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Sediment cores and grab samples were collected in the Upper Gulf of Thailand to determine sedimentation rates and to determine if metal concentrations reflect anthropogenic inputs.Accumulation rates of sediments in the Upper Gulf measured using the 210Pb method, appear to vary from ca. 4 to 11 mm yr?1. Sediment budgets suggest that little of the sediment delivered to the Upper Gulf by the major rivers is ultimately transported to the Lower Gulf. Metal concentrations in Upper Gulf sediments appear to be dominantly controlled by natural inputs.  相似文献   

Carrada  G.C.  Hopkins  T.S.  Bonaduce  G.  Ianora  A.  Marino  D.  Modigh  M.  Ribera  D'Alcalà M. Scotto  di Carlo B. 《Marine Ecology》1980,1(2):105-120
Abstract. Recent observations of physico-chemical and biological parameters in the Gulf of Naples are summarized. The water masses present within the Gulf during the various periods of the year are described. The temporal and spatial distribution of surface nutrients (N-NO3, P-PO4, Si-SiO4) and chlorophyll a are reported and the areas exposed to local eutrophication are identified. Biweekly sampling at a reference station has permitted us also to identify both phytoplankton and zooplankton seasonal cycles. The morphology of the basin and the uneven land runoff distribution are interpreted as causal to the variability of chemico-physical parameters and of the associated biological communities, giving rise to two subsystems (coastal and "open water") within the Gulf.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the mechanism of eutrophication and hypoxia in the upper Gulf of Thailand from August 2014 to June 2015 based on field observation data, box model analysis, and the unscaled trophic status index (UNTRIX). Fresh water residence time derived from a simple box model was long (38.61 days) during the transition period between the southwest to northeast monsoon in September 2014. In contrast, fresh water residence time was short (2.63 days) during the late northeast monsoon in February 2015. Long residence time was related to the development of widespread strong hypoxia in near-bottom waters in over half of the gulf during the transition between the southwest and the northeast monsoon, when river discharge was also very large. UNTRIX is used to assess water trophic levels, and is based on water qualities including concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). Hypertrophic and eutrophic conditions were observed at river mouths; their seasonal eutrophication was related to river discharge and circulation. Nutrients were mainly increased by river discharge. Water column stratification and long residence time were required for the development of severe hypoxia in the study area.


Intensive hydrographic observations were carried out in the western part of the Gulf of Thailand and the east coastal sea of Peninsular Malaysia in September 1995 and April–May 1996. The characteristics of seasonal variation of oceanic condition in that area are discussed basis of an analysis of observed water temperature, salinity and density distributions in these cruises and NAGA cruises (Yanagi and Takao, 1998a). Stratification is most developed in March–May mainly due to large sea surface heating and weak sea surface wind, which weakened until September–October, vanishing in December–January. The horizontal distribution of bottom cold, saline and heavy water masses, which are found during the stratified season, is governed by the tidal mixing and the water depth. Water exchange between the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea becomes large in March–May due to a coupled effect of the intensified estuarine circulation and the Ekman transport by the southwest monsoon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of coastal communities in fisheries management among the countries of the Gulf of Thailand—Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Initiatives to decentralize management to local governing bodies, to utilize traditional management methods and to engage in community agreements to protect local resources are explored. An examination of recent experiences indicates some movement toward more local involvement in management. However, the study also leads to several suggestions for the future: in Vietnam and Cambodia, there is a need for significant legislation to control fisheries operations and greater clarity of the role of communities in management; in Malaysia, there is an overall need for more support to local fisheries management; and in Thailand, the need is for greater support of local-level enforcement and monitoring activities.  相似文献   

以典型的海湾区域为例,基于可行实用原则并保证精度的情况下,对陆海垂直基准的传递和统一进行研究,结合平均海面传递和GPS高程拟合方法,构建了典型海湾区域统一的海洋测绘垂直基准,实现了海湾区域海洋测绘中海岸地形图和水深图的无缝拼接。通过实例研究表明:研究路线正确,选择方法可行,成果精度符合《规范》要求,满足海湾区域测图的需要。  相似文献   

