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长白山天池火山是中国最具潜在喷发危险的多成因复式火山,在近2000年来,曾经发生过世界上最大规模的喷发。为了进一步研究长白山天池火山的潜在危险,有必要研究火山的岩浆囊位置和分布。为此,在长白山天池火山开展了一条南北方向的重力剖面测量。结合前人工作,如地震勘探P波速度反演和大地电磁测深(MT)电阻率反演,以及地质信息,采用人机交互的形式,建立了一条长约150km的密度模型。从建模结果图中可以发现:(1)长白山天池下方存在地壳岩浆囊;(2)长白山天池北坡地壳存在一个高阻、低密度体,深度在7~15km,距离天池2~10km,可能是富含气体的岩浆囊;(3)在南坡和北坡大约3km深度处普遍存在一个岩浆岩层;(4)在天池下存在一个已经塌陷堵塞的火山颈。  相似文献   

斑岩铜矿浅部富矿岩浆房研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李万伦 《矿床地质》2011,30(1):149-155
在主流的斑岩铜矿模型中,矿床下方都有一个浅部富矿岩浆房,为矿床的最终形成提供成矿流体.国外近年来的大量研究揭示了其基本特征,即位于地表以下约5 km,其大小直接决定着最终矿床的规模,其形态为平卧状,相对封闭,生命周期较短(一般约2 Ma).岛弧或陆缘弧环境有利于浅部富矿岩浆房形成的条件是中等挤压应力状态或挤压后应力松驰...  相似文献   

The Gouldsboro Granite forms part of the Coastal Maine Magmatic Province, a region characterized by granitic plutons that are intimately linked temporally and petrogenetically with abundant co-existing mafic magmas. The pluton is complex and preserves a felsic magma chamber underlain by contemporaneous mafic magmas; the transition between the two now preserved as a zone of chilled mafic sheets and pillows in granite. Mafic components have highly variably isotopic compositions as a result of contamination either at depth or following injection into the magma chamber. Intermediate dikes with identical isotopic compositions to more mafic dikes suggest that closed system fractionation may be occurring in deeper level chambers prior to injection to shallower levels. The granitic portion of the pluton has the highest Nd isotopic composition (εNd = + 3.0) of plutons in the region whereas the mafic lithologies have Nd isotopic compositions (εNd = + 3.5) that are the lowest in the region and similar to the granite and suggestive of prolonged interactions and homogenization of the two components. Sr and Nd isotopic data for felsic enclaves are inconsistent with previously suggested models of diffusional exchange between the contemporaneous mafic magmas and the host granite to explain highly variable alkali contents. The felsic enclaves have relatively low Nd isotopic compositions (εNd = + 2 – + 1) indicative of the involvement of a third, lower εNd melt during granite petrogenesis, perhaps represented by pristine granitic dikes contemporaneous with the nearby Pleasant Bay Layered Intrusion. The dikes at Pleasant Bay and the felsic enclaves at Gouldsboro likely represent remnants of the silicic magmas that originally fed and replenished the overlying granitic magma chambers. The large isotopic (and chemical) contrasts between the enclaves and granitic dikes and granitic magmas may be in part a consequence of extended interactions between the granitic magmas and co-existing mafic magmas by mixing, mingling and diffusion. Alternatively, the granitic magmas may represent an additional crustal source. Using granitic rocks such as these with abundant evidence for interactions with mafic magmas complicate their use in constraining crustal sources and tectonic settings. Fine-grained dike rocks may provide more meaningful information, but must be used with caution as these may also have experienced compositional changes during mafic–felsic interactions.  相似文献   

