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Annually laminated sediments in Lake Xiaolongwan, northeast China, contain a suite of n-alkanes (C17–C33) with a strong odd over even carbon number predominance. Biomarker n-alkane proxies (average chain length, Paq ratio, grass/tree ratio, carbon preference index and compound-specific δ13C values) were used to reconstruct climate changes that occurred over the last millennium. Compound-specific δ13C values show large differences between the distinctive chain length groups of n-alkanes that originate from algae, aquatic macrophytes and terrestrial plants. Long-chain n-alkanes (C27–C33) are predominantly derived from leaf wax lipids in the forest. Variations in long-chain n-alkane δ13C values may mainly record water-use efficiency, inasmuch as the contribution from C4 plants is negligible in the Lake Xiaolongwan catchment. Short- and middle-chain n-alkanes are mainly from algae and aquatic plants. They are strongly depleted in 13C. This feature may be linked to a methane-derived, negative δ13C pool and lake overturn, which regulates dinoflagellate blooms. Parallel fluctuations are observed in δ13C27–31 values, Paq, and the grass/tree ratio throughout the record. Variations in δ13C27–31 values and Paq are in agreement with historical documents on summer and winter climate conditions. They support earlier suggestions that δ13C values in the long-chain n-alkanes and Paq may be useful indicators of effective precipitation or drought stress in this forested area. The δ13C27–31 index and Paq show distinct decadal variations. Periods with high δ13C27–31 values and a low Paq index correspond with the warm phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Values are reversed during PDO cool phases. At the decadal timescale, summer monsoon rainfall in northeast China over the last millennium may have been regulated mainly by the PDO.  相似文献   

古洪水研究是近几十年来全球变化研究的一个热点,同时也是难点。本文利用赣北黄茅潭的湖泊沉积,建立了小冰期以来全球变暖背景下的区域洪水记录。采用210Pb和137Cs方法厘定了地层年代,基于粒度与元素地球化学指标的对比分析,揭示了器测记录(1950年)以来指标记录的特点与区域日降水超过50 mm天数的关系,认为黄茅潭HMT-01孔粒度(包括粗粉砂+砂/粘土比值、平均粒径)和Zr/Rb、Ti/Rb、Zr/Fe比值可作为洪水指标记录,共识别出1950-2010年期间记载的13次洪水事件中的11次。基于这些指标记录及指标特点,共识别1769-1950年间由历史文献记录的31次洪水事件中的23次,识别率达74.2%。研究表明:①湖泊沉积中Zr/Rb、Ti/Rb、Zr/Fe比值和粒度参数(平均粒径、粗粉砂+砂/粘土)作为洪水指标,对洪水事件沉积有较好的指示作用,且Zr/Rb比值对洪水事件的检出率较高;②黄茅潭流域洪水发生频率暖期高于冷期;③年代际尺度上,1820s-1840s,1860s-1870s为19世纪冷期黄茅潭洪水高频期,这两个阶段对应东亚夏季风偏强,长江中下游地区降雨较多;20世纪赣北黄茅潭洪水基本随1920s-1940s,1980s-1990s两个变暖阶段而高频出现,与长江中下游大洪水演变特点基本一致。研究结果为利用湖泊沉积记录反演过去的洪水变化,延长洪水序列、认识洪水规律提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