Data on the surface and depth distributions of salinity, temperature and dissolved inorganic nutrients were obtained during a survey of the Irish Sea in late August and early September, 1975. The observations followed one of the warmest summers of the century. Nutrient concentrations in the surface waters were low and their distributions patchy. Significant concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were present only in deep waters overlaid by strong density gradients.Surface temperature distributions showed large and widespread positive anomalies compared with the seasonal norm. The greatest anomalies occurred in regions of intense stratification. Despite shallow depths and strong tidal streams, the above-average seasonal heat input induced significant stratification in waters off the west coast of the British Isles.  相似文献   

为了对海表温度(SeaSurfaceTemperature,SST)和海表盐度(SeaSurfaceSalinity,SSS)数据进行精确的短期预报,基于多站位海洋观测浮标获取的海表温度和海表盐度数据,利用反向传播(BackPropagation,BP)和径向基函数(RadialBasisFunction,RBF)两种神经网络方法开展了短期预测。首先,在预测时长固定为5d的情况下,对比不同训练时长的预测结果的均方误差(MeanSquaredError,MSE),进而确定以20d的观测数据作为训练集的预测结果均方误差最小。然后,以 PAPA 站观测浮标获取的2009年1月、4月、7月和10月各月的前20d温盐数据作为训练集,分别训练BP和 RBF神经网络,将训练好的2种神经网络模型应用于各月第21至25日的温盐数据预测。结果表明:BP和 RBF神经网络均能有效预测海表温盐数据的季节性变化,但 RBF神经网络对不同预测时间的整体预测效果优于 BP神经网络。多站点数据的预测实验进一步验证了 RBF神经网络模型具有较强适用性和更高的准确性。RBF神经网络模型可以作为海表温盐数据短期预报的有力工具。  相似文献   

Clockwise phase propagation of semi-diurnal tides in the Gulf of Thailand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phase of semi-diurnal tides (M2 and S2) propagates clockwise in the central part of the Gulf of Thailand, although that of the diurnal tides (K1, O1 and P1) is counterclock-wise. The mechanism of clockwise phase propagation of semi-diurnal tides at the Gulf of Thailand in the northern hemisphere is examined using a simple numerical model. The natural oscillation period of the whole Gulf of Thailand is near the semi-diurnal period and the direction of its phase propagation is clockwise, mainly due to the propagation direction of the large amplitude part of the incoming semi-diurnal tidal wave from the South China Sea. A simplified basin model with bottom slope and Coriolis force well reproduces the co-tidal and co-range charts of M2 tide in the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

The Upper Gulf of California is the shallow (depth <30 m), tidal area at the head of the Gulf of California. It is an inverse estuary, due to the high evaporation rate (E1·1 m year−1) and almost nil freshwater input from rainfall and the Colorado River. Historical and recent hydrographic data show that the area is almost vertically well-mixed throughout the year, that the horizontal distribution of properties follows the bathymetry, and that the hydrography has a strong annual modulation. As in other negative estuaries, the year-round salinity increase toward the head causes the density to do likewise, despite the seasonally reversing temperature gradient. The pressure gradient thus formed leads to water-mass formation and gravity currents (speed 0·1 ms−1), both in winter and in summer. In winter, the high salinity water sinks beyond 200 m, while in summer it only reaches a depth of 20–30 m. The gravity currents appear to be modulated by the fortnightly tidal cycle, with events in neap tides. This phenomenon causes the presence, at least during neap tides, of slight stratification (Δσt≈−0·2).  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - Astronomical tides have a major impact on coastal sediment distribution, seawater levels, coastal navigation, and other coastal dynamics. Any significant change to tides...  相似文献   

