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一次西南涡暴雨的等熵位涡特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用常规资料和0.5°×0.5°的GFS再分析资料,对2010年7月19日发生在河北山东的一次西南涡暴雨过程产生的条件及其等熵位涡演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:西南涡、高、低空急流、地面低压是这次暴雨过程的主要影响系统;等熵位涡的演变和形态对冷空气活动有很好的示踪作用;等熵位涡中心两侧气流辐合,利于地面低压发展;高位涡下传,导致了大暴雨产生;等熵位涡大值区及移动方向与降水落区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中尺度天气预报中心(ECMWF)逐日的60层模式资料构建了半拉格朗日的二维θ-PVLAT坐标,在新坐标中对2003-2004年冬季北半球平流层极涡的活动过程进行诊断分析.通过对位涡距平场在新坐标下的EOF分析得到极涡扰动指数,由该指数出发对风场、温度场进行超前/滞后回归分析.得到极涡活动过程中平、对流层大气的环流输送特征.结果表明:(1)θ-PVLAT坐标有很好的物质性,它能够较好地反映出空气物质的输送特征,尤其在北半球冬季的高纬度地区它能更加真实的表达出大气环流风场、温度场的变化;(2)在极涡活动过程中平流层里存在着一对向极、向下的传播模态,不同符号的纬向风和温度异常的信号沿着这两个模态传播,而对流层中也有一向赤道的传播模态;(3)平流层中向极、向下的传播模态和对流层中向赤道的传播模态在时间上存在着一定的联系,当纬向风异常在高层传播到达极区时,低层开始向赤道传播;(4)整个极涡活动过程可以用一个非绝热加热作用和斜压波动作用共同驱动的经圈质量环流解释,这一环流造成了中低纬度地区的暖空气和极地区域的冷空气在平流层一对流层之间交换,对整层大气的热力、动力结构进行了重新组合.  相似文献   

浙北地区一次大暴雨过程的等熵位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
利用NCAR/NCEP逐日再分析资料,对浙北地区2008年6月9—11日大暴雨过程进行等熵位涡分析。结果表明:等熵面上的位涡(IζP)演变反映了暴雨区的移动及西南急流的发展。暴雨区主要位于位涡高值中心的东南侧,对应西南气流发展最强处,而位涡中心降水却不明显。当高位涡中心区南压影响后,强降水结束。通过垂直剖面图可看到,等熵面上的西北急流将高层的高等熵位涡向东向下输送,当浙北地区处于正IζP平流控制下时,强降水发生,当其处于负IζP平流控制时,强降水结束。同时,逆向的Ferrel环流圈的形成,为30°N附近强降水的产生与维持提供了有利的条件。  相似文献   

We investigated the differences between stratospheric (S-type) and tropospheric (T-type) Arctic Oscillation (AO) events on the intraseasonal time scale, in terms of their influences on surface air temperature (SAT) over the Northern Hemisphere and the dynamic features associated with their spatial structures. S-type AO events showed a stratosphere-troposphere coupled structure, while T-type events exhibited a stratosphere-troposphere uncoupled structure. The annular SAT anomalies over the Northern Hemisphere were found to be associated with S-type AO events, whereas such an annular feature was substantially destructed in T-type AO events. The different horizontal structures in the troposphere of the two types could mainly be attributed to transient eddy feedback forcing. As for the vertically uncoupled structure of Ttype events, the underlying dynamical features that differentiate them from S-type events lie in the vertical propagation of zonally confined Rossby waves. In T-type events, the zonally confined Rossby wave packets can emanate from the significant height anomalies over Northeast Asia, where one vertical waveguide exists, and then propagate upward into the stratosphere. In contrast, such a vertical propagation was not evident for S-type events. The stratospheric anomalies associated with the upward injection of the zonally confined Rossby waves from the troposphere in T-type events can further induce the anomalous vertical propagation of planetary waves (PWs) through the interference between the climatological-mean PWs and anomalous PWs, leading to the final stratosphere-troposphere uncoupled structure of T-type events.  相似文献   

