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全球变暖背景下江门极端气候事件变化分析   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
对1961-2008年的气象资料分析表明,20世纪90年代中期以来,在全球变暖大背景下,地处珠江三角洲的江门地区极端气候事件增多。近50年来,江门年平均气温在波动中不断上升,冬季气温上升最明显;夏季高温出现频率增加,持续性高温也呈增长趋势;“龙舟水”增多明显;雷暴日数增多,年暴雨日数上升;灰霾现象日趋严重。2008年年初,江门市还遭受了严重的低温阴雨天气灾害;同年4月出现有史以来影响最早的台风。随着全球变暖及城市化发展,江门市极端气候事件未来可能继续出现,甚至更加频繁,城市气候灾害将越来越突出。  相似文献   

未来极端降水对气候平均变暖敏感性的蒙特卡罗模拟试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
江志红  丁裕国  蔡敏 《气象学报》2009,67(2):272-279
利用Weibull分布拟合逐日降水的原始分布模式,并基于统计降尺度和蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法,对中国东部区域各站逐日极端降水量在未来气候变暖条件下的响应特征进行统计数值试验.结果表明,在全球变暖背景下,区域平均温度的改变即可导致区域极端降水概率分布特征的变动.从两个典型代表区域的预估结果中可见,长江中下游南部平均降水量对平均温度升高有正响应,模拟得到的区域极端降水概率分布曲线有明显的向右平移,导致大量级的极端降水的再现期缩短即概率增大.山东及渤海湾区域平均降水量对平均温度升高有负响应,模拟得到的区域极端降水概率密度分布尺度参数变小更明显,即方差增大,表现为左右两侧概率密度增加,同样导致大量级的极端降水再现期缩短即概率增大.本文仅考察了气候均值改变条件下,未来区域气候极端值的概率预估的可行性方案.对于未来气候方差的变化并未作试验,但理论上已经证明,未来气候极端值的概率对于气候方差变化的敏感性可能更大.由于目前尚未整卵出考察方差变化的较为完整的实际观测资料,该问题还有待进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对长江三角洲极端高温事件概率的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
研究了全球气候变暖对长江三角洲极端高温事件(EHTE)概率的影响。结果表明,全球增暖将使EHTE发生的概率增大。当夏季逐日平均最高气温在现有的基础上升高3.0℃后,EHTE发生的概率将由现在的0.13增加到0.2~0.3,即夏季出现级端最高气温≥35℃的天数将由现在的12d左右增加到20~30d。  相似文献   

全球变暖加剧对极端气候概率影响的初步探讨   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
依据实际资料,探讨了全球平均温度场演变序列的变率及其概率分布的变化规律,结果表明,仅仅随着平均温度的增加,其相应的时空概率分布变化已相当显著,何况在某些局部地区,其方差或其形状参数也有变动,因而形成极端气候事件频率增大的现象。  相似文献   

采用应用于跨行业影响模式比较计划(ISIMIP)的5个CMIP5全球气候模式模拟的历史和未来RCP排放情景下的逐日降水数据,在评估模式对汉江流域1961—2005年极端降水变化特征模拟能力的基础上,进一步计算了RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下汉江流域未来2016—2060年极端降水总量(R95p)、极端降水贡献率(PEP)、连续5 d最大降水(RX5d)和降水强度(SDII),结果表明:RCP4.5情景下的极端降水指数上升最明显,R95p和RX5d分别较基准期增加12.5%和8.2%,PEP增加3.2个百分点,SDII微弱上升。在不同排放情景下,PEP均有一定的增幅,以流域西北和东南部增幅较大;R95p在流域绝大部分区域表现出一定的增加,且流域东南部和北部是增幅高值区;RX5d在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下整体表现为增加的特征,但在RCP8.5情景下整体表现为减少的特征。对极端降水预估的不确定性中,SDII的不确定性最小,RX5d的不确定性最大;不确定性大值区主要位于流域东部、东南部和西北部部分区域。  相似文献   

单中华 《浙江气象》2009,30(3):11-12,18
对兰溪48年来各月及年极端气温序列进行了分析,结果表明极端最高气温序列仅有5.6月份存在比较明显的增温趋势,而极端最低气温序列全平均存在上升趋势,尤其是冬半年增暖趋势更为明显。累月合计极端最高气温气候事件上世纪60年代最多,70年代最少,以后呈逐渐增多的趋势,2000年以来增多趋势最为明显;极端最低气温气候事件则表现为逐年代际变少的趋势。  相似文献   

