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A data-driven model has been developed to analyse the long-term evolution of a sandbank system and to make ensemble predictions in a period of 8 years. The method uses a combination of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, (to define spatial and temporal patterns of variability), jack-knife resampling, (to generate an ensemble of EOFs), a causal auto-regression technique, (to extrapolate the temporal eigenfunctions), and straightforward statistical analysis of the resulting ensemble of predictions to determine a ‘forecast’ and associated uncertainty. The methodology has been applied to a very demanding site which includes a curved shoreline and a group of mobile nearshore sandbanks. The site is on the eastern coast of the UK and includes the Great Yarmouth sandbanks and neighbouring shoreline. A sequence of 33 high quality historical survey charts reaching back to 1848 have been used to analyse the patterns and to predict morphological evolution of the sandbank system. The forecasts demonstrate an improved skill relative to an assumption of persistence, but suffer in locations where there are propagating features in the morphology that are not well-described by EOFs.  相似文献   

北极海冰密集度预报对大气强迫敏感性的个例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A regional Arctic configuration of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MIT-gcm) is used as the coupled ice-ocean model for forecasting sea ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean at the Na-tional Marine Environmental Forecasting Center of China (NMEFC), and the numerical weather prediction from the National Center for Environmental Prediction Global Forecast System (NCEP GFS) is used as the atmospheric forcing. To improve the sea ice forecasting, a recently developed Polar Weather Research and Forecasting model (Polar WRF) model prediction is also tested as the atmospheric forcing. Their forecasting performances are evaluated with two different satellite-derived sea ice concentration products as initializa-tions: (1) the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) and (2) the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E). Three synoptic cases, which represent the typical atmospheric circulations over the Arctic Ocean in summer 2010, are selected to carry out the Arctic sea ice numerical forecasting experiments. The evaluations suggest that the forecasts of sea ice concentrations using the Polar WRF atmo-spheric forcing show some improvements as compared with that of the NCEP GFS.  相似文献   

This paper reports two specific improvements in the finite-dimensional nonlinear dynamical modeling of marine thrusters. Previously reported four-quadrant models have employed thin airfoil theory considering only axial fluid flow and using sinusoidal lift/drag curves. First, we present a thruster model incorporating the effects of rotational fluid velocity and inertia on thruster response. Second, we report a novel method for experimentally determining nonsinusoidal lift/drag curves. The model parameters are identified using experimental thruster data (force, torque, and fluid velocity). The models are evaluated by comparing experimental performance data with numerical model simulations. The data indicates that thruster models incorporating both reported enhancements provide superior accuracy in both transient and steady-state responses  相似文献   

金属大气腐蚀实验方法进展与研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金属材料及其制品与所处的自然环境间因环境因素的作用而引起材料变质或破坏称为金属材料的大气腐蚀。金属材料的大气腐蚀机制主要是材料受大气中所含的水分、氧气和腐蚀性介质的联合作用而引起的破坏。按腐蚀反应可分为化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀两种,在干燥无水分的大气环境中发生的腐蚀属化学腐蚀,其它情况下均属于电化学腐蚀,但它又别于全浸在电解液中的电化学腐蚀,它是在电解液薄膜下的电化学腐蚀,水膜的厚度及干湿交变频率、氧的扩散速度等因素,都影响着大气腐蚀的过程与速度。  相似文献   

This paper examines dynamical models for bladed-propeller-type marine thrusters. Previously reported thruster dynamics models are reviewed, and a simplified model is proposed. Experimental testing of both the transient and steady-state performance of a marine thruster corroborates previously reported data, validates the simplified thruster model, and raises new questions. A companion paper reports preliminary experiments in the design and testing of thrust controllers which incorporate the dynamical thruster models described in the present paper  相似文献   

In this paper, an ice floe inner stress caused by the wave-induced bending moment is derived to estimate the stress failure of ice floe. The strain and stress failures are combined to establish a wave-induced ice yield scheme. We added ice stress and strain failure module in the Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM), which already includes module of ice-induced wave attenuation. Thus a fully coupled wave-ice dynamical interaction model is established based on the ice and wave modules of FVCOM. This model is applied to reproduce the ice and wave fields of the breakup events observed during the second Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem Experiment (SIPEX-2) voyage. The simulation results show that by adopting the combined wave-induced ice yield scheme, the model can successfully predict the ice breakup events, which the strain failure model is unable to predict. By comparing the critical significant wave height deduced from strain and stress failure schemes, it is concluded that the ice breakup is caused by the strain failure when wave periods are shorter than a threshold value, while the stress failure is the main reason for the ice breakup when wave periods are longer than the threshold value. Neglecting either of these two ice-break inducement mechanisms could overestimate the ice floe size, and thus underestimate the velocity of the ice lateral melt and increase the error of simulation of polar ice extent.  相似文献   

