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Santanghu area in northeastern Xinjiang region of Northwest China is an important component of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB), in which the dynamic mechanism of Permian magmatism is controversial. In Santanghu area is exposed a thick succession of the Middle Permian basalts, including a small amount of picritic basalts and andesites, known as the Tiaohu Formation. The picritic basalts contain cumulate olivine, and have whole-rock Mg# up to 0.68–0.77; the basalts exhibit porphyritic or doleritic textures, and have relatively low Mg# of 0.41–0.54, typical of evolved magmas. The mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Tiaohu Formation are slightly enriched in Light Rare Earth Elements(LREEs), and exhibit negative Nb and Ti anomalies. They also have high Ti O2 content, and Nb/Y and Zr/Yb ratios greater than those of island arc volcanic rocks. Relatively low initial Sr isotopic ratios and high positive εNd(t) and εHf(t) values argue against contamination by ancient continental crust, and suggest formation of the Tiaohu Formation by partial melting of relatively refractory depleted lithospheric mantle that underwent metasomatism and extraction by fluid from the subducted slab. In addition, up to 38% olivine in picritic basalts indicates high-degree partial melting of lithospheric mantle, and the underlying Lucaogou Formation contains fragments of ultra-alkaline magmatic rocks that originated in the deep mantle. These observations imply wide-spread underplating in Santanghu area, which may have been associated with a mantle plume.  相似文献   

针对扬子东南缘浙赣地区地质构造特征,通过研究中生代的构造分层、盆地演化、火山活动构造环境等,分析了研究区中生代构造环境,认为研究区中生代盆地演化经历了由近东西向、北东东向向北东、北北东向构造方向的转变和由挤压-拉张-挤压-拉张的构造环境变化;构造体制环境从晚侏罗世开始,到早白垩世早期基本完成转换过程。伴随构造环境的转变,研究区内形成了中生代不同类型的盆地。  相似文献   

青海扎日根结扎群火山岩中基性岩以贫硅、钾,高钛、钙,中性岩类以低硅、中钾、钛、钙,酸性岩类以高硅、钾,中钛,低钙为特征。根据Fe*/MgO-TiO2图解上显示出本区火山岩绝大多数火山岩落在岛弧区。微量元素中Th/Nb=0.9〉0.11,Nb/Zr〉0.04显示出其构造背景为陆-陆碰撞形成的岛弧区。扎日根结扎群火山岩时代Rb-Sr同位素等时线给出的年龄为231±28Ma和225±8 Ma,属晚三叠世。另外Sr同位素的初始比值ISr=0.70522±0.00023,小于0.719,表明岩浆(原始)来源于上地幔,并且在上升的过程中受到地壳的混染。  相似文献   

The plate tectonic setting and genetic types of the gas (oil)-bearing basins in China are studied. Based on the history of break-up and amalgamation of Pangea, the three tectonic evolutionary megastages can be divided and the sedimentary basins in China are classified as Palaeowic and Meso-Cenozoic basins. The Palaeozoic gas (oil) bearing basins are mainly located in intracratonic basins, on which different types of Meso-Cenozoic basins are superimposed, and located in cratonic marginal basins and aulacogens destroyed with a slight degree. In contrast, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic gas (oil)-bearing basins mainly formed in extensional foreland and intracontinental shortening flexural basins.  相似文献   

本文利用奥陶系米钵山组砂岩地球化学分析,结合区域地质研究,探讨贺兰山中、晚奥陶世的构造环境。贺兰山中段奥陶系米钵山组砂岩的地球化学研究表明,砂岩的siO2平均含量为81.3%;A120。/Si02值0.07~0.11,平均值为0.08;K20/Na20值变化较大,最大60.7,一般介于4.79~7.81;Fe2O3+MgO含量较低,介于2.1%~2.81%。砂岩微量元素Nb丰度及V/(V+Ni)与Ce/La、Sr/Ba值均较高,说明砂岩沉积于湿热、还原、低盐度环境,具有大陆型沉积特征。砂岩稀土元素富集,含量在116×10^-6~195×10^-6之间,平均值为158×10~;8Eu为0.52~0.58,具显著的负铕异常。这些数据指示了米钵山组具有重力流快速堆积的特征和大量陆源补给,浊流沉积作用是重力流携带陆源物质的主要途径。通过多种构造环境判别图解分析,显示物源区地质构造具有被动大陆边缘性质。  相似文献   

