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Resonant cyclotron scattering of the surface radiation in the magnetospheres of neutron stars may considerably modify the emergent spectra and impede efforts to constrain neutron star properties. Resonant cyclotron scattering by a non-relativistic warm plasma in an inhomogeneous magnetic field has a number of unusual characteristics. (i) In the limit of high resonant optical depth, the cyclotron resonant layer is half opaque , in sharp contrast to the case of non-resonant scattering. (ii) The transmitted flux is on average Compton up-scattered by  ∼1 + 2βT  , where  βT  is the typical thermal velocity in units of the velocity of light; the reflected flux has on average the initial frequency. (iii) For both the transmitted and reflected fluxes, the dispersion of intensity decreases with increasing optical depth. (iv) The emergent spectrum is appreciably non-Planckian while narrow spectral features produced at the surface may be erased.
We derive semi-analytically modification of the surface Planckian emission due to multiple scattering between the resonant layers and apply the model to the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E  1048.1 − 5937  . Our simple model fits just as well as the 'canonical' magnetar spectra model of a blackbody plus power law.  相似文献   

We investigate the process of synchrotron radiation from thermal electrons at semirelativistic and relativistic temperatures. We find an analytic expression for the emission coefficient for random magnetic fields with an accuracy significantly higher than those derived previously. We also present analytic approximations to the synchrotron turnover frequency, treat Comptonization of self-absorbed synchrotron radiation, and give simple expressions for the spectral shape and the emitted power. We also consider modifications of the above results by bremsstrahlung.
We then study the importance of Comptonization of thermal synchrotron radiation in compact X-ray sources. We first consider emission from hot accretion flows and active coronae above optically thick accretion discs in black hole binaries and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We find that for plausible values of the magnetic field strength, this radiative process is negligible in luminous sources, except for those with hardest X-ray spectra and stellar masses. Increasing the black hole mass results in a further reduction of the maximum Eddington ratio from this process. Then, X-ray spectra of intermediate-luminosity sources, e.g. low-luminosity AGNs, can be explained by synchrotron Comptonization only if they come from hot accretion flows, and X-ray spectra of very weak sources are always dominated by bremsstrahlung. On the other hand, synchrotron Comptonization can account for power-law X-ray spectra observed in the low states of sources around weakly magnetized neutron stars.  相似文献   

Using a Monte Carlo method, we derive spectra arising from Comptonization taking place close to a Kerr black hole. We consider a model consisting of a hot thermal corona Comptonizing seed photons emitted by a cold accretion disc. We find that general relativistic effects are crucial for the emerging spectra in models, which involve significant contribution of radiation produced in the black hole ergosphere. As a result of this contribution, spectra of hard X-ray emission produced in the vicinity of a rapidly rotating black hole strongly depend on the inclination of the line of sight, with larger inclinations corresponding to harder spectra. Remarkably, such anisotropy could be responsible for properties of the X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies, which appear to be intrinsically harder in type 2 objects than in type 1, as reported recently.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations are performed to investigate how a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star relaxes resistively. No evidence is found for non-ideal MHD instabilities on a short time-scale, such as the resistive ballooning mode or the tearing mode. Instead, the mountain relaxes gradually as matter is transported across magnetic surfaces on the diffusion time-scale, which evaluates to  τI∼ 105–108 yr  (depending on the conductivity of the neutron star crust) for an accreted mass of   M a= 1.2 × 10−4 M  . The magnetic dipole moment simultaneously re-emerges as the screening currents dissipate over  τI  . For non-axisymmetric mountains, ohmic dissipation tends to restore axisymmetry by magnetic reconnection at a filamentary neutral sheet in the equatorial plane. Ideal-MHD oscillations on the Alfvén time-scale, which can be excited by external influences, such as variations in the accretion torque, compress the magnetic field and hence decrease  τI  by one order of magnitude relative to its standard value (as computed for the static configuration). The implications of long-lived mountains for gravitational wave emission from low-mass X-ray binaries are briefly explored.  相似文献   

