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传统的RMR法采用固定评估因素、固定评分方式进行岩体分级,其评分过程中存在着许多不确定性和主观性,在地质条件复杂的情况下岩体分级效果差。为了改变RMR法存在的不足,本文在参考RMR法的基础之上,提出了将AHP法应用于岩体分级的方案,给出了模型计算流程。将岩体分级看作一个多属性决策问题,根据实际情况可随机加入或减少影响岩体质量的评估因素,集合专家的意见重新确定各评估因素的权重值、建立相应的评分准则,然后通过迭代法计算岩体质量总评分再进行岩体分级。针对AHP法无法解决的模糊问题,在模型计算流程中引入了模糊理论进行相关处理,并编程实现该流程。最后将此方案应用于大湾隧道进行岩体分级,分级结果与RMR法的结果进行对比分析,结果显示模糊AHP法的岩体分级结果与实际情况更加吻合。  相似文献   

为了更方便地求出岩体的等价粘聚力C和摩擦角φ,基于Hoek-Brown准则与RMR法岩体质量分级,求出不同RMR值下的Cφ,拟合出Cφ的折减系数关于RMR值的变化曲线。结果表明:对于质量等级较好的岩体,根据RMR值可以分别求得岩体的Cφ的折减系数,对已知岩石的Cφ值进行折减,求得岩体的Cφ值。岩体的C值随岩石单轴抗压强度成线性正相关,岩体的φ值不随单轴抗压强度变化而变化。Cφ的折减系数不随岩石的单轴抗压强度变化而变化,只与岩体RMR值有关。  相似文献   

A rigid block based lower bound limit analysis method for analyzing stability of fractured rock mass in 2D and 3D conditions is proposed. The rock bridge effects are considered in the general formation. No assumptions are imposed on the inter-element forces, and the solution obtained is statically admissible. The proposed method is theoretically rigorous and simple. The validation and efficiency of the proposed method have been demonstrated through three typical types of slopes, indicating that apart from the fractures, rock bridge plays a key role in stabilizing rock blocks, which should be greatly concerned in stability analysis of rock mass.  相似文献   

对深部开采矿山岩体进行质量评价时, RMR体系在考虑深部岩体质量影响因素以及评价指标评分值确定等方面存在不足之处。首先利用连续性细化计算方法对传统RMR法中岩石单轴抗压强度、RQD、节理间距、地应力等指标进行了修正, 得到了评价指标与其评分值之间的拟合回归曲线以及连续性方程, 其次, 在深入分析不良地质因素、深部采矿工艺及其对岩体质量影响机制的基础上, 提出爆破震动影响系数及采场暴露面积两个新评分项并建立了M-IRMR体系, 最后, 借助该体系对三山岛金矿深部采掘工程岩体质量进行了评价。研究对于深部矿山岩体工程的稳定性评价具有一定的指导与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

As a rule, the change in mechanical properties of rock by specimen size is regarded as scale effect. A rock mass basically consists of two components: intact rock and discontinuities, each of which has different scale effects. In order to numerically analyze the behavior of discontinuous rock masses, sufficient mechanical properties must be determined not only for discontinuities but also for intact rock taking into consideration the different scale effects. This paper reviews the scale effect on strength and deformation characteristics of intact rock, and also discusses the possibility of using standard specimens to estimate strength and deformation characteristics of actual-scale rock. Finally, we propose an adequate method for the practical determination of mechanical design parameters based on the above discussions.  相似文献   

An historical review of the geotechnical behaviour of the Northwich Rock Salt is presented as a forerunner to a numerical modelling analysis of the current stability of the Winsford salt mine, Cheshire. Extensive laboratory and in situ tests have been historically undertaken by the mine to characterise the strength and stiffness behaviour of the rock salt. Recent proposals to store waste within the Bostock No. 5 panel of the mine have lead to increasing concerns as to the current stability of the workings, as well as to the long term stability of the mine. This present study uses the wealth of geotechnical data to assess the current mine stability using numerical modelling techniques and validates the results against in situ roof to floor convergence data. The results indicate that the mine structures are stable. Convergence simulation using the numerical model compare favourably with the in situ monitoring data allowing greater con.dence to be placed in future predictions.  相似文献   

