of changes in the Cladocera assemblage, to reconstruct past environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The monthly mean values of the 500-hPa geopotential height (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis database) have been used to calculate the values of the zonal and meridional circulation indices spanning the time interval 1949–2007 for southern East Siberia. An analysis is made of the variation in atmospheric circulation intensity over the study territory.  相似文献   

Nutrients from the waste products of large seabird colonies can enter freshwater ecosystems, markedly altering water quality and biotic assemblages, especially in nutrient-poor regions like the Canadian High Arctic. Here, we investigate the influence of nutrient-rich seabird wastes on freshwater larval chironomid assemblages from two distinct seabird colonies. The study sites include four ponds dominated by northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) at Cape Vera, Devon Island, as well as one pond near a large group of common eider ducks (Somateria mollissima borealis) on Tern Island (unofficial name) near Cornwallis Island, Nunavut. The rare combination of nutrient-enriched and well-oxygenated waters allowed us to contrast the effects of nutrients, oxygen, and temperature on chironomid community structure in shallow Arctic ponds using sediment cores. Despite highly elevated nutrient levels, the subfossil assemblages were dominated by cold stenotherms typical of oligotrophic waters. Although nutrient inputs appear to have increased chironomid head capsule numbers due to enhanced food availability, the fertilization had little direct effect on assemblage composition, at least at the taxonomic level achievable based on fossil material. The presence of low abundances of eutrophic/anoxic taxa, such as Chironomus plumosus-type, suggests that biogeographic barriers to dispersal are not influencing the assemblages. These data demonstrate that, in the presence of high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, nutrient enrichment had little direct effect on chironomid community composition in shallow Arctic ponds.  相似文献   

Fossil invertebrates from cores collected in Lake Tanganyika provide a record of probable nearshore ecological response to recent watershed deforestation and sediment erosion in several East African watersheds. We compared paleoecological profiles (primarily from ostracodes) from watersheds spanning a range of sizes and present-day deforestation disturbance levels to understand the timing and magnitude of faunal changes, and their relationship in time to terrestrially-derived disturbance indicators. Profiles from the Lubulungu and Nyasanga/Kahama Rivers (Tanzania) provide a record of faunal variability in watersheds that are currently undisturbed with respect to deforestation. These records indicate continuous faunal turnover through time. However, this pattern of turnover is accompanied by relatively high levels of diversity throughout the record, with no wholesale extinction events. Ostracode taphonomic data and other fossil abundance data from the Lubulungu area provide strong evidence in support of at least two episodes of lower lake levels, associated with episodes of Late Holocene aridity. Records from deltas of disturbed watersheds at the Kabesi River (Tanzania) and those of Northern Burundi all show a combination of profound and abrupt faunal turnover, in some cases accompanied by local extinction and establishment of a few dominant taxa. At the Mwamgongo River delta, fed from a very small, disturbed watershed, species turnover was subtler. In disturbed watershed cores showing abrupt faunal changes the transitions mostly occurred in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, predating the major mid-20th century increase in sediment mass accumulation rates, with the latter only correlated with changing fossil abundance and flux. However, the earlier faunal community changes are contemporaneous with both palynological and geochemical changes in the core profiles indicative of changing land-use patterns. This suggests that lacustrine ecosystem response to deforestation was a two-stage process, with an earlier phase of response to changing quality of sediments or dissolved matter being discharged from the watershed, and a subsequent phase responding to increased quantity of sediment.  相似文献   