Spectra of the spreading layers on the neutron star surface are calculated on the basis of the Inogamov–Sunyaev model taking into account general relativity correction to the surface gravity and considering various chemical composition of the accreting matter. Local (at a given latitude) spectra are similar to the X-ray burst spectra and are described by a diluted blackbody. Total spreading layer spectra are integrated accounting for the light bending, gravitational redshift and the relativistic Doppler effect and aberration. They depend slightly on the inclination angle and on the luminosity. These spectra also can be fitted by a diluted blackbody with the colour temperature depending mainly on a neutron star compactness. Owing to the fact that the flux from the spreading layer is close to the critical Eddington, we can put constraints on a neutron star radius without the need to know precisely the emitting region area or the distance to the source. The boundary layer spectra observed in the luminous low-mass X-ray binaries, and described by a blackbody of colour temperature   T c= 2.4 ± 0.1 keV  , restrict the neutron star radii to   R = 14.8 ± 1.5 km  (for a  1.4-M  star and solar composition of the accreting matter), which corresponds to the hard equation of state.  相似文献   

We compute the continuous part of the ideal-magnetohydrodynamic (ideal-MHD) frequency spectrum of a polar mountain produced by magnetic burial on an accreting neutron star. Applying the formalism developed by Hellsten & Spies, extended to include gravity, we solve the singular eigenvalue problem subject to line-tying boundary conditions. This spectrum divides into an Alfvén part and a cusp part. The eigenfunctions are chirped and anharmonic with an exponential envelope, and the eigenfrequencies cover the whole spectrum above a minimum ωlow. For equilibria with accreted mass  1.2 × 10−6≲ M a/M≲ 1.7 × 10−4  and surface magnetic fields  1011≲ B */G ≲ 1013, ωlow  is approximately independent of   B *  , and increases with M a. The results are consistent with the Alfvén spectrum excited in numerical simulations with the zeus-mp solver. The spectrum is modified substantially by the Coriolis force in neutron stars spinning faster than ∼100 Hz. The implications for gravitational-wave searches for low-mass X-ray binaries are considered briefly.  相似文献   

We study in a systematic way the quality factor of the lower and upper kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in a sample of low-luminosity neutron star X-ray binaries, showing both QPOs varying over a wide frequency range. The sample includes 4U 1636−536, 4U 1608−522, 4U 1735−44, 4U 1728−34, 4U 1820−303 and 4U 0614+09. We find that all sources except 4U 0614+09 show evidence of a drop in the quality factor of their lower kHz QPOs at high frequency. For 4U 0614+09 only the rising part of the quality factor versus frequency curve has been sampled so far. At the same time, in all sources but 4U 1728−34, the quality factor of the upper kHz QPO increases all the way to the highest detectable frequencies. We show that the high-frequency behaviours of both the lower and the upper kHz QPO quality factors are consistent with what is expected if the drop is produced by the approach of an active oscillating region to the innermost stable circular orbit: the existence of which is a key feature of general relativity in the strong field regime. Within this interpretation, our results imply gravitational masses around 2 M for the neutron stars in those systems.  相似文献   

The origin and stability of a thin sheet of plasma in the magnetosphere of an accreting neutron star are investigated. First, the radial extension of such a magnetospheric disc is explored. Then a mechanism for magnetospheric accretion is proposed, reconsidering the bending wave explored by Agapitou, Papaloizou & Terquem, that was found to be stable in ideal magnetohydrodynamics. We show that this warping becomes unstable and can reach high amplitudes, in a variant of Pringle's radiation-driven model for the warping of active galactic nucleus accretion discs. Finally, we discuss how this mechanism might give a clue to explain the observed X-ray kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation of neutron star binaries.  相似文献   

The theory of polar magnetic burial in accreting neutron stars predicts that a mountain of accreted material accumulates at the magnetic poles of the star, and that, as the mountain spreads equatorward, it is confined by, and compresses, the equatorial magnetic field. Here, we extend previous, axisymmetric, Grad–Shafranov calculations of the hydromagnetic structure of a magnetic mountain up to accreted masses as high as   M a= 6 × 10−4 M  , by importing the output from previous calculations (which were limited by numerical problems and the formation of closed bubbles to   M a < 10−4 M  ) into the time-dependent, ideal-magnetohydrodynamic code zeus-3d and loading additional mass on to the star dynamically. The rise of buoyant magnetic bubbles through the accreted layer is observed in these experiments. We also investigate the stability of the resulting hydromagnetic equilibria by perturbing them in zeus-3d . Surprisingly, it is observed that the equilibria are marginally stable for all   M a≤ 6 × 10−4 M  ; the mountain oscillates persistently when perturbed, in a combination of Alfvén and acoustic modes, without appreciable damping or growth, and is therefore not disrupted (apart from a transient Parker instability initially, which expels <1 per cent of the mass and magnetic flux).  相似文献   

