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An important and widely neglected aspect of the interaction between an accretion disc and a massive companion with a coplanar orbit is the vertical component of the tidal force. As shown by Lubow, the response of the disc to vertical forcing is resonant at certain radii, at which a localized torque is exerted, and from which a compressive wave (p mode) may be emitted. Although these vertical resonances are weaker than the corresponding Lindblad resonances, the   m =2  inner vertical resonance in a binary star is typically located within the tidal truncation radius of a circumstellar disc.
In this paper I develop a general theory of vertical resonances, allowing for non-linearity of the response, and dissipation by radiative damping and turbulent viscosity. The problem is reduced to a universal, non-linear ordinary differential equation with two real parameters. Solutions of the complex non-linear Airy equation are presented to illustrate the non-linear saturation of the resonance and the effects of dissipation. It is argued that the   m =2  inner vertical resonance is unlikely to truncate the disc in cataclysmic variable stars, but contributes to angular momentum transport and produces a potentially observable non-axisymmetric structure.  相似文献   

We numerically study the tidal instability of accretion discs in close binary systems using a two-dimensional SPH code. We find that the precession rate of tidally unstable, eccentric discs does not only depend upon the binary mass ratio q . Although the (prograde) disc precession rate increases with the strength of the tidal potential, we find that increasing the shear viscosity ν also has a significant prograde effect. Increasing the disc temperature has a retrograde impact upon the precession rate.   We find that motion relative to the binary potential results in superhump-like, periodic luminosity variations in the outer reaches of an eccentric disc. The nature and location of the luminosity modulation are functions of ν. Light curves most similar to observations are obtained for ν values appropriate for a dwarf nova in outburst.   We investigate the thermal–tidal instability model for superoutburst. A dwarf nova outburst is simulated by instantaneously increasing ν, which causes a rapid radial expansion of the disc. Should the disc encounter the 3: 1 eccentric inner Lindblad resonance and become tidally unstable, then tidal torques become much more efficient at removing angular momentum from the disc. The disc then shrinks and M d increases. The resulting increase in disc luminosity is found to be consistent with the excess luminosity of a superoutburst.  相似文献   

In this Letter, recent results on the nodal precession of accretion discs in close binaries are applied to the discs in some X-ray binary systems. The ratio between the tidally forced precession period and the binary orbital period is given, as well as the condition required for the rigid precession of gaseous Keplerian discs. Hence the minimum precessional period that may be supported by a fluid Keplerian disc is determined. It is concluded that near-rigid body precession of tilted accretion discs can occur and generally reproduce observationally inferred precession periods, for reasonable system parameters. In particular, long periods in SS 433, Her X-1, LMC X-4 and SMC X-1 can be fitted by the tidal model. It is also found that the precession period that has been tentatively put forward for Cyg X-2 cannot be accommodated by a tidally precessing disc model for any realistic choice of system parameters.  相似文献   

We analyse the non-linear propagation and dissipation of axisymmetric waves in accretion discs using the ZEUS-2D hydrodynamics code. The waves are numerically resolved in the vertical and radial directions. Both vertically isothermal and thermally stratified accretion discs are considered. The waves are generated by means of resonant forcing, and several forms of forcing are considered. Compressional motions are taken to be locally adiabatic  ( γ =5/3)  . Prior to non-linear dissipation, the numerical results are in excellent agreement with the linear theory of wave channelling in predicting the types of modes that are excited, the energy flux by carried by each mode, and the vertical wave energy distribution as a function of radius. In all cases, waves are excited that propagate on both sides of the resonance (inwards and outwards). For vertically isothermal discs, non-linear dissipation occurs primarily through shocks that result from the classical steepening of acoustic waves. For discs that are substantially thermally stratified, wave channelling is the primary mechanism for shock generation. Wave channelling boosts the Mach number of the wave by vertically confining the wave to a small cool region at the base of the disc atmosphere. In general, outwardly propagating waves with Mach numbers near resonance  ℳr≳0.01  undergo shocks within a distance of order the resonance radius.  相似文献   

