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胶州湾及邻近海域沉积物分布特征和运移趋势   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:54  
汪亚平  高抒  贾建军 《地理学报》2000,55(4):449-458
应用激光粒度仪对胶州湾及其邻近海区的沉积物进行粒度分析,获得了粒径分布和矩法参数。采用Blair-McPherson和Shepard分类方案,将沉积物划分出9种主要类型。以GaoCollins粒径真挚分析模型为基础,将采样区域通过一定技术处理,获得该区沉积物粒径趋势所显示的沉积物净搬运方向。结果表明,沉积物在海湾中心的垄脊和口门延伸至外海的深槽尾部是沉积物汇聚区域,与海流、地貌信息及重矿物方面的证  相似文献   

以胶州湾北部滨海湿地为研究区域,运用RS和GIS技术提取湿地信息,研究时空变化特征,建立湿地定量评价系统,并对湿地质量进行分析。研究表明,自1997年到2007年,该地湿地类型变化较大,沿岸湿地退化现象严重,人为活动影响增大,非湿地面积大量增加,湿地质量不断下降。  相似文献   

胶州湾河口湿地秋冬季N2O气体排放通量特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2009年9月~2010年2月,利用静态箱-气相色谱法对秋冬季胶州湾大沽河口受潮汐影响的芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地和潮上带常年无积水杂草湿地N2O排放通量特征进行了研究。研究表明:两类湿地N2O排放和吸收具有明显的昼夜变化规律。白天N2O排放高峰出现在12时左右,夜间高峰出现在21时左右,最低值出现在凌晨6时左右。芦苇湿地和杂草湿地秋冬季的最高值分别为151.1 μg/(m2·h)、29.3 μg/(m2·h),最低值分别为-128.9 μg/(m2·h)、-21.5μg/(m2·h)。芦苇湿地秋冬季夜间N2O排放量高于白天,分别是白天的1.54倍和2.09倍;杂草湿地秋季N2O排放通量白天高于夜间,冬季则夜间高于白天且以吸收为主。在对芦苇湿地和杂草湿地进行监测的6个月份中11月排放量最高,排放量分别为42.42 mg/m2、6.89 mg/m2,芦苇湿地N2O排放量普遍高于杂草湿地。芦苇湿地秋、冬季的排放通量分别为56.32 mg/m2、63.38 mg/m2,杂草湿地秋、冬季的排放通量分别为10.45 mg/m2、3.08 mg/m2,芦苇湿地高于杂草湿地,分别是杂草湿地的5.39倍、20.58倍,主要是两类湿地不同的水文特征和不同的植被种类造成的。杂草湿地秋冬季N2O排放通量与5 cm地温、10 cm地温呈显著相关关系(P<0.05),芦苇湿地则相关不显著,主要原因是芦苇湿地N2O排放量除了受温度影响,由潮汐引起的干湿交替过程也在很大程度上影响N2O排放和吸收。胶州湾大沽河河口受潮汐影响芦苇湿地和常年无积水的杂草湿地秋冬季均为大气N2O的"源"。  相似文献   

对江苏海州湾近岸海区的表层沉积物进行孢粉分析 ,总结该研究区的孢粉分布规律及成因。笔者认为该区的松花粉主要来自西北部胶东半岛 ;落叶阔叶乔木花粉来源于连云港市云台山 ;草本植物花粉与陆缘植被相应 ,以盐生的蒿、藜科花粉占优势 ,表明花粉沉积与当地及周边地区植被密切相关。蕨类孢子是从陆地由水流携带搬运而来 ,百分含量的高低可能是受补偿率的影响。  相似文献   

Based on Landsat TM images in 2005 and urban planning data of 2005–2020 in Hangzhou Bay Industrial Belt, this paper studied the potential risk of the planned urban construction land extension to the wetlands by employing a GIS spatial analysis method. The results show that: (1) The wetland resources are widely distributed and diverse, with a proximal distribution to present urban construction lands spatially. (2) From 2005 to 2020, the urban construction lands will expand vastly and rapidly, and will take over large areas of wetlands that are mostly the ponds and the aquiculture water areas in the reclamation areas of Hangzhou Bay south coast. Moreover, this change will be spatially uneven obviously, e.g., the most serious recessions of the wetlands are concentrated in Ningbo city, Hangzhou city and Cixi city. (3) Overall, the potential risk to wetlands is very high, and will keep increasing with the trend of urbanization. (4) The quantity and spatial pattern of the planning urban construction land have substantial impacts on the wetland loss. Therefore, some policies and regulations are suggested to coordinate the relationship between urban economic development and wetland resource protection such as adjusting the construction land planning, compensating for wetland occupation as well as constructing wetland parks.  相似文献   

Bed features were mapped using a thermal depth recorder and a side-scan sonar in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, and flows were observed and bed surface materials were sampled to investigate bed material transport pathways. Distinct scales and dimensions of dunes were observed in terms of the classification scheme of Ashley [Ashley, G.M., 1990. Classification of large-scale sub-aqueous bedforms: A new look at an old problem. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 61, 160–172], forming a dune set in the flood season. Large dunes occurred predominately in the surveyed area of the estuarine zone, and two-dimensional dunes predominated in the dry season while three-dimensional dunes prevailed in the flood season. Sharp lee sides of dunes have low angles, indicating a significant suspended-load transport for the bedform migration, and the majority of them face down-estuary reflecting the controlling process by the ebb current. The bed material migrations in terms of relative maximum gross transport show a satisfactory agreement with the sonar mapping in the dry season. The relative maximum gross transport as an independent estimator of migration direction, can be used to effectively determine the bed material transport directions in the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

