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以初始体质量为(12.2±0.01)g的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)为实验对象,进行为期56 d的摄食生长实验,在基础饲料中添加240 mg/kg的稀土(Rare earth elements,REE),研究了REE对大菱鲆生长和非特异性免疫力的影响。结果表明:饲料中添加稀土后,大菱鲆的成活率提了8.95%,特定生长率提高了15.79%,增重率提高了26.88%,而饲料系数显著低于对照组(P<0.05);饲料中添加稀土喂养的大菱鲆血液中性粒细胞的吞噬指数和超氧化歧化酶活性高于对照组。同时,饲料中添加稀土后,大菱鲆抵抗迟缓爱德华氏菌感染的能力增强。因此,在饲料中添加REE,能够显著提高大菱鲆的生长和非特异性免疫力。  相似文献   

重金属胁迫对纤细角毛藻生长及叶绿素荧光特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同浓度的重金属离子(Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 )胁迫不同时间(24,48,72和96 h)后,纤细角毛藻生长及叶绿素荧光特性的变化情况.测定的主要参数有:PSII最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm),PSII的潜在活性(Fv/Fo),PSII实际光能转化效率(Yield=ΦPSII),相对光合电子传递效率(rETR),光化学淬灭(qP)和非光化学淬灭(NPQ).实验结果表明,重金属离子(Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 )胁迫下纤细角毛藻的叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,Yield和rETR均明显降低,并且随着重金属离子浓度的增加,胁迫时间的延长,下降幅度逐步增大;重金属胁迫下,细胞密度和叶绿素含量也显著降低.3种重金属离子的半抑制浓度(EC50)的计算结果表明,胁迫时间为24和48 h时,3种重金属离子对纤细角毛藻各叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,Yield,Chll content)的毒性大小顺序为Cu2 >Zn2 >Cd2 ;胁迫时间为72和96 h时,3种重金属离子的毒性大小顺序为Cd2 >Cu2 >Zn2 .本文还对叶绿素荧光技术在检测微藻对重金属胁迫敏感性中的应用进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

通过2017年5月闽浙沿岸附近海域航次的温度、盐度和溶解态稀土元素(Rare Earth Elements,REEs)的实测数据,对该海域溶解态REEs的分布、配分模式以及主要影响原因进行了分析。结果表明:研究区域,盐度随着采样站位离岸距离的增加而增大。溶解态REEs则呈现近岸高而远岸低的分布特点。造成这种分布状况的原因:一是近岸陆源河流的输入导致近岸盐度低,REEs浓度高;二是受到高温高盐水(台湾暖流水和黑潮次表层水)的入侵,造成远岸盐度高而溶解态REEs元素浓度低。不同站位的溶解态REEs的配分模式有明显区别。近岸低盐站位由北向南,重稀土元素富集程度逐渐增大,反映了陆源不同河流的输入。通过溶解态REEs的配分模式发现,远岸高盐站位会受到台湾暖流和黑潮次表层水的共同影响。  相似文献   

球形棕囊藻具有异型的生活史,能够在单细胞和囊体两种不同形态之间转换。球形棕囊藻藻华现场发现,囊体有时附着在角毛藻上。为研究角毛藻对囊体形成的影响和机制,进行球形棕囊藻和小角毛藻的共培养实验,观察球形棕囊藻囊体的形成和生长状况,研究小角毛藻对球形棕囊藻囊体形成的影响。结果证明:混合培养下,小角毛藻和球形棕囊藻的囊体附着在一起,在较短的生存周期内,囊体的密度明显高于单独培养时的密度;而单独培养体系下,棕囊藻单细胞密度和囊体体积均高于混合培养,囊体的存在时间较长。小角毛藻的存在对囊体的形成具有促进效应,这对于球形棕囊藻囊体具有重要的生态意义。硅藻的存在更能体现球形棕囊藻竞争优势。  相似文献   

