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地幔岩流体包裹体的稀土元素初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地幔流体REE的研究有助于了解地幔区域化学不均一性、地幔的富集与亏损等地幔地球化学特征。当前对地幔流体的REE研究,主要是通过对比富CO2包裹体与贫CO2包裹体的地幔岩或地幔矿物的测试分析来间接获得信息。本尝试运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和热爆方法,直接测定了长白山地区的地幔捕虏体中流体-熔体包裹体REE含量。初步研究显示流体-熔体包裹体中富含REE,尤其LREE相对富集;REE组成曲线右倾,Eu弱正异常,与地幔岩的寄主玄武岩REE组成特征相似,反映源区地幔岩的交代特征。  相似文献   

Nappe displacement in the Scandinavian Caledonides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large areas of the Scandinavian Caledonides are eroded to the level of the basement/cover contact. Relationships between the Precambrian crystalline basement (largely Svecofennian-Dalslandian, 1800-1000 m.y.) and cover sequences are exposed both in transverse profiles through the mountain belt and along the belt in the various windows. These relationships provide an unique opportunity for studying the basement configuration, character of basement involvement and general nappe geometry. Major allochthonous units of the central part of the Scandinavian Caledonides — the Offerdal, Särv and Seve-Köli Nappe Complex — have been shown to wedge out westwards, having been displaced eastwards from environments along and west of the present Norwegian coast. Recent investigations have shown that these units (the Offerdal, Särv and Seve) reappear in western Norway as major pinch-and-swell structures, the lenses reaching thicknesses in the order of 2 km and with long axes of several tens of kilometres. Within the western parts of the Swedish Caledonides the thicker parts of the lenses approximately coincide with the axes of the late synforms which fold basement and cover together. Further west, in Norway, the tensing appears to be unrelated to the geometry of these major folds.This evidence increases estimates of nappe displacement distance (now thought to be in the order of at least 1000 km). At the same time it emphasizes that translation may account for only about half of this amount, the rest being achieved by stretching of the nappes. Apparently, a nappe sequence built up in the west which subsequently collapsed, leading to continued displacement eastwards on to the Baltoscandian Platform. Whereas basement shortening is of the order of several tens to perhaps hundreds of kilometres in the western part of the central Scandes, it is of lesser importance from central Trøndelag eastwards, a distance of about two hundred kilometres, to the Caledonian Front.Biostratigraphic evidence from the late-orogenic intramontane basins, taken in relation to the youngest units involved in the nappes, requires nappe translation into western Norway to have occurred after the Llandoverian (Köli Supergroup) and prior to the (Ludlovian?) Downtonian (Hitra Formation) deposition in the intramontane basins. The nappes contain sequences derived from a variety of probable oceanic and continental margin environments, and this translation may greatly exceed the minimum estimate of five hundred kilometres. Further displacement eastwards occurred during uplift of seaboard Norway and accompanied sedimentation both in the intra- and extramontane basins. The latter were not finally influenced by the décollement tectonics until after the Early Devonian.This evidence suggests that a compressive regime dominated the early phases of orogenesis during basement shortening, build up of the nappe pile and translation of these denser units on to the western margin of the Baltoscandian Platform. This compression subsequently gave way to a gravity regime, collapse and stretching of the nappes dominating the late phases of displacement on to the Baltoscandian Platform.  相似文献   