The ecology of the family Pinnidae was studied by sampling three pinnid species from 36 sampling sites across four different microhabitats in the Gulf of Thailand. The species spatial distributions were mostly uniform, with some populations having random distributions. Species abundances differed between sandy and coral habitats according to non-metric multi-dimension scaling analyses. Although the Gulf of Thailand is a relatively small geographic area, habitats are varied enough to provide variable shell densities. Small islands are important distribution areas, and coral reefs provide both direct and indirect shelter which support high abundances, densities and increased shell size. The highest density was recorded in sand beds within coral reefs. Low density and small shell size in sand beaches might be related to high mortality in shallow water or to adaptations for survival in shallow waters. A clear correlation between sediment composition and species abundance was found in Pinna atropurpurea; abundance increased with the sand content of the sediment. For P. deltodes, abundance increased as the rock fraction of the sediment increased. These results suggest that adaptations in Pinnidae, such as shell size, shell morphology, and the exposure of the shell above the sediment-water interface, are responses for survival in different habitats.  相似文献   

The 25 sediment samples collected from the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea were analyzed for clay mineral investigation. Results showed the presence of 35% montmorillonite, 13% chlorite, 30% illite, and 22% kaolinite in sediments of the Gulf and also 16% montmorillonite, 21% chlorite, 41% illite, and 22% kaolinite in sediments of the South China Sea. The relatively high concentration of montmorillonite in sediments of the Gulf as compared with that in sediments of the South China Sea may suggest that montmorillonite in these area has been largely derived from soil formation of the bordering land areas of the Gulf, particularly from the northern part of Malay Peninsula. On the contrary, the content of illite in sediments of the South China Sea is higher than that in the Gulf. This mineral appears to have been supplied from Borneo as well as the Mekong Delta. However, chlorite which shows a similar distribution to that of illite in sediments of the Gulf and the South China Sea has not indicated Borneo Isl. as a principal source area for chlorite. Greater resemblance in amount of kaolinite in both sediments of the Gulf and the South China Sea is due to the prevailing distribution of kaolinite as low latitude clay mineral on the bordering land areas. The distribution of clay minerals in sediments of the study area appears to be closely related to the soil formation and geology of the adjacent land areas.This work was carried out at Geological and Mineralogical Institute, Tokyo University of Education.  相似文献   

马尼拉海沟具备引发地震海啸的条件,是南中国海主要的潜在海啸发生区。南中国海西南部泰国湾海域和纳土纳海域地形复杂、多独立的半封闭水域,海啸波极易在该区域形成水波共振,加剧其灾害影响。采用COMCOT海啸模型模拟了马尼拉海沟断裂带发生9.3级地震时引发海啸的长时间传播过程,并基于水波共振理论分析其在不同尺度下的共振特性。结果表明,海啸波在曼谷湾至邦加—勿里洞岛间引起了明显的纵向第一、二模态(3 360.0 min、1 440.0 min)水波共振,在泰国湾至邦加—勿里洞岛之间引起了明显的纵向第二、三、四模态(775.4 min、560.0 min、373.3 min)共振,而在泰国湾至印度尼西亚沿岸引起了明显的纵向第二、三、五、七模态(1 008.0 min、630.0 min、373.3 min、252.0 min)水波共振。此外,海啸波不仅在泰国湾引起了明显的纵向第一、三、四模态(560. 0 min、252. 0 min、179. 4 min)共振,还在其横向出现了明显的第一、二、三模态(480.0 min、252.0 min、179.4 min)共振。  相似文献   

