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Understanding how Holocene sea levels influenced coastal wetland development in the Caribbean will aid wetland management in the context of predicted sea level rise. Nine radiocarbon dates from the Maracas and Nariva Swamps on wave-dominated coasts from Trinidad, show sea level was –9 m approximately 7000 yr BP, and rose gradually to –2 m by 2000 yr BP. Since then there may have been isostatic readjustment. Wetlands developed with a transgression of dry upland habitats by rising seas and the facultative halophyte Rhizophora colonized the new brackish water environment. A freshwater plant community gradually replaced the Rhizophora as the marine influence decreased. At Maracas, higher sea levels caused wetland retreat as beach and lagoon habitats migrated inland. Sand ridges in Nariva Swamp indicate that, as in Maracas Swamp, sea level rise created beaches and lagoons, but that these landforms prograded as additional nearshore sediments were deposited. Basins were also filled with sediment delivered by streams that drain the watershed, and by mangrove peat accumulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Quaternary changes in the coastal zone of northwestern Portugal through the relationship between sediments and landforms. By interpolating the available data from geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and geochronology, it was possible to reconstruct existing palaeoenvironments, the oldest of which date back to the last interglacial. The main landforms are a high and a low platform bounded by scarps. River sands and silty sediments formed in a lacustrine environment (Antas Formation, MIS 5) are associated with the high platform. Two deposits are associated with the low platform: the Cepães Formation (MIS 3) consisting of a lower set of river sand beds and an upper gravel beach bed, and the Aguçadoura Formation (MIS 1) consisting of Holocene lagoonal beds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research has identified two fundamental unit processes that build delta distributary channels. The first is mouth-bar deposition at the shoreline and subsequent channel bifurcation, which is driven by progradation of the shoreline; the second is avulsion to a new channel, a result of aggradation of the delta topset. The former creates relatively small, branching networks such as Wax Lake Delta; the latter generates relatively few, long distributaries such as the Mississippi and Atchafalaya channels on the Mississippi Delta. The relative rate of progradation to aggradation, and hence the creation of accommodation space, emerges as a controlling parameter on channel network form. Field and experimental research has identified sea level as the dominant control on Holocene delta growth worldwide, and has empirically linked channel network changes to changes in the rate of sea level rise. Here I outline a simple modeling framework for distributary network evolution, and use this to explore large-scale changes in Holocene channel pattern that have been observed in deltas such as the Rhine-Meuse and Mississippi. Rapid early- to mid-Holocene sea level rise forced many deltas into an aggradational mode, where I hypothesize that avulsion and the generation of large-scale branches should dominate. Slowing of sea level rise in the last ~6000 yr allowed partitioning of sediment into progradation, facilitating the growth of smaller-scale distributary trees at the shorelines of some deltas, and a reduction in the number of large-scale branches. Significant antecedent topography modulates delta response; the filling of large incised valleys, for example, caused many deltas to bypass the aggradational phase. Human effects on deltas can be cast in terms of geologic controls affecting accommodation: constriction of channels forces rapid local progradation and mouth-bar bifurcation, while accelerated sea level rise increases aggradation and induces more frequent channel avulsion.  相似文献   

The early Holocene sea level rise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The causes, anatomy and consequences of the early Holocene sea level rise (EHSLR) are reviewed. The rise, of ca 60m, took place over most of the Earth as the volume of the oceans increased during deglaciation and is dated at 11,650–7000 cal. BP. The EHSLR was largely driven by meltwater release from decaying ice masses and the break up of coastal ice streams. The patterns of ice sheet decay and the evidence for meltwater pulses are reviewed, and it is argued that the EHSLR was a factor in the ca 8470 BP flood from Lake Agassiz-Ojibway. Patterns of relative sea level changes are examined and it is argued that in addition to regional variations, temporal changes are indicated. The impact of the EHSLR on climate is reviewed and it is maintained that the event was a factor in the 8200 BP cooling event, as well as in changes in ocean current patterns and their resultant effects. The EHSLR may also have enhanced volcanic activity, but no clear evidence of a causal link with submarine sliding on continental slopes and shelves can yet be demonstrated. The rise probably influenced rates and patterns of human migrations and cultural changes. It is concluded that the EHSLR was a major event of global significance, knowledge of which is relevant to an understanding of the impacts of global climate change in the future.  相似文献   

