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A. L. Olenin 《Oceanology》2010,50(2):281-285
The present-day instrumentation for the determination of the quantitative and qualitative composition of large particles in sea water is considered. The design principles of a measuring channel for the identification of such particles on the basis of correlation image recognition are examined. A structural diagram of the measuring channel is proposed. The efficiency of the proposed structural diagram and the capability of the correlation method are experimentally tested using a laboratory testing installation. Directions for further improvements of the instrument are chosen.  相似文献   

采用尺寸为515 mm×100 mm×100 mm初始缝高比从0.1变化至0.8的三点弯曲梁试件,利用试验测得起裂荷载Pini、最大荷载Pmax及对应的裂缝口张开位移CMODc等参数,研究了缝高比a0/h对海水海砂混凝土双K断裂参数的影响。并以相同配合比的淡水河砂梁作为对照组,进一步研究了海砂海水混凝土双K断裂参数与普通混凝土之间的关系。结果发现海水海砂混凝土断裂参数在a0/h=0.25~0.7范围内时可以认为是一常数;海水海砂混凝土梁断裂参数比相同配合比情况下的淡水河砂梁大且对边界影响更加敏感。  相似文献   

A modified procedure has been proposed for the colorimetric determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater to improve its precision and accuracy. When a pickled sample is acidified, iodine liberated in the iodometric reaction is measured by direct spectrophotometry at 456 nm. Loss of molecular iodine by volatilization is eliminated by transferring the sample to a flow cuvette without contact with air. The method was calibrated for oxygen by spiking known amounts of potassium iodate. Precision was found at better than 0.2% r.s.d. (full scale). Evaluation of accuracy was made by comparison with calculated oxygen solubilities, which shows a relative bias of no more than 0.5% for oxic waters. The analytical throughput was much faster than that of the standard titration procedure.  相似文献   

A method of determining sea-wave parameters from frequency characteristics of an RF signal scattered by the sea surface is considered. The method is based on the Doppler frequency shift due to orbital velocity of motion of long sea waves. It is shown that by measuring the frequency shift ofS-band signals scattered by a small (as compared to the sea-wave length) site on the sea surface, one is able to determine both integrated sea-wave parameters (e.g., rms waveheight and mean period) and the space-time structure of energy-carrying sea components. Results of field tests are presented substantiating the efficiency of the method and allowing measurement accuracy to be evaluated. The main systematic errors of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

淡水资源短缺和水源污染已成为一个严峻的问题。“开源、节流、回用”是解决我国水问题的一个指导方针。反渗透海水淡化工程的建设,正在缓解淡水供需矛盾。文章在概述海水淡化产量与水价后,用国内外3个不同规模的实例描述反渗透海水淡化给水工程中的膜工艺设计与应用,给出海水淡化反渗透给水工程设计方案与淡化水厂的运行结果。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the content and composition of sterols of the marine-suspended matter in the surface sea water of Kagoshima-Bay. The suspended matters were separated into 3 fractions by filtration with the glass and millipore filters. The sterols in each fraction were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography on 1.5 % SE-30. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The sterol contents ranged from 2.3 to 20.5g/liter of sea water. 2) Cholesterol was usually present as a predominant sterol in both suspended and dissolved matters. 3) A relatively large amount of other sterols such as 22-dehydro-cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol,-sitosterol, and fucosterol were occasionally detected.  相似文献   

Ceriumanomalyandceriumthermodynamicsintheseawater¥WangYunliangandZangDesen(TheThirdDepartment,ChengduUniversityofTechnology,C...  相似文献   

