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V. O. Davydova V. D. Shcherbakov P. Yu. Plechov 《Moscow University Geology Bulletin》2018,73(5):444-450
Intrusion of magma of contrasting composition into a magma chamber often triggers eruptions of arc volcanoes. Application of the diffusion chronometry method allowed us to determine the time when fresh magma was supplied to the shallow chamber of Bezymianny volcano in the case of six eruptions in 2006–2012 and to compare them to the recorded seismic activity of this volcano. Two types of eruptions of Bezymianny volcano were distinguished, with a contrasting orthopyroxene rim being formed in the respective magmas (a) up to 3 years and (b) up to 2 months before the beginning of an eruption. It was shown that these differences are caused by two different paths of magma supply to the shallow chamber of Bezymianny volcano. 相似文献
Bulakh M. O. Pekov I. V. Koshlyakova N. N. Sidorov E. G. 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2022,64(8):607-621
Geology of Ore Deposits - This paper in focused on the data for ludwigite and yuanfuliite of the new fumarolic genetic type. These ferric–magnesian borates (oxoborates) have been found in... 相似文献
N. V. Zubkova I. V. Pekov D. A. Ksenofontov V. O. Yapaskurt D. Yu. Pushcharovsky E. G. Sidorov 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2018,479(1):339-341
The crystal structure (R = 0.0194) of arcanite β-K2SO4 was studied on a single crystal from exhalations of the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). The mineral crystallizes at a temperature of ≥350–430°C and associates with langbeinite, aphthitalite, hematite, tenorite, johillerite, and others. Arcanite is orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 7.4763(2) Å, b = 5.77262(16) Å, c = 10.0630(3) Å, V = 434.30(2) Å3, Z = 4. Its structure contains isolated SO4 tetrahedra, whereas K cations center ten- and nine-fold polyhedra. 相似文献
Wet and Dry Basalt Magma Evolution at Torishima Volcano, Izu Bonin Arc, Japan: the Possible Role of Phengite in the Downgoing Slab 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tamura Y.; Tani K.; Chang Q.; Shukuno H.; Kawabata H.; Ishizuka O.; Fiske R. S. 《Journal of Petrology》2007,48(10):1999-2031
The arc-front volcanoes of Sumisu (31·5°N, 140°E)and Torishima (30·5°N, 140·3°E) in thecentral Izu–Bonin arc are similar in size and rise asrelatively isolated edifices from the seafloor. Together theyprovide valuable along-arc information about magma generationprocesses. The volcanoes have erupted low-K basalts originatingfrom both wet and dry parental basaltic magmas (low-Zr basaltsand high-Zr basalts, respectively). Based on models involvingfluid-immobile incompatible element ratios (La/Sm), the parentalbasalts appear to result from different degrees of partial meltingof the same source mantle (20% and 10% for wet and dry basaltmagmas, respectively). Assuming that the wet basalts containgreater abundances of slab-derived components than their drycounterparts, geochemical comparison of these two basalt typespermits the identification of the specific elements involvedin fluid transport from the subducting slab. Using an extensiveset of new geochemical data from Torishima, where the top ofthe downgoing slab is about 100 km deep, we find that Cs, Pb,and Sr are variably enriched in the low-Zr basalts, which cannotbe accounted for by fractional crystallization or by differencesin the degree of mantle melting. These elements are interpretedto be selectively concentrated in slab-derived metasomatic fluids.Variations in K, high field strength element and rare earthelement concentrations are readily explained by variations inthe degree of melting between the low- and high-Zr basalts;these elements are not contained in the slab-derived fluids.Rb and Ba exhibit variable behaviour in the low-Zr basalts,ranging from immobile, similar to K, to mildly enriched in somelow-Zr basalts. We suggest that the K-rich mica, phengite, playsan important role in determining the composition of fluids releasedfrom the downgoing slab. In arc-front settings, where slab depthis 100 km, phengite is stable, and the fluids released fromthe slab contain little K. In back-arc settings, however, wherethe slab is at 100–140 km depth, phengite is unstable,and K-rich fluids are released. We conclude that cross-arc variationsin the K content of arc basalts are probably related to differingcompositions of released fluids or melts rather than the widelyheld view that such variations are controlled by the degreeof partial melting. KEY WORDS: arc volcano; degrees of melting; mantle wedge; water; wet and dry basalts 相似文献
