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彭云彪 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):917-928
川井坳陷位于二连盆地西部,坳陷内目的层赛汉组上段发育辫状河、辫状河三角洲-湖沼沉积,砂体发育。受构造、构造演化影响,在坳陷东部发育晚白垩世苏海布龙剥蚀窗口,在坳陷西部白音查干地区发育古近纪剥蚀窗口,剥蚀窗口控制了后生含铀含氧流体向盆地内入渗参与成矿,找矿类型为赛汉期斜坡带型及古河谷型。东西二个剥蚀窗口的发现,对合理解释已发现的矿化异常、找矿预测模型的构建提供了基础。通过构建坳陷三位一体找矿预测模型,预测了苏海布龙、白音查干西及包龙凹陷东三个铀成矿远景区。  相似文献   

Two types of Neoproterozoic metabasites occur together with regionally intruded arc-related Neoproterozoic granitoids (ca. 850–830 Ma) in the Hongseong area, southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea, which is the extension of the Dabie–Sulu collision belt in China. The first type of metabasite (the Bibong and Baekdong metabasites) is a MORB-like back-arc basin basalt or gabbro formed at ca. 890–860 Ma. The Bibong and Baekdong metabasites may have formed during back-arc opening by diapiric upwelling of deep asthenospheric mantle which was metasomatized by large ion lithophile element (LILE) enriched melt or fluid derived from the subducted slab and/or subducted sediment beneath the arc axis. The second type of metabasite (the Gwangcheon metabasite) formed in a plume-related intra-continental rift setting at 763.5 ± 18.3 Ma and is geochemically similar to oceanic island basalt (OIB). These data indicate a transition in tectonic setting in the Hongseong area from arc to intra-continental rift between ca. 830 and 760 Ma. This transition is well correlated to the Neoproterozoic transition from arc to intra-continental rift tectonic setting at the margin of the Yangtze Craton and corresponds to the amalgamation and breakup of Rodinia Supercontinent.  相似文献   

三江特提斯复合造山与成矿作用研究态势及启示   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
简述了"三江特提斯复合造山与成矿作用"项目的总体框架、研究目标和研究内容,总结了已开展的研究工作和研究进展。项目已在4个方面取得了系列重要进展:(1)通过对缝合带中放射虫硅质岩和基性-超基性岩,以及不同地体内火成岩的年代学和地球化学等研究,构建了三江地区从原特提斯、古特提斯、中特提斯到新特提斯大地构造-岩浆演化格架;(2)通过对VMS型Cu-Pb-Zn,沉积岩容矿型Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag,夕卡岩/斑岩Cu-Au-Mo及多成因类型Au 4种典型矿床类型研究,建立了复合造山过程中成矿系统结构和解析了巨量金属集聚成矿过程;(3)分析了增生造山→碰撞造山、主碰撞→晚碰撞和晚碰撞→后碰撞三期重要构造体制转换事件,提出了叠加成矿作用的3种类型和9种方式;(4)总结提炼了适合"三江"地区的"斑岩成矿系统+模型+高光谱+蚀变矿物填图+高精度磁测+电法"、"成矿模式+层位+瞬变电磁法+激发极化法"、"成矿系统+重+磁+多种电法"等勘查技术方法。  相似文献   

Field investigation together with a number of geochemical petrographical analyses, as well as absolute K-Ar age determinations and geophysical data, allow the recognition of an evolutionary sequence of geodynamic events which have affected the northern region of Antarctic Peninsula and the adjacent islands.A significant volcanic calc-alkaline belt, which developed on the northwestern margin of the Antarctic Peninsula during the Cretaceous to Middle Tertiary, is indicative of active subduction of the Antarctic plate in that area. This activity decreases during the Lower Miocene, giving way to an expansive phase represented by the Bransfield Rift. These extensional processes are dominant during the Pliocene, creating a rift system in southeastern Bransfield towards Larsen. Both the Bransfield and Larsen systems comprise one “fan-like rift system”, associated with the Prince Gustav Rift and the Scotia Arc micro-plate. Ejection of abundant pyroclastic material generated a large plateau of palagonite hyaloclastites of basaltic alkaline composition. During the Pleistocene-Recent, the extensional activity continued, as evidenced by the active volcanic fractures represented in Bransfield by the Deception, Penguin and Bridgeman volcanic centres; in the Prince Gustav Rift by Paulet Islands and others, and in Larsen by the Coley, Seal Nunatak and Argo volcanic centres. The latter is characterized by basaltic olivine-alkaline effusions. These rifts and the continental blocks are affected by a series of fractures with a N60°–70°W strike, which could be directly associated with the Hero Fracture Zone extending northwest of the South Shetland Islands Trench.  相似文献   