I addressed the effects of taphonomic and early diagenetic processes on the isotope composition of cladoceran remains, using both experimental and field approaches. An experiment was designed to mimic the conditions encountered by cladoceran remains when they settle through the water column and are buried in the sediment. Cladoceran exoskeletons were incubated for 4 months in oxic or anoxic water, and in sediment. Changes in their carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content and isotope compositions were measured. Most changes in isotope composition of exoskeletons took place when they settled through the water column. Once buried in the sediment, however, the δ13C and δ15N values of cladoceran exoskeletons did not undergo further change. Taphonomic processes resulted in an increase in δ13C and δ15N of the cladoceran remains and this was related to microbial degradation, which selectively removed isotopically light C and N compounds from the remains. For δ13C, changes were minimal (<1‰) and occured within the first 3 months. Taphonomic effects on δ15N were larger, from +2 to +5‰, and occurred within the first 2–3 weeks. These effects depended on incubation conditions and were greater in anoxic waters than under oxic conditions. Monthly changes in the isotope composition of sedimenting cladoceran exoskeletons were also recorded in the field using sediment traps, and were compared to the isotope composition of the living cladoceran community. The isotope composition of sedimenting remains displayed values consistent with those that might be expected, considering the effects of taphonomic processes observed in the experiment. Because C and N in cladoceran exoskeletons might involve a different isotope routing, the δ15N value of the remains provides an annual record of the value in the parent community, with a 1-month delay, while δ13C of remains essentially reflects that of the parent community during the period of lake thermal stratification. These findings provide insights into paleolimnological interpretation of isotopic changes in cladoceran remains from sediment cores.  相似文献   

A quantitative procedure for mapping landslide risk is developed from considerations of hazard, vulnerability and valuation of exposed elements. The approach based on former work by the authors, is applied in the Bajo Deba area (northern Spain) where a detailed study of landslide occurrence and damage in the recent past (last 50 years) was carried out. Analyses and mapping are implemented in a Geographic Information System (GIS).The method is based on a susceptibility model developed previously from statistical relationships between past landslides and terrain parameters related to instability. Extrapolations based on past landslide behaviour were used to calculate failure frequency for the next 50 years. A detailed inventory of direct damage due to landslides during the study period was carried out and the main elements at risk in the area identified and mapped. Past direct (monetary) losses per type of element were estimated and expressed as an average ‘specific loss’ for events of a given magnitude (corresponding to a specified scenario). Vulnerability was assessed by comparing losses with the actual value of the elements affected and expressed as a fraction of that value (0–1).From hazard, vulnerability and monetary value, risk was computed for each element considered. Direct risk maps (€/pixel/year) were obtained and indirect losses from the disruption of economic activities due to landslides assessed. The final result is a risk map and table combining all losses per pixel for a 50-year period. Total monetary value at risk for the Bajo Deba area in the next 50 years is about 2.4 × 106 Euros.  相似文献   

Head capsules of chironomids of the genera Chironomus, Glyptotendipes and Microtendipes in two cores from Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, were identified to instar. The proportions of 3rd and 4th instars did not stay constant throughout the lengths of the cores and it is possible there was differential preservation of the instars. Plotting diagrams using only one instar could give misleading information about the occurrence of a genus, while plotting total number of head capsules may result in individuals being counted twice. Counting the most numerous taxon at each level in the sediment avoids the latter problem while retaining maximum information about the fauna. Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling ordination diagrams calculated using the different methods illustrate the similarity of plot obtained.  相似文献   

中国西南山区资源环境安全态势评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张继飞  邓伟  刘邵权 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2305-2315
选择西南山区5省市区(广西、重庆、四川、贵州和云南)作为研究区域,遵循“压力-状态-响应”框架构建评价指标体系,运用熵权-模糊综合评价方法对西南山区5省近11年来的资源环境安全总体态势进行了初步综合评价。结果表明:研究时段内,西南山区资源环境安全整体水平较低,但区域内各省的资源环境系统呈现良性发展趋势;资源环境综合安全...  相似文献   