以初始体质量为(12.2±0.01)g的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)为实验对象,进行为期56 d的摄食生长实验,在基础饲料中添加240 mg/kg的稀土(Rare earth elements,REE),研究了REE对大菱鲆生长和非特异性免疫力的影响.结果表明:饲料中添加稀上后,大菱鲆的成活率提了8.95%,特定生长率提高了 15.79%,增重率提高了26.88%,而饲料系数显著低于对照组(P<0.05);饲料中添加稀土喂养的大菱鲆血液中性粒细胞的吞噬指数和超氧化歧化酶活性高于对照组.同时,饲料中添加稀土后,大菱鲆抵抗迟缓爱德华氏菌感染的能力增强.因此,在饲料中添加REE,能够显著提高大菱鲆的生长和非特异性免疫力.  相似文献   

本文研究了水体中不同形式溶解无机氮(NH_4~+,NO_3~-,NH_4~++NO_3~-)及其含量对牟氏角毛藻和钙质角毛藻胞内活性氮组分(NH_4~+,NO_3~-,AA,Pr,RNA及DNA)的影响。结果表明:角毛藻胞内无机氮储量的大小体现了水体中无机氮的营养水平;培养角毛藻采用混合无机氮比之单一无机氮,其胞内AA和Pr含量较高,AA/Pr值可定量标志水体无机氮的营养水平及藻类本身氮的营养状况;RNA/DNA值是藻类生长增殖状况的指标之一。  相似文献   

热液烟囱物是弧后扩张盆地现代海底热液活动成矿系统的重要产物.冲绳海槽中的伊是名(Izena)海洼Jade热液活动区烟囱物稀土元素特征表现为轻稀土元素相对富集,并具有铕的较强的正异常.87Sr/86Sr和143Nd/144Nd的平均值分别为0.708928和0.512292,介于冲绳海槽海水和海槽酸性浮岩中的值之间.这些特征表明,Jade热液活动区的热液硫化物矿床的成矿物质来源于下伏的酸性火山岩.矿床的成矿机制可描述为:下渗的海水被加热,它与酸性火山岩发生水-岩热化学交换反应时淋滤出大量的成矿物质形成以富含轻稀土元素为特征的热水溶液;当热液喷出并发生快速结晶沉淀时,形成了以具有轻稀土元素相对富集和铕的正异常为特征的铜-锌硫化物和重晶石-非晶质SiO2型矿石.  相似文献   

研究高温胁迫(35~50℃)对三角褐指藻和纤细角毛藻叶绿素荧光动力学的影响。利用调制式叶绿素荧光仪(Wa-ter-PAM)测定了:PSⅡ的最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm);PSⅡ的潜在活性(Fv/Fo);PSⅡ的实际光能转化效率(ΦPSⅡ=yield);光合电子传递效率(ETR);光化学淬灭(qP)和非光化学淬灭(NPQ)等主要参数。结果表明,与对照组相比,高温胁迫下2种硅藻的叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm,Fv/Fo,ΦPSⅡ,ETR和qP均明显降低,并且随着胁迫温度的升高,胁迫时间的延长,下降幅度也逐步增大;NPQ则先升高后下降。另外,还对高温胁迫下2种硅藻的响应机制以及叶绿素荧光技术在筛选耐高温微藻品系中的应用进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The REE compositions of hydrothermal deposits and basalt samples from the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) were determined with ICP-MS.The results show that there are significant differences between different types of samples although all samples show relative LREE enrichment.The contents of REE in hydrothermal sulfides and alterated rocks samples are lower (from 7.036 × 10 6 to 23.660 × 10 6),while those in the white chimney deposits are relatively higher (ranging from 84.496 × 10 6 to 103.511 × 10 6).Both of them are lower than basalts.Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns show that sulfides and alterated rocks samples are characterized by significant positive Eu anomalies.On the contrary,white chimney deposits have obvious negative Eu anomalies,which may be caused by abundant calcite existing in the white chimney samples.Both the content and distribution pattern of REE in sulfides suggest that REE most possibly is originally derived from hydrothermal fluids,but influenced by the submarine reducing ore-forming environment,seawater convection,mineral compositions as well as the constraint of mineral crystallizations.  相似文献   

Fatty acid compositions of two strains of marine diatoms Nitzschia closterium(MACC B222)and Chaetoceros gracilis(MACCB13)have been examined.The microalgae have been grown at different initial NaNO3 concentrations(75,375,750,1125,1500,1875mg/L)and harvested at the late exponential phase.The results by one factor analysis of variance show that the NaNO3 concentrations have no significant influence on the relative growth rate of two stains of marine diatoms;the influence of NaNO3 concentrations on the fatty acids differs from species to species.The major fatty acids of two diatom strains are 14:0,16:0,16:In-7and 20:5n-3(EPA),B13 also has high percentage of 20:4n-6(6.0-9.1%).  相似文献   