The major features of the geology and geomorphology of the semi‐arid, tropical Torrens Creek area of North Queensland are described. The evolution of the landscape through the late Cainozoic is discussed with reference to three phases of landscape instability and erosion, each separated by phases of stability during which weathering and soil formation proceeded. These erosional periods were probably initiated by episodic uplift of the Great Divide region. Tentative correlations with landscape events in the nearby Nulla Basalt Province suggest that soil profile development probably occurred during late Pliocene (2.3–2.0 m.y. ago), mid‐Pleistocene (1.3–1.1 m.y. ago), and in Quaternary (less than 0.1 m.y. ago) times.  相似文献   

黄增保  金霞 《西北地质》2004,37(1):51-57
位于北祁连山造山带西段的昌马地区,1:5万东湾、三道湾幅区调在中寒武世地层中发现Leiosphaeridia,Lophosphaeridium,Cymatiosphaera,Retisphaeridium,Synsphaeridium,Multiplicis-phaeridium,Retinarites等晚震旦世的藻类化石。据此,笔者将本区中寒武世地层解体为3部分:晚震旦世地层、早寒武世地层和中寒武世黑茨沟组。并对锅底坑蛇绿混杂岩带进行了确认,在此基础上对本区寒武纪构造演化模式作以探讨。  相似文献   

We report results of metallogenic, structural, petrological and fluid-inclusion studies that characterise the nature of gold mineralisation in the Northcote district of the Hodgkinson Goldfield, one of the major goldfields in the Palaeozoic Hodgkinson Province of northeastern Queensland, Australia. Gold – arsenic and gold – antimony – arsenic deposits in the Northcote district are spatially associated with distinctive northwest-trending faults and shear zones suggesting a strong structural control on their development during several phases of deformation in the Late Devonian to Carboniferous. Field evidence, as well as petrographic, scanning electron microscope and fluid-inclusion analysis of mineralised samples, indicates the occurrence of two stages of gold genesis. Gold associated with the earlier of the two mineralising episodes exists mainly in solid solution with acicular arsenopyrite. SEM analysis indicated that minor sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite formed during this episode of mineralisation. Gold deposited during the second mineralising episode has a strong association with antimony. Fluid-inclusion studies of quartz vein samples record minimum homogenisation temperatures between 108 and 312°C, and salinities of up to 13 wt% NaCl equivalent. Little to no difference in the nature of the fluids is observed between samples related to the two gold-forming stages. The style of gold mineralisation in the Northcote district is compatible with orogenic-gold deposits that form primarily during compressional and transpressional deformation along convergent plate margins.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Tunisia offshore Gulf of Hammamet basin. Based on seismic and well data, this basin was created during the Miocene and is currently trending NE–SW. During the Neogene, the study area was affected by geodynamic interactions controlled simultaneously by convergence of the Eurasia and Africa plates and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. These interactions generated compressive and extensional regimes which led to a variety of structures and basin inversions.The middle Miocene extensional regime created horst and graben structures (e.g. the Halk El Menzel graben). The two major compressive phases of the Tortonian and post Villafranchian age created different structures such as Ain Zaghouan and Fushia structures and the Jriba trough, and led to the reactivation of the old normal faults as reverse faults. During the Plio-Pleistocene and the Quaternary times, the Gulf of Hammamet was affected by an extensional regime related to the Siculo-Tunisian rift, which led to the development in the area of several sedimentary basins and new normal fault patterns.The Gulf of Hammamet shows several basins ranging in age from the Tortonian to the Quaternary, which display different structural and stratigraphic histories. Two main groups of sedimentary basins have been recognized. The first group has Tortonian–Messinian sedimentary fill, while the second group is largely dominated by Plio-Quaternary sediments. The shortening during the Tortonian and post Villafranchian times has led to the tectonic inversion of these basins. This shortening could be correlated to the Europe–Africa collision.Despite the large number of hydrocarbon discoveries, the Gulf of Hammamet remains under-explored, in particular at deeper levels. This study aims to guide future exploration and to highlight some new play concepts.  相似文献   