We present a model for the short time-scale spectral variability of accreting black holes. It describes the time-averaged spectra well, and also temporal characteristics such as the power-density spectrum, time/phase lags, and coherence function of Cygnus X-1. We assume that X/ γ -rays are produced in compact magnetic flares at radii ≲100 GM c 2 from the central black hole. The tendency for magnetic loops to inflate and detach from the underlying accretion disc causes the spectrum of a flare to evolve from soft to hard because of the decrease of the feedback from the cold disc, so causing time delays between hard and soft photons. We identify the observed time lags with the evolution time-scales of the flares, which are of the order of the Keplerian time-scale. We model the overall temporal variability using a pulse avalanche model in which each flare has a certain probability of triggering a neighbouring flare, thus occasionally producing long avalanches. The duration of the avalanches determines the Fourier frequencies at which most of the power emerges.  相似文献   

In an attempt to model the accretion on to a neutron star in low-mass X-ray binaries, we present 2D hydrodynamical models of the gas flow in close vicinity of the stellar surface. First, we consider a gas pressure-dominated case, assuming that the star is non-rotating. For the stellar mass we take   M star= 1.4 × 10−2 M  and for the gas temperature   T = 5 × 106 K  . Our results are qualitatively different in the case of a realistic neutron star mass and a realistic gas temperature of T ≃ 108 K, when the radiation pressure dominates. We show that to get the stationary solution in a latter case, the star most probably has to rotate with the considerable velocity.  相似文献   

Recently discovered quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray brightness of low-mass X-ray binaries are used to derive constraints on the mass of the neutron star component and the equation of state of neutron star matter. The observations are compared with models of rapidly rotating neutron stars which are calculated by means of an exact numerical method in full relativity. For the equations of state we select a broad collection of models representing different assumptions about the many-body structure and the complexity of the composition of superdense matter. The mass constraints differ from their values in the approximate treatment by ∼10 per cent. Under the assumption that the maximum frequency of the quasi-periodic oscillations originates from the innermost stable orbit, the mass of the neutron star is in the range M ∼1.92–2.25 M. The quasi-periodic oscillation in the Atoll-source 4U 1820−30 in particular is only consistent with equations of state that are rather stiff at high densities, which is explainable, so far, only with pure nucleonic/leptonic composition. This interpretation contradicts the hypothesis that the protoneutron star formed in SN 1987A collapsed to a black hole, since this would demand a maximum neutron star mass below 1.6 M. The recently suggested identification of quasi-periodic oscillations with frequencies of about 10 Hz with the Lense–Thirring precession of the accretion disc is found to be inconsistent with the models studied in this work, unless it is assumed that the first overtone of the precession is observed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of the r-mode instability on hypercritically accreting neutron stars in close binary systems during their common envelope phases, based on the scenario proposed by Brown et al. On the one hand, neutron stars are heated by the accreted matter at the stellar surface, but on the other hand they are also cooled down by the neutrino radiation. At the same time, the accreted matter transports its angular momentum and mass to the star. We have studied the evolution of the stellar mass, temperature and rotational frequency.
The gravitational-wave-driven instability of the r-mode oscillation strongly suppresses spinning up of the star, the final rotational frequency of which is well below the mass-shedding limit, in fact typically as low as 10 per cent of that of the mass-shedding state. On a very short time-scale the rotational frequency tends to approach a certain constant value and saturates there, as long as the amount of accreted mass does not exceed a certain limit to collapse to a black hole. This implies that a similar mechanism of gravitational radiation to that in the so-called 'Wagoner star' may work in this process. The star is spun up by accretion until the angular momentum loss by gravitational radiation balances the accretion torque. The time-integrated dimensionless strain of the radiated gravitational wave may be large enough to be detectable by gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO II.  相似文献   

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