West Hawk Lake (WHL) is located within the glacial Lake Agassiz basin, 140 km east of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The small lake lies in a deep, steep-sided, meteorite impact crater, which has been partly filled by 60 m of sediment that today forms a flat floor in the central part of the basin below 111 m of water. Four cores, 5–11 m in length, were collected using a Kullenberg piston gravity corer. All sediment is clay, contains no unconformities, and has low organic content in all but the upper meter. Sample analyses include bulk and clay mineralogy, major and minor elements, TOC, stable isotopes of C, N, and O, pollen, charcoal, diatoms, and floral and faunal macrofossils. The sequence is divided into four units based mainly on thickness and style of lamination, diatoms, and pollen. AMS radiocarbon dates do not provide a clear indication of age in the postglacial sequence; possible explanations include contamination by older organic inwash and downward movement of younger organic acids. A chronological framework was established using only selected AMS dates on plant macrofossils, combined with correlations to dated events outside the basin and paleotopographic reconstructions of Lake Agassiz. The 822 1-cm-thick varves in the lower 8 m of the cored WHL sequence were deposited just prior to 10,000 cal years BP (∼8,900 14C years BP), during the glacial Lake Agassiz phase of the lake. The disappearance of dolomite near the top of the varved sequence reflects the reduced influence of Lake Agassiz and the carbonate bedrock and glacial sediment in its catchment. The lowermost varves are barren of organisms, indicating cold and turbid glacial lake waters, but the presence of benthic and planktonic algae in the upper 520 varves indicates warming; this lake phase coincides with a change in clay mineralogy, δ18O and δ13C in cellulose, and in some other parameters. This change may have resulted from a major drawdown in Lake Agassiz when its overflow switched from northwest to east after formation of the Upper Campbell beach of that lake 9,300–9,400 14C years ago. The end of thick varve deposition at ∼10,000 cal years BP is related to the opening of a lower eastern outlet of Lake Agassiz and an accompanying drop in West Hawk Lake level. WHL became independent from Lake Agassiz at this time, sedimentation rates dropped, and only ∼2.5 m of sediment was deposited in the next 10,000 years. During the first two centuries of post-Lake Agassiz history, there were anomalies in the diatom assemblage, stable O and C isotopes, magnetic susceptibility, and other parameters, reflecting an unstable watershed. Modern oligotrophic conditions were soon established; charcoal abundance increased in response to the reduced distance to the shoreline and to warmer conditions. Regional warming after ∼9,500 cal years BP is indicated by pollen and diatoms as well as C and O isotope values. Relatively dry conditions are suggested by a rise in pine and decrease in spruce and other vegetation types between 9,500 and 5,000 cal years BP (∼8,500–4,400 14C years BP), plus a decrease in δ13Ccell values. After this, there was a shift to slightly cooler and wetter conditions. A large increase in organic content and change in elemental concentration in the past several thousand years probably reflects a decline in supply of mineral detritus to the basin and possibly an increase in productivity.  相似文献   

The primary producer community of Lake Apopka, a large (125 km2), shallow (mean depth, 1.7 m), polymictic Florida lake, shifted from macrophyte dominance to phytoplankton dominance in the 1940s. Today, frequent wind resuspension of highly organic, unconsolidated sediments supports a meroplanktonic community that is predominantly diatoms, but during calm periods the algal community is dominated by planktonic cyanobacteria. Sedimentary algal pigments (chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids) and chemical proxies for nutrient enrichment (polyphosphate, total phosphorus and biogenic silica) in three sediment cores were used to investigate historic changes in primary producers. Sediments were separated into three stratigraphic zones using multivariate statistical techniques. Stratigraphic zonation was established in each core although sediment deposition at one site was insufficient to adequately resolve temporal changes. These results show the importance of selecting suitable sites for paleolimnological studies. The oldest zone represents macrophyte-derived sediments, and the two overlying zones represent phytoplankton-derived sediments deposited since the 1940s. Algal pigments in the most recent sediment zone show little degradation, which might be due to the presence of viable meroplankton in the sediment. After the initial primary producer shift from macrophytes to phytoplankton, the lake experienced a short period of cyanobacterial dominance followed by a period of benthic diatom abundance before being replaced by the present algal community consisting of cyanobacteria and meroplanktonic diatoms. Chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids were highly correlated with total phosphorus. Historic trends inferred from the data include algal and cyanobacterial productivity that increased with increased phosphorus loading. The study demonstrates that valid paleolimnological proxies for historic eutrophication are available in loosely consolidated sediments of shallow, subtropical lakes.  相似文献   