河北武安坦岭多斑斜长斑岩的成因:冻结岩浆房活化机制   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
流变学实验表明,当岩浆中晶体体积分数达到约50vol%时,岩浆体实际上处于冻结状态,不再具有整体迁移的能力。但在自然界中仍存在含大量斑晶的浅成火成岩和火山岩。因此,富晶体岩浆的上升过程和侵位机制是近年来地球科学领域关注的热点之一。目前,冻结岩浆房的活化机制主要有二种:升温活化机制和流体活化机制。河北武安坦岭地区新发现的多斑斜长斑岩为揭示冻结岩浆房的活化提供了契机。野外观察和晶体粒度分布(CSD)分析表明,坦岭斜长斑岩中斜长石斑晶高达70vol%,基质为显微晶质结构。斜长石斑晶粒径分布均一,大小约为3.1×1.7mm;显微镜观察和背散射图像揭示,斜长石斑晶具环带结构,由宽广的斜长石核部+宽度可变的条纹长石边部组成,且无熔蚀现象;电子探针成分剖面分析表明,斑晶核部成分为更长石(An_(27)Ab_(71)Or_2),幔部为更长石(An_(13)Ab_(83)Or_4),边部为条纹长石。边部条纹长石的成分有一定变化,从内侧到外侧,主晶钠长石成分由Ab_(53)Or_(47)变为Ab_(99)Or_1,客晶钾长石成分由Ab_(48)Or_(51)变为Ab3Or97。斑晶斜长石核部存在细长条状或斑点状钾长石,且越靠近中心,钾长石斑点的数量越少。这些特点表明,边部条纹长石为交代成因。稀土和微量元素分析则显示,边部条纹长石具弱正Eu异常,相对富集LREE和K、Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,亏损Th、Zr、Nb的特点。CSD相关图解及以上特征表明,斜长石斑晶形成于稳定,封闭的结晶环境,并受到晚期碱交代作用的改造。基质主要由微粒钙质角闪石,条纹长石,石英,钾长石和钠长石组成,含少量自形-半自形磁铁矿和钛铁矿、磷灰石、榍石、金红石和锆石等11种矿物组成。11种矿物相和结构特征暗示基质形成于极端不稳定的结晶环境,与斜长石斑晶形成条件鲜明对照。根据基质的矿物组成,推测形成基质的岩浆具有富含K、Na、Fe、Si和挥发分的特征。这种特征与上述关于条纹长石环边形成条件的判断一致。据此,本文认为:产生斜长石斑晶的岩浆曾经在地壳深部作过长时间滞留,导致了斜长石的稳定结晶,增加了岩浆的粘度和密度,使岩浆处于冻结状态;富碱高铁熔体-流体流的注入大幅降低了岩浆的总粘度,并提高了岩浆的浮力,从而促使冻结岩浆房迅速活化和上升侵位;同时,富碱高铁熔体-流体流强烈交代了先存的斜长石斑晶,使其边部形成条纹长石;这种熔体-流体流则在快速排气,冷却过程中迅速结晶,形成了具有不平衡矿物组合的显微晶质基质。在岩浆侵入体较深部位,富碱高铁熔体-流体经历了很缓慢的固结过程,而相分离产生的流体有可能萃取携带岩浆中的铁质,形成富Fe流体流,后者可能对区内"铁矿浆"型铁矿的形成具有重要的贡献。  相似文献   

In this paper, we extract 1500 P receiver functions in the Tengchong volcanic area from 211 teleseismic events recorded at nine digital seismic stations. A common conversion point stacking technique is used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and to get the time delays of the Ps, PpPs, PsPs + PpSs phases within grids of 10 km × 10 km. Finally, the crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio are calculated. The results show that the crustal thickness ranges from 28 to 40 km and the Poisson’s ratio ranges from 0.28 to 0.36. There exist two mantle-uplifting sites each with a horizontal scale of about 30 km × 30 km, one in Mazhan–Tengchong–Maanshan and the other in Wuhe–Longjiang–Tuantian. The high Poisson’s ratio is consistently located within these two sites. Recorded shocks with Ms > 2.0 reveal that most of the shocks are distributed around the two sites and few are located at the centers. The shocks, the geothermal distribution, and the crustal structure suggest that the magma is still active, and the two mantle-uplifting sites detected may be the positions of two magma chambers in the crust.  相似文献   