We study the excitation of density and bending waves and the associated angular momentum transfer in gaseous discs with finite thickness by a rotating external potential. The disc is assumed to be isothermal in the vertical direction and has no self-gravity. The disc perturbations are decomposed into different modes, each characterized by the azimuthal index m and the vertical index n , which specifies the nodal number of the density perturbation along the disc normal direction. The   n = 0  modes correspond to the two-dimensional density waves previously studied by Goldreich & Tremaine and others. In a three-dimensional disc, waves can be excited at both Lindblad resonances (LRs; for modes with   n = 0, 1, 2, …  ) and vertical resonances (VRs; for the   n ≥ 1  modes only). The torque on the disc is positive for waves excited at outer Lindblad/vertical resonances and negative at inner Lindblad/vertical resonances. While the   n = 0  modes are evanescent around corotation, the   n ≥ 1  modes can propagate into the corotation region where they are damped and deposit their angular momenta. We have derived analytical expressions for the amplitudes of different wave modes excited at LRs and/or VRs and the resulting torques on the disc. It is found that for   n ≥ 1  , angular momentum transfer through VRs is much more efficient than LRs. This implies that in some situations (e.g. a circumstellar disc perturbed by a planet in an inclined orbit), VRs may be an important channel of angular momentum transfer between the disc and the external potential. We have also derived new formulae for the angular momentum deposition at corotation and studied wave excitations at disc boundaries.  相似文献   

The non-linear dynamics of a warped accretion disc is investigated in the important case of a thin Keplerian disc with negligible viscosity and self-gravity. A one-dimensional evolutionary equation is formally derived that describes the primary non-linear and dispersive effects on propagating bending waves other than parametric instabilities. It has the form of a derivative non-linear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation with coefficients that are obtained explicitly for a particular model of a disc. The properties of this equation are analysed in some detail and illustrative numerical solutions are presented. The non-linear and dispersive effects both depend on the compressibility of the gas through its adiabatic index Γ. In the physically realistic case Γ < 3, non-linearity does not lead to the steepening of bending waves but instead enhances their linear dispersion. In the opposite case Γ > 3, non-linearity leads to wave steepening and solitary waves are supported. The effects of a small effective viscosity, which may suppress parametric instabilities, are also considered. This analysis may provide a useful point of comparison between theory and numerical simulations of warped accretion discs.  相似文献   

We develop a model of an accretion disc in which the variability induced at a given radius is governed by a damped harmonic oscillator at the corresponding epicyclic frequency. That variability induces both linear and non-linear responses in the locally emitted radiation. The total observed variability of a source is the sum of these contributions over the disc radius weighted by the energy dissipation rate at each radius. It is shown that this simple model, which effectively has only three parameters including the normalization, can explain the range of the power spectra observed from Cyg X-1 in the soft state. Although a degeneracy between the black hole mass and the strength of the damping does not allow a unique determination of the mass, we can still constrain it to  ≲(16–20) M  . We also show that our model preserves the observed linear rms–flux relationship even in the presence of the non-linear flux response.  相似文献   

We argue that the quiescent value of the viscosity parameter of the accretion disc in WZ Sge may be  αcold∼ 0.01  , in agreement with estimates of αcold for other dwarf novae. Assuming the white dwarf in WZ Sge to be magnetic, we show that, in quiescence, material close to the white dwarf can be propelled to larger radii, depleting the inner accretion disc. The propeller therefore has the effect of stabilizing the inner disc and allowing the outer disc to accumulate mass. The outbursts of WZ Sge are then regulated by the (magnetically determined) evolution of the surface density of the outer disc at a radius close to the tidal limit. Numerical models confirm that the recurrence time can be significantly extended in this way. The outbursts are expected to be superoutbursts since the outer disc radius is forced to exceed the tidal (3:1 resonance) radius. The large, quiescent disc is expected to be massive, and to be able to supply the observed mass accretion rate during outburst. We predict that the long-term spin evolution of the white dwarf spin will involve a long cycle of spin-up and spin-down phases.  相似文献   

We present the results of hydrodynamic simulations of Jovian mass protoplanets that form in circumbinary discs. The simulations follow the orbital evolution of the binary plus protoplanet system acting under their mutual gravitational forces, and forces exerted by the viscous circumbinary disc. The evolution involves the clearing of the inner circumbinary disc initially, so that the binary plus protoplanet system orbits within a low density cavity. Continued interaction between disc and protoplanet causes inward migration of the planet towards the inner binary. Subsequent evolution can take three distinct paths: (i) the protoplanet enters the 4 : 1 mean motion resonance with the binary, but is gravitationally scattered through a close encounter with the secondary star; (ii) the protoplanet enters the 4 : 1 mean motion resonance, the resonance breaks, and the planet remains in a stable orbit just outside the resonance; (iii) when the binary has initial eccentricity   e bin≥ 0.2  , the disc becomes eccentric, leading to a stalling of the planet migration, and the formation of a stable circumbinary planet.
These results have implications for a number of issues in the study of extrasolar planets. The ejection of protoplanets in close binary systems provides a source of 'free-floating planets', which have been discovered recently. The formation of a large, tidally truncated cavity may provide an observational signature of circumbinary planets during formation. The existence of protoplanets orbiting stably just outside a mean motion resonance (4 : 1) in the simulations indicate that such sites may harbour planets in binary star systems, and these could potentially be observed. Finally, the formation of stable circumbinary planets in eccentric binary systems indicates that circumbinary planets may not be uncommon.  相似文献   