This study uses 239+240Pu-dated varved sediments from Big Round Lake, a proglacial lake on northeast Baffin Island, Arctic Canada to generate a 1000-year-long, annual-resolution record of past climate. Varve thickness is positively correlated with July–August–September temperature measured at Clyde River, 70 km to the north of the lake (r = 0.46, p < 0.001). We therefore interpret the variability and trends in varve thickness to partially represent summer temperature. The coolest Little Ice Age temperatures occurred in this record from 1575 to 1760 AD and were approximately 1.5°C cooler than today (average from 1995 to 2005 AD) and 0.2°C cooler than the last millennium (average from 1000 to 2000 AD). Pre-twentieth-century warmth occurred during two intervals, 970–1150 AD and 1375–1575 AD; temperatures were approximately 1.2°C cooler than today, but 0.1°C warmer than the last millennium. The Big Round Lake varve-thickness record contains features similar to that reconstructed elsewhere in the eastern Canadian Arctic. This high-resolution quantitative record expands our understanding of arctic climate during the past millennium.
Elizabeth K. ThomasEmail:

A sedimentary record of human disturbance from Lake Miragoane,Haiti   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Miragoane, Haiti is one of the largest, natural freshwater lakes in the Caribbean (A=7.06 km2, zmax=41.0 m, conductivity = 350 S cm–1). Lake waters are dominated by calcium and bicarbonate ions. The lake was thermally stratified, and oxygen profiles were clinograde during summer visits in 1983 and 1985. A 72-cm mud-water interface core was taken near the center of the lake and dated with 210Pb. The local 210Pb fallout rate is low (0.09 pCi cm–2 yr–1), about 20% of the global average. Bulk sedimentation rates ranged from 0.008 to 0.030 g cm–2 yr–1 during the past 130 years (0–8 cm depth). Sediment geochemistry and pollen have been analyzed in the topmost 58 cm of the section. Tentative ages were assigned to the core by extrapolation of 210Pb dates. According to this preliminary chronology, the bottom part of the core (58–30 cm) records pre-Columbian sedimentation (1000–500 B.P.) and contains pollen evidence of intact, dry and mesic forest. Pre-Columbian deposits are rich in organic matter (x = 30%) and relatively poor in carbonates (x = 15% as CO2). The top 30 cm of the core preserve the record since European contact (500 B.P. to present). Pollen data reveal two episodes of deforestation following European arrival. Consequent soil erosion is documented by a decrease in organic matter content (x = 15%) and an increase in carbonates (x = 27% as CO2). Surficial sediments reflect the widespread deforestation and soil loss that characterize the watershed today.  相似文献   

Meromixis has several powerful effects on lakes, yet there is no single definitive sediment indicator of meromixis. In this study three sediment indicators of meromixis were compared in Brownie Lake, Minneapolis, Minnesota, a small eutrophic lake that became meromictic around 1925. The results show that in Brownie the onset of laminations and changes in the iron to manganese ratio most likely occurred before the development of permanently anoxic bottom water and that changes in the diatom assemblage occurred later, most likely only when meromixis was well developed.This is the 11th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.7′ E, 51°39.3′ N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.  相似文献   

A multi-proxy analysis of two sediment cores from Rantin Lake are used to reconstruct past lake-level changes and to make inferences about millennial-scale variations in precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance in the southern Yukon, Canada between 10,900 and 3,100?cal?yr BP. Analyses of calcium carbonate and organic matter concentration, magnetic susceptibility, titanium content, dry bulk density, and macrofossils are used to reconstruct water-level changes. The development of sand layers and deformed sediments at the deep-water core site (i.e. Core A-06) prior to ~10,900?cal?yr BP suggest that lake level was lower at this time. Fine-grained organic sediment deposited from 10,600 to 9,500?cal?yr BP indicates a rise in lake level. The formation of an unconformity at the shallow cores site (Core C-06) and the deposition of shallow-water calcium carbonate-rich facies at the Core A-06 site between ~9,500 and ~8,500?cal?yr BP suggest lower lake levels at this time. Shallow-water facies gradually transition into a sand layer that likely represents shoreline reworking during an extreme lowstand that occurred at ~8,400?cal?yr BP. Following this low water level, fine-grained organic-rich sediment formed by ~8,200?cal?yr BP, suggesting deeper water conditions at core site A-06. Calcium carbonate concentrations are relatively low in sediment deposited from ~6,300 to 3,100?cal?yr BP in Core A-06, indicating that lake level was comparatively higher during the middle and late Holocene. In general, results from this study suggest that the early Holocene was characterized by high P/E from ~10,500 to 9,500?cal?yr BP, low P/E from ~9,500 to 8,400?cal?yr BP, and return to higher P/E from ~8,200 to 3,100?cal?yr BP.  相似文献   