Crack coalescence in rock masses was studied by performing a series of biaxial compresion tests on specimens made of rock-like material. Specimens of size 63.5 × 27.9 × 20.3 cm, made of 72% silica sand, 16% cement (Type I) and 12% water by weight were tested. The joint inclination angle was maintained at 45°, while the offset angle i.e. angle between the plane of the joint and the line that connects the two inner tips of the joints, was changed from 0° to 90° with an increment of 15°. Three levels of lateral stress were used; 0.35 MPa, 0.7 MPa and 1.5 MPa on each sample. HP data acquisition system was used to record the data for each sample. In each sample, four LVDTs were fixed to measure the axial and lateral displacement along the sample. The failure mechanisms were monitored by eye inspection and a magnifier to detect crack initiation and propagation. For each test, the failure surfaces were investigated to determine the characteristics of each surface. Wing cracks initiated at the tip of the joint for the low confining stress applied, while at higher confining stresses wing cracks also initiated at the middle of the joint. Secondary cracks initiated at the tip of the joint due to shear stress. Three modes of failure took place due to coalescence of the secondary and wing cracks. The bridge inclination was the main variable that controlled the mode of failure. For bridge inclination of 0°, the coalescence occured due to shear failure and for bridge inclination of 90° the coalescence occurred due to tensile failure while for the other bridge inclinations coalescence occured due to mixed tensile and shear failure.  相似文献   

采用不同失效准则的桩基可靠度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建方  李典庆 《岩土力学》2007,28(3):540-543
桩基的极限承载力通常是根据失效准则来确定的。由于各国采用的失效准则不同,得到的极限承载力也不同,从而获得的可靠指标也不同。因此,有必要分析和比较不同失效准则对桩基可靠性的影响,以及根据桩基技术规范采用的S-lgt失效准则确定可靠指标的状况。为此,以S-lgt失效准则为基准,引进了失效准则的偏差系数的概念,根据一组实测钻孔桩数据对另外6种失效准则的偏差系数进行了评估,进而进行了可靠度分析。结果表明,不同失效准则具有不同的偏差系数,桩基可靠度明显地受失效准则的影响。根据S-lgt失效准则确定的可靠度在7种失效准则中是偏大的,不同失效准则确定的相同名义可靠指标的桩基的实际可靠性是不一样的。  相似文献   

陈松  乔春生  叶青  邓斌 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3612-3622
针对工程实际中断续节理裂隙岩体的损伤本构模型,假设岩石微元强度服从Weibull随机分布,以摩尔-库仑破坏准则作为描述微元强度的表示方法,推导出细观损伤变量。利用能量和断裂力学理论,综合考虑节理几何特征及力学特性,推导宏观损伤变量计算公式。基于Lemaitre应变等效假设,考虑宏细观缺陷耦合作用,推导出复合损伤变量,建立了基于摩尔-库仑准则的宏细观缺陷耦合作用的断续裂隙岩体损伤本构模型。研究结果表明:(1)采用摩尔-库仑准则作为描述微元强度的统计分布变量建立的损伤模型能够较好地反映岩石内部缺陷分布和变形特征,该模型真实地反映岩石微元强度受应力状态的影响。(2)该模型建立的理论曲线与断续节理岩体的试验曲线吻合较好。(3)节理裂隙岩体宏观损伤变量及峰值强度随节理倾角的变化规律与综合考虑宏细观耦合作用下的损伤变量及裂隙岩体峰值强度随节理倾角的变化规律基本一致。(4)宏细观耦合作用下的等效弹性模量与节理贯通率呈非线性负相关;在节理倾角一定的情况下,损伤变量与节理长度呈非线性正相关;在贯通率较小时,岩体的宏观损伤变量与内摩擦角的关系呈线性负相关变化,贯通率达到一定程度,线性关系变成非线性关系。  相似文献   