等熵位涡在一次淮河流域大暴雨分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴迪  何艳娜  楚志刚 《气象科学》2016,36(6):732-741
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°逐日再分析资料、常规气象观测资料,通过等熵位涡理论对淮河流域2009年9月24—25日的大暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:淮河流域对流层低层的中尺度低涡的发生发展与此次暴雨密切相关;315 K等熵位涡高值中心的移动和强度变化很好地反映出中尺度低涡系统的发展变化情况,其移动方向与雨带走向一致,降水落区主要位于等熵位涡高值中心轴线移动方向右侧的强西南气流处,对应于345 K等熵面上干冷空气移动方向前部的暖湿区内;在暴雨发展强盛时期,淮河流域暴雨区上空从对流层高层至低层均存在明显的正等熵位涡平流,干冷空气的侵入使得低涡加强发展,辐合上升运动增强,有利于暴雨的增幅,这是引发此次暴雨过程重要的触发机制。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR全球2.5°×2.5°逐日和FNL1°×1°逐6h再分析资料,对2016年冬末春初湖南出现的两次寒潮过程进行等熵位涡诊断分析。结果表明:(1)中高纬度的高位涡区可以用来追踪影响湖南寒潮过程中强冷空气的来源和水平移动,西伯利亚冷高压陡增和与湖南地面气温的急剧下降预示着湖南寒潮天气爆发;(2)两次寒潮爆发过程中均伴随有中高纬度高位涡区向南传播的特征,且高位涡主体移动路径与地面冷空气南下路径一致,此外也表现出高位涡强烈向下伸展的特征;(3)等熵面上的高位涡中心与气旋性环流相对应,位涡中心区的变化可看出高空横槽的发展变化,而高位涡中心向南向下的传播导致强的下沉运动促进地面冷高压迅速发展,导致寒潮爆发。  相似文献   

采用欧洲中心提供的ERA-Interim每日4次再分析资料,对2016年1月下旬的一次强寒潮事件进行等熵位涡分析。结果表明,此次强寒潮的爆发以动力对流层顶下降、高位涡下传为特征,位涡扰动的强度和时间曲线的转折点对寒潮的酝酿和爆发有指示意义。此次强寒潮过程的冷空气可追溯到欧亚北部的新地岛附近和亚洲东北部的对流层顶,两股具有高位涡的冷空气在贝加尔湖附近合并堆积,在转竖横槽的引导下向南爆发,形成强寒潮。伴随寒潮过程的酝酿和爆发,高位涡强冷空气向下、向南传播,并伴随急流向下伸展。高位涡柱对应强烈发展并下伸的正涡度柱,表明高位涡引起的垂直拉伸导致显著的旋转增强,对应涡后横槽的强烈加深。对流层顶呈现大振幅波动,来自高层的信号较低层出现得更早、更强,在动力对流层顶上的信号比500 hPa表现得更为清楚。  相似文献   

300 hPa北极涡年际及年代际变化特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR 1949—2002年月平均再分析高度场资料,通过线性倾向估计、二项式系数加权平均、Morlet小波分析等诊断方法,系统地讨论了300 hPa北半球极涡面积、强度及中心位置的年际和年代际变化特征,结果表明:(1)年平均北极涡的面积在20世纪70年代中期之前在总的上升趋势中有几次较小的波动,之后在总体下降趋势中有几次较大的起伏;Ⅰ、Ⅱ区的线性变化趋势非常小,Ⅳ区最大,夏季的年际变化相对明显一些,秋季变化最弱,各季节均有线性收缩趋势,冬季幅度最大,秋季最小。(2)年平均极涡强度的年际、年代际变化特征与极涡面积有相似之处,但不同年份存在显著差异;各分区的强度变化与北半球类似(特别是Ⅰ区);夏季的年际变化幅度最大,春、夏季年代际变化的特征明显,秋季最弱。(3)北极涡中心位置通常并不在北极点,各分区极涡总面积所占的百分比有明显差异,且有月际变化,这些差异与海陆热力差异造成的环流的差异密切相关;极涡的主要位置有一定的年际、年代际变化特征;极涡中心位置主要偏向亚洲大陆及太平洋一侧。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in understanding isentropic potential vorticity (PV) dynamics during interactions between the stratosphere and troposphere, including the spatial and temporal propagation of circulation anomalies associated with the winter polar vortex oscillation and the mechanisms of stratosphere- troposphere coupling in the global mass circulation framework. The origins and mechanisms of interannual variability in the stratospheric circulation are also reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Tibetan Plateau as a PV source (via its thermal forcing) in the global and East Asian atmospheric circulation. Diagnosis of meridional isentropic PV advection over tile Tibetan Plateau and East Asia indicates that the distributions of potential temperature and PV over the east flank of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia favor a downward and southward isentropic transport of high PV from the stratosphere to the troposphere. This transport manifests the possible influence of the Tibetan Plateau on the dynamic coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere during summer, and may provide a new framework for understanding the climatic effects of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