Mount Galunggung is a historically active volcano in southwesternJava that has erupted four times in the last two centuries.During the most recent event, which occurred during a 9monthinterval in 1982 83, some 305 106 m3 of mediumK,calcalkaline magma was erupted. This eruption was unusualbecause of its duration, the diversity of eruption dynamicsand products, and the range of lava compositions produced. Thecomposition of juvenile material changed gradually during thecourse of the eruption from initial plagioclase (An6075)and twopyrozene bearing andesites with 58% SiO2 to finalplagioclase (An8590), diopside, and olivine (Fo8590)bearing primitive magnesium basalts with 47% SiO2 Mineralogicaland compositional relationships indicate a magmatic evolutioninvolving differentitation of highMg parental melt. Theeruptive volumes of 35 106 m3 andesite, 120 106 m3 maficandesite, and 150 106 m3 basalt are consistent with the ideathat the 1982 83 eruption progressively tapped and draineda magma chamber that had become chemically stratified throughextensive crystal fractionation. Separates of plagioclase and pyroxene have 18O( SMO W) rangesof + 5. 6 to + 6.0 and + 5.3 to + 5.6, respectively, with 18Oplagpxvalues of + 0.4 to + 0.6o, indicating internal Oisotopeequiliburium at temperature of 1100850 C. The magenesianbasalts have magmatic 18O/ 16O ratios similar to those of midoceanridge basalt, and the Oisotope ratios of compositionallyevolved derivative melts show no evidence for contaminationof the galunggung magmas by 18Orich crust during differentiation.Andesites and transitional mafic and sites have a more variableOisotope character, with laves and phenocrysts havingboth higher and lower 18O values than observed in the parentalmagnesium basalts. These features are interpreted to reflectintramagma chamber processes affecting the upper portions ofthe differentiating Galunggung magma body before the 198283eruption. 相似文献
M. N. Murashko I. V. Pekov S. V. Krivovichev A. P. Chernyatyeva V. O. Yapaskurt A. E. Zadov M. E. Zelensky 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2013,55(7):594-600
Steklite KAl(SO4)2 has been found in sublimates of the Yadovitaya (Poisonous) fumarole at the second cinder cone of the northern breach of the Great Fissure Tolbachik Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Steklite was approved as a valid mineral species by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature, and Mineral Classification of the International Mineralogical Association on June 2, 2011 (IMA no. 2011-041). The name steklite is left for this mineral, as it was named by Chesnokov et al. (1995) for its technogenic analog from a burnt dump of coal mine no. 47 at Kopeisk, the Southern Urals, Russia. It is named after the Russian word steklo, meaning glass, in allusion to the visual similarity of its lamellae to thin glass platelets. At Tolbachik, steklite is associated with alumoklyuchevskite, langbeinite, euchlorine, fedotovite, chalcocyanite, hematite, and lyonsite. It occurs as hexagonal or irregular-shaped lamellar crystals with the major form {001} reaching 30 μm in thickness and 0.2 mm (occasionally up to 1 mm) in width. The crystals are frequently split. They are combined into openwork aggregates or thin crusts up to 1.5 × 2.5 cm in area. Steklite is transparent and colorless, with vitreous luster. The cleavage is perfect, parallel to (001). The mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 2.5. D calc is 2.797 g/cm3. Steklite is optically uniaxial, (?), ω = 1.546(2), ? = 1.533(3). The chemical composition (wt %, electron-microprobe data) is as follows: 0.09 Na2O, 18.12 K2O, 0.08 CaO, 0.03 MnO, 2.02 Fe2O3, 18.18 Al2O3, 61.80 SO3. The total is 100.37. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of eight O atoms is: (K0.997Na0.008Ca0.004)Σ1.009(Al0.925Fe 0.066 3+ Mg0.003Mn0.001)Σ0.995S2.01O8. Steklite is trigonal, space group P321, a = 4.7281(3), c = 7.9936(5) Å, V = 154.76(17)Å3, Z =1. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, Å-I[hkl]) are: 8.02–34[001], 4.085–11[100], 3.649–100[011, 101], 2.861–51[012, 102], 2.660 - 19[003], 2.364–25[110], 2.267–14[111, 111, 103], 1.822–12[022, 202]. In the structure of steklite examined in microtwinned crystal with R = 0.0732, the SO4 tetrahedral anions are shared-corners with distorted AlO6 trigonal prisms to form ∞ 2 [(Al, Fe) (SO4)2]? layers coplanar to (001). The K+ cations are in the interlayer space. The type specimen of steklite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. 相似文献