利用中国"海洋一号(HY-1B)"卫星海洋水色水温扫描仪(COCTS)和美国Terra卫星中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)等观测数据对2011年3月2日济州岛东南海域的冯·卡门(von Kármán)大气涡街现象进行了观测和动力分析。COCTS和MODIS观测得到大气涡街涡列距离和涡旋间距比(h/a)均值分别为0.32和0.35;在大气涡街发生海域存在低风速海面风涡旋和海面温度暖舌;济州岛的大气垂直结构存在一逆温层。利用COCTS和MODIS伪彩色合成图观测时间差异,计算得到涡旋移动速率为12.2 m/s,而分别利用它们各自的几何观测参数(h/a),结合涡街动力模型计算得到涡旋移动速率分别为12.8 m/s和12.3 m/s。利用上述观测结果计算得到大气涡街个例的脱落频率为1.24×10-4 s-1,脱落周期为134 min,其中雷诺数范围为60~75,涡街运动学黏性系数范围为2 200~2 750,弗劳德数为0.10,罗斯比数为0.43。分析结果表明中国"海洋一号"卫星数据可用于冯·卡门大气涡街等海洋大气现象的定量化研究。  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a numerical method for a 3D linear hydroelastic analysis of floating structures with liquid tanks subjected to surface regular water waves and compare the numerical results with experimental tests. Considering direct couplings among structural motion, sloshing, and water waves, a mathematical formulation and a numerical method extended from a recent work [1] are developed. The finite element method is employed for the floating structure and internal fluid in tanks, and the boundary element method is used for the external fluid. The resulting formulation completely incorporates all the interaction terms including hydrostatic stiffness and the irregular frequency effect is removed by introducing the extended boundary integral equations. Through various numerical tests, we verify the proposed numerical method. We also performed 3D hydroelastic experimental tests of a floating production unit (FPU) model in an ocean basin. The measured dynamic motions are compared with the numerical results obtained using the proposed method.  相似文献   

The Tait-Gibson parameter, B1, and the refractive index of seawater are estimated from binary solution data. The predicted and experimental values agree closely. The maximum deviations, at S = 40‰, are 1.7 bars for B1 and 0.0001 for the refractive index. The results show that binary solution data, analysed on the basis of the Tammann-Tait-Gibson model for aqueous solutions, can be used to predict the properties of seawater of composition different to that of standard seawater.  相似文献   

The decomposition rates of Phragmites australis and Fucus vesiculosus were experimentally determined in an estuarine system using the leaf-bag technique. The study was conducted in fifteen sites arranged in five areas, extending from freshwater, outside the tidal range, to the marine environment, near the mouth of the estuary. The leaf-bags (5 mm mesh), were set up with 3.0 g of dried substrate, submerged in the experimental sites at day 0 and collected at days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60, to follow biomass loss. The biomass loss through the leaching phase (day 3) was about 16% for Phragmites australis and 33% for Fucus vesiculosus and was independent of salinity for both substrates. The difference in the remaining biomass between the two species increased with time and the decomposition rates differed along the salinity gradient. For F. vesiculosus, the decomposition rate was highest near the mouth of the estuary, corresponding to the preferential distribution area of the algae, and decreased towards freshwater. For Phragmites australis, the fastest decay was observed in the mid estuary, where Phragmites australis occurs naturally, confirming previous studies. The decomposition rates measured at different time intervals (0–15, 0–30 and 0–60 days) were always higher for the algae and decreased with time for both species. These results indicate that the use of decomposition rates as a measure of ecosystem integrity or quality status in transitional waters will not be straightforward and must take into account, among others, the test species, the study area positioning along the estuarine gradient, and the time interval for the calculation of the decomposition rate.  相似文献   

Based on atmospheric precipitation monitoring data for Moscow, we have revealed a number of episodes when the content of hydrocarbonates repeatedly surpasses the equilibrium level. These facts are associated with the complex structure of precipitation, which is caused by differences in the chemical composition of condensation nuclei. As a result, the underlying surface involves two groups of drops with acidities of different nature. The acidity of the first (“metal”) group is determined by the carbonate equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 and dissolved carbonates of alkaline and alkaline earth metals. The acidity of the second (“ammonium”) group is characterized by the balance between ammonia absorbed from the air and atmospheric acids. Because of this, the precipitation acidity measured during the monitoring is regulated not only in the air but also in the condensate collector. The mixing of the metal and ammonium groups of precipitation is accompanied by only a partial conversion of hydrocarbonates into dissolved CO2. Its termination is hindered when CO2 actually ceases to enter the atmosphere due to mass-exchange deceleration. As a result, the content of hydrocarbonates in the collector exceeds the equilibrium level. Some estimates indicate that the acidity of the ammonia component of precipitation can be much higher than the acidity according to monitoring data. This should be taken into account in estimating the health and environmental impacts. The true level of acid rain hazard can be estimated only by measuring the acidity of individual drops, whereas the results obtained with modern tools of monitoring can underestimate this hazard.  相似文献   