The Baltic shield broadly evolved by successive accretions of younger rocks in a SW direction. The Archaean (>2.5 Ga) basement is situated in the NE of the area and is mantled to the SW by a broad belt of early Proterozoic supracrustals of the Svecokarelian orogen. Over 80% of mined sulfide ores and known reserves in Finland occur on the NE side of a major NW-SE suture, that limits the Archaean basement complex in the SW. These ores, which include the Kotalahti Ni-Cu zone, the Vihanti Zn-Cu-Pb zone and the Outokumpu Cu-Co zone, are emplaced in early Proterozoic epicontinental rocks and obducted ophiolitic slices. The early Proterozoic marine complexes on the SW side of the Archaean continent include the ore districts of the Skellefte field and the Central Province of Sweden and Finland. These ores include complex massive and bedded Pb-Zn-Cu ores, often with pyrite, in island arc settings. The Bergslagen district of the Central Province also includes a large number of small, exhalative-sedimentary iron and manganese ores.Mid-Proterozoic evolution in Scandinavia mostly occurred through vertical movements and the emplacement of late- and an-orogenic granite suites with associated porphyry effusives and continental sandstones. The Kiruna-type iron ores, which accounted for six % of global iron ore production in 1969, probably originated in association with these events.Phanerozoic evolution in Scandinavia was dominated by the formation of the Caledonide orogen. The complex Pb-Cu-Zn ores of the Caledonide Province were formed mainly in an island arc setting during the Ordovician. These units were obducted onto the continental margin, where they suffered complex folding, metamorphism, intrusion and further nappe development during mid-Silurian or early-Devonian times.Intraformational brines, generated in the thick back-arc sedimentary pile during the Ordovician and Silurian, were mobilized in advance of the eastward translation of the Caledonide nappes. Lead and zinc, leached from sediments, were deposited as sulfide ores in sulfidic sandstone aquifers along the E margin of the Caledonide orogen.  相似文献   

Fragments of the crystalline complexes where Vendian metamorphism of moderate and elevated pressure predated Early Paleozoic metamorphism have been established in the accretionary-collisional domain of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Foldbelt (Early Caledonian superterrane of Central Asia). The geodynamic setting of the Vendian (??560?C570 Ma) South Hangay metamorphic belt located in the junction zone of the Baydrag Block and the Late Riphean (??665 Ma) ophiolite complex of the Bayanhongor Zone is considered. The origination of this belt was related to the formation of the convergent boundary in the framework of the Zabhan microcontinent about 570 Ma ago. At the same time, an island-arc complex was formed in the paleo-oceanic domain. Metamorphism of elevated pressure indicates that Vendian structures with sufficiently thick continental crust were formed in the framework of the continental blocks. Vendian metamorphism is also established in the Tuva-Mongolia Massif and the Kan Block of the Eastern Sayan. These data show that the Late Baikalian stage predated the evolution of the Early Caledonian superterrane of Central Asia. The development of its accretionary-collisional structure was accompanied by Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician low-pressure regional metamorphism. Granulite-facies conditions were reached only at the deep levels of the accretionary-collisional edifice. The outcrops of crystalline complexes in the southern framework of the Caledonian paleocontinent are regarded as fragments of the Early Paleozoic Central Mongolian metamorphic belt.  相似文献   

The conducted comprehensive study of the western part of Kyrgyz Ridge provided new data on the structure, composition and age of Precambrian and Early Paleozoic stratified and igneous complexes. The main achievements of these studies are: (1) the establishment of a wide age spectrum, embracing the interval from the Neoproterozoic to the end of the Early Ordovician, for the clastic-carbonate units composing the cover of the Northern Tian Shan sialic massif; (2) the reconstruction and dating of Early and Late Cambrian ophiolite complexes formed in suprasubduction settings;(3) the discovery and dating of the Early-Middle Ordovician volcano-sedimentary complex of island-arc affinity; and (4) proof of the wide occurrence of Late Ordovician granitoids, some of which bear Cu-Au-Mo ores. The intricate thrust-and-fold structure of the western part of the Kyrgyz Ridge, formed in several stages from the Middle Cambrian (?) until the end of the Middle Ordovician, was scrutinized; the importance of the Early Ordovician stage was demonstrated. The intrusion of large batholiths in the early Late Ordovician accomplished the caledonide structural evolution. Formation of Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic caledonide complexes, which were possibly related to the protracted and entangled evolution of the active continental margin, ceased by the Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