Experimental Crystallization of a High-K Arc Basalt: the Golden Pumice, Stromboli Volcano (Italy) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
DI CARLO IDA; PICHAVANT MICHEL; ROTOLO SILVIO G.; SCAILLET BRUNO 《Journal of Petrology》2006,47(7):1317-1343
The near-liquidus crystallization of a high-K basalt (PST-9golden pumice, 49·4 wt % SiO2, 1·85 wt % K2O,7·96 wt % MgO) from the present-day activity of Stromboli(Aeolian Islands, Italy) has been experimentally investigatedbetween 1050 and 1175°C, at pressures from 50 to 400 MPa,for melt H2O concentrations between 1·2 and 5·5wt % and NNO ranging from 0·07 to +2·32.A drop-quench device was systematically used. AuPd alloys wereused as containers in most cases, resulting in an average Feloss of 13% for the 34 charges studied. Major crystallizingphases include clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase. FeTioxide was encountered in a few charges. Clinopyroxene is theliquidus phase at 400 MPa down to at least 200 MPa, followedby olivine and plagioclase. The compositions of all major phasesand glass vary systematically with the proportion of crystals.Ca in clinopyroxene sensitively depends on the H2O concentrationof the coexisting melt, and clinopyroxene Mg-number shows aweak negative correlation with NNO. The experimental data allowthe liquidus surface of PST-9 to be defined. When used in combinationwith melt inclusion data, a consistent set of pre-eruptive pressures(100270 MPa), temperatures (11401160°C) andmelt H2O concentrations is obtained. Near-liquidus phase equilibriaand clinopyroxene Ca contents require melt H2O concentrations<2·73·6 and 3 ± 1 wt %, respectively,overlapping with the maximum frequency of glass inclusion data(2·52·7 wt % H2O). For olivine to crystallizeclose to the liquidus, pressures close to 200 MPa are needed.Redox conditions around NNO = +0·5 are inferred fromclinopyroxene compositions. The determined pre-eruptive parametersrefer to the storage region of golden pumice melts, which islocated at a depth of around 7·5 km, within the metamorphicarc crust. Golden pumice melts ascending from their storagezone along an adiabat will not experience crystallization ontheir way to the surface. KEY WORDS: basalt; pumice; experiment; phase equilibria; Stromboli 相似文献
Zolotarev Andrey A. Zhitova Elena S. Gabdrakhmanova Faina A. Krzhizhanovskaya Maria G. Zolotarev Anatoly A. Krivovichev Sergey V. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2017,111(6):843-851
Mineralogy and Petrology - The crystal structure of batisite, Na2BaTi2 (Si4O12)O2, from the Inagli massif (Aldan, Yakutia, Russia) was refined to R 1 = 0.032 for 1449 unique... 相似文献
Sandalov F. D. Pekov I. V. Koshlyakova N. N. Yapaskurt V. O. Agakhanov A. A. Sidorov E. G. Britvin S. N. 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2021,63(7):682-695
Geology of Ore Deposits - Abstract—The paper contains data on rutile, tripuhyite, and unusual Ti-rich cassiterite found in sublimates of active fumaroles at the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka,... 相似文献
Disequilibrium phenocryst assemblages in the Younger Andesitesand Dacites of Iztacc?huatl, a major Quaternary volcano in theTrans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, provide an excellent record ofepisodic replenishment, magma mixing, and crystallization processesin calc-alkaline magma chambers. Phenocryst compositions andtextures in mixed lavas, produced by binary mixingof primitive olivine-phyric basalt and evolved hornblende dacitemagmas, are used to evaluate the mineralogical and thermal characteristicsof end-members and the physical and chemical interactions thatattend mixing. Basaltic end-members crystallized olivine (FO9088) andminor chrome spinel during ascent into crustal magma chambers.Resident dacite magma contained phenocrysts of andesine (An4535),hypersthene (En6761), edenitic-pargasitic hornblende,biotite, quartz, .titanomagnetite, and ilmenite. On reachinghigh-level reservoirs, basaltic magmas were near their liquidiat temperatures of about 12501200?C according to theolivine-liquid geothermometer. Application of the Fe-Ti-oxidegeothermometer-oxygen barometer indicates that hornblende dacitemagma, comprising phenocrysts (<30 vol. per cent) and coexistingrhyolitic liquid, had an ambient temperature between 940 and820?C at fO2s approximately 0?3 log units above the nickel-nickeloxide buffer assemblage. Mixing induced undercooling of hybridliquids and rapid crystallization of skeletal olivine (Fo8873),strongly-zoned