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魏海泉  白志达  刘永顺 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022052009-2022052009
火山碎屑岩是爆破性火山喷发行为的直接产物,不同的碎屑成分、粒度及结构反映了不同岩相的堆积动力学过程,对火山碎屑岩岩石学和岩相组合的研究发展成了以物理火山学为代表的现代火山学研究体系。作为火山爆发碎屑物质的集合,其中不同成因类型的火山碎屑物往往可以直接对应不同阶段火山作用动力学参数特征。火山碎屑物3个最基本的堆积物成因类型是火山碎屑降落物、火山碎屑流和火山碎屑涌浪。火山喷发时碎屑化过程主要涉及挥发分的出溶和岩浆碎屑化过程以及不同火山流体内部的碎屑化过程。对于岩浆喷发、射汽岩浆喷发以及射汽喷发的直接产物,火山碎屑岩在组成上都包含了岩浆破碎的同源碎屑、火山通道裹进的异源碎屑以及火山流体在地表流动时捕获的表生碎屑。火山碎屑定义为爆破性火山喷发的直接行为产物,而包括坡移、滑坡体、火山泥石流等火山降解过程的表生碎屑与熔岩流在自生、淬碎碎屑化过程产生的碎屑则被定义为火山质碎屑。火山岩岩相的建立,为20世纪80年代后期向火山学研究阶段的转变奠定了基础。在地质研究的基础上探索火山活动过程和控制机制的经验模型、实验模拟和数值模拟研究,其中流体动力学的介入对理解火山喷发的基本过程具有里程碑式的推动意义。由此形成的火山学是研究火山与火山喷发的形成机理、喷发过程和产物特性的科学。  相似文献   

火山碎屑岩分类评述及火山沉积学研究展望   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
火山碎屑岩是介于熔岩和沉积岩之间的过渡类型岩石,岩类复杂。长期以来,火山碎屑岩的分类研究受到了国内外学者的重视,先后提出了火山碎屑物、火山碎屑岩岩性和火山碎屑岩成因分类。虽然目前国际地科联火成岩分类命名委员会确定的火山碎屑物和火碎屑岩岩性分类已得广泛推广,但此分类尚有不足之处。中国学者提出的火山碎屑岩分类时间较早,有自己特色,在一定的范围得到了应用。在此基础上,本文提出了新的火山碎屑物、火山碎屑岩岩性和火山碎屑岩成因分类。火山沉积作用是介于火山学和沉积学之间的边缘研究领域。近20年来,火山沉积作用研究在理论和方法上得到了深化,火山喷发和沉积的物理作用及实验和数值模拟已经成为未来发展的趋势。尽管这样,野外地质和火山碎屑岩的岩性特征,仍是火山碎屑岩成因研究的基础。  相似文献   

国内外火山碎屑岩的分类命名历史及现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1981年国际地科联火成岩分类分会委托瑞士学者施米德提出的那个分类表比较简明,但还有些问题值得商榷。50年代末笔者提出了国内第一个岩性分类表。近30年来,充分吸取了国内外学者分类表的优点,在实践中不断修改充实,最近又提出了一个修订的岩性分类表,尚需进一步完善。当前火山碎屑岩分类命名由岩性分类重点转向成因分类。我们参考了国内外学者有关成因分类的新见解,初步提出了一个火山碎屑岩成因分类方案,以供大家讨论。  相似文献   

Bubn.  SN 梁细荣 《世界地质》1995,14(2):34-37,46
对泛高加索山脉前脊的华力西晚期流纹质侵入凝灰岩,利用Rb-Sr同位素素统来重建侵入火山碎屑岩的历史,在侵入火山碎屑岩建造中,石英和未蚀变黑云母中熔融包裹体的Rb-Sr系统可作为岩浆期的指示剂;钾长和钠长石的同位素系统可作为热液期的指示剂;绿泥石的Rb-Sr系统可作为风化物的成岩作用期的指示剂。  相似文献   