The geochemical composition of phosphorites and phosphatic sediments in the Baja California peninsula is studied and used to assess the environment in which phosphogenesis took place. The deposits are classified in three groups: (1) stratified phosphorites, (2) phosphatic sandy sediments from beaches and dunes, and (3) submarine sediments. Some of the elements that might have substituted Ca and PO4 during francolite mineralization were studied by means of ICP-AES. Significant differences are seen in the concentration of these metals (e.g., Cr = 72-406 μg g?1 and V = 17-198 μg g?1), indicating that their concentration is not only controlled by the P2O5 concentration, but also by paleo-environmental conditions existing during francolite precipitation. Shale normalized REE patterns suggest two main environments of formation: (1) a strong negative Ce anomaly (< ? 0.3) and La enrichment (La/Nd ≥ 1) enrichment, suggesting well oxygenated shelf environments and probably lower light REE weathering, and (2) a weak negative Ce anomaly (> ? 0.3) and La depletion (La/Nd ≤ 1) suggesting shallower waters or restricted circulation and probably LREE weathering.  相似文献   

石油烃污染物存在下旋链角毛藻生长的粒度效应初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了在石油烃存在下旋链角毛藻的最大生长速率 ,探讨了石油烃对细胞粒度的影响 ,并在此基础上讨论了细胞生长的粒径效应。结果表明 ,石油烃的存在促进旋链角毛藻的生长 ,促进作用随石油烃浓度的增加先增加后降低 ,添加0 .5mg·dm-3 石油烃的实验组促进作用最大 ;石油烃不改变细胞生长过程中的粒径分布形态 ,粒径分布呈现Gauss分布 ,中值等效球径为 3 .5 4~ 4.42 μm ;μmax与MESDμ 之间存在“U”形曲线的关系 ,即当MESDμ<4.0 9μm时 ,μmax随MESDμ 的增加而降低 ,符合“表面积规则” ,而当MESDμ>4.0 9μm时 ,μmax随MESDμ 的增加 ,偏离了“表面积规则”。  相似文献   

对南黄海中部SYSC-1孔0~30 m段岩芯稀土元素(REE)和粒度进行分析,结合年代测定,研究了沉积物REE组成特征及其影响因素,并对其物质来源变化进行了探讨。结果表明,∑REE含量为111.66~231.12 μg/g,垂向分布变化较大,均值与中国黄土∑REE均值比较接近。∑REE与粒度变化有一定的相关性,但(La/Yb)N、(Gd/Yb)N和(δEu)N等参数受粒级影响较小。稀土元素分异参数有效示踪了物质来源,与周边河流对比发现,SYSC-1孔沉积物(La/Yb)N和(δEu)N散点图分布位置与黄河和长江较为一致,而与朝鲜半岛河流有明显不同。REE判别函数(DF)的物源区分结果表明,钻孔MIS6期经历了一次大的物源转换,沉积物由长江源(27.98~30 m)转为黄河源(24.24~27.98 m)。MIS5.5—MIS5.1期间(24.24~16.98 m)发育了浅水陆架冷水团沉积,主要是长江源细颗粒沉积物被古黄海暖流由南往北携带而来,并在冷涡区附近沉积下来。MIS5.1—MIS1期间(16.98~3 m)的低海平面时间较长,主要发育了一套滨浅海相-河口/潮坪相-三角洲相沉积,随着海平面急剧下降,陆架可容纳空间缩小,导致黄河、长江入海口向陆架区移动,黄河沉积物质控制了钻孔所处的南黄海北部区域。MIS1中晚期,山东半岛沿岸流的形成将黄河沉积物质主要控制在南黄海西部附近海域,而黄海暖流将济州岛西南部泥质区的长江源细颗粒物质搬运至SYSC-1孔附近的冷涡区沉积下来。总体来说,MIS6期以来南黄海中部海域沉积演化是西太平洋边缘海河海相互作用的一个典型范例,海平面波动和海洋环流变化在物源转换过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