Eutrophication, prompted by anthropogenic activities and climate change has led to multiple adverse effects in freshwater systems across the world. As instrumental measurements are typically short, lake sediment proxies of aquatic primary productivity (PP) are often used to extend the observational record of eutrophication back in time. Sedimentary pigments provide specific information on PP and major algal communities, but the records are often limited in the temporal resolution. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) data, in contrast, provide very high seasonal (sub-varve-scale) resolution, but the pigment speciation is limited. Here, we explore a combined approach on varved sediments from the Ponte Tresa basin, southern Switzerland, taking the advantages of both methods (HSI and high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) with the goal to reconstruct the recent eutrophication history at seasonal to interannual resolution. We propose a modified scheme for the calibration of HSI data (here: Relative Absorption Band Depth between 590 and 730 nm RABD590–730) and HPLC-inferred pigment concentrations (here: ‘green pigments’ {chlorophyll a and pheophytin a}) and present a calibration model (R2?=?0.82; RMSEP?~?12%). The calibration range covers >?98% of the spectral index values of all individual pixels (68 µm?×?68 µm) in the sediment core. This allows us to identify and quantify extreme pigment concentrations related to individual major algal blooms, to identify multiple algal blooms within one season, and to assess interannual variability of PP. Prior to the 1930s, ‘green pigment’ concentrations and fluxes (~?50 µg g?1;?~?2 µg cm?2a?1, chlorophyll a and pheophytin a) and interannual variability was very low. From the 1930s to 1964, chlorophyll a and pheophytin a increased by a factor of ~?4, and ββ-carotene appeared in substantial amounts (~?0.4 µg cm?2a?1). Interannual variability increased markedly and a first strong algal bloom with ‘green pigment’ concentrations as high as 700 µg g?1 is observed in 1958. Peak eutrophication (~?12 µg cm?2a?1 chlorophyll a and pheophytin a) and very high interannual variability with extreme algal blooms (‘green pigment’ concentrations up to 1400 µg g?1) is observed until ca. 1990, when eutrophication decreases slightly. Maximum PP values after 2009 are likely the result of internal nutrient cycling related to repeated deep mixing of the lake.  相似文献   

We analysed photosynthetic pigments in annually laminated sediment of meromictic Lake La Cruz, Spain, to cope with the timing and characterisation of primary productivity changes over the last four centuries. The photosynthetic pigments identified included chlorophyll a and b (and its derivatives) and specific carotenoids of different algal groups, such as zeaxanthin, lutein, alloxanthin, diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin among others. Marker pigments of phototrophic sulfur bacteria were also observed, including bacteriochlorophyll a derivatives, homologue series of bacteriophaeophytins d and bacterial carotenoids okenone and chlorobactene. We investigated the diagenetic processes of pigment alteration in anoxic sediments and the possible implications for paleoproductivity reconstruction and interpretation. The lack of systematic down-core changes in diagenetic indicators suggests that variability of sedimentary pigment concentrations is the result of changes in lake productivity. The lower concentration of algal photosynthetic pigments in the bottom of sediment sequence corresponds to the onset of meromictic conditions. Before that, sediment was not continuously anoxic and the preservation of pigments was reduced. Regarding photosynthetic bacteria, green sulfur bacteria derivatives indicate that population growth was limited until the settled organic matter was sufficient to provide enough sulphide. Moreover, the presence of bacterioviridine, an oxidised derivative of bacteriochlorophyll a, suggest the competitive relation among photosynthetic bacteria. The high relative abundance of zeaxanthin indicates the dominance of picocyanobacteria in the primary productivity over the last centuries. Fluctuations of the pigment signal observed in the sediment sequence during the meromictic period were well correlated with fluctuations of solar activity.  相似文献   