湘西南兰蓉岩体为一加里东期小侵入体,由黑云母二长花岗岩和二云母二长花岗岩组成.(443.5±8.1)Ma的锆石SHRIMP U Pb年龄表明花岗岩形成于早志留世早期.主量元素组成表明岩体总体属钙碱性高钾钙碱性系列强过铝质花岗岩类.该侵入体Ba、(Ta+Nb)、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,Rb、(Th+U+K)、(La+Ce)、Nd、(Zr+Hf+Sm)、(Y+Yb+Lu)等相对富集;稀土元素含量较高、轻稀土富集明显、Eu显著亏损;Isr值为0.71299,εSr(t)值为120,εNd (t)值为 8.11和-8.89,t2DM为1.82和1.84Ga.C/MF-A/MF图解显示其源岩为泥质岩和砂屑岩.上述地球化学特征表明兰蓉岩体为陆壳碎屑岩石部分熔融形成的S型花岗岩.基于岩石成因、构造环境判别以及区域构造演化过程,推断兰蓉岩体的具体形成机制为:奥陶纪末志留纪初的北流运动(板内造山运动)导致地壳增厚、升温,尔后在挤压减弱、应力松弛的后碰撞减压构造环境下,中、上地壳酸性岩石发生部分熔融并向上侵位而形成兰蓉岩体.  相似文献   

~~Characteristics of the mantle source region of sodium lamprophyres and petrogenetic tectonic setting in northeastern Hunan,China~~  相似文献   

The sandstones of the Ridge and Athleta members of Chari Formation(Callovian-Oxfordian)exposed at Jara have been analyzed for their petrographical and geochemical studies. Texturally, these sandstones are medium to coarse grained, poorly to well sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded, and show low to medium sphericity.These sandstones were derived from a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic, and some basic rocks of Aravalli range and Nagarparkar massif. The petrofacies analysis reveals that these sandstones belong to the continental block and recycled orogen tectonic regime. The studied sandstones are modified by paleoclimate, distance of transport, and diagenesis. Mineralogically and geochemically, sandstones are classified as quartzarenite, subarkose, arkose, sublithic arenite, and wacke, respectively. The A-CN-K ternary plot and CIA, CIW, PIA, and ICV values suggest that the similar source rocks suffered moderate to high chemical weathering under a hot-humid climate in an acidic environment with higher PCO_2. Generally good to strong correlations between Al_2O3 and other oxides in these sediments indicate clay mineral control. The K_2O/Na_2O versus SiO_2 diagram indicates that the studied samples occupy passive margin fields but the SiO_2/Al_2O_3 versus K_2O/Na_2O plot suggests that the Athleta Sandstone and Ridge Sandstone fall within the passive margin field, while Ridge Shale falls within the active continental margin field.  相似文献   

