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为了进一步理解构造地质过程对弧后盆地热液活动及成矿作用的影响和控制,以实测和收集的多波束资料为基础,对冲绳海槽南部多个海底热液活动区的地形地貌特征进行了精细刻画。结合前人研究成果,从构造地质学的角度分析了热液区地形地貌的成因机制。结果表明,冲绳海槽南部热液区均为海底火山成因地貌,不同热液区的海底地貌分属于不同类型岩浆作用的产物:D海丘受岛弧和弧后盆地岩浆作用的双重影响,A海丘群由岛弧为主的多源岩浆作用产生,C海丘和B海丘群属于琉球火山岛弧,雨花海丘形成于造山期后地壳伸展导致的岩浆上涌。冲绳海槽中央地堑与琉球火山岛弧的交汇处有利于形成大规模岩浆和地热活动。琉球火山岛弧的岩浆活动存在时空迁移,与海槽构造演化过程中由分散式裂陷向中心式裂陷的转换有关。唐印热液区的存在表明台湾北火山带在槽底北缘及陆坡区仍具有较强的岩浆和地热活动性,是未来冲绳海槽南部海底热液调查的重要靶区之一。  相似文献   

本文从区域补偿和实验均衡出发,导出了上部负载和下部负栽相关时理论均衡响应函数的计算公式,计算了弹性板有效工不同以及上部负载和下部负载的比例不同时的理论均衡响应函数曲线,并对曲线形态进行了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽海底地形的补偿模式初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从区域补偿模式和实验均衡理论出发,利用重力和地形资料计算了冲绳海槽的均衡响应函数,结果表明:冲绳海槽南段弹性板有效厚度和补偿深度明显大于中段,结合其它地质地球物理资料解释认为,产生这种差异的原因主要是南,中两段岩石圈温度和补偿机制的不同所致。  相似文献   

埕岛油田海区海底地形变化及预防措施   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综合在胜利石油管理局埕岛油田海区多年来工程测绘与地质勘察资料 ,对埕岛油田海区地形地貌特征及其变化与发育趋势进行了论述 ,同时讨论了埕岛油田海上工程中需要重视的问题以及有关的工程防护问题。  相似文献   

基于中国科学院海洋研究所“科学”号综合考察船在冲绳海槽中部热液区采集的高分辨率海底地形数据,建立地形复杂度综合分析模型,利用窗口序列分析法以及均值变点分析法,分析了冲绳海槽中部热液区的地形复杂度。结果发现,研究区内平均地形复杂度指数为1.74,热液活动区地形复杂度指数在1.4~3.2之间,热液活动区地形相对复杂。这为计算全球海底热液区地形复杂度和寻找热液活动区位置提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

基于2000年5~6月在台湾岛以东海域调查获得的多波束全覆盖测深等地质和地球物理资料,对该海域海底地形特征进行了研究,探讨了构造对海底地形的控制作用及其构造地质意义.研究表明,琉球岛弧岛坡区和琉球海沟表现为典型的西太平洋沟-弧-盆体系控制下的构造地形;台湾岛东部岛坡等深线近南北向平行密集排列,地形坡度大,弧陆碰撞造就了该区独特的地形特征;花东盆地海底峡谷发育,其形成主要受基底起伏和走滑断裂的控制;加瓜海脊东西两侧水深和地形特征明显不同,但其基底可能属于花东盆地,加瓜海脊的东侧对应了两个不同性质板块的边界;西菲律宾海盆表现为北西向线状脊-槽相间排列,并遭受北东向转换断层的切割,根据海底地形、转换断层和磁异常条带的方向推测,研究区海底形成于距今60~45Ma的西菲律宾海盆北东-南西向扩张期.  相似文献   