The Ardnamurchan net-veined complex consists of three rock types: a porphyritic mafic rock, an aphyric intermediate rock and a silicic rock. Pillows of mafic and intermediate rock are included in the silicic rock and contain crenulated and some chilled margins. Liquid-liquid relationships are inferred for these three magmas. The trace element data, using ratio-ratio plots, are consistent with magma mixing being the dominant process and are inconsistent with any process that is dominated by crystal fractionation or melting. The major element data, using multiple linear regression techniques, are consistent with magma mixing of high-silica silicic magma and primitive mafic magma, along with about 35 percent crystal fractionation to form the intermediate rock type. All of the data taken together are consistent with a magma mixing model with some fractionation to produce the variation observed. The simplest model is that a fractionating basaltic magma comes into contact with a silicic magma and limited mixing produces the intermediate magma.This net-veined complex may be the only evidence available for interaction of mafic and silicic melts that occurred in the Ardnamurchan high-level magma chamber before the silicic magma was lost to eruptive and surface processes. In general the chemical and field relationships are consistent with Smith's model for the evolution of high-level, magma chambers.  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Nd and Sr have been measured in a suite of samples spanning most of the exposed stratigraphy of the Skaergaard intrusion in order to detect and quantify input (such as assimilated wallrock and fresh magma) into the magma chamber during crystallization. Unlike 18O and D, Nd and Sr isotope ratios do not appear to have been significantly affected by circulation of meteoric waters in the upper part of the intrusion. Variations in initial 87Sr/86Sr and Nd suggest that the Skaergaard magma chamber was affected during its crystallization by a small amount (2%–4%) of assimilation of Precambrian gneiss wallrock (high 87Sr/86Sr, low Nd) and possibly recharge of uncontaminated magma. Decreases in Nd and increases in 87Sr/86Sr during the early stages (0%–30%) of crystallization give way to approximately unchanging isotopic ratios through crystallization of the latest-deposited cumulates. Modelling of assimilation-fractional crystallization-recharge processes using these data as constraints shows that the assimilation rate must have been decreasing throughout crystallization. In addition, the isotope data allow replenishment by an amount of uncontaminated magma equal to 20%–30% of the total intrusion mass, occurring either continuously or in pulses over the first 75% of crystallization. Comparison of the recharge models with published Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) data from Skaergaard cumulates shows that the modelled replenishment rates are not inconsistent with available major element data, although significant recharge during the final 25% of crystallization can be ruled out. The isotope data show that the Skaergaard magma could have incorporated only a small amount of the gneiss that it displaced from the floor of the chamber; assimilation appears to have taken place primarily across a partially molten zone that formed at the roof from the wallrock that was dislodged during emplacement. In the latest stages of crystallization (>75% crystallized), the Skaergaard magma may have become stratified into two separately-convecting layers, effectively insulating Layered Series cumulates from further contamination.  相似文献   

Closed hopper and complex swallowtail morphologies of olivine microcrysts have been described in the past in both mid-oceanic ridge basalts and subaerial tholeitic volcanoes and indicate fluctuations in magma undercooling. We describe similar morphologies in a Mid-Atlantic ridge pillow basalt (sample RD87DR10), and in addition we estimate the duration of temperature fluctuations required to produce these textures as follows: (1) Pairs of melt inclusions are arranged symmetrically around the centre of hopper crystals and each pair represents a heating–cooling cycle. Using the literature olivine growth rates relevant to the observed morphologies, and measuring the distance between two successive inclusions, we estimate the minimum time elapsed during one convection cycle. (2) The major element composition of melt inclusions (analysed by electron microprobe) was found to be in the range of the boundary layer measured in the glass surrounding the olivines, irrespective of their size. Several major elements demonstrate that this boundary layer results from rapid quenching on the seafloor, and not from crystal growth at depth, implying the inclusions had the same composition as the surrounding magma when they were sealed. Using diffusivity of slow diffusing elements such as Al2O3, we estimate the minimum time required for inclusion formation. These two independent approaches give concordant results: each cooling–heating cycle lasted between a few minutes and 1 h minimum. Thus, these crystals probably recorded thermal convection in small magmatic bodies (a dyke or shallow magma chamber) during the last hour or hours before eruption.  相似文献   

Iron monosulphide globules and tubes grown in the laboratory have similar morphologies to the fossil pyrite botryoids and chimneys found in the Silvermines exhalative sedimentary ore-body of Carboniferous age in Ireland. We envisage analogous fine structures growing at hot springs (100–200°C) in the earliest oceans as having provided the culture chambers and flow reactors for life to originate by phosphorylation and growth of organic molecules on the iron sulphide surfaces. Such sulphide structures grown in the laboratory could be used in origin-of-life experiments.  相似文献   