clinopyroxene (endiopside-augite), calcic plagioclase(An6560); and orthopyroxene (bronzite), whereas low-temperaturephenocrysts derived from hornblende dacite were resorbed ordecomposed by hybrid melts. Quartz reacted to form coronas ofacicular augite and hydroxylated silicates were heated to temperaturesabove their thermal stability limit ({small tilde}940?C foramphibole, according to clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene geothermometry,and {small tilde}880?C for biotite). Calculations of phenocrystresidence times in hybrid liquids based on reaction rates suggestthat the time lapse between magma chamber recharge and eruptionwas extremely short (hours to days). It is inferred that mixing of magmas of diverse compositionis driven by convective turbulence generated by large differencesin temperature between end-members. The mixing mechanism involves:(1)rapid homogenization of contrasting residual liquid compositionsby thermal erosion and diffusive transfer (liquid blending);(2) assimilation of phenocrysts derived from the low-temperatureend-member; and (3) dynamic fractional crystallization of rapidlyevolving hybrid liquids in a turbulent boundary layer separatingbasaltic and dacitic magmas. The mixed lavas of lztacc?huatlrepresent samples of this boundary layer quenched by eruption. 相似文献
Rates of magmatic processes in a cooling magma chamber wereinvestigated for alkali basalt and trachytic andesite lavaserupted sequentially from Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan, bydating of these lavas using 238U230Th radioactive disequilibriumand 14C dating methods, in combination with theoretical analyses.We obtained the eruption age of the basaltic lavas to be 29·3± 0·6 ka by 14C dating of charcoals. The eruptionage of the andesitic lavas was estimated to be 20·2 ±3·1 ka, utilizing a whole-rock isochron formed by UThfractionation as a result of degassing after lava emplacement.Because these two lavas represent a series of magmas producedby assimilation and fractional crystallization in the same magmachamber, the difference of the ages (i.e. 9 kyr) is a timescaleof magmatic evolution. The thermal and chemical evolution ofthe Rishiri magma chamber was modeled using mass and energybalance constraints, as well as quantitative information obtainedfrom petrological and geochemical observations on the lavas.Using the timescale of 9 kyr, the thickness of the magma chamberis estimated to have been about 1·7 km. The model calculationsshow that, in the early stage of the evolution, the magma cooledat a relatively high rate (>0·1°C/year), and thecooling rate decreased with time. Convective heat flux fromthe main magma body exceeded 2 W/m2 when the magma was basaltic,and the intensity diminished exponentially with magmatic evolution.Volume flux of crustal materials to the magma chamber and rateof convective melt exchange (compositional convection) betweenthe main magma and mush melt also decreased with time, from 0·1 m/year to 103 m/year, and from 1 m/yearto 102 m/year, respectively, as the magmas evolved frombasaltic to andesitic compositions. Although the mechanism ofthe cooling (i.e. thermal convection and/or compositional convection)of the main magma could not be constrained uniquely by the model,it is suggested that compositional convection was not effectivein cooling the main magma, and the magma chamber is consideredto have been cooled by thermal convection, in addition to heatconduction. KEY WORDS: convection; magma chamber; heat and mass transport; timescale; U-series disequilibria 相似文献
Merapi volcano (Central Java), located within the Quaternaryvolcanic front of the Sunda arc, is one of the most active volcanoesof the Indonesian archipelago. During the Holocene, Merapi eruptedbasalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K affinity during itsearlier stages of activity and high-K compositions over thepast 相似文献
T. P. Wagner J. M. Donnelly-Nolan T. L. Grove 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1995,121(2):201-216