王楠  徐永臣  陶常飞 《海岸工程》2019,38(3):203-209
基于多波束探测获得的高精度海底地形数据,通过对水下地形进行设色纹理渲染生成地形和纹理数据集,以三维建模软件Multigen Creator和Terra Vista为主要工具,采用细节层次LOD(Levels of Detail)技术和虚拟纹理映射技术,建立起视景仿真领域通用的OpenFlight数据格式的三维地形数据库模型。利用交互式三维可视化分析软件Vega Prime可以真实直观地反映海底地形环境,实现了海底地形的三维可视化与漫游,可以更直观地表现和解译水下地形数据。虚拟现实技术为海洋测量数据的三维可视化展示方面提供了新的技术途径,在水下目标分析、航行保障和水下AUV、ROV安全保障中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

渤海辽东湾区海底地形分区特征和成因研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了探明辽东湾区海底地形,通过测深系统对辽东湾区海底地形进行了高进度、全覆盖测量,进而根据地形起伏特点对辽东湾区海底地形进行了分区,并分析了影响辽东湾地形发育的主要因素。结果表明:辽东湾区海底地形分为5个子区,地形发育受地质构造、水动力来源和沉积物供应的复合影响。  相似文献   

磁异常显示在东海陆架坳陷带以降低负磁异常为主 ,而陆架边缘隆褶带异常区则以跳跃升高的正磁异常为主 ,冲绳海槽异常区表现出 2种磁异常面貌 :在西部陆坡表现为较平缓的负磁异常 ,而冲绳海槽底部则表现为高频跳跃变化升高异常。琉球岛弧异常区则表现为降低平缓负磁异常 ,只有在靠近冲绳海槽一带表现为高频升高正磁异常。磁力异常在这几个构造带显示出明显的条带状分布特征。在测区的中南部 (2 7°4 0′ N ,12 7°0 0′ E附近 ) ,磁异常呈现出明显的磁条带特征 ,与海底地形吻合很好 ,说明海槽中段已经进入了扩张阶段  相似文献   

东海西部海域现代沉积环境分区及沉积特征的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对本区1040个站位表层沉积物的粒度、矿物、化学及生物组分等特征进行了详尽的分析与研究,据此,把东海西部海域的现代沉积环境划分为两种类型的过渡环境。一类是与河口有关的过渡沉积环境,如长江三角洲沉积区,杭州湾沉积区及混合沉积区;另一类与河口无关的过渡沉积环境,包括浙东近岸沉积区,苏北浅滩沉积区及陆架改造沉积区。  相似文献   

The distribution of aluminum (Al) in seawater has been investigated in the continental slope and the Okinawa Trough areas of the East China Sea, which is one of the marginal seas in the western North Pacific Ocean. Aluminum concentration in waters over the slope and the Trough ranged from 5.6 to 25 nmol/kg in the surface layer (0–100 m), and had a minima of 1.1 nmol/kg between 400 and 500 m depth and ranged from 1.3 to 9.7 nmol/kg in the deep or bottom waters. Aluminum values were higher than in the surface waters of the central North Pacific, while minimum values were similar to levels in the intermediate or deep waters of the central North Pacific, except for the bottom water over the slope. This suggests that the high Al concentration in the surface reflects the large atmospheric input of Asian dust around the western side of the North Pacific region. On the continental slope, Al concentrations in the upper 500 m depth decreased slopeward. This horizontal gradient of Al can be explained from the combination of dilution by upwelling of Al-poor water originated from the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) which intrudes into the mid-depth of the Okinawa Trough and the scavenging of Al by biogenic particles in the continental slope zone.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks both from the northern East China Sea (NECS) shelf margin and the northern Okinawa Trough are subalkaline less aluminous,and lower in High Field Strength Elements (HFSE).These rocks are higher in Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE),thorium and uranium contents,positive lead anomalies,negative Nb-Ta anomalies,and enrichment in Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE).Basalts from the NECS shelf margin are akin to Indian Ocean Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB),and rhyolites from the northern Okinawa Trough have the highest 207 Pb/ 204 Pb and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios.The NECS shelf margin basalts have lower 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios,ε N d and σ 18 O than the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks.According to 40 K– 40 Ar isotopic ages of basalts from the NECS shelf margin,rifting of the Okinawa Trough may have been active since at least 3.65–3.86 Ma.The origin of the NECS shelf margin basalt can be explained by the interaction of melt derived from Indian Ocean MORB-like mantle with enriched subcontinental lithosphere.The basalts from both sides of the Okinawa Trough may have a similar origin during the initial rifting of the Okinawa Trough,and the formation of basaltic magmas closely relates to the thinning of continental crust.The source of the formation of the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks was different from that of the middle Okinawa Trough,which could have been generated by the interaction of basaltic melt with an enriched crustal component.From the Ryukyu island arc to East China,the Cenozoic basalts have apparently increasing trends of MgO contents and ratios of LREE to Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE),suggesting that the trace element variabilities of basalts may have been influenced by the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate,and that the effects of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate on the chemical composition of basaltic melts have had a decreasing effect from the Ryukyu island arc to East China.  相似文献   

