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乌鲁木齐地区活动断层滑动与现代构造应力场   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对乌鲁木齐地区大量活动断层擦痕的测量,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,获得研究区5个测点的构造应力张量数据,并通过与由震源机制解资料求得的该地区平均应力场结果的对比,获得了研究区现代构造应力场特征:区域现代构造应力场以水平挤压为主,最大主压应力方向(σ1)为近南北向,应力结构以逆断型为主。  相似文献   

东南沿海地震区的现代构造应力场   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
根据断层面的最新错动方向,震源机制解和地壳形变等资料,研究了东南沿海地区的现代构造应力场,结果表明:本区构造应力场可大致划分为两个分区:长乐-诏安断裂带以东地区主压应力轴为近东西向;以西地区的主压应力轴近南北向。  相似文献   

昆明地区现代构造应力场分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用1965~2002年强震震源机制资料,对昆明及附近地区现代构造应力场空间分布、地震震源破裂特征进行了分析,认为昆明地区区域现代构造应力场以水平作用为主,主压应力优势方位为SSE-SE,主张应力优势方位为NE—NEE。  相似文献   

云南地区现代构造应力场研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
利用云南及周边地区中强地震震源机制解资料,采用对震源机制参数进行统计的方法,详细分析了地震断层类型和云南地区的现代构造应力场特征.结果表明,云南地区发生的中强地震走滑型地震占绝大多数,比例为80%,正断型和正走滑型与逆断型和逆走滑型地震所占的比例相当,分别约为8%.云南地区应力场接近水平,地震错动面的倾角较陡.云南地区...  相似文献   

福建街面水库将于2006年底下闸蓄水,通过收集库区的地震震源机制解资料和本次工作得到的地震震源机制解结果,以及利用中小地震求解的综合震源机制解,本文分析了街面水库库区现代构造应力场特征:最大主压应力P轴为NW—SE方向,P轴倾角为23°;主张应力T轴为NE—SW方向,T轴倾角为3°。在这样的应力场中,主要以发生走滑型断裂运动性质的地震为主,同时还具有发生正断层运动性质的地震。  相似文献   

中国现代构造应力场   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于中国地壳应力数据库和哈佛大学矩心矩张量目录,给出了中国现代构造应力场。反演结果显示,最大主应力轴走向在青藏高原西部为近南北向,在华北为北东东向。在中国中部地区,最大主应力轴走向呈放射状,即北部最大主应力轴走向为北北东向,南部最大主应力轴走向为北北西向。本研究给出了几乎整个中国的构造应力场的具体参数,为地震预测和地球动力学研究中的应力场模拟提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐地区现今构造应力场综合分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
乌鲁木齐地处天山中段.震源机制解研究表明,北天山中段区域主压应力方向为N10°E左右,且具有自西向东逐渐东偏的特点.在乌鲁木齐地区,由中强地震震源机制解反演的主压应力方向为N15°-20°E;由断层滑动资料反演的乌鲁木齐周边构造应力场的主压应力方向为N17°W-N2°E.上述两种资料反演的乌鲁木齐构造应力场主压应力方向...  相似文献   

红河断裂带的震源机制与现代构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用震源机制解对红河断裂带的现代构造应力场和震源破裂进行分析,结果表明沿断裂带震源机制、应力场和震源破裂存在着主体类型、优势作用和主要特征,同时也存在着复杂性特征,断裂带北、中、南段存在差异,反映了断裂带各段构造活动的差异。  相似文献   

中国西部及邻区活动地块边界带现代构造应力场   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用哈佛全球矩心矩张量解数据和许忠淮认为1920mdash;1999年可靠的中国大陆震源机制解数据, 反演了中国西部及邻区活动地块边界带上现代构造应力场.通过对FMSI反演程序多次的输入和检验, 得到了边界带上的应力场.边界带上最大主压应力sigma;1轴绝大多数近水平. 在90deg;E以西的中国西部大陆及邻区, sigma;1轴水平方向基本上为近SN向;在青藏高原的东北部, sigma;1轴水平方向基本上为近NE向;在青藏高原的东南部, sigma;1轴水平方向绕喜马拉雅构造东端顺时针方向旋转.最小主压应力sigma;3轴倾角呈两极分布,西域地块区内活动地块边界带和青藏地块区内东北缘部分段sigma;3轴倾角较陡, 而青藏地块区内sigma;3轴倾角近水平, 所以西域地块区和青藏地块区内东北部相对于其它大部分青藏地块区, 有更多的逆冲地震.应力场在同一个边界带具有非均匀性. 北天山带、南天山带、西秦岭mdash;德令哈带、岷山mdash;龙门山带和安宁河mdash;小江带的非均匀性相对要小一些, 西昆仑带、海原mdash;祁连带、东昆仑带、玛尼mdash;玉树带、澜沧江带和滇西西边界带的非均匀性相对要大, 而喀喇昆仑mdash;嘉黎带和喜马拉雅带的非均匀性最显著.由于震源机制解数据的限制, 本文给出的是边界带上部分段的应力场.   相似文献   