To better ascertain leaf, stem and flower traits, and analyze aboveground allocation during the vegetation period, three sampling vegetation transects were settled and reed samples were collected at intervals to determine morphological parameters and dry and wet weights in Jiaozhou Bay wetland. Remote sensing data were also combined to evaluate regional biomass through EVI regression models. Results show that growth dynamics of leaves and stems changed during the vegetation period. Stem length increased rapidly and peaked in September (194.40 ± 23.89 cm), whereas leaf width peaked in July. There was a significantly negative correlation between stem length and stem diameter with a value of -0.785. Stem biomass was higher than that of leaves, and the maximum value of aboveground biomass was 27.17 ± 3.56 g. F/C exhibited a tendency to increase and values ranged from 0.37-0.76. The aboveground biomass of sample plots reached a peak of 2356 ± 457 g/m2 in September. EVI was 0.05-0.5; EVI and biomass had a better fitting effect using the power-exponent model compared with other models and its function was y = 4219.30 x0.88 (R2 = 0.7810). R2 of the other three models ranked as linear function > polynomial function > exponent function, with the values being 0.7769, 0.7623 and 0.6963, respectively. EVI can be used to estimate vegetation biomass, and effectively solved the problems of the destructive effect to sample plots resulting from traditional harvest methods.  相似文献   

以16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)为研究对象,分别于2017年夏季(8月)和冬季(12月)采集广西廉州湾和三娘湾的河口和海岸带14个站位的表层海水样品,利用固相萃取、气相色谱-质谱联用仪对其进行分析,探讨其时空分布、组成和来源,并评价其生态风险。结果表明:廉州湾和三娘湾河口及海岸带水体中多环芳烃单体的平均质量浓度总体上与其溶解度和极性呈正相关关系,即以2~3环芳烃为主,4~6环芳烃检出率和质量浓度均较低。PAHs总质量浓度(∑16PAHs)在夏季河口水体(72.71 ng/L)明显高于海岸带水体(56.28 ng/L)(t检验,p<0.01),冬季河口(106.67 ng/L)与海岸带(92.43 ng/L)差异不显著(t检验,p>0.05)。冬季河口和海岸带PAHs质量浓度均明显高于夏季。大风江和南流江PAHs的入海通量达525.3 kg/a,夏秋季占85%以上,反映了雨季河流对海岸带具有明显的影响。南流江PAHs入海通量占2条河流总量的87%以上,对廉州湾和三娘湾的影响最大。运用同分异构体比值和主成分分析方法对海水中PAHs进行来源解析,结果表明:夏季主要为燃烧源和石油源的混合来源,冬季主要为燃烧源。与其他国家或地区相比,廉州湾和三娘湾海水中PAHs质量浓度处于较低水平。生态风险评价结果显示廉州湾和三娘湾表层海水中的PAH风险较小。  相似文献   

电站建设对澜沧江-湄公河泥沙年内分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用澜沧江漫湾电站上游旧州站和下游允景洪、清盛站1987~2003 年逐月悬移质泥沙含量实测资料, 分析对比了三站年内泥沙分配不均匀系数、集中度和集中期、变化幅度等特性。将上述参数与澜沧江上游干流漫湾与大朝山电站建设的响应进行关联研究, 分析电站建设进程对河道输沙变化的驱动作用。结果表明: (1) 旧州水文站泥沙年内分配与区域气候变化 (降水) 趋势一致, 研究时段内不均匀性系数呈上升趋势, 维持天然河道输沙特性; 允景洪和 清盛水文站的泥沙年内分配不均匀性系数对电站建设等人类活动的响应程度不一致, 允景洪站泥沙含量不均匀系数先减小后急剧增加, 而清盛站呈微弱减小态势。(2) 旧州水文站泥沙年 内分配集中度及集中期基本无变化; 允景洪与清盛水文站的泥沙年内分配集中度变化较大, 泥沙集中期在在电站施工的高峰期(1987~1992 年、1997~2003 年) 后延, 且不同步, 允景洪在漫湾施工期后延5~6 天, 而清盛则后延将近半个月,而在大朝山施工期, 允景洪的后延响应 却明显于清盛。(3) 旧州站相对、绝对泥沙变幅逐时段递增, 允景洪站年内最大与最小月泥沙含量的相对、绝对变化幅度均减小, 清盛站泥沙含量的相对变化幅度却先增后减, 绝对变化 幅度则一直减小。三站泥沙年内极值变幅以及电站建设前后的响应差异, 说明三站泥沙变化的驱动因子有明显不同。这些关于泥沙含量年内分配特征规律的发现, 为研究澜沧江干流电站建设对上下游泥沙变化以及跨境影响的科学评价提供了新的佐证。  相似文献   

Four automatic meteorological stations were set up in a line from beach to inland perpendicular to the west coast of Bohai Bay. Wind direction and velocity at altitudes of 2 m, 4 m and 12 m were surveyed with 10 minute intervals. On "Sea-Land Breeze" (SLB) days, the transition from sea breeze to land breeze was very evident in the study area. Direction of sea breeze was basically perpendicular to the coast and mainly from the ENE and E. Duration of sea breeze varied by the stations’ distance to the coastline, and the near-coast wind velocity was larger than that of the inland and decreases as it reaches inland. There was increased development of SLB on sunny days than on overcast days. The term "Climatic Coastal Zone" can be defined for the area influenced by SLB, which reaches more than 74 km inland on a typical SLB day but less than 10 km on a non-typical SLB day.  相似文献   

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