The late Pleistocene Lake Basalt of Medicine Lake volcano, California is comprised of variably porphyritic basalt and basaltic andesite flows and scoria. These eruptives are similar in composition and phenocryst abundance to the low-MgO, high-Al2O3 mafic magmas common in convergent margin settings. The petrogenesis of the magmas that produced the Lake Basalt has been inferred from field relations, melting experiments and subsequent major and trace element modeling. Their formation involved both hydrous differentiation and plagioclase accumulation and thus the Lake Basalt can be used to constrain the relative contributions of these processes to the production of high-Al2O3 arc basalt. Phenocryst-poor lavas of the Lake Basalt formed by hydrous differentiation; their compositions and observed phenocrysts were reproduced in 1 kbar, H2O-saturated melting experiments. Anorthite-rich plagioclase compositions of the lavas of the Lake Basalt necessitate crystallization from melts with between 4 and 6 wt% dissolved H2O. Phenocryst-rich lavas of the Lake Basalt, with 18 modal% phenocrysts and greater, formed by plagioclase accumulation in magmas similar to the phenocryst-poor lavas. This interpretation is supported by the depleted incompatible element abundances and enriched Sr/Zr ratio of the more porphyritic lavas relative to the phenocryst-poor lavas. We model the formation of the Lake Basalt as a two-stage process that combines a differentiation model and a plagioclase accumulation model. Stage one involved hydrous fractionation, granitic assimilation and mixing with undifferentiated parent magma. This process generated lavas with up to 19.2 wt% A12O3 and 7 modal% phenocrysts. In stage two, plagioclase accumulated in these liquids and produced more aluminous and porphyritic lavas with up to 21.8 wt% A12O3 and 33 modal% phenocrysts. 相似文献
I. V. Pekov N. V. Zubkova D. Yu. Chernyshov M. E. Zelenski V. O. Yapaskurt D. Yu. Pushcharovskii 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2013,448(1):112-116
A new Cu-rich variety of lyonsite has been found from fumarolic sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). The empirical formula is Cu4.33Fe 2.37 3+ Ti0.26Al0.26Zn0.07(V5.85As0.07Mo0.07P0.01S0.01)O24. The crystal structure was studied on single crystal using synchrotron radiation, R = 0.0514. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pnma, a = 5.1736(7), b =10.8929(12), c = 18.220(2) Å, V = 1026.8(2) Å3, and Z = 2. The structural formula is (Cu0.6Ti0.3Al0.3Fe 0.2 3+ □0.6)Σ2Cu2(Fe 2.2 3+ Cu1.8)Σ4(V5.8As0.1Mo0.1)Σ6O24. It is proposed to recast the simplified formula of lyonsite as Cu3+x (Fe 4?2x 3+ Cu2x )(VO4)6, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 相似文献
Partial Melting and Assimilation of Dolomitic Xenoliths by Mafic Magma: the Ioko-Dovyren Intrusion (North Baikal Region, Russia) 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A petrological study was carried out on Mg-skarn-bearing dunitecumulates that are part of the Neo-Proterozoic Ioko-Dovyrenintrusion (North Baikal region, Russia). Skarn xenoliths containbrucite pseudomorphs after periclase, forsterite and Cr-poorspinel. Fine-grained forsteritespinel skarns occur withthe brucite skarns or as isolated schlieren. Field relationshipsreveal that the Mg-skarns formed from silica-poor dolomiticxenoliths by interaction with the mafic magma of the Ioko-Dovyrenintrusion. Rapid heating of dolomitic xenoliths by the maficmagma caused the decomposition of dolomite into calcite + periclase,releasing much CO2. Further heating quantitatively melted thecalcite. A periclase-rich restite was left behind after extractionof the low-density, low-viscosity calcite melt. The extractedcalcite melt mixed with the surrounding mafic melt. This resultedin crystallization of olivine with CaO contents up to 1·67wt %. A local decrease in the silica concentration stabilizedCaAl2SiO6-rich clinopyroxene. Brucite/periclase-free forsteritespinelskarns probably originated by crystallization from the maficmelt close to the xenoliths at elevated fO2. The high fO2 wascaused by CO2-rich fluids released during the decompositionof the xenoliths. The above case study provides the first evidencefor partial melting of dolomite xenoliths during incorporationby a mafic magma. KEY WORDS: dunite; dolomite assimilation; partial melting 相似文献
Dmitri A. Ionov Antoine Bénard Pavel Y. Plechov 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2011,162(6):1159-1174
Glass-bearing inclusions hosted by Cr-spinel in harzburgite xenoliths from Avacha are grouped based on homogenization temperatures
and daughter minerals into high-T (1,200°C; opx + cpx), intermediate (900–1,100°C; cpx ± amph), and low-T (900°C; amph) and
are commonly accompanied by larger “melt pockets”. Unlike previous work on unheated inclusions and interstitial glass in xenoliths
from Kamchatka, the homogenized glass compositions in this study are not affected by low-pressure melt fractionation during
transport and cooling or by interaction with host magma. Primary melt compositions constrained for each inclusion type differ