温度是岩浆囊的重要物理参数,获取温度参数并监测其变化对更好地理解岩浆囊的物理化学性质和行为、评价火山的活动性和喷发危险性具有重要的理论和现实意义。火山岩浆-水热系统丰富的含碳气体,这些含碳气体间碳同位素温度计为我们解决休眠火山区地下岩浆囊的温度问题提供了可能。我们对宁洱火山区地表地热异常强度最高区的4个温泉点CO_2、CH_4碳同位素组成进行了2年的连续观测和2次平行观测,利用观测数据对CO_2、CH_4气体的岩浆来源进行了甄别,对CO_2-CH_4间碳同位素分馏是否发到平衡进行了判断,然后利用Horita CO_2-CH_4碳同位素平衡分馏方程计算了宁洱-通关火山区逸出气体的源区温度。结果表明:宁洱火山区4个样点中,1个样点的CO_2和CH_4均为非岩浆成因,其他3个样点的主要属于岩浆来源。剔除了非岩浆来源的数据后的δ-Δ图解法判断CO_2-CH_4间碳同位素分馏达到了平衡。3个样点的CO_2、CH_4碳气体源区温度分别为425~475℃、941~995℃和1179~1578℃。结合最上部地壳温度场结果,我们认为,宁洱火山区现今存在2个壳内岩浆房,分别位于宁洱火山以南和通关火山以北,宁洱岩浆房的温度为1179~1578℃,通关岩浆房的温度为941~995℃。2个岩浆房的现今温度已达到流纹岩浆(600~900℃)、安山岩(800~1100℃)和玄武岩浆(1000~1250℃)的形成温度。思普地震带空间上密集的6级地震丛集活动可以用宁洱岩浆房的高活动性来解释。δ-Δ图解法判断CO_2-CH_4间碳同位素分馏平衡准则应修正为:在保持两拟合直线的斜率符号相反的条件下,δ~(13)CCO_2-ΔCO_2-CH_4拟合直线和δ~(13)CCH_4-ΔCO_2-CH_4拟合直线应相交于δ轴附近截距差Δb≤0.16处。  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the Kokchetav trachybasalts are variable in composition and textures. Two distinctive cores are recognized: diopside cores and green salite cores. The diopside cores with Mg# of 80–90 are mantled by colorless salite rims with Mg# of 70–80. The green salite cores have especially low Mg# (<70) but high Al and Ti contents. A Mg-rich band (Mg#=82–90) usually occurs between a green salite core and its rim, and/or between a colorless salite mantle and its rim. Dissolution surfaces are observed on all textural variants. Two magma chambers are needed to explain the observed clinopyroxene phenocrysts. A deep chamber at about 120 km in the upper mantle in which diopside cores crystallized, and a shallow chamber at depths of less than 40 km in which diopside cores were resorbed and overgrown by salite rims or mantles. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is responsible for the formation of dissolution surfaces between the diopside bands and the colorless salite mantles. The dissolution surfaces on the diopside cores formed in the shallow chamber as a result of pressure decrease. This magma evolution scenario is complicated by the occurrence of the crustal-origin green salite cores in diopsides. These green cores likely represent the relics of continental materials, which were captured in the deep chamber and partially re-melted. Our observations indicate that subducted continental materials were returned to the Earth's surface as a result of magmatism. This study therefore provides direct evidence of a link between subducted continental materials (slab) and magmatism in this orogenic belt.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):290-308
In the Southern Pyrenees there are Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary basins with a significant volume of volcanic material derived from explosive eruptions (rhyolitic ignimbrites and andesitic flows). These basins are spatially associated with granodiorites and dacitic dykes emplaced in Variscan basement rocks. U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons extracted from three granodiorites, an andesitic flow, a dacitic dyke and six ignimbrites, revealed that magmatism occurred over an extended period of thirty eight million years, from ca. 304 Ma to ca. 266 Ma (Upper Carboniferous–Middle Permian). A scattering of zircon ages in each sample shows that the history of melt crystallization was complex, with more than one zircon-forming event in each magma chamber. The prolonged crystallization history was transferred to the product of the eruptions. A chronological link between the deep-seated magma chambers and processes in eruptions was identified on the basis of four overlapping intervals at: ca. 309–307 Ma (Upper Carboniferous), ca. 304–296 Ma (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian), ca. 294–282 Ma (Lower Permian), and ca. 276 Ma (Lower Permian). The variation of zircon U/Th ratios exposes a tendency for an increase in mafic sources as crystallization advances in the Permian. Zircons probably crystallized from melt phases related to both a felsic-intermediate metaluminous source from ca. 310–293 Ma (mostly 0.1 < Th/U < 0.6) to ca. 289–273 Ma (especially in the range 0.6 < Th/U < 1) and a mafic source (mostly 1.2 < Th/U < 1) at ca. 266–265 Ma. U–Pb zircon ages from volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Southern Pyrenees are consistent with the ages of the post-Variscan magmatism of Iberia associated with orocline generation and subduction of the Paleotethys Ocean (ca. 304–283 Ma), and in addition reveal a later magmatic event at ca. 276–266 Ma (Lower–Middle Permian). The location of the Iberian orocline in the core of Pangaea and near the western end of the subduction zone of the Paleotethys Ocean leads to the hypothesis that this later magmatic activity of the Southern Pyrenees could provide the missing link between the Variscan and Cimmerian cycles that acted sequentially in Permo-Carboniferous times.  相似文献   