A heavy mineral (HM) study and light and heavy rare earth elements (LREE and HREE) analysis were performed in coastal and inland dune sands, El Vizcaino Desert, Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Our study shows high abundances of hornblende and apatite in the El Vizcaino dune sands, suggesting a dominance of granodiorites/intermediate plutonic rocks and marine authigenic phosphorite in the dune sands. There is a relationship between unstable heavy minerals like hornblende, pyroxenes, and sphene, and heavy rare earth elements (HREE) that suggests that unstable heavy minerals are potential carriers of HREE in the dune fields. However, there is a slight depletion of HREE in relation to LREE, especially in one locality of the inland dunes probably associated with the wind regime and weathering of unstable heavy minerals in the sands. Inland, transitional, and coastal dune fields can be observed as different dune provinces by means of grouping HM and REE data in two separate dendograms. It seems that HREE are correlated with fine-grained sand sizes and correlated with high CIA values linked to slightly weathered sands.  相似文献   

为探索深海孔隙水中稀土元素的生物地球化学循环过程,对太平洋菲律宾海九州-帕劳海脊东、西两侧的两个钻孔沉积物进行了高精度的孔隙水采样工作,分析了主、微量元素和稀土元素的地球化学特征,并对稀土元素的浓度、配分模式以及分馏特征进行了详细的讨论。结果表明:这两个钻孔沉积物均处于氧化环境,表现出海水-沉积物界面和浅层孔隙水(2.5~20 cm)中相对富集轻稀土和中稀土,而中层(25~60 cm)和深层沉积物(>65 cm)孔隙水中则相对富集重稀土元素的特征。初步推断有机质和锰(氢)氧化物的分解和吸附作用是造成孔隙水中稀土元素分馏的主要因素。相比于九州-帕劳海脊的东、西两侧海域,孔隙水中的稀土元素浓度和分馏程度存在一定的差异,周围环境中的矿物组成和锰(氢)氧化物等是其主要的控制因素,但是研究区域深海孔隙流体并不能为海洋贡献稀土元素。  相似文献   

海滩是大自然赋予人类宝贵的自然资源,作为著名的海滨旅游城市,日照市拥有丰富的海滩资源。目前,国内对日照市海滩沉积物地球化学特征和物源的研究相对薄弱,掌握海滩沉积物特征对后续海滩保护、海洋管理和滨海旅游业的发展具有重要意义。本文对日照市自北向南4 个海滩5 个探槽所采集的73 个海滩样品,进行了沉积物粒度、常微量和稀土元素测试分析,系统地研究了日照市海滩沉积物的地球化学元素在平面上的变化特征与其物质来源。结果显示,日照市海滩沉积物普遍较粗,以粗砂和中砂为主,自北向南沉积物呈现细-粗-细的变化特征。常量元素以二氧化硅(SiO2) 为主,其次为三氧化二铝(Al2O3) 和氧化钾(K2O)、氧化钠(Na2O)、氧化钙(CaO) 等;微量元素以钡(Ba)、锶(Sr)、锆(Zr) 为主;稀土元素呈现明显的轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损,球粒陨石标准化曲线呈现左高右低的“V”形曲线,铕(Eu) 异常变化范围较大,从正异常-负异常,无明显铈(Ce) 异常。通过与长江、黄河及周边中小型入海河流沉积物的稀土元素对比分析,发现研究区内沉积物物质来源较复杂,主要为陆源物质,受到黄河及周边中小河流的影响程度较高。  相似文献   