火山碎屑岩岩性的测井识别方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
火成岩岩性识别是岩相划分、储层评价及开发方案编制的基础。针对火成岩岩石类型多、测井识别难度大问题,应用贝叶斯判别分析方法对火山碎屑岩测井解释中岩性识别问题进行研究。通过对样本集的优化处理和先验概率的应用,提高了识别率。应用该方法对海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷乌东地区火山碎屑岩储层进行了岩性自动识别,符合率达到80%以上。  相似文献   

介绍了火山碎屑岩的层位、岩性、分布规律、伴生矿产以及在地质勘探中的作用,可供相邻及类似地区勘探工作参考。  相似文献   

火山碎屑密度流是一种危险的火山活动现象,也是一种重要的盆地物源供给方式,对其沉积机制的研究具有灾害预防和油气勘探的双重意义。松辽盆地东南隆起区九台营城煤矿地区白垩系营城组古火山机构保存良好,发育有典型的火山碎屑密度流沉积物。本文在精细刻画火山碎屑岩的岩石结构、沉积构造的基础上,运用薄片观察和沉积物粒度统计的方法,从物质来源、搬运机制和就位方式角度系统地分析了火山碎屑密度流的整个沉积过程,并结合国内外火山学、沉积学的研究进展探讨了不同浓度火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制。研究区内的火山碎屑密度流沉积物可以划分为五种微相:①块状熔结角砾凝灰岩微相;②无序含集块凝灰角砾岩微相;③逆粒序或双粒序角砾凝灰岩微相;④正粒序角砾凝灰岩微相;⑤韵律层理凝灰岩微相。第一种微相具有熔结结构,可能形成于高挥发分岩浆喷发柱的垮塌,火山碎屑密度流的就位温度较高;后四种微相具有正常火山碎屑岩结构,可能形成于火山口的侧向爆炸,火山碎屑密度流的就位温度中等。沉积块状熔结角砾凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有黏性碎屑流的流体特征,沉积物整体冻结就位;沉积无序含集块凝灰角砾岩微相和逆粒序或双粒序角砾凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有颗粒流的流体特征,沉积物整体冻结就位;沉积正粒序角砾凝灰岩微相和韵律层理凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有湍流的流体特征,沉积物连续加积就位。火山碎屑密度流的颗粒浓度是一个连续变量,但流体性质可能会发生突变,稀释的火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制符合下部流动边界模型,稠密的火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制符合层流(碎屑流或颗粒流)模型。  相似文献   

关于火山碎屑岩熔结过程的讨论及国内外研究现状综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内外关于火山碎屑物熔结过程的研究历史做出了简要回顾,对与熔结过程相关的术语进行了归纳和说明,进一步探讨了熔结过程中出现的结构构造.此外,分别从野外调查和室内实验两方面总结了火山碎屑的熔结机理,对其研究意义做出主要说明,以期引起国内对火山作用中的火山碎屑物及碎屑流熔结过程研究的重视,以便更好地理解火山的喷发作用和重建火山喷发历史等火山学研究中的重要问题.  相似文献   

基于不同岩性、岩相条件从根本上决定了储集空间的发育程度与规模,所以找火山岩的储层集中表现为火山岩相、亚相的识别。文中以松辽盆地庆深气田为例,重点研究了深层火山碎屑熔岩形成机理及其在火山岩地质相和测井相识别中的意义。研究表明,火山碎屑熔岩类火山岩常见火山碎屑流、泡沫熔岩流、岩流自碎作用、近地表隐爆作用、再熔结(胶结)型5种成因类型,且不同成因火山碎屑熔岩具有明显不同的矿物岩石学特征和测井响应特征。根据其形成机理、矿物岩石学特征和FMI成像特征,认为上述5种成因类型的火山碎屑熔岩分别发育于爆发相热碎屑流亚相、介于爆发相和喷溢相之间的爆溢相、喷溢相、火山通道相隐爆角砾岩亚相、火山通道相火山颈亚相或近火山口相。该研究成果对于促进火山岩相、亚相的准确识别和优质储层的有效预测具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