对山西省枣圆地区的构造演化与煤层气成藏机制进行了研究,结果表明:该区山西组煤层主要经历了两期构造演化:燕山期的近EW向挤压和喜玛拉雅期近EW向水平伸张。构造演化控制了煤层的埋藏史、受热史及成烃史,也直接影响了研究区山西组煤层气的成藏演化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Thermobarometric studies on various granulite facies areas along the Prydz Bay coast, East Antarctica (73°-79°E, 68°-70°S), show that, at around 1100 Ma, during a late Proterozoic orogeny, the rocks of the Larsemann Hills suffered a lower pressure metamorphic peak than the surrounding areas. Along the Prydz Bay coast, the rocks affected by this event include parts of the Vestfold Hills block plus all of the Rauer Group, the Larsemann Hills and the Munro Kerr Mountains. The dykes in the south-west corner of the Vestfold Hills were recrystallized during this event with little deformation at temperatures not quite as high as in the areas further south-west (650°C, 6.5 kbar) (Collerson et al., 1983), the Rauer Group was metamorphosed at 800°C and 7.5 kbar (Harley, 1987a), the Larsemann Hills at 750°C and 4.5 kbar, and the Munro Kerr Mountains probably at around 850°C and 5 kbar. Retrograde equilibration in the different areas occurred during decompression to about 10 km depth in all areas, followed by isobaric cooling at this depth. This paper shows that the peak metamorphism in the Larsemann Hills occurred at a pressure which is too low to have been the consequence of thermal relaxation of overthickened crust with normal mantle heat flow. Although other areas in Prydz Bay were metamorphosed at sufficiently high pressures so that their decompression paths are not inconsistent with a continental collision model, the inferred pre-metamorphic peak histories and the requirement of consistency with the Larsemann Hills, make it unlikely that collision followed by erosion-driven decompression is an appropriate model. We suggest that the thermal regime of the crust in the Larsemann Hills region was controlled by a perturbation in the asthenosphere, with magma invasion of the crust. We suggest that the 500 Ma event, represented in Prydz Bay by granitic outcrops at Landing Bluff and by several K/Ar ages from the Larsemann Hills area, was responsible for the final excavation of the terrane.  相似文献   

三叠纪充填的一套碳酸盐岩—碎屑岩地层,被划分为两个超层序和5个层序单元。超层序Ⅰ以复理石建造为特征,是金沙江缝合带初始碰撞作用的产物,是唐古拉山地区三叠纪前陆盆地早期挠曲沉降构造活动的沉积响应,标志着晚三叠世诺利期前陆盆地业已形成;超层序Ⅱ以磨拉石与酸性火山岩建造为特征,是前陆盆地晚期冲断抬升构造演化的沉积响应,表明晚三叠世瑞替期来自造山带的沉积物开始越过前陆隆起向隆后盆地迁移。  相似文献   