in major and trace element abundances and were formed by different events, but all are silica saturated, Ca-rich, and K-poor,
with enrichments in LREE, Sr, Rb, and Ba and negative Nb anomalies. These melts are inferred to have been formed with participation
of fluids produced by dehydration of slab materials. The high-T inclusions trapped liquids produced by ancient high-degree,
fluid-induced melting in the mantle wedge. The low-T inclusions are related to percolation of low-T melts or hydrous fluids
in arc mantle lithosphere. Melt pockets arise from localized heating and fluid-assisted melting induced by rising magmas shortly
before the entrapment of the xenoliths. The “high-T” melt inclusions in Avacha xenoliths are unique in preserving evidence
of ancient, high-T melting events in arc mantle, whereas the published data appear to characterize pre-eruption enrichment
events. 相似文献
The number of mineral species in which a certain chemical element is species-defining (according to statistical data up to 2015) has been specified. Seventy chemical elements are species-defining for 5044 minerals. The following chemical elements lead in the composition of minerals (number of mineral species in parentheses): oxygen (4115), hydrogen (2800), silicon (1471), calcium (1167), sulfur (1056), aluminium (985), sodium (949), iron (945), copper (636), phosphorus (597), arsenic (594), and magnesium (571). The distribution of mineral species by various systems in the products of contemporary fumarole activity at two volcanoes, Tolbachik in Kamchatka, Russia, and Vulcano in Sicily, Italy, has been compared. These locations were also compared for the distribution of species-defining elements. Thus, it has been determined that in fumaroles of both volcanoes, Tl, S, Cl, F and Na are “excessive,” present in minerals in elevated amounts, whereas H, Ca, Fe, and Mn are “deficient.” The abundance of Cu, Se, V, Mg, Zn, As, and F in minerals at Tolbachik is higher than the global mean values of these elements in the Earth’s crust, whereas the abundance is significantly lower at Vulcano. Sn, I, Br, K, Pb, Al, Fe, and Bi demonstrate the opposite behavior. Comparison of the Yadovitaya and Arsenatnaya fumaroles at the Tolbachik volcano showed that the products of the former are richer in H, Cl, Cu, S, K, O, Al, Fe, and Pb, and poorer in As, Ca, Mg, and Na as species-defining elements. In addition, V-and Mo-bearing minerals are found only at Yadovitaya, whereas minerals containing F, Ti, В, Те, and Zn are known only at Arsenatnaya. 相似文献
Doz.Dr. F. Pertlik 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1987,36(2):85-92
Summary The structure of freedite, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5, [a = 13.578(2),b = 20.099(3),c = 7.465(1)Å; = 105.73(1)°; space group C2/m; Z = 4] was determined by direct methods and Fourier summations. The refinement of the atomic coordinates and thermal parameters-the metal atoms anisotropic, the remaining atoms isotropic-yielded anR value of 0.086 (R
w = 0.061). The five crystallographically independent Pb atoms are each surrounded by three resp. four O atoms and four Cl atoms. The novel feature of this structure are formal [(AsO3)2(CuCl)2(AsO3)2] groups, in which the Cu atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated to two Cl and two As atoms [Cu-Cl = 2.43(8)Å2 × , Cu-As = 2.32(1)Å2 ×]. The mineral is considered to contain Cu(I) and As(III) atoms linked together by covalent Cu-As bonds. The formal groups mentioned are bound to the Pb atoms via Cl and O atoms.
With 2 Figures 相似文献
Die Struktur des Freedits, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5
Zusammenfassung Die Struktur des Freedits, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5, [a = 13,578(2),b = 20,099(3),c = 7,465(1)Å; = 105,73(1); Raumgruppe C2/m;Z = 4] wurde anhand direkter Methoden und Fouriersummationen bestimmt. Die Verfeinerung der Ortskoordinaten und der Temperaturparameter - Metallatome anisotrop, übrige Atome isotrop -ergab einenR-Wert von 0,086 (R w = 0,061). Die fünf kristallographisch verschiedenen Pb-Atome werden von drei bzw. vier O-Atomen sowie jeweils vier Cl-Atomen umgeben. Ein neues Bauprinzip dieser Struktur sind formale [(AsO3)2(CuCl)2(AsO3)2]-Gruppen, in denen die Cu-Atome durch zwei Cl- und zwei As-Atome tetraedrisch umgeben sind [Cu-Cl= 2,43(8)Å2 ×, Cu-As = 2,32(1)Å2 x]. Es wird angenommen, daß in diesem Mineral Cu(I)- und As(III)-Atome vorliegen, die über kovalente Bindungen verknüpft sind. Diese formalen Gruppen sind über die Cl- und O-Atome an die Pb Atome gebunden.
With 2 Figures 相似文献