Initial investigations of Holocene carbonate sediment from Hawes Water, Northwest England, yielded lower numbers of chironomid head capsules than anticipated. Standard techniques used to prepare sediment for chironomid analysis were ineffective in breaking up the coarse crystalline sediment structure sufficiently. This led to large amounts of sediment being retained and increased sample processing times. The low yield of head capsules also meant that more sediment was needed to produce adequate numbers of head capsules for analysis. The use of ultra-sound as part of the sediment processing was investigated. This technique reduced the amount of sediment left for sorting and yielded significantly more head capsules which were of equivalent structural condition and cleaner than those produced by conventional methods. The technique was extended to clay samples where similar results were obtained although shorter treatment times are recommended. The proportion of Tanytarsini and Tanypodinae heads increased significantly in carbonate and clay samples, respectively; both sediment types showed a significant decline in the proportion of Chironomini. The results indicate that ultra-sonic preparation of samples will yield a more accurate representation of chironomid assemblages in sediments leading to greater sensitivity and reliability in analysing past environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Transfer functions that implement organism–environment relationships are now commonly used for inferring past environmental conditions in paleoecology. Specific software for developing and evaluating commonly used modelling techniques such as Weighted averaging (WA), Weighted averaging partial least square (WA-PLS), Maximum likelihood (ML), and Modern analog technique (MAT) are available. A new software programme, PaleoNet, is now available for modelling organism–environment relationships which is specifically designed for the development and the evaluation of artificial neural network (ANN) based transfer functions in paleoecology. Here we present the main characteristics of this new software PaleoNet (User guide version 1.01) and discuss in more detail one of its specific features: the pruning.  相似文献   

The unit regional value of the mineral resources of a large region may be estimated by accumulating past production records and prorating them over the area of the region. The geological characteristics of a large region is a prime conditioning variable for this purpose. To be useful, however, the geology of a large region must be represented in a standardized form. The “geology,” as here measured, refers to a standardized set of rock types common to the legends in geological maps. By using standardized procedures, the legends of 413 geologic maps at 292 different scales that cover the Earth’s land surface were transformed into a set of 65 three-digit numbers. The set of numbers called the time-petrographic index is associated with the contemporaneous tectonic environments that led to the formation of the rocks and their associated mineral deposits. Application of the time-petrographic index to geologic maps leads to more precise estimates of the mineral-resource values of a large region. Deceased, June 2, 1992  相似文献   

A suite of surface sediment samples from three Icelandic lakes was analysed for subfossil chironomid head capsules, and a quantitative July air temperature inference model was applied to the data to investigate whether there was significant variability among samples taken from a lake. Ordination and simple regression methods were used to analyse the relationships between environmental and sedimentological variables and the chironomid assemblages and inferred temperature data. Substrate was the most important influence on the chironomid assemblages and inferred temperatures, while water depth at the sampling location had no relationship with the chironomid-inferred temperatures. Within-lake variability of the chironomid assemblages and their inferred temperatures, however, were not significant statistically, suggesting that in lakes of western and northwest Iceland within-lake sampling location has no effect on the data obtained, and therefore on training set samples.  相似文献   

Bank retreat is a key process in fluvial dynamics affecting a wide range of physical, ecological and socioeconomic issues in the fluvial environment. To predict the undesirable effects of bank retreat and to inform effective measures to prevent it, a wide range of bank stability models have been presented in the literature. These models typically express bank stability by defining a factor of safety as the ratio of driving and resisting forces acting on the incipient failure block. These forces are affected by a range of controlling factors that include such aspects as the bank profile (bank height and angle), the geotechnical properties of the bank materials, as well as the hydrological status of the riverbanks. In this paper we evaluate the extent to which uncertainties in the parameterization of these controlling factors feed through to influence the reliability of the resulting bank stability estimate. This is achieved by employing a simple model of riverbank stability with respect to planar failure (which is the most common type of bank stability model) in a series of sensitivity tests and Monte Carlo analyses to identify, for each model parameter, the range of values that induce significant changes in the simulated factor of safety. These identified parameter value ranges are compared to empirically derived parameter uncertainties to determine whether they are likely to confound the reliability of the resulting bank stability calculations. Our results show that parameter uncertainties are typically high enough that the likelihood of generating unreliable predictions is typically very high (>  80% for predictions requiring a precision of < ± 15%). Because parameter uncertainties are derived primarily from the natural variability of the parameters, rather than measurement errors, much more careful attention should be paid to field sampling strategies, such that the parameter uncertainties and consequent prediction unreliabilities can be quantified more robustly.  相似文献   

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