Gravitational wave signal characteristics from a binary black hole system in which the companion moves through the accretion disc of the primary are studied. We chose the primary to be a super-massive  ( M = 108 M)  Kerr black hole and the companion to be a massive black hole  ( M = 105 M)  to clearly demonstrate the effects. We show that the drag exerted on the companion by the disc is sufficient to reduce the coalescence time of the binary. The drag is primarily due to the fact that the accretion disc on a black hole deviates from a Keplerian disc and becomes sub-Keplerian due to inner boundary condition on the black hole horizon. We consider two types of accretion rates on to the companion. The companion is deeply immersed inside the disc and it can accrete at the Bondi rate which depends on the instantaneous density of the disc. However, an accretion disc can also form around the smaller black hole and it can accrete at its Eddington rate. Thus, this case is also studied and the results are compared. We find that the effect of the disc will be significant in reducing the coalescence time and one needs to incorporate this while interpreting gravitational wave signals emitted from such a binary system.  相似文献   

It appears that most stars are born in clusters, and that at birth most stars have circumstellar discs which are comparable in size to the separations between the stars. Interactions between neighbouring stars and discs are therefore likely to play a key role in determining disc lifetimes, stellar masses, and the separations and eccentricities of binary orbits. Such interactions may also cause fragmentation of the discs, thereby triggering the formation of additional stars.   We have carried out a series of simulations of star–disc interactions using an SPH code which treats self-gravity, hydrodynamic and viscous forces. We find that interactions between discs and stars provide a mechanism for removing energy from, or adding energy to, the orbits of the stars, and for truncating the discs. However, capture during such encounters is unlikely to be an important binary formation mechanism.   A more significant consequence of such encounters is that they can trigger fragmentation of the disc, via tidally and compressionally induced gravitational instabilities, leading to the formation of additional stars and substellar objects. When the disc spins and stellar orbits are randomly oriented, encounters lead to the formation of new companions to the original star in 20 per cent of encounters. If most encounters are prograde and coplanar, as suggested by simulations of dynamically triggered star formation, then new companions are formed in approximately 50 per cent of encounters.  相似文献   

In differentially rotating discs with no self-gravity, density waves cannot propagate around the corotation, where the wave pattern rotation speed equals the fluid rotation rate. Waves incident upon the corotation barrier may be super-reflected (commonly referred to as corotation amplifier), but the reflection can be strongly affected by wave absorptions at the corotation resonance/singularity. The sign of the absorption is related to the Rossby wave zone very near the corotation radius. We derive the explicit expressions for the complex reflection and transmission coefficients, taking into account wave absorption at the corotation resonance. We show that for generic discs, this absorption plays a much more important role than wave transmission across the corotation barrier. Depending on the sign of the gradient of the vortensity of the disc,  ζ=κ2/(2ΩΣ)  (where Ω is the rotation rate, κ is the epicyclic frequency and Σ is the surface density), the corotation resonance can either enhance or diminish the super-reflectivity, and this can be understood in terms of the location of the Rossby wave zone relative to the corotation radius. Our results provide the explicit conditions (in terms of disc thickness, rotation profile and vortensity gradient) for which super-reflection can be achieved. Global overstable disc modes may be possible for discs with super-reflection at the corotation barrier.  相似文献   

A model for the inner regions of accretion flows is presented where, owing to disc instabilities, cold and dense material is clumped into deep sheets or rings. Surrounding these density enhancements is hot, tenuous gas where coronal dissipation processes occur. We expect this situation to be most relevant when the accretion rate is close to Eddington and the disc is radiation-pressure-dominated, and so may apply to narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies. In this scenario, the hard X-ray source is obscured for most observers, and so the detected X-ray emission would be dominated by reflection off the walls of the sheets. A simple Comptonization calculation shows that the large photon-indices characteristic of NLS1s would be a natural outcome of two reprocessors closely surrounding the hard X-ray source. We test this model by fitting the XMM-Newton spectrum of the NLS1 1H  0707–495  between 0.5 and 11 keV with reflection-dominated ionized disc models. A very good fit is found with three different reflectors each subject to the same  Γ=2.35  power law. An iron overabundance is still required to fit the sharp drop in the spectrum at around 7 keV. We note that even a small corrugation of the accretion disc may result in  Γ>2  and a strong reflection component in the observed spectrum. Therefore, this model may also explain the strength and the variability characteristics of the MCG–6-30-15 Fe K α line. The idea needs to be tested with further broad-band XMM-Newton observations of NLS1s.  相似文献   

