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文章结合强对流天气发生发展的物理机制,介绍了与浮力能和风切变有关的几个对流参数的物理概念和计算方法,并结合具体个例分析了这些参数在强对流天气潜势预测中的作用。 相似文献
利用双多普勒雷达研究强飑线过程的三维风场结构 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
山东齐河CINRAD/SA和滨州CINRAD/SC雷达相距125.5 km,组成了双多普勒雷达观测网,利用2004年6月21-22日的一次强飑线过程的多普勒天气雷达探测资料,分析了双雷达观测资料的质量控制结果,并根据双多普勒雷达反演的三维风场研究了飑线的三维结构.结果表明,两部雷达探测的回波在水平位置上有2.0 km的差别,回波强度滨州雷达低5.2 dBz,回波结构也有一定的差别,径向速度在可比较的区域一致性很好.飑线不同位置的水平风场结构有很大不同,在飑线北端,低层是气旋性辐合风场,飑线南端是反气旋性辐合风场,而中部沿强对流窄带的前部是偏西和东南风的风场辐合.中高层云中风逐渐转为西北风,强对流回波带上空对应辐散风场;垂直于强对流带方向的风场垂直结构表明成熟阶段,强对流窄带前部的低层是入流气流,即东风气流,它与对流带后部的西风相遇后向上倾斜上升,在中高层向前流出形成飑前砧状云.减弱阶段,低层的西风分量增强并向前穿过强对流回波带,导致前面的入流气流风速减弱、下边界抬高,这一垂直风场结构和演变特征与美国中纬度飑线的结构基本一致. 相似文献
本文建立了一个二维的中尺度静力模式,考虑了长短波辐射,湿凝结和土壤等物理因子,用六种典型的初始风场对海风发展作了敏感性试验,发现至少有一部分中尺度系统发生发展的结构与性质可以不依赖于初始场的中尺度特征,而是由局地中尺度强迫作用决定的。但是,中尺度系统的强度与位置仍然受初始场的影响。 相似文献
梅雨锋云系内对流回波与层状回波的研究 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
本文利用1998年“淮河流域能量与水分循环试验(HUBEX)”所获得的大量雷达资料及遥测雨量计计资料,细致分析了淮河流域梅雨锋云系的结构,根据层状云和对流云在雷达回波图中的不同特征,本文提出用松散系数D(反映云系结构疏松程度)来区分大范围云带中的降水云类型,同529张PPI资料统计表明,若D>0.17则说明该区结构松散,降水属于层状云降水,D≤0.17时,云区是对流性降水,由于梅雨锋水具有明显的不均匀结构特征,其中锋面对流云带和强下挂回波带是造成强降水的主要原因,在用地面雨量资料和雷达资料对地面降水进行短时(3小时以内)校正时,针对不同的降水类型采用不同的Z-R关系比用同一种Z-R关系的校正精度大约提高4%。 相似文献
Using real analysis data of 1°×1° resolution of the National Center for EnvironmentalPrediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), the nondivergent wind componentand irrotational wind component obtained by the harmonic-cosine(H-C) method, and the wind structure ofTyphoon Fung-Wong (coded 0808 in China) in 2008 was analyzed. The results indicated that theirrotational component was advantageous over the total wind in reflecting both the changes in convergentheight and the asymmetrical convergence of Fung-Wong. In Fung-Wong, the nondivergent component waslarger than the irrotational component, but the latter was much more variable than the former, which wasobtained only from the wind partition method. Further analyses on the irrotational componentdemonstrated that the location of the convergent center at lower levels was almost the same as thedivergent center during the development of Fung-Wong, and its convergent level was high in its life cycle,with the most highest up to 400 hPa when it became stronger. After the typhoon landed in the provinces ofTaiwan and Fujian, respectively, its convergent center at lower levels was slowly detached from thedivergent center at high levels and the convergent height was also depressed from high levels to lowerlevels. Gradually, this weakened the intensity of Fung-Wong. This kind of weakening was slow andFung-Wong maintained its circulation for a long time over land because of its very thick convergent height.Analyses on wind partitioning provided one possible explanation to why Fung-Wong stayed for a long timeafter it landed. Furthermore, the asymmetric vertical ascending motion was induced by the asymmetricconvergence at lower levels. In general, when typhoons (such as Fung-Wong) land, the rainfall regioncoincides with that of the convergence region (indicated by the irrotational component at lower layers).This means that the possible rainfall regions may be diagnosed from the convergent area of the irrotationalcomponent. For an observational experiment on typhoons, the convergent region may be considered as akey observational region. 相似文献