月球火山碎屑堆积物光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球的火山作用是月球的重要内生地质过程,反映了月球的内部演化。由爆发式火山作用形成的月球火山碎屑堆积物(LPD)代表了比月海玄武岩更深部的物质,是月球探测的优先目标之一。反射光谱是研究月球火山碎屑堆积物、在全球尺度上区分月球爆发式火山与溢流式火山的重要手段。文中选取29个已经确认的火山碎屑堆积物并结合模拟月球玻璃样品开展光谱学研究,建立了富玻璃的LPD光谱识别指标。根据模拟月球玻璃的铁钛含量与其1 μm处吸收特征的关系比较了富玻璃火山碎屑堆积的相对铁钛含量,为今后提高月球火山碎屑堆积物的铁钛反演精度提供思路。研究结果表明,在这29个火山碎屑堆积中,Sulpicius Gallus、Gauss、Walther A、Birt E和Aristarchus是较为富玻璃的火山碎屑堆积。Aristarchus、Sulpicius Gallus和Birt E的钛含量低于Walther A、Gauss,Birt E, 1 μm左吸收肩偏短波方向,1 μm吸收深度较浅,这可能因为Birt E具有异常低的Fe含量,或者其光学成熟度较高。鉴于火山碎屑堆积物重要意义,其是未来月球采样的较佳候选地区。  相似文献   

Geological and volcanological studies were performed in the Herculaneum excavations, 7 km west of Vesuvius, Italy, to reconstruct the main features of the pyroclastic density currents and the temporal sequence of the ad 79 eruptive events that destroyed and buried the town. The identification of two distinctive marker beds allows correlation of these deposits with the better‐known sequences to the south of Vesuvius, along the dispersal axis of the Plinian fall deposit. Detailed observations from stratigraphic sections show that the pyroclastic density current deposits are characterized by several sedimentary facies, each recording different depositional and emplacement mechanisms. Facies analysis reveals both lateral and vertical variations from massive to stratified deposits, which can be related to the combined effects of flow dynamics and local irregularities of the substratum at centimetre or metre scales. These topographic irregularities enhanced turbulence and allowed rapid transition from non‐turbulent to turbulent transport within the flow. Fabric data from these deposits, both from roof tile orientations and anisotropy magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analyses carried out on some of the pyroclastic deposits, suggest that the pyroclastic density currents were strongly affected by the presence of buildings. These obstacles probably caused deflection and separation of flows into multiple lobes that moved in different directions.  相似文献   

A constitutive model for granular materials is developed within the framework of strain–hardening elastoplasticity, aiming at describing some of the macroscopic effects of the degradation processes associated with grain crushing. The central assumption of the paper is that, upon loading, the frictional properties of the material are modified as a consequence of the changes in grain size distribution. The effects of these irreversible microscopic processes are described macroscopically as accumulated plastic strain. Plastic strain drives the evolution of internal variables which model phenomenologically the changes of mechanical properties induced by grain crushing by controlling the geometry of the yield locus and the direction of plastic flow. An application of the model to Pozzolana Nera is presented. The stress–dilatancy relationship observed for this material is used as a guidance for the formulation of hardening laws. One of the salient features of the proposed model is its capability of reproducing the stress–dilatancy behaviour observed in Pozzolana Nera, for which the minimum value of dilatancy always follows the maximum stress ratio experienced by the material. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Slake durability of rocks is an important property of rock-mass and rock-materials in geotechnical practice. The slake durability of rocks is closely related to their mineralogical composition. In this paper, mineralogical examinations and slake durability tests for argillaceous clastic rocks, especially pyroclastic rocks, sandstones and mudstones of Neogene Tertiary age from Japan, were performed in order to assess the slake durability and rock alteration process of these rocks as well as to understand the relationship between mineralogy and durability.The mineral composition and textural features of the rocks were studied by means of optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, the slake durability test was carried out by using the standard testing method of ISRM [Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 16 (1979) 148] in distilled water and in the aqueous solutions with dissolved electrolytes of NaCl and CaCl2.The pyroclastic rocks and tuffaceous sandstone, rich in di-octahedral and tri-octahedral Fe smectite, respectively, show distinctively different slaking behaviors. The pyroclastic rocks show relatively high slaking (Id2=55.5% and Id10=10.5%) than the tuffaceous sandstone (Id2=94.1% and Id10=87.8%, refer to text for Id2 and Id10). This difference in the slake durability observed in these rocks is due to the microscopic occurrences of smectite present in the interspaces between the particles (pyroclastic rocks) and zeolite cementing the interspaces (tuffaceous sandstone) as alteration minerals. In addition, the durability results of tuffaceous sandstone show that the slake durability decreases as the degree of weathering increases (weathered material Id2=88.7% and Id10=65.3%). Furthermore, two mudstones of Miocene and Pliocene ages, having different clay mineral compositions (smectite vs. illite+chlorite), show the lowest and the highest slake durability among the tested clastic rocks. Hard mudstone shows the highest (Id2=98.1% and Id10=95.5%) while the soft mudstone shows the lowest (Id2=33.9% and Id6=0.4%.) slake durability. Thus, the slake durability of pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks is greatly affected by their mineral composition and texture, and is closely related to their alteration history. Slake durability is also affected by the kind of dissolved electrolyte and its concentration in the aqueous solution, providing some useful information for geotechnical practice.  相似文献   