We study global non-axisymmetric oscillation modes trapped near the inner boundary of an accretion disc. Observations indicate that some of the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the luminosities of accreting compact objects (neutron stars, black holes and white dwarfs) are produced in the innermost regions of accretion discs or boundary layers. Two simple models are considered in this paper. The magnetosphere–disc model consists of a thin Keplerian disc in contact with a uniformly rotating magnetosphere with and low plasma density, while the star–disc model involves a Keplerian disc terminated at the stellar atmosphere with high density and small density scaleheight. We find that the interface modes at the magnetosphere–disc boundary are generally unstable due to Rayleigh–Taylor and/or Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. However, differential rotation of the disc tends to suppress Rayleigh–Taylor instability, and a sufficiently high disc sound speed (or temperature) is needed to overcome this suppression and to attain net mode growth. On the other hand, Kelvin–Helmholtz instability may be active at low disc sound speeds. We also find that the interface modes trapped at the boundary between a thin disc and an unmagnetized star do not suffer Rayleigh–Taylor or Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, but can become unstable due to wave leakage to large disc radii and, for sufficiently steep disc density distributions, due to wave absorption at the corotation resonance in the disc. The non-axisymmetric interface modes studied in this paper may be relevant to the high-frequency QPOs observed in some X-ray binaries and in cataclysmic variables.  相似文献   

A model is presented for an accretion disc in which the inflow is driven purely by the angular momentum removed in a centrifugally accelerated magnetic wind. Turbulent discs around compact stars are considered, with the required magnetic field being generated in the disc by a simple dynamo. The turbulent magnetic Prandtl number, N p, measures the ratio of turbulent viscosity to turbulent magnetic diffusivity. Formally, the hypothetical limit   N p→ 0  corresponds to the magnetic wind torque dominating the viscous torque, but in practice the inflow is magnetically controlled for   N p≲ 0.1  .
The suggestion by previous authors that purely magnetic wind-driven discs may be unstable is investigated. A detailed steady solution is found which allows perturbations to the thermal balance and vertical equilibrium to be calculated, and hence the effect of perturbations to the magnetic diffusivity, η, to be assessed. For a standard parametrized form of η, the wind-driven angular momentum balance is found to be linearly unstable. An increase in the inflow rate leads to increased bending of the poloidal magnetic field and an enhanced wind mass loss rate. This increases the angular momentum loss rate which drives further inflow. There is a resultant increase in η, due to the temperature perturbation, but this does not relieve field bending sufficiently to prevent the instability.  相似文献   

We present 2.5D time-dependent simulations of the non-linear evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion discs. The gas is accelerated from the surface of the disc (which is a fixed platform in these simulations) into a cold corona in stable hydrostatic equilibrium. We explore the dependence of the resulting jet characteristics upon the mass loading of the winds. Two initial configurations of the threading disc magnetic field are studied: a potential field and a uniform vertical field configuration.
We show that the nature of the resulting highly collimated, jet-like outflows (steady or episodic) is determined by the mass load of the disc wind. The mass load controls the interplay between the collimating effects of the toroidal field and the kinetic energy density in the outflow. In this regard, we demonstrate that the onset of episodic behaviour of jets appears to be determined by the quantity     which compares the speed for a toroidal Alfvén wave to cross the diameter of the jet, with the flow speed v p along the jet. This quantity decreases with increasing load. For sufficiently large N (small mass loads), disturbances appear to grow leading to instabilities and shocks. Knots are then generated and the outflow becomes episodic. These effects are qualitatively independent of the initial magnetic configuration that we employed and are probably generic to a wide variety of magnetized accretion disc models.  相似文献   