新疆北部古生代构造演化的几点认识   总被引:11,自引:12,他引:11  
最近的地质调查和研究资料揭示,新疆北部古生代存在"三块两带"的构造格局,并经历了复杂的洋陆转换过程。地质、地球物理和碎屑锆石年龄结果显示,准噶尔盆地南部应存在一个至少发育前震旦系的古老陆块;初步认为东准噶尔北自额尔齐斯构造带东南的玛依鄂博地区至南部的卡拉麦里构造带南界,整体为一增生杂岩体,西准噶尔自额尔齐斯构造带南缘至谢米斯台南缘亦为一增生杂岩体。提出新疆北部加里东运动表现为准噶尔-吐哈陆块、中天山陆块群、伊犁地块等拼合形成哈萨克斯坦板块的一部分。从新疆北部泥盆系建造组合和沉积环境演变视角,探讨了早古生代形成的哈萨克板块北部洋盆从早泥盆世开始,至晚泥盆世拼合,洋盆经历了逐渐变浅直至消亡的演化过程。结合区域地质调查资料,提出南天山为一巨大的增生杂岩体,代表了哈萨克斯坦板块与塔里木板块最后增生拼合的位置,亦是古亚洲洋在中国境内最后闭合的位置,闭合的时限为早石炭末期。在以上认识的基础上,提出新疆北部晚古生代构造演化的"三块两带"基本框架:即在统一哈萨克斯坦板块形成后,自北而南依次存在西伯利亚板块、哈萨克斯坦板块、塔里木板块及其间的准噶尔洋盆和南天山洋盆。晚泥盆世哈萨克斯坦板块与西伯利亚板块完成增生拼贴;早石炭世末,塔里木板块与西伯利亚-哈萨克斯坦联合板块完成增生拼贴,古亚洲洋结束洋陆转换;晚石炭世至早二叠世,新疆北部进入后碰撞伸展至大陆裂谷演化阶段。  相似文献   

哈拉哈塘地区是近年塔里木盆地油气增储上产最重要的地区,开展该区构造演化研究对油气勘探开发具有重要的意义。本文利用哈拉哈塘地区新采集的三维地震资料和钻井资料,通过不整合面分析和平衡剖面恢复技术对研究区构造演化进行了分析,通过地震层拉平恢复了关键目的层中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩顶面在不同时期的古构造形态。在此基础上,探讨了研究区构造演化对油气藏的控制作用。结果表明:哈拉哈塘地区经历6 个构造演化阶段:早加里东期稳定碳酸盐岩台地阶段、中-晚加里东期南倾斜坡、早海西期西倾斜坡、晚海西-印支期被动凹陷期、燕山-早喜山期稳定沉降期、晚喜山期-现今构造反转定型期。哈拉哈塘地区中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩顶面从中加里东期开始,长期保持北高南低的斜坡形态,整体构造格局变化不大,只是构造轴线方向、构造高点稍有变化。晚喜山期以来,研究区发生构造反转,中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩顶面成为西倾鼻状构造。哈拉哈塘地区构造演化控制了奥陶系岩溶储层的发育与油气的富集。中-晚加里东期古构造控制了奥陶系岩溶储层的发育,晚海西期古构造高部位与现今构造高部位叠合区控制了油气富集。  相似文献   

以大地构造研究为主导,初步梳理了三江地区洋板块地层系统的分布及其构造演化规律。本文阐述了三江地区经历原-古特提斯大洋连续演化、分阶段拼贴增生至最终俯冲消亡的地质演化历程。甘孜-理塘弧后洋盆于早石炭世打开,二叠纪—中三叠世进入顶峰扩张期,晚三叠世洋盆萎缩引起向西俯冲,最终在晚三叠世末局部地区保留残留海。哀牢山弧后洋盆不晚于早石炭世形成,早石炭世—早二叠世整体扩张发育,早二叠世末或晚二叠世初开始向西俯冲,晚三叠世最终完全关闭。金沙江洋盆早石炭世时已扩张成洋,到早二叠世晚期开始俯冲,石炭纪—早二叠世早期是金沙江洋盆扩张的主体时期,早二叠世晚期至早、中三叠世俯冲消亡。澜沧江弧后洋盆中晚泥盆世开始扩张,在石炭纪—早二叠世发育为成熟洋盆,早二叠世晚期洋内俯冲形成洋内弧,晚二叠世—早、中三叠世双向俯冲消亡。昌宁-孟连洋为特提斯洋主带,具有原-古特提斯洋连续演化的地质记录,晚奥陶世开始向东俯冲消减,二叠纪末、早三叠世发生弧-陆碰撞作用,昌宁-孟连洋盆闭合。  相似文献   