The petrography and major and trace element concentrations of the sandstones from the Tumengela Formation in the Woruo Mountain area, North Qiangtang Basin, are studied to determine their provenance, intensity of weathering and tectonic setting. The detrital compositions of the Tumengela sandstone samples are dominated by quartz (58.0–70.1 %, average 64.7 %) and lithic fragments (21.8–35.9 %, average 27.3 %), but low in feldspar content (4.9–12.9 %, average 8.0 %). The sandstones can be classified as litharenite and feldspathic litharenite according to their detrital compositions, which is consistent with the geochemical data. The detrital modal compositions reflect that these sandstones are probably derived from a recycled orogenic source. The index of chemical variability (ICV) and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio values suggest that the compositional maturity and recycling were moderate. The weathering indices such as the chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA), chemical index of weathering (CIW), and Al2O3–(CaO* + Na2O)–K2O (A–CN–K) diagram indicate that the intensities of weathering in the source area were moderate. The Al2O3/TiO2, Th/Co, La/Sc, La/Co, Th/Sc, Cr/Th ratio values and the discriminant function of the Tumengela sandstones indicate that the sediments were mainly derived from felsic source rocks, while also mixed with intermediate source rocks. The comparison of rare earth element patterns and its Eu anomalies to the probable source rocks infer that the sandstones were derived from the combination of granite, rhyolite, dacite, and gneisses. The proximal central uplift belt was probably the primary provenance area as evidenced by the petrographical and geochemical features of the Tumengela sandstones. The multidimensional tectonic discrimination diagram based on major elements show a collision setting (80 %) combined with a rift setting (20 %) for the Tumengela sandstones, which is consistent with the general geology of the study areas.  相似文献   

The Santanghu area is located on the northeastern margin of the Junggar Basin,northern Xinjiang,Northwest China.The Carboniferous volcanic rocks in this area are widely distributed in Kaokesaiergaishan,Santanghu,Daheishan and Naomaohu districts,which are located to the north of the Kalameili Fault.These rocks,sourced from a cognate magma,consist of basic,intermediate,and acidic lavas,and pyroclastic rock.The basic volcanic rocks are enriched with large-ion lithophile elements(LILE),but are relatively depleted in high field strength elements(HFSE),and have an obvious negative Nb-Ta-Ti anomaly.They were most probably derived from a depleted mantle source,and during their ascent,these magmas were not contaminated by the crustal material as they underwent magma crystallization differentiation.Based on the Carboniferous volcanic assemblage and geochemical data,it is apparent that the early Carboniferous volcanism occurred in a subduction-related tectonic setting.New LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analyses constrain the age of the andesite within the volcanic rocks as the early Carboniferous(328.9-331.3 Ma).Combined with the regional geological record,comprehensive analysis of the isotope geochronological data indicates that the subduction of the Junggar Ocean predates the early Carboniferous,and that the Santanghu island arc magmatism was induced by the subduction of the Junggar Ocean in the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

On the basis of the synthetic studies of geology and geochemistry, an ophiolitic tectonic melange waa discovered in Sanligang-Sanyang area, the western part of Xiangfan-Guangji fault, the south margin of the Qinling Orogenic Belt. It is composed of different tectonic blocks with different lithological features and ages, mainly including the Huashan ophiolite blocks, Xiaofu Island-arc volcanic blocks, pelagic sediments, fore-arc volcanic-sedimentary system, and the massif of the basement and the covering strata of the Yangtze Block. These massifs were emplaced in the western part of Xiangfan-Guangji fault, the boundary between the Qinling Orogenic Belt and Yangtze Block, contacting each other by a shear zone or chaotic matrix. The characteristics of geochemistry indicate that the bash of the Huashan ophiolite are similar to mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) formed in an initial oceanic baain, and the Xiaofu volcanic rocks are formed in a tectonic setting of island arc. The ophiolitic tectonic melange is the fragments of subduction wedge, which implies that there has been an oceanic basin between Qinling Block and Yangtze Block. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49773187, 49732080)  相似文献   

