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This paper uses the U.S. 1990 Public Use Micro Sample to characterize the 1985-1990 primary, return, and onward interstate migration patterns for blacks and whites. The classification of these three types of migration is based on the state of birth and state of residence at the start and end of the census interval. Major migration streams, migration rates, and net migration are evaluated for each migrant type and compared for blacks and whites. Overall, the migration patterns of blacks resemble those of whites, with an attraction to the South and the Southwest and movement out of the Northeast and the Midwest. Some differences were observed, however, between the two races. Return migration rates were somewhat higher for black migrants as compared with whites, and onward migration rates were lower. Black primary out-migrants represented a larger proportion of the total flows from the southern states as compared with white out-migrant flows, and they represented a larger share of the out-migrants from the rust belt states. The major migration streams also had different regional and national patterns by race and migrant type.  相似文献   

Interstate migration exchanges in the United States are temporally and spatially transitory. Both the early and mid-1980s exhibited significant fluctuations in the origins and destinations of U.S. migrants, while the late 1980s and early 1990s were even more unstable. Regions once favored by interstate movers such as the West and the South, while remaining attractive, showed evidence of declining favor in the early 1990s. Meanwhile, numerous states in the national interior regained their attractiveness, including several that gained net migrants for the first time in decades. California exhibited a major turnaround in its migration, perturbing the entire U.S. migration system.  相似文献   

水库移民中安置性移民与开发性移民的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建国以来, 中国水库移民安置经历了一个从安置性移民向开发性移民转变的过程。分析比较研究两类移民的本质差别, 有助于认识和掌握社会主义市场经济条件下开发性移民的基本规律性。遵循规律, 探讨问题, 促进开发性移民健康发展。  相似文献   

国外旅游移民研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
旅游移民是近年来西方学者研究的焦点之一,它包括旅游劳工移民和消费导向移民两大类型。该文对西方旅游移民研究进行分析,包括4方面内容:1)旅游移民产生的宏观和微观条件;2)旅游劳工移民的转移模式、类型层次和功能作用;3)旅游退休移民的概念探讨、类型划分、动力因子、社会影响及与生活方式移民的关系;4)旅游和返回移民的关系。最后讨论今后进一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

生活方式型移民研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在经济比较发达以及后现代社会带来个人主体性增强的背景下,以寻找更好的生活方式的迁移——“生活方式型移民”成为一种重要的人口流动类型,并受到西方学者的高度关注。在中国,生活方式型移民开始萌芽,然而研究较少,目前主要集中在对生活方式型旅游企业主移民研究;西方的研究则涉及退休移民、生活方式型企业主移民等多种类型,但尚未形成完整的研究体系,对于生活方式型移民概念界定及其类型划分较为杂乱。为此,本文从现有文献出发,试图对这类移民的研究内容进行介绍、探讨、厘清和评析,首先确定“生活方式型移民”的概念框架,根据生产和消费在时间和空间上的结合状态将生活方式型移民划分为三种类型,并从社会交往、生活状态、旅游行为和自我认知等方面综述其迁移后的行为表现及由此产生的影响,希望借此促进中国学者对生活方式型移民的关注。  相似文献   

Australia's labour market is most influenced by international migration among OECD nations, but Australian research on this issue focuses almost exclusively on permanent settlement migration. The present paper, however, demonstrates that non-permanent migration has an important impact on the Australian labour market, although such migrants are not included in standard data collections and research on migrants and the labour market. A number of data sources are utilised to estimate the labour-market impact of Working Holiday Makers, Temporary Business Entrants, Overseas Students, and New Zealand temporary migrants. It is shown that their impact is equivalent to more than 400?000 full-time jobs. However, the effect is magnified because it is concentrated in particular sectors of the economy and in particular communities within Australia. A number of issues relating to temporary migration are discussed, including the nature of its relationship with permanent migration, the effects on job training, and the implications for regional development.  相似文献   