Authors collected 38 sedimentary boreholes and numerous seismic profiles from previous publications to delineate the Holocene sedimentation rate of six major depositional sinks in the middle-lower Changjiang River basins and its river coast. The results demonstrate that the highest sedimentation rate of ca. 15 m/ka occurred in the mono-depositional sink of the former Changjiang River mouth during 10 000–8000 aBP, when post-glacial transgression happened and the Changjiang water level remained at lower stand. With the rising of the Changjiang water level in response to sea level rise, Jianghan Basin of the middle Changjiang River becomes the other important depositional sink with highest sedimentation rate of 10 m/ka since 7000 aBP. As Jianghan Basin was mostly filled up at ca. 4000 aBP, Dongting Basin and the lower Changjiang valley trapped sediments in great amounts like in the river mouth. A considerable amount of Changjiang sediments has been delivered, both eastward and southward, to the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea, especially after 2000 aBP. This indicates reduced sediment storage capacity of the middle-lower Changjiang valley and the river mouth. In total, ca. 1307.4 billion tons of sediment have deposited in the middle-lower Changjiang floodplain since 7000 aBP. In the meantime, ca. 947 billion tons of sediment have been deposited in the river coast to form the Changjiang subaqueous delta and the Zhejiang-Fujian along-shelf mud wedge. Our result also reveals two time stages with lower sedimentation rates(< 4 m/ka) in all basins during 8000–7000 aBP and in the estuarine area during 4000–2000 aBP, probably owing to stengthened chemical weathering of decline of monsoon precipitation. __________ Translated from Journal of Palaeogeography, 2007, 9(4):419–429 [译自: 古地理学报]  相似文献   

王宏  陈永胜    田立柱  李建芬  裴艳东  王福  商志文  范昌福  姜兴钰  苏盛伟    王海峰   《地质通报》2011,30(09):1405-1411
讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2和1分隔。堤底板前、后缘高差大致对应3m的大潮差、礁顶板大致对应海平面。据二者分别重建了南部贝壳堤平原、北部牡蛎礁平原的相对海面变化:南部自7ka cal BP以来基本与现代海平面等高,小的波动在±1m之间,压实固结作用抵消了中全新世的相对高海面;北部中全新世的相对海平面位置因新构造和固结压实双重下沉作用的影响,已位于现代海平面2~3m以下。  相似文献   

渤海湾全新世贝壳堤与牡蛎礁:古气候与海面变化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2和1分隔。堤底板前、后缘高差大致对应3m的大潮差、礁顶板大致对应海平面。据二者分别重建了南部贝壳堤平原、北部牡蛎礁平原的相对海面变化:南部自7ka cal BP以来基本与现代海平面等高,小的波动在±1m之间,压实固结作用抵消了中全新世的相对高海面;北部中全新世的相对海平面位置因新构造和固结压实双重下沉作用的影响,已位于现代海平面2~3m以下。  相似文献   

Holocene relative sea level (RSL) changes have been investigated by analysing and dating isolation sequences from five lakes near Sisimiut in south‐western Greenland. The transitions between marine and lacustrine sediments were determined from elemental analyses and analyses of macroscopic plant and animal remains. Radiocarbon dating was used to provide minimum ages for the transitions and to construct a RSL curve. Dating of a shell of the marine bivalve Macoma balthica indicates that deglaciation of the lowlands occurred in the early Holocene, at around 10 900 cal a BP. The RSL curve shows initial rapid regression from the marine limit at around 140 m, implying strong glacio‐isostatic rebound. We suggest that the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet was located at the shelf break during the Last Glacial Maximum. Frequent remains of the ostracode Sarcypridopsis aculeata, which is a thermophilous brackish water species that is unknown from the extant fauna of Greenland, in one of the basins around 8500 cal a BP may mark the beginning of the Holocene thermal maximum in the region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The influence of including the dynamic effects of future shoreline changes associated with sea level rise into hydrodynamic modeling is evaluated for the coast of the Northern...  相似文献   