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所的完全弹性三维雹云数值模式(IAP—CSM3D),对2007年7月21日发生在湛江的一次强对流进行数值模拟,分析了强对流的气流结构、垂直涡度、雷达回波及含水量分布变化特征。结果表明,模拟的回波最大强度与雷达实测结果较吻合。模拟的强对流发展阶段气流结构的典型特征为下层水平辐合,上层水平辐散,气流在5km高度发生转向;处于成熟阶段的底层辐合比发展阶段的更强。随着时间的推移,近地层气流先辐合后辐散,下沉辐散气流一直持续到冰雹云消散。模拟的风暴云高含水量中心与强回波中心相对应,出现在上升气流最大区域附近,这说明该风暴云的动力场与物质场配合较好。 相似文献
一种强对流天气短期预报方法的研究和试报 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
通过对上海地区1976-1990年强对流天气个例的统计分析以及对典型个例成因机制的剖析,提出了一种强对流天气的短期预报方法,即θse特型法。它能预示强对流天气层结的不稳定特征和高能量。为了提高预报时效和减少空报率,引入了引发机制和排空机制。 相似文献
有限区域旋转风与辐散风分解方案的选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍一种具有“收敛”特性的有限区域旋转风与辐散风分解方案,并与目前常用后一些差分方案进行了比较,实际个例的计算和对比表明,该方案不仅考虑了区域内部强迫函数的作用,而且在迭代过程中加入边值的影响,因此具有极好的重建风场的能力,分解后的旋转风和辐散风在有关的诊断分析中使结果更为合理。 相似文献
利用1958~2003年对流层相对湿度和风场(NCEP/NCAR再分析资料)的季节变化来定义盛行风的季节变化引起的天气气候明显变化的区域———季风区。通过分析表明,对流层低层的风场季节变率可以描述传统的季风区,但是在传统季风区以外,也有风场季节变率大的区域。利用中高层相对湿度的显著季节变化(热带地区季节变化大于20%,副热带地区大于10%,赤道地区以风向的季节变化大于90°)可以弥补风场季节变率的不足。由它们二者确定的季风区物理意义明确,有较大的合理性。 相似文献
广州亚运会帆船帆板的比赛项目于2010年11月在汕尾红海湾广东省水上运动基地举行。根据2009年11月海上浮标观测数据,分析了红海湾赛场的海面风场特征及日变化规律;并根据地面气压场特点和风场日变化特征对海面风场进行了分类;最后,结合海-陆气压差观测数据,初步探讨海陆热力差异与海面风日变化的关系。结果表明:11月红海湾赛场以偏北和偏东风为主,风向具有近似余弦函数的日变化特征;风速的日变化不明显,但午后14—18时弱风和强风的出现机会较少,最适合比赛。11月红海湾赛场的海面风可归纳为海陆型、系统转折型和阴天型三种类型,三种类型的海面风分别占月总日数的46.7%、33.3%和20%。浮标-海丰观测站的气压差与海面风南北分量的变化有密切关系,可作为海面风场的有效预报指标。 相似文献
为探究环境风切变在对流系统发生发展与维持过程中的重要性,利用2009年6月5日20时(北京时)上海宝山站的探空资料生成理想试验初始场,设计了包含改变整层、中层和低层风切变在内的多组试验,对比分析各试验系统的动热力结构特征及其演变发现:(1)整层环境风切变的改变对中尺度对流系统的影响最显著,其次是中层风切变。增大整层风切变时,对流系统强度及组织性最强,生命史增长。减小整层风切变时,系统强度最弱且组织结构易发散。(2)风切变增加,水平涡度增大,其受垂直运动影响转化为垂直涡度,涡旋对与垂直运动间相互作用形成的正反馈过程是系统强度增强并可以长时间维持线状结构的重要原因。(3)风切变减小,对流系统移动速度远小于阵风锋,阵风锋移至系统前方,阻断系统前沿上升气流必需的暖输送。阵风锋后冷而稳定的环境令系统逐渐消散。 相似文献
为了更加深入地了解暴雨中尺度系统,利用风廓线雷达资料,对2012—2014年发生在广东前汛期的短时强降水的暴雨过程临近时次的低空急流强度、低空急流高度、低空急流指数以及各层垂直风切变等物理量进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:(1)在广东前汛期,86%的暴雨过程都会有短时强降水的出现; (2)2 km高度以下最大风速呈正态分布特征,主要集中在10~21 m/s之间,60%以上的强降水发生前3小时低空急流便已经存在,且随着强降水的临近,低空急流的比例逐渐增大,超过80%的过程强降水出现时有低空急流相配合; (3)暴雨发生前低空急流强度基本维持,最低高度逐渐降低。强降水出现时次,低空急流表现出逐渐加强的特征,最低高度也明显下降,从而导致低空急流指数I增大; (4)地面到不同等压面的垂直风切变随着高度的增加而逐渐减小,其中强降水发生时地面到925 hPa垂直风切变相较于暴雨发生前有所增大,而地面到850 hPa及700 hPa垂直风切变在强降水发生时则表现出下降的特征; (5)选取暴雨发生前各类物理量的中值作为暴雨发生的阈值,则低空急流强度在13.5 m/s左右,最低高度为1 km左右,低空急流指数I为6×10-3 s-1左右,地面到925 hPa、850 hPa以及700 hPa之间的垂直风切变分别在7.3×10-3 s-1、6×10-3 s-1以及4×10-3 s-1左右。 相似文献
Leveraging the commercial CFD software FLUENT, the fine-scale three-dimensional wind structure over the Paiya Mountains on the Dapeng Peninsula near Shenzhen, a city on the seashore of South China Sea, during the landfall of Typhoon Molave has been simulated and analyzed. Through the study, a conceptual wind structure model for mountainous areas under strong wind condition is established and the following conclusions are obtained as follows: (1) FLUENT can reasonably simulate a three-dimensional wind structure over mountainous areas under strong wind conditions; (2) the kinetic effect of a mountain can intensify wind speed in the windward side of the mountain and the area over the mountain peak; and (3) in the leeward side of the mountain, wind speed is relatively lower with relatively stronger wind shear and turbulence. 相似文献