钟雨齐  王强  崔璨  王一凡 《地理科学》2021,41(6):960-970
知识经济时代人才是决定区域经济竞争力的重要资源,各地政府发起的人才争夺战日益白热化,中央政府也一再强调应当引导合理、公正、畅通、有序的人才社会性流动。基于南京市高校《毕业生就业质量报告》和一手问卷调查数据,进行毕业生择校迁移与择业迁移模式并采用多项逻辑斯蒂回归模型探究其影响因素研究。研究表明:① 南京市高校毕业生中近84%来自东部和中部地区,而择业迁移进一步向东集聚。② 毕业生整体迁移路径呈“东西非对称U型”格局,长三角城市群构成毕业生流动的核心区域;就业地经济发展水平明显高于生源地且往往与生源地邻近。③ 个体的教育背景、家庭和社会网络和对就业机会的评估都会显著影响毕业生的流动类型选择。  相似文献   

陈慧  朱竑  刘云刚 《地理科学》2021,41(11):1925-1934
基于西方学界中移民产业的相关文献,系统梳理了移民产业概念的形成、发展与应用。研究发现:首先,移民产业概念在分析尺度上将宏观与微观相结合,并引入多主体分析的视角,因此其在解释跨国人口迁移在不同阶段的特征与机制方面显现出相对的灵活性;其次,移民产业概念主要被应用于解释流动性机制、跨国移民治理、跨国移民的在地化3个方面。通过对移民产业概念的渊源、发展和相关实证研究的梳理,以期为中国的移民研究提供新的视角、为移民管制及移民政策的制订提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

卓云霞  刘涛 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1262-1278
作为一个多阶段的空间行为决策过程,人口迁移是城镇化和区域发展研究的核心议题;但现有研究普遍存在重意愿轻行为、重状态轻过程以及较少关注再迁移行为等不足。本文构建了迁移者居留、返乡和再迁移三元选择行为的分析框架,并利用具有全国代表性的调查数据,采用事件史分析法开展了实证研究。结果发现:迁移者普遍会经历三年左右的不稳定期,而后进入稳定居留状态。迁移者的居留、返乡与再迁移行为存在空间分异:省际迁移者较省内迁移者更倾向于再迁移;迁入地规模等级越高,迁移者居留的比例越低。重要生命事件会显著影响人们的迁移行为:婚姻会让迁移者更偏好在特定迁入地稳定居留;毕业就职是人们重新选择居住地的重要时机,而失业这一负面冲击则很可能促使迁移者返回家乡。迁入地经济增长放缓、迁出地经济发展水平提高、两地间文化环境差异较大等因素都会导致更多迁移者选择返乡;但区域发展和地域联系对高学历、低学历迁移者和省际、省内迁移者的影响存在明显异质性。研究结果证实了在人口迁移决策研究中关注实际迁移行为、引入动态过程视角并统筹考虑居留返乡和再迁移三元选择的重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether marriage‐related migration promotes socioeconomic mobility and how class belonging and educational background affects Thai women's migration experience and socioeconomic mobility. Drawing on qualitative interviews, supported by a questionnaire survey with Thai women living in Austria and who are in a relationship with a Western male citizen, we seek to dismantle simplistic notions about hypergamy and question common assumption about marrying up or down in migration contexts. We compare socioeconomic indicators such as formal education, occupation, and income before and after the migration and analyse migrants’ experiences in Austria. The results show a complex picture of upward and downward socioeconomic mobilities. Two distinct scenarios of paradoxical mobilities have been identified. On the one hand, some migrants feel empowered (when experiencing economic downward mobility) as they enjoy the freedom of living in Austria, while on the other hand, those migrants experiencing upward mobility feel a loss of their personal autonomy.  相似文献   

旅游移民研究体系及方法初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨钊  陆林 《地理研究》2008,27(4):949-962
近年来,一种基于大众旅游的新人口迁移现象——旅游移民受到西方学者的高度关注。在我国,旅游移民现象已经出现,但研究较少。西方学者对旅游移民的研究较为注重实证分析,缺少对旅游移民概念及其研究体系的准确界定。笔者在对国外相关文献分析和已有实证研究基础上,对旅游移民的概念体系进行了界定,把旅游移民划分为旅游劳工移民和旅游消费移民两大类,确定旅游移民研究的三大方向为行为理论研究、发生论研究和社会影响研究,并对每个研究方向的主要内容进行了明确,构建出旅游移民的研究体系。同时,提出了旅游移民研究可借用的相关移民动力学、行为学、社会学等理论,以及质性研究、量化研究、比较研究、长期站点监测和个案研究等具体研究方法和需要注意的方面,对我国旅游移民研究进行了理论和方法的初步探讨。  相似文献   