Lake Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America, is a promising site for paleolimnological study of past climate change, tectonic and volcanic activity, and pre-Columbian agriculture in the region. It is near the northern limit of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which brings the rainy season to the tropics, so effects of decreasing precipitation due to southern migration of the ITCZ through the Holocene should be observable. Because fault zones and an active volcano lie within the lake, the long-term impact of tectonic and volcanic activity can also be examined. Finally, the fertile volcanic soils near the lake may have encouraged early agriculture. We analyzed diatoms, biogenic silica (BSi), total organic carbon (TOC), water content, volcanic glass, and magnetic susceptibility in a sediment core from Lake Nicaragua with eleven accelerator mass spectroscopy radiocarbon dates, spanning ~5,700 years. Sediment accumulation rates decreased from the bottom to the top of the core, indicating a general drying trend through the Holocene. An increase in eutrophic diatom abundance suggests that pre-Columbian agriculture impacted the lake as early as ~5,400 cal yr BP. Above a horizon of coarser grains deposited sometime between ~5,200 and 1,600 cal yr BP, planktonic diatoms increased and remained dominant to the top of the core, indicating that water depth permanently increased. Although magnetic susceptibility peaked and water content dipped at the coarse horizon, volcanic glass fragments did not increase, suggesting that the coarse horizon and subsequent increase in water depth were caused by tectonic rather than by volcanic activity. Decreased accumulation rates of BSi and TOC indicate that water became clearer when depth increased.  相似文献   

This work deals with changes recorded by lacustrine sediments from SW Anatolia in Turkey in the context of increasing stress on the Mediterranean environment in relation to human-climate-environmental interactions. Paleolimnological investigations were carried out on Lake Burdur (Lake District geographical subregion of Turkey), which has been subject to rapid changes in its hydrological system that caused a ~10-m water-level drop in the last 30 years. Study of a 5-m-long sediment core, taken from the recently dried out part of the lake, shows significant variation in granulometry, clay mineralogy, nitrogen and organic carbon content and its isotopic composition (?13Corg) throughout the sedimentary sequence, which represents the last 2,300 years. Chronology is based on radiocarbon dates obtained from plant fragments. The results provide a record of environmental changes, including biological productivity and erosion intensity, in relation to changes in water level and humidity of the area. The lowest previous water level, which is the same as observed today, occurred at approximately 300 BC, after which time a water-level increase led to a maximum stage between AD 200 and 1200. From AD 1200 to the present, the climate became drier accompanied by an overall lowering of water level, with periods of water-level fluctuations superimposed. The lake never dried out as is observed today at the coring site. The present drop in the lake water level is attributed to human activity rather than to climate change. This record of climate and environmental change in the Lake Burdur area appears to be stratigraphically complete. This study provides rare data for the late Holocene in Anatolia as well as information about rapid climate changes during specific periods. The influence of both the Northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation and Indian monsoon on the east Mediterranean remains unclear. Nevertheless, the North Sea—Caspian atmospheric teleconnection could be an important factor that explains local differences in climatic evolution of Anatolia during the period considered.  相似文献   