以新一轮125万区域地质调查及专题研究成果为基础,结合前期120万区域地质填图和科学考察资料,对雅鲁藏布江结合带的区域地质背景、基本地质特征、构造演化模式及有关问题进行了探讨.以雅鲁藏布江结合带为重点,论述了三叠纪玉门蛇绿岩构造冲断片、晚三叠世郎杰学弧前增生楔、泽当-罗布莎-朗县蛇绿混杂构造冲断片和白垩纪朗县弧前构造混杂岩片的基本地质特征.并将雅鲁藏布江结合带中蛇绿混杂构造冲断片的原始层序与特罗多斯典型蛇绿岩剖面对比,初步建立了研究区各构造带从新元古代-寒武纪克拉通化阶段、奥陶纪-二叠纪克拉通陆表海发展阶段、三叠纪-侏罗纪洋盆主扩张阶段、侏罗纪-白垩纪俯冲消减阶段、白垩纪-渐新世闭合-碰撞造山阶段到中新世以来的伸展、拆离、快速隆升阶段之演化模式.  相似文献   


柴北缘赛什腾地区发育大量早古生代岩浆岩, 记录了原特提斯洋演化的重要信息, 对其研究有助于进一步认识秦祁昆增生和碰撞造山过程。本文报道了柴北缘赛什腾地区早-中奥陶世岩浆岩的锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石Lu-Hf同位素、全岩主微量元素地球化学及Sr-Nd同位素资料。早-中奥陶世岩浆岩主要包括花岗闪长岩、变辉绿岩和变辉长岩, LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示花岗闪长岩年龄是485Ma, 变辉绿岩年龄是473Ma, 变辉长岩年龄为470~464Ma。花岗闪长岩为弱过铝质钙碱性花岗岩类, 轻重稀土分馏较强烈, La/Yb比值为18.0~25.1, (La/Yb)N为12.9~18.0, Sr/Y比值(30.0~44.8)较高, Eu具轻度负异常, 全岩εNd(t)为+1.1~+3.4, 初始87Sr/86Sr比值为0.7048~0.7060, 锆石εHf(t)为+9.4~+11.3。变辉绿岩为拉斑玄武岩系列, 具有较高的MgO(5.31%~8.79%)含量和Mg#值(47~58), 其Al2O3和CaO含量分别为14.5%~18.07%和7.79%~11.92%, TiO2含量(0.41%~0.83%)较低; 此外, 其稀土总量较低(26.0×10-6~62.5×10-6), 轻重稀土分馏弱, (La/Yb)N为3.3~4.0, 基本不具Eu异常(δEu=0.9~1.1);全岩εNd(t)为+2.2~+5.5, 初始87Sr/86Sr比值为0.7049~0.7055, 锆石εHf(t)为+7.3~+9.1。变辉长岩为拉斑玄武岩系列岩类, 富FeOT(11.79%~15.45%)、低MgO(3.41%~5.23%)和Mg#(31~44), TiO2含量较高(介于1.06%~1.57%); 其稀土总量较低(59.2×10-6~121.6×10-6), 轻重稀土分馏弱, (La/Yb)N为3.2~5.7, 不具Eu异常(δEu=0.9~1.1);全岩εNd(t)为+1.4~+1.9, 初始87Sr/86Sr比值为0.7042~0.7044, 锆石εHf(t)为+7.5~+13.9。根据以上地球化学特征推断: 花岗闪长岩源于有一定程度加厚的新生岛弧下地壳的部分熔融; 而变辉长岩和变辉绿岩则源于亏损地幔楔, 形成于俯冲相关的岩浆弧环境。结合以往研究成果, 本文认为赛什腾地区早古生代主要存在~514Ma、485~464Ma、444~437Ma三期岩浆岩, 形成于原特提斯洋洋内和陆缘俯冲(514~450Ma)以及闭合后陆陆碰撞过程(445~420Ma)。