According to computed results of the mantle traction field beneath the lithosphere based on satellite-modelled gravity anomalies of different degrees, it has been revealed that the three types of mantle convection on different scales existing in the South China Sea region is the key factor controlling the geodynamics. The mantle convection models on large and middle scales have been proved by natural seismic S-wave tomographic data and interpreted by using the present mantle plume concept In consideration of other relevant geological and geophysical data, the authors put emphasis on discussing the expression form, origin and age of the Indochina mantle plume and its important effect on the conversion of organic matter and hydrocarbon accumulation in Cenozoic basins.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that the lithospheric mantle and the mantle transition zone are important carbon reservoirs. However, the location of carbon storage in Earth’s interior and the reasons for carbon enrichment remain unclear. In this study, we report CO2-rich olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the mantle xenoliths of late Cenozoic basalts from the Penglai area, Hainan Province, which may shed some light on the carbon enrichment process in the lithospheric mantle. We also present ...  相似文献   

Fluids and Melts in the Upper Mantle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a direct study of the fluids and melts in the upper mantle by examining the fluid inclusions, melt inclusions and glasses trapped in the mantle lherzolite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic alkali basalts (basanite, olivine-nephelinite and alkali-olivine basalt) from eastern China. The study indicates that the volatile components, which are dissolved in high-pressure solid mineral phases of mantle peridotite at depths, may be exsolved under decompressive conditions of mantle plume upwelling to produce the initial free fluid phases in the upper mantle. The free fluid phases migrating in the upper mantle may result in lowering of the mantle solidus (and liquidus), thereby initiating partial melting of the upper mantle, and in the meantime, producing metasomatic effects on the latter.  相似文献   

地幔捕虏体中的流体-熔体包裹体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地幔流体的研究现已成为国内外前沿课题。地幔岩捕虏体中的流体-熔体包裹体是地幔流体的直接证据,通过对它们的研究可以直接获取地授流体的信息。包裹体按相态特征主要有三类:二氧化碳流体包裹体、二氧化碳-硅酸盐熔体包裹体、硫化物-熔体流体包裹体。本总结了地幔岩中流体-熔体包裹体的基本特征、微量元素地球化学、硫化物-熔体包裹体和二氧化碳流体包裹体稳定同位素特征的研究进展状况。讨论认为:地幔流体是由C、H、O、S等元素的挥发份和硅酸盐熔体组成;上地幔流体在化学成分上明显富含CO2、硫化物、LILE和BEE,它引起地幔交代作用和地授部分熔融;上地授流体的分布存在不均匀性,其组成也存在地区性差异。  相似文献   

The Pliocene (7 Ma) Nb-enriched arc basalts of the ValovayamVolcanic Field (VVF) in the northern segment of the Kamchatkaarc, Russia, host abundant mantle xenoliths, including spinelIherzolites. Textural and microstructural evidence for high-temperature,multi-stage, creep-related deformations in spinel Iherzolitessupports a sub-arc mantle derivation. Pyroxene chemistry indicatesthe existence of two compositional suites: (1) a Cr-diopsidesuite with low-Tt, moderate-Al clinopyroxene compositions, and(2) an Al-augite suite with high Al and Tt, and low Cr concentrationsin clinopyroxene. Some spinel lherzolite xenoliths contain metasomaticAl-augite-type clinopyroxene, Al-Tt spinel, and felsic veinssimilar to trondhjemite melt. The Al-augite series xenolithstypically contain high-Na plagioclase, Cr-poor, Al-Fe-Mg andAl-Tt-Fe spinels, with occasional almandine-grossularite garnetand high-Al and -Na pargasitic amphibole. Pyroxene and spinel compositional trends suggest that the Crdiopsideseries xenoliths from the VVF Nb-enriched arc basalts representan island-arc mantle affected by a metasomatic event. Occurrenceof high-Na plagioclase and trondhjemitic veins favors the additionof a metasomatic component with high Na, Al and Si to the northernKamchatka arc mantle. Trondhjemitic veins, representing siliceousslab melts, compositionally exemplify the metasomatic component.Na metasomatism by peridotite-slab melt interaction is an importantmantle hybridization process responsible for arc-related alkalinemagma generation from a veined sub-arc mantle. KEY WORDS: metasomatism; island arc; mantle xenoliths; Kamchatka; mantle  相似文献   