依据钻孔资料和已发表的文献,对全新世长江三角洲的形成和发育及其对相邻沉积体系的影响作了综合和概括.在末次冰期低海平面时,现今长江三角洲地区可分为下切河谷和两侧的河间地两个古地貌单元.冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地.全新世最大海侵时形成以镇江-扬州为顶点的古河口湾.7000~7500年以来,当沉积速率超过海平面上升速度时,长江带来的物质大量沉积,河口湾被充填,并逐渐转变为潮汐平原和三角洲.河口湾被充填之后,长江带来的河流泥沙随之溢出河口湾,进入相邻的河口海岸地区,影响相邻沉积体系的形成和发育.长江泥沙向南进入钱塘江河口湾,在湾顶形成沙坎;向北输运,成为苏北南黄海潮成沙脊的重要物源,影响该潮成体系的形成和发展.舟山群岛海蚀平台上直接覆盖泥质沉积是以退积为主的河口湾向进积的三角洲环境转变的又一证据.长江输沙量在不断减少,而河口滩涂围垦力度在增加,这将导致相邻的河口海岸沉积体系增长速度减缓,出现侵蚀或侵蚀加剧.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene Holocene stratigraphic architecture on the northeastern Brazilian continental shelf off the Parnaíba Delta has been explored by high-resolution seismic profiles. The seismic surveys reveal the widespread distribution of incised valleys of different size in offshore continuation of the present-day Parnaiba delta. According to morphology two channel types can be distinguished: U-shaped channels in the eastern part and V-shaped channels in the western part. The stratigraphic successions were grouped into four seismic units separated by different seismic boundaries. The characteristics of the seismic boundaries and internal reflectors of the seismic units were used to distinguish between marine and riverine deposits. The incised-valleys architectural elements were used to link sedimentation processes and variations in base level from late Pleistocene channel avulsion and channel infill in the lowermost course of the paleo-Parnaíba River to marine sediments of the present-day inner shelf. The change of the depositional environments in relation to deglacial sea-level rise is compared to incised valley infills of the Mekong River and Red River systems in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Pollen and diatom assemblages, and peat stratigraphies, from a coastal wetland on the northern shore of Lake Erie were used to analyze water level and climatic changes since the middle Holocene and their effects on wetland plant communities. Peat deposition began 4700 cal yr B.P. during the Nipissing II transgression, which was driven by isostatic rebound. At that time, a diatom-rich wild rice marsh existed at the site. Water level dropped at the end of the Nipissing rise at least 2 m within 200 yr, leading to the development of shallower-water plant communities and an environment too dry for most diatoms to persist. The sharp decline in water level was probably driven primarily by outlet incision, but climate likely played some role. The paleoecological records provide evidence for post-Nipissing century-scale transgressions occurring around 2300, 1160, 700 and 450 cal yr B.P. The chronology for these transgressions correlates with other studies from the region and implies climatic forcing. Peat inception in shallow sloughs across part of the study area around 700 cal yr B.P. coincides with the Little Ice Age. These records, considered alongside others from the region, suggest that the Little Ice Age may have resulted in a wetter climate across the eastern Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess the main factors influencing salinity of groundwater in the coastal area between El Dabaa and Sidi Barani, Egypt. The types and ages of the main aquifers in this area are the fractured limestone of Middle Miocene, the calcareous sandstone of Pliocene and the Oolitic Limestone of Pleistocene age. The aquifers in the area are recharged by seasonal rainfall of the order of 150 mm/year. The relationship of groundwater salinity against the absolute water level, the well drilling depth, and the ability of aquifer to recharge has been discussed in the present work. The ability of aquifer to locally recharge by direct rainfall is a measure of the vertical permeability due to lithological and structural factors that control groundwater salinity in the investigated aquifers. On the other hand, the fracturing system as well as the attitude of the surface water divide has a prime role in changing both the mode of occurrence and the salinity of groundwater in the area. Directly to the west of Matrouh, where the coastal plain is the narrowest, and east of Barrani, where the coastal plain is the widest, are good examples of this concept, where the water salinity attains its maximum and minimum limits respectively. Accordingly, well drilling in the Miocene aquifer, in the area between El Negila and Barrani to get groundwater of salinities less than 5000 mg/l is recommended in this area, at flow rate less than 10 m3/hr/well. In other words, one can expect that the brackish water is probably found where the surface water divide is far from the shore line, where the Wadi fill deposits dominate (Quaternary aquifer), acting as a possible water salinity by direct rainfall and runoff.  相似文献   