The Devonian–Carboniferous Tsetserleg terrane of Mongolia forms part of the complex Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The Tsetserleg terrane consists mainly of clastic sediments, and is situated in the southern Hangay–Hentey Basin. Internally the terrane is divided into the Erdenetsogt (Middle Devonian), Tsetserleg (Middle‐Upper Devonian) and Jargalant (Lower Carboniferous) Formations. Provenance and tectonic setting of the Hangay–Hentey Basin remains controversial, with proposals ranging from passive margin through to island‐arc. A suite of 94 Tsetserleg sandstones and mudrocks was collected with the aim of constraining provenance, source weathering, and depositional setting, using established petrographic and whole‐rock geochemical parameters. Petrographically the sandstones are immature, with average compositions of Q22F14L64, Q14F17L69, and Q18F12L70 in the Erdenetsogt, Tsetserleg, and Jargalant Formations, respectively. Lv/L ratios range from 0.81 to 1.00 (average 0.95), and P/F from 0.68 to 0.93 (average 0.83). Framework compositions indicate deposition in an undissected or transitional arc. Geochemically, the sandstones are classified as greywackes. Geochemical contrasts between sandstone and mudrock averages in each formation are small, with lithotype means for SiO2 ranging only from 65.54 to 68.62 wt.%. These features and weak trends on variation diagrams reflect the immaturity of the sediments. Comparison of elemental abundances with average upper continental crust, major element discriminant scores, and immobile element ratios indicate a uniform average source composition between dacite and rhyolite. The maximum value for the Chemical Index of Alteration in the Erdenetsogt Formation is about 78 after correction for K‐metasomatism, indicating moderate source weathering. Lower maximum values (61 and 63, respectively) in the Tsetserleg and Jargalant Formations indicate they were derived from a virtually unweathered and tectonically active source. Tectonic setting discrimination parameters indicate a continental island‐arc environment, similar to several other CAOB suites of similar age. This arc source may have been built on a continental fragment situated within the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean during Middle Devonian‐Lower Carboniferous time.  相似文献   

The Dongco ophiolite occurred in the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. The thickness of the ophiolite suite is more than 5 km, which is composed, from bottom to top, of the mantle peridotite, mafic-ultramafic cumulates, basic sills (dykes) and basic lava and tectoni- cally emplaced in Jurassic strata (Mugagongru Group). The Dongco cumulates consist of dunite- troctolite-olivine-gabbro, being a part of DTG series of mafic-ultramafic cumulates. The basic lavas are characterized by being rich in alkali (Na2O K2O), TiO2, P2O5 and a LREE-rich type pattern dip- ping right with [La/Yb]=6.94―16.6 as well as a trace elements spider-diagram with normal anomaly of Th, Nb, Ta, Hf. Therefore, the Dongco basic lavas belong to ocean-island basalt (OIB) and dis- tinctly differ from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and island-arc basalt (IAB) formed in the plate convergence margin. The basic lavas have higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.704363―0.705007), lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.512708―0.512887) and εNd(t ) from 2.7― 5.8, indicating that they derive from a two-components mixing mantle source of depleted mantle (DM) and enriched mantle (EMI). From above it is ready to see that the Dongco ophiolite forms in oceanic island (OIB) where the mantle source is replaced by a large amount of enriched material, therefore it distinctly differs from these ophiolites formed in island-arc and mid-oecan ridge. Newly obtained SHRIMP U-Pb dating for zircon of the cumulate troctolite is 132 ± 3 Ma and whole-rock dating of ~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar for the basalt is 173.4 ± 2.7 Ma and 140.9 ± 2.8 Ma, indicating that the Dongco ophiolite formed at Early Cretaceous and the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang oceanic basin was still in the developing and evolving period at Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The mineralization ages reported in the past in the Tuwu-Yandong copper district not only are different,but also fall into the Hercynian epoch.This study has achieved 9 zircon and 7 apatite fission track analysis results.The zircon fission track ages range from 158 Ma to 289 Ma and the apatite ages are between 64 Ma and 140 Ma.The mineralization accords with the regional tectonics in the copper district.We consider that the zircon fission track age could reveal the mineralization age based on annealing zone temperature of 140―300℃ and retention temperature of ~250℃ for zircon fission track,and metallogenetic temperature of 120―350℃ in this ore district.Total three mineralization epochs have been identified,i.e.,289―276 Ma,232―200 Ma and 165―158 Ma,and indicate occurrence of the min-eralization in the Indosinian and Yanshan epochs.Corresponding to apatite fission track ages,the three tectonic-mineralizing epochs are 140―132 Ma,109―97 Ma and 64 Ma,which means age at about 100℃ after the mineralization.The three epochs lasted 146 Ma,108 Ma and about 100 Ma from ~250℃ to ~100℃ and trend decrease from early to late.It is shown by the fission track modeling that this district underwent three stages of geological thermal histories,stable in Cretaceous and cooling both before Cretaceous and after 20 Ma.  相似文献   