Gili  J. A.  Ruiz-Carulla  R.  Matas  G.  Moya  J.  Prades  A.  Corominas  J.  Lantada  N.  N&#;&#;ez-Andr&#;s  M. A.  Buill  F.  Puig  C.  Mart&#;nez-Bofill  J.  Sal&#;  Ll.  Mavrouli  O. 《Landslides》2022,19(5):1009-1029
Landslides - Fragmentation is a common feature of rockfall that exerts a strong control on the trajectories of the generated blocks, the impact energies, and the runout. In this paper, we present a...  相似文献   

Hematite is one of the most important carriers of remanent magnetization in natural samples. Its strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy makes it difficult to determine one single value for the magnetic anisotropy constant and other magnetic properties. In particular, the anisotropy of hematite within its basal plane is controversial because an assumed triaxial anisotropy compatible with the crystallographic structure has not always been detected. This study presents a comparative analysis of rock magnetic properties, compositional analysis and determination of the magnetic anisotropy constant. Different models with anisotropy constant within the basal plane ranging from 0 to 13 (J m−3) are considered in the evaluation of the factors that control the presence or absence of a triaxial anisotropy. A linear relationship between saturation magnetization (M s ) and coercitivity (B c ) in measurements at increasing temperatures is observed in samples where anisotropy is either uniaxial or biaxial while those with significant triaxial anisotropies have a power–law relationship between M s and B c .  相似文献   

赵慈平  冉华  陈坤华 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2883-2897
温度是岩浆囊的重要物理参数,获取温度参数并监测其变化对更好地理解岩浆囊的物理化学性质和行为、评价火山的活动性和喷发危险性具有重要的理论和现实意义.本文通过对温泉逸出气体CO2和CH4碳同位素样品的采集、分析测试,利用Horita通过实验矫正的Richet的平衡分馏系数的理论计算数据,通过拟合得到的CO2-CH4碳同位素平衡分馏方程T(K)=3880.3(10001nα(CO2-CH4))-0.5984,计算了腾冲火山区现存3个岩浆囊的温度.结果表明:在整个腾冲火山区,由CO2和CH4的碳同位素分馏值计算的气体源区平衡温度最低397℃,最高1163℃,平均615℃.腾冲火山区的3个岩浆囊中,南部五合-龙江-浦川岩浆囊的现今温度在464~1163℃,平均773℃,温度最高;中部腾冲-和顺-热海岩浆囊的现今温度在438 ~773℃间,平均达566℃,温度次之;北部马站-曲石-永安岩浆囊的现今温度在397~651℃间,平均达524℃,温度最低.我们认为,腾冲火山区地下岩浆囊顶部气体富集区目前的温度变化范围为400~ 1200℃,岩浆囊的实际温度应高于平均值615℃.3个岩浆囊的边缘温度可能在400 ~600℃间,中心温度可能在700~1200℃间.3个岩浆囊中心的现今温度已达到流纹岩浆(600~900℃)、安山岩(800 ~ 1100℃)和玄武岩浆(1000~1250℃)的形成温度,进一步说明腾冲火山区目前3个岩浆囊是客观存在的.另外,我们发现在用δ-△图解法判断CO2-CH4间碳同位素分馏平衡的过程中,在保持2条拟合直线的斜率符号相反的条件下,无论如何剔除数据点,都不能使δ13CCO2-ΔCO2-CH4拟合直线的截距bCO2和δ13 CCH4-ΔCO2-CH14拟合直线的截距bCH4之差bΔ小于0.1245,说明2条拟合直线的交点不能落于δ轴上,而这一数值与Horita方程的常数项接近,这说明CO2-CH4间碳同位素分馏方程中确实存在常数项,CO2和CH4间在再高的温度下都存在碳同位素的分馏.δ-△图解法判断CO2-CH4间碳同位素分馏平衡准则应修正为:在保持2条拟合直线的斜率符号相反的条件下,δ13 CCO2-ΔCO2-CH4拟合直线和δ13CCH4-ΔCO2-CH4拟合直线应相交于δ轴附近截距差0.1245处.  相似文献   