A large number of surface sediments as well as short sediment cores collected in the Central Indian Ocean Basin have been subjected to various geochemical investigations during the last one and half decade. The studies varied, covering different aspects of sediments and resulting in a number of publications. In the present article, we have put together the data from 82 surface sediments and 14 short sediment cores, including 25 new analyses, to study the trend of their distribution and source at large. The distribution maps of elements show that highest concentrations of Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, and biogenic opal in the surface sediment occurs between 10°S and 16°S latitude, where diagenetic ferromanganese nodules rich in Mn, Cu, Ni, and Zn are present. The studies highlight that the excess element concentration (detrital unsupported) such as Mn, Cu, Ba, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn have contributed >80% of their respective bulk composition. These excess elements exhibit strong positive correlation with each other suggesting their association with a single authigenic phase such as Mn oxide. Biogenic opal contributes 30–50% of the total silica in the siliceous sediment. Aluminum, Fe, and K have contributed >60% from terrigenous detrital source compared to their bulk composition. In calcareous ooze, Ca, and Sr excess contribute >95% while, in siliceous ooze it is only 50% of their bulk composition. Nearly 35% of structurally unsupported Al in the sediment raises doubt of using Al as a terrigenous index element to normalize the trace and minor elements. Biogenic apatite is evident by the positive correlation between Ca (<1%) and P. Calcium, Sr, and P depict a common source such as biogenic. Bulk element concentration such as Li, V, Cr, Sc, and Zr are positively correlated with Ti indicating their terrigenous detrital source. Rare earth element (REE) concentration increases from calcareous ooze to siliceous ooze and reaches a maximum in the red clay. Presence of positive Eu-anomaly in these sediments has been attributed to aeolian input. REE in these sediments are mostly carried by authigenic phases such as manganese oxide and biogenic apatite. Based on the distribution of transition elements in the sediment cores, three distinct zones—oxic at top, suboxic at intermediate depth, and a subsurface maxima—have been identified. Oxic and suboxic zones are incidentally associated with high and low micronodule abundance in the coarse fraction (>63 μm) respectively. Ash layers encountered at intermediate depth between 10 to 35 cm are correlative with the Youngest Toba eruption of ~74ka from Northern Sumatra. This ash is mainly responsible for the high bulk Al/Ti ratio up to 48.5 (three times higher than Post Archean Australian Shale), other than scavenging of dissolved Al by biogenic components.  相似文献   

通过对马来半岛东部彭亨河28个站位和吉兰丹河22个站位表层沉积物进行稀土元素(REE)测试,对比分析了稀土元素的组成特征和分布规律,探讨了稀土元素组成的控制因素和物源示踪意义。结果表明,彭亨河沉积物稀土元素含量介于24.88~304.29 μg/g之间,平均含量为165.22 μg/g,吉兰丹河沉积物中稀土元素含量介于126.02~281.40 μg/g之间,平均值为181.15 μg/g。彭亨河大部分沉积物上陆壳(UCC)标准化模式为重稀土相对轻稀土富集,吉兰丹河沉积物轻重稀土无明显分异。沉积物源岩和矿物组成对两条河流的REE组成起到了重要的控制作用,化学风化对彭亨河REE组成的影响大于吉兰丹河,而彭亨河沉积物粒度组成显著差异也导致了其REE含量变化范围更大。δEuUCC-(Gd/Yb)UCC关系图中彭亨河和吉兰丹河沉积物分区明显,表明其可作为定性判别两条河流来源的有效指标,并可用于海区沉积物来源的示踪和定量识别。  相似文献   

南黄海中部沉积岩心的稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据南黄海中部所取得的3个柱状样岩心资料,对该区域的稀土元素地球化学特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:地层中稀土元素含量的变化反映了物源环境,为地层划分提供了有效的信息;相关分析表明,稀土元素与Ti,Co,Ni,Fe等元素呈正相关,而与Ca,Sr等元素呈负相关;球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素(REE)分布模式也表明了研究区沉积环境有一次较大的变化;稀土元素的富集因子和判别函数研究表明,该区域的物质来源可能与黄河的物质较为密切。  相似文献   

本文对广东省近岸10个典型海湾的表层沉积物进行了系统的稀土元素(rare earth elements,REE)测试和分析,以期发现沉积物的物源组成特征及其控制因素。研究结果表明,同一海湾内沉积物的稀土丰度差异不明显,但不同海湾之间具有一定的差别(133.58—251.77mg.kg 1)。球粒陨石标准化配分曲线表现出轻稀土(La到Eu)富集、重稀土(Gd到Lu)亏损、δEu负异常等典型的陆源沉积物特征;PAAS(Post-Archean Australian Shale)标准化配分模式显示出明显的中稀土(Sm到Ho)富集特征,与已报道的国内河流沉积物REE特征相似。海湾沉积物与入海河流沉积物及流域内的原岩组成特征的比较说明,后者对海湾沉积物的控制作用明显。REE配分曲线的一致性和中稀土富集特征表明海湾沉积物主要来自汇入海湾的山溪及河流输入的沉积物。  相似文献   

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