We compute the effect of an orbiting gas disc in promoting the coalescence of a central supermassive black hole binary. Unlike earlier studies, we consider a finite mass of gas with explicit time dependence: we do not assume that the gas necessarily adopts a steady state or a spatially constant accretion rate, i.e. that the merging black hole was somehow inserted into a pre-existing accretion disc. We consider the tidal torque of the binary on the disc, and the binary's gravitational radiation. We study the effects of star formation in the gas disc in a simple energy feedback framework.
The disc spectrum differs in detail from that found before. In particular, tidal torques from the secondary black hole heat the edges of the gap, creating bright rims around the secondary. These rims do not in practice have uniform brightness either in azimuth or time, but can on average account for as much as 50 per cent of the integrated light from the disc. This may lead to detectable high-photon-energy variability on the relatively long orbital time-scale of the secondary black hole, and thus offer a prospective signature of a coalescing black hole binary.
We also find that the disc can drive the binary to merger on a reasonable time-scale only if its mass is at least comparable with that of the secondary black hole, and if the initial binary separation is relatively small, i.e.   a 0≲ 0.05  pc. Star formation complicates the merger further by removing mass from the disc. In the feedback model we consider, this sets an effective limit to the disc mass. As a result, binary merging is unlikely unless the black hole mass ratio is ≲0.001. Gas discs thus appear not to be an effective solution to the 'last parsec' problem for a significant class of mergers.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of a numerical investigation of the dynamics and geometry of accretion discs in binary systems with mass ratios   q = M 2/ M 1 < 0.1  , applicable to ultracompact X-ray binaries, AM CVn stars and very short period cataclysmic variables. The steady-state geometry of the disc in the binary reference frame is found to be quite different from that expected at higher mass ratios. For   q ∼ 0.1  , the disc takes on the usual elliptical shape, with the major axis aligned perpendicular to the line of centres of the two stars. However, at smaller mass ratios the elliptical gaseous orbits in the outer regions of the disc are rotated in the binary plane. The angle of rotation increases with gas temperature, but is found to vary inversely with q . At   q = 0.01  , the major axis of these orbits is aligned almost parallel to the line of centres of the two stars. These effects may be responsible for the similar disc structure inferred from Doppler tomography of the AM CVn star GP Com, which has   q = 0.02  . The steady-state geometry at low mass ratios is not predicted by an inviscid, restricted three-body model of gaseous orbits; it is related to the effects of tidal-viscous truncation of the disc near the Roche lobe boundary. Since the disc geometry can be inferred observationally for some systems, it is proposed that this may offer a useful diagnostic for the determination of mass ratios in ultracompact binaries.  相似文献   

The high-mass X-ray binary RX J0146.9+6121, with optical counterpart LS I+61°235 (V831 Cas), is an intriguing system on the outskirts of the open cluster NGC 663. It contains the slowest Be type X-ray pulsar known with a pulse period of around 1400 s and, primarily from the study of variation in the emission line profile of Hα, it is known to have a Be decretion disc with a one-armed density wave period of approximately 1240 d. Here we present the results of an extensive photometric campaign, supplemented with optical spectroscopy, aimed at measuring short time-scale periodicities. We find three significant periodicities in the photometric data at, in order of statistical significance, 0.34, 0.67 and 0.10 d. We give arguments to support the interpretation that the 0.34 and 0.10 d periods could be due to stellar oscillations of the B-type primary star and that the 0.67 d period is the spin period of the Be star with a spin axis inclination of  23+10−8  degrees. We measured a systemic velocity of  −37.0 ± 4.3 km s−1  confirming that LS I+61°235 has a high probability of membership in the young cluster NGC 663 from which the system's age can be estimated as 20–25 Myr. From archival RXTE All Sky Monitor (ASM) data we further find 'super' X-ray outbursts roughly every 450 d. If these super outbursts are caused by the alignment of the compact star with the one-armed decretion disc enhancement, then the orbital period is approximately 330 d.  相似文献   

We investigate the growth or decay rate of the fundamental mode of even symmetry in a viscous accretion disc. This mode occurs in eccentric discs and is known to be potentially overstable. We determine the vertical structure of the disc and its modes, treating radiative energy transport in the diffusion approximation. In the limit of very long radial wavelength, an analytical criterion for viscous overstability is obtained, which involves the effective shear and bulk viscosity, the adiabatic exponent, and the opacity law of the disc. This differs from the prediction of a two-dimensional model. On shorter wavelengths (a few times the disc thickness), the criterion for overstability is more difficult to satisfy because of the different vertical structure of the mode. In a low-viscosity disc a third regime of intermediate wavelengths appears, in which the overstability is suppressed as the horizontal velocity perturbations develop significant vertical shear. We suggest that this effect determines the damping rate of eccentricity in protoplanetary discs, for which the long-wavelength analysis is inapplicable and overstability is unlikely to occur on any scale. In thinner accretion discs and in decretion discs around Be stars overstability may occur only on the longest wavelengths, leading to the preferential excitation of global eccentric modes.  相似文献   

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