昆明周边地区活动断层滑动与现代构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荆振杰  杜义  谢富仁 《地震学报》2008,30(3):230-239
昆明盆地是一个受南北向活动断裂控制的新生代断陷盆地. 昆明盆地及其周边地区共有8条主要断裂带, 野外地震地质调查和断裂滑动观测表明, 南北向和北东向活动断裂以左旋走滑为主, 北西向活动断裂以右旋走滑为主. 采用野外观测取得的22个测点共706条活断层擦痕数据, 利用断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的方法, 计算获得了研究区现代构造应力场主要特征: 昆明盆地及其周边地区现代构造应力场以北北西——南南东向挤压、 北东东——南西西向拉张为特征, 其最大主压应力(sigma;1)方向为333deg;——2deg;, 平均倾角21deg;; 最小主压应力(sigma;3)方向为44deg;——93deg;, 平均倾角14deg;; 中间主应力(sigma;2)倾角较陡, 近垂直. 应力结构均为走滑型. 断层滑动反演结果与震源机制解资料分析结果基本一致.   相似文献   

IntroductionSouthwest Yunnan region is located in the southeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, bordering on the Sichuan-Yunnan rhomboidal block in the east and on the northeast corner of Indian Plate in the northwest. It is one of the regions of intense tectonic activities and frequent strong earthquakes in China continent. To study the features of modern tectonic stress field of this region is of significance for revealing the evolution mechanisms of Tibetan Plateau as well as for un…  相似文献   

腾冲火山区地震构造应力场研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王绍晋  龙晓帆 《地震研究》2000,23(2):172-178
通过对腾冲火山区强震和中小地震震源机制制解分析,对火山区构造应力场方向空间分布,以及震源类型和破裂特征作了研究。利用腾冲火山区中小地震地震波资料,计算得到的地震震源处剪应力强度值,对火山区应力场强度或初始应力状态进行了研究。腾冲火山区构造庆力场主要为北北东-北东-北东东向,接近水平的压应力场。腾冲火山区凛环境剪应力场高值区所包围的低剪应力值分布区。腾冲火山区地震震源具有多种类型,震源破裂具有多种形  相似文献   

云南地区中小地震震源机制及构造应力场研究   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用云南数字地震台网记录的区域波形资料, 通过波形反演确定了发生在云南地区的33次中小地震的震源机制. 结果表明,在川滇菱形块体内部及边界附近的地震以走滑为主,由震源机制得到的主压应力方向从北到南由北北西-南南东方向转向近南北向,张应力轴方向则主要表现为北东东-南西西或北东 南西向;在青藏高原东部地区,主压应力方向从青藏高原内部向外成放射状展布,张应力方向大多与该地区的弧形构造平行. 在28N附近地区,主压应力轴和张应力轴方向都存在较大的变化,其分界线似与龙门山断裂向西南方向的延长线相对应. 川滇菱形块体之外的地震的主压应力轴和张应力轴方向与块体内部的方向存在一定的差异. 通过与哈佛大学中强地震震源机制结果的对比发现,云南地区中小地震震源机制的反演结果与强震震源机制的结果有较好的一致性,表明中小地震的震源机制可用于该地区区域构造应力场的研究.  相似文献   

由小震震源机制解得到的鄂尔多斯周边构造应力场   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用格点尝试法首先分区对鄂尔多斯地块周边的 30 0 0多个小震震源机制解进行了处理。结果显示 ,在震源机制解覆盖的时段内 ,地块周边地区的平均构造应力场有以下特征 :地块周边主要以水平构造作用力为主 ,且其主压应力轴走向以地块西南侧为中心 ,从北至东呈扇形展布。在分区基础上 ,对各区的平均主应力轴分布进行了扫描 ,得到了其随时间的变化过程。其中渭河、六盘山和银川区的构造应力场相对稳定 ,临汾和同心区的构造应力场变化复杂 ,临河、包头、呼和、大同和太原区的构造应力场变化与该区的几次中强地震有密切关系。另外 ,地块周边除个别区外大多数区域在 1992年和 1996年前后 ,主压应力轴走向有趋近于N75°E的现象  相似文献   

新疆伽师及周围构造应力场区域特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在利用伽师及周围58次中强地震震源机制解对这一地区的构造应力场进行分析的基础上,结合系统聚类和应力场反演计算结果,对不同时期、不同区域应力场的变化特征进行了分析。该区域地震以走滑错动为主,柯坪块体逆冲作用更为明显。区域最大主压应力方向近SN,但不同构造背景下的主压应力方向存在着较明显的差异。乌恰-喀什地区P轴基本近SN向,但存在着由NW—SN—NE的随时间变化的过程;柯坪块体内部长期以来受较为一致的NW-SE向压应力作用;伽师震区P轴方向为NE-SW。1996年区域应力场方向开始发生明显的变化,P轴方位向NE偏转,倾角增大。结果表现出不同构造环境下应力场分布格局的特征或变化  相似文献   