Many German lakes experienced significant water level declines in recent decades that are not fully understood due to the short observation period. At a typical northeastern German groundwater‐fed lake with a complex basin morphology, an acoustic sub‐bottom profile was analysed together with a transect of five sediment cores, which were correlated using multiple proxies (sediment facies, μ‐XRF, macrofossils, subfossil Cladocera). Shifts in the boundary between sand and mud deposition were controlled by lake level changes, and hence, allowed the quantification of an absolute lake level amplitude of ~8 m for the Holocene. This clearly exceeded observed modern fluctuations of 1.3 m (AD 1973–2010). Past lake level changes were traced continuously using the calcium‐record. During high lake levels, massive organic muds were deposited in the deepest lake basin, whereas lower lake levels isolated the sub‐basins and allowed carbonate deposition. During the beginning of the Holocene (>9700 cal. a BP), lake levels were high, probably due to final melting of permafrost and dead‐ice remains. The establishment of water‐use intensive Pinus forests caused generally low (3–4 m below modern) but fluctuating lake levels (9700–6400 cal. a BP). Afterwards, the lake showed an increasing trend and reached a short‐term highstand at c. 5000 cal. a BP (4 m above modern). At the transition towards a cooler and wetter late Holocene, forests dominated by Quercus and Fagus and initial human impact probably contributed more positively to groundwater recharge. Lake levels remained high between 3800 and 800 cal. a BP, but the lake system was not sensitive enough to record short‐term fluctuations during this period. Lake level changes were recorded again when humans profoundly affected the drainage system, land cover and lake trophy. Hence, local Holocene water level changes reflect feedbacks between catchment and vegetation characteristics and human impact superimposed by climate change at multiple temporal scales.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):894-919
This study presents relative sea level (RSL) curves for seven coastal areas in Akarnania and the northwestern Peloponnese (NW Greece) since the mid-Holocene. RSL fluctuations are deduced from 48 14C-AMS dated sedimentological sea level markers from 27 vibracores drilled in near-coast geological archives as well as from six geoarchaeological sea level indicators of known ages. Seven palaeo sea level curves including uncertainty bands are reconstructed for a coastal zone spanning a distance of 150 km. Considerable intra-regional differences in sea level evolution exist. These differences are mainly due to tectonic reasons. In general, RSL in northwestern Greece has never been higher than today. Rates of local sea level rise were highest until 5500–5000 cal BC (up to 12.3 m/ka) and lowest during 4000–500 cal BC (0.2–1.4 m/ka). During the past 2500 or so years, RSL has accelerated anew (0.7–2.7 m/ka). Calculating differences between local mean sea level curves provides quantitative information on intra-regional differences of tectonic activity. The coastal plains of Palairos and Elis show signs of uplift, whereas the Mytikas and Boukka plains are strongly subsiding. Compared to other areas of the eastern Mediterranean, northwestern Greece has been subject to significant net long-term subsidence. Regional tectonic events (RTEs) were detected for the time around 4000, 2500, 500 and 250 cal BC as well as around 250 and 1250 cal AD. RTEs are characterized by changes of uplift/subsidence rates or by the redirection of local tectonic movements. The question if some of the RTEs were of a supra-regional nature is still open. From a geodynamic point of view, the results presented show that Akarnania's southwestern fringe is being downwarped while the tectonic block as a whole is moving towards the southwest. Strongest subsidence rates are observed for central Akarnania. At Akarnania's fringes, subsidence is reduced by the influence of strong uplift of adjacent areas such as around Preveza and the northern Peloponnese.  相似文献   