227Ac is a naturally occurring radioisotope with a unique combination of properties that make it suitable for the determination of deep ocean mixing and upwelling rates. Here, we present a method for the determination of 227Ac in sea water on sample sizes of 20–80 L. The measurement is based on co-precipitation of 227 Ac with MnO2, followed by chemical isolation of actinium in the presence of an artificial Ac isotope. Actinium is then electrodeposited onto silver discs. In two alpha-spectrometric counting periods, first the artificial 225Ac isotope is counted, then after > 100 days five daughters of 227Ac. The first counting period gives a total yield for the procedure, integrating chemical recovery and detector efficiency. The total yield was found here to be on average 15 ± 5%, the chemical yield on average about 50%. The counting of five decay products of 227Ac in the second period makes the method particularly sensitive. Using appropriate decay corrections, the initial 227Ac activity can be determined to better than 10% relative error for concentrations < 10,000 atoms/L. We compare data acquired by the new method to a data set from in-situ pumps, from a parallel sampling campaign in the Eastern Weddell Gyre, and we can show excellent agreement. Repeated determinations of 227Ac in a uranium reference material (UREM-11) demonstrate the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

海洋是地球表面最大的水体,通过水的自然循环,其他各类水体中含有的污染物都可能汇集到海洋中去。但由于世界上各大洋是彼此相通的,海洋具有巨大无比的容量,任何多量物质进入水体都会以几乎是无限大的比例稀释,所以海洋污染问题长期未能受到人们的关注。但是,随着工业化的进程和海洋运输业及海洋采矿的发展,经由各种途径进入海洋的废水、废气油、溢油、有毒化学品与日俱增,超过了海洋的自净能力,致使海洋污染日趋严重。据初步估计,由于人类活动每年流失入海的石油约1000t,海洋每年接收2.5万t多氯联苯25万t铜、390万t锌、30万t铅,每年约有500…  相似文献   

Water masses in the subsurface and the intermediate layer are actively formed due to strong winter convection in the Japan Sea. It is probable that some fraction of pollution is carried into the layer below the sea surface together with these water masses, so it is important to estimate the formation rate and turnover time of water masses to study the fate of pollutants. The present study estimates the annual formation rate and the turnover time of water masses using a three-dimensional ocean circulation model and a particle chasing method. The total annual formation rate of water masses below the sea surface amounted to about 3.53 ± 0.55 Sv in the Japan Sea. Regarding representative intermediate water masses, the annual formation rate of the Upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water (UJSPW) and the Japan Sea Intermediate Water (JSIW) were estimated to be about 0.38 ± 0.11 and 1.43 ± 0.16 Sv, respectively, although there was little evidence of the formation of deeper water masses below a depth of about 1500 m in a numerical experiment. An estimate of turnover time shows that the UJSPW and the JSIW circulate in the intermediate layer of the Japan Sea with timescales of about 22.1 and 2.2 years, respectively.  相似文献   

Silver determinations in the sea-water around Monaco were carried out using a procedure consisting of preconcentration of silver with lead sulfide, followed by dithizone extraction and spectrophotometric mono-colour measurement of silver-dithizonate. The average concentration of silver in the surface sea-water around Monaco was found to be 0.14Μg Ag/l. It was also concluded that observed variations of silver content in seawater were not related to the fresh water run-off from the neighbouring coast. This suggests that the variations have to be attributed to some other factor or a combination of factors. On the basis of the observed values of the silver content of the Var River water, an upper limit of silver supply by fresh waters into the sea-area around Monaco is estimated to be 2.3Μg Ag per liter of fresh water. Considering the mixing of the fresh water with sea-water, an increase of up to 0.09Μg Ag/l in the sea-water might be expected. The fact that the increase of silver in the sea-water was not observed in connection with the fresh-water mixing suggests that some effective removal process of silver may be in operation at the immediate vicinity of the injection of fresh-water into the sea.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence concerning the chemical forms of zinc occurring in sea water is reviewed in order to aid in the systematic understanding of zinc geochemistry in the marine environment. The review indicates the necessity of systematizing the results obtained by different methods for the determination of zinc in sea water with respect to the chemical nature of the zinc fractions measured. Analytical procedures for the zinc determinations in sea water by spectrophotometry with dithizone extraction and anodic stripping voltammetry with composite mercury graphite electrodes are described. By using these methods, various pre-treatment tests were carried out to relate the results of different modes of measurements to the chemical forms of zinc involved. The comparisons of the results of these tests lead to an estimation of the occurrence of the following categories of chemical forms of zinc in sea water: (1) ionic plus labile form, (2) inorganic complexes and colloids as well as weak organic complexes and (3) occuled fraction in large organic molecules and/or organic colloids. Capabilities of different analytical procedures for differentiating one category from another are discussed.  相似文献   