There remains little understanding of the relationship between the ecologies of urban habitats (pilings and pontoons) and natural habitats (rocky reef) for sessile plants and animals (epibiota) living on urbanised coasts. This study describes the structure of subtidal assemblages of epibiota among pilings, pontoons and adjacent rocky reef in Sydney Harbour, Australia. I tested the prediction that the experimental provision of substrata of the same age and composition in all three habitats would produce assemblages that: (1) differed among all three habitats; and (2) differed most on floating pontoons relative to the two fixed habitats (pilings and reef). As predicted, the results suggested that both pilings and pontoons, particularly the latter, create novel habitats for epibiotic assemblages independent of age and composition of substratum. It is not fully understood why these urban structures act as such different habitats from natural rocky reefs. The important point is that they are different and we are yet to understand the implications of this for the ecology of coastal areas subject to urbanisation.  相似文献   

In this article, impact pressure in the case of shallow water sloshing is investigated experimentally and numerically for forced rolling motion. The maximum values of impact pressures have been found for a frequency lower than the first sloshing frequency. Experimental results are compared with numerical ones obtained using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The influence of viscosity and of density re-initialization on the SPH results are discussed. A new method for calculating the pressure on walls with SPH is presented.  相似文献   

This paper studies the vibrational nonlinear dynamics of nitrous oxide with Fermi coupling between the symmetric stretching and bending coordinates by classical dynamical potential approach. This is a global approach in the sense that the overall dynamics is evidenced by the classical nonlinear variables such as the fixed points and the focus are on a set of levels instead of individual ones. The dynamics of nitrous oxide is demonstrated to be not so much dependent on the excitation energy. Moreover, the localized bending mode is shown to be ubiquitous in all the energy range studied.  相似文献   

The electric state of the middle-latitude convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is investigated during a point in time when it is not disturbed by clouds, precipitation, mist, or industrial aerosols. A numerical model is developed that estimates the electroaerodynamic state of the convective ABL. The model is parameterized using results of field observations and laboratory experiments. According to the model, vertical profiles of atmospheric electric field strength, space charge density, electric conductivity, and atmospheric electric current density are calculated in the horizontally homogeneous approximation with a high space-time resolution.  相似文献   

Submesoscale processes in marginal seas usually have complex generating mechanisms, highly dependent on the local background flow and forcing. This numerical study investigates the spatial and seasonal differences of submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of the South China Sea (SCS) and the different dynamical regimes for sub-regions. The spatial and seasonal variations of vertical vorticity, horizontal convergence, lateral buoyancy gradient, and strain rate are analyzed to compare the submesoscale phenomenon within four sub-regions, the northern region near the Luzon Strait (R1), the middle ocean basin (R2), the western SCS (R3), and the southern SCS (R4). The results suggest that the SCS submesoscale processes are highly heterogeneous in space, with different seasonalities in each sub-region. The submesoscale activities in the northern sub-regions (R1, R2) are active in winter but weak in summer, while there appears an almost seasonal anti-phase in the western region (R3) compared to R1 and R2. Interestingly, no clear seasonality of submesoscale features is shown in the southern region (R4). Further analysis of Ertel potential vorticity reveals different generating mechanisms of submesoscale processes in different sub-regions. Correlation analyses also show the vertical extent of vertical velocity and the role of monsoon in generating submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of sub-regions. All these results suggest that the sub-regions have different regimes for submesoscale processes, e.g., Kuroshio intrusion (R1), monsoon modulation (R2), frontal effects (R3), topography wakes (R4).  相似文献   

On the basis of the approximate analytical solution for the nonlinear shallow water equations of Antuono and Brocchini [M. Antuono & M. Brocchini, The boundary value problem for the nonlinear shallow water equation, Stud. Appl. Maths, 119, 71–91 (2007).], we propose useful regression curves for the prediction of maximum run-up and dynamical forces in the swash zone on a frictionless, uniformly sloping beach. For the first time the dependence of the results on both the wave height and the wave steepness is analyzed in detail providing formulae able to describe a wide class of wave inputs. Finally, the regression formulae are validated through comparison with maximum run-up laws and breaking conditions already available in the literature, the present model results appearing to better account for nonlinear effects.  相似文献   

The sea level variabilities, especially the atmosphere-driven sea level variabilities, which are diff erent in studies on diverse areas and timescales, need to be further documented in the Bohai Bay. Coastal sea level data and coincident meteorological data collected hourly at two observation stations (E1 and E2) in the Bohai Bay, which is a typical semi-enclosed coastal sea in China, are analyzed for the period from 19 August 2014 to 18 November 2014. The sub-sampled low-pass (<0.8 cpd) sea levels (SLSLs) at E1 and E2 are almost the same as each other, while the winds are not. On the whole, SLSLs at E1 and E2 are dominantly influenced by the across-shore wind;in detail, the dominant wind orientation at E1 is 65° measured clockwise from north, and SLSL at E2 is significantly influenced by the sub-sampled wind (SW) at 55°. Regression of SLSL onto the corresponding SW in dominant orientation and the atmospheric pressure is used to predict SLSL, which make the frequency of occurrences when the predicted total sea level is within 0.15 m from the observed values increase to 66.03% and 58.08% at E1 and E2 from original 36.71% and 34.80% without using it, respectively. The results indicate that for the prediction of the total sea level variability in the coastal shallow waters, the SLSL influenced by the atmospheric forcing, including local wind and atmospheric pressure, can be predicted using the multivariable linear regression model.  相似文献   

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