The Mohe region near the border area of China with Russia is in Heilongjiang Province. Topographically the area consists of lower mountains or hills situated at the northern end of the Da Hinggan Mountains. Struc-turally the Mohe basin rests on the north margin of the Ergun Block, and the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogen is lo-cated to the north of the basin. Due to poor access conditions and good vegetation coverage, previous researches on the basin are much weak with few spe-cial geological inves…  相似文献   

The stratigraphical sequences composed of chert and basalt were found in the Daxinshan area of Simao and the Manbie area of Jinghong, southwestern Yunnan. The Middle Permian to ealiest Late Permian radiolarians, such as Follicucullus and Pseudoalbaillella, have been identified from the chert. The chert from the Manbie area of Jinghong is characterized by high SiO2content (over 92%), large ratios of MnO/TiO2 (2.15) and low ratios of Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) (≤0.1) and Ce/Ce*(0.4), which indicate that the chert was deposited in pelagic basin. The chert from the Daxinshan area of Simao, however, is characterized by low SiO2 content, low ratios of MnO/TiO2 (0.27) and high ratios of Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) (0.49) and Ce/Ce*(0.88), which imply that the chert was deposited in continental margin basin. The basalts from the both areas belong to tholeiite series, and the chemical compositions of their major, rare earth and trace elements show the characteristics of MORB. These results evidence that there are volcanic rocks and chert sequences representing pelagic basin and oceanic basin near continent. These sequences and the formerly reported island-arc volcanic rock sequences imply that the Daxinshan Formation in the Lancangjiang belt represents a sedimentary assemblage formed in active continental margin basin.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the sources of two kinds of forces to form the stress field in the lithosphere. These are the drag force caused by mantle flow and the force system along plate boundaries. The results show that both forces control the basic stress pattern in China and compressive stresses can fit with the stress patterns constructed by focal mechanisms,in-situ stress measurements in boreholes and that deduced from other geophysical and geological observation. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 295–306, 1991. This research is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Fundation.  相似文献   

Being a part of the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean, closing of the Buqingshan‐Anyemaqen oceanic basin left a rich geologic record in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt. The genesis and tectonic setting of the granites including quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite and mozogranite is discussed in light of the geochemical and U–Pb chronological data obtained. U–Pb dating studies on zircon from the quartz monzodiorite and monzogranite of the research area yielded ages of 220.11 ± 0.49 Ma ((Mean Square Weighted Deviates) MSWD = 0.046) and 223.33 ± 0.54 Ma (MSWD = 0.14), respectively, by Laser Ablation Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA–MC–ICP–MS) method. According to sedimentological and structural investigations, the Paleo‐Tethys Ocean in the Qimantag region began to close at about 235 Ma, and completely disapperared at about 220 Ma. The three types of granites in this study are considered to intrude the syn‐ to post‐collisional stages. The quartz monzodiorite and granodiorite belong to the I‐type granite whereas the monzogranite is of the S‐type granite. These two types of granites were formed by different ways of partial melting: first, partial melting of the lower crust took place as a result of asthenosphere upwelling triggered by break‐up of the leading edge or tearing of the descending oceanic slab. Subsequently partial melting of the middle–lower crust was caused by the underplating of basaltic magma formed by partial melting of the mantle wedge fluxed by fluids liberated by the oceanic slab dehydration. The magma responsible for the formation of S‐type granites appears to have originated from partial melting of the upper crustal material at a shallower level with a clear signature of continental crust.  相似文献   