地幔内超高压矿物的爆炸   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合带的蛇绿岩的豆荚状铬铁矿中,首次发现硅酸盐包裹体具有爆炸结构.在矿石薄片中普遍见到这种高能硅酸盐包体的爆炸结构.在爆炸结构中,铬尖晶石被炸落成不规律的显微碎块,具有尖锐棱角,碎块大小不一,堆积在硅酸盐包体内.此外,许多张性显微裂隙围绕爆炸的硅酸盐包体呈蛛网状分布.推断爆炸前的原生矿物是含水的镁硅酸盐和镁铝硅酸盐矿物.当这种高能级的超高压含水矿物受地幔柱带动超过"水线”时发生爆炸和放水作用,同时产生地震.  相似文献   

Measurement and interpretation of electrochemical Eh values in natural reducing groundwaters is a complex task. SKB, the company in charge of disposal of nuclear fuel wastes in Sweden, has developed a refined methodology for the determination of this parameter in packered sections in boreholes. The methodology consists of the simultaneous use of three different electrodes (Pt, Au and C) both at depth and at the surface, and maintaining continuous logging over a long period of time. Apart from Eh, the logging also includes other parameters such as pH, dissolved O2, conductivity and temperature. This methodology has been used since the 80s in the framework of the hydrogeochemical characterisation programs supported by SKB at different sites in the Scandinavian Shield. All the existing databases have been revisited in this work using a uniform set of criteria to select Eh values of the Swedish groundwaters as a function of depth.  相似文献   

任秉琛 《地球学报》1996,17(Z1):57-63
依据深部构造、火山岩建造与基性和钙碱性、中酸性、酸性火山岩的双峰式火山作用,确定白银厂矿田、矿床形成于切割硅铝层的古裂谷构造环境。其中小铁山、铜厂沟等矿床和折腰山、火焰山矿床两次成矿事件与双峰式火山活动同时发生,成矿作用与酸性火山岩具有时空上的一致性。矿石中CO2流体包裹体除H2O含量高外,与上地幔CO2流体包裹体成分一致;矿石富含大离子亲石元素和具富Mg、K的成矿蚀变元素组合,硫和铅来自下地壳或上地幔。喷气硅质岩锶同位素初始值表明,矿质来源于不均一地幔,S/Se、Co/Ni、Se/Te值亦指示矿质来源于深部。 本文提出矿床形成于强烈扩张的裂谷期,断裂的延深生长使地幔深部产生去挥发作用,释放大量CO2和含金属元素的地幔流体与上地幔基性岩浆向地壳侵入,导致下地壳熔融,形成酸性岩浆。与酸性岩浆喷发的同时,富含挥发份和金属元素的高盐度热卤水,沿断裂上升流入海底沉积成矿。  相似文献   

Within the Caledonian complexes of northwestern Spitsbergen, high PT formations provide U---Pb zircon ages of 965±1 Ma of a metagranite and 955±1 Ma of a corona gabbro, indicating the influence of Grenvillian activity in the area. Various isotopic systems suggest that these rocks were partially derived by reworking of ancient crust (as old as Archaean). Eclogites and felsic agmatite indicate latest Proterozoic magmatic or metamorphic events (625−5+2 and 661±2 Ma, respectively) by U---Pb zircon dating. The eclogitic metamorphism age is not fully constrained and ranges between 540 and 620 Ma; this occurred prior to the superimposed Caledonian metamorphism, indicated by a part of the K---Ar and Rb---Sr mineral cooling ages. The new data and other evidence of Precambrian tectonothermal activity on Svalbard suggest that the Early Palaeozoic and Late Proterozoic successions exposed elsewhere on Svalbard may also be underlain by Grenvillian or older basement rocks. Relationships to other Grenvillian and older terrains in the Arctic are reviewed.  相似文献   