空气质量对中国人口迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹广忠  刘嘉杰  刘涛 《地理研究》2021,40(1):199-212
随着中国流动人口群体构成和迁移模式的持续变化,空气质量等舒适性要素逐渐成为塑造人口迁移空间格局的重要因素。基于2000年以来的人口普查和抽样调查数据,本文探讨了空气质量对人口迁移影响的总体特征、变动趋势和作用模式。研究发现,空气质量已逐渐成为影响中国人口迁移格局的重要因素,且主要表现为推力作用。空气质量直接关系到人口迁出决策,污染严重的地区更难留住人;而在迁入地选择过程中,收入水平和就业机会则更为重要,但其影响近年来有所弱化,城市吸引力更加综合多元。此外,研究还验证了教育资源对人口迁移的导向性作用,并从人口迁移的角度发现了城市群作为城镇化主体形态的地位在持续强化。  相似文献   

吴水田  陈平平 《热带地理》2014,34(3):408-413
疍民人口迁移是疍民文化传播的主要载体,通过历史文献分析、实地调查等方法研究发现,在经济机会、生存条件、政治变革等因素的影响下,岭南疍民人口以珠江三角洲为核心,呈现辐射式和跳跃式的迁移规律,其主要迁移目的地为岭南沿海及东南亚等地,并在岭南各地形成不同规模的疍民人口板块。同时,疍民人口也呈现往城镇汇集的历史过程,其方向是从河流的上游往下游、从沿海到陆地、从农村到城市,其结果是疍民的人口分布呈现“板块状、带状、弧形状”的分布特点,同时文化个性也逐步消失,并朝与当地趋同的方向发展,这对疍民文化的传承和发展提出了严峻挑战。  相似文献   

古恒宇  沈体雁 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1823-1839
自户籍制度放宽以来,中国经历了大规模的人口迁移。其中,异质性劳动力(高技能劳动力、普通劳动力)在迁移过程中表征出不同的空间格局和网络组织特征,对地区经济发展产生各异的影响。本研究基于人口普查和抽样调查微观抽样数据,使用复杂网络理论对1995—2015年中国异质性劳动力迁移的时空格局和网络演化展开分析,并分析了格局背后的可能成因。研究发现:① 省际高技能和普通劳动力迁移均呈现出持续高度不平衡的空间集聚特征,承载大量人口的迁移流主要由中国中西部地区指向东部沿海地区,但这种空间不平衡特征呈现出一定的减弱趋势。高技能劳动力的平均迁移距离比普通劳动力更长;② 两类劳动力迁移网络中均呈现明显的“小世界”特性,但普通劳动力迁移网络的迁移强度和关联程度均高于高技能劳动力迁移网络;③ 两类劳动力迁移网络均呈现出以北京、上海、广东为主要核心节点的网络结构。高技能劳动力网络结构呈现相对稳定的特征,而普通劳动力网络结构则呈现出变化的趋势;④ 地区经济差异、路径依赖效应、异质性劳动力在就业市场上的差异性以及劳动力市场对异质性劳动力需求的差异是导致两类劳动力迁移格局差异性的重要成因。  相似文献   