Analyses of lithology, organic-matter content, magnetic susceptibility, and pollen in a sediment core from Okpilak Lake, located in the northeastern Brooks Range, provide new insights into the history of climate, landscape processes, and vegetation in northern Alaska since 14,500?cal?year BP. The late-glacial interval (>11,600?cal?year BP) featured sparse vegetation cover and the erosion of minerogenic sediment into the lake from nearby hillslopes, as evidenced by Cyperaceae-dominated pollen assemblages and high magnetic susceptibility (MS) values. Betula expanded in the early Holocene (11,600?C8,500?cal?year BP), reducing mass wasting on the landscape, as reflected by lower MS. Holocene sediments contain a series of silt- and clay-dominated layers, and given their physical characteristics and the topographic setting of the lake on the braided outwash plain of the Okpilak River, the inorganic layers are interpreted as rapidly deposited fluvial sediments, likely associated with intervals of river aggradation, changes in channel planform, and periodic overbank flow via a channel that connects the river and lake. The episodes of fluvial dynamics and aggradation appear to have been related to regional environmental variability, including a period of glacial retreat during the early Holocene, as well as glacial advances in the middle Holocene (5,500?C5,200?cal?year BP) and during the Little Ice Age (500?C400?cal?year BP). The rapid deposition of multiple inorganic layers during the early Holocene, including thick layers at 10,900?C10,000 and 9,400?C9,200?cal?year BP, suggests that it was a particularly dynamic interval of fluvial activity and landscape change.  相似文献   

Early Miocene transpressional wrenching yielded a series of NW–SE-elongated pull-apart basins in the Dinarides of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They accommodated a huge lake system that gave rise to spectacular endemic mollusk radiation. Lake Sinj, moderately sized at 342 km2, flooded the south-westernmost basin of this system. Due to the karstic environment, the hard-water, alkaline, long-lived lake developed a sediment infill with an average thickness of 370 m, dominated by authigenic limestone. The studied section represents the upper third of the basinal infill and provides detailed insights into the critical period of the lake and of the basinal evolution during the final stages of its filling. It comprises two large-scale, shallowing-upward cycles, both starting with fossil-poor limestones, gradually passing into coal-bearing carbonate rocks and coal seams. The fossil-poor intervals are interpreted as phases of repetitive acidification events due to changing lake level, which induced periodic drying and flooding of the uppermost littoral zone inhabited by starfruit (Damasonium) meadows. The flooding of the aerated, limy mud plain introduced H+ ions from organic-matter decay reactions into the shallow lake. This decreased its pH level, with catastrophic consequences for its biota. The ecosystem then stabilized during the orbitally-forced, dry climate phases. Based on the mollusk record, streams still influenced the marginal lake environment and rich organic-matter production created swamps and mires. The onset of mollusk radiation in the section correlates with stabilized lake alkalinity, as indicated by the disappearance of starfruits, ongoing authigenic carbonate production and by coal seams representing textbook examples for coal formation in alkaline environments. The inferred basinal setting fits well with the pull-apart basin model, pointing to the presence of an extended shallow ramp in front of a steep, fault-induced hillside of the hinterland.  相似文献   

The computer simulation of a Lake Baikal seismic profile located in the Selenga River Delta area resulted in a lake level record of the last 600 kyr. This curve demonstrates several low-magnitude episodes and both a dramatic 300 m fall and a more than 150 m increase of the lake level relative to present situation. The greatest change in paleo-lake depth at 300 ka corresponds in time with the major glaciation in the Eastern Siberia and is probably the response of the lake to this climatic phenomenon. The results of this study conform with existing hypotheses on the regional tectonic history and climatic events.  相似文献   

