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New SCUBA measurements at millimetre wavelengths are presented for a sample of Vega-like stars. Six stars were detected, while sensitive upper limits were obtained for a further 11 sources. Most of the sample selected from a recent catalogue of Vega-like stars have infrared excesses similar to those of the prototype Vega-like stars α Lyr and α PsA. Their IR–submm spectral indices are steep, indicating that the submm emission from the discs is dominated by grains which are smaller than the wavelength of observation and that only small grains exist in those dusty discs. HD 98800 has an IR–submillimetre spectral index of less than two, which suggests that grains have grown to more than 0.3 mm in size. Hipparcos parallax data for HD 42137 and HD 123160 suggest that these two stars are giants rather than dwarfs, similar to the situation previously found for HD 233517. Dust masses, or upper limits, were derived for the sample; these indicate that most of the sources do not have as much dust as Herbig Ae/Be or T Tauri stars, but are likely to have dust masses comparable to those of the prototype Vega-like stars.  相似文献   

We present contemporaneous optical and infrared (IR) photometric observations of the Type IIn SN 1998S covering the period between 11 and 146 d after discovery. The IR data constitute the first ever IR light curves of a Type IIn supernova. We use blackbody and spline fits to the photometry to examine the luminosity evolution. During the first 2–3 months, the luminosity is dominated by the release of shock-deposited energy in the ejecta. After ∼100 d the luminosity is powered mostly by the deposition of radioactive decay energy from 0.15±0.05 M of 56Ni which was produced in the explosion. We also report the discovery of an astonishingly high IR excess, K − L '=2.5, that was present at day 130. We interpret this as being due to thermal emission from dust grains in the vicinity of the supernova. We argue that to produce such a high IR luminosity so soon after the explosion, the dust must be pre-existing and so is located in the circumstellar medium of the progenitor. The dust could be heated either by the UV/optical flash (IR echo) or by the X-rays from the interaction of the ejecta with the circumstellar material.  相似文献   

Discs in the 6 Myr old cluster η Chamaeleontis were searched for emission from hot H2. Around the M3 star ECHA J0843.3−7905, we detect circumstellar gas orbiting at ∼2 au. If the gas is ultraviolet excited, the ro-vibrational line traces a hot gas layer supported by a disc of mass  ∼0.03 M  , similar to the minimum mass solar nebula. Such a gas reservoir at 6 Myr would promote the formation and the inwards migration of gas giant planets.  相似文献   

The infrared properties of barium stars are studied using published data in the K band and from IRAS . At 12 and 25 μm the emission from barium stars shows no excess over photospheric emission. Thus the claim made by Hakkila that some barium stars show evidence of the presence of warm (∼300  K ) circumstellar material is not supported. The 60-μm properties of barium stars are studied using survival analysis methods, and it is found that very few (3.7 ± 2.6 per cent) barium stars exhibit far-infrared excesses. Furthermore, it is found that the incidence of excess emission at 60 μm is lower in barium stars than for normal G and K giants. This may indicate that the mass-transfer event that is assumed to have taken place in barium stars has removed any cool circumstellar material that may have existed in these systems. Alternatively, it is suggested that the incidence of infrared excesses in normal G and K giants may have been over-estimated as a result of not fully accounting for foreground contamination by interstellar cirrus.  相似文献   

Deep infrared and optical images are presented of three proposed remnants of Thorne–Z.ytkow objects (TZ.Os). In particular, the infrared data go several infrared magnitudes deeper than previous observations, and in at least one case reveal the existence of weak objects within the error circles. It is argued, however, that none of the objects is likely to be the binary companion to the X-ray source in that region. These data present severe limits on any possible star or residual envelope at the distances of the respective X-ray objects.  相似文献   

Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 (V705 Cas) was an archetypical dust-forming nova. It displayed a deep minimum in the visual light curve, and spectroscopic evidence for carbon, hydrocarbon and silicate dust. We report the results of fitting the infrared (IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) with the dusty code, which we use to determine the properties and geometry of the emitting dust. The emission is well described as originating in a thin shell whose dust has a carbon:silicate ratio of 2:1 by number (  ∼1.26:1  by mass) and a relatively flat size distribution. The 9.7- and 18-μm silicate features are consistent with freshly condensed dust and, while the lower limit to the grain size distribution is not well constrained, the largest grains have dimensions  ∼0.06 μm  ; unless the grains in V705 Cas were anomalously small, the sizes of grains produced in nova eruptions may previously have been overestimated in novae with optically thick dust shells. Laboratory work by Grishko & Duley may provide clues to the apparently unique nature of nova unidentified infrared (UIR) features.  相似文献   

We present mid-infrared spectra from individual enstatite silicate grains separated from primitive type 3 chondritic meteorites. The 2–16 μm transmission spectra were taken with microspectroscopic Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques as part of a project to produce a data base of infrared spectra from minerals of primitive meteorites for comparison with astronomical spectra. In general, the wavelength of enstatite bands increases with the proportion of Fe. However, the wavelengths of the strong En100 bands at 10.67 and 11.67 decrease with increasing Fe content. The 11.67-μm band exhibits the largest compositional wavelength shift (twice as large as any other). Our fits of the linear dependence of the pyroxene peaks indicate that crystalline silicate peaks in the 10-μm spectra of Herbig AeBe stars, HD 179218 and 104237, are matched by pyroxenes of En90−92 and En78−80, respectively. If these simplistic comparisons with the astronomical grains are correct, then the enstatite pyroxenes seen in these environments are more Fe-rich than are the forsterite (Fo100) grains identified in the far-infrared which are found to be Mg end-member grains. This differs from the general composition of type 3 chondritic meteoritic grains in which the pyroxenes are more Mg-rich than are the olivines from the same meteorite.  相似文献   

OH maser emission from the circumstellar envelope of the M-type supergiant VX Sagittarii has been mapped at 1612 MHz in both hands of circular polarization using MERLIN, with an angular resolution of 0.4 arcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.3 km s−1. Four likely Zeeman pairs of maser components are identified, each with a similar Zeeman splitting. The inferred magnetic field strength is approximately −1 mG in each case, with the field directed towards us. The Zeeman components lie ∼ 1400 au from the star. The data lend support to the dipole magnetic field model which has recently been suggested for this circumstellar envelope.  相似文献   

Angular momentum transport within young massive protoplanetary discs may be dominated by self-gravity at radii where the disc is too weakly ionized to allow the development of the magneto-rotational instability. We use time-dependent one-dimensional disc models, based on a local cooling time calculation of the efficiency of transport, to study the radial structure and stability (against fragmentation) of protoplanetary discs in which self-gravity is the sole transport mechanism. We find that self-gravitating discs rapidly attain a quasi-steady state in which the surface density in the inner disc is high and the strength of turbulence very low (  α∼ 10−3  or less inside 5 au). Temperatures high enough to form crystalline silicates may extend out to several astronomical units at early times within these discs. None of our discs spontaneously develop regions that would be unambiguously unstable to fragmentation into substellar objects, though the outer regions (beyond 20 au) of the most massive discs are close enough to the threshold that fragmentation cannot be ruled out. We discuss how the mass accretion rates through such discs may vary with disc mass and with mass of the central star, and note that a determination of the     relation for very young systems may allow a test of the model.  相似文献   

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