Climate change and its impacts on the coastal zone of the Nile Delta,Egypt   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The main objectives of the current work are (1) to determine historic pattern of shoreline changes (erosion and accretion) along the north coast of the Nile Delta, (2) to present a future view on what to be expected regarding climate change impacts, sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios, expected land losses and alteration of some soil characteristics (3) to recognize negative impacts of SLR on the Nile Delta coast and (4) to assess and suggest protection measures. The current investigation was conducted using the advanced techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system. The investigated area with 394 measured locations is located along the northern coast of the Nile Delta between Alexandria and ElTina plain in Sinai peninsula exactly between 29°20′ and 32°40′ E and 29°54′ and 31°35′ N with the minimum erosion values of 1.11 m2, maximum of 6,044,951.64 m2 and total of 16.02 km2. On the other hand, 177 sites showed minimum accretion values of 0.05 m2, maximum of 2,876,855.86 m2 and total of 13.19 km2. SLR was determined by applying the quadrant equation for 10-year intervals using 1990 as the base year. Mediterranean SLR along the Nile Delta coast could be estimated considering three different scenarios (low 0.20 m, medium 0.50 m, and high 0.90 m). Impacts of SLR are divided into (1) primary and (2) secondary impacts. Over the coming decades, the Nile Delta will face greater threat due to SLR and land subsidence as well. Regarding climate change and its impacts on soil characteristics, rapid increase in salinity values during the former three decades were found. This increase may be due to the intrusion of salty water of the Mediterranean. On the other hand, organic matter content decreased due to higher temperature, especially during the summer season. Some protection measures were assessed and suggested to combat or tackle SLR.  相似文献   

笔者在琼州海峡西口第四系松散沉积物中新发现碳酸盐胶结岩,通过生物碎屑AMS14C同位素定年、全岩X衍射定量分析、扫描电镜、阴极发光、全岩主微量元素地球化学测试等方法对其进行了年代学和成因研究。结果显示,碳酸盐胶结岩的成岩时代为早—中全新世,具有等厚纤柱状环边胶结、重力悬挂胶结、马牙状胶结、(似)共轴增生胶结、非等轴胶结等5种胶结物特征;阴极发光环带具有广泛发育、环带密集,可见淡水和海水相互作用的咸淡水混合带,说明其成岩环境包括淡水渗流带、咸淡水混合带、海水渗流带、海水潜流带;结合其沉积主微量元素特征,其赋存层位的沉积环境为海岸沉积环境,滨岸沉积相障壁岛亚相,属于海滩岩。综合雷州半岛西南部灯楼角珊瑚礁的海平面记录,重建了全新世琼州海峡西口地区海平面演化历史:9. 9~6. 7 ka BP海侵期、6. 7~6. 2 ka BP海退期、6. 2~4. 2 ka BP海侵期和4. 2 ka BP至今的稳定期等四个阶段。  相似文献   

Late Weichselian sea level changes at Sotra, Hordaland, western Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediments from twenty-eight basins were surveyed; ten of these basins with a representative lithostrati-gfaphy wee studied to determine their isolation from the sea during Late Weichselian. Diatom analysis was used to determine salinity changes, which were dated by pollen analysis and the radiocarbon method. The area was deglaciated in the early Boiling, and a regression of about 5 m followed. A transgression of more than 10 m started in late Boiling and terminated in middle Younger Dryas, with a transgression maximum between 38.2 and 40 m above present sea level. All the investigated basins were finally isolated in late Younger Dryas/early Preboreal, during a rapid regression. Repeated cycles of chinophilous/ chinophobous plant communities in the area reflect climatic changes in the period. No evidence of an Older Dryas ice readvance was found.  相似文献   

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