相山铀矿田火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邵飞  徐恒力  邹茂卿 《铀矿地质》2009,25(3):137-143
文章系统论述了相山铀矿田的成矿特征,从时空尺度对成矿物质来源进行了探讨,结合成矿的构造-岩浆-地球动力学背景分析,研究了相山火山盆地成矿热液系统的形成和演化,认为相山铀矿田成矿流体系统是受区域构造环境制约、火山岩浆期后热液系统演化的客观产物。火山岩浆期后成矿热液系统在时间上延续了大约50 Ma,但在不同时间域内其活动空间有异,并由此制约着矿田内铀矿化的时空分布。文章还对矿田内深入找矿提出了建议。  相似文献   

Christophe L  cuyer 《Lithos》1990,25(4):243-259
The Trinity ophiolite consists of small magma chambers inside a large mantle body. Xenoliths of mantle peridotite occur both in gabbroic cumulates along the walls and in the matrices of ultrabasic breccias on the floors of the magma chambers. Field relationships and petrographic data suggest that these fragments of original mantle peridotite were modified by contact with basic magmas by modal metasomatism. Quantitative elemental mass transfers determined from the composition, volume and density variations of reacting minerals demonstrate both closed and open system conditions for the major (Si, Al, Ti, Na, Ca, Fe and Mg) and trace elements (Cr, Ni). In the open system, material gains and losses provide information on the composition of the fluid taking part in the metasomatic reaction.

During a first stage of metasomatism the mantle xenoliths were affected by high-temperature reactions at 600 to 925°C. They resulted from the interaction between solid mantle lherzolites and basic melts. The reactions are:

1. (1)those forming orthopyroxene-magnetite simplectite

2. (2)those forming plagioclase-magnetite corona

3. (3)clinopyroxene+spinel I→pargasitic hornblende+spinel II.

Chemical interactions between the upper mantle and oceanic magma chambers occurred as soon as the basic magmas had ascended through the upper mantle. The chemically modified magmas, within oceanic magma chambers, were depleted in Ti, Fe and Na. This could partly explain regional variations of the chemical compositions of primary magmas produced beneath slow-spreading ridges. The breakdown of olivine to orthopyroxene and magnetite participates in the control of the partition of magnetic Fe---Ti oxides between oceanic crust and mantle.

During the second stage, the serpentinization of olivine and the production of talc were superimposed on the products of the first stage. These reactions require large amounts of H2O. The hydrothermal fluid was probably seawater. It circulated in the brecciated area along the walls and floors of the magma chambers located at shallow depths. Such structural discontinuities thus played the role of penetration channels favoring seawater circulation in the oceanic crust.

All the chemical reactions examined suggest a significant open-system element transfer by infiltrating melts or circulating fluids. The results of this study suggest that caution is required in the interpretation of mineralogical and chemical information provided by mantle xenoliths carried to the surface by ascending magmas.  相似文献   

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