东海陆架前缘斜坡(冲绳海槽西坡)北部的断块隆脊地貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东海陆架前缘斜坡(冲绳海槽西坡)北部的断块隆脊,是呈长条形的脊状台式隆起,位于29°30′N-31°10′N;128°00′E-128°20′E之间。其由NNE向链状排列的断块山地组成,且与NNE向的断裂构造相一致,其顶部水深约300m~400m左右。从实测单道地震剖面看,隆脊的东西两侧均有断层出现。隆脊西坡倾向陆架一侧,坡度大,有的地方坡度超过10°;而东侧坡度较缓,仅1°左右,缓倾至海槽西坡坡底,并以沟坎式与冲绳海槽槽底相连。冲绳海槽地区的构造运动,使隆脊地区受到断裂构造的作用。NNE向的大断裂使该隆脊位置的东西两侧断裂下降而中间抬起,加之下部岩浆上侵,显现出链式排列的断块山地,表现为一条长形的断块隆脊构造地貌体。推测该地貌体形成的时期较晚,它是与断层的发生同时期形成的。  相似文献   

This paper presents actuality of investigation and study of the crustal structure characters of East China Sea at home and abroad. Based on lots of investigation and study achievements and the difference of the crustal velocity structure from west to east, the East China Sea is divided into three parts - East China Sea shelf zone, Okinawa Trough zone and Ryukyu arc-trench zone. The East China Sea shelf zone mostly has three velocity layers, i.e., the sediment blanket layer (the velocity is 5.8-5.9 km/s), the basement layer (the velocity is 6.0-6.3 km/s), and the lower crustal layer (the velocity is 6.8-7.6 km/s). So the East China Sea shelf zone belongs to the typical continental crust. The Okinawa Trough zone is located at the transitional belt between the continental crust and the oceanic crust. It still has the structural characters of the continental crust, and no formation of the oceanic crust, but the crust of the central trough has become to thinning down. The Ryukyu arc-trench zone belongs to the transitional type crust as a whole, but the ocean side of the trench already belongs to the oceanic crust. And the northwest Philippine Basin to the east of the Ryukyu Trench absolutely belongs to the typical oceanic crust.  相似文献   

东海陆坡不同类型海底峡谷的分布构造响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1997-2001年在东海海域获得的多波束全覆盖测深数据和收集的部分高分辨率单道地震剖面,对东海陆坡海底峡谷的地形要素,如长度、弯曲度、平均坡度、剖面特征、头部和末端的水深等进行了详细的分析和统计.根据平面形态将海底峡谷划分为3种类型:直线型、蛇曲型和树枝型.海底峡谷主要分布于中段和南段的东海陆坡之上,平面形态特征总体上自北向南趋于复杂(直线型→蛇曲型→树枝型),规模逐渐增大,不同平面类型代表了峡谷不同的演化阶段.峡谷的分布格局和变化趋势主要受控于冲绳海槽扩张背景下的构造活动.  相似文献   