Gold deposits occur in greenstone belts world wide, and contribute to anomalously high gold production from Archaean terranes. As in other cratons, Archaean gold mineralization of Western Australia represents a complex array of deposit styles. Despite this, most deposits are clearly epigenetic, and large deposits have a number of features in common, including their strong structural controls, distinctive wallrock alteration (Fe-sulphide, K-mica±albite, Ca---Mg---Fe carbonates), consistent metal associations (Au---Ag---As---Sb---W---B; low base metals), commonly Fe-rich host rocks, great depth extension and lack of appreciable vertical zonation. These shared characteristics, combined with their ubiquitous occurrence, indicate that Archaean gold deposits had a common origin related to the tectonic evolution of greenstone belts.Auriferous hydrothermal systems were broadly synchronous with regional metamorphism and emplacement of synkinematic granitoids and felsic (porphyry) intrusions. Although these gold systems involved low-salinity, lowdensity, reduced, near-neutral H2O---CO2 fluids carrying gold as reduced sulphur complexes, the origin of the fluids is equivocal. Most timing evidence and stable isotope data cannot distinguish metamorphic from magmatic (granitoid or felsic porphyry) orggins, but the lack of consistent spatial relationships between specific, volumetrically significant intrusive phases and large gold deposits in a number of cratons strongly favours metamorphic derivation of fluids.The metamorphic-replacement model for gold mineralization involves devolatilization of the lower portions of the greenstone pile, with high geothermal gradients inhibiting significant melting. CO2 possibly formed by the decarbonation of early alteration, related to mantle degassing along crustal-scale, synbasinal fault zones. Auriferous fluids were channelled along greenstone-scale faults, in part developed during reactivation of crustal-scale faults in a strike-slip regime. Gold deposition occurred largely under greenschist facies conditions (about 300–400°C, 1–2 kb) in response to decreasing gold solubility with declining temperature. However, a major control on gold deposition was fluid/wallrock interaction. Many large deposits formed by sulphidation of Fe-rich host rocks, with synchronous deposition of Fe-sulphides and gold. However, the variable nature of gold-depositing reactions, including lowering of fO2 and pH, allowed a multitude of small, and some large, deposits to form wherever that fluid circulation occurred. In consequence, several of the relatively small deposits currently worked from open pit are hosted by ultramafic and felsic rocks. There are few constraints on the source of components (Au, S, K, CO2) added to gold deposits, but even giant deposits such as the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie could have formed from a realistic greenstone source volume (ca. 8×8×5 km). Convective circulation of fluids could have contributed to the generation of high fluid-rock ratios.On the regional scale, the markedly heterogeneous distribution of large gold deposits, gold productivity and host rocks to deposits can be accommodated by the metamorphic-replacement model. The most favourable conditions for development of auriferous hydrothermal systems operated in younger (ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga) rift-phase greenstones where greatest extension and crustal thinning produced high geothermal gradients, crustal-scale synbasinal faults, and rapid extrusion and burial of volcanics, including abundant komatiites. Iron-rich tholeiitic basalts and dolerites were preferred host rocks for large gold deposits. The least favourable conditions existed in older (ca. 3.5-3.4 Ga) platformphase greenstones, where gentle sagging on submerged continental crust produced eruption of mainly mafic volcanics with few komatiites, commonly in very shallow-water environments. This allowed intense synvolcanic alteration of both gold source rocks and potential host rocks. The generally smaller gold deposits formed mainly in ultramafic or greywacke hosts. Younger (ca. 3.0 Ga) platform-phase greenstones appear intermediate in nature but, unlike other greenstones, have significant epigenetic gold deposits in originally oxide-facies BIF, which were deposited on relatively deep-water platforms. Similar controls appear to exist on a world scale, with gold mineralization peaking at ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga in response to development of major rift zones in thickened, relatively mature continental crust. Interestingly, the giant Witwatersrand goldfield formed at about the same time.  相似文献   

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