刘远明  夏才初 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):695-701
通过非贯通节理岩体直剪试验的力学特点和理论分析,修正了Lajtai岩桥张拉破坏理论。通过非贯通节理岩体直剪试验中岩桥的应力状态,提出岩桥内部的张拉破坏使岩桥力学性质发生弱化,并进一步分析研究了力学性质可能弱化的区域。分析非贯通节理岩体扩展贯通过程,提出了非贯通节理岩体的贯通破坏模式。通过非贯通节理岩体直剪试验初步验证了修正的岩桥张拉破坏理论和贯通破坏模式。  相似文献   

隧道等洞室开挖后,其周边通常会产生许多贯穿裂隙,直接影响到围岩稳定。研究贯穿裂隙岩体的强度及其破坏方式对于围岩加固等具有重要意义。基于库伦强度准则,通过建立数学模型,利用 - 坐标系下裂隙面和岩块的强度曲线位置关系研究了贯穿裂隙岩体强度和破坏方式。探讨了贯穿裂隙岩体强度与裂隙面的倾斜角、黏聚力和内摩擦角及岩块的黏聚力和内摩擦角间的关系,得到了贯穿裂隙岩体破坏方式的相关判据。数值算例表明该模型能够预测在任意最小主应力下贯穿裂隙岩体的强度和任意加卸荷路径下岩体破坏方式,与传统的利用 - 坐标系下裂隙面、岩块的强度曲线和摩尔应力圆的位置关系来判断岩体破坏方式的方法相比,该模型的方法更简便有效,结论更直观,能更好地为工程设计和岩体加固提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

考虑岩体开挖卸荷边坡岩体质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确评价开挖后岩体质量并对其进行分类,对研究岩石边坡开挖卸荷后的稳定性有十分重要的意义。以某水电站坝肩高边坡开挖工程为背景,运用卸荷岩体力学的理论与方法,对坝肩边坡开挖岩体进行三维有限元分析。根据边坡岩体开挖后应力应变场的动态变化情况,确定岩体开挖卸荷后质量损伤劣化程度,并根据岩体开挖卸荷后的力学参数,采用RMR法对开挖后的边坡岩体质量进行评价。结果表明,边坡岩体RMR值随开挖后卸荷量的增大基本呈线性递减趋势,进而考虑开挖卸荷影响因素,修正了RMR法中的评价参数,为以后用该法评价开挖后的岩体质量提供参考。  相似文献   

包含  常金源  伍法权  梁宁  许江波 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2361-2369
结构面的存在改变了岩体力学性质,影响了岩体强度特征。基于统计岩体力学强度判据,结合摩尔-库仑准则,得到了含单组结构面岩体破坏的4种不同方式和相应的结构面倾角范围,推导了岩体强度由结构面控制转化为应力控制的临界围压表达式。在此基础上,根据岩石和结构面参数之间的关系,将含单组结构面岩体分为4类,并探讨了可能破坏方式和发生破坏的条件。最后,举例分析了含单组结构面闪长岩的强度特征,结果表明,该岩体属于第I类岩体,在垂向受压时先沿结构面后沿岩块破坏,临界围压为9.12 MPa;从全空间分析,该岩体强度各向异性显著,围压增大可使岩体在一些方向上受力时强度由结构控制转化为应力控制。  相似文献   

Rock mass failure is a particularly complex process that involves the opening and sliding of existing discontinuities and the fracturing of the intact rock. This paper adopts an advanced discretisation approach to simulate rock failure problems within the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) framework. The accuracy of this approach in continuum analysis is verified first. Then, the advanced discretisation approach for fracturing modelling is presented, and the discretisation strategy is discussed. Sample rock static failures are simulated and the results are compared with experimental results. Thereafter, with a generalised definition of the artificial joints, this approach is further extended and applied in the simulation of blast-induced rock mass failures in which the instant explosion gas pressure obtained by the detonation pressure equation of state is loaded on the main blast chamber walls and the induced surrounding connected fracture surfaces. In the simulation instance of rock mass cast blasting, the whole process, including the blast chamber expansion, explosion gas penetration, rock mass failure and cast, and the formation of the final blasting pile, is wholly reproduced.  相似文献   