系统介绍了近年来应用等熵位涡理论研究平流层-对流层动力相互作用所发现的一些新的事实和机理,包括平流层冬季极涡振荡过程中平流层、对流层环流异常的时空传播特征,以及等熵质量理论框架下的平流层-对流层动力耦合机理,还介绍了影响平流层环流年际尺度异常的因子及影响过程。回顾了夏季青藏高原的热力作用所激发的负位涡强迫源对东亚及全球大气环流的影响。并基于对夏季高原周边等熵位涡经向输送垂直分布的诊断进一步说明,夏季青藏高原的存在使高原东缘及东亚地区成为平流层和对流层物质交换的独特区域,探讨了夏季青藏高原影响平流层-对流层动力耦合的一种重要途径及其影响全球气候的重要意义。  相似文献   

Moist potential voracity (MPV) and Its generation may be important in the development of mesoscale structures such as rainbands within cyclones. In an adiabatic and frictionless flow, MPV generation is possible if the flow is three-dimensional and the air is unsaturated. Moist potential vorticity can be generated through the combined effects of gradients in the potential temperature and moisture fields. The diagnosis of MPV generation in an extratropical cy-clone was performed with the ECMWF objectively analyzed fields for a system that developed during February 1992. It was found that at various stages during the development of the cyclone, negative MPV was generated: at the north end of the cold front; along the occluded front and the cold front; and in the region of the warm core. This pattern of negative MPV generation is in excellent agreement with the predictions of previous theoretical and numerical studies. After the cyclone ceased to deepen, the region of negative MPV generated in the cyclone was horizontally adverted in-to a saturated area. The area of negative MPV generated both along the occluded front in this case study and in the region of the bent-back warm front in a numerical simulation showed a mesoscale structure with a width of about 200-500 km. It was found that the intrusion of moist or dry air into baroclinic zones was important for MPV genera-tion. In addition, baroclinicity increase (adjacent to the area of condensation) in the regions of high moisture gra-dients led to significant MPV production.  相似文献   

北京7.21暴雨低涡演变的湿位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过诊断再分析资料和数值模拟结果,从中层湿位涡守恒和低层湿位涡变化的角度分别对北京7.21暴雨过程中中尺度低涡的演变进行分析。结果表明,暴雨前期,对流层中高层高湿位涡的冷空气扩散南下,冷空气到达华北地区上空时,在有利等熵面的引导下从稳定层结向不稳定层结快速下滑,产生了剧烈的正涡度个别变化,使得低涡得到发展加强。另一方面,等熵面上冷暖空气的剧烈交汇在增强雨势的同时,也使得对流层低层至中层产生明显的涡度制造。在不考虑稳定度影响时,低层的非绝热过程引起的湿位涡制造与低涡发展有着很好的正相关,二者在位置上和量级上都有很好的对应。进一步分析表明,非绝热加热的水平不均匀分布是引起湿位涡变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The geostrophic adjustment of a homogeneous fluid in a circular basin with idealized topography is addressed using a numerical ocean circulation model and analytical process models. When the basin is rotating uniformly, the adjustment takes place via excitation of boundary propagating waves and when topography is present, via topographic Rossby waves. In the numerically derived solution, the waves are damped because of bottom friction, and a quasi-steady geostrophically balanced state emerges that subsequently spins-down on a long time scale. On the f-plane, numerical quasi-steady state solutions are attained well before the system's mechanical energy is entirely dissipated by friction. It is demonstrated that the adjusted states emerging in a circular basin with a step escarpment or a top hat ridge, centred on a line of symmetry, are equivalent to that in a uniform depth semicircular basin, for a given initial condition. These quasi-steady solutions agree well with linear analytical solutions for the latter case in the inviscid limit.

On the polar plane, the high latitude equivalent to the β-plane, no quasi-steady adjusted state emerges from the adjustment process. At intermediate time scales, after the fast Poincaré and Kelvin waves are damped by friction, the solutions take the form of steady-state adjusted solutions on the f-plane. At longer time scales, planetary waves control the flow evolution. An interesting property of planetary waves on a polar plane is a nearly zero eastward group velocity for the waves with a radial mode higher than two and the resulting formation of eddy-like small-scale barotropic structures that remain trapped near the western side of topographic features.