本文将颗粒驱动重力流实验流体与自然界低密度火山碎屑流进行标度化研究,探讨低密度火山碎屑流的流动行为。通过在矩形流体交换水箱中放置占水箱宽度1/4、1/2、3/4比例的侧向遮挡障碍物,调查了颗粒驱动重力流实验流体在遇到侧向遮挡前后的运动模式、流体前锋速度减速特征和颗粒堆积分布特征。实验结果显示出不同比例的部分遮挡对低密度火山碎屑流影响的复杂性。实验表明,1/4比例的部分遮挡能够提高低密度火山碎屑流在通过之后的流速,并增加通过遮挡的颗粒堆积总量,能够解释日本云仙岳火山1991年6月3日喷发形成的碎屑流流动特征。在侧向遮挡比例为1/2时,~100T的时间内流体前锋减速,并在~100T之后加速(T为无量纲时间);通过遮挡的堆积物总量明显减少。通过3/4比例的侧向遮挡之后,颗粒实验流体前锋持续减速,颗粒堆积总量减少。  相似文献   

Emplacement of small‐volume (<0·1 km3) pyroclastic flows is significantly influenced by topography. The Arico ignimbrite on Tenerife (Canary Islands) is a characteristic small‐volume pyroclastic flow deposit emplaced on high relief topography. The pyroclastic flow flowed down pre‐existing valleys on the southern slopes of the island. In proximal areas deep (up to 100 m) valleys acted as efficient conduits for the pyroclastic flow, which was mostly channelled; in this particular area the ignimbrite corresponds to a homogeneous, moderately welded deposit, consisting of flattened pumices in an abundant ashy matrix with a relatively low lithic fragment content. In intermediate zones significant changes occur in the steepness of the slope and, although still channelled, here the pyroclastic flow was influenced by hydraulic jumps. In this area, two different units can be clearly distinguished in the ignimbrite: the lower unit is composed of a lithic‐rich ground‐layer deposit that formed at the turbulent, highly concentrated head of the flow; the upper unit consists of a well welded pumice‐rich deposit that occasionally reveals a basal layer formed by shearing with the lower part. This division into two units is maintained as far as distal areas near the present‐day coastline, where the slope is very gentle or null and the ignimbrite is not channelled. The ground layer is not found in distal areas. The ignimbrite here only consists of the upper unit, which is occasionally repeated due to a surging process provoked by the lower flow speed, as the pyroclastic flow spread out of the channelled zone. A theoretical model on how topography controlled the deposition of the Arico ignimbrite is derived by interpreting the observed lithological and sedimentological variations in terms of changes in topography and bedrock morphology. This new model is of general applicability and will help to explain other deposits of similar characteristics.  相似文献   

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