At the same time that the Third World has become more dependent on international wage-labor migration, developed countries have become less hospitable to this migration. This inhospitality is beginning to have negative repercussions on rural sending regions such as north-central Mexico. This study is based on a survey of a stratified random sample of households in Villanueva municipio (county), Zacatecas, in 1988 and again in 2002, employing the same questions and methodology. The results suggest that restrictive U.S. border policies over this period have had a negative impact on village economies in the municipio. Although migrant families continued to hold a distinctive edge on nonmigrant families in terms of possessions and productive investments, there was a decline overall in levels of investment and remittances in the municipio. In the latter year, Villanueva had more nonmigrant families as well as more families with permanent migrants—both trends leading to less money remitted to rural families and lower agricultural investments. Observations and interviews with migrants and townspeople in the municipio in 2005 and 2008 strongly corroborate these trends. Rural villages are facing depopulation, disinvestment and, it might be argued, a deterioration of hope for the future.  相似文献   


This research is grounded in notions of differential economic restructuring across employment sectors and geographic space, as well as migration selectivity by occupation. A series of unconstrained competing-destinations models were employed to analyze the response by workers in thirteen occupational categories to sectoral employment change, average wages, and distance. As was hypothesized, workers in occupations that require high levels of education and skills are more responsive, in terms of migration, to economic opportunities in alternative labor-market areas. However, the results do not support the hypothesis that highly educated and skilled workers migrate longer distances. Further investigation suggests that opportunities for highly educated and skilled workers may be clustering in relatively few areas that are in relatively close proximity.  相似文献   

This paper examines African American migration from Los Angeles County, 1985–1990, utilizing Census Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) data to identify linkages between Los Angeles migrants and others in destination households. Increased migration to suburban counties and to regions outside of the South, since 1975–1980, suggests an overall diversification of African American migration. The majority of outmigrants were “independent” because they moved into 1990 destination households that contained only migrants from the same origin, Los Angeles County. Others were linked either to nonmovers or to migrants from other places in destination households. A discriminant analysis suggests that many migrants linked to nonmigrants were moving for assistance, depending on others at the destination for housing and financial resources. In contrast, independent migrants have the personal resources to set up their own destination households.  相似文献   

基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,运用描述统计和社区发现等方法,研究流动人口在初次流动和当前流动的空间格局及其变动特征。结果发现:1)从区域差异看,流动人口初次流动和当前流动的流出地格局保持相对稳定,流入地格局的变化主要体现在:在当前流动阶段,流入中部地区的比例下降而西部地区比例上升;流入特大城市的比例明显下降而I型大城市、中等城市和I型小城市的比例上升;流向直辖市和计划单列市的比例上升而流向副省级和省会城市的比例下降。2)从行政地级市间净迁移格局看,流动人口初次和当前流动的净迁移格局稳定性强,净迁入地区以“块状”分布于东部沿海省份的发达地市和“点状”分布于中西部省会及部分资源型和口岸型地市,净迁出地区连片分布在中西部地区的大多数地市与沿海省份的内陆地市。3)流动人口初次和当前流动以就近迁移与远程迁移交织的流迁模式为主,且由此刻画的行政地级市间迁移网络格局呈现以“胡焕庸线”为界的“东密西疏”现象;但也出现在当前流动阶段迁往京津冀的迁移流规模降低,长三角取代珠三角成为流入地首选区域的特征。4)流动人口生计策略的稳定性与人口迁移流动的空间惯性,是流动人口初次和当前流动空间格局表现出相似性的主要原因,而产业结构转型升级及在不同地市间的梯度转移是促使流动人口在流入地选择上发生变化的重要力量。  相似文献   

The age patterns of U.S. internal migration, while examined extensively at the national level, have not been fully explored at the regional scale. This study examines, using 1985 - 1990 census data, the state-level variations in two aspects of lifecycle mobility: the mobility level, or the average number of moves made over the lifecycle, and the mobility timing, or the age at which half the lifetime moves are completed. It further delineates typologies of states based upon their age structure of mobility. The study found that regional patterns in the mobility level showed some evidence of the Snowbelt-Sunbelt patterns that characterized economic restructuring in the 1980s. Geographic patterns of mobility timing were less clear; however states in the West and the South showed somewhat more young distributions than the other regions. Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility levels and timing: states with higher mobility levels also exhibited older mobility profiles, as a consequence of disproportionately high elderly mobility rates. The study highlights the regional differences in mobility behavior, and the interplay between the “how much” and the “when” of mobility.  相似文献   

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