RÉSUMÉ?Traduit par la rédaction] Nous étudions l'ajustement géostrophique d'un fluide homogène dans un bassin circulaire ayant une topographie idéalisée à l'aide d'un modèle numérique de circulation océanique et de modèles analytiques de processus. Quand le bassin est en rotation uniforme, l'ajustement se fait par l'excitation d'ondes de propagation aux limites, et en présence de topographie, par des ondes de Rossby topographiques. Dans la solution numériquement dérivée, les ondes sont amorties à cause frottement contre le fond, et un état quasi-stable géostrophiquement équilibré s’établit pour ensuite décélérer sur une longue période de temps. Sur le plan f, les solutions numériques d’états quasi-stables sont atteintes bien avant que l’énergie du système mécanique soit entièrement dissipée par le frottement. Nous démontrons que les états ajustés apparaissant dans un bassin circulaire avec un accore en forme de marche ou une crête en forme de merlon, centrés sur une ligne de symétrie, sont équivalents à ceux d'un bassin semi-circulaire de profondeur uniforme pour une condition initiale donnée. Les solutions quasi-stables s'accordent bien avec les solutions analytiques linéaires pour le dernier cas dans la limite de la non-viscosité.

Sur le plan polaire, la haute latitude équivalente au plan β, le processus d'ajustement n'aboutit à aucun état ajusté quasi-stable. Aux échelles de temps intermédiaires, après l'amortissement des ondes rapides de Poincaré et Kelvin par le frottement, les solutions prennent la forme de solutions ajustées d’états stables sur le plan f. Aux échelles de temps plus longues, les ondes planétaires déterminent l’évolution de l’écoulement. Une propriété intéressante des ondes planétaires sur un plan polaire est une vitesse de groupe presque nulle vers l'est pour les ondes ayant un mode radial plus grand que deux et la formation résultante de structures barotropiques de petite échelle de type remous qui demeurent emprisonnées près du bord ouest des caractéristiques topographiques.  相似文献   

北极涡活动对我国同期及后期气温的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用NCEP/NCAR1950-2002年500hPa月平均再分析高度场资料计算出北半球及各分区的月平均极涡面积、强度,讨论了它们与我国气温的相关。结果表明:北半球500hPa年平均和4季的极涡面积大小与我国多数站点同期气温呈负相关,尤其在年平均及冬季状况下最显著,1-12月极涡面积与气温的负相关呈由减弱到增强的变化趋势;而极涡强度与我国同期气温的相关性相对较弱,在秋冬季不少地区出现正相关,1-12月极涡强度与气温负相关性的变化趋势是由增强到减弱。利用奇异值分解研究极涡对后期我国气温的影响后发现,极涡指数与后期我国气温呈负相关,但不同季节差异较大。当冬季Ⅳ区极涡面积显著缩小、北半球极涡总强度明显增强时,长江中下游以北及东北地区下一年春季气温通常上升;春季Ⅰ区极涡面积、强度异常偏大,则夏季华南沿海、西南及河套地区气温比常年偏低;若春季北半球极涡强度减弱、夏季亚洲区极涡面积收缩,则其后的秋季华北气温相对较高。  相似文献   


The 2009–10 Arctic stratospheric winter, in comparison with other recent winters, is mainly characterized by a major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in late January associated with planetary wavenumber 1. This event led to a large increase in the temperature of the polar stratosphere and to the reversal of the zonal wind. Unlike other major SSW events in recent winters, after the major SSW in January 2010 the westerlies and polar vortex did not recover to their pre-SSW strength until the springtime transition. As a result, the depletion of the ozone layer inside the polar vortex over the entire winter was relatively small over the past 20 years. The other distinguishing feature of the 2010 winter was the splitting of the stratospheric polar vortex into two lobes in December. The vortex splitting was accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the polar stratosphere and a weakening of the westerlies but with no reversal. The splitting occurred when, in addition to the high-pressure system over northeastern Eurasia and the northern Pacific Ocean, the tropospheric anticyclone over Europe amplified and extended to the lower stratosphere. Analysis of wave activity in the extratropical troposphere revealed that two Rossby wave trains propagated eastward to the North Atlantic several days prior to the vortex splitting. The first wave train propagated from the subtropics and mid-latitudes of the eastern Pacific Ocean over North America and the second one propagated from the northern Pacific Ocean. These wave trains contributed to an intensification of the tropospheric anticyclone over Europe and to the splitting of the stratospheric polar vortex.  相似文献   