Medicine Lake Volcano (MLV), located in the southern Cascades ∼ 55 km east-northeast of contemporaneous Mount Shasta, has been found by exploratory geothermal drilling to have a surprisingly silicic core mantled by mafic lavas. This unexpected result is very different from the long-held view derived from previous mapping of exposed geology that MLV is a dominantly basaltic shield volcano. Detailed mapping shows that < 6% of the ∼ 2000 km2 of mapped MLV lavas on this southern Cascade Range shield-shaped edifice are rhyolitic and dacitic, but drill holes on the edifice penetrated more than 30% silicic lava. Argon dating yields ages in the range ∼ 475 to 300 ka for early rhyolites. Dates on the stratigraphically lowest mafic lavas at MLV fall into this time frame as well, indicating that volcanism at MLV began about half a million years ago. Mafic compositions apparently did not dominate until ∼ 300 ka. Rhyolite eruptions were scarce post-300 ka until late Holocene time. However, a dacite episode at ∼ 200 to ∼ 180 ka included the volcano's only ash-flow tuff, which was erupted from within the summit caldera. At ∼ 100 ka, compositionally distinctive high-Na andesite and minor dacite built most of the present caldera rim. Eruption of these lavas was followed soon after by several large basalt flows, such that the combined area covered by eruptions between 100 ka and postglacial time amounts to nearly two-thirds of the volcano's area. Postglacial eruptive activity was strongly episodic and also covered a disproportionate amount of area. The volcano has erupted 9 times in the past 5200 years, one of the highest rates of late Holocene eruptive activity in the Cascades. Estimated volume of MLV is ∼ 600 km3, giving an overall effusion rate of ∼ 1.2 km3 per thousand years, although the rate for the past 100 kyr may be only half that. During much of the volcano's history, both dry HAOT (high-alumina olivine tholeiite) and hydrous calcalkaline basalts erupted together in close temporal and spatial proximity. Petrologic studies indicate that the HAOT magmas were derived by dry melting of spinel peridotite mantle near the crust mantle boundary. Subduction-derived H2O-rich fluids played an important role in the generation of calcalkaline magmas. Petrology, geochemistry and proximity indicate that MLV is part of the Cascades magmatic arc and not a Basin and Range volcano, although Basin and Range extension impinges on the volcano and strongly influences its eruptive style. MLV may be analogous to Mount Adams in southern Washington, but not, as sometimes proposed, to the older distributed back-arc Simcoe Mountains volcanic field.  相似文献   

We summarize chemical characteristics of chromian spinels from ultramafic to mafic plutonic rocks (lherzolites, harzburgites, dunites, wehrlites, troctolites, olivine gabbros) with regard to three tectonic settings (mid‐ocean ridge, arc, oceanic hotspot). The chemical range of spinels is distinguishable between the three settings in terms of Cr# (= Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio) and Ti content. The relationships are almost parallel with those of chromian spinels in volcanic rocks, but the Ti content is slightly lower in plutonics than in volcanics at a given tectonic environment. The Cr# of spinels in plutonic rocks is highly diverse; its ranges overlap between the three settings, but extend to higher values (up to 0.8) in arc and oceanic hotspot environments. The Ti content of spinels in plutonics increases, for a given lithology, from the arc to oceanic hotspot settings by mid‐ocean ridge on average. This chemical diversity is consistent with that of erupted magmas from the three settings. If we systematically know the chemistry of chromian spinels from a series of plutonic rocks, we can estimate their tectonic environments of formation. The spinel chemistry is especially useful in dunitic rocks, in which chromian spinel is the only discriminating mineral. Applying this, discordant dunites cutting mantle peridotites were possibly precipitated from arc‐related magmas in the Oman ophiolite, and from an intraplate tholeiite in the Lizard ophiolite, Cornwall.  相似文献   

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