Lake Fidler is an ectogenic meromictic lake with a monimolimnion maintained by periodic incursions of brackish water from the lower Gordon River estuary. A dam across the middle reaches of the Gordon River has restricted these incursions of brackish water and meromictic stability has rapidly declined. A palaeolimnological study was carried in order to assess the historical development of meromixis and the impact of the dam on the microbiological communities in the lake. Fossil pigments in a 17 m sediment core were analysed using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (rp-HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, taphonomic studies of pigment production, deposition and degradation in the water column and surface sediments were used to identify planktonic and benthic pigment degradation processes and constrain the stratigraphic interpretation. Results comparing the pigment composition of pelagic sediment traps and littoral surface sediments indicated that the core from the centre of the lake would permit a historical reconstruction of planktonic bacterial and algal communities. Marked increases in prokaryotic pigments ca 3500 yr B.P. suggested the possible colonisation of a chemocline by phototrophic bacteria. Further changes in chlorophyll: carotenoid ratios and changes in relative abundances of both chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll c derivatives also indicated that a change in the depositional environment had occurred; possibly due to altered stratification or anoxia. From this we infer the onset of either intermittent or permanent meromixis. Further increases in prokaryotic pigment abundance suggested that the present state of permanent meromixis was firmly established by 2070 ±50 14C yr B.P., and diatom analysis confirmed the development of a stable mixolimnion. High resolution studies of the top 10 cm of sediments measured pigments in mean concentrations of 15.1 ng g-1 with a mean S.D. of only 2.78 indicating little change in pigment abundance since the construction of the dam. Thus, Lake Fidler still retains most of the features of meromixis. However, evidence from nearby Lake Morrison and Sulphide Pool has shown that any further declines in meromictic stability will cause a rapid reversion to holomixis. Palaeolimnological evidence from the early stages of meromictic development of Lake Fidler suggests that such reversion to holomixis may not permanently eliminate all the microbiological communities, and that, given time, they may return and prosper with re-establishment of a suitable chemocline. These studies will guide recommendations for a management strategy to prevent the further decay of meromixis in the Gordon River lakes.  相似文献   

Climatic and environmental changes since the last glacial period are important to our understanding of global environmental change. There are few records from Southern Tibet, one of the most climatically sensitive areas on earth. Here we present a study of the lake sediments (TC1 core) from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet. Two sediment cores were drilled using a hydraulic borer in Terrace 1 of Lake Chen Co. AMS 14C dating of the sediments showed that the sequence spanned >30,000 years. Analyses of present lake hydrology indicated that glacier melt water is very important to maintaining the lake level. Sediment variables such as grain size, TOC, TN, C/N, Fe/Mn, CaCO3, and pollen were analyzed. Warm and moderately humid conditions dominated during the interval 30,000–26,500 cal year BP. From 26,500 to 20,000 cal year BP, chemical variables and pollen assemblages indicate a cold/dry environment, and pollen amounts and assemblages suggest a decline in vegetation. From 20,000 to 18,000 cal year BP, the environment shifted from cold/dry to warm/humid and vegetation rebounded. The environment transitioned to cold/humid during 16,500–10,500 cal year BP, with a cold/dry event around 14,500 cal year BP. After 10,500 cal year BP, the environment in this region tended to be warm/dry, but exhibited three stages. From 10,500 to 9,000 cal year BP, there was a short warm/humid period, but a shift to cold/dry conditions occurred around 9,000 cal year BP. Thereafter, from 9,000 to 6,000 cal year BP, there was a change from cold/dry to warm/humid conditions, with the warmest period around 6,000 cal year BP. After 6,000 cal year BP, the environment cooled rapidly, but then displayed a warming trend. Chemical variables indicate that a relatively warm/dry event occurred around 5,500–5,000 cal year BP, which is supported by time-lagged pollen assemblages around 4,800 cal year BP. Our lake sediment sequence exhibits environmental changes since 30,000 cal year BP, and most features agree with records from the Greenland GISP2 ice core and with other sequences from the Tibetan Plateau. This indicates that environmental changes inferred from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet were globally significant.  相似文献   

A 4450-year sequence of varves, spanning the entire Neoglacialinterval, has been recovered from Hector Lake, Alberta. The varve record is compared to records of regional glacial history toevaluate therelationship between alpine glacial activity and sediment production. Glacial controls on sediment production vary with the timescale considered. Long-term variations in sedimentation rate, of centuries to millennial duration, reflect changes in ice extent of the same timescale. Superimposed on these long-term changes is decadal-scale variability that is complexly related to upvalley ice extent. Over the short term, high sedimentation rates may be associated with glacier maximum stands, or with periods of glacier advance or recession. Overthe last millennium at least, highest sedimentation rates appear to have been associated with transitional periods, preceding or post-dating maximum ice stands, rather than with times of maximum ice extent.  相似文献   

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