中国海和泰国湾海域海平面的经向涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立 《海洋学报》2014,36(9):7-17
卫星高度计遥感海面高度距平资料(1992-2012年)的分析结果证实中国海(渤、黄、东海及南海)和泰国湾作为一个半封闭的狭长水域,其海平面存在显著的南北经向涛动。涛动呈现明显的季节性,冬季南高北低,夏季北高南低,以渤海和泰国湾的海平面高差作为涛动的测度,其多年平均波动幅度达63 cm,较差超过80 cm。时间序列分析显示,在季节尺度上这一涛动几乎完全受东亚季风的支配,表明东亚季风的局地强迫是造成季节涛动的主要原因。进一步的分析发现,除季节波动之外研究海域海平面的经向涛动还存在明显的年际变化。不过,与季节尺度的波动有所不同,经向涛动的年际变化不仅是东亚季风区局地作用的结果,而且与太平洋海盆尺度的大气强迫有关,其作用与季风在同一数量级。涛动的年际变化大致滞后各气候因子两个月。采用多输入线性模型做偏相关分析筛选的结果显示,除东亚季风指数之外,研究海域的海平面涛动指数主要与太平洋的南方涛动指数(SOI)和西太平洋遥相关指数(WP)相关。这表明外部强迫既来自热带,也来自中纬度。南方涛动所导致的赤道海域海平面的东西向年际涛动,以及中纬度西风急流年际波动对西北太平洋海平面的作用,都有可能导致研究海域海平面经向涛动的年际变化,其机制有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Generation, morphology, and distribution of authigenic minerals directly reflect sedimentary environment and material sources. Surface sediments were collected from the western Gulf of Thailand during 2011–2012, and 159 samples were analyzed to determine detrital minerals. Authigenic minerals, including siderite, pyrite, and glauconite, are abundant whereas secondary minerals, such as chlorite and limonite, are distributed widely in the study area. Siderite has a maximum content of 19.98 g/kg and appears in three types from nearshore to continental shelf, showing the process of forming-maturity-oxidation. In this process, the Mn O content in siderite decreases, but Fe_2O_3 and Mg O content increase. Colorless or transparent siderite pellets are fresh grains generated within a short time and widely distributed throughout the region; high content appears in coastal area where river inputs are discharged. Translucent cemented double pellets appearing light yellow to red are mature grains; high content is observed in the central shelf. Red-brown opaque granular pellets are oxidized grains,which are concentrated in the eastern gulf. Pyrite is mostly distributed in the central continental shelf with an approximately north–south strip. Pyrite are mainly observed in foraminifera shell and distributed in clayey silt sediments, which is similar to that in the Yangtze River mouth and the Yellow Sea. The pyrite in the gulf is deduced from genetic types associated with sulfate reduction and organic matter decomposition. Majority of glauconite are granular with few laminar. Glauconite is concentrated in the northern and southern parts within the boundary of 9.5° to 10.5°N and is affected by river input diffusion. The distribution of glauconite is closely correlated with that of chlorite and plagioclase, indicating that glauconite is possibly derived from altered products of chlorite and plagioclase. The K_2O content of glauconite is low or absent, indicating its short formation time.  相似文献   

Physical and biological data are assimilated into a time-evolving, mesoscale-resolution three-dimensional (3-D) ocean model using optimal interpolation. Simulations are conducted in the Gulf Stream region during the BIOSYNOP/Anatomy of a Meander Experiment in September–October of 1988. Physical data assimilation only or biological data assimilation only resulted in misalignment of the physical and biological fronts, causing spurious cross-frontal fluxes of biological quantities. Assimilation of both physical and compatible biological fields was necessary for adequate equilibration of the simulated fields. The resulting combined 4-D fields substantially extend the value of the observations alone. A technique is presented for deriving the necessary, dynamically consistent 3-D physical and biological field estimates from data for initialization and assimilation into time-evolving model simulations.  相似文献   

泰国湾及邻近海域潮汐潮流的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)模式,模拟了泰国湾及其周边海域K1、O1、M2和S2四个主要分潮。采用47个验潮站实测调和常数与模拟结果进行比较,所得4个分潮的均方差分别为4.06cm、3.76cm、8.22cm和4.71cm,符合良好。根据计算结果分析了泰国湾及其周边海域的潮汐、潮流的分布特征和潮波的传播特征。数值试验表明,现有的数字水深资料(ETOPO1,ETOPO5,DBDB-V)的准确度不足以合理地模拟泰国湾潮波。  相似文献   

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