近45a来,太原平川和山区年平均气温为明显上升趋势,夜间增温是太原气候变暖的一个重要特征。1986年、1993年分别为山区和平川年平均气温转折年份,山区从1985年开始冬季平均气温发生突变。近45a来,太原年降水量呈减少趋势,主要是夏、秋季降水减少造成。在气候变暖的背景下,太原平川和山区年暴雨日数变化平稳,高温和春旱发生频次在增加,山区夏旱也呈缓慢增加趋势;太原山区霜期明显缩短,初霜在推迟,终霜在提前。  相似文献   

基于最新一代CMIP6全球气候模式模拟的历史和未来SSPs排放情景下的逐日降水数据和高分辨率逐日格点观测数据,采用泰勒图和分位数映射法评估订正模式性能,计算并分析SSP2—4.5和SSP5—8.5情景下福建省21世纪近期(2021—2040年)、中期(2051—2070年)和末期(2081—2100年)8个极端降水指数的变化。结果表明:在参照期(1991—2010年)经过分位数映射法偏差订正后,各极端降水指数模式模拟与观测更加接近,其空间相关系数、均方根误差和标准差的模拟性能都大幅提升。21世纪各个阶段,福建省年累积降水量(Prcptot)、极端暴雨日数(R50mm)均多于参照期,且越到后期、高排放情景下增幅越大。大于10 mm的降水日数(R10mm)和极端大雨日数(R20mm)则是增减各异,R10mm表现为福建东北部减少、其他大部分地区增加,R20mm表现为SSP2—4.5情景下21世纪近期福建西北部减少、而其他情景和时段均增加。表征降水强度的最大1 d降水量(Rx1day)、最大连续5 d降水量(Rx5day)和日降水强度指数(SDⅡ)在未来全部增加,且沿海地区增幅高于内陆地区。持...  相似文献   

The regional climate model (RegCM3), developed by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and nested in one-way mode within the latest version of Community Climate System Model from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, is used to conduct a set of experiments to examine its capability of climate simulation for the past 50 years and to explore possible changes in extreme precipitation (EP) in the next 100 years under the A1B scenario. Compared with the observation from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia and CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation, RegCM3 reasonably reproduces the spatiotemporal distributions of precipitation and EP in eastern China. Based on the present-day analysis, this study examines the changes in monsoonal precipitation over eastern China in mid- and late-21st century relative to the reference period of 1970-1999. It is found that the precipitation will increase over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and areas to its north, and decrease over coastal areas to its south, especially in late-21st century. The various indices reflecting extreme events showed that the EP will enhance 10%-15% over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and areas to its north, and weaken over the areas to its south. The summer monsoon will strengthen and shift northwards under SERS A1B, bringing more water vapor and energy from the Indian Ocean and South China Sea for precipitation and eventually more precipitation over northern China.  相似文献   

In order to study the spatial structure and dynamical mechanism of extreme precipitation in East Asia, a corresponding climate network is constructed by employing the method of event synchronization. It is found that the area of East Asian summer extreme precipitation can be separated into two regions: one with high area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation mostly during the active phase of the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM),and another one with low area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation during both the active and the retreating phase of the EASM. Besides, a new way for the prediction of extreme precipitation is also developed by constructing a directed climate networks. The simulation accuracy in East Asia is 58% with a 0-day lead, and the prediction accuracy is 21% and average 12% with a 1-day and an n-day(2≤n≤10) lead, respectively. Compared to the normal EASM year, the prediction accuracy is low in weak years and high in strong years, which is relevant to the differences of correlations and extreme precipitation rates in different EASM situations. Recognizing and indentifying these effects is good for understanding and predicting extreme precipitation in East Asia.  相似文献   