A numerical study of characteristics of the front formed by cooling of the sea surface and inflow of the fresh water is made within a vertical two-dimensional plane without the rotation of the earth. The convective adjustment technique is employed to parameterize the small scale convective overturning process.A sharply edged shelf causing the marked difference of the heat capacity of the water columns between over the shelf (50 m depth) and in the deeper region (150 m depth), is responsible for the formation of a thermal front over the shelf edge and two cell circulations of the same sense with each other adjoining at the frontal region.Inflow of the fresh water at the upper region of the coast (which is equivalently replaced by the outflow of the salt from the same region) adds a circulation of the opposite sense to the above ones, which transports the water of low salinity and low temperature offshore and forms a sharp front both of temperature and salinity with the offshore water of high salinity and high temperature. This thermohaline front or Oceanic front has a remarkable character that the horizontal density gradient is minimal at the front due to the counteracting contributions of temperature and salinity to density. Response of this front to the sudden ceases of the surface cooling and the fresh water supply, is also studied in order to understand its transient behaviors.  相似文献   

用沸水浴的方法提取了带形蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia turuturuYamada)中的多糖成分,并用“苯酚-硫酸法”测定了其含量。用此法得到的多糖标准曲线,相关系数r=0.998 4,结果显示带形蜈蚣藻多糖质量分数为44.91%;利用Bradford法,测得60℃恒温干燥的带形蜈蚣藻可溶性总蛋白质量分数为0.33%;用简单的羟基磷灰石柱层析的方法分离了藻红蛋白,光谱检测证明为R-藻红蛋白,其在带形蜈蚣藻中的质量分数为0.114 5%。本实验测定方法可靠且简便易行。  相似文献   

We examine the concentration variations of the different parameters X of the carbonate system in seawater when calcium carbonate precipitation occurs. Variations are expressed as ∂[X]/∂[Ca2+]. Four different cases are considered: spontaneous chemical precipitation; calcification combined with photosynthetic activity under a constant ΔCT/Δ[Ca2+] ratio; precipitation under constant pCO2 and precipitation under constant [Ca2+]·[CO32−] ionic concentration product. The last condition should be maintained by an ecosystem which, thanks to the regulation of its calcifying and photosynthetic activity, would absorb 1 mol of carbon for organic tissue each time 1 mol of CaCO3 is formed. This stoichiometric ratio would allow the activity of these biological communities to go on in practically closed systems during periods compatible with their growth or development cycles.  相似文献   

东海海水中的溶存甲烷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
臧家业 《海洋学报》1998,20(2):52-59



In order to understand the influence of the South China Sea (SCS) water on the Kuroshio, and to study the dissolved carbonate system, we participated in six WOCE cruises aboard R/V Ocean Researcher 1. The areas studied were the northeast South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea near the Luzon Strait. Temperature, salinity, pH, alkalinity and total CO2 were measured. Our data indicate that, although the Kuroshio and the SCS waters flow in and out of the Luzon Strait near surface, the SCS water seems mainly to flow out of the SCS at mid-depth. There exists a mid-depth front near 122°E between 350 and 1350 m in all seasons and years that we studied. The water mass between 350 and 1350 m east of the front belongs to the West Philippine Sea proper water, while on the west is the mixed water of the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea.  相似文献   

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