Using the seismic waveform data recorded by regional seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan and the method of CAP, we calculate and obtain the focal mechanism of 268 earthquakes with the magnitude of ML≥4.0 occurring in Yunnan during Jan. 1999 to Aug. 2014; then, we analyze the types and the regional feature of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in Yunnan, on the basis of the focal mechanism of 109 earthquakes analyzed by Harvard University. Based on the data of the above focal mechanism solutions, we adopt the method of damped regional-scale stress inversion to calculate the best-fitting tectonic stress tensor of every grid in Yunnan; and adopt the method of maximum principal stress to calculate the direction of maximum horizontal principal stress in Yunnan. The result shows that: (1)the strike-slip type is the most principal type of the earthquake focus in the study area and the second is the normal faulting type; while, the reverse-fault type is relatively small. The spatial distribution of focal mechanism is obvious. This reflects that the dynamic source and acting force are different in different parts of the study area. (2)The direction of the stress field in Yunnan shows a certain spatial continuity. Maximum horizontal principal compressive stress is mainly clockwise from north to south and counterclockwise from the west to the east. The direction of stress field shows inhomogeneity in space. There exist two stress conversion zones respectively in EW and NS direction. The inversion result of stress field shows that the stress field in Yunnan is complex and the principal stress direction changes greatly; and there are obvious differences in different regions.  相似文献   

The middle part of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang is located in the north-central part of the Tianshan orogenic belt, between the rigid Tarim Basin and Junggar Basin. It is one of the regions with frequent deformation and strong earthquake activities. In this paper, 492 MS>2.5 earthquake events recorded by Xinjiang seismograph network from 2009 to 2018 were collected. The MS3.5 earthquake was taken as the boundary, the focal mechanism solutions of the earthquake events in this region were calculated by CAP method and FOCEMEC method respectively. At the same time the focal mechanism solutions of GCMT recorded historical earthquake events in this region were also collected. According to the global stress map classification standard, the moderate-strong earthquakes in the region are mainly dominated by thrust with a certain slip component, which are distributed near the combined belts of the Tarim Basin, Junggar Basin, Turpan Basin and Yili Basin with Tianshan Mountains. The thrust component decreases from south to north, while the strike-slip component increases. The spatial distribution characteristics of the tectonic stress field in the middle section of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang are obtained by using the damped regional-scale stress field inversion method. The maximum principal compressive stress in axis the study area rotated in a fan shape from west to east, the NW direction in the western section gradually shifted to NE direction, its elevation angle is nearly horizontal, in the state of near horizontal compression. The minimum principal compressive stress axis is nearly EW, and the elevation angle is nearly vertical. Influenced by large fault zones such as Kashi River, Bolhinur, Nalati, Fukang, the southern margin of the Junggar and the north Beiluntai, the local regional stress field presents complex diversity. Under the influence of the northward extrusion of Pamir and Tarim blocks, the whole Tianshan is shortened by compression, but its shortening rate decreases from south to north and from west to east, the stress shape factor increases gradually from west to east, the intermediate principal compressive stress axis exhibits a change in compression to extension. There are some differences in the characteristics of tectonic stress field between the north and south of Tianshan Mountains. The regional maximum principal compressive stress axis is 15° north by east on the south side, while it is nearly NS on the north side. The deformation of the Tianshan Mountains and the two basins on both sides is obviously larger than that in the inside of the mountain. Changes in the crustal shortening rate caused by the rotation of the rigid Tarim block and Junggar block to the relatively soft Tianshan block, as well as the uplifts of Borokonu and Bogda Mountains, the comprehensive influence of the material westward expansion constitute the stress field distribution characteristics of the north and south sides of the middle section of Tianshan Mountains. The recent two MS6.6 earthquakes in the region caused the regional stress field to rotate counterclockwise. The post-earthquake stress field and the main source focal mechanism solution tend to be consistent. The seismic activity in the study area is week in the south and strong in the north. The focal depth is about 20km. Most strike-slip earthquakes occur near the junction belt of the Tianshan and Junggar Basin.  相似文献   

华北地区断层运动与三维构造应力场的演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地区断层形变测量资料,通过三维有限元模型,数值模拟了华北地区三维构造应力场的演化过程,得到了1986~1997年以一年为时间尺度的演化图象,并分析了应力场的演化特征;结合华北地区该时间段内的地震活动性,初步探讨了应力场的演化过程与地震活动性的关系.   相似文献   

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