Based on daily precipitation and monthly temperature data in southern China, the winter extreme precipitation changes in southern China have been investigated by using the Mann-Kendall test and the return values of Generalized Pareto Distribution. The results show that a winter climate catastrophe in southern China occurred around 1991, and the intensity of winter extreme precipitation was strengthened after climate warming. The anomalous circulation characteristics before and after the climate warming was further analyzed by using the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis data. It is found that the tropical winter monsoon over East Asia is negatively correlated with the precipitation in southeastern China. After climate warming the meridionality of the circulations in middle and high latitudes increases, which is favorable for the southward movement of the cold air from the north. In addition, the increase of the temperature over southern China may lead to the decrease of the differential heating between the continent and the ocean. Consequently, the tropical winter monsoon over East Asia is weakened, which is favorable for the transport of the warm and humid air to southeastern China and the formation of the anomalous convergence of the moisture flux, resulting in large precipitation over southeastern China. As a result, the interaction between the anomalous circulations in the middle and high latitudes and lower latitudes after the climate warming plays a major role in the increase of the winter precipitation intensity over southeastern China.  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下我国极端小时降水和极端日降水(EXHP、EXDP)气候态及变化趋势的区域差异明显,其中热带气旋(TC)的影响尚不明确。利用1975─2018年暖季台站小时降水(P)和热带气旋最佳路径等资料,采用百分位法定义极端小时降水与极端日降水,并将总降水(All)客观分为热带气旋降水与非热带气旋(nonTC)降水,分析热带气旋对中国东部All-P、All-EXHP、All-EXDP的气候态和变化趋势以及极端小时降水随温度变化的影响。主要结论如下:(1) TC-P、TC-EXDP、TC-EXHP占其对应总降水之比均从东南和华南沿海向西北内陆递减,区域平均而言,TC-P占All-P之比与TC-EXHP占All-EXHP之比均约为11%,而TC-EXDP占AllEXDP之比为15.8%;(2)热带气旋和非热带气旋降水变化趋势的空间分布差别较大,热带气旋对长江流域东部总降水增多的贡献高达49%,并一定程度上改变了降水趋势的空间分布;(3) TC-EXHP强度与温度的关系在约21℃发生改变,且截然不同于nonTC-EXHP,华南、东南沿海TC-EXHP强度随温度的变化率明显低于nonTCEXH...  相似文献   

Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastem China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   

Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastern China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   

Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastem China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   

我国南方冬季气候变暖前后极端降水事件分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用我国南方逐日降水资料及逐月温度资料,采用Mann-Kendall突变检验方法,并计算极端降水的GPD(Generalized Pareto Distribution)重现值,讨论了气候变暖前后我国南方冬季极端降水事件的变化。结果表明,我国南方冬季气候变暖的突变发生在1991年前后,且气候变暖后我国南方冬季的极端降水强度普遍有所增加。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进一步分析气候变暖前后的环流场特征,发现东亚热带冬季风异常与我国华南、江南地区降水异常有显著的相关关系。东亚热带冬季风偏强(弱),华南、江南地区降水偏少(多)。气候变暖后中高纬度环流经向度加大,有利于北方的冷空气向南输送。此外,气候变暖后我国南方地面气温升高,海陆热力差异减小,东亚热带冬季风减弱,有利于西太平洋的暖湿气流向我国大陆东南部输送,并在东南部形成异常的水汽通量辐合,有利于形成强降水。气候变暖后,中高纬度与中低纬度异常环流系统的相互作用是我国东南部降水强度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

In order to understand the impact of initial conditions upon prediction accuracy of short-term forecast and nowcast of precipitation in South China, four experiments i.e. a control, an assimilation of conventional sounding and surface data, testing with nudging rainwater data and the assimilation of radar-derived radial wind, are respectively conducted to simulate a case of warm-sector heavy rainfall that occurred over South China, by using the GRAPES_MESO model. The results show that (1) assimilating conventional surface and sounding observations helps improve the 24-h rainfall forecast in both the area and order of magnitude; (2) nudging rainwater contributes to a significant improvement of nowcast, and (3) the assimilation of radar-derived radial winds distinctly improves the 24-h rainfall forecast in both the area and order of magnitude. These results serve as significant technical reference for the study on short-term forecast and nowcast of precipitation over South China in the future.  相似文献   

基于中国测站的降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,取第95百分位数作为极端降水阈值,通过经验正交函数分解(EOF)方法将中国东部分为华南、长江中下游、华北和东北三个地区,定义极端降水事件,并对中国东部夏季极端降水时空分布及环流背景进行研究。结果表明,极端降水事件随日期的变化与中国东部夏季雨带的南北移动相吻合。近54年来,华南极端降水事件频数在1991年左右突增,长江中下游地区有两次突变,1991年左右突增,2000年左右突减。华北和东北地区在1999年左右突减。发生极端降水事件时,低层850 hPa出现局地异常气旋环流,位势高度异常降低,对应低空异常辐合;中层500 hPa,西太副高位置异常偏南有利于华南极端降水的发生,副高西伸有利于长江中下游的极端降水,位置偏北易造成华北和东北极端降水;高层200 hPa,发生极端事件时降水关键区位于西风急流轴右侧,对应异常反气旋环流,这种高层辐散低层辐合的环流配置为极端降水提供动力条件。极端降水的气候平均态水汽主要来源于南半球和西北太平洋。副高的位置异常影响我国东部水汽输送异常,造成不同地区的极端降水。   相似文献   

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