考虑累积损伤效应的围岩变形特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗忆  李新平  徐鹏程  董千  洪吉松 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3041-2048
隧道爆破开挖诱发的动力扰动作用范围往往远大于其开挖进尺,同一部位围岩受到循环爆破开挖的多次扰动普遍存在累积损伤。对乌东德水电站左岸导流洞爆破开挖过程中的爆破振动和围岩变形监测进行了监测和数值分析,基于累积损伤理论,通过引入损伤判据及损伤变量,考虑计算中产生的不同程度的损伤区域的岩体参数劣化,并将劣化后的参数引入相应损伤单元进行后续开挖爆破数值模拟计算,从而对岩体爆破开挖累积损伤效应进行模拟。通过比较乌东德水电站导流洞的实测数据以及数值模拟计算结果发现,考虑累积损伤的计算结果无论是爆破振动速度还是围岩变形均更接近于实测值。对爆破开挖的分析模拟中应考虑围岩的多次循环爆破累积损伤效应。  相似文献   

贾善坡  罗金泽  杨建平  高敏  龚俊 《岩土力学》2015,36(6):1549-1556
深入研究盐岩受力变形、破坏机制及力学模型,对于保证油气地下储库的安全和稳定具有十分重要的意义。以盐岩在多组围压下的三轴试验为基础,由热力学定律出发,将损伤引入到改进的摩尔-库仑(Mohr-Coulomb)准则中,提出了与围压相关的损伤准则和塑性硬化函数,建立了一种能够描述盐岩力学特性的弹塑性损伤模型,该模型能够反映盐岩的塑性与损伤耦合、应变硬化-软化和围压影响。将研究成果与ABAQUS软件相结合,通过二次开发,编制了相应的计算程序。通过模拟盐岩室内三轴压缩试验表明,数值模拟曲线与试验曲线吻合较好,所建立的力学模型可以较好地描述盐岩在不同围压状态下的力学损伤发展、应变硬化-软化以及脆-塑性转换的力学特征。  相似文献   

Fuzzy set approaches to classification of rock masses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A. Aydin   《Engineering Geology》2004,74(3-4):227-245
Rock mass classification is analogous to multi-feature pattern recognition problem. The objective is to assign a rock mass to one of the pre-defined classes using a given set of criteria. This process involves a number of subjective uncertainties stemming from: (a) qualitative (linguistic) criteria; (b) sharp class boundaries; (c) fixed rating (or weight) scales; and (d) variable input reliability. Fuzzy set theory enables a soft approach to account for these uncertainties by allowing the expert to participate in this process in several ways. Hence, this study was designed to investigate the earlier fuzzy rock mass classification attempts and to devise improved methodologies to utilize the theory more accurately and efficiently. As in the earlier studies, the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system was adopted as a reference conventional classification system because of its simple linear aggregation.

The proposed classification approach is based on the concept of partial fuzzy sets representing the variable importance or recognition power of each criterion in the universal domain of rock mass quality. The method enables one to evaluate rock mass quality using any set of criteria, and it is easy to implement. To reduce uncertainties due to project- and lithology-dependent variations, partial membership functions were formulated considering shallow (<200 m) tunneling in granitic rock masses. This facilitated a detailed expression of the variations in the classification power of each criterion along the corresponding universal domains. The binary relationship tables generated using these functions were processed not to derive a single class but rather to plot criterion contribution trends (stacked area graphs) and belief surface contours, which proved to be very satisfactory in difficult decision situations. Four input scenarios were selected to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in different situations and with reference to the earlier approaches.  相似文献   

The rock engineering classification system is based on six parameters defined by Bieniawski [5], who employed parallel sets of linguistic and numerical criteria that were acknowledged to influence the behaviour of rock masses and the stability of rock structures. Consequently, experts frequently relate rock joints and discontinuities as well as ground water conditions in linguistic terms, with rough calculations. Recently, intelligence system approaches such as artificial neural network (ANN) and neuro-fuzzy methods have been used successfully for time series modelling. Using neuro-fuzzy approaches, which enable the information that is stored in trained networks to be expressed in the form of a fuzzy rule base, would help to overcome this issue. This paper presents the results of a study of the application of neuro-fuzzy methods to predict rock mass rating. We note that the proposed weights technique was applied in this process. We show that neuro-fuzzy methods give better predictions than conventional modelling approaches.  相似文献   

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