徐双柱  吴涛  张萍萍  王继竹  董良鹏 《气象》2015,41(9):1159-1165
根据2010—2014年风云2号(FY 2)和风云3号(FY 3)气象卫星资料,结合雷达资料、常规观测资料和数值预报产品等,利用多阈值法、面积重叠法进行了湖北省暴雨云团的识别跟踪方法研究;利用配料法进行了湖北省6 h暴雨短时预报方法研究。建立了以网页形式的风云系列卫星资料的暴雨监测预报业务系统,定量监测和预预暴雨的发生、发展。2014年应用检验结果表明,该系统对于湖北省暴雨的监测和预报有指导作用。  相似文献   

涡动在南北半球平流层极涡崩溃过程中作用的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
魏科  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2008,32(2):206-219
比较了南北半球春季平流层极涡的崩溃过程以及涡动在此崩溃过程中的作用。极涡的崩溃时间以平流层极夜急流核区最后一次西风转换为东风的时间来确定。结果表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃过程有着共同的特点,涡动和非绝热加热过程都对极涡的崩溃起着重要的作用,在极涡崩溃前平流层行星尺度波动活动明显,极涡崩溃以后,这种波动活动便迅速减弱。其中从对流层上传的行星波决定着极涡的具体崩溃时间。两个半球的差别主要表现在南半球极涡崩溃过程一般始于平流层高层,然后逐渐下传,而北半球这种下传不是很明显。其次,北半球平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年,极涡的减弱有两次过程,第一次为快速变化过程,第二次变化比较缓慢,而南半球平流层极涡崩溃无论早晚年只有一次减弱过程。长期的变化趋势分析表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃时间逐渐推迟,特别是20世纪90年代中后期以来,这种推迟更加明显。进一步的研究还发现,伴随着平流层极涡的崩溃过程平流层和对流层存在强烈的动力耦合,南北半球极涡迅速减弱前,各自半球的环状模指数也由负指数增加为正指数,表明低层环流对于平流层极涡的崩溃起到重要的作用;同时极涡不同强度所对应的低层环状模指数也不同,这可能与不同强度平流层极涡对于上传的行星波的反射有关。  相似文献   

A precipitation system developed continuously along the western coastline of the Korean Peninsula and created considerable precipitation both along the coast and inland on 26 July 2011. In this study, the causes for this nearshore convective system are investigated from observations and the results of model experiments. Three-dimensional radar fields clearly show that a change of wind at the surface border played an important role in the development of the nearshore convection system. The simulation results, which are very similar to the observations, show that the surface border generated and maintained the convergence zone. The roughness change enhanced the convergence, and the interaction between the deepening cold pool and downward flow maintained the convergence zone. The surface mechanical discontinuity affected by the roughness change between sea and land formed the convergence (gradient of wind stress),which induced momentum transfer to the upper layer. The cold pool created a steep gradient of potential temperature and provided the reason for the propagated convergence zone with the downward flow. The maximum value of the surface change factor, which comprises the influencing factors for the long-lasting convective system, reflects the enhancement of the system at the coast.  相似文献   

利用分片位涡反演方法,对影响2008 年6 月广西一次暴雨过程的准静止中尺度低涡(简称“广西涡”)进行反演计算,诊断分析不同物理性质的位涡扰动对广西涡的贡献。结果表明: 与潜热释放有关的湿的位涡扰动(Qh)对广西涡有直接作用,并对广西涡发展有主要正贡献,其影响主要集中在对流层中低层;与潜热释放无关的干位涡扰动(Qd)对广西涡的贡献集中在对流层中高层,有利于广西涡向高层扩展和加深;Qh和Qd均对广西涡路径有影响。  相似文献   

NOx在雪-气之间的交换能够影响到极地大气边界层的大气成分和大气化学过程,增强极地大气边界层的氧化性,并可能影响对冰雪大气成分记录的解释。近年来,人们认识到冰雪在光照下释放NOx是极地大气边界层NOx的一个重要来源。从以下几方面对大气边界层NOx的冰雪来源进行综述:NOx冰雪来源的观测和实验证据、冰雪释放NOx的机制和影响参数、极地NOx浓度和通量以及极地冰雪NOx化学过程对环境的影响。近年来,笔者已在处于北半球中纬度的青藏高原观测到冰雪表面光照下释放出比极地高1个量级浓度水平的NOx,因此需更深入的科学研究揭示其对青藏高原大气氧化性的影响。  相似文献   

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