本文详细总结了目前国内外关于双多普勒天气雷达联合探测大气风场的技术和发展动态,阐述了双多普勒天气雷达联合探测大气风场技术方法的发展进程和几种探测方法的优缺点。从中可以了解到目前双多普勒天气雷达联合探测大气风场的最新技术——综合和连续调整技术。 相似文献
In this study,the effect of vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensification of tropical cyclone(TC)is investigated via the numerical simulations.Results indicate that weak shear tends to facilitate the development of TC while strong shear appears to inhibit the intensification of TC.As the VWS is imposed on the TC,the vortex of the cyclone tends to tilt vertically and significantly in the upper troposphere.Consequently,the upward motion is considerably enhanced in the downshear side of the storm center and correspondingly,the low-to mid-level potential temperature decreases under the effect of adiabatic cooling,which leads to the increase of the low-to mid-level static instability and relative humidity and then facilitates the burst of convection.In the case of weak shear,the vertical tilting of the vortex is weak and the increase of ascent,static instability and relative humidity occur in the area close to the TC center.Therefore,active convection happens in the TC center region and facilitates the enhancement of vorticity in the inner core region and then the intensification of TC.In contrast,due to strong VWS,the increase of the ascent,static instability and relative humidity induced by the vertical tilting mainly appear in the outer region of TC in the case with stronger shear,and the convection in the inner-core area of TC is rather weak and convective activity mainly happens in the outer-region of the TC.Therefore,the development of a warm core is inhibited and then the intensification of TC is delayed.Different from previous numerical results obtained by imposing VWS suddenly to a strong TC,the simulation performed in this work shows that,even when the VWS is as strong as 12 m s-1,the tropical storm can still experience rapid intensification and finally develop into a strong tropical cyclone after a relatively long period of adjustment.It is found that the convection plays an important role in the adjusting period.On one hand,the convection leads to the horizontal convergence of the low-level vorticity flux and therefore leads to the enhancement of the low-level vorticity in the inner-core area of the cyclone.On the other hand,the active ascent accompanying the convection tends to transport the low-level vorticity to the middle levels.The enhanced vorticity in the lower to middle troposphere strengths the interaction between the low-and mid-level cyclonical circulation and the upper-level circulation deviated from the storm center under the effect of VWS.As a result,the vertical tilting of the vortex is considerably decreased,and then the cyclone starts to develop rapidly. 相似文献