东海的地壳结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外有关东海地壳结构特征的调查研究状况,并利用前人大量的调查研究成果,根据自西向东地壳速度结构的差异,将东海海区划分为东海陆架区、冲绳海槽区、琉球岛弧-海沟区三部分。东海陆架区主要由沉积盖层(速度为5.8~5.9km/s)、基底层(速度为6.0~6.3km/s)和下地壳层(速度为6.8~7.6km/s)三个速度层组成,属于典型的大陆型地壳。冲绳海槽则位于大陆地壳和大洋地壳的过渡地带,它仍然具有大陆地壳的结构特征,并无洋壳的形成,但在海槽的轴部地壳已经减薄。琉球岛弧-海沟区的地壳结构总的来说属于过渡型地壳,但在海沟靠洋一侧已属于大洋型地壳,而从琉球海沟往东的西北菲律宾海盆,就完全属于典型的大洋地壳。  相似文献   

Based on new multibeam bathymetric data and about 300 km long single seismic profiles, three topographic units were identified:the canyons, fractural valley and submarine terrace on the north of Chiwei Island where is a structural transition zone between the southern trough and the middle trough. The Chiwei Canyon and the North Chiwei Canyon are two of the largest canyons in the East China Sea (ECS) slope. Topographic features and architectures of them are described. The study shows that both of them are originated along faults. The evolution and spatial distribution of topographic units in the study area are controlled mainly by three groups of faults which were formed and reactive in the recent extensional phase of Okinawa Trough. The Chiwei Canyon was initiated during the middle Pleistocene and guided by F4 that is a N-S trending fault on the slope and F1, a large NW-SE trending fault on the trough. The pathway migration from the remnant channel to the present one of Chiwei Canyon is the result of uplift of tilted fault block that is coupled to the recent extension movements of the southern trough. The submarine terrace is detached from the ECS slope by the NEE-trending fault. The North Chiwei Canyon, developing during the late Pleistocene, is guided by F5, a N-S trending fault, diverted and blocked by the submarine terrace.  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地和冲绳海槽盆地在区域地质构造上虽然同属下沉区,但它们的重力异常(其中包括布格异常、空间异常和均衡异常)、地貌特征、沉积环境、地壳类型、应力分布、构造活动、成因机制上均存在着本质的差别,从而揭示了两者决不是简单的“块体”下沉,而是两个性质完全不相同的构造单元。  相似文献   

基于1993—2017年卫星高度计海面高度异常中尺度涡旋追踪数据集,对东海陆架区及从西北太平洋入侵东海的涡旋进行路径分类、季节变化及特征参量统计分析,并结合再分析流场资料,进行背景流场、涡度场分析。研究结果显示,近25 a,在东海追踪到318个气旋涡和276个反气旋涡。根据涡旋运动路径将其分为:东海陆架浅海生成往深海传播型(148个)、深海生成向东海陆架浅海传播型(35个)、沿等深线运动型(180个)、徘徊型(121个)、外来入侵到达东海陆架型(25个)及外来入侵到达东海深海型(85个)。6类涡旋的数量存在明显的季节分布,各个类型气旋与反气旋涡数量的季节分布也各不相同。其中,沿等深线运动型涡在春、夏季的数量高于秋、冬季。陆架浅海区生成往深海运动型涡的季节分布较为平均,气旋式涡在夏季数量最少,在春季和冬季数量较多。黑潮与涡旋数量的季节分布有关。徘徊型涡的平均生命周期最长,约为44 d;陆架浅海生成往深海运动型及外来入侵到达东海陆架的中尺度涡具有最大的平均振幅,为13.2 cm;外来入侵到达东海陆架型涡具有最大的直径,为122 km;外来入侵到达东海深海型涡在进入东海后的生命周期、振幅、直径在数值上均为最小。  相似文献   

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