地幔柱数值模拟研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外大量的数值模拟研究表明地幔柱由热浮力驱动,流体的黏度对地幔柱的形状和物质组成有着很大的影响,地幔柱可造成岩石圈的熔蚀减薄和地表隆升,数值模拟可以定量地得出地幔柱运动的速度、岩石圈的熔融量和熔融温度等要素,但这些模拟描述的仅是物理过程,缺乏与化学动力学相耦合.国内开发的可对峨眉地幔柱进行数值模拟的软件MantlePlume1.0也存在许多需要进一步研究解决的问题,如峨眉山玄武岩的物质来源、活动中心、喷发时限、喷发规模、岩石圈的隆升程度,以及峨眉地幔柱的温压条件和断裂构造形成机理等.  相似文献   

地幔矿物中微量的水影响着地幔的物理和化学性质,从而深刻影响着板块构造和地表宜居性.长久以来,对岩石圈以下地幔的水含量估计,主要来自大洋中脊玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩的水含量分析结果表明,其源区水含量分别为50× 10-6~200×10-6和300× 10-6~900× 10-6.近十年来,通过对超深金刚石中的林伍德石、冰Ⅶ等矿物包裹体的研究,揭示了深部地幔的很有可能存在更富水的区域.而对超慢速扩张洋中脊玄武岩、科马提岩、苦橄岩等幔源岩浆含水性的分析,则从更宏观尺度上证实地球深部存在着与俯冲带释放流体无关的富水区域,同时揭示了古老地幔楔残余在浅部软流圈的滞留也是大洋板块内部富水的重要途径.尽管如此,对地幔深部富水储库形成机制、水来源及储库所在圈层位置等还没有清晰的认识,在将来的研究中这些问题应受到关注.  相似文献   

Mantle peridotites from the Western Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review petrographical and petrological characteristics of mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Pacific to construct a petrologic model of the lithospheric mantle beneath the convergent plate boundary. The peridotite varies from highly depleted spinel harzburgite of low-pressure origin at the volcanic front of active arcs (Avacha of Kamchatka arc and Iraya of Luzon–Taiwan arc) to fertile spinel lherzolite of high-pressure origin at the Eurasian continental margin (from Sikhote-Alin through Korea to eastern China) through intermediate lherzolite–harzburgite at backarc side of Japan island arcs. Oxygen fugacity recorded by the peridotite xenoliths decreases from the frontal side of arc to the continental margin. The sub-arc type peridotite is expected to exist beneath the continental margin if accretion of island arc is one of the important processes for continental growth. Its absence suggests replacement by the continental lherzolite at the region of backarc to continental margin. Asthenospheric upwelling beneath the continental region, which has frequently occurred at the Western Pacific, has replaced depleted sub-cratonic peridotite with the fertile spinel lherzolite. Some of these mantle diapirs had opened backarc basins and strongly modified the lithospheric upper mantle by metasomatism and formation of Group II pyroxenites.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of an in-situ natural moissanite as an inclusion in the Cr-spinel from the dunite envelope of a chromitite deposit in Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet. The moissanite occurs as a twin crystal interpenetrated by two quadrilateral signal crystals with sizes of 17 μm× 10 μm and 20 μm× 7 μm, respectively. The moissanite is green with parallel extinction. The absorption peaks in its Raman spectra are at 967-971 cm-1, 787-788 cm-1, and 766 cm-1. The absorption peaks in the infrared spectra are at 696 cm-1, 767 cm-1, 1450 cm-1, and 1551 cm-1, which are distinctly different from the peaks for synthetic silicon carbide. Moissanites have been documented to form in ultra-high pressure, high temperature, and extremely low fO2 environments and their 13C-depleted compositions indicate a lower mantle origin. Combined with previous studies about other ultra-high pressure and highly reduced minerals in Luobusa ophiolite, the in-situ natural moissanite we found indicates a deep mantle origin of some materials in the mantle sequence of Luobusa ophiolite. Further, we proposed a transformation model to explain the transfer process of UHP materials from the deep mantle to ophiolite sequence and then to the supra-subduction zone environment. Interactions between the crown of the mantle plume and mid-ocean ridge are suggested to be the dominant mechanism.  相似文献   

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